def processData (self, productid, data, tablename):
     # zcb_insu_process
       # 今天的日期 格式 yyyy-mm-dd 
     startTime = str(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime()))
     endTime = str( + datetime.timedelta(days=1))
     currentTime_str = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())
     db = DataBase()
     query_sql = "select * from " + tablename + " where productId = '" + productid + "' and createDate < '" + endTime + "' and createDate>='" + startTime + "'"
     # print "query_sql-->"+query_sql
     query_result = db.execute(query_sql);
     data["updateDate"] = currentTime_str
     if len(query_result) < 1:
         # 当天没有数据,执行插入
         # zcb_insu_process
     #    data["createDate"] = currentTime_str
     #    sql = db.parseInsert(tablename, data)
     #    print "processData-->insert sql==>"+sql
         print ""
     else :
         id = query_result[0]["id"]
         # print id
         sql = db.parseUpdate(tablename, data, "id='" + str(id) + "'")
         # print "processData-->update sql==>"+sql
예제 #2
 def synzcb(self,startDate):
     DB = DataBase()
     t_startDate = time.strptime(startDate, "%Y-%m-%d")
     d_startDate = datetime.datetime(* t_startDate[:6])
     d_endDate = d_startDate + datetime.timedelta(days=7)
     s = str(time.strftime("%Y%m%d", t_startDate))
     e=datetime.datetime.strftime((d_endDate - datetime.timedelta(days=1)), '%Y%m%d')
     for tableName in self.tablenames:
         tn = tableName+"_"+s+"_"+e
         print tableName
         sql = '''
         create table '''+tn+'''
         select productid,max(ifnull(bishu,0))as bishu,max(ifnull(wanchenglv ,0))as wanchenglv from (
             select * from '''+tableName+"_process"+''' where state = '已售罄' and createDate >= \''''+str(d_startDate)+'''\' and createDate < \''''+str(d_endDate)+'''\'
         )a group by productid'''
         sql_index='''alter table '''+tn+''' add index index_'''+tn+''' (`productid`)
         #sqw_engine = "ALTER "+tableName+" engineTest ENGINE = 'INNODB'"
         print sql
    def synMainData(self, productid, tablename, data):

        query_sql = "select * from " + tablename + " where productId = '" + productid + "'"
        # print "synMainData query_sql-->"+query_sql
        db = DataBase()
        query_result = db.execute(query_sql)

        # currentTime_str = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())
        currentTime_str = PageUtils.getCurrentTime()
        if len(query_result) < 1:  # insert data
            data["createDate"] = currentTime_str
            data["updateDate"] = currentTime_str
            insert_sql = db.parseInsert(tablename, data)
예제 #4
 def synzcb_loan (self,startDate):
     today = PageUtils.getCurrentDate()
     startDate = PageUtils.delayed(today,-1)
     startDate2 = PageUtils.delayed(today,-2)
     DB = DataBase()
     sql = '''
         insert into zcb_loan_state (productid)
         select productid from zcb_loan where productid in  (
             select productid from zcb_loan_process where createDate >= \''''+str(startDate2)+'''\' and createDate < \''''+str(startDate)+'''\'  and productid not in  
                 (select productid from zcb_loan_process where createDate >= \''''+str(startDate)+'''\' and createDate < \''''+str(today)+'''\')) 
         and state != '已下架' and state !='已售罄'
     print sql 
     print "exe row -->",DB.execute(sql)
 def getProductId (self):   
     database_obj = DataBase()
     # sql = "select id,productid from "+tableName +" WHERE state != '已下架' and state !='已售罄' order by updateDate asc limit 0 ,5000 "
     # sql = "select id,productid from "+tableName +" WHERE (state != '已下架' and state !='已售罄') or state is null order by updateDate desc limit 0 ,10000 "
     pagesize = 20
     '''if self.g_index%2 == 0:
                 pageno = (self.g_index - self.g_index/2)*pagesize
                 pageno = (self.g_index - 1 - self.g_index/2)*pagesize
             print pageno
     pageno = self.g_index * pagesize
     # createDate desc,updateDate asc,
     # sql = "select id,productid from zcb_loan WHERE (state != '已下架' and state !='已售罄') or state is null order by updateNum asc limit "+str(pageno)+" , "+str(pagesize)
     # sql = "select id,productid from "+tableName +" WHERE length(productName)=0 or productName is null   limit 0 , 111000"
     sql = "select id,productid from zcb_loan_state where isdel = 0 limit " + str(pageno) + " , " + str(pagesize)
     print "getProductId sql -->",sql 
     lists = database_obj.execute(sql)
     return lists      
 def getProductId (self,tablenameKey):   
     tableName = self.DBtableNames[tablenameKey]
     print tableName
     database_obj = DataBase()
     #sql = "select id,productid from "+tableName +" WHERE state != '已下架' and state !='已售罄' order by updateDate asc limit 0 ,5000 "
     #sql = "select id,productid from "+tableName +" WHERE (state != '已下架' and state !='已售罄') or state is null order by updateDate desc limit 0 ,10000 "
     pagesize = 20
     '''if self.g_index%2 == 0:
                 pageno = (self.g_index - self.g_index/2)*pagesize
                 pageno = (self.g_index - 1 - self.g_index/2)*pagesize
             print pageno
     pageno = self.g_index*pagesize
     #createDate desc,updateDate asc,
     sql = "select id,productid from "+tableName +" WHERE (state != '已下架' and state !='已售罄') or state is null order by updateNum asc limit "+str(pageno)+" , "+str(pagesize)
     #sql = "select id,productid from "+tableName +" WHERE length(productName)=0 or productName is null   limit 0 , 111000"
     print sql 
     lists = database_obj.execute(sql)
     return lists
    def processData(self, productid, data, tablename):

        # zcb_insu_process
        # 今天的日期 格式 yyyy-mm-dd
        startData = PageUtils.getCurrentDate()
        endData = PageUtils.delayed(startData, 1)
        currentTime_str = PageUtils.getCurrentTime()  # time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())
        db = DataBase()
        query_sql = (
            "select * from "
            + tablename
            + " where productId = '"
            + productid
            + "' and createDate < '"
            + endData
            + "' and createDate>='"
            + startData
            + "'"
        # print "processData query_sql-->"+query_sql
        query_result = db.execute(query_sql)

        data["updateDate"] = currentTime_str

        if len(query_result) < 1:
            # 当天没有数据,执行插入
            # zcb_insu_process
            data["createDate"] = currentTime_str
            sql = db.parseInsert(tablename, data)
            # print "processData-->insert sql==>"+sql
            id = query_result[0]["id"]
            # print id
            sql = db.parseUpdate(tablename, data, "id='" + str(id) + "'")
            # print "processData-->update sql==>"+sql