예제 #1
    if strChoice.strip(
    ) == '1':  # Show user current data in the list of employee objects
        for row in lstTable:
            line = row.to_string()
        continue  # to show the menu

    elif strChoice == '2':  # Let user add data to the list of employee objects
        addEmp = Eio.input_employee_data()
        print(addEmp.first_name + " has been added")
        continue  # to show the menu

    elif strChoice == '3':  # let user save current data to file
        strChoice = Eio.input_yes_no_choice("Save this data to file? (y/n) - ")
        if strChoice.lower() == "y":
                                 lstTable)  #use write data function
            print("Save Cancelled!")
        continue  # to show the menu

    elif strChoice == '4':  # Let user exit program
        break  # and Exit

        print("Error! Please input a menu option: [1] to [4]")

# Main Body of Script  ---------------------------------------------------- #
예제 #2
     Eio.input_press_to_continue()  # send a message to the user
 elif strChoice == '2':  # Enter New Employee ID's and names
     while True:  # Use a While loop to allow for continued data entry
         # Use this Eio function to input a new Employee Id and Name Info
         strNewEmp = Eio.input_employee_data(
             lstTable)  # Input New Employee Info here
         strEmpInfo = str(
         )  # Took the returned Employee info and set to this string variable here
         empID, empFirstName, empLastName = strEmpInfo.split(
             ",")  # Split out the various string pieces here
         # Print show the data for the new employee that was added
         print("New Employee Added: " + "ID: " + empID + " - " +
               empFirstName + " " + empLastName)
         # Evaluate the user choice and exit loop if "n" in response
         if "n" in Eio.input_yes_no_choice():
             print()  # Add a line here for readability
             # Exit the loop and go to the Main Menu
 elif strChoice == '3':  # Save Data to File
     # Evaluate the user choice and exit loop if "y" in response
     if "y" in Eio.input_yes_no_choice(
             "Save New Employee data to file? (y/n) - "
     ):  # Use choice Eio function
         # If the user enters "y" get the filename and task list table and user the Processor function
         # to write to a text file
         Fp.save_data_to_file(strFileName, lstTable)
         strStatus = "Data Saved!!"  # Pass this message to the IO function below