예제 #1
파일: testing.py 프로젝트: afcarl/envGPLVM
def interface(S, P, K, covs = None, I = None, model = 'LMM', return_fields= ['pv'], parallel = False,
	      add_mean = True, jobs = 1, file_directory=None, delta_opt_params=None, Ftest = False):

    interface function for association testing
    S: SNPS [indiv X snps]
    Y: expr [indic X genes]
    covs: covariates 

    return_filed: fields to caculate and return
    file_directory: if provided data handling and result storing will be handled via file IO
    delta_opt_params: parameters for delta optimization 

    #1. check dimensions
    [Nn, Np] = P.shape
    Ns       = S.shape[1]

    #check input arguments
    assert (S.shape[0]==Nn), 'dimension error'
    if K is not None:
        assert (K.shape[0]==Nn), 'dimension error'
        assert (K.shape[1]==Nn), 'dimension error'
    if I is not None:
        assert (I.shape[0]==Nn), 'dimension error'
    if covs is None:
	covs = SP.zeros([Nn,0])
        if add_mean:
            #add mean column ( we should generally do this )
            covs = SP.concatenate((covs,SP.ones([Nn,1])),axis=1)

    #figure out base path
    base_path      = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    glob_base_path = os.path.join(cwd,base_path)
    paths = [glob_base_path]

    if file_directory is not None:
        if not os.path.exists(file_directory):
            print "file mode for testing specified but directory %s not existing; disableing" % file_directory

    #check whether to use file mode
    file_mode = ((file_directory is not None) and os.path.exists(file_directory))
    #setup file handling if switched on
    in_file = None
    in_file_path = None
    out_file = None
    out_file_base = None
    if file_mode:
        import h5py
        in_file = os.path.join(file_directory,'data.hdf5')
	in_file_path = os.path.abspath(in_file)
        out_file_base = os.path.join(file_directory,'result_')
        #store matrix objects
        _data = {'S':S,'P':P,'K':K,'I':I,'covs': covs}
        f = h5py.File(in_file,'w')
        for key in _data:
            if _data[key] is None:

    if not parallel:
        RV = testing_core.wrapper(S, P, K, covs = covs, I = I, model = model,
				  path_append = paths,index_s = SP.arange(S.shape[1]),
				  index_p = SP.arange(P.shape[1]),
				  in_file = in_file_path,
				  delta_opt_params=delta_opt_params, Ftest = Ftest)        
	# setup engines and perform checks
	tc, eng_ids = start_engines(jobs)

	# split the data according to the number of jobs
        #note jobs is the max. number of jobs...
	Y_split = split_jobs(P, jobs)

	ipython_jobs = []
	for n in xrange(len(Y_split)):
	    i0 = Y_split[n][0]
	    i1 = Y_split[n][1]
	    P_n = Y_split[n][2]

            #arguments of job
            #convert all paths to absolute paths
            xargs=SP.array([S, P_n, K, covs, I, range(i0, i1), range(S.shape[1]),
			    model, return_fields, paths, out_file, in_file_path,
			    Ftest, delta_opt_params],dtype='object')
            #if in file_mode, overwrite:
            if file_mode:
                out_file = '%s%03d.pickle' % (out_file_base,n)
                if os.path.exists(out_file):
                xargs[0:4] = None
                xargs[-3]  = os.path.abspath(out_file)

	    if ipy_version == 0.10:
		job = client.MapTask(testing_core.wrapper, xargs.tolist())
		dview = eng_ids[:]
		lbview = tc.load_balanced_view()
		job = lbview.apply(testing_core.wrapper, *xargs.tolist())
        #wait for job completion:
	if ipy_version == 0.10:

	RV = None
	for n in xrange(len(Y_split)):
	    i0 = Y_split[n][0]
	    i1 = Y_split[n][1]

            #fecht results from job
	    if ipy_version == 0.10:
		_rv = tc.get_task_result(ipython_jobs[n])
		_rv = ipython_jobs[n].get()
            if isinstance(_rv,str):
		f = open(_rv,'rb')
                _rv = cPickle.load(f)
                _rv = testing_core.filter_dict(_rv,return_fields)

            #do we need to create result structures?
            if RV is None:
                RV = {}
                #get shape of all fields we need
                #append dimensions form result structure
                for key in _rv.keys():
                    val = _rv[key]
                    dim0 = [Ns,Np]
                    RV[key] = SP.empty(dim0)
            #slot in result fileds
            for key in _rv.keys():
                RV[key][:,i0:i1] = _rv[key]
    return [RV[key] for key in return_fields]