예제 #1
class Client():
    """DrQueue client actions"""
    def __init__(self):
        # initialize IPython
            self.ip_client = IPClient()
        except Exception:
            raise Exception("Could not connect to IPython controller.")
        self.lbview = self.ip_client.load_balanced_view()

        # enable tracking
        self.lbview.track = True

        # list of all available query keys
        self.all_task_query_keys = ['msg_id', 'header', 'content', 'buffers', 'submitted', 'client_uuid', 'engine_uuid', 'started', 'completed', 'resubmitted', 'result_header', 'result_content', 'result_buffers', 'queue', 'pyin', 'pyout', 'pyerr', 'stdout', 'stderr']

    def job_run(self, job):
        """Create and queue tasks from job object"""

        # job_id from db is be used as session name
        self.ip_client.session.session = str(job['_id'])

        # set owner of job
        self.ip_client.session.username = job['owner']

        # set number of retries for each task
        self.lbview.retries = job['retries']

        # depend on another job (it's tasks)
        if ('depend' in job['limits']) and (job['limits']['depend'] != None):
            depend_job = self.query_job_by_name(job['limits']['depend'])
            depend_tasks = self.query_task_list(depend_job['_id'])
            task_ids = []
            for task in depend_tasks:
            self.lbview.after = task_ids

        task_frames = list(range(job['startframe'], job['endframe'] + 1, job['blocksize']))
        ar = None
        for x in task_frames:

            # prepare script input
            env_dict = {
            'DRQUEUE_FRAME' : x,
            'DRQUEUE_BLOCKSIZE' : job['blocksize'],
            'DRQUEUE_ENDFRAME' : job['endframe'],
            'DRQUEUE_SCENEFILE' : job['scenefile']

            # log filename
            if job['created_with'] == "DrQueueOnRails":
                # take job directory name
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_LOGFILE'] = job['scenefile'].split("/")[-2] + "-" + str(x) + "_" + str(x + job['blocksize'] -1) + ".log"
                # take job name
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_LOGFILE'] = job['name'] + "-" + str(x) + "_" + str(x + job['blocksize'] -1) + ".log"

            # optional elements
            if 'renderdir' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_RENDERDIR'] = job['renderdir']
            if 'projectdir' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_PROJECTDIR'] = job['projectdir']
            if 'configdir' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_CONFIGDIR'] = job['configdir']
            if 'imagefile' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_IMAGEFILE'] = job['imagefile']
            if 'precommand' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_PRECOMMAND'] = job['precommand']
            if 'renderer' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_RENDERER'] = job['renderer']
            if 'fileformat' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_FILEFORMAT'] = job['fileformat']
            if 'postcommand' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_POSTCOMMAND'] = job['postcommand']
            if 'viewcommand' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_VIEWCOMMAND'] = job['viewcommand']
            if 'worldfile' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_WORLDFILE'] = job['worldfile']
            if 'terrainfile' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_TERRAINFILE'] = job['terrainfile']
            if 'composition' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_COMPOSITION'] = job['composition']
            if 'camera' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_CAMERA'] = job['camera']
            if 'resx' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_RESX'] = job['resx']
            if 'resy' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_RESY'] = job['resy']
            if 'renderpass' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_RENDERPASS'] = job['renderpass']
            if 'rendertype' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_RENDERTYPE'] = job['rendertype']
            if 'fileextension' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_FILEEXTENSION'] = job['fileextension']
            if 'stepframe' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_STEPFRAME'] = job['stepframe']
            if 'custom_bucket' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_CUSTOM_BUCKET'] = job['custom_bucket']
            if 'bucketsize' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_BUCKETSIZE'] = job['bucketsize']
            if 'custom_lod' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_CUSTOM_LOD'] = job['custom_lod']
            if 'lod' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_LOD'] = job['lod']
            if 'custom_varyaa' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_CUSTOM_VARYAA'] = job['custom_varyaa']
            if 'varyaa' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_VARYAA'] = job['varyaa']
            if 'raytrace' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_RAYTRACE'] = job['raytrace']
            if 'antialias' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_ANTIALIAS'] = job['antialias']
            if 'custom_bdepth' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_CUSTOM_BDEPTH'] = job['custom_bdepth']
            if 'bdepth' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_BDEPTH'] = job['bdepth']
            if 'custom_zdepth' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_CUSTOM_ZDEPTH'] = job['custom_zdepth']
            if 'zdepth' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_ZDEPTH'] = job['zdepth']
            if 'custom_cracks' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_CUSTOM_CRACKS'] = job['custom_cracks']
            if 'cracks' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_CRACKS'] = job['cracks']
            if 'custom_quality' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_CUSTOM_QUALITY'] = job['custom_quality']
            if 'quality' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_QUALITY'] = job['quality']
            if 'custom_qfiner' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_CUSTOM_QFINER'] = job['custom_qfiner']
            if 'qfiner' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_QFINER'] = job['qfiner']
            if 'custom_smultiplier' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_CUSTOM_SMULTIPLIER'] = job['custom_smultiplier']
            if 'smultiplier' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_SMULTIPLIER'] = job['smultiplier']
            if 'custom_mpcache' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_CUSTOM_MPCACHE'] = job['custom_mpcache']
            if 'mpcache' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_MPCACHE'] = job['mpcache']
            if 'custom_smpolygon' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_CUSTOM_SMPOLYGON'] = job['custom_smpolygon']
            if 'smpolygon' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_SMPOLYGON'] = job['smpolygon']
            if 'custom_wh' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_CUSTOM_WH'] = job['custom_wh']
            if 'custom_type' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_CUSTOM_TYPE'] = job['custom_type']
            if 'ctype' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_CTYPE'] = job['ctype']
            if 'skipframes' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_SKIPFRAMES'] = job['skipframes']
            if 'custom_command' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_CUSTOM_COMMAND'] = job['custom_command']

            # set dependencies
            dep_dict = {}
            dep_dict['job_id'] = str(job['_id'])
            if ('os' in job['limits']) and (job['limits']['os'] != None):
                dep_dict['os_name'] = job['limits']['os']
            if ('minram' in job['limits']) and (job['limits']['minram'] > 0):
                dep_dict['minram'] = job['limits']['minram']
            if ('mincores' in job['limits']) and (job['limits']['mincores'] > 0):
                dep_dict['mincores'] = job['limits']['mincores']
            if ('pool_name' in job['limits']) and (job['limits']['pool_name'] != None):
                dep_dict['pool_name'] = job['limits']['pool_name']
            run_script_with_env_and_deps = dependent(DrQueue.run_script_with_env, DrQueue.check_deps, dep_dict)

            # run task on cluster
            render_script = DrQueue.get_rendertemplate(job['renderer'])
            ar = self.lbview.apply(run_script_with_env_and_deps, render_script, env_dict)
            # wait for pyzmq send to complete communication (avoid race condition)

        # append email task behind last task if requested
        if ('send_email' in job) and (job['send_email'] == True):
            self.lbview.after = ar
            # run email task
            mail_ar = self.lbview.apply(DrQueue.send_email, job['name'], job['email_recipients'])
            # wait for pyzmq send to complete communication (avoid race condition)
        return True

    def identify_computer(self, engine_id, cache_time, timeout=15):
        """Gather information about computer"""
        # look if engine info is already stored
        engine = DrQueueComputer.query_db_by_engine_id(engine_id)
        now = int(time.time())
        # check existence and age of info
        if (engine != None) and (now <= engine['created_at'] + cache_time):
            log.debug("Engine %i was found in DB and info is up-to-date." % engine_id)
            return engine
        # store new info
            if engine != None:
                log.debug("Engine %i was found in DB, but info needs to be updated." % engine_id)
                log.debug("Engine %i was not found in DB." % engine_id)
            # run command only on specific computer
                dview = self.ip_client[engine_id]
            except IndexError:
                log.debug("Engine with id %i unknown." % engine_id)
                # delete old entry from database
                log.debug("Engine with id %i deleted from database." % engine_id)
                new_engine = None
                # run command in async mode
                dview.block = False
                command = "import DrQueue\nfrom DrQueue import Computer as DrQueueComputer\nengine = DrQueueComputer()"
                ar = dview.execute(command)
                    # try to get results & wait until timeout
                except Exception:
                    if engine != None:
                        log.debug("Update request for engine %i timed out. Using old information from DB." % engine_id)
                        new_engine = engine
                        log.debug("Information request for engine %i timed out." % engine_id)
                        new_engine = None
                    # get computer dict from engine namespace
                    new_engine = dview['engine']
                    # set to known engine_id
                    new_engine['engine_id'] = engine_id
                    # set creation time
                    new_engine['created_at'] = int(time.time())
                    # store entry in database
            return new_engine

    def computer_set_pools(self, computer, pool_list):
        """add computer to list of pools"""
        # convert to string
        pool_str = ','.join(pool_list)
        # update environment variable on engine
        dview = self.ip_client[computer['engine_id']]
        dview.block = True
        command = "import os\nos.environ[\"DRQUEUE_POOL\"] = \"" + pool_str + "\""
        # update database entry
        computer['pools'] = pool_list
        log.debug("Engine " + str(computer['engine_id']) + " added to pools " + pool_str + ".")
        return computer

    def computer_get_pools(self, computer):
        """Return all pool names where computer is member."""
        return computer['pools']

    def task_wait(self, task_id):
        """Wait for task to finish"""
        ar = self.ip_client.get_result(task_id)
        return ar

    def query_job_list(self):
        """Query a list of all jobs"""
        return DrQueueJob.query_job_list()

    def query_job_by_id(self, job_id):
        """Query job by given id"""
        return DrQueueJob.query_db(job_id)

    def query_job_by_name(self, job_name):
        """Query job by given name"""
        return DrQueueJob.query_job_by_name(job_name)

    def query_job_tasks_left(self, job_id):
        """Query left frames of job"""
        left = 0
        tasks = self.query_task_list(job_id)
        for task in tasks:
            if task['completed'] == None:
                left += 1
        return left

    def query_job_finish_time(self, job_id):
        """Query oldest finish time of all tasks."""
        job = self.query_job_by_id(job_id)
        # use requeue time as starting point if available
        if ('requeue_time' in job ) and (job['requeue_time'] != False):
            finish_time = job['requeue_time']
            finish_time = job['submit_time']
        tasks = self.query_task_list(job_id)
        for task in tasks:
            # look if older finish time exists
            if (task['completed'] != None) and (task['completed'] > finish_time):
                finish_time = task['completed']
        return finish_time

    def get_frame_nr(self, task):
        """Extract value of DRQUEUE_FRAME."""
        if ('buffers' in task) and task['buffers'] != []:
            frame_nr = int(pickle.loads(task['buffers'][3])['DRQUEUE_FRAME'])
            frame_nr = 1
        return frame_nr

    def query_task_list(self, job_id):
        """Query a list of tasks objects of certain job. Sort by frame number."""
        task_list =  self.ip_client.db_query({'header.session' : str(job_id)}, keys=self.all_task_query_keys)
        sorted_task_list = sorted(task_list, key=self.get_frame_nr)
        return sorted_task_list

    def query_interrupted_task_list(self, job_id):
        """Query a list of interrupted tasks of certain job. Sort by frame number."""
        job = self.query_job_by_id(job_id)
        task_list =  self.ip_client.db_query({'header.session' : str(job_id)}, keys=self.all_task_query_keys)
        interrupted_task_list = []

        for task in task_list:
            frame_nr = self.get_frame_nr(task)
            print("frame_nr: " + str(frame_nr))
            # log filename
            if job['renderer'] == "blender":
                filesearch = job['scenefile'] + str("%04d" % frame_nr) + ".???"
                found = glob.glob(filesearch)
                # file was found
                if len(found) > 0:
                    outputfile = found[0]
                    print("outputfile: "+ str(outputfile))
                    filesize = os.path.getsize(outputfile)
                    # file exists, but is empty
                    if filesize == 0:
                # file was not found
                    outputfile = None
                    print("outputfile: "+ str(outputfile))
                    if (task['completed'] == None) and (task['started'] == None):
                raise ValueError("Only Blender renderer supported so far.")

        return interrupted_task_list

    def query_task(self, task_id):
        """Query a single task."""
        task = self.ip_client.db_query({'msg_id' : task_id }, keys=self.all_task_query_keys)[0]
        return task

    def query_computer_list(self):
        """Query a list of all computers."""
        return self.ip_client.ids

    def job_stop(self, job_id):
        """Stop job and all tasks which are not currently running"""

        # disable job

        tasks = self.query_task_list(job_id)
        tasks_to_stop = []
        for task in tasks:
            print("Task " + task["msg_id"] + ": ")
            if ("result_content" in task) and (task["result_content"] != None) and (task["result_content"]["status"] == "ok"):
                print("  finished at " + str(task["completed"]))
                # get task stats of all computers
                stats = self.ip_client.queue_status('all', True)
                # check if tasks is already running on an engine
                found_on_engine = False
                for key,status in list(stats.items()):
                    if ('tasks' in status) and (task['msg_id'] in status['tasks']):
                        # skip tasks which are already running on an engine
                        print("  not finished yet but already queued to engine. will leave it there.")
                        found_on_engine = True

                # if a task isn't already queueed/running on an engine, it should be safe to abort it
                if found_on_engine == False:
                    print("  not finished yet. will abort.")

        if len(tasks_to_stop) > 0:
            except Exception as e:
                print("ERROR: " + str(e))

        return True

    def job_kill(self, job_id):
        """Stop job and all of it's tasks wether running or not"""

        # disable job

        tasks = self.query_task_list(job_id)
        running_engines = []
        tasks_to_stop = []
        # abort all queued tasks
        for task in tasks:
            stats = self.ip_client.queue_status('all', True)
            # check if tasks is already running on an engine
            for key,status in list(stats.items()):
                if ('tasks' in status) and (task['msg_id'] in status['tasks']):
        # stop all matching tasks at once
        except Exception as e:
            print("ERROR: " + str(e))

        # stop all engines which still run a task
        # the slave wrapper will restart the engine
        running_engines = set(running_engines)
        for engine_id in running_engines:
        return True

    def job_disable(self, job_id):
        """Disable job in database."""
        job = self.query_job_by_id(job_id)
        job['enabled'] = False
        return True

    def job_enable(self, job_id):
        """Disable job in database."""
        job = self.query_job_by_id(job_id)
        job['enabled'] = True
        return True

    def job_delete(self, job_id):
        """Delete job and all of it's tasks"""
        tasks = self.query_task_list(job_id)
        engines = self.query_computer_list()
        error = False
        pending_tasks = []
        # abort and delete all queued tasks
        for task in tasks:
            if len(engines) > 0:
                # abort outstanding tasks which are already queued to engine
                print('aborting task ' + str(task['msg_id']))
                    self.ip_client.abort(task['msg_id'], engines)
                except Exception, e:
                    print('Error: ' + str(e))
                    error = True
            # purge all tasks which are not pending
            print('purging task ' + str(task['msg_id']))
                self.ip_client.purge_hub_results(task['msg_id'], engines)
            except Exception:
                print('Warning: ' + str(task['msg_id']) + ' is pending. Try to kill job before.')
                error = True
        # delete job if no error occured
        if error == False:
            # delete job itself
            return True
            return False
예제 #2
class Client():
    """DrQueue client actions"""
    def __init__(self):
        # initialize IPython
            self.ip_client = IPClient()
        except Exception:
            raise Exception("Could not connect to IPython controller.")
        self.lbview = self.ip_client.load_balanced_view()

        # enable tracking
        self.lbview.track = True

        # list of all available query keys
        self.all_task_query_keys = [
            'msg_id', 'header', 'content', 'buffers', 'submitted',
            'client_uuid', 'engine_uuid', 'started', 'completed',
            'resubmitted', 'result_header', 'result_content', 'result_buffers',
            'queue', 'pyin', 'pyout', 'pyerr', 'stdout', 'stderr'

    def job_run(self, job):
        """Create and queue tasks from job object"""

        # check job name
        if job['name'] in DrQueueJob.query_jobnames():
            raise ValueError("Job name %s is already used!" % job['name'])
            return False

        # save job in database
        job_id = DrQueueJob.store_db(job)

        # job_id from db is be used as session name
        self.ip_client.session.session = str(job_id)

        # set owner of job
        self.ip_client.session.username = job['owner']

        # set number of retries for each task
        self.lbview.retries = job['retries']

        # depend on another job (it's tasks)
        if ('depend' in job['limits']) and (job['limits']['depend'] != None):
            depend_job = self.query_job_by_name(job['limits']['depend'])
            depend_tasks = self.query_task_list(depend_job['_id'])
            task_ids = []
            for task in depend_tasks:
            self.lbview.after = task_ids

        # check frame numbers
        if not (job['startframe'] >= 1):
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid value for startframe. Has to be equal or greater than 1."
            return False
        if not (job['endframe'] >= 1):
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid value for endframe. Has to be equal or greater than 1."
            return False
        if not (job['endframe'] >= job['startframe']):
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid value for endframe. Has be to equal or greater than startframe."
            return False
        if job['endframe'] > job['startframe']:
            if not (job['endframe'] - job['startframe'] >= job['blocksize']):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Invalid value for blocksize. Has to be equal or lower than endframe-startframe."
                return False
        if job['endframe'] == job['startframe']:
            if job['blocksize'] != 1:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Invalid value for blocksize. Has to be equal 1 if endframe equals startframe."
                return False

        task_frames = list(
            range(job['startframe'], job['endframe'] + 1, job['blocksize']))
        ar = None
        for x in task_frames:

            # prepare script input
            env_dict = {
                'DRQUEUE_FRAME': x,
                'DRQUEUE_BLOCKSIZE': job['blocksize'],
                'DRQUEUE_ENDFRAME': job['endframe'],
                'DRQUEUE_SCENEFILE': job['scenefile']

            # log filename
            if job['created_with'] == "DrQueueOnRails":
                # take job directory name
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_LOGFILE'] = job['scenefile'].split(
                    "/")[-2] + "-" + str(x) + "_" + str(x + job['blocksize'] -
                                                        1) + ".log"
                # take job name
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_LOGFILE'] = job['name'] + "-" + str(
                    x) + "_" + str(x + job['blocksize'] - 1) + ".log"

            # optional elements
            if 'renderdir' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_RENDERDIR'] = job['renderdir']
            if 'projectdir' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_PROJECTDIR'] = job['projectdir']
            if 'configdir' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_CONFIGDIR'] = job['configdir']
            if 'imagefile' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_IMAGEFILE'] = job['imagefile']
            if 'precommand' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_PRECOMMAND'] = job['precommand']
            if 'renderer' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_RENDERER'] = job['renderer']
            if 'fileformat' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_FILEFORMAT'] = job['fileformat']
            if 'postcommand' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_POSTCOMMAND'] = job['postcommand']
            if 'viewcommand' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_VIEWCOMMAND'] = job['viewcommand']
            if 'worldfile' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_WORLDFILE'] = job['worldfile']
            if 'terrainfile' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_TERRAINFILE'] = job['terrainfile']
            if 'composition' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_COMPOSITION'] = job['composition']
            if 'camera' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_CAMERA'] = job['camera']
            if 'resx' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_RESX'] = job['resx']
            if 'resy' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_RESY'] = job['resy']
            if 'renderpass' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_RENDERPASS'] = job['renderpass']
            if 'rendertype' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_RENDERTYPE'] = job['rendertype']
            if 'fileextension' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_FILEEXTENSION'] = job['fileextension']
            if 'stepframe' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_STEPFRAME'] = job['stepframe']
            if 'custom_bucket' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_CUSTOM_BUCKET'] = job['custom_bucket']
            if 'bucketsize' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_BUCKETSIZE'] = job['bucketsize']
            if 'custom_lod' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_CUSTOM_LOD'] = job['custom_lod']
            if 'lod' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_LOD'] = job['lod']
            if 'custom_varyaa' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_CUSTOM_VARYAA'] = job['custom_varyaa']
            if 'varyaa' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_VARYAA'] = job['varyaa']
            if 'raytrace' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_RAYTRACE'] = job['raytrace']
            if 'antialias' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_ANTIALIAS'] = job['antialias']
            if 'custom_bdepth' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_CUSTOM_BDEPTH'] = job['custom_bdepth']
            if 'bdepth' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_BDEPTH'] = job['bdepth']
            if 'custom_zdepth' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_CUSTOM_ZDEPTH'] = job['custom_zdepth']
            if 'zdepth' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_ZDEPTH'] = job['zdepth']
            if 'custom_cracks' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_CUSTOM_CRACKS'] = job['custom_cracks']
            if 'cracks' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_CRACKS'] = job['cracks']
            if 'custom_quality' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_CUSTOM_QUALITY'] = job['custom_quality']
            if 'quality' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_QUALITY'] = job['quality']
            if 'custom_qfiner' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_CUSTOM_QFINER'] = job['custom_qfiner']
            if 'qfiner' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_QFINER'] = job['qfiner']
            if 'custom_smultiplier' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_CUSTOM_SMULTIPLIER'] = job[
            if 'smultiplier' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_SMULTIPLIER'] = job['smultiplier']
            if 'custom_mpcache' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_CUSTOM_MPCACHE'] = job['custom_mpcache']
            if 'mpcache' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_MPCACHE'] = job['mpcache']
            if 'custom_smpolygon' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_CUSTOM_SMPOLYGON'] = job['custom_smpolygon']
            if 'smpolygon' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_SMPOLYGON'] = job['smpolygon']
            if 'custom_wh' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_CUSTOM_WH'] = job['custom_wh']
            if 'custom_type' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_CUSTOM_TYPE'] = job['custom_type']
            if 'ctype' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_CTYPE'] = job['ctype']
            if 'skipframes' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_SKIPFRAMES'] = job['skipframes']
            if 'custom_command' in job:
                env_dict['DRQUEUE_CUSTOM_COMMAND'] = job['custom_command']

            # set dependencies
            dep_dict = {}
            dep_dict['job_id'] = job_id
            if ('os' in job['limits']) and (job['limits']['os'] != None):
                dep_dict['os_name'] = job['limits']['os']
            if ('minram' in job['limits']) and (job['limits']['minram'] > 0):
                dep_dict['minram'] = job['limits']['minram']
            if ('mincores'
                    in job['limits']) and (job['limits']['mincores'] > 0):
                dep_dict['mincores'] = job['limits']['mincores']
            if ('pool_name'
                    in job['limits']) and (job['limits']['pool_name'] != None):
                dep_dict['pool_name'] = job['limits']['pool_name']
            run_script_with_env_and_deps = dependent(
                DrQueue.run_script_with_env, DrQueue.check_deps, dep_dict)

            # run task on cluster
            render_script = DrQueue.get_rendertemplate(job['renderer'])
            ar = self.lbview.apply(run_script_with_env_and_deps, render_script,
            # wait for pyzmq send to complete communication (avoid race condition)

        # append email task behind last task if requested
        if ('send_email' in job) and (job['send_email'] == True):
            self.lbview.after = ar
            # run email task
            mail_ar = self.lbview.apply(DrQueue.send_email, job['name'],
            # wait for pyzmq send to complete communication (avoid race condition)
        return True

    def identify_computer(self, engine_id, cache_time, timeout=15):
        """Gather information about computer"""
        # look if engine info is already stored
        engine = DrQueueComputer.query_db_by_engine_id(engine_id)
        now = int(time.time())
        # check existence and age of info
        if (engine != None) and (now <= engine['created_at'] + cache_time):
            print("DEBUG: Engine %i was found in DB and info is up-to-date." %
            return engine
        # store new info
            if engine != None:
                    "DEBUG: Engine %i was found in DB, but info needs to be updated."
                    % engine_id)
                print("DEBUG: Engine %i was not found in DB." % engine_id)
            # run command only on specific computer
                dview = self.ip_client[engine_id]
            except IndexError:
                print("DEBUG: Engine with id %i unknown." % engine_id)
                # delete old entry from database
                print("DEBUG: Engine with id %i deleted from database." %
                new_engine = None
                # run command in async mode
                dview.block = False
                command = "import DrQueue\nfrom DrQueue import Computer as DrQueueComputer\nengine = DrQueueComputer()"
                ar = dview.execute(command)
                    # try to get results & wait until timeout
                except Exception:
                    if engine != None:
                            "DEBUG: Update request for engine %i timed out. Using old information from DB."
                            % engine_id)
                        new_engine = engine
                            "DEBUG: Information request for engine %i timed out."
                            % engine_id)
                        new_engine = None
                    # get computer dict from engine namespace
                    new_engine = dview['engine']
                    # set to known engine_id
                    new_engine['engine_id'] = engine_id
                    # set creation time
                    new_engine['created_at'] = int(time.time())
                    # store entry in database
            return new_engine

    def computer_set_pools(self, computer, pool_list):
        """add computer to list of pools"""
        # convert to string
        pool_str = ','.join(pool_list)
        # update environment variable on engine
        dview = self.ip_client[computer['engine_id']]
        dview.block = True
        command = "import os\nos.environ[\"DRQUEUE_POOL\"] = \"" + pool_str + "\""
        # update database entry
        computer['pools'] = pool_list
        print("DEBUG: Engine " + str(computer['engine_id']) +
              " added to pools " + pool_str + ".")
        return computer

    def computer_get_pools(self, computer):
        """Return all pool names where computer is member."""
        return computer['pools']

    def task_wait(self, task_id):
        """Wait for task to finish"""
        ar = self.ip_client.get_result(task_id)
        return ar

    def query_job_list(self):
        """Query a list of all jobs"""
        return DrQueueJob.query_job_list()

    def query_job_by_id(self, job_id):
        """Query job by given id"""
        return DrQueueJob.query_db(job_id)

    def query_job_by_name(self, job_name):
        """Query job by given name"""
        return DrQueueJob.query_job_by_name(job_name)

    def query_job_tasks_left(self, job_id):
        """Query left frames of job"""
        left = 0
        tasks = self.query_task_list(job_id)
        for task in tasks:
            if task['completed'] == None:
                left += 1
        return left

    def query_job_finish_time(self, job_id):
        """Query oldest finish time of all tasks."""
        job = self.query_job_by_id(job_id)
        # use requeue time as starting point if available
        if ('requeue_time' in job) and (job['requeue_time'] != False):
            finish_time = job['requeue_time']
            finish_time = job['submit_time']
        tasks = self.query_task_list(job_id)
        for task in tasks:
            # look if older finish time exists
            if (task['completed'] != None) and (task['completed'] >
                finish_time = task['completed']
        return finish_time

    def get_frame_nr(self, task):
        """Extract value of DRQUEUE_FRAME."""
        if ('buffers' in task) and task['buffers'] != []:
            frame_nr = int(pickle.loads(task['buffers'][3])['DRQUEUE_FRAME'])
            frame_nr = 1
        return frame_nr

    def query_task_list(self, job_id):
        """Query a list of tasks objects of certain job. Sort by frame number."""
        task_list = self.ip_client.db_query({'header.session': str(job_id)},
        sorted_task_list = sorted(task_list, key=self.get_frame_nr)
        return sorted_task_list

    def query_interrupted_task_list(self, job_id):
        """Query a list of interrupted tasks of certain job. Sort by frame number."""
        job = self.query_job_by_id(job_id)
        task_list = self.ip_client.db_query({'header.session': str(job_id)},
        interrupted_task_list = []

        for task in task_list:
            frame_nr = self.get_frame_nr(task)
            print("frame_nr: " + str(frame_nr))
            # log filename
            if job['renderer'] == "blender":
                filesearch = job['scenefile'] + str("%04d" % frame_nr) + ".???"
                found = glob.glob(filesearch)
                # file was found
                if len(found) > 0:
                    outputfile = found[0]
                    print("outputfile: " + str(outputfile))
                    filesize = os.path.getsize(outputfile)
                    # file exists, but is empty
                    if filesize == 0:
                # file was not found
                    outputfile = None
                    print("outputfile: " + str(outputfile))
                    if (task['completed'] == None) and (task['started']
                                                        == None):
                raise ValueError("Only Blender renderer supported so far.")

        return interrupted_task_list

    def query_task(self, task_id):
        """Query a single task."""
        task = self.ip_client.db_query({'msg_id': task_id},
        return task

    def query_computer_list(self):
        """Query a list of all computers."""
        return self.ip_client.ids

    def job_stop(self, job_id):
        """Stop job and all tasks which are not currently running"""

        # disable job

        tasks = self.query_task_list(job_id)
        tasks_to_stop = []
        for task in tasks:
            print("Task " + task["msg_id"] + ": ")
            if ("result_content"
                    in task) and (task["result_content"] != None) and (
                        task["result_content"]["status"] == "ok"):
                print("  finished at " + str(task["completed"]))
                # get task stats of all computers
                stats = self.ip_client.queue_status('all', True)
                # check if tasks is already running on an engine
                found_on_engine = False
                for key, status in list(stats.items()):
                    if ('tasks' in status) and (task['msg_id']
                                                in status['tasks']):
                        # skip tasks which are already running on an engine
                            "  not finished yet but already queued to engine. will leave it there."
                        found_on_engine = True

                # if a task isn't already queueed/running on an engine, it should be safe to abort it
                if found_on_engine == False:
                    print("  not finished yet. will abort.")

        if len(tasks_to_stop) > 0:
            except Exception as e:
                print("ERROR: " + str(e))

        return True

    def job_kill(self, job_id):
        """Stop job and all of it's tasks wether running or not"""

        # disable job

        tasks = self.query_task_list(job_id)
        running_engines = []
        tasks_to_stop = []
        # abort all queued tasks
        for task in tasks:
            stats = self.ip_client.queue_status('all', True)
            # check if tasks is already running on an engine
            for key, status in list(stats.items()):
                if ('tasks' in status) and (task['msg_id'] in status['tasks']):
        # stop all matching tasks at once
        except Exception as e:
            print("ERROR: " + str(e))

        # stop all engines which still run a task
        # the slave wrapper will restart the engine
        running_engines = set(running_engines)
        for engine_id in running_engines:
        return True

    def job_disable(self, job_id):
        """Disable job in database."""
        job = self.query_job_by_id(job_id)
        job['enabled'] = False
        return True

    def job_enable(self, job_id):
        """Disable job in database."""
        job = self.query_job_by_id(job_id)
        job['enabled'] = True
        return True

    def job_delete(self, job_id):
        """Delete job and all of it's tasks"""
        tasks = self.query_task_list(job_id)
        engines = self.query_computer_list()
        error = False
        pending_tasks = []
        # abort and delete all queued tasks
        for task in tasks:
            if len(engines) > 0:
                # abort outstanding tasks which are already queued to engine
                print('aborting task ' + str(task['msg_id']))
                    self.ip_client.abort(task['msg_id'], engines)
                except Exception, e:
                    print('Error: ' + str(e))
                    error = True
            # purge all tasks which are not pending
            print('purging task ' + str(task['msg_id']))
                self.ip_client.purge_hub_results(task['msg_id'], engines)
            except Exception:
                print('Warning: ' + str(task['msg_id']) +
                      ' is pending. Try to kill job before.')
                error = True
        # delete job if no error occured
        if error == False:
            # delete job itself
            return True
            return False