def PassThroughAudioSegment(tmpFilePath, edit, backplane_name): """\ Prefab. For a particular edit decision; reads in the audio frames corresponding to the video frames referred to in the reframing instructions in sequence. Outputs the audio frames out of the "outbox" outbox. Arguments: - edlfile -- full filepathname of the EDL xml file - tmpFilePath -- temp directory into which video frames have been saved Inboxes: - "inbox" -- NOT USED - "control" -- Shutdown signalling Outboxes: - "outbox" -- raw audio data, chunked by frames - "signal" -- Shutdown signalling """ print " Audio segment: ", edit filenames = [ tmpFilePath + "%08d.wav" % i for i in range(edit["start"], edit["end"] + 1) ] return Graphline( \ FILENAMES = ForwardIteratingChooser(filenames), FRAME_LOADER = Carousel( lambda filename : Graphline( READ = MaxSpeedFileReader(filename), PARS = WAVParser(), META = PublishTo(backplane_name), linkages = { ("READ","outbox") : ("PARS","inbox"), ("PARS","outbox") : ("","outbox"), ("PARS","all_meta") : ("META","inbox"), ("","control") : ("READ","control"), ("READ","signal") : ("PARS","control"), ("PARS","signal") : ("META","control"), ("META","signal") : ("","signal"), }, boxsizes = { ("PARS","inbox") : 2 }, ), make1stRequest=False ), linkages = { ("FRAME_LOADER", "requestNext") : ("FILENAMES", "inbox"), ("FILENAMES", "outbox") : ("FRAME_LOADER", "next"), ("FRAME_LOADER", "outbox") : ("", "outbox"), ("FILENAMES", "signal") : ("FRAME_LOADER", "control"), ("FRAME_LOADER", "signal") : ("", "signal"), }, )
def ProcessEditDecision(tmpFilePath, edit, width, height): """\ Prefab. Applies an edit decision - reading in the relevant video frames and applying the reframing. Outputs the reframed video frames out of the "outbox" outbox. Arguments: - tmpFilePath -- temp directory into which video frames have been saved - edit -- the edit instruction (dictionary containing: "start","end","left","top","right","bottom") - width -- width (in pixels) for output video frames - height -- height (in pixels) for output video frames Inboxes: - "inbox" -- NOT USED - "control" -- Shutdown signalling Outboxes: - "outbox" -- NOT USED - "signal" -- Shutdown signalling """ print " Video segment: ", edit filenames = [ tmpFilePath + "%08d.yuv" % i for i in range(edit["start"], edit["end"] + 1) ] newsize = (width, height) cropbounds = (edit["left"], edit["top"], edit["right"], edit["bottom"]) return Graphline( \ FILENAMES = ForwardIteratingChooser(filenames), FRAME_LOADER = Carousel( lambda filename : Pipeline( 2, MaxSpeedFileReader(filename,chunksize=1024*1024), 2, YUV4MPEGToFrame(), ), make1stRequest=False ), REFRAMING = Pipeline( 2, ToRGB_interleaved(), 2, CropAndScale(newsize, cropbounds), 2, ToYUV420_planar(), ), linkages = { ("FRAME_LOADER", "requestNext") : ("FILENAMES", "inbox"), ("FILENAMES", "outbox") : ("FRAME_LOADER", "next"), ("FRAME_LOADER", "outbox") : ("REFRAMING", "inbox"), ("REFRAMING", "outbox") : ("", "outbox"), ("FILENAMES", "signal") : ("FRAME_LOADER", "control"), ("FRAME_LOADER", "signal") : ("REFRAMING", "control"), ("REFRAMING", "signal") : ("", "signal"), }, boxsizes = { }, )
def SaveAudioFrames(frame_rate,tmpFilePath,edlfile): """\ Prefab. Saves WAV audio data sent to the "inbox" inbox into the specified temp directory. Chunks the audio into frames, as per the specified frame-rate. Only saves those frames actually referenced in the EDL file. Frames are saved in individual files in WAV format. They are named sequentially "00000001.wav", "00000002.wav", "00000003.wav", etc - being assigned frame numbers as they arrive, starting at 1. Arguments: - frame_rate -- the frame rate to chunk the audio into for saving - tmpFilePath -- temp directory into which frames should be saved - edlfile -- full filepathname of the EDL xml file Inboxes: - "inbox" -- WAV format audio data - "control" -- Shutdown signalling Outboxes: - "outbox" -- NOT USED - "signal" -- Shutdown signalling """ return \ Graphline( WAV = WAVParser(), AUD = Carousel( lambda ameta : AudioSplitterByFrames( frame_rate, ameta['channels'], ameta['sample_rate'], ameta['sample_format'], tmpFilePath, edlfile, ) ), linkages = { # incoming WAV file passed to decoder ("", "inbox") : ("WAV", "inbox"), # raw audio sent to the carousel for splitting and writing ("WAV", "outbox") : ("AUD", "inbox"), # pass audio format info to the carousel ("WAV", "all_meta") : ("AUD", "next"), ("", "control") : ("WAV", "control"), ("WAV", "signal") : ("AUD", "control"), }, boxsizes = { ("WAV", "inbox") : 10, ("AUD", "inbox") : 10, }, )
def FrameRateLimitedPlayback(player): def RateLimitedPlayback(frame): fps = frame["frame_rate"] x, y = tuple(frame["size"]) print "Frames per second:", fps print "(width,height):", (x, y) pgd = PygameDisplay(width=x, height=y).activate() PygameDisplay.setDisplayService(pgd) return Graphline( \ LIMIT = PromptedTurnstile(), RATE = ByteRate_RequestControl(rate=fps, chunksize=1.0, allowchunkaggregation=False), PLAY = player, linkages = { ("", "inbox" ) : ("LIMIT", "inbox"), ("LIMIT", "outbox") : ("PLAY", "inbox"), ("PLAY", "outbox") : ("", "outbox"), ("RATE", "outbox" ) : ("LIMIT", "next"), ("", "control") : ("RATE", "control"), ("RATE", "signal" ) : ("LIMIT", "control"), ("LIMIT", "signal" ) : ("PLAY", "control"), ("PLAY", "signal" ) : ("", "signal"), }, boxsizes = { ("LIMIT","inbox") : 2, }, ) return Graphline(\ SPLIT = TwoWaySplitter(), FIRST = FirstOnly(), PLAY = Carousel(RateLimitedPlayback), linkages = { ("", "inbox" ) : ("SPLIT", "inbox"), ("SPLIT", "outbox" ) : ("FIRST", "inbox"), ("FIRST", "outbox" ) : ("PLAY", "next"), ("SPLIT", "outbox2") : ("PLAY", "inbox"), ("PLAY", "outbox" ) : ("", "outbox"), ("", "control") : ("SPLIT", "control"), ("SPLIT", "signal" ) : ("FIRST", "control"), ("SPLIT", "signal2") : ("PLAY", "control"), ("PLAY", "signal" ) : ("", "signal"), }, boxsizes = { ("SPLIT","inbox") : 1, }, )
def FilterForWantedFrameNumbers(edlfile): """\ Prefab. Send messages of the form (framenum, data) to the "inbox" inbox. Items with a frame number that isn't in the edit decision list are dropped. Other items with frame numbers that are in the edit decision list are passed through out of the "outbox" outbox. Arguments: - edlfile -- full filepathname of the EDL xml file Inboxes: - "inbox" -- (framenum, data) items to be filtered - "control" -- Shutdown signalling Outboxes: - "outbox" -- items not filtered out - "signal" -- Shutdown signalling """ class ExtractRanges(object): def filter(self, edit): try: return (edit['start'],edit['end']) except: return None return Graphline( RANGESRC = Pipeline( RateControlledFileReader(edlfile,readmode="lines",rate=1000000), SimpleXMLParser(), EDLParser(), Filter(filter = ExtractRanges()), Collate(), ), FILTER = Carousel(lambda ranges : RangeFilter(ranges)), linkages = { ("RANGESRC","outbox") : ("FILTER","next"), ("","inbox") : ("FILTER","inbox"), ("FILTER","outbox") : ("","outbox"), ("","control") : ("FILTER","control"), ("FILTER","signal") :("","signal"), }, )
def PassThroughAudio(edlfile, tmpFilePath): """\ Prefab. Goes through the specified edit decision list file and reads in the audio frames corresponding to the video frames referred to in the reframing instructions in sequence. Outputs the audio frames out of the "outbox" outbox. Arguments: - edlfile -- full filepathname of the EDL xml file - tmpFilePath -- temp directory into which video frames have been saved Inboxes: - "inbox" -- NOT USED - "control" -- Shutdown signalling Outboxes: - "outbox" -- raw audio data, chunked by frames - "signal" -- Shutdown signalling """ backplane_name = "AUDIO_FORMAT" return Graphline( \ GET_EDL = EditDecisionSource(edlfile), AUDIO = Carousel( lambda edit : PassThroughAudioSegment(tmpFilePath, edit, backplane_name), make1stRequest=True), BACKPLANE = Backplane(backplane_name), AUDIOFORMAT = Pipeline( SubscribeTo(backplane_name), FirstOnly() ), linkages = { ("AUDIO", "requestNext") : ("GET_EDL", "inbox"), ("GET_EDL", "outbox") : ("AUDIO", "next"), ("AUDIO", "outbox") : ("", "outbox"), ("AUDIOFORMAT", "outbox") : ("", "audioformat"), ("GET_EDL", "signal") : ("AUDIO", "control"), ("AUDIO", "signal") : ("AUDIOFORMAT", "control"), ("AUDIOFORMAT", "signal") : ("BACKPLANE", "control"), ("BACKPLANE", "signal") : ("", "signal"), }, )
def ReframeVideo(edlfile, tmpFilePath, width, height): """\ Prefab. Goes through the specified edit decision list file and reads in video frames applying the reframing instructions in sequence. Outputs the reframed video frames out of the "outbox" outbox. Arguments: - tmpFilePath -- temp directory into which video frames have been saved - edlfile -- full filepathname of the EDL xml file - width -- width (in pixels) for output video frames - height -- height (in pixels) for output video frames Inboxes: - "inbox" -- NOT USED - "control" -- Shutdown signalling Outboxes: - "outbox" -- NOT USED - "signal" -- Shutdown signalling """ return Graphline( \ GET_EDL = EditDecisionSource(edlfile), REFRAMER = Carousel( lambda edit : ProcessEditDecision(tmpFilePath, edit, width, height), make1stRequest=True ), linkages = { ("REFRAMER", "requestNext") : ("GET_EDL", "inbox"), ("GET_EDL", "outbox") : ("REFRAMER", "next"), ("REFRAMER", "outbox") : ("", "outbox"), ("GET_EDL", "signal") : ("REFRAMER", "control"), ("REFRAMER", "signal") : ("", "signal"), }, )
def ReEncode(outFileName): """\ Prefab. Takes in audio and video frames and encodes them to a compressed video file using ffmpeg to do the compression. Inboxes: - "inbox" -- NOT USED - "control" -- Shutdown signalling - "video" -- Video frames to be saved - "audio" -- Auio frames to be saved Outboxes: - "outbox" -- NOT USED - "signal" -- Shutdown signalling """ vidpipe = tmpFilePath+"vidPipe2.yuv" try: os.remove(vidpipe) except: pass audpipe = tmpFilePath+"audPipe2.wav" try: os.remove(audpipe) except: pass vidpipe=vidpipe.replace(" ","\ ") audpipe=audpipe.replace(" ","\ ") outFileName=outFileName.replace(" ","\ ") encoder = "ffmpeg -f yuv4mpegpipe -i "+vidpipe+" -f wav -i "+audpipe+" -y "+outFileName print encoder return Graphline( \ VIDEO = FrameToYUV4MPEG(), AUDIO = Carousel( lambda format : WAVWriter(**format), make1stRequest=False), ENCODE = UnixProcess2(encoder,buffersize=327680,inpipes={vidpipe:"video",audpipe:"audio"},boxsizes={"inbox":2,"video":2,"audio":2}), DEBUG = ConsoleEchoer(), linkages = { ("","audioformat") : ("AUDIO","next"), ("","video") : ("VIDEO","inbox"), ("VIDEO","outbox") : ("ENCODE","video"), ("","audio") : ("AUDIO", "inbox"), ("AUDIO","outbox") : ("ENCODE", "audio"), ("","control") : ("VIDEO","control"), ("VIDEO","signal") : ("AUDIO","control"), ("AUDIO","signal") : ("ENCODE", "control"), ("ENCODE", "signal") : ("DEBUG", "control"), ("DEBUG", "signal") : ("", "signal"), ("ENCODE","outbox") : ("DEBUG","inbox"), ("ENCODE","error") : ("DEBUG","inbox"), }, boxsizes = { ("VIDEO", "inbox") : 2, ("AUDIO", "inbox") : 2, } )
def DecodeAndSeparateFrames(inFileName, tmpFilePath, edlfile,maxframe): """\ Prefab. Decompresses audio and video from the specified file (using ffmpeg) and saves them as individual files into the provided temp directory. Only reads up to maxframes frames from the video file. Arguments: - inFileName -- The video file to be decompressed - tmpFilePath -- temp directory into which frames of audio and video should be saved - edlfile -- full filepathname of the EDL xml file - maxframe -- the number of frames to decompress Inboxes: - "inbox" -- NOT USED - "control" -- Shutdown signalling Outboxes: - "outbox" -- NOT USED - "signal" -- Shutdown signalling """ vidpipe = tmpFilePath+"vidPipe.yuv" try: os.remove(vidpipe) except: pass audpipe = tmpFilePath+"audPipe.wav" try: os.remove(audpipe) except: pass mplayer = "ffmpeg -vframes %d -i %s -f yuv4mpegpipe -y %s -f wav -y %s" % ((maxframe+25),inFileName.replace(" ","\ "),vidpipe,audpipe) print mplayer return Graphline( DECODER = UnixProcess2(mplayer, 2000000, {vidpipe:"video",audpipe:"audio"}), FRAMES = YUV4MPEGToFrame(), SPLIT = TwoWaySplitter(), FIRST = FirstOnly(), VIDEO = SaveVideoFrames(tmpFilePath,edlfile), AUDIO = Carousel(lambda vformat: SaveAudioFrames(vformat['frame_rate'],tmpFilePath,edlfile)), linkages = { ("DECODER","video") : ("FRAMES","inbox"), ("FRAMES","outbox") : ("SPLIT","inbox"), ("SPLIT","outbox") : ("VIDEO","inbox"), ("SPLIT","outbox2") : ("FIRST","inbox"), ("FIRST","outbox") : ("AUDIO","next"), ("DECODER","audio") : ("AUDIO","inbox"), ("DECODER","signal") : ("FRAMES","control"), ("FRAMES","signal") : ("SPLIT","control"), ("SPLIT","signal") : ("VIDEO","control"), ("SPLIT","signal2") : ("FIRST","control"), ("FIRST","signal") : ("AUDIO","control"), ("AUDIO","signal") : ("","signal"), }, boxsizes = { ("FRAMES", "inbox") : 2, ("SPLIT", "inbox") : 1, ("FIRST", "inbox") : 2, ("VIDEO", "inbox") : 2, ("AUDIO", "inbox") : 10, } )
sys.stderr.write("width and height must be even numbered pixel dimensions for output video\n") sys.exit(1) try: os.mkdir(tmpFilePath[:-1]) except: pass Seq( "Decoding & separating frames...", Graphline( MAXF = DetermineMaxFrameNumber(edlfile), DO = Carousel( lambda maxframe : DecodeAndSeparateFrames(inFileName, tmpFilePath, edlfile,maxframe), ), STOP = TriggeredOneShot(""), linkages = { ("MAXF","outbox"):("DO","next"), ("DO","outbox"):("","outbox"), ("DO","requestNext"):("STOP","inbox"), ("STOP","signal"):("DO","control"), ("DO","signal"):("","signal"), }, ), "Processing edits...", Graphline( REFRAMING = ReframeVideo(edlfile, tmpFilePath, output_width, output_height), SOUND = PassThroughAudio(edlfile, tmpFilePath),
" -f yuv4mpegpipe -y vidpipe.yuv -f wav -y audpipe.wav", outpipes={ "vidpipe.yuv": "video", "audpipe.wav": "audio" }, buffersize=131072, ), VIDEO=Pipeline( 1, YUV4MPEGToFrame(), FrameRateLimitedPlayback(VideoOverlay()), ), AUDIO=Graphline( PARSE=WAVParser(), OUT=Carousel(lambda format: Output(format['sample_rate'], format['channels'], format['sample_format'], maximumLag=0.5)), linkages={ ("", "inbox"): ("PARSE", "inbox"), ("PARSE", "outbox"): ("OUT", "inbox"), ("PARSE", "all_meta"): ("OUT", "next"), ("", "control"): ("PARSE", "control"), ("PARSE", "signal"): ("OUT", "control"), ("OUT", "signal"): ("", "signal"), }, boxsizes={ ("PARSE", "inbox"): 5, }, ), DEBUG=ConsoleEchoer(), linkages={