예제 #1
    def __init__(self, **args):

        # Check for compulsory arguments
        if not ('weight' in args.keys() and 'level' in args.keys()):
            raise KeyError("You have to supply weight and level for an elliptic modular form L-function")
        self.addToLink = ''  # This is to take care of the case where character and/or label is not given
        # Initialize default values
        if not args['character']:
            args['character'] = 0  # Trivial character is default
            self.addToLink = '/0'
        if not args['label']:
            args['label'] = 'a'      # No label, is OK If space is one-dimensional
            self.addToLink += '/a'
        if not args['number']:
            args['number'] = 0     # Default choice of embedding of the coefficients
            self.addToLink += '/0'

        modform_translation_limit = 101

        # Put the arguments into the object dictionary
        # logger.debug(str(self.character)+str(self.label)+str(self.number))
        self.weight = int(self.weight)
        self.motivic_weight = 1
        self.level = int(self.level)
        self.character = int(self.character)
        # if self.character > 0:
        # raise KeyError, "The L-function of a modular form with non-trivial
        # character has not been implemented yet."
        self.number = int(self.number)

        # Create the modular form
            self.MF = WebNewForm(self.weight, self.level, self.character,
                                 self.label, verbose=1)
            raise KeyError("No data available yet for this modular form, so" +
                           " not able to compute it's L-function")
        # Extract the L-function information from the elliptic modular form
        self.automorphyexp = float(self.weight - 1) / float(2)
        self.Q_fe = float(sqrt(self.level) / (2 * math.pi))
        # logger.debug("ALeigen: " + str(self.MF.atkin_lehner_eigenvalues()))

        self.kappa_fe = [1]
        self.lambda_fe = [self.automorphyexp]
        self.mu_fe = []
        self.nu_fe = [Rational(str(self.weight - 1) + '/2')]
        self.selfdual = True
        self.langlands = True
        self.primitive = True
        self.degree = 2
        self.poles = []
        self.residues = []
        self.numcoeff = 20 + int(5 * math.ceil(
            self.weight * sqrt(self.level)))  # just testing  NB: Need to learn how to use more coefficients
        self.algebraic_coefficients = []

        # Get the data for the corresponding elliptic curve if possible
        if self.level <= modform_translation_limit and self.weight == 2:
            self.ellipticcurve = EC_from_modform(self.level, self.label)
            self.nr_of_curves_in_class = nr_of_EC_in_isogeny_class(self.ellipticcurve)
            self.ellipticcurve = False

        # Appending list of Dirichlet coefficients
        GaloisDegree = self.MF.degree()  # number of forms in the Galois orbit
        # logger.debug("Galois degree: " + str(GaloisDegree))
        if GaloisDegree == 1:
            self.algebraic_coefficients = self.MF.q_expansion_embeddings(
                self.numcoeff + 1)[1:self.numcoeff + 1]  # when coeffs are rational, q_expansion_embedding()
                                                   # is the list of Fourier coefficients
            self.coefficient_type = 2        # In this case, the L-function also comes from an elliptic curve. We tell that to lcalc, even if the coefficients are not produced using the elliptic curve
            # logger.debug("Start computing coefficients.")

            embeddings = self.MF.q_expansion_embeddings(self.numcoeff + 1)
            for n in range(1, self.numcoeff + 1):
            self.coefficient_type = 0        # In this case the coefficients are neither periodic nor coming from an elliptic curve
            # logger.debug("Done computing coefficients.")

        self.dirichlet_coefficients = []
        for n in range(1, len(self.algebraic_coefficients) + 1):
                self.algebraic_coefficients[n - 1] / float(n ** self.automorphyexp))

        if self.level == 1:  # For level 1, the sign is always plus
            self.sign = 1
        else:  # for level not 1, calculate sign from Fricke involution and weight
            if self.character > 0:
                self.sign = signOfEmfLfunction(self.level, self.weight, self.algebraic_coefficients)
                self.sign = self.MF.atkin_lehner_eigenvalues()[self.level] * (-1) ** (float(self.weight / 2))
        # logger.debug("Sign: " + str(self.sign))

        self.coefficient_period = 0

        self.quasidegree = 1


        self.texname = "L(s,f)"
        self.texnamecompleteds = "\\Lambda(s,f)"
        if self.selfdual:
            self.texnamecompleted1ms = "\\Lambda(1-s,f)"
            self.texnamecompleted1ms = "\\Lambda(1-s,\\overline{f})"

        if self.character != 0:
            characterName = " character \(%s\)" % (self.MF.conrey_character_name())
            characterName = " trivial character"
        self.title = "$L(s,f)$, where $f$ is a holomorphic cusp form with weight %s, level %s, and %s" % (
            self.weight, self.level, characterName)

        self.citation = ''
        self.credit = ''

        constructor_logger(self, args)
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, **args):
        # Check for compulsory arguments
        if not 'label' in args.keys():
            raise Exception("You have to supply a label for an elliptic curve L-function")

        # Initialize default values
        max_height = 30
        modform_translation_limit = 101

        # Put the arguments into the object dictionary

        # Remove the ending number (if given) in the label to only get isogeny class
        while self.label[len(self.label) - 1].isdigit():
            self.label = self.label[0:len(self.label) - 1]

        # Compute the # of curves in the isogeny class
        self.nr_of_curves_in_class = nr_of_EC_in_isogeny_class(self.label)

        # Create the elliptic curve
        curves = base.getDBConnection().elliptic_curves.curves
        Edata = curves.find_one({'lmfdb_label': self.label + '1'})
        if Edata is None:
            raise KeyError('No elliptic curve with label %s exists in the database' % self.label)
            self.E = EllipticCurve([int(a) for a in Edata['ainvs']])

        # Extract the L-function information from the elliptic curve
        self.quasidegree = 1
        self.level = self.E.conductor()
        self.Q_fe = float(sqrt(self.level) / (2 * math.pi))
        self.sign = self.E.lseries().dokchitser().eps
        self.kappa_fe = [1]
        self.lambda_fe = [0.5]
        self.numcoeff = round(self.Q_fe * 220 + 10)
        # logger.debug("numcoeff: {0}".format(self.numcoeff))
        self.mu_fe = []
        self.nu_fe = [Rational('1/2')]
        self.langlands = True
        self.degree = 2
        self.motivic_weight = 1

        # Get the data for the corresponding modular form if possible
        if self.level <= modform_translation_limit:
            self.modform = modform_from_EC(self.label)
            self.modform = False

        self.dirichlet_coefficients = self.E.anlist(self.numcoeff)[1:]  # remove a0
        self.dirichlet_coefficients_unnormalized = self.dirichlet_coefficients[:]
        self.normalize_by = Rational('1/2')

        # Renormalize the coefficients
        for n in range(0, len(self.dirichlet_coefficients) - 1):
            an = self.dirichlet_coefficients[n]
            self.dirichlet_coefficients[n] = float(an) / float(sqrt(n + 1))

        self.poles = []
        self.residues = []
        self.coefficient_period = 0
        self.selfdual = True
        self.primitive = True
        self.coefficient_type = 2
        self.texname = "L(s,E)"
        self.texnamecompleteds = "\\Lambda(s,E)"
        self.texnamecompleted1ms = "\\Lambda(1-s,E)"
        self.title = "L-function $L(s,E)$ for the Elliptic Curve Isogeny Class " + self.label

        self.properties = [('Degree ', '%s' % self.degree)]
        self.properties.append(('Level', '%s' % self.level))
        self.credit = 'Sage'
        self.citation = ''

        self.sageLfunction = lc.Lfunction_from_elliptic_curve(self.E, int(self.numcoeff))

        # logger.info("I am now proud to have ", str(self.__dict__))
        constructor_logger(self, args)