예제 #1
    def fit(self, x, y, testx, testy, verbose=False, autosave=True):
        self.x = x = x.reshape(x.shape[0], self.M, -1)
        self.y = y
        self.testx = testx = testx.reshape(testx.shape[0], self.M, -1)
        self.testy = y

        self.Ms = []
        self.PCAs = []

        for i in xrange(self.M):
            trainx, testx, _pca = pca(self.x[:, i, :], self.testx[:, i, :], self.Ppca, verbose=verbose, get_pca=True)
            lmnn = LMNN_GPU(K=self.K, mu=self.mu, maxS=self.maxS, dim=trainx.shape[1])

            print '[%d]pre-train-acc: %.3f%% pre-test-acc: %.3f%% %s'%(i, knn(trainx, trainx, y, y, lmnn._M, self.K), knn(trainx, testx, y, testy, lmnn._M, self.K), ' '*30)
            lmnn.fit(trainx, y, lr=self.lr, max_iter=self.max_iter, reset=self.reset, verbose=False)
            print '[%d]post-train-acc: %.3f%% post-test-acc: %.3f%% %s'%(i, knn(trainx, trainx, y, y, lmnn._M, self.K), knn(trainx, testx, y, testy, lmnn._M, self.K), ' '*30)


        trainx = self.transform(self.x)
        testx = self.transform(self.testx)
        dim = trainx.shape[1]
        print 'train-acc: %.3f%% test-acc: %.3f%% %s'%(knn(trainx, trainx, y, y, np.eye(dim), self.K), knn(trainx, testx, y, testy, np.eye(dim), self.K), ' '*30)

        if autosave:
            print 'Auto saving ...'
            cPickle.dump(self, open('temp.MLMNN', 'w'))
        return self
예제 #2
    def fittest(self, trainx, testx, trainy, testy, stage):
        __x = self.transform(trainx, stage)
        __testx = self.transform(testx, stage)
        train_acc, train_cfm = knn(__x, __x, trainy, trainy, None, self.K, cfmatrix=True)

        test_acc, test_cfm = knn(__x, __testx, trainy, testy, None, self.K, cfmatrix=True)
        print 'shape: {}'.format(__x.shape)
        print 'train-acc: %.3f%% test-acc: %.3f%% %s'%(\
            train_acc, test_acc, ' '*30)
        print 'train confusion matrix:\n {}\ntest confusion matrix:\n {}'.format(
            train_cfm, test_cfm)
예제 #3
    def fittest(self, trainx, testx, trainy, testy, G=-1, alpha=None):
        trainx = self.transform(trainx, G, alpha=alpha)
        testx = self.transform(testx, G, alpha=alpha)
        train_acc, train_cfm = knn(trainx, trainx, trainy, trainy, None, self.K, cfmatrix=True)

        test_acc, test_cfm = knn(trainx, testx, trainy, testy, None, self.K, cfmatrix=True)
        if self.verbose: print 'shape: {}'.format(trainx.shape)
        if self.verbose: print 'train-acc: %.3f%%  %s'%(train_acc, ' '*30)
        if self.verbose: print 'train confusion matrix:\n {}'.format(train_cfm)
        if self.verbose:
            print 'test-acc: %.3f%%'%(test_acc)
            print 'test confusion matrix:\n {}'.format(test_cfm)
        return train_acc, test_acc
예제 #4
    def fittest(self, trainx, testx, trainy, testy, test_range=None, **kwargs):
        if test_range==None: test_range = [None]
        for ranges in test_range:
            trainx = self.transform(trainx, ranges, **kwargs)
            testx = self.transform(testx, ranges, **kwargs)
            train_acc, train_cfm = knn(trainx, trainx, trainy, trainy, None, self.K, cfmatrix=True)

            if testx != None: test_acc, test_cfm = knn(trainx, testx, trainy, testy, None, self.K, cfmatrix=True)
            print 'shape: {}'.format(trainx.shape)
            print 'train-acc: %.3f%%  %s'%(train_acc, ' '*30)
            print 'train confusion matrix:\n {}'.format(train_cfm)
            print 'test-acc: %.3f%%'%(test_acc)
            print 'test confusion matrix:\n {}'.format(test_cfm)
            return train_acc, test_acc
예제 #5
    def fittest(self, trainx, testx, y, testy, M=-1):
        __x = self.transform(trainx, M)
        if testx != None: __testx = self.transform(testx, M)
        train_acc, train_cfm = knn(__x, __x, y, y, None, self.K, cfmatrix=True)

        if testx != None: test_acc, test_cfm = knn(__x, __testx, y, testy, None, self.K, cfmatrix=True)
        if self.verbose: print 'shape: {}'.format(__x.shape)
        if self.verbose: print 'train-acc: %.3f%%  %s'%(train_acc, ' '*30)
        if self.verbose: print 'train confusion matrix:\n {}'.format(train_cfm)
        if testx != None and self.verbose:
            print 'test-acc: %.3f%%'%(test_acc)
            print 'test confusion matrix:\n {}'.format(test_cfm)
        if testx != None: 
            return train_acc, test_acc
            return test_acc
예제 #6
    def fit(self, x, y, testx, testy, verbose=False, autosave=True):
        self.x = x = x.reshape(x.shape[0], self.M, -1)
        self.y = y
        self.testx = testx = testx.reshape(testx.shape[0], self.M, -1)
        self.testy = y

        self.Ms = []
        self.PCAs = []

        for i in xrange(self.M):
            trainx, testx, _pca = pca(self.x[:, i, :], self.testx[:, i, :], self.Ppca, verbose=verbose, get_pca=True)
            lmnn = LMNN_GPU(K=self.K, mu=self.mu, maxS=self.maxS, dim=trainx.shape[1])

            print '[%d]pre-train-acc: %.3f%% pre-test-acc: %.3f%% %s'%(i, knn(trainx, trainx, y, y, lmnn._M, self.K), knn(trainx, testx, y, testy, lmnn._M, self.K), ' '*30)
            lmnn.fit(trainx, y, lr=self.lr, max_iter=self.max_iter, reset=self.reset, verbose=False)
            print '[%d]post-train-acc: %.3f%% post-test-acc: %.3f%% %s'%(i, knn(trainx, trainx, y, y, lmnn._M, self.K), knn(trainx, testx, y, testy, lmnn._M, self.K), ' '*30)


        trainx = self.transform(self.x)
        testx = self.transform(self.testx)

        trainx[np.isnan(trainx)] = 0
        trainx[np.isinf(trainx)] = 0

        testx[np.isnan(testx)] = 0
        testx[np.isinf(testx)] = 0
        print 'Final train shape:',trainx.shape
        print 'Final test shape:',testx.shape
        trainx, testx = pca(trainx, testx, self.Ppca, verbose=True)
        print 'Final train shape:',trainx.shape
        print 'Final test shape:',testx.shape
        # integrated metric
        lmnn = LMNN_GPU(K=self.K, mu=self.mu, maxS=10000, dim=trainx.shape[1])
        for i in xrange(10):
            print '[%d]pre-train-acc: %.3f%% pre-test-acc: %.3f%% %s'%(i, knn(trainx, trainx, y, y, lmnn._M, self.K), knn(trainx, testx, y, testy, lmnn._M, self.K), ' '*30)
            lmnn.fit(trainx, y, lr=2e-5, max_iter=50, reset=50, verbose=False)
            print '[%d]post-train-acc: %.3f%% post-test-acc: %.3f%% %s'%(i, knn(trainx, trainx, y, y, lmnn._M, self.K), knn(trainx, testx, y, testy, lmnn._M, self.K), ' '*30)

        if autosave:
            print 'Auto saving ...'
            cPickle.dump(self, open('temp.MLMNN', 'w'))
        return self
예제 #7
    def fit(self, x, y, testx, testy,
        maxS=100, lr=1e-7, max_iter=100, reset=20, 
        verbose=False, autosave=True): #

        if Part is not None and Part != self.M:
            x = x.reshape(x.shape[0], self.M, -1)[:, :Part, :].reshape(x.shape[0], -1)
            testx = testx.reshape(testx.shape[0], self.M, -1)[:, :Part, :].reshape(testx.shape[0], -1)
            self.M = Part

        # normalize in each part
        #x = normalize(x.reshape(x.shape[0]*self.M, -1), 'l1').reshape(x.shape[0], -1)
        #testx = normalize(testx.reshape(testx.shape[0]*self.M, -1), 'l1').reshape(testx.shape[0], -1)
        # normalize in each sample
        if self.kernelf:
            x = self.kernelf(x)
            testx = self.kernelf(testx)
        if self.normalize_axis:
            x = normalize(x, axis=self.normalize_axis)
            testx = normalize(testx, axis=self.normalize_axis)

        self.maxS = maxS
        orix = x
        if self.dim == -1: # no pca needed
            print x.shape
            self.dim = x.shape[1]/self.M
            self.didpca = False 
        else: # do the pca and store the solver
            self.didpca = True
            x = x.reshape(x.shape[0] * self.M, -1)
            print 'Splited x.shape:', x.shape
            pca = PCA(n_components=self.dim)
            x = pca.fit_transform(x)
            self.pca = pca
        print x.shape
        x = x.reshape(x.shape[0], self.M, self.dim)
        print 'Final x.shape:', x.shape
        stackx = x.copy()
        for i in xrange(1, self.M):
            stackx[i] += stackx[i-1]

            lM = self.lM
            gM = self.gM
            lM = self.lM
            gM = self.gM

        updates = []  
        givens = {self._x: np.asarray(x, dtype='float32'),
                  self._y: np.asarray(y, dtype='int32')}
        if self.localM: updates.extend(self.lupdate)
        if self.globalM: 
            givens.update({self._stackx: np.asarray(stackx, dtype='float32')})

        self.train_local_model = theano.function(
            [self._set, self._neighborpairs, self._lr], 
            updates = updates,
            givens = givens)

#       get_debug = theano.function(
#           [self._set], 
#           self.debug,
#           givens = {self._stackx: np.asarray(stackx, dtype='float32')})

        __x = x
        lr = np.array([lr]*(self.M*2), dtype='float32')
        for _ in xrange(40):
            neighbors = self._get_neighbors(__x, y)
            t = 0
            while t < max_iter:
                if t % reset == 0:
                    active_set = self._get_active_set(x, y, neighbors)
                    last_error = np.array([np.inf]*(self.M*2))

                print 'Iter: {} lr: {} '.format(t, lr)

                res = np.array(self.train_local_model(active_set, neighbors, lr)).reshape(-1, self.M*2)
                error = res.T.sum(1)
                print '\tlpull:{}\tgpull:{}\n\tlpush:{}\tgpush:{}'.\
                    format(res[0, :self.M], res[0, self.M:],\
                           res[1, :self.M], res[1, self.M:])
                #print np.array(get_debug(active_set))

                for i in xrange(self.M):
                    _M = lM[i].get_value() 
                    lM[i].set_value(np.array(self._numpy_project_sd(_M), dtype='float32'))
                for i in xrange(self.M):
                    _M = gM[i].get_value() 
                    gM[i].set_value(np.array(self._numpy_project_sd(_M), dtype='float32'))

                lr = lr*1.01*(last_error>error) + lr*0.5*(last_error<=error) 

                last_error = error
                t += 1

            __x = self.transform(orix)
            __testx = self.transform(testx)
            train_acc, train_cfm = knn(__x, __x, y, y, None, self.K, cfmatrix=True)

            test_acc, test_cfm = knn(__x, __testx, y, testy, None, self.K, cfmatrix=True)
            print 'shape: {}'.format(__x.shape)
            print 'train-acc: %.3f%% test-acc: %.3f%% %s'%(\
                train_acc, test_acc, ' '*30)
            print 'train confusion matrix:\n {}\ntest confusion matrix:\n {}'.format(
                train_cfm, test_cfm)

#           __y = label_binarize(y, classes=range(8))
#           __testy = label_binarize(testy, classes=range(8))
#           svm = OneVsRestClassifier(SVC(kernel='rbf')).fit(__x, __y)
#           train_acc = float((svm.predict(__x) == __y).sum())/y.shape[0]
#           test_acc = float((svm.predict(__testx) == __testy).sum())/testy.shape[0]
#           print '[svm]train-acc: %.3f%% test-acc: %.3f%% %s'%(\
#               train_acc, test_acc, ' '*30)

#           print 'visualizing round{} ...'.format(_)
#           title = 'round{}.train'.format(_) 
#           visualize(__x, y, title+'_acc{}'.format(train_acc), 
#               './visualized/{}.png'.format(title))
#           title = 'round{}.test'.format(_) 
#           visualize(__testx, testy, title+'_acc{}'.format(test_acc),
#               './visualized/{}.png'.format(title))
        if autosave:
            print 'Auto saving ...'
        return self
예제 #8
    print trainy.shape
#   def kernel(x, y):
#       K = np.zeros((x.shape[0], y.shape[0]))
#       for i in xrange(x.shape[0]):
#           for j in xrange(y.shape[0]):
#               K[i, j] = float((x[i]*y[i]).sum())/((x[i]+y[i])**2).sum()
#       return K
#   clf = svm.SVC(kernel='linear', C=100)
#   pred = clf.fit(trainx, trainy).predict(testx)
#   print pred
#   print testy
#   print '{}/{} = {}'.format( (pred == testy).sum(), len(testy), (pred == testy).sum()/float(len(testy)) )
#   print '{}'.format( pred - testy )

    print knn(trainx, testx, trainy, testy, M=None, K=2, cfmatrix=True, prediction=True)

    from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize
    lmnn = LMNN_duration(
        mu=0.5, K=10,
        kernelFunction=None,            # the explicit kernel
        normalizeFunction=None, #normalize,         # how data will be normalized
    lmnn.fit(trainx, trainy, testx, testy,
예제 #9
        variance += ele
        if variance > 0.95: break
    components += 1
    print 'n_components=%d'%components

    trainx = pca.transform(trainx)
    testx = pca.transform(testx)

    K = 9 
    dim = components
#   knn(trainx, testx, trainy, testy, np.eye(dim), K)
#   knn(trainx, testx, trainy, testy, np.random.rand(dim, dim), K)

    # My LMNN
    lmnn = LMNN_GPU(K=K, mu=0.5, maxS=10000, dim=dim)
    print 'pre-train-acc: %.3f%% pre-test-acc: %.3f%% %s'%(knn(trainx, trainx, trainy, trainy, lmnn._M, K), knn(trainx, testx, trainy, testy, lmnn._M, K), ' '*30)
    lmnn.fit(trainx, trainy, lr=5e-6, max_iter=1000, reset=50, verbose=True)
    print 'pre-train-acc: %.3f%% pre-test-acc: %.3f%% %s'%(knn(trainx, trainx, trainy, trainy, lmnn._M, K), knn(trainx, testx, trainy, testy, lmnn._M, K), ' '*30)
    #knn(trainx, testx, trainy, testy, lmnn.M, K)
#   L = lmnn.L
#   knn(trainx.dot(L), testx.dot(L), trainy, testy, np.eye(L.shape[1]), K)

#   # metric learn
#   lmnn = _LMNN(k=K, learn_rate=1e-5, max_iter=200) 
#   L = lmnn.fit(trainx, trainy, verbose=True).L
#   knn(trainx, testx, trainy, testy, L.dot(L), K)