예제 #1
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_22'

    if window(commonBits.applicationName()):
        select('File_Txt', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'DTAR020_tst1.bin')
        click('Proto Search')
            'Table1', 'Content', r'[[' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() +
            'DTAR020.proto, DTAR020.proto, sale], [' +
            commonBits.stdCopybookDir() +
            'DTAR020.protocomp, DTAR020.proto, sale], [' +
            commonBits.stdCopybookDir() +
            'Sales.proto, Sales.proto, sale], [' +
            commonBits.stdCopybookDir() +
            'sales.protocomp, sales.proto, sale]]')
        assert_p('File_Txt', 'Text',
                 commonBits.sampleDir() + 'DTAR020_tst1.bin')
        assert_p('Proto File_Txt', 'Text', 'DTAR020.proto')
        assert_p('Primary Message_Txt', 'Text', 'sale')
        ##		assert_p('Type of Definition_Txt', 'Text', 'Proto Definition')
        assert_p('File Structure_Txt', 'Text', 'Delimited Messages')
##		assert_p('Proto Definition_Txt', 'Text', commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'DTAR020.protocomp')
예제 #2
def test():
	from Modules import commonBits
	java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_0'

	if window(commonBits.applicationName()):
		select_menu('Utilities>>Compare Menu')
		select('FileNameTxtFld', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protoStoreSales3_Compare2.bin')
		select('TabbedPane', '')
		select('FileNameTxtFld', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protoStoreSales.bin')
		select('FileNameTxtFld1', commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'StoreSales.protocomp')
		select('TabbedPane', '')
		select('Table', 'cell:Record,0(Product)')
		select('Table1', 'cell:Equivalent Field,2(quantity)')
		select('Table', 'cell:Record,0(Product)')
		select('Table1', '', 'Equivalent Field,2')
		select('Table1', '', 'Equivalent Field,3')
		select('Table1', 'cell:Field,1(saleDate)')
		assert_p('Table1', 'Content', '[[keycode, keycode], [saleDate, saleDate], [quantity, ], [price, ]]')
		select('Table1', 'cell:Field,1(saleDate)')
		select('TabbedPane', '')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[, , , , ], [, Inserted, 7, 69684558, 40118], [, , , , ], [, Inserted, 10, 69694158, 40118]]')
예제 #3
def test():
	from Modules import commonBits
	java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_17'

	if window('Protocol Buffer Editor'):
		select_menu('Utilities>>Compare Menu')
		select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protoStoreSales3_Compare.bin')
		select('TabbedPane', '')
		select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protoStoreSales.bin')
		select('FileChooser1', commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'StoreSales.protocomp')
		select('TabbedPane', '')
##		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[Product, 0], [Order, -1], [Summary, -1], [Deptartment, 1], [Store, 2]]')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[Product, Product], [Order,  ], [Summary,  ], [Deptartment, Deptartment], [Store, Store]]')
#		select('Table', 'cell:Record,0(Product)')
#		select('Table1', 'cell:Equivalent Field,0(keycode)')
#		select('Table', 'cell:Record,0(Product)')
#		select('Table1', '', 'Equivalent Field,0')
#		select('Table1', '', 'Equivalent Field,1')
#		select('Table1', '', 'Equivalent Field,2')
#		select('Table1', '', 'Equivalent Field,3')
#		select('Table1', 'cell:Field,0(keycode)')
		select('TabbedPane', '')
##		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 7, 69684558, 40118, 1, 5010], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 9, 69694158, 40118, -1, -19000], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 14, 929, Department: 929, , ], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 15, 65674532, 40118, 1, 3590], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 50, 170, Department: 170, , ], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 51, 68674560, 40118, 1, 5990], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 55, 62694843, 40118, 1, 13590], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 58, 69644164, 40118, 1, 21590]]')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 7, 69684558, 40118, 1, 5010], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 9, 69694158, 40118, -1, -19000], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 14, 929, Department: 929, , ], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 15, 65674532, 40118, 1, 3590], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 50, 170, Department: 170, , ], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 51, 68674560, 40118, 1, 5990], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 55, 62694843, 40118, 1, 13590], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 58, 69644164, 40118, 1, 21590]]')
예제 #4
def test():
	from Modules import commonBits
	java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_0'

	if window('Protocol Buffer Editor'):
		select_menu('Utilities>>Compare Menu')
		select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protoStoreSales.bin')
		select('FileChooser1', commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'StoreSales.protocomp')
		select('TabbedPane', '')
		select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protoStoreSales3_Compare2.bin')
		select('TabbedPane', '')
		select('Table', 'cell:Record,0(Product)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[Product, Product], [Deptartment, Deptartment], [Store, Store]]')
		select('Table', 'cell:Record,0(Product)')
		assert_p('Table1', 'Content', '[[keycode, keycode], [saleDate, saleDate], [quantity, quantity], [price, price]]')
		select('Table', 'cell:Record,0(Product)')
		select('Table1', 'cell:Equivalent Field,3(price)')
		select('Table', 'cell:Record,0(Product)')
		select('Table1', '', 'Equivalent Field,3')
		select('Table1', 'cell:Field,1(saleDate)')
		assert_p('Table1', 'Content', '[[keycode, keycode], [saleDate, saleDate], [quantity, quantity], [price, ]]')
		select('Table1', 'cell:Field,1(saleDate)')
		select('TabbedPane', '')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[, Old, 5, 69684558, 40118, 1], [, New, 5, , , 1333], [, Deleted, 7, 69684558, 40118, 1], [, , , , , ], [, Deleted, 9, 69694158, 40118, -1], [, , , , , ]]')
예제 #5
def test():
	from Modules import commonBits
	java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_17'

	if window('Protocol Buffer Editor'):
		select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() +  'protoSales11.bin')
		select('ComboBox1', 'Compiled Proto')
		select('FileChooser1', commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'Sales11.protocomp')
		select('ComboBox1', 'Compiled Proto')
		select('Table', 'rows:[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8],columns:[4|saleDate,5|quantity]')
		select_menu('View>>Table View #{Selected Records#}')
##		select('Table2', 'rows:[2,3,4,5,6,7,8],columns:[4|saleDate,5|quantity]')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[69684558, 20, 280, 40118, 1, 5010, 5.01, 5.01, SALE, CREDIT_CARD, [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\']], [69694158, 20, 280, 40118, 1, 19000, 19.0, 19.0, SALE, DEBIT_CARD, [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\',\' 0 1 2\']], [69694158, 20, 280, 40118, -1, -19000, -19.0, , RETURN, , [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\',\' 0 1 2\',\' 0 1 2 3\',\' 0 1 2 3 4\']], [69694158, 20, 280, 40118, 1, 5010, , 5.01, SALE, CASH, []], [63604808, 20, 170, 40118, 1, 4870, 4.87, 4.87, SALE, CHEQUE, [\'\']], [62684671, 20, 685, 40118, 1, 69990, 69.99, 69.99, SALE, CREDIT_CARD, [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\']], [62684671, 20, 685, 40118, -1, -69990, -69.99, -69.99, RETURN, DEBIT_CARD, [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\',\' 0 1 2\']]]')
		select('Table', 'RETURN', '9|saleType,1')
		select('Table', 'cell:7|priceFloat,2(-19.0)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[69684558, 20, 280, 40118, 1, 5010, 5.01, 5.01, SALE, CREDIT_CARD, [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\']], [69694158, 20, 280, 40118, 1, 19000, 19.0, 19.0, RETURN, DEBIT_CARD, [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\',\' 0 1 2\']], [69694158, 20, 280, 40118, -1, -19000, -19.0, , RETURN, , [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\',\' 0 1 2\',\' 0 1 2 3\',\' 0 1 2 3 4\']], [69694158, 20, 280, 40118, 1, 5010, , 5.01, SALE, CASH, []], [63604808, 20, 170, 40118, 1, 4870, 4.87, 4.87, SALE, CHEQUE, [\'\']], [62684671, 20, 685, 40118, 1, 69990, 69.99, 69.99, SALE, CREDIT_CARD, [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\']], [62684671, 20, 685, 40118, -1, -69990, -69.99, -69.99, RETURN, DEBIT_CARD, [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\',\' 0 1 2\']]]')
		select('Table', '', '10|paymentType,1')
		select('Table', 'cell:7|priceFloat,2(-19.0)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[69684558, 20, 280, 40118, 1, 5010, 5.01, 5.01, SALE, CREDIT_CARD, [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\']], [69694158, 20, 280, 40118, 1, 19000, 19.0, 19.0, RETURN, , [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\',\' 0 1 2\']], [69694158, 20, 280, 40118, -1, -19000, -19.0, , RETURN, , [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\',\' 0 1 2\',\' 0 1 2 3\',\' 0 1 2 3 4\']], [69694158, 20, 280, 40118, 1, 5010, , 5.01, SALE, CASH, []], [63604808, 20, 170, 40118, 1, 4870, 4.87, 4.87, SALE, CHEQUE, [\'\']], [62684671, 20, 685, 40118, 1, 69990, 69.99, 69.99, SALE, CREDIT_CARD, [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\']], [62684671, 20, 685, 40118, -1, -69990, -69.99, -69.99, RETURN, DEBIT_CARD, [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\',\' 0 1 2\']]]')
		select('Table', 'CREDIT_CARD', '10|paymentType,2')
		select('Table', 'cell:8|priceDouble,3(5.01)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[69684558, 20, 280, 40118, 1, 5010, 5.01, 5.01, SALE, CREDIT_CARD, [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\']], [69694158, 20, 280, 40118, 1, 19000, 19.0, 19.0, RETURN, , [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\',\' 0 1 2\']], [69694158, 20, 280, 40118, -1, -19000, -19.0, , RETURN, CREDIT_CARD, [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\',\' 0 1 2\',\' 0 1 2 3\',\' 0 1 2 3 4\']], [69694158, 20, 280, 40118, 1, 5010, , 5.01, SALE, CASH, []], [63604808, 20, 170, 40118, 1, 4870, 4.87, 4.87, SALE, CHEQUE, [\'\']], [62684671, 20, 685, 40118, 1, 69990, 69.99, 69.99, SALE, CREDIT_CARD, [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\']], [62684671, 20, 685, 40118, -1, -69990, -69.99, -69.99, RETURN, DEBIT_CARD, [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\',\' 0 1 2\']]]')
		select('Table', 'DEBIT_CARD', '10|paymentType,3')
		select('Table', 'cell:8|priceDouble,3(5.01)')
##		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[69684558, 20, 280, 40118, 1, 5010, 5.01, 5.01, SALE, CREDIT_CARD, [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\']], [69694158, 20, 280, 40118, 1, 19000, 19.0, 19.0, RETURN, , [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\',\' 0 1 2\']], [69694158, 20, 280, 40118, -1, -19000, -19.0, , RETURN, CREDIT_CARD, [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\',\' 0 1 2\',\' 0 1 2 3\',\' 0 1 2 3 4\']], [69694158, 20, 280, 40118, 1, 5010, , 5.01, SALE, DEBIT_CARD, [\'\']], [63604808, 20, 170, 40118, 1, 4870, 4.87, 4.87, SALE, CHEQUE, [\'\']], [62684671, 20, 685, 40118, 1, 69990, 69.99, 69.99, SALE, CREDIT_CARD, [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\']], [62684671, 20, 685, 40118, -1, -69990, -69.99, -69.99, RETURN, DEBIT_CARD, [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\',\' 0 1 2\']]]')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[69684558, 20, 280, 40118, 1, 5010, 5.01, 5.01, SALE, CREDIT_CARD, [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\']], [69694158, 20, 280, 40118, 1, 19000, 19.0, 19.0, RETURN, , [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\',\' 0 1 2\']], [69694158, 20, 280, 40118, -1, -19000, -19.0, , RETURN, CREDIT_CARD, [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\',\' 0 1 2\',\' 0 1 2 3\',\' 0 1 2 3 4\']], [69694158, 20, 280, 40118, 1, 5010, , 5.01, SALE, DEBIT_CARD, []], [63604808, 20, 170, 40118, 1, 4870, 4.87, 4.87, SALE, CHEQUE, [\'\']], [62684671, 20, 685, 40118, 1, 69990, 69.99, 69.99, SALE, CREDIT_CARD, [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\']], [62684671, 20, 685, 40118, -1, -69990, -69.99, -69.99, RETURN, DEBIT_CARD, [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\',\' 0 1 2\']]]')
		select('Table', 'cell:11|strArray,1([\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\',\' 0 1 2\'])')
		select('TextField', '[\'\',\' 345 456 7\',\' 0 1\',\' 0 1 2\']')
		select('Table', 'cell:7|priceFloat,2(-19.0)')
##		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[69684558, 20, 280, 40118, 1, 5010, 5.01, 5.01, SALE, CREDIT_CARD, [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\']], [69694158, 20, 280, 40118, 1, 19000, 19.0, 19.0, RETURN, , [\'\',\' 345 456 7\',\' 0 1\',\' 0 1 2\']], [69694158, 20, 280, 40118, -1, -19000, -19.0, , RETURN, CREDIT_CARD, [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\',\' 0 1 2\',\' 0 1 2 3\',\' 0 1 2 3 4\']], [69694158, 20, 280, 40118, 1, 5010, , 5.01, SALE, DEBIT_CARD, [\'\']], [63604808, 20, 170, 40118, 1, 4870, 4.87, 4.87, SALE, CHEQUE, [\'\']], [62684671, 20, 685, 40118, 1, 69990, 69.99, 69.99, SALE, CREDIT_CARD, [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\']], [62684671, 20, 685, 40118, -1, -69990, -69.99, -69.99, RETURN, DEBIT_CARD, [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\',\' 0 1 2\']]]')

		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[69684558, 20, 280, 40118, 1, 5010, 5.01, 5.01, SALE, CREDIT_CARD, [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\']], [69694158, 20, 280, 40118, 1, 19000, 19.0, 19.0, RETURN, , [\'\',\' 345 456 7\',\' 0 1\',\' 0 1 2\']], [69694158, 20, 280, 40118, -1, -19000, -19.0, , RETURN, CREDIT_CARD, [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\',\' 0 1 2\',\' 0 1 2 3\',\' 0 1 2 3 4\']], [69694158, 20, 280, 40118, 1, 5010, , 5.01, SALE, DEBIT_CARD, []], [63604808, 20, 170, 40118, 1, 4870, 4.87, 4.87, SALE, CHEQUE, [\'\']], [62684671, 20, 685, 40118, 1, 69990, 69.99, 69.99, SALE, CREDIT_CARD, [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\']], [62684671, 20, 685, 40118, -1, -69990, -69.99, -69.99, RETURN, DEBIT_CARD, [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\',\' 0 1 2\']]]')

예제 #6
def test():
	from Modules import commonBits
	java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_22'

	if window('Protocol Buffer Editor'):
		select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'Ams_LocDownload_20041228.bin')
		click('Proto Search')
		assert_p('Table1', 'Content', r'[[' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'Ams_Location.proto, Ams_Location.proto, Locations], [' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'Ams_Location.protocomp, Ams_Location.proto, Locations]]')
		assert_p('FileChooser1', 'Text', commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'Ams_Location.protocomp')
		assert_p('ComboBox2', 'Text', 'Ams_Location.proto')
		assert_p('ComboBox3', 'Content', '[[Locations]]')
		assert_p('ComboBox3', 'Text', 'Locations')
		assert_p('ComboBox1', 'Text', 'Compiled Proto')
		assert_p('ComboBox', 'Text', 'Delimited Messages')
예제 #7
def test():
	from Modules import commonBits

	java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_03'

	if window('Protocol Buffer Editor'):
		click('Choose File')

		if window('Open'):
##			select('FilePane$3', 'ams_locdownload_20041228.bin')
			select(commonBits.selectPaneFn(), 'ams_locdownload_20041228.bin')

		select('FileChooser1', commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'Ams_Location.protocomp')

		#commonBits.setRecordLayout(select, 'ams Store')

##		select('Table', 'rows:[0,1,2,3,4,5],columns:[2|Loc_Nbr,3|Loc_Type]')
		select('Table', 'rows:[0,1,2,3,4,5],columns:[3|Loc_Type]')
		select_menu('View>>Column View #{Selected Records#}')
##		select('Table2', 'rows:[0,1,2,3,4,5],columns:[2|Loc_Nbr,3|Loc_Type]')
		select('Table', 'cell:Row 1,0(TAR)')
		assert_p('Table1', 'Text', '', 'Len,0')

		select('Table', 'cell:Row 1,1(5839)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR], [5839, 5850, 5853, 5866, 5015, 5019], [DC, DC, DC, DC, ST, ST], [DC - Taras Ave, VIC West Ad Support, NSW North Sydney Ad Support, WA Ad Support, Bankstown, Penrith], [, , , , Bankstown, Penrith], [30-68 Taras Ave, Lot 2 Little Boundary Rd, , , Unit 2, 39-41 Allingham Street, 58 Leland Street], [Altona North, Laverton, , , Condell Park, Penrith], [3025, 3028, , , 2200, 2750], [VIC, VIC, , , NSW, NSW], [A, A, A, A, A, A]]')
		select('Table', 'cell:Row 1,1(5839)')
		select('Table', 'rows:[0,1,2,3,4,5],columns:[2|Loc_Nbr,3|Loc_Type]')
		select('Table', 'rows:[8,11,15],columns:[2|Loc_Nbr,3|Loc_Type]')
예제 #8
def test():
	from Modules import commonBits
	java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_03'

	if window('Protocol Buffer Editor'):
		select('FileChooser',  commonBits.sampleDir() + 'Ams_LocDownload_20041228.bin')

		select('FileChooser1', commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'Ams_Location.protocomp')

		select('Table', 'rows:[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7],columns:[2|Loc_Nbr,3|Loc_Type,4|Loc_Name]')
		select_menu('View>>Column View #{Selected Records#}')
##		select('Table2', 'rows:[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7],columns:[2|Loc_Nbr,3|Loc_Type,4|Loc_Name]')
		select('Table', 'cell:Row 1,3(DC - Taras Ave)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'DC', 'Row 1,2')
		select('Table', 'cell:Row 2,3(VIC West Ad Support)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'VIC West Ad Support', 'Row 2,3')
		select('Table', 'cell:Row 3,3(NSW North Sydney Ad Support)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'VIC West Ad Support', 'Row 2,3')
		select('Table', 'cell:Row 2,5(Lot 2 Little Boundary Rd)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'Lot 2 Little Boundary Rd', 'Row 2,5')
		select('Table', 'cell:Row 1,5(30-68 Taras Ave)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR], [5839, 5850, 5853, 5866, 5015, 5019, 5033, 5035], [DC, DC, DC, DC, ST, ST, ST, ST], [DC - Taras Ave, VIC West Ad Support, NSW North Sydney Ad Support, WA Ad Support, Bankstown, Penrith, Blacktown, Rockdale], [, , , , Bankstown, Penrith, Marayong, Building B,  Portside DC], [30-68 Taras Ave, Lot 2 Little Boundary Rd, , , Unit 2, 39-41 Allingham Street, 58 Leland Street, Dock 2, 11 Melissa Place, 2-8 Mc Pherson Street], [Altona North, Laverton, , , Condell Park, Penrith, Marayong, Botany], [3025, 3028, , , 2200, 2750, 2148, 2019], [VIC, VIC, , , NSW, NSW, NSW, NSW], [A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A]]')
		select('Table', 'cell:Row 5,5(Unit 2, 39-41 Allingham Street)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Text', '58 Leland Street', 'Row 6,5')
		select('Table', 'cell:Row 6,5(58 Leland Street)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'Penrith', 'Row 6,6')
		select('Table', 'cell:Row 6,5(58 Leland Street)')
		select('Table', 'rows:[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7],columns:[2|Loc_Nbr,3|Loc_Type,4|Loc_Name]')
예제 #9
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_17'

    if window(commonBits.applicationName()):
               commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protoStoreSales3.bin')
               commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'StoreSales3.protocomp')
        click('Uncheck Records')
        select('Table', 'cell:Include,0(false)')
        select('Table2', 'cell:Field,0(null)')
        select('Table2', 'keycode', 'Field,0')
        select('Table2', '66', 'Value,0')
        select('Table2', 'quantity', 'Field,1')
        select('Table2', '-1', 'Value,1')
        select('Table2', 'cell:Value,1()')
        select('LinesTbl', 'cell:2|saleDate,4(40118)')
            'LinesTbl', 'Content',
            '[[61664713, 40118, -1, -17990], [68644966, 40118, -1, -12500], [60614866, 40118, -1, -4800], [60614866, 40118, -1, -4800], [60664048, 40118, -1, -4800], [60664048, 40118, -1, -4800], [60664048, 40118, -1, -4800], [66624803, 40118, -1, -2000], [66624889, 40118, -1, -2000], [69664171, 40118, -1, -27950], [62664183, 40118, -1, -20990], [69664620, 40118, -1, -11890], [68664363, 40118, -1, -29950], [64664587, 40118, -1, -16990], [66614582, 40118, -1, -15990], [69664149, 40118, -1, -5990], [69664163, 40118, -1, -1390], [66614192, 40118, -1, -1230], [66614192, 40118, -1, -1230]]'
예제 #10
def test():
	from Modules import commonBits
	java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_0'

	if window('Protocol Buffer Editor'):
		select_menu('Utilities>>Compare Menu')
		select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protoStoreSales3_Compare.bin')
		select('TabbedPane', '')
		select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protoStoreSales.bin')
		select('FileChooser1', commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'StoreSales.protocomp')
		select('TabbedPane', '')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[Product, Product], [Order,  ], [Summary,  ], [Deptartment, Deptartment], [Store, Store]]')
		assert_p('Table1', 'Content', '[[keycode, keycode], [saleDate, saleDate], [quantity, quantity], [price, price]]')
		select('Table', 'cell:Equivalent Record,0(Product)')
		select('Table', ' ', 'Equivalent Record,0')
		select('Table', 'cell:Equivalent Record,0( )')
		assert_p('Table1', 'Content', '[[keycode, ], [saleDate, ], [quantity, ], [price, ]]')
		select('Table', 'cell:Equivalent Record,0( )')
		select('TabbedPane', '')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[, , , , ], [, Inserted, 5, 929, Department: 929], [, , , , ], [, Inserted, 17, 170, Department: 170]]')
예제 #11
def test():
	from Modules import commonBits
	java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_0'

	if window('Protocol Buffer Editor'):
		select_menu('Utilities>>Compare Menu')
		select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protoStoreSales3_Compare2.bin')
		select('TabbedPane', '')
		select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protoStoreSales.bin')
		select('FileChooser1', commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'StoreSales.protocomp')
		select('TabbedPane', '')
		select('Table', 'cell:Record,0(Product)')
		select('Table1', 'cell:Equivalent Field,2(quantity)')
		select('Table', 'cell:Record,0(Product)')
		select('Table1', '', 'Equivalent Field,2')
		select('Table1', '', 'Equivalent Field,3')
		select('Table1', 'cell:Field,1(saleDate)')
		assert_p('Table1', 'Content', '[[keycode, keycode], [saleDate, saleDate], [quantity, ], [price, ]]')
		select('Table1', 'cell:Field,1(saleDate)')
		select('TabbedPane', '')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[, , , , ], [, Inserted, 7, 69684558, 40118], [, , , , ], [, Inserted, 10, 69694158, 40118]]')
예제 #12
def test():
	from Modules import commonBits
	java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_22'

	if window('Protocol Buffer Editor'):
		select('FileChooser',  commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protoSales11.bin')
		click('Proto Search')
		assert_p('Table1', 'Content', r'[[' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'Sales11.proto, Sales11.proto, sale11], [C:\Users\BruceTst\.RecordEditor\ProtoBuf\CopyBook\Sales11.protocomp, Sales11.proto, sale11]]')
		assert_p('FileChooser1', 'Text', commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'Sales11.protocomp')
		assert_p('ComboBox2', 'Text', 'Sales11.proto')
		assert_p('ComboBox2', 'Content', '[[Sales11.proto]]')
		assert_p('ComboBox3', 'Text', 'sale11')
		assert_p('ComboBox3', 'Content', '[[sale11]]')
		assert_p('ComboBox1', 'Text', 'Compiled Proto')
		assert_p('ComboBox', 'Text', 'Delimited Messages')
예제 #13
def test():
	from Modules import commonBits
	java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_22'

	if window('Protocol Buffer Editor'):
		select('File_Txt', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protoSales.bin')
		click('Proto Search')
		assert_p('Table1', 'Content', r'[[' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'DTAR020.proto, DTAR020.proto, sale], [' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'DTAR020.protocomp, DTAR020.proto, sale], [' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'Sales.proto, Sales.proto, sale], [' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'sales.protocomp, sales.proto, sale]]')
		assert_p('File_Txt', 'Text', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protoSales.bin')
		assert_p('Proto Definition_Txt', 'Text', commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'sales.protocomp')
		assert_p('Proto File_Txt', 'Text', 'sales.proto')
		assert_p('Primary Message_Txt', 'Text', 'sale')
		assert_p('Primary Message_Txt', 'Content', '[[sale]]')
		assert_p('Type of Definition_Txt', 'Text', 'Compiled Proto')
		assert_p('File Structure_Txt', 'Text', 'Delimited Messages')
예제 #14
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_22'

    if window(commonBits.applicationName()):
        select('File_Txt', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'testExt01.bin')
        select('Proto Definition_Txt',
               commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'Extension01.proto')
            'LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[, , 123, aa], [, , , ], [, , 44556, ], [, , , ], [, , 11, ], [, , 333, ]]'
        select('LineTreeChild.Layouts_Txt', 'Prefered')
            'LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[, , 123, aa], [, , 560078, ], [, , 44556, ], [, , 9876, ], [, , 11, ], [, , 333, ]]'
        select('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Tree,0(null)')
        rightclick('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Tree,0')
        select_menu('Edit Record')
        select('TabbedPane', 'Record: ')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Data,1(aa)')
        assert_p('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
                 '[[A, 1, , UINT64, 123, 123], [name, 2, , STRING, aa, aa]]')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Data,1(aa)')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Data,0(560078)')
        assert_p('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
                 '[[B, 1, , UINT64, 560078, 560078]]')
        assert_p('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
                 '[[A, 1, , UINT64, 123, 123], [name, 2, , STRING, aa, aa]]')
        assert_p('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
                 '[[A, 1, , UINT64, 44556, 44556], [name, 2, , STRING, , ]]')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Data,0(9876)')
        assert_p('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
                 '[[B, 1, , UINT64, 9876, 9876]]')
        assert_p('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
                 '[[A, 1, , UINT64, 11, 11], [name, 2, , STRING, , ]]')
        click('Tree View')
        select('TabbedPane', 'Tree View')
        click('Record:  Message')
        select('TabbedPane', 'Record: ')
        click('Tree View')
        select('TabbedPane', 'Tree View')
        click('Record:  Message')
        select('TabbedPane', 'Record: ')
        assert_p('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
                 '[[A, 1, , UINT64, 333, 333], [name, 2, , STRING, , ]]')
예제 #15
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_22'

    if window(commonBits.applicationName()):
               commonBits.sampleDir() + 'ProtoTest_Address1.bin')
        click('Proto Search')
        ##		assert_p('Table1', 'Content', r'[[' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'addressbook.proto, addressbook.proto, AddressBook], [' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'addressbook.protocomp, addressbook.proto, AddressBook], [' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'addressbookSD1_PersonPhoneNo.proto, addressbookSD1_PersonPhoneNo.proto, PhoneNumber], [' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'feeds.proto, feeds.proto, Feed]]')

        ##		assert_p('Table1', 'Content', r'[[' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'addressbook.proto, addressbook.proto, AddressBook], [' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'addressbook.protocomp, addressbook.proto, AddressBook], [' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'addressbookSD1_PersonPhoneNo.proto, addressbookSD1_PersonPhoneNo.proto, PhoneNumber], [' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'feeds.proto, feeds.proto, Feed], [' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'oneOfTest.proto, oneOfTest.proto, TestOneOf], [' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'oneOfTest.protocomp, oneOfTest.proto, TestOneOf], [' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'oneOfTestA.proto, oneOfTestA.proto, TestOneOf]]')

            'Table1', 'Content', '[[' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() +
            'addressbook.proto, addressbook.proto, AddressBook], [' +
            commonBits.stdCopybookDir() +
            'addressbook.protocomp, addressbook.proto, AddressBook], [' +
            commonBits.stdCopybookDir() +
            'addressbookSD1_PersonPhoneNo.proto, addressbookSD1_PersonPhoneNo.proto, PhoneNumber], ['
            + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() +
            'feeds.proto, feeds.proto, Feed], [' +
            commonBits.stdCopybookDir() +
            'oneOfTest.proto, oneOfTest.proto, TestOneOf], [' +
            commonBits.stdCopybookDir() +
            'oneOfTest.protocomp, oneOfTest.proto, TestOneOf], [' +
            commonBits.stdCopybookDir() +
            'oneOfTestA.proto, oneOfTestA.proto, TestOneOf], [' +
            commonBits.stdCopybookDir() +
            'StoreSalesMap.proto, StoreSalesMap.proto, Deptartment], [' +
            commonBits.stdCopybookDir() +
            'StoreSalesMap.protocomp, StoreSalesMap.proto, Deptartment]]')

        assert_p('TextField', 'Text',
                 commonBits.sampleDir() + 'ProtoTest_Address1.bin')

        assert_p('FileNameTxtFld1', 'Text',
                 commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'addressbook.protocomp')
        assert_p('ComboBox2', 'Text', 'addressbook.proto')
        assert_p('ComboBox2', 'Content', '[[addressbook.proto]]')
        assert_p('ComboBox3', 'Text', 'AddressBook')
        assert_p('ComboBox3', 'Content', '[[Person, AddressBook]]')
        assert_p('ComboBox1', 'Text', 'Compiled Proto')
        assert_p('ComboBox', 'Text', 'Single Message')
예제 #16
def test():
	from Modules import commonBits
	java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_22'

	if window(commonBits.applicationName()):
		select('FileNameTxtFld', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protoSales.bin')
		click('Proto Search')
		keystroke('EditorPane', 'Context Menu')
		select('Table1', r'cell:Proto Filename,2(' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'Sales.proto)')
		keystroke('Table1', 'Context Menu', 'Proto Filename,2')
		select('Table1', r'cell:Proto Filename,2(' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'Sales.proto)')
		keystroke('Table1', 'Context Menu', 'Proto Filename,2')
		select('Table1', r'cell:Proto Filename,2(' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'Sales.proto)')
		keystroke('Table1', 'Context Menu', 'Proto Filename,2')
		select('Table1', r'cell:Proto Filename,2(' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'Sales.proto)')
		keystroke('Table1', 'Context Menu', 'Proto Filename,2')
		select('Table1', r'cell:Proto Filename,2(' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'Sales.proto)')
		assert_p('Table1', 'Content', r'[[' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'DTAR020.proto, DTAR020.proto, sale], [' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'DTAR020.protocomp, DTAR020.proto, sale], [' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'Sales.proto, Sales.proto, sale], [' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'sales.protocomp, sales.proto, sale]]')
		assert_p('FileNameTxtFld1', 'Text', commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'sales.protocomp')
		assert_p('ComboBox2', 'Text', 'sales.proto')
		assert_p('ComboBox3', 'Text', 'sale')
		assert_p('ComboBox', 'Text', 'Delimited Messages')
		assert_p('ComboBox1', 'Text', 'Compiled Proto')
##		assert_p('ComboBox1', 'Text', 'Proto Definition')
		assert_p('ComboBox2', 'Text', 'sales.proto')
		assert_p('ComboBox2', 'Content', '[[sales.proto]]')
		assert_p('ComboBox3', 'Text', 'sale')
		assert_p('ComboBox3', 'Content', '[[sale]]')
예제 #17
def test():
	from Modules import commonBits
	java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_22'

	if window('Protocol Buffer Editor'):
		select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protoSales.bin')
		click('Proto Search')
		keystroke('EditorPane', 'Context Menu')
		select('Table1', r'cell:Proto Filename,2(' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'Sales.proto)')
		keystroke('Table1', 'Context Menu', 'Proto Filename,2')
		select('Table1', r'cell:Proto Filename,2(' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'Sales.proto)')
		keystroke('Table1', 'Context Menu', 'Proto Filename,2')
		select('Table1', r'cell:Proto Filename,2(' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'Sales.proto)')
		keystroke('Table1', 'Context Menu', 'Proto Filename,2')
		select('Table1', r'cell:Proto Filename,2(' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'Sales.proto)')
		keystroke('Table1', 'Context Menu', 'Proto Filename,2')
		select('Table1', r'cell:Proto Filename,2(' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'Sales.proto)')
		assert_p('Table1', 'Content', r'[[' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'DTAR020.proto, DTAR020.proto, sale], [' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'DTAR020.protocomp, DTAR020.proto, sale], [' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'Sales.proto, Sales.proto, sale], [' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'sales.protocomp, sales.proto, sale]]')
		assert_p('FileChooser1', 'Text', commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'sales.protocomp')
		assert_p('ComboBox2', 'Text', 'sales.proto')
		assert_p('ComboBox3', 'Text', 'sale')
		assert_p('ComboBox', 'Text', 'Delimited Messages')
		assert_p('ComboBox1', 'Text', 'Compiled Proto')
		assert_p('ComboBox2', 'Text', 'sales.proto')
		assert_p('ComboBox2', 'Content', '[[sales.proto]]')
		assert_p('ComboBox3', 'Text', 'sale')
		assert_p('ComboBox3', 'Content', '[[sale]]')
예제 #18
def test():
	from Modules import commonBits
	java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_17'

	if window('Protocol Buffer Editor'):
		select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protoStoreSales3.bin')
		select('FileChooser1',  commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'StoreSales3.protocomp')
##		select('JTreeTable', '')
		rightclick('JTreeTable', 'Tree,1')
		select_menu('Expand Tree')
##		select('JTreeTable', '')
		rightclick('JTreeTable', 'Tree,2')
		select_menu('Expand Tree')
##		select('JTreeTable', '')
		rightclick('JTreeTable', 'Tree,3')
		select_menu('Fully Expand Tree')
		select('LayoutCombo', 'Product')
		select('JTreeTable', 'cell:saleDate,5(40118)')
		assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 61664713, 40118, 1, 17990], [, , 61664713, 40118, -1, -17990], [, , 61684613, 40118, 1, 12990], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ]]')
		select('JTreeTable', 'rows:[5,6,7],columns:[saleDate]')
		select_menu('View>>Record View #{Selected Records#}')
##		select('JTreeTable', 'rows:[5,6,7],columns:[saleDate]')
		select('Table', 'cell:Data,1(40118)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[keycode, 1, , 61664713, 61664713], [saleDate, 2, , 40118, 40118], [quantity, 3, , 1, 1], [price, 4, , 17990, 17990]]')
		select('Table', 'cell:Data,1(40118)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[keycode, 1, , 61664713, 61664713], [saleDate, 2, , 40118, 40118], [quantity, 3, , -1, -1], [price, 4, , -17990, -17990]]')
		select('Table', '-11', 'Data,2')
		select('Table', '-1117990', 'Data,3')
		select('Table', 'cell:Data,2(-11)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[keycode, 1, , 61664713, 61664713], [saleDate, 2, , 40118, 40118], [quantity, 3, , -11, -11], [price, 4, , -1117990, -1117990]]')
		select_menu('Window>>protoStoreSales3.bin>>Tree View')
		select('JTreeTable', 'cell:saleDate,5(40118)')
		assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 61664713, 40118, 1, 17990], [, , 61664713, 40118, -11, -1117990], [, , 61684613, 40118, 1, 12990], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ]]')
		select_menu('Utilities>>Compare with Disk')
		select('Table', 'cell:saleDate,0(40118)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[, Old, 36, 61664713, 40118, -1, -17990], [, New, 36, , , -11, -1117990]]')
		select('Table', 'cell:saleDate,0(40118)')
		select_menu('Window>>protoStoreSales3.bin>>Tree View')
		select('JTreeTable', '-1', 'quantity,6')
		select('JTreeTable', '-17990', 'price,6')
##		select('JTreeTable', '')
		select('Table', 'cell:Data,1(40118)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[keycode, 1, , 61664713, 61664713], [saleDate, 2, , 40118, 40118], [quantity, 3, , -1, -1], [price, 4, , -17990, -17990]]')
		select_menu('Utilities>>Compare with Disk')
		assert_p('TextPane', 'Text', 'Files are Identical !!!')

#		if window('Save Changes to file: ' + commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protoStoreSales3b.bin'):
#			click('No')
#		close()
예제 #19
def test():
	from Modules import commonBits
	import os
	java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_17'

	if window('Protocol Buffer Editor'):
		select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'zXcStore.bin')
		select('FileChooser1', commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'sales.protocomp')
		select('ComboBox', 'Delimited Messages')
		select('ComboBox1', 'Compiled Proto')

		select('Table', 'cell:Data,2(0)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[keycode, 1, , 0, 0], [store, 2, , 0, 0], [department, 3, , 0, 0], [saleDate, 4, , 0, 0], [quantity, 5, , 0, 0], [price, 6, , 0, 0]]')
##		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[keycode, 1, , , ], [store, 2, , , ], [department, 3, , , ], [saleDate, 4, , , ], [quantity, 5, , , ], [price, 6, , , ]]')
##[[keycode, 1, , 0, 0], [store, 2, , 0, 0], [department, 3, , 0, 0], [saleDate, 4, , 0, 0], [quantity, 5, , 0, 0], [price, 6, , 0, 0]]')
		select('Table', '1111', 'Data,0')
		select('Table', '222', 'Data,1')
		select('Table', '3333', 'Data,2')
		select('Table', '445566', 'Data,3')
		select('Table', '1', 'Data,4')
		select('Table', '11000', 'Data,5')
		select('Table', 'cell:Data,4(1)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[keycode, 1, , 1111, 1111], [store, 2, , 222, 222], [department, 3, , 3333, 3333], [saleDate, 4, , 445566, 445566], [quantity, 5, , 1, 1], [price, 6, , 11000, 11000]]')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[1111, 222, 3333, 445566, 1, 11000]]')
		select('Table', '1212', 'Data,0')
		select('Table', '12', 'Data,1')
		select('Table', '12', 'Data,2')
		select('Table', '121212', 'Data,3')
		select('Table', '1', 'Data,4')
		select('Table', '12000', 'Data,5')
		select('Table', 'cell:Data,4(1)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[keycode, 1, , 1212, 1212], [store, 2, , 12, 12], [department, 3, , 12, 12], [saleDate, 4, , 121212, 121212], [quantity, 5, , 1, 1], [price, 6, , 12000, 12000]]')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[1111, 222, 3333, 445566, 1, 11000], [1212, 12, 12, 121212, 1, 12000]]')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[1111, 222, 3333, 445566, 1, 11000], [1212, 12, 12, 121212, 1, 12000]]')
##		click('Delete2')

		select('Table', 'rows:[0,1],columns:[3|department,4|saleDate]')


		os.remove(commonBits.sampleDir() + 'zXcStore.bin')
예제 #20
def test():
	from Modules import commonBits
	import os
	java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_17'

	if window(commonBits.applicationName()):
		select('FileNameTxtFld', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'zcStore.bin')
		select('FileNameTxtFld1', commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'Sales.proto')
		select('ComboBox', 'Delimited Messages')
		select('ComboBox1', 'Proto Definition')

		select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'cell:Data,2(0)')
##		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[keycode, 1, , , ], [store, 2, , , ], [department, 3, , , ], [saleDate, 4, , , ], [quantity, 5, , , ], [price, 6, , , ]]')
##[[keycode, 1, , 0, 0], [store, 2, , 0, 0], [department, 3, , 0, 0], [saleDate, 4, , 0, 0], [quantity, 5, , 0, 0], [price, 6, , 0, 0]]')
		assert_p('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'Content', '[[keycode, 1, , 0, 0], [store, 2, , 0, 0], [department, 3, , 0, 0], [saleDate, 4, , 0, 0], [quantity, 5, , 0, 0], [price, 6, , 0, 0]]')
		select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', '1111', 'Data,0')
		select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', '222', 'Data,1')
		select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', '3333', 'Data,2')
		select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', '445566', 'Data,3')
		select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', '1', 'Data,4')
		select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', '11000', 'Data,5')
		select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'cell:Data,4(1)')
		assert_p('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'Content', '[[keycode, 1, , 1111, 1111], [store, 2, , 222, 222], [department, 3, , 3333, 3333], [saleDate, 4, , 445566, 445566], [quantity, 5, , 1, 1], [price, 6, , 11000, 11000]]')
		assert_p('LinesTbl', 'Content', '[[1111, 222, 3333, 445566, 1, 11000]]')
		select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', '1212', 'Data,0')
		select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', '12', 'Data,1')
		select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', '12', 'Data,2')
		select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', '121212', 'Data,3')
		select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', '1', 'Data,4')
		select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', '12000', 'Data,5')
		select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'cell:Data,4(1)')
		assert_p('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'Content', '[[keycode, 1, , 1212, 1212], [store, 2, , 12, 12], [department, 3, , 12, 12], [saleDate, 4, , 121212, 121212], [quantity, 5, , 1, 1], [price, 6, , 12000, 12000]]')
		assert_p('LinesTbl', 'Content', '[[1111, 222, 3333, 445566, 1, 11000], [1212, 12, 12, 121212, 1, 12000]]')
		assert_p('LinesTbl', 'Content', '[[1111, 222, 3333, 445566, 1, 11000], [1212, 12, 12, 121212, 1, 12000]]')
##		click('Delete2')

		select('LinesTbl', 'rows:[0,1],columns:[3|department,4|saleDate]')


		os.remove(commonBits.sampleDir() + 'zcStore.bin')
예제 #21
def test():
	from Modules import commonBits
	java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_22'

	if window('Protocol Buffer Editor'):
		select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'ProtoTest_Address1.bin')
		click('Proto Search')
		assert_p('Table1', 'Content', r'[[' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'addressbook.proto, addressbook.proto, AddressBook], [' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'addressbook.protocomp, addressbook.proto, AddressBook], [' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'addressbookSD1_PersonPhoneNo.proto, addressbookSD1_PersonPhoneNo.proto, PhoneNumber], [' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'feeds.proto, feeds.proto, Feed]]')

		assert_p('TextField', 'Text', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'ProtoTest_Address1.bin')
		assert_p('FileChooser1', 'Text', commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'addressbook.protocomp')
		assert_p('ComboBox2', 'Text', 'addressbook.proto')
		assert_p('ComboBox2', 'Content', '[[addressbook.proto]]')
		assert_p('ComboBox3', 'Text', 'AddressBook')
		assert_p('ComboBox3', 'Content', '[[Person, AddressBook]]')
		assert_p('ComboBox1', 'Text', 'Compiled Proto')
		assert_p('ComboBox', 'Text', 'Single Message')
예제 #22
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_22'

    if window(commonBits.applicationName()):
        select('FileNameTxtFld', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protoSales11.bin')
        click('Proto Search')
            'Table1', 'Content', r'[[' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() +
            'Sales11.proto, Sales11.proto, sale11], [' +
            commonBits.stdCopybookDir() +
            'Sales11.protocomp, Sales11.proto, sale11]]')
        assert_p('FileNameTxtFld1', 'Text',
                 commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'Sales11.protocomp')
        assert_p('ComboBox2', 'Text', 'Sales11.proto')
        assert_p('ComboBox2', 'Content', '[[Sales11.proto]]')
        assert_p('ComboBox3', 'Text', 'sale11')
        assert_p('ComboBox3', 'Content', '[[sale11]]')
        assert_p('ComboBox1', 'Text', 'Compiled Proto')
        assert_p('ComboBox', 'Text', 'Delimited Messages')
예제 #23
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_03'

    if window(commonBits.applicationName()):
               commonBits.sampleDir() + 'Ams_LocDownload_20041228.bin')

               commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'Ams_Location.protocomp')

        select_menu('View>>Column View #{Selected Records#}')
        ##		select('Table2', 'rows:[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7],columns:[2|Loc_Nbr,3|Loc_Type,4|Loc_Name]')
        select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'cell:Row 1,3(DC - Taras Ave)')
        assert_p('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'Text', 'DC', 'Row 1,2')
               'cell:Row 2,3(VIC West Ad Support)')
        assert_p('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'Text',
                 'VIC West Ad Support', 'Row 2,3')
               'cell:Row 3,3(NSW North Sydney Ad Support)')
        assert_p('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'Text',
                 'VIC West Ad Support', 'Row 2,3')
               'cell:Row 2,5(Lot 2 Little Boundary Rd)')
        assert_p('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'Text',
                 'Lot 2 Little Boundary Rd', 'Row 2,5')
               'cell:Row 1,5(30-68 Taras Ave)')
            'BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'Content',
            '[[TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR], [5839, 5850, 5853, 5866, 5015, 5019, 5033, 5035], [DC, DC, DC, DC, ST, ST, ST, ST], [DC - Taras Ave, VIC West Ad Support, NSW North Sydney Ad Support, WA Ad Support, Bankstown, Penrith, Blacktown, Rockdale], [, , , , Bankstown, Penrith, Marayong, Building B,  Portside DC], [30-68 Taras Ave, Lot 2 Little Boundary Rd, , , Unit 2, 39-41 Allingham Street, 58 Leland Street, Dock 2, 11 Melissa Place, 2-8 Mc Pherson Street], [Altona North, Laverton, , , Condell Park, Penrith, Marayong, Botany], [3025, 3028, , , 2200, 2750, 2148, 2019], [VIC, VIC, , , NSW, NSW, NSW, NSW], [A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A]]'
               'cell:Row 5,5(Unit 2, 39-41 Allingham Street)')
        assert_p('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'Text', '58 Leland Street',
                 'Row 6,5')
               'cell:Row 6,5(58 Leland Street)')
        assert_p('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'Text', 'Penrith', 'Row 6,6')
               'cell:Row 6,5(58 Leland Street)')
예제 #24
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_22'

    if window(commonBits.applicationName()):
               commonBits.sampleDir() + 'Ams_LocDownload_20041228.bin')
        click('Proto Search')
            'Table1', 'Content', r'[[' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() +
            'Ams_Location.proto, Ams_Location.proto, Locations], [' +
            commonBits.stdCopybookDir() +
            'Ams_Location.protocomp, Ams_Location.proto, Locations]]')
        assert_p('TextField', 'Text',
                 commonBits.sampleDir() + 'Ams_LocDownload_20041228.bin')
        assert_p('ComboBox2', 'Text', 'Ams_Location.proto')
        assert_p('ComboBox2', 'Content', '[[Ams_Location.proto]]')
        assert_p('ComboBox3', 'Text', 'Locations')
        assert_p('ComboBox3', 'Content', '[[Locations]]')
        assert_p('ComboBox1', 'Text', 'Compiled Proto')
        assert_p('ComboBox', 'Text', 'Delimited Messages')
예제 #25
def test():
	from Modules import commonBits
	java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_22'

	if window(commonBits.applicationName()):
		select('FileNameTxtFld', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protoStoreSales5.bin')
		click('Proto Search')
		assert_p('Table1', 'Content', r'[[' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'StoreSales5.proto, StoreSales5.proto, Store], [' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'StoreSales5.protocomp, StoreSales5.proto, Store], [' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'StoreSales5SD.proto, StoreSales5SD.proto, Store], [' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'StoreSales5SD.protocomp, StoreSales5SD.proto, Store], [' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'StoreSales6.proto, StoreSales6.proto, Store], [' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'StoreSales6.protocomp, StoreSales6.proto, Store], [' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'StoreSales6SD.proto, StoreSales6SD.proto, Store], [' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'StoreSales7.proto, StoreSales7.proto, Store], [' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'StoreSales7.protocomp, StoreSales7.proto, Store]]')
		assert_p('FileNameTxtFld1', 'Text', commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'StoreSales5.protocomp')
		assert_p('ComboBox2', 'Text', 'StoreSales5.proto')
		assert_p('ComboBox3', 'Text', 'Store')
		select('FileNameTxtFld', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protoStoreSales7.bin')
		click('Proto Search')
		assert_p('Table1', 'Content', r'[[' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'StoreSales7.proto, StoreSales7.proto, Store], [' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'StoreSales7.protocomp, StoreSales7.proto, Store]]')
		assert_p('FileNameTxtFld1', 'Text', commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'StoreSales7.protocomp')
		assert_p('ComboBox2', 'Text', 'StoreSales7.proto')
		assert_p('ComboBox2', 'Content', '[[StoreSales7.proto]]')
		assert_p('ComboBox3', 'Text', 'Store')
		assert_p('ComboBox3', 'Content', '[[Product, Order, Summary, Deptartment, Store]]')
		assert_p('ComboBox1', 'Text', 'Compiled Proto')
		assert_p('ComboBox', 'Text', 'Delimited Messages')
예제 #26
def test():
	from Modules import commonBits
##	import time
	java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_22'

	if window('Protocol Buffer Editor'):
		select('File_Txt', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'testExt02.bin')
		select('Proto Definition_Txt', commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'Extension02.proto')

##		select('Proto Definition_Txt', commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'Extension02.proto')
		select('File Structure_Txt', 'Delimited Messages')

##		time.sleep(0.5)
		assert_p('Proto File_Txt', 'Text', 'Extension02.proto')

		assert_p('Primary Message_Txt', 'Text', 'Message')
		assert_p('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content', '[[, , 234, ], [, , , ], [, , , ], [, , , ], [, , , ], [, , , ], [, , 345, Msg 2], [, , , ], [, , , ]]')
		select('LineTreeChild.Layouts_Txt', 'Prefered')
		assert_p('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content', '[[, , 234, , ], [, , 456, Event 1, [\'ttt\',\'uu\',\'vvv\',\'www\']], [, , this is a note, , ], [, , , , ], [, , note 1, , ], [, , Note 2, , ], [, , 345, Msg 2, ], [, , 1331, Msg2 Event, []], [, , blaaa .., , ]]')
##		select('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', '')
		rightclick('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Tree,0')
		select_menu('Edit Record')
		select('TabbedPane', 'Record: ')
		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Data,0(234)')
		assert_p('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content', '[[A, 1, , UINT64, 234, 234], [name, 1, , STRING, , ]]')
		assert_p('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content', '[[B, 1, , UINT64, 456, 456], [eventName, 1, , STRING, Event 1, Event 1], [qtab, 2, , STRING, [\'ttt\',\'uu\',\'vvv\',\'www\'], [\'ttt\',\'uu\',\'vvv\',\'www\']]]')
		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Data,2([\'ttt\',\'uu\',\'vvv\',\'www\'])')
##		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', '')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[0, ttt], [1, uu], [2, vvv], [3, www]]')
		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Data,0(this is a note)')
		assert_p('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content', '[[text, 1, , STRING, this is a note, this is a note]]')
		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Data,0(this is a note)')
		assert_p('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content', '[[text, 1, , STRING, note 1, note 1]]')
		assert_p('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content', '[[text, 1, , STRING, Note 2, Note 2]]')

##		if window(r'Save Changes to file: C:\Users\BruceTst/.RecordEditor/ProtoBuf\SampleFiles/testExt02.bin'):
##			click('No')
##		close()
예제 #27
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_0'

    if window(commonBits.applicationName()):
        select_menu('Utilities>>Compare Menu')
               commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protoStoreSales.bin')
               commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'StoreSales.protocomp')
        select('TabbedPane', '')
               commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protoStoreSales3_Compare2.bin')
        select('TabbedPane', '')
        select('Table', 'cell:Record,0(Product)')
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[Product, Product], [Deptartment, Deptartment], [Store, Store]]')
        select('Table', 'cell:Record,0(Product)')
            'Table1', 'Content',
            '[[keycode, keycode], [saleDate, saleDate], [quantity, quantity], [price, price]]'
        select('Table', 'cell:Record,0(Product)')
        select('Table1', 'cell:Equivalent Field,3(price)')
        select('Table', 'cell:Record,0(Product)')
        select('Table1', '', 'Equivalent Field,3')
        select('Table1', 'cell:Field,1(saleDate)')
            'Table1', 'Content',
            '[[keycode, keycode], [saleDate, saleDate], [quantity, quantity], [price, ]]'
        select('Table1', 'cell:Field,1(saleDate)')
        select('TabbedPane', '')
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[, Old, 5, 69684558, 40118, 1], [, New, 5, , , 1333], [, Deleted, 7, 69684558, 40118, 1], [, , , , , ], [, Deleted, 9, 69694158, 40118, -1], [, , , , , ]]'
예제 #28
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    java_recorded_version = '1.7.0_79'

    if window('Protocol Buffer Editor'):
        select('File_Txt', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protoStoreSalesMap.bin')
        select('Proto Definition_Txt',
               commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'StoreSalesMap.proto')

        select('Primary Message_Txt', 'Store')
        select('LineTreeChild.Layouts_Txt', 'Prefered')
            'LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[, , 20, Store: 20, , , ], [, , , , , , ], [, , 170, , , , ], [, , Department: 170, , , , ], [, , , , , , ], [, , 69684558, , , , ], [, , , , , , ], [, , , , , , ], [, , 40118, 1, 4870, SALE, 4.87], [, , 280, , , , ], [, , Department: 280, , , , ], [, , , , , , ], [, , 69694158, , , , ], [, , , , , , ], [, , , , , , ], [, , 40118, 1, 19000, SALE, 19.0], [, , 40118, -1, -19000, , -19.0], [, , 40118, 1, 5010, SALE, 5.01], [, , 62684671, , , , ], [, , , , , , ], [, , , , , , ], [, , 40118, 1, 19000, SALE, 19.0], [, , 40118, -1, -19000, , -19.0], [, , 40118, 1, 5010, SALE, 5.01], [, , 685, , , , ], [, , Department: 685, , , , ], [, , , , , , ], [, , 65674532, , , , ], [, , , , , , ], [, , , , , , ], [, , 40118, 1, 69990, SALE, 69.99], [, , 40118, -1, -69990, , -69.99], [, , 929, , , , ], [, , Department: 929, , , , ], [, , , , , , ], [, , 63674861, , , , ], [, , , , , , ], [, , , , , , ], [, , 40118, 1, 3590, SALE, 3.59], [, , 957, , , , ], [, , Department: 957, , , , ], [, , , , , , ], [, , 64634429, , , , ], [, , , , , , ], [, , 66624458, , , , ], [, , 61664713, , , , ], [, , , , , , ], [, , 59, Store: 59, , , ], [, , 166, Store: 166, , , ], [, , 184, Store: 184, , , ]]'
예제 #29
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_17'

    if window(commonBits.applicationName()):
        select_menu('Utilities>>Compare Menu')
               commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protoStoreSales3_Compare.bin')
        select('TabbedPane', '')
               commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protoStoreSales.bin')
               commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'StoreSales.protocomp')
        select('TabbedPane', '')
        ##		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[Product, 0], [Order, -1], [Summary, -1], [Deptartment, 1], [Store, 2]]')
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[Product, Product], [Order,  ], [Summary,  ], [Deptartment, Deptartment], [Store, Store]]'
        #		select('Table', 'cell:Record,0(Product)')
        #		select('Table1', 'cell:Equivalent Field,0(keycode)')
        #		select('Table', 'cell:Record,0(Product)')
        #		select('Table1', '', 'Equivalent Field,0')
        #		select('Table1', '', 'Equivalent Field,1')
        #		select('Table1', '', 'Equivalent Field,2')
        #		select('Table1', '', 'Equivalent Field,3')
        #		select('Table1', 'cell:Field,0(keycode)')
        select('TabbedPane', '')
        ##		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 7, 69684558, 40118, 1, 5010], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 9, 69694158, 40118, -1, -19000], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 14, 929, Department: 929, , ], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 15, 65674532, 40118, 1, 3590], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 50, 170, Department: 170, , ], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 51, 68674560, 40118, 1, 5990], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 55, 62694843, 40118, 1, 13590], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 58, 69644164, 40118, 1, 21590]]')
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 7, 69684558, 40118, 1, 5010], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 9, 69694158, 40118, -1, -19000], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 14, 929, Department: 929, , ], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 15, 65674532, 40118, 1, 3590], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 50, 170, Department: 170, , ], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 51, 68674560, 40118, 1, 5990], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 55, 62694843, 40118, 1, 13590], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 58, 69644164, 40118, 1, 21590]]'
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 7, 69684558, 40118, 1, 5010], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 9, 69694158, 40118, -1, -19000], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 14, 929, Department: 929, , ], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 15, 65674532, 40118, 1, 3590], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 50, 170, Department: 170, , ], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 51, 68674560, 40118, 1, 5990], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 55, 62694843, 40118, 1, 13590], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 58, 69644164, 40118, 1, 21590]]'
예제 #30
def test():
	from Modules import commonBits
	java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_22'

	if window('Protocol Buffer Editor'):
		select('Proto Definition_Txt', commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'Extension01.proto')
		select('File_Txt', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'testExt01.bin')
		assert_p('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content', '[[, , 123, aa], [, , , ], [, , 44556, ], [, , , ], [, , 11, ], [, , 333, ]]')
		select('LineTreeChild.Layouts_Txt', 'Prefered')
		assert_p('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content', '[[, , 123, aa], [, , 560078, ], [, , 44556, ], [, , 9876, ], [, , 11, ], [, , 333, ]]')
		select('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Tree,0(null)')
		rightclick('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Tree,0')
		select_menu('Edit Record')
		select('TabbedPane', 'Record: ')
		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Data,1(aa)')
		assert_p('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content', '[[A, 1, , UINT64, 123, 123], [name, 1, , STRING, aa, aa]]')
		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Data,1(aa)')
		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Data,0(560078)')
		assert_p('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content', '[[B, 1, , UINT64, 560078, 560078]]')
		assert_p('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content', '[[A, 1, , UINT64, 123, 123], [name, 1, , STRING, aa, aa]]')
		assert_p('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content', '[[A, 1, , UINT64, 44556, 44556], [name, 1, , STRING, , ]]')
		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Data,0(9876)')
		assert_p('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content', '[[B, 1, , UINT64, 9876, 9876]]')
		assert_p('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content', '[[A, 1, , UINT64, 11, 11], [name, 1, , STRING, , ]]')
		click('Tree View')
		select('TabbedPane', 'Tree View')
		click('Record:  Message')
		select('TabbedPane', 'Record: ')
		click('Tree View')
		select('TabbedPane', 'Tree View')
		click('Record:  Message')
		select('TabbedPane', 'Record: ')
		assert_p('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content', '[[A, 1, , UINT64, 333, 333], [name, 1, , STRING, , ]]')
예제 #31
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_0'

    if window(commonBits.applicationName()):
        select_menu('Utilities>>Compare Menu')
               commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protoStoreSales3_Compare.bin')
        select('TabbedPane', '')
               commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protoStoreSales.bin')
               commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'StoreSales.protocomp')
        select('TabbedPane', '')
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[Product, Product], [Order,  ], [Summary,  ], [Deptartment, Deptartment], [Store, Store]]'
            'Table1', 'Content',
            '[[keycode, keycode], [saleDate, saleDate], [quantity, quantity], [price, price]]'
        select('Table', 'cell:Equivalent Record,0(Product)')
        select('Table', ' ', 'Equivalent Record,0')
        select('Table', 'cell:Equivalent Record,0( )')
        assert_p('Table1', 'Content',
                 '[[keycode, ], [saleDate, ], [quantity, ], [price, ]]')
        select('Table', 'cell:Equivalent Record,0( )')
        select('TabbedPane', '')
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[, , , , ], [, Inserted, 5, 929, Department: 929], [, , , , ], [, Inserted, 17, 170, Department: 170]]'
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[, , , , ], [, Inserted, 5, 929, Department: 929], [, , , , ], [, Inserted, 17, 170, Department: 170]]'
예제 #32
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_17'

    if window(commonBits.applicationName()):
               commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protoStoreSales3.bin')
               commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'StoreSales3.protocomp')

            'JTreeTable', 'Content',
            '[[, , 20, Store: 20], [, , 59, Store: 59], [, , 166, Store: 166], [, , 184, Store: 184]]'
        select_menu('View>>Show Proto Definition')
        ##		assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , ], [, , keycode, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , ], [, , saleDate, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , ], [, , quantity, 3, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , ], [, , price, 4, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT64, , , ], [, , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , ], [, , keycode, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , ], [, , quantity, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , ], [, , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , ], [, , quantity, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , ], [, , price, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT64, , , ], [, , count, 3, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , ], [, , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , ], [, , department, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , ], [, , name, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_STRING, , , ], [, , product, 3, LABEL_REPEATED, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Product, , ], [, , summary, 4, LABEL_OPTIONAL, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Summary, , ], [, , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , ], [, , store, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , ], [, , name, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_STRING, , , ], [, , department, 3, LABEL_REPEATED, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Deptartment, , ], [, , order, 4, LABEL_REPEATED, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Order, , ], [, , summary, 5, LABEL_OPTIONAL, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Summary, , ], [, , , , , , , , ]]')

        ### Update below !!!
        ##		assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , ], [, , StoreSales3.proto, , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , ], [, , Product, , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , ], [, , keycode, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , ], [, , saleDate, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , ], [, , quantity, 3, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , ], [, , price, 4, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT64, , , ], [, , Order, , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , ], [, , keycode, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , ], [, , quantity, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , ], [, , Summary, , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , ], [, , quantity, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , ], [, , price, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT64, , , ], [, , count, 3, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , ], [, , Deptartment, , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , ], [, , department, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , ], [, , name, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_STRING, , , ], [, , product, 3, LABEL_REPEATED, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Product, , ], [, , summary, 4, LABEL_OPTIONAL, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Summary, , ], [, , Store, , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , ], [, , store, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , ], [, , name, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_STRING, , , ], [, , department, 3, LABEL_REPEATED, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Deptartment, , ], [, , order, 4, LABEL_REPEATED, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Order, , ], [, , summary, 5, LABEL_OPTIONAL, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Summary, , ], [, , , , , , , , ]]')
        ##		assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , ], [, , StoreSales3.proto, , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , ], [, , Product, , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , ], [, , keycode, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , ], [, , saleDate, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , ], [, , quantity, 3, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , ], [, , price, 4, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT64, , , , ], [, , Order, , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , ], [, , keycode, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , ], [, , quantity, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , ], [, , Summary, , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , ], [, , quantity, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , ], [, , price, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT64, , , , ], [, , count, 3, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , ], [, , Deptartment, , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , ], [, , department, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , ], [, , name, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_STRING, , , , ], [, , product, 3, LABEL_REPEATED, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Product, , , ], [, , summary, 4, LABEL_OPTIONAL, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Summary, , , ], [, , Store, , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , ], [, , store, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , ], [, , name, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_STRING, , , , ], [, , department, 3, LABEL_REPEATED, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Deptartment, , , ], [, , order, 4, LABEL_REPEATED, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Order, , , ], [, , summary, 5, LABEL_OPTIONAL, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Summary, , , ], [, , , , , , , , , ]]')

            'JTreeTable', 'Content',
            '[[, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , StoreSales3.proto, , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , Product, , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , keycode, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , , ], [, , saleDate, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , , ], [, , quantity, 3, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , , ], [, , price, 4, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT64, , , , , ], [, , Order, , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , keycode, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , , ], [, , quantity, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , , ], [, , Summary, , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , quantity, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , , ], [, , price, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT64, , , , , ], [, , count, 3, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , , ], [, , Deptartment, , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , department, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , , ], [, , name, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_STRING, , , , , ], [, , product, 3, LABEL_REPEATED, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Product, , , , ], [, , summary, 4, LABEL_OPTIONAL, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Summary, , , , ], [, , Store, , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , store, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , , ], [, , name, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_STRING, , , , , ], [, , department, 3, LABEL_REPEATED, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Deptartment, , , , ], [, , order, 4, LABEL_REPEATED, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Order, , , , ], [, , summary, 5, LABEL_OPTIONAL, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Summary, , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , ]]'

        select('LayoutCombo', 'Prefered')
        ##		assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , ], [, , StoreSales3.proto, net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3, [], , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , ], [, , Product, , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , ], [, , keycode, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , ], [, , saleDate, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , ], [, , quantity, 3, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , ], [, , price, 4, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT64, , , , ], [, , Order, , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , ], [, , keycode, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , ], [, , quantity, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , ], [, , Summary, , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , ], [, , quantity, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , ], [, , price, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT64, , , , ], [, , count, 3, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , ], [, , Deptartment, , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , ], [, , department, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , ], [, , name, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_STRING, , , , ], [, , product, 3, LABEL_REPEATED, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Product, , , ], [, , summary, 4, LABEL_OPTIONAL, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Summary, , , ], [, , Store, , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , ], [, , store, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , ], [, , name, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_STRING, , , , ], [, , department, 3, LABEL_REPEATED, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Deptartment, , , ], [, , order, 4, LABEL_REPEATED, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Order, , , ], [, , summary, 5, LABEL_OPTIONAL, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Summary, , , ], [, , , , , , SPEED, , , ]]')

        ### Update below !!!
        ##		assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , StoreSales3.proto, net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3, [], [], [], , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , Product, , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , keycode, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , , ], [, , saleDate, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , , ], [, , quantity, 3, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , , ], [, , price, 4, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT64, , , , , ], [, , Order, , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , keycode, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , , ], [, , quantity, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , , ], [, , Summary, , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , quantity, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , , ], [, , price, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT64, , , , , ], [, , count, 3, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , , ], [, , Deptartment, , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , department, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , , ], [, , name, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_STRING, , , , , ], [, , product, 3, LABEL_REPEATED, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Product, , , , ], [, , summary, 4, LABEL_OPTIONAL, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Summary, , , , ], [, , Store, , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , store, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , , ], [, , name, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_STRING, , , , , ], [, , department, 3, LABEL_REPEATED, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Deptartment, , , , ], [, , order, 4, LABEL_REPEATED, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Order, , , , ], [, , summary, 5, LABEL_OPTIONAL, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Summary, , , , ], [, , , , , , SPEED, , , , ]]')

        ##		assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , StoreSales3.proto, net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3, [], [], [], , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , Product, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , keycode, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , , , , ], [, , saleDate, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , , , , ], [, , quantity, 3, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , , , , ], [, , price, 4, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT64, , , , , , , ], [, , Order, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , keycode, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , , , , ], [, , quantity, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , , , , ], [, , Summary, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , quantity, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , , , , ], [, , price, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT64, , , , , , , ], [, , count, 3, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , , , , ], [, , Deptartment, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , department, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , , , , ], [, , name, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_STRING, , , , , , , ], [, , product, 3, LABEL_REPEATED, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Product, , , , , , ], [, , summary, 4, LABEL_OPTIONAL, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Summary, , , , , , ], [, , Store, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , store, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , , , , ], [, , name, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_STRING, , , , , , , ], [, , department, 3, LABEL_REPEATED, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Deptartment, , , , , , ], [, , order, 4, LABEL_REPEATED, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Order, , , , , , ], [, , summary, 5, LABEL_OPTIONAL, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Summary, , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , SPEED, , , , , ]]')

            'JTreeTable', 'Content',
            '[[, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , StoreSales3.proto, net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3, [], [], [], , , , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , Product, [], , , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , keycode, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , saleDate, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , quantity, 3, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , price, 4, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT64, , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , Order, [], , , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , keycode, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , quantity, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , Summary, [], , , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , quantity, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , price, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT64, , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , count, 3, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , Deptartment, [], , , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , department, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , name, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_STRING, , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , product, 3, LABEL_REPEATED, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Product, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , summary, 4, LABEL_OPTIONAL, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Summary, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , Store, [], , , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , store, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , name, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_STRING, , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , department, 3, LABEL_REPEATED, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Deptartment, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , order, 4, LABEL_REPEATED, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Order, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , summary, 5, LABEL_OPTIONAL, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Summary, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , SPEED, , , , , , , , , ]]'

        assert_p('JTreeTable', 'RowCount', '33')

예제 #33
def test():
	from Modules import commonBits
	java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_17'

	if window('Protocol Buffer Editor'):
		select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protoStoreSales3.bin')
		select('FileChooser1',  commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'StoreSales3.protocomp')

		assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , 20, Store: 20], [, , 59, Store: 59], [, , 166, Store: 166], [, , 184, Store: 184]]')
		select_menu('View>>Show Proto Definition')
##		assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , ], [, , keycode, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , ], [, , saleDate, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , ], [, , quantity, 3, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , ], [, , price, 4, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT64, , , ], [, , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , ], [, , keycode, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , ], [, , quantity, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , ], [, , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , ], [, , quantity, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , ], [, , price, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT64, , , ], [, , count, 3, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , ], [, , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , ], [, , department, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , ], [, , name, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_STRING, , , ], [, , product, 3, LABEL_REPEATED, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Product, , ], [, , summary, 4, LABEL_OPTIONAL, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Summary, , ], [, , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , ], [, , store, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , ], [, , name, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_STRING, , , ], [, , department, 3, LABEL_REPEATED, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Deptartment, , ], [, , order, 4, LABEL_REPEATED, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Order, , ], [, , summary, 5, LABEL_OPTIONAL, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Summary, , ], [, , , , , , , , ]]')
		assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , ], [, , StoreSales3.proto, , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , ], [, , Product, , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , ], [, , keycode, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , ], [, , saleDate, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , ], [, , quantity, 3, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , ], [, , price, 4, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT64, , , ], [, , Order, , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , ], [, , keycode, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , ], [, , quantity, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , ], [, , Summary, , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , ], [, , quantity, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , ], [, , price, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT64, , , ], [, , count, 3, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , ], [, , Deptartment, , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , ], [, , department, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , ], [, , name, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_STRING, , , ], [, , product, 3, LABEL_REPEATED, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Product, , ], [, , summary, 4, LABEL_OPTIONAL, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Summary, , ], [, , Store, , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , ], [, , store, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , ], [, , name, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_STRING, , , ], [, , department, 3, LABEL_REPEATED, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Deptartment, , ], [, , order, 4, LABEL_REPEATED, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Order, , ], [, , summary, 5, LABEL_OPTIONAL, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Summary, , ], [, , , , , , , , ]]')
		select('LayoutCombo', 'Prefered')
##		assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , ], [, , StoreSales3.proto, net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3, [], , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , ], [, , Product, , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , ], [, , keycode, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , ], [, , saleDate, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , ], [, , quantity, 3, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , ], [, , price, 4, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT64, , , , ], [, , Order, , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , ], [, , keycode, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , ], [, , quantity, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , ], [, , Summary, , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , ], [, , quantity, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , ], [, , price, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT64, , , , ], [, , count, 3, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , ], [, , Deptartment, , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , ], [, , department, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , ], [, , name, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_STRING, , , , ], [, , product, 3, LABEL_REPEATED, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Product, , , ], [, , summary, 4, LABEL_OPTIONAL, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Summary, , , ], [, , Store, , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , ], [, , store, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , ], [, , name, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_STRING, , , , ], [, , department, 3, LABEL_REPEATED, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Deptartment, , , ], [, , order, 4, LABEL_REPEATED, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Order, , , ], [, , summary, 5, LABEL_OPTIONAL, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Summary, , , ], [, , , , , , SPEED, , , ]]')
		assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , StoreSales3.proto, net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3, [], [], [], , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , Product, , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , keycode, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , , ], [, , saleDate, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , , ], [, , quantity, 3, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , , ], [, , price, 4, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT64, , , , , ], [, , Order, , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , keycode, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , , ], [, , quantity, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , , ], [, , Summary, , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , quantity, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , , ], [, , price, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT64, , , , , ], [, , count, 3, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , , ], [, , Deptartment, , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , department, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , , ], [, , name, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_STRING, , , , , ], [, , product, 3, LABEL_REPEATED, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Product, , , , ], [, , summary, 4, LABEL_OPTIONAL, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Summary, , , , ], [, , Store, , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , store, 1, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_INT32, , , , , ], [, , name, 2, LABEL_REQUIRED, TYPE_STRING, , , , , ], [, , department, 3, LABEL_REPEATED, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Deptartment, , , , ], [, , order, 4, LABEL_REPEATED, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Order, , , , ], [, , summary, 5, LABEL_OPTIONAL, TYPE_MESSAGE, .net.sf.RecordEditor.ProtoBuf.re.Test.Sales3.Summary, , , , ], [, , , , , , SPEED, , , , ]]')

예제 #34
def test():
	from Modules import commonBits
	java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_17'

	if window('Protocol Buffer Editor'):
		select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protoStoreSales3.bin')
		select('FileChooser1',  commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'StoreSales3.protocomp')
		click('Uncheck Records')
		select('Table', 'cell:Include,0(false)')
		select('Table2', 'cell:Field,0(null)')
		select('Table2', 'keycode', 'Field,0')
		select('Table2', '66', 'Value,0')
		select('Table2', 'quantity', 'Field,1')
		select('Table2', '-1', 'Value,1')
		select('Table2', 'cell:Value,1()')
		select('Table', 'cell:2|saleDate,4(40118)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[61664713, 40118, -1, -17990], [68644966, 40118, -1, -12500], [60614866, 40118, -1, -4800], [60614866, 40118, -1, -4800], [60664048, 40118, -1, -4800], [60664048, 40118, -1, -4800], [60664048, 40118, -1, -4800], [66624803, 40118, -1, -2000], [66624889, 40118, -1, -2000], [69664171, 40118, -1, -27950], [62664183, 40118, -1, -20990], [69664620, 40118, -1, -11890], [68664363, 40118, -1, -29950], [64664587, 40118, -1, -16990], [66614582, 40118, -1, -15990], [69664149, 40118, -1, -5990], [69664163, 40118, -1, -1390], [66614192, 40118, -1, -1230], [66614192, 40118, -1, -1230]]')
예제 #35
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits

    java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_03'

    if window(commonBits.applicationName()):
        if window('Open'):
            ##			select('FilePane$3', 'Ams_LocDownload_20041228.bin')
            select(commonBits.selectPaneFn(), 'Ams_LocDownload_20041228.bin')

               commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'Ams_Location.protocomp')

        #commonBits.setRecordLayout(select, 'ams Store')

        ##		select('Table', 'rows:[0,1,2,3,4,5],columns:[2|Loc_Nbr,3|Loc_Type]')
        select('LinesTbl', 'rows:[0,1,2,3,4,5],columns:[3|Loc_Type]')
        select_menu('View>>Column View #{Selected Records#}')
        ##		select('Table2', 'rows:[0,1,2,3,4,5],columns:[2|Loc_Nbr,3|Loc_Type]')
        select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'cell:Row 1,0(TAR)')
        assert_p('Table', 'Text', '', 'Len,0')

        select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'cell:Row 1,1(5839)')
            'BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'Content',
            '[[TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR], [5839, 5850, 5853, 5866, 5015, 5019], [DC, DC, DC, DC, ST, ST], [DC - Taras Ave, VIC West Ad Support, NSW North Sydney Ad Support, WA Ad Support, Bankstown, Penrith], [, , , , Bankstown, Penrith], [30-68 Taras Ave, Lot 2 Little Boundary Rd, , , Unit 2, 39-41 Allingham Street, 58 Leland Street], [Altona North, Laverton, , , Condell Park, Penrith], [3025, 3028, , , 2200, 2750], [VIC, VIC, , , NSW, NSW], [A, A, A, A, A, A]]'
        select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'cell:Row 1,1(5839)')
        select('LinesTbl', 'rows:[0,1,2,3,4,5],columns:[2|Loc_Nbr,3|Loc_Type]')
        select('LinesTbl', 'rows:[8,11,15],columns:[2|Loc_Nbr,3|Loc_Type]')
예제 #36
def test():
	from Modules import commonBits
	java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_22'

	if window('Protocol Buffer Editor'):
##		select('File_Txt', r'C:\Users\BruceTst/.RecordEditor/ProtoBuf\SampleFiles/testExt01b.bin')
		select('File_Txt', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'xTestExt03b.bin')
##		select('Proto Definition_Txt', r'C:\Users\BruceTst\.RecordEditor\ProtoBuf\CopyBook\Extension03a.proto')
		select('File Structure_Txt', 'Single Message')
##		click('Edit1')
		select('Proto Definition_Txt', commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'Extension03.proto')
		select('TabbedPane', 'Record: ')
		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', '123', 'Data,0')
		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'n 123', 'Data,1')
		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Data,1()')

		if window('Record Selection'):

		select('TabbedPane', 'Record:')
		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', '456', 'Data,0')
		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', 'n 456', 'Data,1')
		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', 'cell:Text,1(n 456)')
		assert_p('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', 'Content', '[[B, 1, , UINT64, 456, 456], [eventName, 1, , STRING, n 456, n 456], [qtab, 2, , STRING, [], []]]')
		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', 'cell:Text,1(n 456)')
##		select('TabbedPane', 'Record:')
		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl2', '1234', 'Data,0')
		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl2', 'cell:Text,0(1234)')
		assert_p('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl2', 'Content', '[[text, 1, , STRING, 1234, 1234]]')

		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl2', 'cell:Text,0(1234)')
		click('Tree View')
		select('TabbedPane', 'Tree View')
##		select('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', '')
		rightclick('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Tree,0')
		select_menu('Fully Expand Tree')
		assert_p('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content', '[[, , 123, n 123], [, , , ], [, , , ]]')
		select('LineTreeChild.Layouts_Txt', 'Prefered')
		assert_p('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content', '[[, , 123, n 123, ], [, , 456, n 456, []], [, , 1234, , ]]')
		select('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Tree,0(null)')
		rightclick('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Tree,0')
		select('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Tree,0(null)')
##		select('TabbedPane', 'Record:')
		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl3', 'nnnn', 'Data,0')
		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl3', 'cell:Text,0(nnnn)')
		assert_p('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl3', 'Content', '[[text, 1, , STRING, nnnn, nnnn]]')
		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl3', 'cell:Text,0(nnnn)')
		click('Tree View')
		select('TabbedPane', 'Tree View')
##		select('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', '')
		rightclick('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Tree,0')
		select_menu('Fully Expand Tree')
		assert_p('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content', '[[, , 123, n 123, ], [, , 456, n 456, []], [, , 1234, , ], [, , , , ], [, , nnnn, , ]]')
		select('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Tree,0(null)')
##		select('TabbedPane', 'Record:')
		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl4', '45678', 'Data,0')
		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl4', 'cell:Text,0(45678)')
		assert_p('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl4', 'Content', '[[text, 1, , STRING, 45678, 45678]]')
		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl4', 'cell:Text,0(45678)')
		click('Tree View')
		select('TabbedPane', 'Tree View')
		assert_p('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content', '[[, , 123, n 123, ], [, , 456, n 456, []], [, , 1234, , ], [, , , , ], [, , nnnn, , ], [, , 45678, , ]]')
		assert_p('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content', '[[, , 123, n 123], [, , , ], [, , , ], [, , , ], [, , , ], [, , , ]]')
		select('LineTreeChild.Layouts_Txt', 'Prefered')
		assert_p('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content', '[[, , 123, n 123, ], [, , 456, n 456, []], [, , 1234, , ], [, , , , ], [, , nnnn, , ], [, , 45678, , ]]')
		select('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Tree,0(null)')
예제 #37
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    java_recorded_version = '1.7.0_51'

    if window(commonBits.applicationName()):
        select('File_Txt', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'oneOfTest.bin')
        select('Proto Definition_Txt',
               commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'oneOfTest.protocomp')
        select('TabbedPane', 'Record: ')
            'LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[name, 1, , STRING, , ], [intFld, 2, , INT32, , ], [strFld, 3, , STRING, , ], [doubleFld, 4, , DOUBLE, , ], [boolFld, 5, , BOOL, , ], [typeOfSale, 6, , ENUM, , ], [intFld2, 7, , INT32, , ], [strFld2, 8, , STRING, , ], [doubleFld2, 9, , DOUBLE, , ], [boolFld2, 10, , BOOL, , ], [typeOfSale2, 11, , ENUM, , ]]'
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', '11', 'Data,0')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Text,0(11)')
            'LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[name, 1, , STRING, 11, 11], [intFld, 2, , INT32, , ], [strFld, 3, , STRING, , ], [doubleFld, 4, , DOUBLE, , ], [boolFld, 5, , BOOL, , ], [typeOfSale, 6, , ENUM, , ], [intFld2, 7, , INT32, , ], [strFld2, 8, , STRING, , ], [doubleFld2, 9, , DOUBLE, , ], [boolFld2, 10, , BOOL, , ], [typeOfSale2, 11, , ENUM, , ]]'
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', '22', 'Data,1')
        ##		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Text,1(22)')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', '22', 'Data,1')
        ##		commonBits.doSleep()
            'LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[name, 1, , STRING, 11, 11], [intFld, 2, , INT32, 22, 22], [strFld, 3, , STRING, , ], [doubleFld, 4, , DOUBLE, , ], [boolFld, 5, , BOOL, , ], [typeOfSale, 6, , ENUM, , ], [intFld2, 7, , INT32, , ], [strFld2, 8, , STRING, , ], [doubleFld2, 9, , DOUBLE, , ], [boolFld2, 10, , BOOL, , ], [typeOfSale2, 11, , ENUM, , ]]'
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', '33', 'Data,2')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Text,2(33)')
            'LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[name, 1, , STRING, 11, 11], [intFld, 2, , INT32, , ], [strFld, 3, , STRING, 33, 33], [doubleFld, 4, , DOUBLE, , ], [boolFld, 5, , BOOL, , ], [typeOfSale, 6, , ENUM, , ], [intFld2, 7, , INT32, , ], [strFld2, 8, , STRING, , ], [doubleFld2, 9, , DOUBLE, , ], [boolFld2, 10, , BOOL, , ], [typeOfSale2, 11, , ENUM, , ]]'
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Text,2(33)')
        click('Tree View')
        select('TabbedPane', 'Tree View')
        assert_p('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
                 '[[, , 11, , 33, , , , , , , , ]]')
        select('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', '44.0', 'doubleFld,0')
        ##		select('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', '')
        assert_p('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
                 '[[, , 11, , , 44.0, , , , , , , ]]')
        click('Record:  TestOneOf')
        select('TabbedPane', 'Record: ')
            'LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[name, 1, , STRING, 11, 11], [intFld, 2, , INT32, , ], [strFld, 3, , STRING, , ], [doubleFld, 4, , DOUBLE, 44.0, 44.0], [boolFld, 5, , BOOL, , ], [typeOfSale, 6, , ENUM, , ], [intFld2, 7, , INT32, , ], [strFld2, 8, , STRING, , ], [doubleFld2, 9, , DOUBLE, , ], [boolFld2, 10, , BOOL, , ], [typeOfSale2, 11, , ENUM, , ]]'
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'true', 'Data,4')
        ##		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Data,3()')

        ##		if window('Conversion Error'):
        ##			click('OK')
        ##			click('Cancel')
        ##			assert_p('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content', '[[name, 1, , STRING, 11, 11], [intFld, 2, , INT32, , ], [strFld, 3, , STRING, , ], [doubleFld, 4, , DOUBLE, , ], [boolFld, 5, , BOOL, true, true], [typeOfSale, 6, , ENUM, , ], [intFld2, 7, , INT32, , ], [strFld2, 8, , STRING, , ], [doubleFld2, 9, , DOUBLE, , ], [boolFld2, 10, , BOOL, , ], [typeOfSale2, 11, , ENUM, , ]]')
        ##		close()

        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'OTHER', 'Data,5')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Text,5(OTHER)')
            'LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[name, 1, , STRING, 11, 11], [intFld, 2, , INT32, , ], [strFld, 3, , STRING, , ], [doubleFld, 4, , DOUBLE, , ], [boolFld, 5, , BOOL, , ], [typeOfSale, 6, , ENUM, OTHER, OTHER], [intFld2, 7, , INT32, , ], [strFld2, 8, , STRING, , ], [doubleFld2, 9, , DOUBLE, , ], [boolFld2, 10, , BOOL, , ], [typeOfSale2, 11, , ENUM, , ]]'
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', '11', 'Data,6')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', '11', 'Data,6')
        ##		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Text,6(11)')
        ##		commonBits.doSleep()
            'LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[name, 1, , STRING, 11, 11], [intFld, 2, , INT32, , ], [strFld, 3, , STRING, , ], [doubleFld, 4, , DOUBLE, , ], [boolFld, 5, , BOOL, , ], [typeOfSale, 6, , ENUM, OTHER, OTHER], [intFld2, 7, , INT32, 11, 11], [strFld2, 8, , STRING, , ], [doubleFld2, 9, , DOUBLE, , ], [boolFld2, 10, , BOOL, , ], [typeOfSale2, 11, , ENUM, , ]]'
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', '22', 'Data,7')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Text,7(22)')
            'LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[name, 1, , STRING, 11, 11], [intFld, 2, , INT32, , ], [strFld, 3, , STRING, , ], [doubleFld, 4, , DOUBLE, , ], [boolFld, 5, , BOOL, , ], [typeOfSale, 6, , ENUM, OTHER, OTHER], [intFld2, 7, , INT32, , ], [strFld2, 8, , STRING, 22, 22], [doubleFld2, 9, , DOUBLE, , ], [boolFld2, 10, , BOOL, , ], [typeOfSale2, 11, , ENUM, , ]]'
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', '33.0', 'Data,8')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', '33.0', 'Data,8')
        ##		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Text,8(33.0)')
            'LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[name, 1, , STRING, 11, 11], [intFld, 2, , INT32, , ], [strFld, 3, , STRING, , ], [doubleFld, 4, , DOUBLE, , ], [boolFld, 5, , BOOL, , ], [typeOfSale, 6, , ENUM, OTHER, OTHER], [intFld2, 7, , INT32, , ], [strFld2, 8, , STRING, , ], [doubleFld2, 9, , DOUBLE, 33.0, 33.0], [boolFld2, 10, , BOOL, , ], [typeOfSale2, 11, , ENUM, , ]]'
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'true', 'Data,9')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Text,8()')
            'LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[name, 1, , STRING, 11, 11], [intFld, 2, , INT32, , ], [strFld, 3, , STRING, , ], [doubleFld, 4, , DOUBLE, , ], [boolFld, 5, , BOOL, , ], [typeOfSale, 6, , ENUM, OTHER, OTHER], [intFld2, 7, , INT32, , ], [strFld2, 8, , STRING, , ], [doubleFld2, 9, , DOUBLE, , ], [boolFld2, 10, , BOOL, true, true], [typeOfSale2, 11, , ENUM, , ]]'
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'OTHER', 'Data,10')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'OTHER', 'Data,10')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Text,10(OTHER)')
            'LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[name, 1, , STRING, 11, 11], [intFld, 2, , INT32, , ], [strFld, 3, , STRING, , ], [doubleFld, 4, , DOUBLE, , ], [boolFld, 5, , BOOL, , ], [typeOfSale, 6, , ENUM, OTHER, OTHER], [intFld2, 7, , INT32, , ], [strFld2, 8, , STRING, , ], [doubleFld2, 9, , DOUBLE, , ], [boolFld2, 10, , BOOL, , ], [typeOfSale2, 11, , ENUM, OTHER, OTHER]]'
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Text,10(OTHER)')
        click('Tree View')
        select('TabbedPane', 'Tree View')
        select('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:strFld,0()')
        assert_p('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
                 '[[, , 11, , , , , OTHER, , , , , OTHER]]')
        select('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:strFld,0()')
        click('DisplayFrame$TabButton1', 63, 22)
        select('TabbedPane', 'Record: ')

        if window('Record Selection'):

        select('TabbedPane', 'Record:')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', '1', 'Data,2')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', '11.0', 'Data,3')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', '111', 'Data,0')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', 'cell:Text,0(111)')
            'LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', 'Content',
            '[[item, 1, , STRING, 111, 111], [type, 2, , ENUM, OTHER, OTHER], [qty, 3, , INT32, 1, 1], [value, 4, , DOUBLE, 11.0, 11.0]]'
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', 'cell:Text,0(111)')
        click('Record:  TestOneOf')
        select('TabbedPane', 'Record: ')
            'LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[name, 1, , STRING, 11, 11], [intFld, 2, , INT32, , ], [strFld, 3, , STRING, , ], [doubleFld, 4, , DOUBLE, , ], [boolFld, 5, , BOOL, , ], [typeOfSale, 6, , ENUM, , ], [intFld2, 7, , INT32, , ], [strFld2, 8, , STRING, , ], [doubleFld2, 9, , DOUBLE, , ], [boolFld2, 10, , BOOL, , ], [typeOfSale2, 11, , ENUM, OTHER, OTHER]]'
        click('Tree View')
        select('TabbedPane', 'Tree View')
        ##		select('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', '')
        rightclick('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Tree,0')
        select_menu('Expand Tree')
        select('LineTreeChild.Layouts_Txt', 'Prefered')
            'LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[, , 11, , , , , , , , , , OTHER], [, , 111, OTHER, 1, 11.0, , , , , , , ]]'
        click('Record:  TestOneOf')
        select('TabbedPane', 'Record: ')
            'LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[name, 1, , STRING, 11, 11], [intFld, 2, , INT32, , ], [strFld, 3, , STRING, , ], [doubleFld, 4, , DOUBLE, , ], [boolFld, 5, , BOOL, , ], [typeOfSale, 6, , ENUM, , ], [intFld2, 7, , INT32, , ], [strFld2, 8, , STRING, , ], [doubleFld2, 9, , DOUBLE, , ], [boolFld2, 10, , BOOL, , ], [typeOfSale2, 11, , ENUM, OTHER, OTHER]]'
        ##		select('TabbedPane', 'Record:')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl2', '22', 'Data,0')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl2', 'SALE', 'Data,1')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl2', '2', 'Data,2')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl2', '22.2', 'Data,3')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl2', 'cell:Text,3(22.2)')
            'LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl2', 'Content',
            '[[item, 1, , STRING, 22, 22], [type, 2, , ENUM, SALE, SALE], [qty, 3, , INT32, 2, 2], [value, 4, , DOUBLE, 22.2, 22.2]]'
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl2', 'cell:Text,3(22.2)')
        click('Record:  TestOneOf')
        select('TabbedPane', 'Record: ')
            'LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[name, 1, , STRING, 11, 11], [intFld, 2, , INT32, , ], [strFld, 3, , STRING, , ], [doubleFld, 4, , DOUBLE, , ], [boolFld, 5, , BOOL, , ], [typeOfSale, 6, , ENUM, , ], [intFld2, 7, , INT32, , ], [strFld2, 8, , STRING, , ], [doubleFld2, 9, , DOUBLE, , ], [boolFld2, 10, , BOOL, , ], [typeOfSale2, 11, , ENUM, , ]]'
        click('DisplayFrame$TabButton', 3, 4)
        select('TabbedPane', 'Tree View')
            'LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[, , 11, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , 111, OTHER, 1, 11.0, , , , , , , ], [, , 22, SALE, 2, 22.2, , , , , , , ]]'

        if window(r'Save Changes to file: ' + commonBits.sampleDir() +

        select('LineTreeChild.Layouts_Txt', 'Prefered')
            'LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[, , 11, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , 111, OTHER, 1, 11.0, , , , , , , ], [, , 22, SALE, 2, 22.2, , , , , , , ]]'
        ##		select('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', '')
        rightclick('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Tree,0')

        select_menu('Edit Record')

        ####		select('TabbedPane', 'Record: ')
        ####		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', '22.0', 'Data,8')
        ####		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', '22.0', 'Data,8')
        ####		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Text,8(22.0)')
        ##		assert_p('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content', '[[name, 1, , STRING, 11, 11], [intFld, 2, , INT32, , ], [strFld, 3, , STRING, , ], [doubleFld, 4, , DOUBLE, , ], [boolFld, 5, , BOOL, , ], [typeOfSale, 6, , ENUM, , ], [intFld2, 7, , INT32, , ], [strFld2, 8, , STRING, , ], [doubleFld2, 9, , DOUBLE, 22.0, 22.0], [boolFld2, 10, , BOOL, , ], [typeOfSale2, 11, , ENUM, , ]]')
        ##		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Text,8(22.0)')
        ##		click('Tree View')
        ##		select('TabbedPane', 'Tree View')
        ##		click('Record:  TestOneOf')
        ##		select('TabbedPane', 'Record: ')
        ##		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Data,6()')
        ##		click('Tree View')
        ##		select('TabbedPane', 'Tree View')
        ##	close()

        ####	if window('Conversion Error(1)'):
        ####		click('Cancel')
        ####	close()

        ####	if window('Conversion Error'):
        ####		click('OK')
        ####	close()

        ##	if window(commonBits.applicationName()):
        ##		rightclick('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Tree,0')
        ##		select_menu('Edit Record')
        select('TabbedPane', 'Record: ')

        ##		select('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'all')
        ##		click('Delete2')
예제 #38
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    import os
    java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_17'

    if window(commonBits.applicationName()):
        ##		select('FileNameTxtFld1', r'C:\Program Files\RecordEdit\ProtoBuf/CopyBook/sales.protocomp')
        ##		select('ComboBox1', 'Compiled Proto')

        ##		select('FileNameTxtFld', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'zzCreateSales.bin')
               commonBits.sampleDir() + 'zzCreateSales3xx.bin')
               commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'StoreSales3.protocomp')
        select('ComboBox1', 'Compiled Proto')
        assert_p('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'Text', '')
        select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', '11', 'Data,0')
        select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', '22', 'Data,1')
        select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'cell:Data,0(11)')
        select('LayoutCombo', 'Store')
        assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , 11, 22]]')
        ##		select_menu('Utilities>>Compare with Disk')
        select('JTreeTable', 'cell:store,0(11)')

        if window('Record Selection'):
###			assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[department, 1, , 0, 0], [name, 2, , , ]]')
        assert_p('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'Content',
                 '[[department, 1, , 0, 0], [name, 2, , , ]]')

        select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', '321', 'Data,0')
        select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'Dept 321', 'Data,1')
        select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'cell:Data,0(321)')

        if window('Record Selection'):
##			assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[keycode, 1, , 0, 0], [saleDate, 2, , 0, 0], [quantity, 3, , 0, 0], [price, 4, , 0, 0]]')

            'BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'Content',
            '[[keycode, 1, , 0, 0], [saleDate, 2, , 0, 0], [quantity, 3, , 0, 0], [price, 4, , 0, 0]]'
        select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', '12345', 'Data,0')
        select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', '1111', 'Data,1')
        select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', '11', 'Data,2')
        select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', '11000', 'Data,3')
        select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'cell:Data,2(11)')
            'BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'Content',
            '[[keycode, 1, , 12345, 12345], [saleDate, 2, , 1111, 1111], [quantity, 3, , 11, 11], [price, 4, , 11000, 11000]]'
        select_menu('Window>>zzCreateSales3xx.bin>>Tree View')
        ##		select('JTreeTable', '')
        rightclick('JTreeTable', 'Tree,0')
        select_menu('Fully Expand Tree')
        assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content',
                 '[[, , 11, 22], [, , , ], [, , , ], [, , , ], [, , , ]]')
        select('LayoutCombo', 'Prefered')
            'JTreeTable', 'Content',
            '[[, , 11, 22, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 321, Dept 321, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 12345, 1111, 11, 11000]]'
        ##		select('JTreeTable', '')
        rightclick('JTreeTable', 'Tree,4')
        select_menu('Edit Record')
            'BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'Content',
            '[[keycode, 1, , 12345, 12345], [saleDate, 2, , 1111, 1111], [quantity, 3, , 11, 11], [price, 4, , 11000, 11000]]'
            'BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'Content',
            '[[department, 1, , 321, 321], [name, 2, , Dept 321, Dept 321]]')
        assert_p('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'Content',
                 '[[store, 1, , 11, 11], [name, 2, , 22, 22]]')
        select_menu('Window>>zzCreateSales3xx.bin>>Tree View')
        select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'cell:Data,0(0)')
        assert_p('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'Content',
                 '[[store, 1, , 0, 0], [name, 2, , , ]]')
        select_menu('Window>>zzCreateSales3xx.bin>>Tree View')
        os.remove(commonBits.sampleDir() + 'zzCreateSales3xx.bin')

예제 #39
파일: Enum8.py 프로젝트: java-tools/jrec
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_17'

    if window(commonBits.applicationName()):
        select('FileNameTxtFld', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protoSales11.bin')
        select('ComboBox1', 'Compiled Proto')
               commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'Sales11.protocomp')
        select('ComboBox1', 'Compiled Proto')
        select('LinesTbl', 'cell:2|store,0(20)')
        rightclick('LinesTbl', '5|quantity,3')
        ##		select('LinesTbl', 'cell:2|store,0(20)')
        select_menu('Edit Record')
        ##		select('Table1', 'cell:2|store,0(20)')
        select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'RETURN', 'Data,8')
        select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'cell:Text,9(DEBIT_CARD)')
            'BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'Content',
            '[[keycode, 1, , 69694158, 69694158], [store, 2, , 20, 20], [department, 3, , 280, 280], [saleDate, 4, , 40118, 40118], [quantity, 5, , 1, 1], [price, 6, , 19000, 19000], [priceFloat, 7, , 19.0, 19.0], [priceDouble, 8, , 19.0, 19.0], [saleType, 9, , RETURN, RETURN], [paymentType, 10, , DEBIT_CARD, DEBIT_CARD], [strArray, 11, , [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\',\' 0 1 2\'], [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\',\' 0 1 2\']]]'
        select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'cell:Text,9(DEBIT_CARD)')
        ##		select('Table2', 'cell:Text,9(DEBIT_CARD)')
        select('LinesTbl', 'cell:2|store,0(20)')
        select('LinesTbl', 'cell:2|store,0(20)')
        assert_p('LinesTbl', 'Text', 'RETURN', '9|saleType,3')
        select('LinesTbl', 'cell:2|store,0(20)')
        assert_p('LinesTbl', 'Text', 'cell:2|store,0(20)')
        select('LinesTbl', 'cell:2|store,0(20)')
        assert_p('LinesTbl', 'Text', 'cell:2|store,0(20)')
        select('LinesTbl', '', '10|paymentType,3')
        select('LinesTbl', 'cell:10|paymentType,3(DEBIT_CARD)')
        ##		assert_p('LinesTbl', 'Text', 'cell:10|paymentType,3(DEBIT_CARD)')
            'BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'Content',
            '[[keycode, 1, , 69694158, 69694158], [store, 2, , 20, 20], [department, 3, , 280, 280], [saleDate, 4, , 40118, 40118], [quantity, 5, , 1, 1], [price, 6, , 19000, 19000], [priceFloat, 7, , 19.0, 19.0], [priceDouble, 8, , 19.0, 19.0], [saleType, 9, , RETURN, RETURN], [paymentType, 10, , , ], [strArray, 11, , [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\',\' 0 1 2\'], [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\',\' 0 1 2\']]]'
        select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'CREDIT_CARD', 'Data,9')
        select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'cell:Data,6(19.0)')
            'BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'Content',
            '[[keycode, 1, , 69694158, 69694158], [store, 2, , 20, 20], [department, 3, , 280, 280], [saleDate, 4, , 40118, 40118], [quantity, 5, , 1, 1], [price, 6, , 19000, 19000], [priceFloat, 7, , 19.0, 19.0], [priceDouble, 8, , 19.0, 19.0], [saleType, 9, , RETURN, RETURN], [paymentType, 10, , CREDIT_CARD, CREDIT_CARD], [strArray, 11, , [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\',\' 0 1 2\'], [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\',\' 0 1 2\']]]'
        assert_p('LinesTbl', 'Text', 'cell:10|paymentType,3(CREDIT_CARD)')
        select('LinesTbl', 'cell:10|paymentType,3(CREDIT_CARD)')
        select('LinesTbl', 'CASH', '10|paymentType,3')
        select('LinesTbl', 'cell:10|paymentType,3(CREDIT_CARD)')
        assert_p('LinesTbl', 'Text', 'CASH', '10|paymentType,3')
            'BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'Content',
            '[[keycode, 1, , 69694158, 69694158], [store, 2, , 20, 20], [department, 3, , 280, 280], [saleDate, 4, , 40118, 40118], [quantity, 5, , 1, 1], [price, 6, , 19000, 19000], [priceFloat, 7, , 19.0, 19.0], [priceDouble, 8, , 19.0, 19.0], [saleType, 9, , RETURN, RETURN], [paymentType, 10, , CASH, CASH], [strArray, 11, , [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\',\' 0 1 2\'], [\'\',\' 0\',\' 0 1\',\' 0 1 2\']]]'

##		if window('Save Changes to file: ' + commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protosales11.bin'):
##			click('No')
##		close()
예제 #40
def test():
	from Modules import commonBits
	java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_17'

	if window('Protocol Buffer Editor'):
		select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protoStoreSales3.bin')
		select('FileChooser1',  commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'StoreSales3.protocomp')
		select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Tree,1(null)')
		rightclick('JTreeTable', 'Tree,1')
		select_menu('Expand Tree')
		select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Tree,2(null)')
		rightclick('JTreeTable', 'Tree,2')
		select_menu('Expand Tree')
		select('LayoutCombo', 'Deptartment')
		select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Tree,12(null)')
		rightclick('JTreeTable', 'Tree,12')
		select_menu('Expand Tree')
		select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Tree,13(null)')
		rightclick('JTreeTable', 'Tree,13')
		select_menu('Expand Tree')
		select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Tree,5(null)')
		assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , , ], [, , , ], [, , , ], [, , 335, Department: 335], [, , 410, Department: 410], [, , 620, Department: 620], [, , 878, Department: 878], [, , 929, Department: 929], [, , 957, Department: 957], [, , , ], [, , , ], [, , , ], [, , , ], [, , , ], [, , 60, Department: 60], [, , 70, Department: 70], [, , 80, Department: 80], [, , 160, Department: 160], [, , 170, Department: 170], [, , 193, Department: 193], [, , 220, Department: 220], [, , 230, Department: 230], [, , 235, Department: 235], [, , 250, Department: 250], [, , 261, Department: 261], [, , 265, Department: 265], [, , 270, Department: 270], [, , 275, Department: 275], [, , 280, Department: 280], [, , 290, Department: 290], [, , 310, Department: 310], [, , 320, Department: 320], [, , 345, Department: 345], [, , 350, Department: 350], [, , 355, Department: 355], [, , 366, Department: 366], [, , 375, Department: 375], [, , 405, Department: 405], [, , 415, Department: 415], [, , 432, Department: 432], [, , 471, Department: 471], [, , 475, Department: 475], [, , 485, Department: 485], [, , 490, Department: 490], [, , 500, Department: 500], [, , 530, Department: 530], [, , 590, Department: 590], [, , 620, Department: 620], [, , 650, Department: 650], [, , 670, Department: 670], [, , 801, Department: 801], [, , 805, Department: 805], [, , 830, Department: 830], [, , 845, Department: 845], [, , 851, Department: 851], [, , 855, Department: 855], [, , 870, Department: 870], [, , 875, Department: 875], [, , 878, Department: 878], [, , 901, Department: 901], [, , 902, Department: 902], [, , 903, Department: 903], [, , 904, Department: 904], [, , 905, Department: 905], [, , 929, Department: 929], [, , 940, Department: 940], [, , 957, Department: 957], [, , 970, Department: 970], [, , 998, Department: 998], [, , , ], [, , , ]]')
#		select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Tree,15(null)')
#		click('MetalInternalFrameTitlePane', 653, 14)
##		zzzzzzzzzzz
#		select('JTreeTable', 'rows:[15],columns:[Tree]')
#		select('JTreeTable', 'rows:[15,16],columns:[Tree]')

		select('LayoutCombo', 'Deptartment')
		select('JTreeTable', 'rows:[15,16],columns:[department]')
##		zzzzzzzzzzz
		select_menu('Edit>>Copy Record#{s#}')
		select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Tree,3(null)')
		select_menu('Edit>>Paste Record#{s#}')
		select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Tree,15(null)')
		rightclick('JTreeTable', 'Tree,15')
		select_menu('Collapse Tree')
		select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Tree,3(null)')
		assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , , ], [, , , ], [, , , ], [, , 335, Department: 335], [, , 70, Department: 70], [, , 80, Department: 80], [, , 410, Department: 410], [, , 620, Department: 620], [, , 878, Department: 878], [, , 929, Department: 929], [, , 957, Department: 957], [, , , ], [, , , ], [, , , ], [, , , ], [, , , ], [, , , ], [, , , ]]')
		select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Tree,4(null)')
		rightclick('JTreeTable', 'Tree,4')
		select_menu('Fully Expand Tree')
		select('LayoutCombo', 'Product')
		select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Tree,17(null)')
		rightclick('JTreeTable', 'Tree,17')
		select_menu('Expand Tree')
		select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Tree,18(null)')
		rightclick('JTreeTable', 'Tree,18')
		select_menu('Expand Tree')
		select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Tree,4(null)')
		assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 64614285, 40118, 1, 22990], [, , 67654448, 40118, 1, 23000], [, , 67654448, 40118, -1, -23000], [, , 67654448, 40118, 1, 19010], [, , 68614241, 40118, 1, 12990], [, , 68614787, 40118, 1, 27990], [, , 68634061, 40118, 1, 27990], [, , 69644337, 40118, 1, 29990], [, , 69654081, 40118, 1, 12990], [, , 69654135, 40118, 1, 12990], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 68664957, 40118, 1, 13990], [, , 69634699, 40118, 1, 20990], [, , 69634712, 40118, 1, 20990], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ]]')
		select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Tree,4(null)')
		rightclick('JTreeTable', 'Tree,4')
		select_menu('Edit Record')
		select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Tree,4(null)')
		select('Table', 'cell:Data,0(70)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[department, 1, , 70, 70], [name, 2, , Department: 70, Department: 70]]')
		select('Table', 'cell:Data,0(80)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[department, 1, , 80, 80], [name, 2, , Department: 80, Department: 80]]')
		select('Table', 'cell:Data,0(64614285)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[keycode, 1, , 64614285, 64614285], [saleDate, 2, , 40118, 40118], [quantity, 3, , 1, 1], [price, 4, , 22990, 22990]]')
		select('Table', 'cell:Data,1(40118)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[keycode, 1, , 67654448, 67654448], [saleDate, 2, , 40118, 40118], [quantity, 3, , 1, 1], [price, 4, , 23000, 23000]]')
		select('Table', 'cell:Len,0()')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[keycode, 1, , 67654448, 67654448], [saleDate, 2, , 40118, 40118], [quantity, 3, , -1, -1], [price, 4, , -23000, -23000]]')
		select('Table', 'cell:Len,0()')
		select('Table', 'cell:Data,0(67654448)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[keycode, 1, , 67654448, 67654448], [saleDate, 2, , 40118, 40118], [quantity, 3, , 1, 1], [price, 4, , 19010, 19010]]')
		select('Table', 'cell:Data,0(68614241)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[keycode, 1, , 68614241, 68614241], [saleDate, 2, , 40118, 40118], [quantity, 3, , 1, 1], [price, 4, , 12990, 12990]]')
		select('Table', 'cell:Data,0(68614787)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[keycode, 1, , 68614787, 68614787], [saleDate, 2, , 40118, 40118], [quantity, 3, , 1, 1], [price, 4, , 27990, 27990]]')
		select('Table', 'cell:Data,1(40118)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[keycode, 1, , 68634061, 68634061], [saleDate, 2, , 40118, 40118], [quantity, 3, , 1, 1], [price, 4, , 27990, 27990]]')
		select('Table', 'cell:Data,0(69654081)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[keycode, 1, , 69654081, 69654081], [saleDate, 2, , 40118, 40118], [quantity, 3, , 1, 1], [price, 4, , 12990, 12990]]')
		select('Table', 'cell:Data,0(8)')
		select('Table', 'cell:Len,2()')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[quantity, 1, , 8, 8], [price, 2, , 166940, 166940], [count, 3, , 10, 10]]')
		select('Table', 'cell:Len,2()')
		select_menu('Utilities>>Compare with Disk')
##		select('Table1', 'cell:Len,2()')
		select('Table', 'cell:keycode,5()')
##		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[, Deleted, 1, 70, Department: 70, , ], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 2, 64614285, 40118, 1, 22990], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 3, 67654448, 40118, 1, 23000], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 4, 67654448, 40118, -1, -23000], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 5, 67654448, 40118, 1, 19010], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 6, 68614241, 40118, 1, 12990], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 7, 68614787, 40118, 1, 27990], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 8, 68634061, 40118, 1, 27990], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 9, 69644337, 40118, 1, 29990], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 10, 69654081, 40118, 1, 12990], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 11, 69654135, 40118, 1, 12990], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 12, 8, 166940, 10, ], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 13, 80, Department: 80, , ], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 14, 68664957, 40118, 1, 13990], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 15, 69634699, 40118, 1, 20990], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 16, 69634712, 40118, 1, 20990], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 17, 3, 55970, 3, ], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 56, 70, Department: 70, , ], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 57, 64614285, 40118, 1, 22990], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 58, 67654448, 40118, 1, 23000], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 59, 67654448, 40118, -1, -23000], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 60, 67654448, 40118, 1, 19010], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 61, 68614241, 40118, 1, 12990], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 62, 68614787, 40118, 1, 27990], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 63, 68634061, 40118, 1, 27990], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 64, 69644337, 40118, 1, 29990], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 65, 69654081, 40118, 1, 12990], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 66, 69654135, 40118, 1, 12990], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 67, 8, 166940, 10, ], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 68, 80, Department: 80, , ], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 69, 68664957, 40118, 1, 13990], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 70, 69634699, 40118, 1, 20990], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 71, 69634712, 40118, 1, 20990], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 72, 3, 55970, 3, ], [, , , , , , ]]')
##		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[, Deleted, 39, 70, Department: 70, , ], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 40, 64614285, 40118, 1, 22990], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 41, 67654448, 40118, 1, 23000], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 42, 67654448, 40118, -1, -23000], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 43, 67654448, 40118, 1, 19010], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 44, 68614241, 40118, 1, 12990], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 45, 68614787, 40118, 1, 27990], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 46, 68634061, 40118, 1, 27990], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 47, 69644337, 40118, 1, 29990], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 48, 69654081, 40118, 1, 12990], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 49, 69654135, 40118, 1, 12990], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 50, 8, 166940, 10, ], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 51, 80, Department: 80, , ], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 52, 68664957, 40118, 1, 13990], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 53, 69634699, 40118, 1, 20990], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 54, 69634712, 40118, 1, 20990], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 55, 3, 55970, 3, ], [, , , , , , ]]')

		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 39, 70, Department: 70, , ], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 40, 64614285, 40118, 1, 22990], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 41, 67654448, 40118, 1, 23000], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 42, 67654448, 40118, -1, -23000], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 43, 67654448, 40118, 1, 19010], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 44, 68614241, 40118, 1, 12990], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 45, 68614787, 40118, 1, 27990], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 46, 68634061, 40118, 1, 27990], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 47, 69644337, 40118, 1, 29990], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 48, 69654081, 40118, 1, 12990], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 49, 69654135, 40118, 1, 12990], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 50, 8, 166940, 10, ], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 51, 80, Department: 80, , ], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 52, 68664957, 40118, 1, 13990], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 53, 69634699, 40118, 1, 20990], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 54, 69634712, 40118, 1, 20990], [, , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 55, 3, 55970, 3, ]]')

##		select('Table', 'cell:keycode,5()')
##		click('ScrollPane$ScrollBar', 11, 324)
		select('Table', 'cell:Len,2()')

예제 #41
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_17'

    if window(commonBits.applicationName()):
               commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protoStoreSales3.bin')
               commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'StoreSales3.protocomp')
        ##		select('JTreeTable', '')
        rightclick('JTreeTable', 'Tree,1')
        select_menu('Expand Tree')
        ##		select('JTreeTable', '')
        rightclick('JTreeTable', 'Tree,2')
        select_menu('Expand Tree')
        ##		select('JTreeTable', '')
        rightclick('JTreeTable', 'Tree,3')
        select_menu('Fully Expand Tree')
        select('LayoutCombo', 'Product')
        select('JTreeTable', 'cell:saleDate,5(40118)')
            'JTreeTable', 'Content',
            '[[, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 61664713, 40118, 1, 17990], [, , 61664713, 40118, -1, -17990], [, , 61684613, 40118, 1, 12990], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ]]'
        select('JTreeTable', 'rows:[5,6,7],columns:[saleDate]')
        select_menu('View>>Record View #{Selected Records#}')
        ##		select('JTreeTable', 'rows:[5,6,7],columns:[saleDate]')
        select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'cell:Data,1(40118)')
            'BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'Content',
            '[[keycode, 1, , 61664713, 61664713], [saleDate, 2, , 40118, 40118], [quantity, 3, , 1, 1], [price, 4, , 17990, 17990]]'
        select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'cell:Data,1(40118)')
            'BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'Content',
            '[[keycode, 1, , 61664713, 61664713], [saleDate, 2, , 40118, 40118], [quantity, 3, , -1, -1], [price, 4, , -17990, -17990]]'
        select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', '-11', 'Data,2')
        select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', '-1117990', 'Data,3')
        select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'cell:Data,2(-11)')
            'BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'Content',
            '[[keycode, 1, , 61664713, 61664713], [saleDate, 2, , 40118, 40118], [quantity, 3, , -11, -11], [price, 4, , -1117990, -1117990]]'
        select_menu('Window>>protoStoreSales3.bin>>Tree View')
        select('JTreeTable', 'cell:saleDate,5(40118)')
            'JTreeTable', 'Content',
            '[[, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 61664713, 40118, 1, 17990], [, , 61664713, 40118, -11, -1117990], [, , 61684613, 40118, 1, 12990], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ], [, , , , , ]]'
        select_menu('Utilities>>Compare with Disk')
        select('Table', 'cell:saleDate,0(40118)')
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[, Old, 36, 61664713, 40118, -1, -17990], [, New, 36, , , -11, -1117990]]'
        select('Table', 'cell:saleDate,0(40118)')
        select_menu('Window>>protoStoreSales3.bin>>Tree View')
        select('JTreeTable', '-1', 'quantity,6')
        select('JTreeTable', '-17990', 'price,6')
        ##		select('JTreeTable', '')
        select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'cell:Data,1(40118)')
            'BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'Content',
            '[[keycode, 1, , 61664713, 61664713], [saleDate, 2, , 40118, 40118], [quantity, 3, , -1, -1], [price, 4, , -17990, -17990]]'
        select_menu('Utilities>>Compare with Disk')
        assert_p('TextPane', 'Text', 'Files are Identical !!!')

#		if window('Save Changes to file: ' + commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protoStoreSales3b.bin'):
#			click('No')
#		close()
def test():
	from Modules import commonBits
	import os
	java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_17'

	if window('Protocol Buffer Editor'):
##		select('FileChooser1', r'C:\Program Files\RecordEdit\ProtoBuf/CopyBook/sales.protocomp')
##		select('ComboBox1', 'Compiled Proto')

##		select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'zzCreateSales.bin')
		select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'zzCreateSales3xx.bin')
		select('FileChooser1', commonBits.stdCopybookDir() +'StoreSales3.protocomp')
		select('ComboBox1', 'Compiled Proto')
		assert_p('Table', 'Text', '')
		select('Table', '11', 'Data,0')
		select('Table', '22', 'Data,1')
		select('Table', 'cell:Data,0(11)')
		select('LayoutCombo', 'Store')
		assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , 11, 22]]')
##		select_menu('Utilities>>Compare with Disk')
		select('JTreeTable', 'cell:store,0(11)')

		if window('Record Selection'):
###			assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[department, 1, , 0, 0], [name, 2, , , ]]')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[department, 1, , 0, 0], [name, 2, , , ]]')

		select('Table', '321', 'Data,0')
		select('Table', 'Dept 321', 'Data,1')
		select('Table', 'cell:Data,0(321)')

		if window('Record Selection'):
##			assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[keycode, 1, , 0, 0], [saleDate, 2, , 0, 0], [quantity, 3, , 0, 0], [price, 4, , 0, 0]]')

		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[keycode, 1, , 0, 0], [saleDate, 2, , 0, 0], [quantity, 3, , 0, 0], [price, 4, , 0, 0]]')
		select('Table', '12345', 'Data,0')
		select('Table', '1111', 'Data,1')
		select('Table', '11', 'Data,2')
		select('Table', '11000', 'Data,3')
		select('Table', 'cell:Data,2(11)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[keycode, 1, , 12345, 12345], [saleDate, 2, , 1111, 1111], [quantity, 3, , 11, 11], [price, 4, , 11000, 11000]]')
		select_menu('Window>>zzCreateSales3xx.bin>>Tree View')
##		select('JTreeTable', '')
		rightclick('JTreeTable', 'Tree,0')
		select_menu('Fully Expand Tree')
		assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , 11, 22], [, , , ], [, , , ], [, , , ], [, , , ]]')
		select('LayoutCombo', 'Prefered')
		assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , 11, 22, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 321, Dept 321, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 12345, 1111, 11, 11000]]')
##		select('JTreeTable', '')
		rightclick('JTreeTable', 'Tree,4')
		select_menu('Edit Record')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[keycode, 1, , 12345, 12345], [saleDate, 2, , 1111, 1111], [quantity, 3, , 11, 11], [price, 4, , 11000, 11000]]')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[department, 1, , 321, 321], [name, 2, , Dept 321, Dept 321]]')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[store, 1, , 11, 11], [name, 2, , 22, 22]]')
		select_menu('Window>>zzCreateSales3xx.bin>>Tree View')
		select('Table', 'cell:Data,0(0)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[store, 1, , 0, 0], [name, 2, , , ]]')
		select_menu('Window>>zzCreateSales3xx.bin>>Tree View')
		os.remove(commonBits.sampleDir() + 'zzCreateSales3xx.bin')

예제 #43
def test():
	from Modules import commonBits
	java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_22'

	if window(commonBits.applicationName()):
##		select('File_Txt', r'C:\Users\BruceTst/.RecordEditor/ProtoBuf\SampleFiles/testExt01b.bin')
		select('File_Txt', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'xTestExt03b.bin')
##		select('Proto Definition_Txt', r'C:\Users\BruceTst\.RecordEditor\ProtoBuf\CopyBook\Extension03a.proto')
		select('File Structure_Txt', 'Single Message')
##		click('Edit1')
		select('Proto Definition_Txt', commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'Extension03.proto')
		select('TabbedPane', 'Record: ')
		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', '123', 'Data,0')
		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'n 123', 'Data,1')
		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Data,1()')

		if window('Record Selection'):

		select('TabbedPane', 'Record:')
		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', '456', 'Data,0')
		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', 'n 456', 'Data,1')
		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', 'cell:Text,1(n 456)')
		assert_p('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', 'Content', '[[B, 1, , UINT64, 456, 456], [eventName, 2, , STRING, n 456, n 456], [qtab, 2, , STRING, [], []]]')
		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', 'cell:Text,1(n 456)')
##		select('TabbedPane', 'Record:')
		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl2', '1234', 'Data,0')
		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl2', 'cell:Text,0(1234)')
		assert_p('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl2', 'Content', '[[text, 1, , STRING, 1234, 1234]]')

		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl2', 'cell:Text,0(1234)')
		click('Tree View')
		select('TabbedPane', 'Tree View')
##		select('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', '')
		rightclick('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Tree,0')
		select_menu('Fully Expand Tree')
		assert_p('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content', '[[, , 123, n 123], [, , , ], [, , , ]]')
		select('LineTreeChild.Layouts_Txt', 'Prefered')
		assert_p('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content', '[[, , 123, n 123, ], [, , 456, n 456, []], [, , 1234, , ]]')
		select('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Tree,0(null)')
		rightclick('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Tree,0')
		select('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Tree,0(null)')
##		select('TabbedPane', 'Record:')
		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl3', 'nnnn', 'Data,0')
		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl3', 'cell:Text,0(nnnn)')
		assert_p('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl3', 'Content', '[[text, 1, , STRING, nnnn, nnnn]]')
		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl3', 'cell:Text,0(nnnn)')
		click('Tree View')
		select('TabbedPane', 'Tree View')
##		select('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', '')
		rightclick('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Tree,0')
		select_menu('Fully Expand Tree')
		assert_p('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content', '[[, , 123, n 123, ], [, , 456, n 456, []], [, , 1234, , ], [, , , , ], [, , nnnn, , ]]')
		select('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Tree,0(null)')
##		select('TabbedPane', 'Record:')
		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl4', '45678', 'Data,0')
		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl4', 'cell:Text,0(45678)')
		assert_p('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl4', 'Content', '[[text, 1, , STRING, 45678, 45678]]')
		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl4', 'cell:Text,0(45678)')
		click('Tree View')
		select('TabbedPane', 'Tree View')
		assert_p('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content', '[[, , 123, n 123, ], [, , 456, n 456, []], [, , 1234, , ], [, , , , ], [, , nnnn, , ], [, , 45678, , ]]')
		assert_p('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content', '[[, , 123, n 123], [, , , ], [, , , ], [, , , ], [, , , ], [, , , ]]')
		select('LineTreeChild.Layouts_Txt', 'Prefered')
		assert_p('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content', '[[, , 123, n 123, ], [, , 456, n 456, []], [, , 1234, , ], [, , , , ], [, , nnnn, , ], [, , 45678, , ]]')
		select('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Tree,0(null)')
예제 #44
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    java_recorded_version = '1.7.0_51'

    if window(commonBits.applicationName()):
        select('File_Txt', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'FieldTestOptional.bin')
        select('File Structure_Txt', 'Delimited Messages')
        select('Proto Definition_Txt',
               commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'FieldTestOptional.proto')
        select('TabbedPane', 'Record:')
        select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', '11', 'Data,0')
        select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Data,0()')
        keystroke('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Down', 'Data,0')
        select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', '22', 'Data,1')
        select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Data,1()')
        keystroke('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Down', 'Data,1')
        select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', '33', 'Data,2')
        select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Data,2()')
        keystroke('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Down', 'Data,2')
        select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', '44', 'Data,3')
        select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Data,3()')
        keystroke('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Down', 'Data,3')
        select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', '55', 'Data,4')
        select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Data,4()')
        keystroke('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Down', 'Data,4')
        select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', '66', 'Data,5')
        select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Data,5()')
        keystroke('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Down', 'Data,5')
        select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', '77', 'Data,6')
        select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Data,6()')
        keystroke('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Down', 'Data,6')
        select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', '88', 'Data,7')
        select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Data,7()')
        keystroke('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Down', 'Data,7')
        select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', '99', 'Data,8')
        select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Data,8()')
        keystroke('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Down', 'Data,8')
        select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', '10', 'Data,9')
        select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Data,9()')
        keystroke('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Down', 'Data,9')
        select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', '222', 'Data,10')
        select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Data,10()')
        keystroke('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Down', 'Data,10')
        select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', '333.0', 'Data,11')
        select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'true', 'Data,12')
        select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', '555', 'Data,13')
        select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'RETURN', 'Data,14')
        select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', '77', 'Data,15')
        select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Text,15(77)')
            'LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[f01, 1, , INT32, 11, 11], [f02, 2, , SINT32, 22, 22], [f03, 3, , SFIXED32, 33, 33], [f04, 4, , UINT32, 44, 44], [f05, 5, , FIXED32, 55, 55], [f06, 6, , INT64, 66, 66], [f07, 7, , SINT64, 77, 77], [f08, 8, , SFIXED64, 88, 88], [f09, 9, , UINT64, 99, 99], [f10, 10, , FIXED64, 10, 10], [f11, 11, , FLOAT, 222.0, 222.0], [f12, 12, , DOUBLE, 333.0, 333.0], [f13, 13, , BOOL, true, true], [f15, 14, , STRING, 555, 555], [f17, 15, , ENUM, RETURN, RETURN], [f19, 16, , BYTES, 77, 77]]'
        select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Text,15(77)')
        click('DisplayFrame$TabButton', 33, 22)
        select('TabbedPane', 'Table:')
            'LineList.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, 10, 222.0, 333.0, true, 555, RETURN, 77]]'
        click('Record: 1')
        select('TabbedPane', 'Record:')

        rightclick('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Data,15')
        select_menu('Clear Field')

        select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Text,15()')
            'LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[f01, 1, , INT32, 11, 11], [f02, 2, , SINT32, 22, 22], [f03, 3, , SFIXED32, 33, 33], [f04, 4, , UINT32, 44, 44], [f05, 5, , FIXED32, 55, 55], [f06, 6, , INT64, 66, 66], [f07, 7, , SINT64, 77, 77], [f08, 8, , SFIXED64, 88, 88], [f09, 9, , UINT64, 99, 99], [f10, 10, , FIXED64, 10, 10], [f11, 11, , FLOAT, 222.0, 222.0], [f12, 12, , DOUBLE, 333.0, 333.0], [f13, 13, , BOOL, true, true], [f15, 14, , STRING, 555, 555], [f17, 15, , ENUM, RETURN, RETURN], [f19, 16, , BYTES, , ]]'
        rightclick('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Data,13')
        select_menu('Clear Field')
        select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Text,13()')
            'LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[f01, 1, , INT32, 11, 11], [f02, 2, , SINT32, 22, 22], [f03, 3, , SFIXED32, 33, 33], [f04, 4, , UINT32, 44, 44], [f05, 5, , FIXED32, 55, 55], [f06, 6, , INT64, 66, 66], [f07, 7, , SINT64, 77, 77], [f08, 8, , SFIXED64, 88, 88], [f09, 9, , UINT64, 99, 99], [f10, 10, , FIXED64, 10, 10], [f11, 11, , FLOAT, 222.0, 222.0], [f12, 12, , DOUBLE, 333.0, 333.0], [f13, 13, , BOOL, true, true], [f15, 14, , STRING, , ], [f17, 15, , ENUM, RETURN, RETURN], [f19, 16, , BYTES, , ]]'
        rightclick('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Data,11')
        select_menu('Clear Field')
        select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Text,11()')
            'LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[f01, 1, , INT32, 11, 11], [f02, 2, , SINT32, 22, 22], [f03, 3, , SFIXED32, 33, 33], [f04, 4, , UINT32, 44, 44], [f05, 5, , FIXED32, 55, 55], [f06, 6, , INT64, 66, 66], [f07, 7, , SINT64, 77, 77], [f08, 8, , SFIXED64, 88, 88], [f09, 9, , UINT64, 99, 99], [f10, 10, , FIXED64, 10, 10], [f11, 11, , FLOAT, 222.0, 222.0], [f12, 12, , DOUBLE, , ], [f13, 13, , BOOL, true, true], [f15, 14, , STRING, , ], [f17, 15, , ENUM, RETURN, RETURN], [f19, 16, , BYTES, , ]]'
        rightclick('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Data,10')
        select_menu('Clear Field')
        select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Text,10()')
            'LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[f01, 1, , INT32, 11, 11], [f02, 2, , SINT32, 22, 22], [f03, 3, , SFIXED32, 33, 33], [f04, 4, , UINT32, 44, 44], [f05, 5, , FIXED32, 55, 55], [f06, 6, , INT64, 66, 66], [f07, 7, , SINT64, 77, 77], [f08, 8, , SFIXED64, 88, 88], [f09, 9, , UINT64, 99, 99], [f10, 10, , FIXED64, 10, 10], [f11, 11, , FLOAT, , ], [f12, 12, , DOUBLE, , ], [f13, 13, , BOOL, true, true], [f15, 14, , STRING, , ], [f17, 15, , ENUM, RETURN, RETURN], [f19, 16, , BYTES, , ]]'
        rightclick('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Data,9')
        select_menu('Clear Field')
        select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Data,8(99)')
            'LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[f01, 1, , INT32, 11, 11], [f02, 2, , SINT32, 22, 22], [f03, 3, , SFIXED32, 33, 33], [f04, 4, , UINT32, 44, 44], [f05, 5, , FIXED32, 55, 55], [f06, 6, , INT64, 66, 66], [f07, 7, , SINT64, 77, 77], [f08, 8, , SFIXED64, 88, 88], [f09, 9, , UINT64, 99, 99], [f10, 10, , FIXED64, , ], [f11, 11, , FLOAT, , ], [f12, 12, , DOUBLE, , ], [f13, 13, , BOOL, true, true], [f15, 14, , STRING, , ], [f17, 15, , ENUM, RETURN, RETURN], [f19, 16, , BYTES, , ]]'
        rightclick('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Data,8')
        select_menu('Clear Field')
        select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Text,8()')
            'LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[f01, 1, , INT32, 11, 11], [f02, 2, , SINT32, 22, 22], [f03, 3, , SFIXED32, 33, 33], [f04, 4, , UINT32, 44, 44], [f05, 5, , FIXED32, 55, 55], [f06, 6, , INT64, 66, 66], [f07, 7, , SINT64, 77, 77], [f08, 8, , SFIXED64, 88, 88], [f09, 9, , UINT64, , ], [f10, 10, , FIXED64, , ], [f11, 11, , FLOAT, , ], [f12, 12, , DOUBLE, , ], [f13, 13, , BOOL, true, true], [f15, 14, , STRING, , ], [f17, 15, , ENUM, RETURN, RETURN], [f19, 16, , BYTES, , ]]'
        rightclick('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Data,7')
        select_menu('Clear Field')
        select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Text,7()')
            'LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[f01, 1, , INT32, 11, 11], [f02, 2, , SINT32, 22, 22], [f03, 3, , SFIXED32, 33, 33], [f04, 4, , UINT32, 44, 44], [f05, 5, , FIXED32, 55, 55], [f06, 6, , INT64, 66, 66], [f07, 7, , SINT64, 77, 77], [f08, 8, , SFIXED64, , ], [f09, 9, , UINT64, , ], [f10, 10, , FIXED64, , ], [f11, 11, , FLOAT, , ], [f12, 12, , DOUBLE, , ], [f13, 13, , BOOL, true, true], [f15, 14, , STRING, , ], [f17, 15, , ENUM, RETURN, RETURN], [f19, 16, , BYTES, , ]]'
        rightclick('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Data,6')
        select_menu('Clear Field')
        select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Text,6()')
            'LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[f01, 1, , INT32, 11, 11], [f02, 2, , SINT32, 22, 22], [f03, 3, , SFIXED32, 33, 33], [f04, 4, , UINT32, 44, 44], [f05, 5, , FIXED32, 55, 55], [f06, 6, , INT64, 66, 66], [f07, 7, , SINT64, , ], [f08, 8, , SFIXED64, , ], [f09, 9, , UINT64, , ], [f10, 10, , FIXED64, , ], [f11, 11, , FLOAT, , ], [f12, 12, , DOUBLE, , ], [f13, 13, , BOOL, true, true], [f15, 14, , STRING, , ], [f17, 15, , ENUM, RETURN, RETURN], [f19, 16, , BYTES, , ]]'
        rightclick('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Data,5')
        select_menu('Clear Field')
        select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Text,5()')
            'LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[f01, 1, , INT32, 11, 11], [f02, 2, , SINT32, 22, 22], [f03, 3, , SFIXED32, 33, 33], [f04, 4, , UINT32, 44, 44], [f05, 5, , FIXED32, 55, 55], [f06, 6, , INT64, , ], [f07, 7, , SINT64, , ], [f08, 8, , SFIXED64, , ], [f09, 9, , UINT64, , ], [f10, 10, , FIXED64, , ], [f11, 11, , FLOAT, , ], [f12, 12, , DOUBLE, , ], [f13, 13, , BOOL, true, true], [f15, 14, , STRING, , ], [f17, 15, , ENUM, RETURN, RETURN], [f19, 16, , BYTES, , ]]'
        rightclick('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Data,4')
        select_menu('Clear Field')
        select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Text,4()')
            'LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[f01, 1, , INT32, 11, 11], [f02, 2, , SINT32, 22, 22], [f03, 3, , SFIXED32, 33, 33], [f04, 4, , UINT32, 44, 44], [f05, 5, , FIXED32, , ], [f06, 6, , INT64, , ], [f07, 7, , SINT64, , ], [f08, 8, , SFIXED64, , ], [f09, 9, , UINT64, , ], [f10, 10, , FIXED64, , ], [f11, 11, , FLOAT, , ], [f12, 12, , DOUBLE, , ], [f13, 13, , BOOL, true, true], [f15, 14, , STRING, , ], [f17, 15, , ENUM, RETURN, RETURN], [f19, 16, , BYTES, , ]]'
        select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Text,4()')
        click('DisplayFrame$TabButton', 33, 21)
        select('TabbedPane', 'Table:')
        assert_p('LineList.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
                 '[[11, 22, 33, 44, , , , , , , , , true, , RETURN, ]]')
        select('LineList.FileDisplay_JTbl', '', '4|f04,0')
        select('LineList.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:5|f05,0()')
        assert_p('LineList.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
                 '[[11, 22, 33, , , , , , , , , , true, , RETURN, ]]')
        select('LineList.FileDisplay_JTbl', '', '3|f03,0')
        select('LineList.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:4|f04,0()')
        assert_p('LineList.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
                 '[[11, 22, , , , , , , , , , , true, , RETURN, ]]')
        select('LineList.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:4|f04,0()')
        click('Record: 1')
        select('TabbedPane', 'Record:')
            'LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[f01, 1, , INT32, 11, 11], [f02, 2, , SINT32, 22, 22], [f03, 3, , SFIXED32, , ], [f04, 4, , UINT32, , ], [f05, 5, , FIXED32, , ], [f06, 6, , INT64, , ], [f07, 7, , SINT64, , ], [f08, 8, , SFIXED64, , ], [f09, 9, , UINT64, , ], [f10, 10, , FIXED64, , ], [f11, 11, , FLOAT, , ], [f12, 12, , DOUBLE, , ], [f13, 13, , BOOL, true, true], [f15, 14, , STRING, , ], [f17, 15, , ENUM, RETURN, RETURN], [f19, 16, , BYTES, , ]]'
        rightclick('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Data,1')
        select_menu('Clear Field')
        select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Text,1()')
            'LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[f01, 1, , INT32, 11, 11], [f02, 2, , SINT32, , ], [f03, 3, , SFIXED32, , ], [f04, 4, , UINT32, , ], [f05, 5, , FIXED32, , ], [f06, 6, , INT64, , ], [f07, 7, , SINT64, , ], [f08, 8, , SFIXED64, , ], [f09, 9, , UINT64, , ], [f10, 10, , FIXED64, , ], [f11, 11, , FLOAT, , ], [f12, 12, , DOUBLE, , ], [f13, 13, , BOOL, true, true], [f15, 14, , STRING, , ], [f17, 15, , ENUM, RETURN, RETURN], [f19, 16, , BYTES, , ]]'
        rightclick('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Data,0')
        select_menu('Clear Field')
        select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Text,0()')
            'LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[f01, 1, , INT32, , ], [f02, 2, , SINT32, , ], [f03, 3, , SFIXED32, , ], [f04, 4, , UINT32, , ], [f05, 5, , FIXED32, , ], [f06, 6, , INT64, , ], [f07, 7, , SINT64, , ], [f08, 8, , SFIXED64, , ], [f09, 9, , UINT64, , ], [f10, 10, , FIXED64, , ], [f11, 11, , FLOAT, , ], [f12, 12, , DOUBLE, , ], [f13, 13, , BOOL, true, true], [f15, 14, , STRING, , ], [f17, 15, , ENUM, RETURN, RETURN], [f19, 16, , BYTES, , ]]'
        select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Text,0()')
        rightclick('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Data,12')
        select_menu('Clear Field')
            'LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[f01, 1, , INT32, , ], [f02, 2, , SINT32, , ], [f03, 3, , SFIXED32, , ], [f04, 4, , UINT32, , ], [f05, 5, , FIXED32, , ], [f06, 6, , INT64, , ], [f07, 7, , SINT64, , ], [f08, 8, , SFIXED64, , ], [f09, 9, , UINT64, , ], [f10, 10, , FIXED64, , ], [f11, 11, , FLOAT, , ], [f12, 12, , DOUBLE, , ], [f13, 13, , BOOL, , ], [f15, 14, , STRING, , ], [f17, 15, , ENUM, RETURN, RETURN], [f19, 16, , BYTES, , ]]'
        ##		select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', '')
        rightclick('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Data,14')
        select_menu('Clear Field')
            'LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[f01, 1, , INT32, , ], [f02, 2, , SINT32, , ], [f03, 3, , SFIXED32, , ], [f04, 4, , UINT32, , ], [f05, 5, , FIXED32, , ], [f06, 6, , INT64, , ], [f07, 7, , SINT64, , ], [f08, 8, , SFIXED64, , ], [f09, 9, , UINT64, , ], [f10, 10, , FIXED64, , ], [f11, 11, , FLOAT, , ], [f12, 12, , DOUBLE, , ], [f13, 13, , BOOL, , ], [f15, 14, , STRING, , ], [f17, 15, , ENUM, , ], [f19, 16, , BYTES, , ]]'
        select('TabbedPane', 'Table:')
        assert_p('LineList.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
                 '[[, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ]]')
##		click('BasicInternalFrameTitlePane$NoFocusButton2')

##		if window(r'Save Changes to file: G:\Users\BruceTst01\.RecordEditor\ProtoBuf\SampleFiles\FieldTestOptional.bin'):
##			click('No')
##		close()
예제 #45
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_03'

    if window(commonBits.applicationName()):

               commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protoStoreSales3.bin')
               commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'StoreSales3.protocomp')

        ##		select('JTreeTable', '')
        rightclick('JTreeTable', 'Tree,0')
        select_menu('Fully Expand Tree')
        select('LayoutCombo', 'Prefered')
        select('JTreeTable', 'cell:saleDate,8(40118)')
            'JTreeTable', 'Content',
            '[[, , 20, Store: 20, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 170, Department: 170, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63604808, 40118, 1, 4870], [, , 1, 4870, 1, ], [, , 280, Department: 280, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 69684558, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 69684558, 40118, -1, -19000], [, , 69684558, 40118, 1, 5010], [, , 69694158, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 69694158, 40118, -1, -19000], [, , 69694158, 40118, 1, 5010], [, , 2, 10020, 6, ], [, , 685, Department: 685, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62684671, 40118, 1, 69990], [, , 62684671, 40118, -1, -69990], [, , 0, 0, 2, ], [, , 929, Department: 929, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 65674532, 40118, 1, 3590], [, , 1, 3590, 1, ], [, , 957, Department: 957, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63674861, 40118, 10, 2700], [, , 64634429, 40118, 1, 3990], [, , 66624458, 40118, 1, 890], [, , 12, 7580, 3, ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63604808, 1, , ], [, , 69684558, 1, , ], [, , 69694158, 1, , ], [, , 65674532, 1, , ], [, , 63674861, 10, , ], [, , 64634429, 1, , ], [, , 66624458, 1, , ], [, , 16, 26060, 13, ], [, , 59, Store: 59, , ], [, , 166, Store: 166, , ], [, , 184, Store: 184, , ]]'
        select('JTreeTable', 'rows:[10,12],columns:[keycode,saleDate]')

        ##		select('JTreeTable', 'rows:[18,19],columns:[Tree]')
        ##		xxx
        ##		click('Delete2')
        select('JTreeTable', 'rows:[18],columns:[Tree]')
            'JTreeTable', 'Content',
            '[[, , 20, Store: 20, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 170, Department: 170, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63604808, 40118, 1, 4870], [, , 1, 4870, 1, ], [, , 280, Department: 280, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 69684558, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 69684558, 40118, -1, -19000], [, , 69694158, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 69694158, 40118, 1, 5010], [, , 2, 10020, 6, ], [, , 685, Department: 685, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62684671, 40118, 1, 69990], [, , 62684671, 40118, -1, -69990], [, , 0, 0, 2, ], [, , 957, Department: 957, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63674861, 40118, 10, 2700], [, , 64634429, 40118, 1, 3990], [, , 66624458, 40118, 1, 890], [, , 12, 7580, 3, ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63604808, 1, , ], [, , 69684558, 1, , ], [, , 69694158, 1, , ], [, , 65674532, 1, , ], [, , 63674861, 10, , ], [, , 64634429, 1, , ], [, , 66624458, 1, , ], [, , 16, 26060, 13, ], [, , 59, Store: 59, , ], [, , 166, Store: 166, , ], [, , 184, Store: 184, , ]]'
            'JTreeTable', 'Content',
            '[[, , 20, Store: 20, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 170, Department: 170, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63604808, 40118, 1, 4870], [, , 1, 4870, 1, ], [, , 280, Department: 280, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 69684558, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 69684558, 40118, -1, -19000], [, , 69694158, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 69694158, 40118, 1, 5010], [, , 2, 10020, 6, ], [, , 685, Department: 685, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62684671, 40118, 1, 69990], [, , 62684671, 40118, -1, -69990], [, , 0, 0, 2, ], [, , 957, Department: 957, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63674861, 40118, 10, 2700], [, , 64634429, 40118, 1, 3990], [, , 66624458, 40118, 1, 890], [, , 12, 7580, 3, ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63604808, 1, , ], [, , 69684558, 1, , ], [, , 69694158, 1, , ], [, , 65674532, 1, , ], [, , 63674861, 10, , ], [, , 64634429, 1, , ], [, , 66624458, 1, , ], [, , 16, 26060, 13, ], [, , 59, Store: 59, , ], [, , 166, Store: 166, , ], [, , 184, Store: 184, , ]]'

        select('JTreeTable', 'rows:[26,28],columns:[Tree]')
        select('JTreeTable', 'rows:[27],columns:[Tree]')
            'JTreeTable', 'Content',
            '[[, , 20, Store: 20, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 170, Department: 170, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63604808, 40118, 1, 4870], [, , 1, 4870, 1, ], [, , 280, Department: 280, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 69684558, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 69684558, 40118, -1, -19000], [, , 69694158, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 69694158, 40118, 1, 5010], [, , 2, 10020, 6, ], [, , 685, Department: 685, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62684671, 40118, 1, 69990], [, , 62684671, 40118, -1, -69990], [, , 0, 0, 2, ], [, , 957, Department: 957, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63674861, 40118, 10, 2700], [, , 64634429, 40118, 1, 3990], [, , 66624458, 40118, 1, 890], [, , 12, 7580, 3, ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63604808, 1, , ], [, , 69694158, 1, , ], [, , 63674861, 10, , ], [, , 64634429, 1, , ], [, , 66624458, 1, , ], [, , 16, 26060, 13, ], [, , 59, Store: 59, , ], [, , 166, Store: 166, , ], [, , 184, Store: 184, , ]]'
        select_menu('Utilities>>Compare with Disk')
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[, Deleted, 8, 69684558, 40118, 1, 5010], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 10, 69694158, 40118, -1, -19000], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 17, 929, Department: 929, , ], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 18, 65674532, 40118, 1, 3590], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 19, 1, 3590, 1, ], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 26, 69684558, 1, , ], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 28, 65674532, 1, , ], [, , , , , , ]]'
        select_menu('Window>>protoStoreSales3.bin>>Tree View')
        ##		select('JTreeTable', '')
        rightclick('JTreeTable', 'Tree,0')
        select_menu('Collapse Tree')
        ##		select('JTreeTable', '')
        rightclick('JTreeTable', 'Tree,2')
        select_menu('Fully Expand Tree')
        select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Tree,17(null)')
            'JTreeTable', 'Content',
            '[[, , 20, Store: 20, , ], [, , 59, Store: 59, , ], [, , 166, Store: 166, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60, Department: 60, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60614646, 40118, 1, 6000], [, , 60614707, 40118, 1, 6000], [, , 68654655, 40118, 1, 5080], [, , 69644897, 40118, 1, 5080], [, , 69654084, 40118, 1, 6000], [, , 5, 28160, 5, ], [, , 80, Department: 80, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60604100, 40118, 1, 13300], [, , 69624033, 40118, 1, 18190], [, , 2, 31490, 2, ], [, , 170, Department: 170, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 68674560, 40118, 1, 5990], [, , 1, 5990, 1, ], [, , 193, Department: 193, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62694485, 40118, 1, 17560], [, , 62694706, 40118, 1, 13590], [, , 62694843, 40118, 1, 13590], [, , 67644384, 40118, 1, 23960], [, , 68664211, 40118, 1, 11190], [, , 69644164, 40118, 1, 21590], [, , 6, 101480, 6, ], [, , 220, Department: 220, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 64674633, 40118, 1, 15990], [, , 1, 15990, 1, ], [, , 230, Department: 230, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 69644961, 40118, 1, 9600], [, , 1, 9600, 1, ], [, , 235, Department: 235, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 64604513, 40118, 1, 16990], [, , 64674965, 40118, 1, 19990], [, , 64674965, 40118, -1, -19990], [, , 64674965, 40118, 1, 12000], [, , 2, 28990, 4, ], [, , 250, Department: 250, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 69604743, 40118, 1, 29950], [, , 1, 29950, 1, ], [, , 261, Department: 261, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60624523, 40118, 1, 12000], [, , 60624864, 40118, 1, 15000], [, , 62694605, 40118, 1, 25000], [, , 69634261, 40118, 1, 12000], [, , 69634263, 40118, 1, 25000], [, , 69634263, 40118, -1, -25000], [, , 69634263, 40118, 1, 12000], [, , 69634660, 40118, 1, 12000], [, , 69634922, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 69644909, 40118, 1, 9000], [, , 8, 116000, 10, ], [, , 265, Department: 265, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62684207, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 62684580, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 69644602, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 3, 57000, 3, ], [, , 270, Department: 270, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60664241, 40118, 1, 9000], [, , 60664302, 40118, 1, 9000], [, , 63634768, 40118, 1, 12000], [, , 69694959, 40118, 1, 11990], [, , 4, 41990, 4, ], [, , 275, Department: 275, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63654066, 40118, 1, 24990], [, , 1, 24990, 1, ], [, , 280, Department: 280, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 64624081, 40118, 1, 26240], [, , 69684947, 40118, 1, 22490], [, , 2, 48730, 2, ], [, , 320, Department: 320, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62664576, 40118, 1, 9720], [, , 63634260, 40118, 1, 5590], [, , 63654450, 40118, 1, 13990], [, , 63684449, 40118, 1, 16990], [, , 4, 46290, 4, ], [, , 335, Department: 335, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62604139, 40118, 1, 7990], [, , 1, 7990, 1, ], [, , 355, Department: 355, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62634862, 40118, 1, 11890], [, , 62654800, 40118, 1, 19990], [, , 69624221, 40118, 1, 16990], [, , 3, 48870, 3, ], [, , 360, Department: 360, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 66674979, 40118, 1, 4500], [, , 69694685, 40118, 1, 6990], [, , 69694814, 40118, 1, 2500], [, , 69694814, 40118, 1, 2500], [, , 69694937, 40118, 1, 2500], [, , 5, 18990, 5, ], [, , 366, Department: 366, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62614014, 40118, 1, 14990], [, , 1, 14990, 1, ], [, , 370, Department: 370, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62624382, 40118, 1, 18980], [, , 62624382, 40118, -1, -18980], [, , 62624382, 40118, 1, 18980], [, , 62624382, 40118, 1, 18980], [, , 62624382, 40118, -1, -18980], [, , 62624382, 40118, -1, -18980], [, , 62624382, 40118, 1, 18980], [, , 62624382, 40118, 1, 18980], [, , 62664231, 40118, 1, 8990], [, , 62664347, 40118, 1, 8990], [, , 68614651, 40118, 1, 3990], [, , 5, 59930, 11, ], [, , 375, Department: 375, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62684907, 40118, 1, 13990], [, , 62694193, 40118, 1, 13990], [, , 62694193, 40118, -1, -13990], [, , 62694193, 40118, 1, 11990], [, , 2, 25980, 4, ], [, , 395, Department: 395, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60614265, 40118, 1, 15990], [, , 60614265, 40118, 1, 15990], [, , 60614265, 40118, -1, -15990], [, , 60614265, 40118, -1, -15990], [, , 60614265, 40118, 1, 15990], [, , 60614265, 40118, -1, -15990], [, , 60614265, 40118, 1, 12800], [, , 63614741, 40118, 1, 27990], [, , 2, 40790, 8, ], [, , 405, Department: 405, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62614815, 40118, 1, 20000], [, , 1, 20000, 1, ], [, , 410, Department: 410, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63684098, 40118, 1, 1980], [, , 63684098, 40118, 1, 1980], [, , 63684098, 40118, 1, 1980], [, , 64684719, 40118, 1, 9990], [, , 4, 15930, 4, ], [, , 415, Department: 415, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62684548, 40118, 1, 39990], [, , 62684548, 40118, 1, 39990], [, , 2, 79980, 2, ], [, , 432, Department: 432, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 61694741, 40118, 1, 9060], [, , 62614534, 40118, 1, 9090], [, , 62664568, 40118, 1, 5990], [, , 62694387, 40118, 1, 7990], [, , 4, 32130, 4, ], [, , 440, Department: 440, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 64684534, 40118, 1, 14990], [, , 1, 14990, 1, ], [, , 455, Department: 455, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62664151, 40118, 1, 25000], [, , 1, 25000, 1, ], [, , 471, Department: 471, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62664674, 40118, 1, 24990], [, , 1, 24990, 1, ], [, , 475, Department: 475, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62694575, 40118, 1, 14990], [, , 1, 14990, 1, ], [, , 485, Department: 485, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 64674609, 40118, 1, 29990], [, , 1, 29990, 1, ], [, , 500, Department: 500, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60624185, 40118, 1, 8990], [, , 60624314, 40118, 1, 8990], [, , 2, 17980, 2, ], [, , 520, Department: 520, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62684028, 40118, 1, 29990], [, , 1, 29990, 1, ], [, , 650, Department: 650, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62634996, 40118, 1, 9990], [, , 1, 9990, 1, ], [, , 670, Department: 670, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 61674701, 40118, 1, 3990], [, , 63654007, 40118, 1, 56990], [, , 2, 60980, 2, ], [, , 685, Department: 685, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 61684889, 40118, 1, 4490], [, , 61684889, 40118, 1, 4490], [, , 2, 8980, 2, ], [, , 801, Department: 801, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 64604876, 40118, 1, 29620], [, , 64604876, 40118, 1, 29620], [, , 64644495, 40118, 1, 29650], [, , 64644495, 40118, 1, 29650], [, , 67624103, 40118, 1, 16500], [, , 5, 135040, 5, ], [, , 805, Department: 805, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60684907, 40118, 1, 5500], [, , 1, 5500, 1, ], [, , 830, Department: 830, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 65604476, 40118, 1, 19950], [, , 1, 19950, 1, ], [, , 845, Department: 845, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62654454, 40118, 1, 5950], [, , 64634712, 40118, 1, 3900], [, , 2, 9850, 2, ], [, , 851, Department: 851, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62674092, 40118, 1, 15990], [, , 62694170, 40118, 1, 16990], [, , 2, 32980, 2, ], [, , 870, Department: 870, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63624299, 40118, 1, 10990], [, , 63624367, 40118, 1, 11190], [, , 2, 22180, 2, ], [, , 902, Department: 902, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 68644966, 40118, 1, 12500], [, , 68644966, 40118, -1, -12500], [, , 68644966, 40118, 1, 10], [, , 69614229, 40118, 1, 15950], [, , 2, 15960, 4, ], [, , 904, Department: 904, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63694928, 40118, 1, 11490], [, , 69664661, 40118, 1, 14950], [, , 2, 26440, 2, ], [, , 905, Department: 905, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60654072, 40118, 1, 4330], [, , 60654072, 40118, 1, 4330], [, , 68604583, 40118, 1, 15990], [, , 68604583, 40118, -1, -15990], [, , 68604583, 40118, 1, 15990], [, , 68604583, 40118, -1, -15990], [, , 68604583, 40118, 1, 12800], [, , 68614329, 40118, 1, 39990], [, , 69614011, 40118, 1, 6990], [, , 5, 68440, 9, ], [, , 910, Department: 910, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 69674069, 40118, 1, 10490], [, , 1, 10490, 1, ], [, , 929, Department: 929, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60694417, 40118, 1, 650], [, , 63634081, 40118, 1, 3890], [, , 65694328, 40118, 1, 590], [, , 67664645, 40118, 1, 1390], [, , 67664966, 40118, 1, 890], [, , 67664966, 40118, 1, 890], [, , 6, 8300, 6, ], [, , 957, Department: 957, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62664909, 40118, 1, 3290], [, , 62674492, 40118, 1, 1490], [, , 62674492, 40118, 1, 1490], [, , 62674751, 40118, 1, 1990], [, , 64654284, 40118, 1, 3990], [, , 66624253, 40118, 1, 3490], [, , 66624253, 40118, 1, 3490], [, , 66624829, 40118, 1, 1990], [, , 8, 21220, 8, ], [, , 970, Department: 970, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 67634503, 40118, 1, 24990], [, , 1, 24990, 1, ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60614646, 1, , ], [, , 60614707, 1, , ], [, , 68654655, 1, , ], [, , 69644897, 1, , ], [, , 69654084, 1, , ], [, , 60604100, 1, , ], [, , 69624033, 1, , ], [, , 68674560, 1, , ], [, , 62694485, 1, , ], [, , 62694706, 1, , ], [, , 62694843, 1, , ], [, , 67644384, 1, , ], [, , 68664211, 1, , ], [, , 69644164, 1, , ], [, , 64674633, 1, , ], [, , 69644961, 1, , ], [, , 64604513, 1, , ], [, , 64674965, 1, , ], [, , 69604743, 1, , ], [, , 60624523, 1, , ], [, , 60624864, 1, , ], [, , 62694605, 1, , ], [, , 69634261, 1, , ], [, , 69634263, 1, , ], [, , 69634660, 1, , ], [, , 69634922, 1, , ], [, , 69644909, 1, , ], [, , 62684207, 1, , ], [, , 62684580, 1, , ], [, , 69644602, 1, , ], [, , 60664241, 1, , ], [, , 60664302, 1, , ], [, , 63634768, 1, , ], [, , 69694959, 1, , ], [, , 63654066, 1, , ], [, , 64624081, 1, , ], [, , 69684947, 1, , ], [, , 62664576, 1, , ], [, , 63634260, 1, , ], [, , 63654450, 1, , ], [, , 63684449, 1, , ], [, , 62604139, 1, , ], [, , 62634862, 1, , ], [, , 62654800, 1, , ], [, , 69624221, 1, , ], [, , 66674979, 1, , ], [, , 69694685, 1, , ], [, , 69694814, 2, , ], [, , 69694937, 1, , ], [, , 62614014, 1, , ], [, , 62624382, 2, , ], [, , 62664231, 1, , ], [, , 62664347, 1, , ], [, , 68614651, 1, , ], [, , 62684907, 1, , ], [, , 62694193, 1, , ], [, , 60614265, 1, , ], [, , 63614741, 1, , ], [, , 62614815, 1, , ], [, , 63684098, 3, , ], [, , 64684719, 1, , ], [, , 62684548, 2, , ], [, , 61694741, 1, , ], [, , 62614534, 1, , ], [, , 62664568, 1, , ], [, , 62694387, 1, , ], [, , 64684534, 1, , ], [, , 62664151, 1, , ], [, , 62664674, 1, , ], [, , 62694575, 1, , ], [, , 64674609, 1, , ], [, , 60624185, 1, , ], [, , 60624314, 1, , ], [, , 62684028, 1, , ], [, , 62634996, 1, , ], [, , 61674701, 1, , ], [, , 63654007, 1, , ], [, , 61684889, 2, , ], [, , 64604876, 2, , ], [, , 64644495, 2, , ], [, , 67624103, 1, , ], [, , 60684907, 1, , ], [, , 65604476, 1, , ], [, , 62654454, 1, , ], [, , 64634712, 1, , ], [, , 62674092, 1, , ], [, , 62694170, 1, , ], [, , 63624299, 1, , ], [, , 63624367, 1, , ], [, , 68644966, 1, , ], [, , 69614229, 1, , ], [, , 63694928, 1, , ], [, , 69664661, 1, , ], [, , 60654072, 2, , ], [, , 68604583, 1, , ], [, , 68614329, 1, , ], [, , 69614011, 1, , ], [, , 69674069, 1, , ], [, , 60694417, 1, , ], [, , 63634081, 1, , ], [, , 65694328, 1, , ], [, , 67664645, 1, , ], [, , 67664966, 2, , ], [, , 62664909, 1, , ], [, , 62674492, 2, , ], [, , 62674751, 1, , ], [, , 64654284, 1, , ], [, , 66624253, 2, , ], [, , 66624829, 1, , ], [, , 67634503, 1, , ], [, , 122, 1591450, 146, ], [, , 184, Store: 184, , ]]'
        select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Tree,19(5990)')
        select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Tree,19(5990)')
            'JTreeTable', 'Content',
            '[[, , 20, Store: 20, , ], [, , 59, Store: 59, , ], [, , 166, Store: 166, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60, Department: 60, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60614646, 40118, 1, 6000], [, , 60614707, 40118, 1, 6000], [, , 68654655, 40118, 1, 5080], [, , 69644897, 40118, 1, 5080], [, , 69654084, 40118, 1, 6000], [, , 5, 28160, 5, ], [, , 80, Department: 80, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60604100, 40118, 1, 13300], [, , 69624033, 40118, 1, 18190], [, , 2, 31490, 2, ], [, , 170, Department: 170, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 68674560, 40118, 1, 5990], [, , 1, 5990, 1, ], [, , 193, Department: 193, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62694485, 40118, 1, 17560], [, , 62694706, 40118, 1, 13590], [, , 62694843, 40118, 1, 13590], [, , 67644384, 40118, 1, 23960], [, , 68664211, 40118, 1, 11190], [, , 69644164, 40118, 1, 21590], [, , 6, 101480, 6, ], [, , 220, Department: 220, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 64674633, 40118, 1, 15990], [, , 1, 15990, 1, ], [, , 230, Department: 230, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 69644961, 40118, 1, 9600], [, , 1, 9600, 1, ], [, , 235, Department: 235, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 64604513, 40118, 1, 16990], [, , 64674965, 40118, 1, 19990], [, , 64674965, 40118, -1, -19990], [, , 64674965, 40118, 1, 12000], [, , 2, 28990, 4, ], [, , 250, Department: 250, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 69604743, 40118, 1, 29950], [, , 1, 29950, 1, ], [, , 261, Department: 261, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60624523, 40118, 1, 12000], [, , 60624864, 40118, 1, 15000], [, , 62694605, 40118, 1, 25000], [, , 69634261, 40118, 1, 12000], [, , 69634263, 40118, 1, 25000], [, , 69634263, 40118, -1, -25000], [, , 69634263, 40118, 1, 12000], [, , 69634660, 40118, 1, 12000], [, , 69634922, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 69644909, 40118, 1, 9000], [, , 8, 116000, 10, ], [, , 265, Department: 265, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62684207, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 62684580, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 69644602, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 3, 57000, 3, ], [, , 270, Department: 270, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60664241, 40118, 1, 9000], [, , 60664302, 40118, 1, 9000], [, , 63634768, 40118, 1, 12000], [, , 69694959, 40118, 1, 11990], [, , 4, 41990, 4, ], [, , 275, Department: 275, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63654066, 40118, 1, 24990], [, , 1, 24990, 1, ], [, , 280, Department: 280, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 64624081, 40118, 1, 26240], [, , 69684947, 40118, 1, 22490], [, , 2, 48730, 2, ], [, , 320, Department: 320, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62664576, 40118, 1, 9720], [, , 63634260, 40118, 1, 5590], [, , 63654450, 40118, 1, 13990], [, , 63684449, 40118, 1, 16990], [, , 4, 46290, 4, ], [, , 335, Department: 335, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62604139, 40118, 1, 7990], [, , 1, 7990, 1, ], [, , 355, Department: 355, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62634862, 40118, 1, 11890], [, , 62654800, 40118, 1, 19990], [, , 69624221, 40118, 1, 16990], [, , 3, 48870, 3, ], [, , 360, Department: 360, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 66674979, 40118, 1, 4500], [, , 69694685, 40118, 1, 6990], [, , 69694814, 40118, 1, 2500], [, , 69694814, 40118, 1, 2500], [, , 69694937, 40118, 1, 2500], [, , 5, 18990, 5, ], [, , 366, Department: 366, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62614014, 40118, 1, 14990], [, , 1, 14990, 1, ], [, , 370, Department: 370, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62624382, 40118, 1, 18980], [, , 62624382, 40118, -1, -18980], [, , 62624382, 40118, 1, 18980], [, , 62624382, 40118, 1, 18980], [, , 62624382, 40118, -1, -18980], [, , 62624382, 40118, -1, -18980], [, , 62624382, 40118, 1, 18980], [, , 62624382, 40118, 1, 18980], [, , 62664231, 40118, 1, 8990], [, , 62664347, 40118, 1, 8990], [, , 68614651, 40118, 1, 3990], [, , 5, 59930, 11, ], [, , 375, Department: 375, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62684907, 40118, 1, 13990], [, , 62694193, 40118, 1, 13990], [, , 62694193, 40118, -1, -13990], [, , 62694193, 40118, 1, 11990], [, , 2, 25980, 4, ], [, , 395, Department: 395, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60614265, 40118, 1, 15990], [, , 60614265, 40118, 1, 15990], [, , 60614265, 40118, -1, -15990], [, , 60614265, 40118, -1, -15990], [, , 60614265, 40118, 1, 15990], [, , 60614265, 40118, -1, -15990], [, , 60614265, 40118, 1, 12800], [, , 63614741, 40118, 1, 27990], [, , 2, 40790, 8, ], [, , 405, Department: 405, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62614815, 40118, 1, 20000], [, , 1, 20000, 1, ], [, , 410, Department: 410, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63684098, 40118, 1, 1980], [, , 63684098, 40118, 1, 1980], [, , 63684098, 40118, 1, 1980], [, , 64684719, 40118, 1, 9990], [, , 4, 15930, 4, ], [, , 415, Department: 415, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62684548, 40118, 1, 39990], [, , 62684548, 40118, 1, 39990], [, , 2, 79980, 2, ], [, , 432, Department: 432, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 61694741, 40118, 1, 9060], [, , 62614534, 40118, 1, 9090], [, , 62664568, 40118, 1, 5990], [, , 62694387, 40118, 1, 7990], [, , 4, 32130, 4, ], [, , 440, Department: 440, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 64684534, 40118, 1, 14990], [, , 1, 14990, 1, ], [, , 455, Department: 455, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62664151, 40118, 1, 25000], [, , 1, 25000, 1, ], [, , 471, Department: 471, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62664674, 40118, 1, 24990], [, , 1, 24990, 1, ], [, , 475, Department: 475, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62694575, 40118, 1, 14990], [, , 1, 14990, 1, ], [, , 485, Department: 485, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 64674609, 40118, 1, 29990], [, , 1, 29990, 1, ], [, , 500, Department: 500, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60624185, 40118, 1, 8990], [, , 60624314, 40118, 1, 8990], [, , 2, 17980, 2, ], [, , 520, Department: 520, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62684028, 40118, 1, 29990], [, , 1, 29990, 1, ], [, , 650, Department: 650, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62634996, 40118, 1, 9990], [, , 1, 9990, 1, ], [, , 670, Department: 670, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 61674701, 40118, 1, 3990], [, , 63654007, 40118, 1, 56990], [, , 2, 60980, 2, ], [, , 685, Department: 685, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 61684889, 40118, 1, 4490], [, , 61684889, 40118, 1, 4490], [, , 2, 8980, 2, ], [, , 801, Department: 801, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 64604876, 40118, 1, 29620], [, , 64604876, 40118, 1, 29620], [, , 64644495, 40118, 1, 29650], [, , 64644495, 40118, 1, 29650], [, , 67624103, 40118, 1, 16500], [, , 5, 135040, 5, ], [, , 805, Department: 805, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60684907, 40118, 1, 5500], [, , 1, 5500, 1, ], [, , 830, Department: 830, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 65604476, 40118, 1, 19950], [, , 1, 19950, 1, ], [, , 845, Department: 845, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62654454, 40118, 1, 5950], [, , 64634712, 40118, 1, 3900], [, , 2, 9850, 2, ], [, , 851, Department: 851, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62674092, 40118, 1, 15990], [, , 62694170, 40118, 1, 16990], [, , 2, 32980, 2, ], [, , 870, Department: 870, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63624299, 40118, 1, 10990], [, , 63624367, 40118, 1, 11190], [, , 2, 22180, 2, ], [, , 902, Department: 902, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 68644966, 40118, 1, 12500], [, , 68644966, 40118, -1, -12500], [, , 68644966, 40118, 1, 10], [, , 69614229, 40118, 1, 15950], [, , 2, 15960, 4, ], [, , 904, Department: 904, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63694928, 40118, 1, 11490], [, , 69664661, 40118, 1, 14950], [, , 2, 26440, 2, ], [, , 905, Department: 905, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60654072, 40118, 1, 4330], [, , 60654072, 40118, 1, 4330], [, , 68604583, 40118, 1, 15990], [, , 68604583, 40118, -1, -15990], [, , 68604583, 40118, 1, 15990], [, , 68604583, 40118, -1, -15990], [, , 68604583, 40118, 1, 12800], [, , 68614329, 40118, 1, 39990], [, , 69614011, 40118, 1, 6990], [, , 5, 68440, 9, ], [, , 910, Department: 910, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 69674069, 40118, 1, 10490], [, , 1, 10490, 1, ], [, , 929, Department: 929, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60694417, 40118, 1, 650], [, , 63634081, 40118, 1, 3890], [, , 65694328, 40118, 1, 590], [, , 67664645, 40118, 1, 1390], [, , 67664966, 40118, 1, 890], [, , 67664966, 40118, 1, 890], [, , 6, 8300, 6, ], [, , 957, Department: 957, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62664909, 40118, 1, 3290], [, , 62674492, 40118, 1, 1490], [, , 62674492, 40118, 1, 1490], [, , 62674751, 40118, 1, 1990], [, , 64654284, 40118, 1, 3990], [, , 66624253, 40118, 1, 3490], [, , 66624253, 40118, 1, 3490], [, , 66624829, 40118, 1, 1990], [, , 8, 21220, 8, ], [, , 970, Department: 970, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 67634503, 40118, 1, 24990], [, , 1, 24990, 1, ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60614646, 1, , ], [, , 60614707, 1, , ], [, , 68654655, 1, , ], [, , 69644897, 1, , ], [, , 69654084, 1, , ], [, , 60604100, 1, , ], [, , 69624033, 1, , ], [, , 68674560, 1, , ], [, , 62694485, 1, , ], [, , 62694706, 1, , ], [, , 62694843, 1, , ], [, , 67644384, 1, , ], [, , 68664211, 1, , ], [, , 69644164, 1, , ], [, , 64674633, 1, , ], [, , 69644961, 1, , ], [, , 64604513, 1, , ], [, , 64674965, 1, , ], [, , 69604743, 1, , ], [, , 60624523, 1, , ], [, , 60624864, 1, , ], [, , 62694605, 1, , ], [, , 69634261, 1, , ], [, , 69634263, 1, , ], [, , 69634660, 1, , ], [, , 69634922, 1, , ], [, , 69644909, 1, , ], [, , 62684207, 1, , ], [, , 62684580, 1, , ], [, , 69644602, 1, , ], [, , 60664241, 1, , ], [, , 60664302, 1, , ], [, , 63634768, 1, , ], [, , 69694959, 1, , ], [, , 63654066, 1, , ], [, , 64624081, 1, , ], [, , 69684947, 1, , ], [, , 62664576, 1, , ], [, , 63634260, 1, , ], [, , 63654450, 1, , ], [, , 63684449, 1, , ], [, , 62604139, 1, , ], [, , 62634862, 1, , ], [, , 62654800, 1, , ], [, , 69624221, 1, , ], [, , 66674979, 1, , ], [, , 69694685, 1, , ], [, , 69694814, 2, , ], [, , 69694937, 1, , ], [, , 62614014, 1, , ], [, , 62624382, 2, , ], [, , 62664231, 1, , ], [, , 62664347, 1, , ], [, , 68614651, 1, , ], [, , 62684907, 1, , ], [, , 62694193, 1, , ], [, , 60614265, 1, , ], [, , 63614741, 1, , ], [, , 62614815, 1, , ], [, , 63684098, 3, , ], [, , 64684719, 1, , ], [, , 62684548, 2, , ], [, , 61694741, 1, , ], [, , 62614534, 1, , ], [, , 62664568, 1, , ], [, , 62694387, 1, , ], [, , 64684534, 1, , ], [, , 62664151, 1, , ], [, , 62664674, 1, , ], [, , 62694575, 1, , ], [, , 64674609, 1, , ], [, , 60624185, 1, , ], [, , 60624314, 1, , ], [, , 62684028, 1, , ], [, , 62634996, 1, , ], [, , 61674701, 1, , ], [, , 63654007, 1, , ], [, , 61684889, 2, , ], [, , 64604876, 2, , ], [, , 64644495, 2, , ], [, , 67624103, 1, , ], [, , 60684907, 1, , ], [, , 65604476, 1, , ], [, , 62654454, 1, , ], [, , 64634712, 1, , ], [, , 62674092, 1, , ], [, , 62694170, 1, , ], [, , 63624299, 1, , ], [, , 63624367, 1, , ], [, , 68644966, 1, , ], [, , 69614229, 1, , ], [, , 63694928, 1, , ], [, , 69664661, 1, , ], [, , 60654072, 2, , ], [, , 68604583, 1, , ], [, , 68614329, 1, , ], [, , 69614011, 1, , ], [, , 69674069, 1, , ], [, , 60694417, 1, , ], [, , 63634081, 1, , ], [, , 65694328, 1, , ], [, , 67664645, 1, , ], [, , 67664966, 2, , ], [, , 62664909, 1, , ], [, , 62674492, 2, , ], [, , 62674751, 1, , ], [, , 64654284, 1, , ], [, , 66624253, 2, , ], [, , 66624829, 1, , ], [, , 67634503, 1, , ], [, , 122, 1591450, 146, ], [, , 184, Store: 184, , ]]'
        select('JTreeTable', 'rows:[25,28],columns:[Tree,keycode]')
        select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Tree,17(170)')
        ##		select('JTreeTable', 'rows:[21],columns:[Tree]')
        ##		click('Delete2')
            'JTreeTable', 'Content',
            '[[, , 20, Store: 20, , ], [, , 59, Store: 59, , ], [, , 166, Store: 166, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60, Department: 60, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60614646, 40118, 1, 6000], [, , 60614707, 40118, 1, 6000], [, , 68654655, 40118, 1, 5080], [, , 69644897, 40118, 1, 5080], [, , 69654084, 40118, 1, 6000], [, , 5, 28160, 5, ], [, , 80, Department: 80, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60604100, 40118, 1, 13300], [, , 69624033, 40118, 1, 18190], [, , 2, 31490, 2, ], [, , 193, Department: 193, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62694485, 40118, 1, 17560], [, , 62694706, 40118, 1, 13590], [, , 67644384, 40118, 1, 23960], [, , 68664211, 40118, 1, 11190], [, , 6, 101480, 6, ], [, , 220, Department: 220, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 64674633, 40118, 1, 15990], [, , 1, 15990, 1, ], [, , 230, Department: 230, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 69644961, 40118, 1, 9600], [, , 1, 9600, 1, ], [, , 235, Department: 235, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 64604513, 40118, 1, 16990], [, , 64674965, 40118, 1, 19990], [, , 64674965, 40118, -1, -19990], [, , 64674965, 40118, 1, 12000], [, , 2, 28990, 4, ], [, , 250, Department: 250, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 69604743, 40118, 1, 29950], [, , 1, 29950, 1, ], [, , 261, Department: 261, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60624523, 40118, 1, 12000], [, , 60624864, 40118, 1, 15000], [, , 62694605, 40118, 1, 25000], [, , 69634261, 40118, 1, 12000], [, , 69634263, 40118, 1, 25000], [, , 69634263, 40118, -1, -25000], [, , 69634263, 40118, 1, 12000], [, , 69634660, 40118, 1, 12000], [, , 69634922, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 69644909, 40118, 1, 9000], [, , 8, 116000, 10, ], [, , 265, Department: 265, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62684207, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 62684580, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 69644602, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 3, 57000, 3, ], [, , 270, Department: 270, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60664241, 40118, 1, 9000], [, , 60664302, 40118, 1, 9000], [, , 63634768, 40118, 1, 12000], [, , 69694959, 40118, 1, 11990], [, , 4, 41990, 4, ], [, , 275, Department: 275, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63654066, 40118, 1, 24990], [, , 1, 24990, 1, ], [, , 280, Department: 280, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 64624081, 40118, 1, 26240], [, , 69684947, 40118, 1, 22490], [, , 2, 48730, 2, ], [, , 320, Department: 320, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62664576, 40118, 1, 9720], [, , 63634260, 40118, 1, 5590], [, , 63654450, 40118, 1, 13990], [, , 63684449, 40118, 1, 16990], [, , 4, 46290, 4, ], [, , 335, Department: 335, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62604139, 40118, 1, 7990], [, , 1, 7990, 1, ], [, , 355, Department: 355, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62634862, 40118, 1, 11890], [, , 62654800, 40118, 1, 19990], [, , 69624221, 40118, 1, 16990], [, , 3, 48870, 3, ], [, , 360, Department: 360, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 66674979, 40118, 1, 4500], [, , 69694685, 40118, 1, 6990], [, , 69694814, 40118, 1, 2500], [, , 69694814, 40118, 1, 2500], [, , 69694937, 40118, 1, 2500], [, , 5, 18990, 5, ], [, , 366, Department: 366, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62614014, 40118, 1, 14990], [, , 1, 14990, 1, ], [, , 370, Department: 370, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62624382, 40118, 1, 18980], [, , 62624382, 40118, -1, -18980], [, , 62624382, 40118, 1, 18980], [, , 62624382, 40118, 1, 18980], [, , 62624382, 40118, -1, -18980], [, , 62624382, 40118, -1, -18980], [, , 62624382, 40118, 1, 18980], [, , 62624382, 40118, 1, 18980], [, , 62664231, 40118, 1, 8990], [, , 62664347, 40118, 1, 8990], [, , 68614651, 40118, 1, 3990], [, , 5, 59930, 11, ], [, , 375, Department: 375, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62684907, 40118, 1, 13990], [, , 62694193, 40118, 1, 13990], [, , 62694193, 40118, -1, -13990], [, , 62694193, 40118, 1, 11990], [, , 2, 25980, 4, ], [, , 395, Department: 395, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60614265, 40118, 1, 15990], [, , 60614265, 40118, 1, 15990], [, , 60614265, 40118, -1, -15990], [, , 60614265, 40118, -1, -15990], [, , 60614265, 40118, 1, 15990], [, , 60614265, 40118, -1, -15990], [, , 60614265, 40118, 1, 12800], [, , 63614741, 40118, 1, 27990], [, , 2, 40790, 8, ], [, , 405, Department: 405, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62614815, 40118, 1, 20000], [, , 1, 20000, 1, ], [, , 410, Department: 410, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63684098, 40118, 1, 1980], [, , 63684098, 40118, 1, 1980], [, , 63684098, 40118, 1, 1980], [, , 64684719, 40118, 1, 9990], [, , 4, 15930, 4, ], [, , 415, Department: 415, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62684548, 40118, 1, 39990], [, , 62684548, 40118, 1, 39990], [, , 2, 79980, 2, ], [, , 432, Department: 432, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 61694741, 40118, 1, 9060], [, , 62614534, 40118, 1, 9090], [, , 62664568, 40118, 1, 5990], [, , 62694387, 40118, 1, 7990], [, , 4, 32130, 4, ], [, , 440, Department: 440, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 64684534, 40118, 1, 14990], [, , 1, 14990, 1, ], [, , 455, Department: 455, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62664151, 40118, 1, 25000], [, , 1, 25000, 1, ], [, , 471, Department: 471, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62664674, 40118, 1, 24990], [, , 1, 24990, 1, ], [, , 475, Department: 475, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62694575, 40118, 1, 14990], [, , 1, 14990, 1, ], [, , 485, Department: 485, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 64674609, 40118, 1, 29990], [, , 1, 29990, 1, ], [, , 500, Department: 500, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60624185, 40118, 1, 8990], [, , 60624314, 40118, 1, 8990], [, , 2, 17980, 2, ], [, , 520, Department: 520, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62684028, 40118, 1, 29990], [, , 1, 29990, 1, ], [, , 650, Department: 650, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62634996, 40118, 1, 9990], [, , 1, 9990, 1, ], [, , 670, Department: 670, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 61674701, 40118, 1, 3990], [, , 63654007, 40118, 1, 56990], [, , 2, 60980, 2, ], [, , 685, Department: 685, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 61684889, 40118, 1, 4490], [, , 61684889, 40118, 1, 4490], [, , 2, 8980, 2, ], [, , 801, Department: 801, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 64604876, 40118, 1, 29620], [, , 64604876, 40118, 1, 29620], [, , 64644495, 40118, 1, 29650], [, , 64644495, 40118, 1, 29650], [, , 67624103, 40118, 1, 16500], [, , 5, 135040, 5, ], [, , 805, Department: 805, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60684907, 40118, 1, 5500], [, , 1, 5500, 1, ], [, , 830, Department: 830, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 65604476, 40118, 1, 19950], [, , 1, 19950, 1, ], [, , 845, Department: 845, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62654454, 40118, 1, 5950], [, , 64634712, 40118, 1, 3900], [, , 2, 9850, 2, ], [, , 851, Department: 851, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62674092, 40118, 1, 15990], [, , 62694170, 40118, 1, 16990], [, , 2, 32980, 2, ], [, , 870, Department: 870, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63624299, 40118, 1, 10990], [, , 63624367, 40118, 1, 11190], [, , 2, 22180, 2, ], [, , 902, Department: 902, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 68644966, 40118, 1, 12500], [, , 68644966, 40118, -1, -12500], [, , 68644966, 40118, 1, 10], [, , 69614229, 40118, 1, 15950], [, , 2, 15960, 4, ], [, , 904, Department: 904, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63694928, 40118, 1, 11490], [, , 69664661, 40118, 1, 14950], [, , 2, 26440, 2, ], [, , 905, Department: 905, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60654072, 40118, 1, 4330], [, , 60654072, 40118, 1, 4330], [, , 68604583, 40118, 1, 15990], [, , 68604583, 40118, -1, -15990], [, , 68604583, 40118, 1, 15990], [, , 68604583, 40118, -1, -15990], [, , 68604583, 40118, 1, 12800], [, , 68614329, 40118, 1, 39990], [, , 69614011, 40118, 1, 6990], [, , 5, 68440, 9, ], [, , 910, Department: 910, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 69674069, 40118, 1, 10490], [, , 1, 10490, 1, ], [, , 929, Department: 929, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60694417, 40118, 1, 650], [, , 63634081, 40118, 1, 3890], [, , 65694328, 40118, 1, 590], [, , 67664645, 40118, 1, 1390], [, , 67664966, 40118, 1, 890], [, , 67664966, 40118, 1, 890], [, , 6, 8300, 6, ], [, , 957, Department: 957, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62664909, 40118, 1, 3290], [, , 62674492, 40118, 1, 1490], [, , 62674492, 40118, 1, 1490], [, , 62674751, 40118, 1, 1990], [, , 64654284, 40118, 1, 3990], [, , 66624253, 40118, 1, 3490], [, , 66624253, 40118, 1, 3490], [, , 66624829, 40118, 1, 1990], [, , 8, 21220, 8, ], [, , 970, Department: 970, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 67634503, 40118, 1, 24990], [, , 1, 24990, 1, ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60614646, 1, , ], [, , 60614707, 1, , ], [, , 68654655, 1, , ], [, , 69644897, 1, , ], [, , 69654084, 1, , ], [, , 60604100, 1, , ], [, , 69624033, 1, , ], [, , 68674560, 1, , ], [, , 62694485, 1, , ], [, , 62694706, 1, , ], [, , 62694843, 1, , ], [, , 67644384, 1, , ], [, , 68664211, 1, , ], [, , 69644164, 1, , ], [, , 64674633, 1, , ], [, , 69644961, 1, , ], [, , 64604513, 1, , ], [, , 64674965, 1, , ], [, , 69604743, 1, , ], [, , 60624523, 1, , ], [, , 60624864, 1, , ], [, , 62694605, 1, , ], [, , 69634261, 1, , ], [, , 69634263, 1, , ], [, , 69634660, 1, , ], [, , 69634922, 1, , ], [, , 69644909, 1, , ], [, , 62684207, 1, , ], [, , 62684580, 1, , ], [, , 69644602, 1, , ], [, , 60664241, 1, , ], [, , 60664302, 1, , ], [, , 63634768, 1, , ], [, , 69694959, 1, , ], [, , 63654066, 1, , ], [, , 64624081, 1, , ], [, , 69684947, 1, , ], [, , 62664576, 1, , ], [, , 63634260, 1, , ], [, , 63654450, 1, , ], [, , 63684449, 1, , ], [, , 62604139, 1, , ], [, , 62634862, 1, , ], [, , 62654800, 1, , ], [, , 69624221, 1, , ], [, , 66674979, 1, , ], [, , 69694685, 1, , ], [, , 69694814, 2, , ], [, , 69694937, 1, , ], [, , 62614014, 1, , ], [, , 62624382, 2, , ], [, , 62664231, 1, , ], [, , 62664347, 1, , ], [, , 68614651, 1, , ], [, , 62684907, 1, , ], [, , 62694193, 1, , ], [, , 60614265, 1, , ], [, , 63614741, 1, , ], [, , 62614815, 1, , ], [, , 63684098, 3, , ], [, , 64684719, 1, , ], [, , 62684548, 2, , ], [, , 61694741, 1, , ], [, , 62614534, 1, , ], [, , 62664568, 1, , ], [, , 62694387, 1, , ], [, , 64684534, 1, , ], [, , 62664151, 1, , ], [, , 62664674, 1, , ], [, , 62694575, 1, , ], [, , 64674609, 1, , ], [, , 60624185, 1, , ], [, , 60624314, 1, , ], [, , 62684028, 1, , ], [, , 62634996, 1, , ], [, , 61674701, 1, , ], [, , 63654007, 1, , ], [, , 61684889, 2, , ], [, , 64604876, 2, , ], [, , 64644495, 2, , ], [, , 67624103, 1, , ], [, , 60684907, 1, , ], [, , 65604476, 1, , ], [, , 62654454, 1, , ], [, , 64634712, 1, , ], [, , 62674092, 1, , ], [, , 62694170, 1, , ], [, , 63624299, 1, , ], [, , 63624367, 1, , ], [, , 68644966, 1, , ], [, , 69614229, 1, , ], [, , 63694928, 1, , ], [, , 69664661, 1, , ], [, , 60654072, 2, , ], [, , 68604583, 1, , ], [, , 68614329, 1, , ], [, , 69614011, 1, , ], [, , 69674069, 1, , ], [, , 60694417, 1, , ], [, , 63634081, 1, , ], [, , 65694328, 1, , ], [, , 67664645, 1, , ], [, , 67664966, 2, , ], [, , 62664909, 1, , ], [, , 62674492, 2, , ], [, , 62674751, 1, , ], [, , 64654284, 1, , ], [, , 66624253, 2, , ], [, , 66624829, 1, , ], [, , 67634503, 1, , ], [, , 122, 1591450, 146, ], [, , 184, Store: 184, , ]]'
        select_menu('Utilities>>Compare with Disk')
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[, Deleted, 8, 69684558, 40118, 1, 5010], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 10, 69694158, 40118, -1, -19000], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 17, 929, Department: 929, , ], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 18, 65674532, 40118, 1, 3590], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 19, 1, 3590, 1, ], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 26, 69684558, 1, , ], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 28, 65674532, 1, , ], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 82, 170, Department: 170, , ], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 83, 68674560, 40118, 1, 5990], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 84, 1, 5990, 1, ], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 88, 62694843, 40118, 1, 13590], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 91, 69644164, 40118, 1, 21590], [, , , , , , ]]'
        select_menu('Window>>protoStoreSales3.bin>>Tree View')
        if commonBits.isVersion80():

               commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protoStoreSales3_Compare.bin')

        click('Save File')
        select_menu('Window>>protoStoreSales3.bin>>Tree View')

        if window('Save Changes to file: ' + commonBits.sampleDir() +

               commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protoStoreSales3_Compare.bin')
        ##		select('JTreeTable', '')
        rightclick('JTreeTable', 'Tree,0')
        select_menu('Fully Expand Tree')
        select('LayoutCombo', 'Prefered')
            'JTreeTable', 'Content',
            '[[, , 20, Store: 20, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 170, Department: 170, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63604808, 40118, 1, 4870], [, , 1, 4870, 1, ], [, , 280, Department: 280, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 69684558, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 69684558, 40118, -1, -19000], [, , 69694158, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 69694158, 40118, 1, 5010], [, , 2, 10020, 6, ], [, , 685, Department: 685, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62684671, 40118, 1, 69990], [, , 62684671, 40118, -1, -69990], [, , 0, 0, 2, ], [, , 957, Department: 957, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63674861, 40118, 10, 2700], [, , 64634429, 40118, 1, 3990], [, , 66624458, 40118, 1, 890], [, , 12, 7580, 3, ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63604808, 1, , ], [, , 69694158, 1, , ], [, , 63674861, 10, , ], [, , 64634429, 1, , ], [, , 66624458, 1, , ], [, , 16, 26060, 13, ], [, , 59, Store: 59, , ], [, , 166, Store: 166, , ], [, , 184, Store: 184, , ]]'
            'JTreeTable', 'Content',
            '[[, , 20, Store: 20, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 170, Department: 170, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63604808, 40118, 1, 4870], [, , 1, 4870, 1, ], [, , 280, Department: 280, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 69684558, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 69684558, 40118, -1, -19000], [, , 69694158, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 69694158, 40118, 1, 5010], [, , 2, 10020, 6, ], [, , 685, Department: 685, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62684671, 40118, 1, 69990], [, , 62684671, 40118, -1, -69990], [, , 0, 0, 2, ], [, , 957, Department: 957, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63674861, 40118, 10, 2700], [, , 64634429, 40118, 1, 3990], [, , 66624458, 40118, 1, 890], [, , 12, 7580, 3, ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63604808, 1, , ], [, , 69694158, 1, , ], [, , 63674861, 10, , ], [, , 64634429, 1, , ], [, , 66624458, 1, , ], [, , 16, 26060, 13, ], [, , 59, Store: 59, , ], [, , 166, Store: 166, , ], [, , 184, Store: 184, , ]]'
예제 #46
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    import os
    java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_17'

    if window(commonBits.applicationName()):
               commonBits.sampleDir() + 'zXzCreateSales3.bin')
               commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'StoreSales3.proto')
        select('ComboBox1', 'Proto Definition')
        assert_p('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'Content',
                 '[[store, 1, , 0, 0], [name, 2, , , ]]')
        select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', '11', 'Data,0')
        select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'name 11', 'Data,1')
        select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'cell:Data,0(11)')
        select_menu('Window>>zXzCreateSales3.bin>>Tree View')
        select('LayoutCombo', 'Store')
        assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , 11, name 11]]')
        select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Tree,0(null)')

        if window('Record Selection'):

        select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', '121', 'Data,0')
        select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'name 121', 'Data,1')
        select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'cell:Data,0(121)')
            'BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'Content',
            '[[department, 1, , 121, 121], [name, 2, , name 121, name 121]]')
        select_menu('Window>>zXzCreateSales3.bin>>Tree View')
        select('LayoutCombo', 'Prefered')
        ##		select('JTreeTable', '')
        rightclick('JTreeTable', 'Tree,0')
        select_menu('Expand Tree')
        ##		select('JTreeTable', '')
        rightclick('JTreeTable', 'Tree,1')
        select_menu('Expand Tree')
            'JTreeTable', 'Content',
            '[[, , 11, name 11, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 121, name 121, , ]]')
        ##		select('JTreeTable', '')
        rightclick('JTreeTable', 'Tree,1')
        select_menu('Expand Tree')
        assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content',
                 '[[, , 11, name 11], [, , , ], [, , , ]]')
        select('LayoutCombo', 'Prefered')
            'JTreeTable', 'Content',
            '[[, , 11, name 11, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 121, name 121, , ]]')
        select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Tree,0(null)')

        if window('Save Changes to file: ' + commonBits.sampleDir() +

        assert_p('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'Content',
                 '[[store, 1, , 0, 0], [name, 2, , , ]]')

        if window('Save Changes to file: ' + commonBits.sampleDir() +

        select('LayoutCombo', 'Store')
        assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , 0, ]]')
        select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Tree,0(null)')
        os.remove(commonBits.sampleDir() + 'zXzCreateSales3.bin')
예제 #47
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    java_recorded_version = '1.7.0_51'

    if window(commonBits.applicationName()):
        select('File_Txt', commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'oneOfTestA.bin')
        select('Proto Definition_Txt',
               commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'oneOfTestA.proto')
        select('TabbedPane', 'Record: ')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', '123', 'Data,0')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Text,0(123)')

        if window('Record Selection'):

        select('TabbedPane', 'Record:')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', '21', 'Data,0')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', '1', 'Data,2')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', '10.0', 'Data,3')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', 'SALE', 'Data,1')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', 'cell:Data,1(OTHER)')
        click('Tree View')
        select('TabbedPane', 'Tree View')
        select('LineTreeChild.Layouts_Txt', 'Prefered')
        ##		select('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', '')
        rightclick('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Tree,0')
        select_menu('Expand Tree')
            'LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[, , 123, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , 21, SALE, 1, 10.0, , , , , , , ]]'
        select('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Tree,0(null)')

        if window('Record Selection'):

        ##		select('TabbedPane', 'Record:')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', '543', 'Data,0')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', '1', 'Data,2')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', '11.0', 'Data,3')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', '10.0', 'Data,4')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', 'cell:Text,4(10.0)')

        click('Tree View')
        select('TabbedPane', 'Tree View')
            'LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[, , 123, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , 543, OTHER, 1, 11.0, 10.0, , , , , , ]]'

        select('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Tree,0(null)')
        rightclick('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Tree,0')
        select_menu('Insert Record#{s#}')
        select('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Tree,0(null)')

        if window('Record Selection'):
            select('OptionPane.comboBox', 'transfer')

        ##		select('TabbedPane', 'Record:')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', '654', 'Data,0')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', '1', 'Data,2')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', '110.0', 'Data,3')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', '100.0', 'Data,4')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', 'cell:Text,4(100.0)')
            'LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', 'Content',
            '[[item, 1, , STRING, 654, 654], [type, 2, , ENUM, OTHER, OTHER], [qty, 3, , INT32, 1, 1], [price, 4, , DOUBLE, 110.0, 110.0], [aveCost, 5, , DOUBLE, 100.0, 100.0]]'
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', 'cell:Text,4(100.0)')
        click('Tree View')
        select('TabbedPane', 'Tree View')
            'LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[, , 123, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , 654, OTHER, 1, 110.0, 100.0, , , , , , ]]'
        select('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Tree,0(null)')
        ##		rightclick('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Tree,0')
        ##		select_menu('Edit Record')
        select('TabbedPane', 'Record: ')
            'LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[name, 1, , STRING, 123, 123], [intFld, 2, , INT32, , ], [strFld, 3, , STRING, , ], [doubleFld, 4, , DOUBLE, , ], [boolFld, 5, , BOOL, , ], [typeOfSale, 6, , ENUM, , ], [intFld2, 7, , INT32, , ], [strFld2, 8, , STRING, , ], [doubleFld2, 9, , DOUBLE, , ], [boolFld2, 10, , BOOL, , ], [typeOfSale2, 11, , ENUM, , ]]'

        if window('Record Selection'):
            select('OptionPane.comboBox', 'purchase')

        ##		select('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Tree,0(null)')
        ##		click('New3')

        ##		if window('Record Selection'):
        ##			click('OK')
        ##		close()

        ##		select('TabbedPane', 'Record:')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', '135', 'Data,0')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', '1', 'Data,2')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', '110.0', 'Data,3')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', '80.0', 'Data,4')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', 'cell:Text,4(80.0)')
            'LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', 'Content',
            '[[item, 1, , STRING, 135, 135], [type, 2, , ENUM, OTHER, OTHER], [qty, 3, , INT32, 1, 1], [price, 4, , DOUBLE, 110.0, 110.0], [cost, 5, , DOUBLE, 80.0, 80.0]]'
        click('Tree View')
        select('TabbedPane', 'Tree View')
            'LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[, , 123, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , 135, OTHER, 1, 110.0, 80.0, , , , , , ]]'
        select('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Tree,0(null)')

        if window('Record Selection'):
            select('OptionPane.comboBox', 'transfer')

        ##		select('TabbedPane', 'Record:')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', '246', 'Data,0')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', '20', 'Data,2')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', '220.0', 'Data,3')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', '110.0', 'Data,4')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', 'cell:Data,3(220.0)')
            'LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', 'Content',
            '[[item, 1, , STRING, 246, 246], [type, 2, , ENUM, OTHER, OTHER], [qty, 3, , INT32, 20, 20], [price, 4, , DOUBLE, 220.0, 220.0], [aveCost, 5, , DOUBLE, 110.0, 110.0]]'
        click('Tree View')
        select('TabbedPane', 'Tree View')
            'LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[, , 123, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , 246, OTHER, 20, 220.0, 110.0, , , , , , ]]'
        select('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Tree,0(null)')

        if window('Record Selection'):
            select('OptionPane.comboBox', 'purchase')

        ##		select('TabbedPane', 'Record:')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', '886644', 'Data,0')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', '30', 'Data,2')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', '3330.0', 'Data,3')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', '2000.0', 'Data,4')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', 'cell:Text,4(2000.0)')
            'LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', 'Content',
            '[[item, 1, , STRING, 886644, 886644], [type, 2, , ENUM, OTHER, OTHER], [qty, 3, , INT32, 30, 30], [price, 4, , DOUBLE, 3330.0, 3330.0], [cost, 5, , DOUBLE, 2000.0, 2000.0]]'
        ##		click('DisplayFrame$TabButton', 62, 23)
        select('TabbedPane', 'Tree View')
            'LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[, , 123, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , 886644, OTHER, 30, 3330.0, 2000.0, , , , , , ]]'
        select('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Tree,0(null)')

        if window('Record Selection'):

        ##		select('TabbedPane', 'Record:')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', '951', 'Data,0')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', '1', 'Data,2')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', '10.0', 'Data,3')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', 'cell:Data,2(1)')
            'LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', 'Content',
            '[[item, 1, , STRING, 951, 951], [type, 2, , ENUM, OTHER, OTHER], [qty, 3, , INT32, 1, 1], [value, 4, , DOUBLE, 10.0, 10.0]]'
        click('Tree View')
        select('TabbedPane', 'Tree View')
            'LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[, , 123, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , 951, OTHER, 1, 10.0, , , , , , , ]]'

        if window(r'Save Changes to file: ' + commonBits.stdCopybookDir() +
예제 #48
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    java_recorded_version = '1.7.0_51'

    if window(commonBits.applicationName()):
        select('File_Txt', commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'oneOfTestA.bin')
        select('Proto Definition_Txt',
               commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'oneOfTestA.proto')
        select('TabbedPane', 'Record: ')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', '123', 'Data,0')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Text,0(123)')

        if window('Record Selection'):

        select('TabbedPane', 'Record:')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', '21', 'Data,0')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', '1', 'Data,2')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', '10.0', 'Data,3')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', 'SALE', 'Data,1')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', 'cell:Data,1(OTHER)')
        click('Tree View')
        select('TabbedPane', 'Tree View')
        select('LineTreeChild.Layouts_Txt', 'Prefered')
        ##		select('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', '')
        rightclick('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Tree,0')
        select_menu('Expand Tree')
            'LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[, , 123, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , 21, SALE, 1, 10.0, , , , , , , ]]'
        select('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Tree,0(null)')

        if window('Record Selection'):

        ##		select('TabbedPane', 'Record:')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', '543', 'Data,0')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', '1', 'Data,2')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', '11.0', 'Data,3')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', '10.0', 'Data,4')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', 'cell:Text,4(10.0)')

        click('Tree View')
        select('TabbedPane', 'Tree View')
            'LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[, , 123, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , 543, OTHER, 1, 11.0, 10.0, , , , , , ]]'

        select('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Tree,0(null)')
        rightclick('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Tree,0')
        select_menu('Insert Record#{s#}')
        select('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Tree,0(null)')

        if window('Record Selection'):
            select('OptionPane.comboBox', 'transfer')

        ##		select('TabbedPane', 'Record:')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', '654', 'Data,0')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', '1', 'Data,2')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', '110.0', 'Data,3')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', '100.0', 'Data,4')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', 'cell:Text,4(100.0)')
            'LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', 'Content',
            '[[item, 1, , STRING, 654, 654], [type, 2, , ENUM, OTHER, OTHER], [qty, 3, , INT32, 1, 1], [price, 4, , DOUBLE, 110.0, 110.0], [aveCost, 5, , DOUBLE, 100.0, 100.0]]'
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', 'cell:Text,4(100.0)')
        click('Tree View')
        select('TabbedPane', 'Tree View')
            'LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[, , 123, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , 654, OTHER, 1, 110.0, 100.0, , , , , , ]]'
        select('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Tree,0(null)')
        ##		rightclick('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Tree,0')
        ##		select_menu('Edit Record')
        select('TabbedPane', 'Record: ')
            'LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[name, 1, , STRING, 123, 123], [intFld, 2, , INT32, , ], [strFld, 3, , STRING, , ], [doubleFld, 4, , DOUBLE, , ], [boolFld, 5, , BOOL, , ], [typeOfSale, 6, , ENUM, , ], [intFld2, 7, , INT32, , ], [strFld2, 8, , STRING, , ], [doubleFld2, 9, , DOUBLE, , ], [boolFld2, 10, , BOOL, , ], [typeOfSale2, 11, , ENUM, , ]]'

        if window('Record Selection'):

##		select('TabbedPane', 'Record:')
##		select('TabbedPane', 'Tree View')
예제 #49
def test():
	from Modules import commonBits
	java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_03'

	if window('Protocol Buffer Editor'):

		select('FileChooser',  commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protoStoreSales3.bin')
		select('FileChooser1',  commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'StoreSales3.protocomp')
##		select('JTreeTable', '')
		rightclick('JTreeTable', 'Tree,0')
		select_menu('Fully Expand Tree')
		select('LayoutCombo', 'Prefered')
		select('JTreeTable', 'cell:saleDate,8(40118)')
		assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , 20, Store: 20, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 170, Department: 170, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63604808, 40118, 1, 4870], [, , 1, 4870, 1, ], [, , 280, Department: 280, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 69684558, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 69684558, 40118, -1, -19000], [, , 69684558, 40118, 1, 5010], [, , 69694158, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 69694158, 40118, -1, -19000], [, , 69694158, 40118, 1, 5010], [, , 2, 10020, 6, ], [, , 685, Department: 685, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62684671, 40118, 1, 69990], [, , 62684671, 40118, -1, -69990], [, , 0, 0, 2, ], [, , 929, Department: 929, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 65674532, 40118, 1, 3590], [, , 1, 3590, 1, ], [, , 957, Department: 957, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63674861, 40118, 10, 2700], [, , 64634429, 40118, 1, 3990], [, , 66624458, 40118, 1, 890], [, , 12, 7580, 3, ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63604808, 1, , ], [, , 69684558, 1, , ], [, , 69694158, 1, , ], [, , 65674532, 1, , ], [, , 63674861, 10, , ], [, , 64634429, 1, , ], [, , 66624458, 1, , ], [, , 16, 26060, 13, ], [, , 59, Store: 59, , ], [, , 166, Store: 166, , ], [, , 184, Store: 184, , ]]')
		select('JTreeTable', 'rows:[10,12],columns:[keycode,saleDate]')
		select('JTreeTable', 'rows:[10,18,19],columns:[Tree]')
		select('JTreeTable', 'rows:[18],columns:[Tree]')
		assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , 20, Store: 20, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 170, Department: 170, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63604808, 40118, 1, 4870], [, , 1, 4870, 1, ], [, , 280, Department: 280, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 69684558, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 69684558, 40118, -1, -19000], [, , 69694158, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 69694158, 40118, 1, 5010], [, , 2, 10020, 6, ], [, , 685, Department: 685, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62684671, 40118, 1, 69990], [, , 62684671, 40118, -1, -69990], [, , 0, 0, 2, ], [, , 957, Department: 957, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63674861, 40118, 10, 2700], [, , 64634429, 40118, 1, 3990], [, , 66624458, 40118, 1, 890], [, , 12, 7580, 3, ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63604808, 1, , ], [, , 69684558, 1, , ], [, , 69694158, 1, , ], [, , 65674532, 1, , ], [, , 63674861, 10, , ], [, , 64634429, 1, , ], [, , 66624458, 1, , ], [, , 16, 26060, 13, ], [, , 59, Store: 59, , ], [, , 166, Store: 166, , ], [, , 184, Store: 184, , ]]')
		select('JTreeTable', 'rows:[26,28],columns:[Tree]')
		select('JTreeTable', 'rows:[27],columns:[Tree]')
		assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , 20, Store: 20, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 170, Department: 170, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63604808, 40118, 1, 4870], [, , 1, 4870, 1, ], [, , 280, Department: 280, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 69684558, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 69684558, 40118, -1, -19000], [, , 69694158, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 69694158, 40118, 1, 5010], [, , 2, 10020, 6, ], [, , 685, Department: 685, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62684671, 40118, 1, 69990], [, , 62684671, 40118, -1, -69990], [, , 0, 0, 2, ], [, , 957, Department: 957, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63674861, 40118, 10, 2700], [, , 64634429, 40118, 1, 3990], [, , 66624458, 40118, 1, 890], [, , 12, 7580, 3, ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63604808, 1, , ], [, , 69694158, 1, , ], [, , 63674861, 10, , ], [, , 64634429, 1, , ], [, , 66624458, 1, , ], [, , 16, 26060, 13, ], [, , 59, Store: 59, , ], [, , 166, Store: 166, , ], [, , 184, Store: 184, , ]]')
		select_menu('Utilities>>Compare with Disk')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[, Deleted, 8, 69684558, 40118, 1, 5010], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 10, 69694158, 40118, -1, -19000], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 17, 929, Department: 929, , ], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 18, 65674532, 40118, 1, 3590], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 19, 1, 3590, 1, ], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 26, 69684558, 1, , ], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 28, 65674532, 1, , ], [, , , , , , ]]')
		select_menu('Window>>protoStoreSales3.bin>>Tree View')
##		select('JTreeTable', '')
		rightclick('JTreeTable', 'Tree,0')
		select_menu('Collapse Tree')
##		select('JTreeTable', '')
		rightclick('JTreeTable', 'Tree,2')
		select_menu('Fully Expand Tree')
		select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Tree,17(null)')
		assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , 20, Store: 20, , ], [, , 59, Store: 59, , ], [, , 166, Store: 166, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60, Department: 60, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60614646, 40118, 1, 6000], [, , 60614707, 40118, 1, 6000], [, , 68654655, 40118, 1, 5080], [, , 69644897, 40118, 1, 5080], [, , 69654084, 40118, 1, 6000], [, , 5, 28160, 5, ], [, , 80, Department: 80, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60604100, 40118, 1, 13300], [, , 69624033, 40118, 1, 18190], [, , 2, 31490, 2, ], [, , 170, Department: 170, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 68674560, 40118, 1, 5990], [, , 1, 5990, 1, ], [, , 193, Department: 193, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62694485, 40118, 1, 17560], [, , 62694706, 40118, 1, 13590], [, , 62694843, 40118, 1, 13590], [, , 67644384, 40118, 1, 23960], [, , 68664211, 40118, 1, 11190], [, , 69644164, 40118, 1, 21590], [, , 6, 101480, 6, ], [, , 220, Department: 220, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 64674633, 40118, 1, 15990], [, , 1, 15990, 1, ], [, , 230, Department: 230, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 69644961, 40118, 1, 9600], [, , 1, 9600, 1, ], [, , 235, Department: 235, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 64604513, 40118, 1, 16990], [, , 64674965, 40118, 1, 19990], [, , 64674965, 40118, -1, -19990], [, , 64674965, 40118, 1, 12000], [, , 2, 28990, 4, ], [, , 250, Department: 250, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 69604743, 40118, 1, 29950], [, , 1, 29950, 1, ], [, , 261, Department: 261, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60624523, 40118, 1, 12000], [, , 60624864, 40118, 1, 15000], [, , 62694605, 40118, 1, 25000], [, , 69634261, 40118, 1, 12000], [, , 69634263, 40118, 1, 25000], [, , 69634263, 40118, -1, -25000], [, , 69634263, 40118, 1, 12000], [, , 69634660, 40118, 1, 12000], [, , 69634922, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 69644909, 40118, 1, 9000], [, , 8, 116000, 10, ], [, , 265, Department: 265, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62684207, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 62684580, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 69644602, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 3, 57000, 3, ], [, , 270, Department: 270, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60664241, 40118, 1, 9000], [, , 60664302, 40118, 1, 9000], [, , 63634768, 40118, 1, 12000], [, , 69694959, 40118, 1, 11990], [, , 4, 41990, 4, ], [, , 275, Department: 275, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63654066, 40118, 1, 24990], [, , 1, 24990, 1, ], [, , 280, Department: 280, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 64624081, 40118, 1, 26240], [, , 69684947, 40118, 1, 22490], [, , 2, 48730, 2, ], [, , 320, Department: 320, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62664576, 40118, 1, 9720], [, , 63634260, 40118, 1, 5590], [, , 63654450, 40118, 1, 13990], [, , 63684449, 40118, 1, 16990], [, , 4, 46290, 4, ], [, , 335, Department: 335, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62604139, 40118, 1, 7990], [, , 1, 7990, 1, ], [, , 355, Department: 355, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62634862, 40118, 1, 11890], [, , 62654800, 40118, 1, 19990], [, , 69624221, 40118, 1, 16990], [, , 3, 48870, 3, ], [, , 360, Department: 360, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 66674979, 40118, 1, 4500], [, , 69694685, 40118, 1, 6990], [, , 69694814, 40118, 1, 2500], [, , 69694814, 40118, 1, 2500], [, , 69694937, 40118, 1, 2500], [, , 5, 18990, 5, ], [, , 366, Department: 366, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62614014, 40118, 1, 14990], [, , 1, 14990, 1, ], [, , 370, Department: 370, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62624382, 40118, 1, 18980], [, , 62624382, 40118, -1, -18980], [, , 62624382, 40118, 1, 18980], [, , 62624382, 40118, 1, 18980], [, , 62624382, 40118, -1, -18980], [, , 62624382, 40118, -1, -18980], [, , 62624382, 40118, 1, 18980], [, , 62624382, 40118, 1, 18980], [, , 62664231, 40118, 1, 8990], [, , 62664347, 40118, 1, 8990], [, , 68614651, 40118, 1, 3990], [, , 5, 59930, 11, ], [, , 375, Department: 375, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62684907, 40118, 1, 13990], [, , 62694193, 40118, 1, 13990], [, , 62694193, 40118, -1, -13990], [, , 62694193, 40118, 1, 11990], [, , 2, 25980, 4, ], [, , 395, Department: 395, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60614265, 40118, 1, 15990], [, , 60614265, 40118, 1, 15990], [, , 60614265, 40118, -1, -15990], [, , 60614265, 40118, -1, -15990], [, , 60614265, 40118, 1, 15990], [, , 60614265, 40118, -1, -15990], [, , 60614265, 40118, 1, 12800], [, , 63614741, 40118, 1, 27990], [, , 2, 40790, 8, ], [, , 405, Department: 405, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62614815, 40118, 1, 20000], [, , 1, 20000, 1, ], [, , 410, Department: 410, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63684098, 40118, 1, 1980], [, , 63684098, 40118, 1, 1980], [, , 63684098, 40118, 1, 1980], [, , 64684719, 40118, 1, 9990], [, , 4, 15930, 4, ], [, , 415, Department: 415, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62684548, 40118, 1, 39990], [, , 62684548, 40118, 1, 39990], [, , 2, 79980, 2, ], [, , 432, Department: 432, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 61694741, 40118, 1, 9060], [, , 62614534, 40118, 1, 9090], [, , 62664568, 40118, 1, 5990], [, , 62694387, 40118, 1, 7990], [, , 4, 32130, 4, ], [, , 440, Department: 440, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 64684534, 40118, 1, 14990], [, , 1, 14990, 1, ], [, , 455, Department: 455, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62664151, 40118, 1, 25000], [, , 1, 25000, 1, ], [, , 471, Department: 471, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62664674, 40118, 1, 24990], [, , 1, 24990, 1, ], [, , 475, Department: 475, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62694575, 40118, 1, 14990], [, , 1, 14990, 1, ], [, , 485, Department: 485, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 64674609, 40118, 1, 29990], [, , 1, 29990, 1, ], [, , 500, Department: 500, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60624185, 40118, 1, 8990], [, , 60624314, 40118, 1, 8990], [, , 2, 17980, 2, ], [, , 520, Department: 520, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62684028, 40118, 1, 29990], [, , 1, 29990, 1, ], [, , 650, Department: 650, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62634996, 40118, 1, 9990], [, , 1, 9990, 1, ], [, , 670, Department: 670, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 61674701, 40118, 1, 3990], [, , 63654007, 40118, 1, 56990], [, , 2, 60980, 2, ], [, , 685, Department: 685, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 61684889, 40118, 1, 4490], [, , 61684889, 40118, 1, 4490], [, , 2, 8980, 2, ], [, , 801, Department: 801, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 64604876, 40118, 1, 29620], [, , 64604876, 40118, 1, 29620], [, , 64644495, 40118, 1, 29650], [, , 64644495, 40118, 1, 29650], [, , 67624103, 40118, 1, 16500], [, , 5, 135040, 5, ], [, , 805, Department: 805, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60684907, 40118, 1, 5500], [, , 1, 5500, 1, ], [, , 830, Department: 830, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 65604476, 40118, 1, 19950], [, , 1, 19950, 1, ], [, , 845, Department: 845, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62654454, 40118, 1, 5950], [, , 64634712, 40118, 1, 3900], [, , 2, 9850, 2, ], [, , 851, Department: 851, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62674092, 40118, 1, 15990], [, , 62694170, 40118, 1, 16990], [, , 2, 32980, 2, ], [, , 870, Department: 870, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63624299, 40118, 1, 10990], [, , 63624367, 40118, 1, 11190], [, , 2, 22180, 2, ], [, , 902, Department: 902, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 68644966, 40118, 1, 12500], [, , 68644966, 40118, -1, -12500], [, , 68644966, 40118, 1, 10], [, , 69614229, 40118, 1, 15950], [, , 2, 15960, 4, ], [, , 904, Department: 904, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63694928, 40118, 1, 11490], [, , 69664661, 40118, 1, 14950], [, , 2, 26440, 2, ], [, , 905, Department: 905, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60654072, 40118, 1, 4330], [, , 60654072, 40118, 1, 4330], [, , 68604583, 40118, 1, 15990], [, , 68604583, 40118, -1, -15990], [, , 68604583, 40118, 1, 15990], [, , 68604583, 40118, -1, -15990], [, , 68604583, 40118, 1, 12800], [, , 68614329, 40118, 1, 39990], [, , 69614011, 40118, 1, 6990], [, , 5, 68440, 9, ], [, , 910, Department: 910, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 69674069, 40118, 1, 10490], [, , 1, 10490, 1, ], [, , 929, Department: 929, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60694417, 40118, 1, 650], [, , 63634081, 40118, 1, 3890], [, , 65694328, 40118, 1, 590], [, , 67664645, 40118, 1, 1390], [, , 67664966, 40118, 1, 890], [, , 67664966, 40118, 1, 890], [, , 6, 8300, 6, ], [, , 957, Department: 957, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62664909, 40118, 1, 3290], [, , 62674492, 40118, 1, 1490], [, , 62674492, 40118, 1, 1490], [, , 62674751, 40118, 1, 1990], [, , 64654284, 40118, 1, 3990], [, , 66624253, 40118, 1, 3490], [, , 66624253, 40118, 1, 3490], [, , 66624829, 40118, 1, 1990], [, , 8, 21220, 8, ], [, , 970, Department: 970, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 67634503, 40118, 1, 24990], [, , 1, 24990, 1, ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60614646, 1, , ], [, , 60614707, 1, , ], [, , 68654655, 1, , ], [, , 69644897, 1, , ], [, , 69654084, 1, , ], [, , 60604100, 1, , ], [, , 69624033, 1, , ], [, , 68674560, 1, , ], [, , 62694485, 1, , ], [, , 62694706, 1, , ], [, , 62694843, 1, , ], [, , 67644384, 1, , ], [, , 68664211, 1, , ], [, , 69644164, 1, , ], [, , 64674633, 1, , ], [, , 69644961, 1, , ], [, , 64604513, 1, , ], [, , 64674965, 1, , ], [, , 69604743, 1, , ], [, , 60624523, 1, , ], [, , 60624864, 1, , ], [, , 62694605, 1, , ], [, , 69634261, 1, , ], [, , 69634263, 1, , ], [, , 69634660, 1, , ], [, , 69634922, 1, , ], [, , 69644909, 1, , ], [, , 62684207, 1, , ], [, , 62684580, 1, , ], [, , 69644602, 1, , ], [, , 60664241, 1, , ], [, , 60664302, 1, , ], [, , 63634768, 1, , ], [, , 69694959, 1, , ], [, , 63654066, 1, , ], [, , 64624081, 1, , ], [, , 69684947, 1, , ], [, , 62664576, 1, , ], [, , 63634260, 1, , ], [, , 63654450, 1, , ], [, , 63684449, 1, , ], [, , 62604139, 1, , ], [, , 62634862, 1, , ], [, , 62654800, 1, , ], [, , 69624221, 1, , ], [, , 66674979, 1, , ], [, , 69694685, 1, , ], [, , 69694814, 2, , ], [, , 69694937, 1, , ], [, , 62614014, 1, , ], [, , 62624382, 2, , ], [, , 62664231, 1, , ], [, , 62664347, 1, , ], [, , 68614651, 1, , ], [, , 62684907, 1, , ], [, , 62694193, 1, , ], [, , 60614265, 1, , ], [, , 63614741, 1, , ], [, , 62614815, 1, , ], [, , 63684098, 3, , ], [, , 64684719, 1, , ], [, , 62684548, 2, , ], [, , 61694741, 1, , ], [, , 62614534, 1, , ], [, , 62664568, 1, , ], [, , 62694387, 1, , ], [, , 64684534, 1, , ], [, , 62664151, 1, , ], [, , 62664674, 1, , ], [, , 62694575, 1, , ], [, , 64674609, 1, , ], [, , 60624185, 1, , ], [, , 60624314, 1, , ], [, , 62684028, 1, , ], [, , 62634996, 1, , ], [, , 61674701, 1, , ], [, , 63654007, 1, , ], [, , 61684889, 2, , ], [, , 64604876, 2, , ], [, , 64644495, 2, , ], [, , 67624103, 1, , ], [, , 60684907, 1, , ], [, , 65604476, 1, , ], [, , 62654454, 1, , ], [, , 64634712, 1, , ], [, , 62674092, 1, , ], [, , 62694170, 1, , ], [, , 63624299, 1, , ], [, , 63624367, 1, , ], [, , 68644966, 1, , ], [, , 69614229, 1, , ], [, , 63694928, 1, , ], [, , 69664661, 1, , ], [, , 60654072, 2, , ], [, , 68604583, 1, , ], [, , 68614329, 1, , ], [, , 69614011, 1, , ], [, , 69674069, 1, , ], [, , 60694417, 1, , ], [, , 63634081, 1, , ], [, , 65694328, 1, , ], [, , 67664645, 1, , ], [, , 67664966, 2, , ], [, , 62664909, 1, , ], [, , 62674492, 2, , ], [, , 62674751, 1, , ], [, , 64654284, 1, , ], [, , 66624253, 2, , ], [, , 66624829, 1, , ], [, , 67634503, 1, , ], [, , 122, 1591450, 146, ], [, , 184, Store: 184, , ]]')
		select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Tree,19(5990)')
		select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Tree,19(5990)')
		assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , 20, Store: 20, , ], [, , 59, Store: 59, , ], [, , 166, Store: 166, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60, Department: 60, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60614646, 40118, 1, 6000], [, , 60614707, 40118, 1, 6000], [, , 68654655, 40118, 1, 5080], [, , 69644897, 40118, 1, 5080], [, , 69654084, 40118, 1, 6000], [, , 5, 28160, 5, ], [, , 80, Department: 80, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60604100, 40118, 1, 13300], [, , 69624033, 40118, 1, 18190], [, , 2, 31490, 2, ], [, , 170, Department: 170, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 68674560, 40118, 1, 5990], [, , 1, 5990, 1, ], [, , 193, Department: 193, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62694485, 40118, 1, 17560], [, , 62694706, 40118, 1, 13590], [, , 62694843, 40118, 1, 13590], [, , 67644384, 40118, 1, 23960], [, , 68664211, 40118, 1, 11190], [, , 69644164, 40118, 1, 21590], [, , 6, 101480, 6, ], [, , 220, Department: 220, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 64674633, 40118, 1, 15990], [, , 1, 15990, 1, ], [, , 230, Department: 230, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 69644961, 40118, 1, 9600], [, , 1, 9600, 1, ], [, , 235, Department: 235, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 64604513, 40118, 1, 16990], [, , 64674965, 40118, 1, 19990], [, , 64674965, 40118, -1, -19990], [, , 64674965, 40118, 1, 12000], [, , 2, 28990, 4, ], [, , 250, Department: 250, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 69604743, 40118, 1, 29950], [, , 1, 29950, 1, ], [, , 261, Department: 261, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60624523, 40118, 1, 12000], [, , 60624864, 40118, 1, 15000], [, , 62694605, 40118, 1, 25000], [, , 69634261, 40118, 1, 12000], [, , 69634263, 40118, 1, 25000], [, , 69634263, 40118, -1, -25000], [, , 69634263, 40118, 1, 12000], [, , 69634660, 40118, 1, 12000], [, , 69634922, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 69644909, 40118, 1, 9000], [, , 8, 116000, 10, ], [, , 265, Department: 265, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62684207, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 62684580, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 69644602, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 3, 57000, 3, ], [, , 270, Department: 270, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60664241, 40118, 1, 9000], [, , 60664302, 40118, 1, 9000], [, , 63634768, 40118, 1, 12000], [, , 69694959, 40118, 1, 11990], [, , 4, 41990, 4, ], [, , 275, Department: 275, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63654066, 40118, 1, 24990], [, , 1, 24990, 1, ], [, , 280, Department: 280, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 64624081, 40118, 1, 26240], [, , 69684947, 40118, 1, 22490], [, , 2, 48730, 2, ], [, , 320, Department: 320, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62664576, 40118, 1, 9720], [, , 63634260, 40118, 1, 5590], [, , 63654450, 40118, 1, 13990], [, , 63684449, 40118, 1, 16990], [, , 4, 46290, 4, ], [, , 335, Department: 335, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62604139, 40118, 1, 7990], [, , 1, 7990, 1, ], [, , 355, Department: 355, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62634862, 40118, 1, 11890], [, , 62654800, 40118, 1, 19990], [, , 69624221, 40118, 1, 16990], [, , 3, 48870, 3, ], [, , 360, Department: 360, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 66674979, 40118, 1, 4500], [, , 69694685, 40118, 1, 6990], [, , 69694814, 40118, 1, 2500], [, , 69694814, 40118, 1, 2500], [, , 69694937, 40118, 1, 2500], [, , 5, 18990, 5, ], [, , 366, Department: 366, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62614014, 40118, 1, 14990], [, , 1, 14990, 1, ], [, , 370, Department: 370, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62624382, 40118, 1, 18980], [, , 62624382, 40118, -1, -18980], [, , 62624382, 40118, 1, 18980], [, , 62624382, 40118, 1, 18980], [, , 62624382, 40118, -1, -18980], [, , 62624382, 40118, -1, -18980], [, , 62624382, 40118, 1, 18980], [, , 62624382, 40118, 1, 18980], [, , 62664231, 40118, 1, 8990], [, , 62664347, 40118, 1, 8990], [, , 68614651, 40118, 1, 3990], [, , 5, 59930, 11, ], [, , 375, Department: 375, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62684907, 40118, 1, 13990], [, , 62694193, 40118, 1, 13990], [, , 62694193, 40118, -1, -13990], [, , 62694193, 40118, 1, 11990], [, , 2, 25980, 4, ], [, , 395, Department: 395, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60614265, 40118, 1, 15990], [, , 60614265, 40118, 1, 15990], [, , 60614265, 40118, -1, -15990], [, , 60614265, 40118, -1, -15990], [, , 60614265, 40118, 1, 15990], [, , 60614265, 40118, -1, -15990], [, , 60614265, 40118, 1, 12800], [, , 63614741, 40118, 1, 27990], [, , 2, 40790, 8, ], [, , 405, Department: 405, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62614815, 40118, 1, 20000], [, , 1, 20000, 1, ], [, , 410, Department: 410, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63684098, 40118, 1, 1980], [, , 63684098, 40118, 1, 1980], [, , 63684098, 40118, 1, 1980], [, , 64684719, 40118, 1, 9990], [, , 4, 15930, 4, ], [, , 415, Department: 415, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62684548, 40118, 1, 39990], [, , 62684548, 40118, 1, 39990], [, , 2, 79980, 2, ], [, , 432, Department: 432, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 61694741, 40118, 1, 9060], [, , 62614534, 40118, 1, 9090], [, , 62664568, 40118, 1, 5990], [, , 62694387, 40118, 1, 7990], [, , 4, 32130, 4, ], [, , 440, Department: 440, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 64684534, 40118, 1, 14990], [, , 1, 14990, 1, ], [, , 455, Department: 455, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62664151, 40118, 1, 25000], [, , 1, 25000, 1, ], [, , 471, Department: 471, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62664674, 40118, 1, 24990], [, , 1, 24990, 1, ], [, , 475, Department: 475, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62694575, 40118, 1, 14990], [, , 1, 14990, 1, ], [, , 485, Department: 485, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 64674609, 40118, 1, 29990], [, , 1, 29990, 1, ], [, , 500, Department: 500, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60624185, 40118, 1, 8990], [, , 60624314, 40118, 1, 8990], [, , 2, 17980, 2, ], [, , 520, Department: 520, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62684028, 40118, 1, 29990], [, , 1, 29990, 1, ], [, , 650, Department: 650, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62634996, 40118, 1, 9990], [, , 1, 9990, 1, ], [, , 670, Department: 670, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 61674701, 40118, 1, 3990], [, , 63654007, 40118, 1, 56990], [, , 2, 60980, 2, ], [, , 685, Department: 685, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 61684889, 40118, 1, 4490], [, , 61684889, 40118, 1, 4490], [, , 2, 8980, 2, ], [, , 801, Department: 801, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 64604876, 40118, 1, 29620], [, , 64604876, 40118, 1, 29620], [, , 64644495, 40118, 1, 29650], [, , 64644495, 40118, 1, 29650], [, , 67624103, 40118, 1, 16500], [, , 5, 135040, 5, ], [, , 805, Department: 805, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60684907, 40118, 1, 5500], [, , 1, 5500, 1, ], [, , 830, Department: 830, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 65604476, 40118, 1, 19950], [, , 1, 19950, 1, ], [, , 845, Department: 845, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62654454, 40118, 1, 5950], [, , 64634712, 40118, 1, 3900], [, , 2, 9850, 2, ], [, , 851, Department: 851, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62674092, 40118, 1, 15990], [, , 62694170, 40118, 1, 16990], [, , 2, 32980, 2, ], [, , 870, Department: 870, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63624299, 40118, 1, 10990], [, , 63624367, 40118, 1, 11190], [, , 2, 22180, 2, ], [, , 902, Department: 902, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 68644966, 40118, 1, 12500], [, , 68644966, 40118, -1, -12500], [, , 68644966, 40118, 1, 10], [, , 69614229, 40118, 1, 15950], [, , 2, 15960, 4, ], [, , 904, Department: 904, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63694928, 40118, 1, 11490], [, , 69664661, 40118, 1, 14950], [, , 2, 26440, 2, ], [, , 905, Department: 905, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60654072, 40118, 1, 4330], [, , 60654072, 40118, 1, 4330], [, , 68604583, 40118, 1, 15990], [, , 68604583, 40118, -1, -15990], [, , 68604583, 40118, 1, 15990], [, , 68604583, 40118, -1, -15990], [, , 68604583, 40118, 1, 12800], [, , 68614329, 40118, 1, 39990], [, , 69614011, 40118, 1, 6990], [, , 5, 68440, 9, ], [, , 910, Department: 910, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 69674069, 40118, 1, 10490], [, , 1, 10490, 1, ], [, , 929, Department: 929, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60694417, 40118, 1, 650], [, , 63634081, 40118, 1, 3890], [, , 65694328, 40118, 1, 590], [, , 67664645, 40118, 1, 1390], [, , 67664966, 40118, 1, 890], [, , 67664966, 40118, 1, 890], [, , 6, 8300, 6, ], [, , 957, Department: 957, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62664909, 40118, 1, 3290], [, , 62674492, 40118, 1, 1490], [, , 62674492, 40118, 1, 1490], [, , 62674751, 40118, 1, 1990], [, , 64654284, 40118, 1, 3990], [, , 66624253, 40118, 1, 3490], [, , 66624253, 40118, 1, 3490], [, , 66624829, 40118, 1, 1990], [, , 8, 21220, 8, ], [, , 970, Department: 970, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 67634503, 40118, 1, 24990], [, , 1, 24990, 1, ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60614646, 1, , ], [, , 60614707, 1, , ], [, , 68654655, 1, , ], [, , 69644897, 1, , ], [, , 69654084, 1, , ], [, , 60604100, 1, , ], [, , 69624033, 1, , ], [, , 68674560, 1, , ], [, , 62694485, 1, , ], [, , 62694706, 1, , ], [, , 62694843, 1, , ], [, , 67644384, 1, , ], [, , 68664211, 1, , ], [, , 69644164, 1, , ], [, , 64674633, 1, , ], [, , 69644961, 1, , ], [, , 64604513, 1, , ], [, , 64674965, 1, , ], [, , 69604743, 1, , ], [, , 60624523, 1, , ], [, , 60624864, 1, , ], [, , 62694605, 1, , ], [, , 69634261, 1, , ], [, , 69634263, 1, , ], [, , 69634660, 1, , ], [, , 69634922, 1, , ], [, , 69644909, 1, , ], [, , 62684207, 1, , ], [, , 62684580, 1, , ], [, , 69644602, 1, , ], [, , 60664241, 1, , ], [, , 60664302, 1, , ], [, , 63634768, 1, , ], [, , 69694959, 1, , ], [, , 63654066, 1, , ], [, , 64624081, 1, , ], [, , 69684947, 1, , ], [, , 62664576, 1, , ], [, , 63634260, 1, , ], [, , 63654450, 1, , ], [, , 63684449, 1, , ], [, , 62604139, 1, , ], [, , 62634862, 1, , ], [, , 62654800, 1, , ], [, , 69624221, 1, , ], [, , 66674979, 1, , ], [, , 69694685, 1, , ], [, , 69694814, 2, , ], [, , 69694937, 1, , ], [, , 62614014, 1, , ], [, , 62624382, 2, , ], [, , 62664231, 1, , ], [, , 62664347, 1, , ], [, , 68614651, 1, , ], [, , 62684907, 1, , ], [, , 62694193, 1, , ], [, , 60614265, 1, , ], [, , 63614741, 1, , ], [, , 62614815, 1, , ], [, , 63684098, 3, , ], [, , 64684719, 1, , ], [, , 62684548, 2, , ], [, , 61694741, 1, , ], [, , 62614534, 1, , ], [, , 62664568, 1, , ], [, , 62694387, 1, , ], [, , 64684534, 1, , ], [, , 62664151, 1, , ], [, , 62664674, 1, , ], [, , 62694575, 1, , ], [, , 64674609, 1, , ], [, , 60624185, 1, , ], [, , 60624314, 1, , ], [, , 62684028, 1, , ], [, , 62634996, 1, , ], [, , 61674701, 1, , ], [, , 63654007, 1, , ], [, , 61684889, 2, , ], [, , 64604876, 2, , ], [, , 64644495, 2, , ], [, , 67624103, 1, , ], [, , 60684907, 1, , ], [, , 65604476, 1, , ], [, , 62654454, 1, , ], [, , 64634712, 1, , ], [, , 62674092, 1, , ], [, , 62694170, 1, , ], [, , 63624299, 1, , ], [, , 63624367, 1, , ], [, , 68644966, 1, , ], [, , 69614229, 1, , ], [, , 63694928, 1, , ], [, , 69664661, 1, , ], [, , 60654072, 2, , ], [, , 68604583, 1, , ], [, , 68614329, 1, , ], [, , 69614011, 1, , ], [, , 69674069, 1, , ], [, , 60694417, 1, , ], [, , 63634081, 1, , ], [, , 65694328, 1, , ], [, , 67664645, 1, , ], [, , 67664966, 2, , ], [, , 62664909, 1, , ], [, , 62674492, 2, , ], [, , 62674751, 1, , ], [, , 64654284, 1, , ], [, , 66624253, 2, , ], [, , 66624829, 1, , ], [, , 67634503, 1, , ], [, , 122, 1591450, 146, ], [, , 184, Store: 184, , ]]')
		select('JTreeTable', 'rows:[25,28],columns:[Tree,keycode]')
		select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Tree,17(170)')
		select('JTreeTable', 'rows:[21],columns:[Tree]')
		assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , 20, Store: 20, , ], [, , 59, Store: 59, , ], [, , 166, Store: 166, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60, Department: 60, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60614646, 40118, 1, 6000], [, , 60614707, 40118, 1, 6000], [, , 68654655, 40118, 1, 5080], [, , 69644897, 40118, 1, 5080], [, , 69654084, 40118, 1, 6000], [, , 5, 28160, 5, ], [, , 80, Department: 80, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60604100, 40118, 1, 13300], [, , 69624033, 40118, 1, 18190], [, , 2, 31490, 2, ], [, , 193, Department: 193, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62694485, 40118, 1, 17560], [, , 62694706, 40118, 1, 13590], [, , 67644384, 40118, 1, 23960], [, , 68664211, 40118, 1, 11190], [, , 6, 101480, 6, ], [, , 220, Department: 220, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 64674633, 40118, 1, 15990], [, , 1, 15990, 1, ], [, , 230, Department: 230, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 69644961, 40118, 1, 9600], [, , 1, 9600, 1, ], [, , 235, Department: 235, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 64604513, 40118, 1, 16990], [, , 64674965, 40118, 1, 19990], [, , 64674965, 40118, -1, -19990], [, , 64674965, 40118, 1, 12000], [, , 2, 28990, 4, ], [, , 250, Department: 250, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 69604743, 40118, 1, 29950], [, , 1, 29950, 1, ], [, , 261, Department: 261, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60624523, 40118, 1, 12000], [, , 60624864, 40118, 1, 15000], [, , 62694605, 40118, 1, 25000], [, , 69634261, 40118, 1, 12000], [, , 69634263, 40118, 1, 25000], [, , 69634263, 40118, -1, -25000], [, , 69634263, 40118, 1, 12000], [, , 69634660, 40118, 1, 12000], [, , 69634922, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 69644909, 40118, 1, 9000], [, , 8, 116000, 10, ], [, , 265, Department: 265, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62684207, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 62684580, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 69644602, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 3, 57000, 3, ], [, , 270, Department: 270, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60664241, 40118, 1, 9000], [, , 60664302, 40118, 1, 9000], [, , 63634768, 40118, 1, 12000], [, , 69694959, 40118, 1, 11990], [, , 4, 41990, 4, ], [, , 275, Department: 275, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63654066, 40118, 1, 24990], [, , 1, 24990, 1, ], [, , 280, Department: 280, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 64624081, 40118, 1, 26240], [, , 69684947, 40118, 1, 22490], [, , 2, 48730, 2, ], [, , 320, Department: 320, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62664576, 40118, 1, 9720], [, , 63634260, 40118, 1, 5590], [, , 63654450, 40118, 1, 13990], [, , 63684449, 40118, 1, 16990], [, , 4, 46290, 4, ], [, , 335, Department: 335, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62604139, 40118, 1, 7990], [, , 1, 7990, 1, ], [, , 355, Department: 355, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62634862, 40118, 1, 11890], [, , 62654800, 40118, 1, 19990], [, , 69624221, 40118, 1, 16990], [, , 3, 48870, 3, ], [, , 360, Department: 360, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 66674979, 40118, 1, 4500], [, , 69694685, 40118, 1, 6990], [, , 69694814, 40118, 1, 2500], [, , 69694814, 40118, 1, 2500], [, , 69694937, 40118, 1, 2500], [, , 5, 18990, 5, ], [, , 366, Department: 366, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62614014, 40118, 1, 14990], [, , 1, 14990, 1, ], [, , 370, Department: 370, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62624382, 40118, 1, 18980], [, , 62624382, 40118, -1, -18980], [, , 62624382, 40118, 1, 18980], [, , 62624382, 40118, 1, 18980], [, , 62624382, 40118, -1, -18980], [, , 62624382, 40118, -1, -18980], [, , 62624382, 40118, 1, 18980], [, , 62624382, 40118, 1, 18980], [, , 62664231, 40118, 1, 8990], [, , 62664347, 40118, 1, 8990], [, , 68614651, 40118, 1, 3990], [, , 5, 59930, 11, ], [, , 375, Department: 375, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62684907, 40118, 1, 13990], [, , 62694193, 40118, 1, 13990], [, , 62694193, 40118, -1, -13990], [, , 62694193, 40118, 1, 11990], [, , 2, 25980, 4, ], [, , 395, Department: 395, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60614265, 40118, 1, 15990], [, , 60614265, 40118, 1, 15990], [, , 60614265, 40118, -1, -15990], [, , 60614265, 40118, -1, -15990], [, , 60614265, 40118, 1, 15990], [, , 60614265, 40118, -1, -15990], [, , 60614265, 40118, 1, 12800], [, , 63614741, 40118, 1, 27990], [, , 2, 40790, 8, ], [, , 405, Department: 405, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62614815, 40118, 1, 20000], [, , 1, 20000, 1, ], [, , 410, Department: 410, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63684098, 40118, 1, 1980], [, , 63684098, 40118, 1, 1980], [, , 63684098, 40118, 1, 1980], [, , 64684719, 40118, 1, 9990], [, , 4, 15930, 4, ], [, , 415, Department: 415, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62684548, 40118, 1, 39990], [, , 62684548, 40118, 1, 39990], [, , 2, 79980, 2, ], [, , 432, Department: 432, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 61694741, 40118, 1, 9060], [, , 62614534, 40118, 1, 9090], [, , 62664568, 40118, 1, 5990], [, , 62694387, 40118, 1, 7990], [, , 4, 32130, 4, ], [, , 440, Department: 440, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 64684534, 40118, 1, 14990], [, , 1, 14990, 1, ], [, , 455, Department: 455, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62664151, 40118, 1, 25000], [, , 1, 25000, 1, ], [, , 471, Department: 471, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62664674, 40118, 1, 24990], [, , 1, 24990, 1, ], [, , 475, Department: 475, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62694575, 40118, 1, 14990], [, , 1, 14990, 1, ], [, , 485, Department: 485, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 64674609, 40118, 1, 29990], [, , 1, 29990, 1, ], [, , 500, Department: 500, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60624185, 40118, 1, 8990], [, , 60624314, 40118, 1, 8990], [, , 2, 17980, 2, ], [, , 520, Department: 520, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62684028, 40118, 1, 29990], [, , 1, 29990, 1, ], [, , 650, Department: 650, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62634996, 40118, 1, 9990], [, , 1, 9990, 1, ], [, , 670, Department: 670, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 61674701, 40118, 1, 3990], [, , 63654007, 40118, 1, 56990], [, , 2, 60980, 2, ], [, , 685, Department: 685, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 61684889, 40118, 1, 4490], [, , 61684889, 40118, 1, 4490], [, , 2, 8980, 2, ], [, , 801, Department: 801, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 64604876, 40118, 1, 29620], [, , 64604876, 40118, 1, 29620], [, , 64644495, 40118, 1, 29650], [, , 64644495, 40118, 1, 29650], [, , 67624103, 40118, 1, 16500], [, , 5, 135040, 5, ], [, , 805, Department: 805, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60684907, 40118, 1, 5500], [, , 1, 5500, 1, ], [, , 830, Department: 830, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 65604476, 40118, 1, 19950], [, , 1, 19950, 1, ], [, , 845, Department: 845, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62654454, 40118, 1, 5950], [, , 64634712, 40118, 1, 3900], [, , 2, 9850, 2, ], [, , 851, Department: 851, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62674092, 40118, 1, 15990], [, , 62694170, 40118, 1, 16990], [, , 2, 32980, 2, ], [, , 870, Department: 870, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63624299, 40118, 1, 10990], [, , 63624367, 40118, 1, 11190], [, , 2, 22180, 2, ], [, , 902, Department: 902, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 68644966, 40118, 1, 12500], [, , 68644966, 40118, -1, -12500], [, , 68644966, 40118, 1, 10], [, , 69614229, 40118, 1, 15950], [, , 2, 15960, 4, ], [, , 904, Department: 904, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63694928, 40118, 1, 11490], [, , 69664661, 40118, 1, 14950], [, , 2, 26440, 2, ], [, , 905, Department: 905, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60654072, 40118, 1, 4330], [, , 60654072, 40118, 1, 4330], [, , 68604583, 40118, 1, 15990], [, , 68604583, 40118, -1, -15990], [, , 68604583, 40118, 1, 15990], [, , 68604583, 40118, -1, -15990], [, , 68604583, 40118, 1, 12800], [, , 68614329, 40118, 1, 39990], [, , 69614011, 40118, 1, 6990], [, , 5, 68440, 9, ], [, , 910, Department: 910, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 69674069, 40118, 1, 10490], [, , 1, 10490, 1, ], [, , 929, Department: 929, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60694417, 40118, 1, 650], [, , 63634081, 40118, 1, 3890], [, , 65694328, 40118, 1, 590], [, , 67664645, 40118, 1, 1390], [, , 67664966, 40118, 1, 890], [, , 67664966, 40118, 1, 890], [, , 6, 8300, 6, ], [, , 957, Department: 957, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62664909, 40118, 1, 3290], [, , 62674492, 40118, 1, 1490], [, , 62674492, 40118, 1, 1490], [, , 62674751, 40118, 1, 1990], [, , 64654284, 40118, 1, 3990], [, , 66624253, 40118, 1, 3490], [, , 66624253, 40118, 1, 3490], [, , 66624829, 40118, 1, 1990], [, , 8, 21220, 8, ], [, , 970, Department: 970, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 67634503, 40118, 1, 24990], [, , 1, 24990, 1, ], [, , , , , ], [, , 60614646, 1, , ], [, , 60614707, 1, , ], [, , 68654655, 1, , ], [, , 69644897, 1, , ], [, , 69654084, 1, , ], [, , 60604100, 1, , ], [, , 69624033, 1, , ], [, , 68674560, 1, , ], [, , 62694485, 1, , ], [, , 62694706, 1, , ], [, , 62694843, 1, , ], [, , 67644384, 1, , ], [, , 68664211, 1, , ], [, , 69644164, 1, , ], [, , 64674633, 1, , ], [, , 69644961, 1, , ], [, , 64604513, 1, , ], [, , 64674965, 1, , ], [, , 69604743, 1, , ], [, , 60624523, 1, , ], [, , 60624864, 1, , ], [, , 62694605, 1, , ], [, , 69634261, 1, , ], [, , 69634263, 1, , ], [, , 69634660, 1, , ], [, , 69634922, 1, , ], [, , 69644909, 1, , ], [, , 62684207, 1, , ], [, , 62684580, 1, , ], [, , 69644602, 1, , ], [, , 60664241, 1, , ], [, , 60664302, 1, , ], [, , 63634768, 1, , ], [, , 69694959, 1, , ], [, , 63654066, 1, , ], [, , 64624081, 1, , ], [, , 69684947, 1, , ], [, , 62664576, 1, , ], [, , 63634260, 1, , ], [, , 63654450, 1, , ], [, , 63684449, 1, , ], [, , 62604139, 1, , ], [, , 62634862, 1, , ], [, , 62654800, 1, , ], [, , 69624221, 1, , ], [, , 66674979, 1, , ], [, , 69694685, 1, , ], [, , 69694814, 2, , ], [, , 69694937, 1, , ], [, , 62614014, 1, , ], [, , 62624382, 2, , ], [, , 62664231, 1, , ], [, , 62664347, 1, , ], [, , 68614651, 1, , ], [, , 62684907, 1, , ], [, , 62694193, 1, , ], [, , 60614265, 1, , ], [, , 63614741, 1, , ], [, , 62614815, 1, , ], [, , 63684098, 3, , ], [, , 64684719, 1, , ], [, , 62684548, 2, , ], [, , 61694741, 1, , ], [, , 62614534, 1, , ], [, , 62664568, 1, , ], [, , 62694387, 1, , ], [, , 64684534, 1, , ], [, , 62664151, 1, , ], [, , 62664674, 1, , ], [, , 62694575, 1, , ], [, , 64674609, 1, , ], [, , 60624185, 1, , ], [, , 60624314, 1, , ], [, , 62684028, 1, , ], [, , 62634996, 1, , ], [, , 61674701, 1, , ], [, , 63654007, 1, , ], [, , 61684889, 2, , ], [, , 64604876, 2, , ], [, , 64644495, 2, , ], [, , 67624103, 1, , ], [, , 60684907, 1, , ], [, , 65604476, 1, , ], [, , 62654454, 1, , ], [, , 64634712, 1, , ], [, , 62674092, 1, , ], [, , 62694170, 1, , ], [, , 63624299, 1, , ], [, , 63624367, 1, , ], [, , 68644966, 1, , ], [, , 69614229, 1, , ], [, , 63694928, 1, , ], [, , 69664661, 1, , ], [, , 60654072, 2, , ], [, , 68604583, 1, , ], [, , 68614329, 1, , ], [, , 69614011, 1, , ], [, , 69674069, 1, , ], [, , 60694417, 1, , ], [, , 63634081, 1, , ], [, , 65694328, 1, , ], [, , 67664645, 1, , ], [, , 67664966, 2, , ], [, , 62664909, 1, , ], [, , 62674492, 2, , ], [, , 62674751, 1, , ], [, , 64654284, 1, , ], [, , 66624253, 2, , ], [, , 66624829, 1, , ], [, , 67634503, 1, , ], [, , 122, 1591450, 146, ], [, , 184, Store: 184, , ]]')
		select_menu('Utilities>>Compare with Disk')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[, Deleted, 8, 69684558, 40118, 1, 5010], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 10, 69694158, 40118, -1, -19000], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 17, 929, Department: 929, , ], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 18, 65674532, 40118, 1, 3590], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 19, 1, 3590, 1, ], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 26, 69684558, 1, , ], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 28, 65674532, 1, , ], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 82, 170, Department: 170, , ], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 83, 68674560, 40118, 1, 5990], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 84, 1, 5990, 1, ], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 88, 62694843, 40118, 1, 13590], [, , , , , , ], [, Deleted, 91, 69644164, 40118, 1, 21590], [, , , , , , ]]')
		select_menu('Window>>protoStoreSales3.bin>>Tree View')
		if commonBits.isVersion80():

		select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protoStoreSales3_Compare.bin')
		click('Save File')
		select_menu('Window>>protoStoreSales3.bin>>Tree View')

		if window('Save Changes to file: ' + commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protoStoreSales3.bin'):

		select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protoStoreSales3_Compare.bin')
##		select('JTreeTable', '')
		rightclick('JTreeTable', 'Tree,0')
		select_menu('Fully Expand Tree')
		select('LayoutCombo', 'Prefered')
		assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , 20, Store: 20, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 170, Department: 170, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63604808, 40118, 1, 4870], [, , 1, 4870, 1, ], [, , 280, Department: 280, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 69684558, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 69684558, 40118, -1, -19000], [, , 69694158, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 69694158, 40118, 1, 5010], [, , 2, 10020, 6, ], [, , 685, Department: 685, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62684671, 40118, 1, 69990], [, , 62684671, 40118, -1, -69990], [, , 0, 0, 2, ], [, , 957, Department: 957, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63674861, 40118, 10, 2700], [, , 64634429, 40118, 1, 3990], [, , 66624458, 40118, 1, 890], [, , 12, 7580, 3, ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63604808, 1, , ], [, , 69694158, 1, , ], [, , 63674861, 10, , ], [, , 64634429, 1, , ], [, , 66624458, 1, , ], [, , 16, 26060, 13, ], [, , 59, Store: 59, , ], [, , 166, Store: 166, , ], [, , 184, Store: 184, , ]]')
		assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , 20, Store: 20, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 170, Department: 170, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63604808, 40118, 1, 4870], [, , 1, 4870, 1, ], [, , 280, Department: 280, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 69684558, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 69684558, 40118, -1, -19000], [, , 69694158, 40118, 1, 19000], [, , 69694158, 40118, 1, 5010], [, , 2, 10020, 6, ], [, , 685, Department: 685, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 62684671, 40118, 1, 69990], [, , 62684671, 40118, -1, -69990], [, , 0, 0, 2, ], [, , 957, Department: 957, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63674861, 40118, 10, 2700], [, , 64634429, 40118, 1, 3990], [, , 66624458, 40118, 1, 890], [, , 12, 7580, 3, ], [, , , , , ], [, , 63604808, 1, , ], [, , 69694158, 1, , ], [, , 63674861, 10, , ], [, , 64634429, 1, , ], [, , 66624458, 1, , ], [, , 16, 26060, 13, ], [, , 59, Store: 59, , ], [, , 166, Store: 166, , ], [, , 184, Store: 184, , ]]')
def test():
	from Modules import commonBits
	import os
	java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_17'

	if window('Protocol Buffer Editor'):
		select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'zXzCreateSales3.bin')
		select('FileChooser1', commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'StoreSales3.proto')
		select('ComboBox1', 'Proto Definition')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[store, 1, , 0, 0], [name, 2, , , ]]')
		select('Table', '11', 'Data,0')
		select('Table', 'name 11', 'Data,1')
		select('Table', 'cell:Data,0(11)')
		select_menu('Window>>zXzCreateSales3.bin>>Tree View')
		select('LayoutCombo', 'Store')
		assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , 11, name 11]]')
		select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Tree,0(null)')

		if window('Record Selection'):

		select('Table', '121', 'Data,0')
		select('Table', 'name 121', 'Data,1')
		select('Table', 'cell:Data,0(121)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[department, 1, , 121, 121], [name, 2, , name 121, name 121]]')
		select_menu('Window>>zXzCreateSales3.bin>>Tree View')
		select('LayoutCombo', 'Prefered')
##		select('JTreeTable', '')
		rightclick('JTreeTable', 'Tree,0')
		select_menu('Expand Tree')
##		select('JTreeTable', '')
		rightclick('JTreeTable', 'Tree,1')
		select_menu('Expand Tree')
		assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , 11, name 11, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 121, name 121, , ]]')
##		select('JTreeTable', '')
		rightclick('JTreeTable', 'Tree,1')
		select_menu('Expand Tree')
		assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , 11, name 11], [, , , ], [, , , ]]')
		select('LayoutCombo', 'Prefered')
		assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , 11, name 11, , ], [, , , , , ], [, , 121, name 121, , ]]')
		select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Tree,0(null)')

		if window('Save Changes to file: ' + commonBits.sampleDir() + 'zXzCreateSales3.bin'):

		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[store, 1, , 0, 0], [name, 2, , , ]]')

		if window('Save Changes to file: ' + commonBits.sampleDir() + 'zXzCreateSales3.bin'):

		select('LayoutCombo', 'Store')
		assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , 0, ]]')
		select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Tree,0(null)')
		os.remove(commonBits.sampleDir() + 'zXzCreateSales3.bin')
예제 #51
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits

    java_recorded_version = "1.6.0_17"

    if window("Protocol Buffer Editor"):
        select("FileChooser", commonBits.sampleDir() + "protoSales11.bin")
        select("ComboBox1", "Compiled Proto")
        select("FileChooser1", commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + "Sales11.protocomp")
        select("ComboBox1", "Compiled Proto")
        select("Table", "cell:2|store,0(20)")
        rightclick("Table", "5|quantity,3")
        ##		select('Table', 'cell:2|store,0(20)')
        select_menu("Edit Record")
        ##		select('Table1', 'cell:2|store,0(20)')
        select("Table", "RETURN", "Data,8")
        select("Table", "cell:Text,9(DEBIT_CARD)")
            "[[keycode, 1, , 69694158, 69694158], [store, 2, , 20, 20], [department, 3, , 280, 280], [saleDate, 4, , 40118, 40118], [quantity, 5, , 1, 1], [price, 6, , 19000, 19000], [priceFloat, 7, , 19.0, 19.0], [priceDouble, 8, , 19.0, 19.0], [saleType, 9, , RETURN, RETURN], [paymentType, 10, , DEBIT_CARD, DEBIT_CARD], [strArray, 11, , ['',' 0',' 0 1',' 0 1 2'], ['',' 0',' 0 1',' 0 1 2']]]",
        select("Table", "cell:Text,9(DEBIT_CARD)")
        ##		select('Table2', 'cell:Text,9(DEBIT_CARD)')
        select("Table", "cell:2|store,0(20)")
        select("Table", "cell:2|store,0(20)")
        assert_p("Table", "Text", "RETURN", "9|saleType,3")
        select("Table", "cell:2|store,0(20)")
        assert_p("Table", "Text", "cell:2|store,0(20)")
        select("Table", "cell:2|store,0(20)")
        assert_p("Table", "Text", "cell:2|store,0(20)")
        select("Table", "", "10|paymentType,3")
        select("Table", "cell:10|paymentType,3(DEBIT_CARD)")
        ##		assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'cell:10|paymentType,3(DEBIT_CARD)')
            "[[keycode, 1, , 69694158, 69694158], [store, 2, , 20, 20], [department, 3, , 280, 280], [saleDate, 4, , 40118, 40118], [quantity, 5, , 1, 1], [price, 6, , 19000, 19000], [priceFloat, 7, , 19.0, 19.0], [priceDouble, 8, , 19.0, 19.0], [saleType, 9, , RETURN, RETURN], [paymentType, 10, , , ], [strArray, 11, , ['',' 0',' 0 1',' 0 1 2'], ['',' 0',' 0 1',' 0 1 2']]]",
        select("Table", "CREDIT_CARD", "Data,9")
        select("Table", "cell:Data,6(19.0)")
            "[[keycode, 1, , 69694158, 69694158], [store, 2, , 20, 20], [department, 3, , 280, 280], [saleDate, 4, , 40118, 40118], [quantity, 5, , 1, 1], [price, 6, , 19000, 19000], [priceFloat, 7, , 19.0, 19.0], [priceDouble, 8, , 19.0, 19.0], [saleType, 9, , RETURN, RETURN], [paymentType, 10, , CREDIT_CARD, CREDIT_CARD], [strArray, 11, , ['',' 0',' 0 1',' 0 1 2'], ['',' 0',' 0 1',' 0 1 2']]]",
        assert_p("Table", "Text", "cell:10|paymentType,3(CREDIT_CARD)")
        select("Table", "cell:10|paymentType,3(CREDIT_CARD)")
        select("Table", "CASH", "10|paymentType,3")
        select("Table", "cell:10|paymentType,3(CREDIT_CARD)")
        assert_p("Table", "Text", "CASH", "10|paymentType,3")
            "[[keycode, 1, , 69694158, 69694158], [store, 2, , 20, 20], [department, 3, , 280, 280], [saleDate, 4, , 40118, 40118], [quantity, 5, , 1, 1], [price, 6, , 19000, 19000], [priceFloat, 7, , 19.0, 19.0], [priceDouble, 8, , 19.0, 19.0], [saleType, 9, , RETURN, RETURN], [paymentType, 10, , CASH, CASH], [strArray, 11, , ['',' 0',' 0 1',' 0 1 2'], ['',' 0',' 0 1',' 0 1 2']]]",

    ##		if window('Save Changes to file: ' + commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protosales11.bin'):
    ##			click('No')
    ##		close()
예제 #52
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    ##	import time
    java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_22'

    if window(commonBits.applicationName()):
        select('File_Txt', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'testExt02.bin')
        select('Proto Definition_Txt',
               commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'Extension02.proto')

        ##		select('Proto Definition_Txt', commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'Extension02.proto')
        select('File Structure_Txt', 'Delimited Messages')

        ##		time.sleep(0.5)
        assert_p('Proto File_Txt', 'Text', 'Extension02.proto')

        assert_p('Primary Message_Txt', 'Text', 'Message')
            'LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[, , 234, ], [, , , ], [, , , ], [, , , ], [, , , ], [, , , ], [, , 345, Msg 2], [, , , ], [, , , ]]'
        select('LineTreeChild.Layouts_Txt', 'Prefered')
            'LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[, , 234, , ], [, , 456, Event 1, [\'ttt\',\'uu\',\'vvv\',\'www\']], [, , this is a note, , ], [, , , , ], [, , note 1, , ], [, , Note 2, , ], [, , 345, Msg 2, ], [, , 1331, Msg2 Event, []], [, , blaaa .., , ]]'
        ##		select('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', '')
        rightclick('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Tree,0')
        select_menu('Edit Record')
        select('TabbedPane', 'Record: ')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Data,0(234)')
        assert_p('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
                 '[[A, 1, , UINT64, 234, 234], [name, 2, , STRING, , ]]')
            'LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[B, 1, , UINT64, 456, 456], [eventName, 2, , STRING, Event 1, Event 1], [qtab, 2, , STRING, [\'ttt\',\'uu\',\'vvv\',\'www\'], [\'ttt\',\'uu\',\'vvv\',\'www\']]]'
        ##		select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', '')
        assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[0, ttt], [1, uu], [2, vvv], [3, www]]')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Data,0(this is a note)')
        assert_p('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
                 '[[text, 1, , STRING, this is a note, this is a note]]')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Data,0(this is a note)')
        assert_p('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
                 '[[text, 1, , STRING, note 1, note 1]]')
        assert_p('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
                 '[[text, 1, , STRING, Note 2, Note 2]]')

##		if window(r'Save Changes to file: C:\Users\BruceTst/.RecordEditor/ProtoBuf\SampleFiles/testExt02.bin'):
##			click('No')
##		close()
예제 #53
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    java_recorded_version = '1.7.0_51'

    if window(commonBits.applicationName()):
        select('File_Txt', commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'oneOfTestA.bin')
        select('File Structure_Txt', 'Delimited Messages')
        select('TabbedPane', 'Record: ')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', '11', 'Data,0')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'true', 'Data,4')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'RETURN', 'Data,10')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Data,10()')
            'LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[name, 1, , STRING, 11, 11], [intFld, 2, , INT32, , ], [strFld, 3, , STRING, , ], [doubleFld, 4, , DOUBLE, , ], [boolFld, 5, , BOOL, true, true], [typeOfSale, 6, , ENUM, , ], [intFld2, 7, , INT32, , ], [strFld2, 8, , STRING, , ], [doubleFld2, 9, , DOUBLE, , ], [boolFld2, 10, , BOOL, , ], [typeOfSale2, 11, , ENUM, RETURN, RETURN]]'
        click('Tree View')
        select('TabbedPane', 'Tree View')
        assert_p('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
                 '[[, , 11, , , , true, , , , , , RETURN]]')
        click('Record:  TestOneOf')
        select('TabbedPane', 'Record: ')

        if window('Record Selection'):
            select('OptionPane.comboBox', 'TestOneOf')

        select('TabbedPane', 'Record:')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', '22', 'Data,0')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', 'true', 'Data,9')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', '22.0', 'Data,3')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', 'cell:Text,3(22.0)')
            'LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', 'Content',
            '[[name, 1, , STRING, 22, 22], [intFld, 2, , INT32, , ], [strFld, 3, , STRING, , ], [doubleFld, 4, , DOUBLE, 22.0, 22.0], [boolFld, 5, , BOOL, , ], [typeOfSale, 6, , ENUM, , ], [intFld2, 7, , INT32, , ], [strFld2, 8, , STRING, , ], [doubleFld2, 9, , DOUBLE, , ], [boolFld2, 10, , BOOL, true, true], [typeOfSale2, 11, , ENUM, , ]]'
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', 'cell:Text,3(22.0)')
        click('Tree View')
        select('TabbedPane', 'Tree View')
            'LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[, , 11, , , , true, , , , , , RETURN], [, , 22, , , 22.0, , , , , , true, ]]'
        click('Record: TestOneOf')
        select('TabbedPane', 'Record:')

        if window('Record Selection'):
            select('OptionPane.comboBox', 'saleDtls2')

        ##		select('TabbedPane', 'Record:')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl2', '212', 'Data,0')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl2', 'SALE', 'Data,1')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl2', '1', 'Data,2')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl2', '11.0', 'Data,3')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl2', 'cell:Text,3(11.0)')
            'LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl2', 'Content',
            '[[item, 1, , STRING, 212, 212], [type, 2, , ENUM, SALE, SALE], [qty, 3, , INT32, 1, 1], [value, 4, , DOUBLE, 11.0, 11.0]]'
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl2', 'cell:Text,3(11.0)')
        click('Tree View')
        select('TabbedPane', 'Tree View')
            'LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[, , 11, , , , true, , , , , , RETURN], [, , 22, , , 22.0, , , , , , , ]]'
        ##		select('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', '')
        rightclick('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Tree,1')
        select_menu('Expand Tree')
            'LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[, , 11, , , , true, , , , , , RETURN], [, , 22, , , 22.0, , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , , , ]]'
        select('LineTreeChild.Layouts_Txt', 'Prefered')
            'LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[, , 11, , , , true, , , , , , RETURN], [, , 22, , , 22.0, , , , , , , ], [, , 212, SALE, 1, 11.0, , , , , , , ]]'
        click('Record: TestOneOf')
        select('TabbedPane', 'Record:')

        if window('Record Selection'):
            select('OptionPane.comboBox', 'TestOneOf')

        ##		select('TabbedPane', 'Record:')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl3', '33', 'Data,0')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl3', '33', 'Data,2')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl3', 'true', 'Data,9')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl3', 'cell:Field,0(name)')
            'LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl3', 'Content',
            '[[name, 1, , STRING, 33, 33], [intFld, 2, , INT32, , ], [strFld, 3, , STRING, 33, 33], [doubleFld, 4, , DOUBLE, , ], [boolFld, 5, , BOOL, , ], [typeOfSale, 6, , ENUM, , ], [intFld2, 7, , INT32, , ], [strFld2, 8, , STRING, , ], [doubleFld2, 9, , DOUBLE, , ], [boolFld2, 10, , BOOL, true, true], [typeOfSale2, 11, , ENUM, , ]]'
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl3', 'cell:Field,0(name)')
        click('Tree View')
        select('TabbedPane', 'Tree View')
            'LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[, , 11, , , , true, , , , , , RETURN], [, , 22, , , 22.0, , , , , , , ], [, , 212, SALE, 1, 11.0, , , , , , , ], [, , 33, , 33, , , , , , , true, ]]'
        click('Record: TestOneOf1')
        ##		select('TabbedPane', 'Record:')

        if window('Record Selection'):

        ##		select('TabbedPane', 'Record:')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl4', '313', 'Data,0')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl4', '3', 'Data,2')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl4', '33.0', 'Data,3')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl4', 'cell:Text,3(33.0)')
            'LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl4', 'Content',
            '[[item, 1, , STRING, 313, 313], [type, 2, , ENUM, OTHER, OTHER], [qty, 3, , INT32, 3, 3], [value, 4, , DOUBLE, 33.0, 33.0]]'
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl4', 'cell:Text,3(33.0)')
        click('Tree View')
        select('TabbedPane', 'Tree View')
        ##		select('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', '')
        rightclick('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Tree,3')
        select_menu('Expand Tree')
            'LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[, , 11, , , , true, , , , , , RETURN], [, , 22, , , 22.0, , , , , , , ], [, , 212, SALE, 1, 11.0, , , , , , , ], [, , 33, , , , , , , , , true, ], [, , 313, OTHER, 3, 33.0, , , , , , , ]]'
        click('Record: TestOneOf1')
        ##		select('TabbedPane', 'Record:')
            'LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl3', 'Content',
            '[[name, 1, , STRING, 33, 33], [intFld, 2, , INT32, , ], [strFld, 3, , STRING, , ], [doubleFld, 4, , DOUBLE, , ], [boolFld, 5, , BOOL, , ], [typeOfSale, 6, , ENUM, , ], [intFld2, 7, , INT32, , ], [strFld2, 8, , STRING, , ], [doubleFld2, 9, , DOUBLE, , ], [boolFld2, 10, , BOOL, true, true], [typeOfSale2, 11, , ENUM, , ]]'

        if window('Record Selection'):
            select('OptionPane.comboBox', 'saleDtls2')

        ##		select('TabbedPane', 'Record:')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl5', '3113', 'Data,0')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl5', '33', 'Data,2')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl5', '33.0', 'Data,3')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl5', 'cell:Data,2(33)')
            'LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl5', 'Content',
            '[[item, 1, , STRING, 3113, 3113], [type, 2, , ENUM, OTHER, OTHER], [qty, 3, , INT32, 33, 33], [value, 4, , DOUBLE, 33.0, 33.0]]'
        click('Tree View')
        ##		select('TabbedPane', 'Tree View')
            'LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[, , 11, , , , true, , , , , , RETURN], [, , 22, , , 22.0, , , , , , , ], [, , 212, SALE, 1, 11.0, , , , , , , ], [, , 33, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , 313, OTHER, 3, 33.0, , , , , , , ], [, , 3113, OTHER, 33, 33.0, , , , , , , ]]'
        select('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Tree,3(null)')

        if window('Record Selection'):
            select('OptionPane.comboBox', 'TestOneOf')

        ##		select('TabbedPane', 'Record:')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl6', '44', 'Data,0')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl6', '44', 'Data,1')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl6', '55', 'Data,6')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl6', 'cell:Text,6(55)')
            'LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl6', 'Content',
            '[[name, 1, , STRING, 44, 44], [intFld, 2, , INT32, 44, 44], [strFld, 3, , STRING, , ], [doubleFld, 4, , DOUBLE, , ], [boolFld, 5, , BOOL, , ], [typeOfSale, 6, , ENUM, , ], [intFld2, 7, , INT32, 55, 55], [strFld2, 8, , STRING, , ], [doubleFld2, 9, , DOUBLE, , ], [boolFld2, 10, , BOOL, , ], [typeOfSale2, 11, , ENUM, , ]]'
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl6', 'cell:Text,6(55)')
            'LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl6', 'Content',
            '[[name, 1, , STRING, 44, 44], [intFld, 2, , INT32, 44, 44], [strFld, 3, , STRING, , ], [doubleFld, 4, , DOUBLE, , ], [boolFld, 5, , BOOL, , ], [typeOfSale, 6, , ENUM, , ], [intFld2, 7, , INT32, 55, 55], [strFld2, 8, , STRING, , ], [doubleFld2, 9, , DOUBLE, , ], [boolFld2, 10, , BOOL, , ], [typeOfSale2, 11, , ENUM, , ]]'
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl6', 'cell:Text,6(55)')
        click('Tree View')
        ##		select('TabbedPane', 'Tree View')
            'LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[, , 11, , , , true, , , , , , RETURN], [, , 22, , , 22.0, , , , , , , ], [, , 212, SALE, 1, 11.0, , , , , , , ], [, , 33, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , 313, OTHER, 3, 33.0, , , , , , , ], [, , 3113, OTHER, 33, 33.0, , , , , , , ], [, , 44, 44, , , , , 55, , , , ]]'
        click('Record: TestOneOf2')
        ##		select('TabbedPane', 'Record:')

        if window('Record Selection'):
            select('OptionPane.comboBox', 'saleDtls2')

        ##		select('TabbedPane', 'Record:')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl7', '515', 'Data,0')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl7', '5', 'Data,2')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl7', '55.0', 'Data,3')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl7', 'cell:Text,3(55.0)')
            'LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl7', 'Content',
            '[[item, 1, , STRING, 515, 515], [type, 2, , ENUM, OTHER, OTHER], [qty, 3, , INT32, 5, 5], [value, 4, , DOUBLE, 55.0, 55.0]]'
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl7', 'cell:Text,3(55.0)')
        click('Tree View')
        ##		select('TabbedPane', 'Tree View')
        select('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Tree,6(null)')
        rightclick('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Tree,6')
        select_menu('Expand Tree')
            'LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[, , 11, , , , true, , , , , , RETURN], [, , 22, , , 22.0, , , , , , , ], [, , 212, SALE, 1, 11.0, , , , , , , ], [, , 33, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , 313, OTHER, 3, 33.0, , , , , , , ], [, , 3113, OTHER, 33, 33.0, , , , , , , ], [, , 44, 44, , , , , , , , , ], [, , 515, OTHER, 5, 55.0, , , , , , , ]]'
        click('Record: TestOneOf2')
        ##		select('TabbedPane', 'Record:')

        if window('Record Selection'):

        ##		select('TabbedPane', 'Record:')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl8', '5225', 'Data,0')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl8', '55', 'Data,2')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl8', '110.0', 'Data,3')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl8', 'cell:Text,3(110.0)')
            'LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl8', 'Content',
            '[[item, 1, , STRING, 5225, 5225], [type, 2, , ENUM, OTHER, OTHER], [qty, 3, , INT32, 55, 55], [value, 4, , DOUBLE, 110.0, 110.0]]'
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl8', 'cell:Text,3(110.0)')
        click('Tree View')
        ##		select('TabbedPane', 'Tree View')
            'LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[, , 11, , , , true, , , , , , RETURN], [, , 22, , , 22.0, , , , , , , ], [, , 212, SALE, 1, 11.0, , , , , , , ], [, , 33, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , 313, OTHER, 3, 33.0, , , , , , , ], [, , 3113, OTHER, 33, 33.0, , , , , , , ], [, , 44, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , 5225, OTHER, 55, 110.0, , , , , , , ], [, , 515, OTHER, 5, 55.0, , , , , , , ]]'
##		click('BasicInternalFrameTitlePane$NoFocusButton2')

##		if window(r'Save Changes to file: G:\Users\BruceTst01\.RecordEditor\ProtoBuf\SampleFiles\oneOfTestA.bin'):
##			click('No')
##		close()
예제 #54
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_22'

    if window(commonBits.applicationName()):
        select('File_Txt', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'xTestExt01b.bin')
        select('Proto Definition_Txt',
               commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'Extension01.proto')
        assert_p('Type of Definition_Txt', 'Text', 'Proto Definition')

        assert_p('Proto Definition_Txt', 'Text',
                 commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'Extension01.proto')
        assert_p('Proto Definition_Txt', 'Text',
                 commonBits.stdCopybookDir() + 'Extension01.proto')

        assert_p('Proto File_Txt', 'Text', 'Extension01.proto')

        assert_p('Primary Message_Txt', 'Text', 'Message')

        select('TabbedPane', 'Record: ')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', '123', 'Data,0')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'n 123', 'Data,1')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Data,0(123)')
        ##		assert_p('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content', '[[A, 1, , UINT64, 123, 123], [name, 1, , STRING, n 123, n 123]]')
            'LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[A, 1, , UINT64, 123, 123], [name, 2, , STRING, n 123, n 123]]')
        select('TabbedPane', 'Record:')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', '456', 'Data,0')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', 'cell:Text,0(456)')
        assert_p('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', 'Content',
                 '[[B, 1, , UINT64, 456, 456]]')
        select('LineFrameTree.FileDisplay_JTbl1', 'cell:Text,0(456)')
        click('Tree View')
        select('TabbedPane', 'Tree View')
        select('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Tree,0(null)')
        rightclick('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Tree,0')
        select_menu('Fully Expand Tree')
        assert_p('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
                 '[[, , 123, n 123], [, , , ]]')
        select('LineTreeChild.Layouts_Txt', 'Prefered')
        assert_p('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
                 '[[, , 123, n 123], [, , 456, ]]')
        select('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Tree,0(null)')
        click('MetalInternalFrameTitlePane', 302, 11)
        assert_p('TextArea3', 'Text', '''

Only one record allowed in the file''')
        click('MetalInternalFrameTitlePane', 511, 11)
        select('LineTreeChild.Layouts_Txt', 'Prefered')
        assert_p('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
                 '[[, , 123, n 123], [, , 456, ]]')
        select('LineTreeChild.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:Tree,0(null)')
            'TextArea1', 'Text', '''

Only one record allowed in the file

Only one record allowed in the file''')