class Evaluator(object): def __init__(self): self.System_Markers = {} self.GT_Markers = {} self.gt_db = None self.system_db = None def load_GT_marker_from_clickpoints(self, path, type): self.gt_db = DataFileExtended(path) markers = np.asarray([[m.image.sort_index, m.x, m.y] for m in self.gt_db.getMarkers(type=type)]) self.GT_Markers.update(dict([[t, markers[markers.T[0]==t].T[1:]] for t in set(markers.T[0])])) def load_System_marker_from_clickpoints(self, path, type): self.system_db = DataFileExtended(path) image_filenames = set([img.filename for img in self.gt_db.getImages()]).intersection([img.filename for img in self.system_db.getImages()]) markers = np.asarray([[self.gt_db.getImage(filename=m.image.filename).sort_index, m.x, m.y] for m in self.system_db.getMarkers(type=type) if m.image.filename in image_filenames]) self.System_Markers.update(dict([[t, markers[markers.T[0]==t].T[1:]] for t in set(markers.T[0])])) def save_marker_to_GT_db(self, markers, path, type): # if function is None: # function = lambda x : x self.gt_db = DataFileExtended(path) with self.gt_db.db.atomic() as transaction: self.gt_db.deleteMarkers(type=type) for t in markers: self.gt_db.setMarkers(image=self.gt_db.getImage(frame=t),x=markers[t].T[0],y=markers[t].T[1], type=type) def save_marker_to_System_db(self, markers, path, type): if function is None: function = lambda x : x self.system_db = DataFileExtended(path) with self.system_db.db.atomic() as transaction: self.system_db.deleteMarkers(type=type) for t in markers: self.system_db.setMarkers(image=self.system_db.getImage(frame=t),x=markers[t].T[0],y=markers[t].T[1], type=type)
def AnalyzeDB(db_str): db = DataFileExtended(db_str) time_step = 110 v_fac = 0.645 / (time_step / 60.) perc = 30 step = 20 type = 'PT_Track_Marker' Frame_list = [f.sort_index for f in db.getImages()] Frames = np.amax(Frame_list) timer() Tracks = db.PT_tracks_from_db(type) timer("Normal Tracks") Tracks_woMeasurements = db.PT_tracks_from_db(type, get_measurements=False) timer("Tracks WO") Z_posis = Z_from_PT_Track(Tracks, v_fac) timer("Z_posis") tracks_to_delete = deletable_tracks(Z_posis, perc) timer("Trackstodelete") list2 = getXY(Tracks_woMeasurements) # Create List for true dist timer("GETXY") drift, drift_list, missing_frame = TCell_Analysis.Drift( Frames, list2, 5) # Create List with offsets timer("Drift") list2 = TCell_Analysis.list2_with_drift( db, drift, tracks_to_delete, del_track=True) # Create list for true dist with drift_cor list2 = getXY_drift_corrected(Tracks_woMeasurements, np.vstack([[0, 0], drift])) timer("CorrectXY") list1 = analysis_list_from_tracks( Frames, Tracks_woMeasurements, drift=drift, Drift=True, Missing=missing_frame) # Create List for analysis ### For Deleting Tracks above and below list_copy = list1[:] for l, m in enumerate(list1): keys = m.keys() for k, j in enumerate(keys): if j in tracks_to_delete: del list_copy[l][j] directions, velocities, dirt, alternative_vel, vel_mean, dir_mean, alt_vel_mean = TCell_Analysis.measure( step, time_step, list1, Frames) # Calculate directions and velocities timer("Measure") motile_percentage, mean_v, mean_dire, number, len_count, mo_p_al, me_v_al, me_d_al = TCell_Analysis.values( directions, velocities, db, dirt, alternative_vel, tracks_to_delete, del_Tracks=True) timer("Values") motile_per_true_dist, real_dirt = TCell_Analysis.motiletruedist(list2) timer("Motile True Dist")
class SegmentationEvaluator(object): def __init__(self): self.System_Masks = [] self.GT_Masks = [] self.gt_db = None self.system_db = None self.specificity = {} self.true_negative_rate = self.specificity self.sensitivity = {} self.true_positive_rate = self.sensitivity self.precision = {} self.positive_predictive_value = self.precision self.negative_predictive_value = {} self.false_positive_rate = {} self.fall_out = self.false_positive_rate self.false_negative_rate = {} self.false_discovery_rate = {} self.accuracy = {} self.F1_score = {} self.MCC = {} self.informedness = {} self.markedness = {} self.positive_rate = {} self.LeeLiu_rate = {} def load_GT_masks_from_clickpoints(self, path): self.gt_db = DataFileExtended(path) # self.GT_Masks.extend([str(m.image.timestamp) for m in self.gt_db.getMasks()]) timestamps = self.gt_db.db.execute_sql( "select image.timestamp from image inner join mask on where is not null" ).fetchall() self.GT_Masks.extend([str(t[0]) for t in timestamps]) # self.GT_Masks.extend(set([str(m.image.timestamp) for m in self.gt_db.getMasks()]).update(set(self.GT_Masks))) def load_System_masks_from_clickpoints(self, path): self.system_db = DataFileExtended(path) # self.System_Masks.extend([str(m.image.timestamp) for m in self.system_db.getMasks()]) timestamps = self.system_db.db.execute_sql( "select image.timestamp from image inner join mask on where is not null" ).fetchall() self.System_Masks.extend([str(t[0]) for t in timestamps]) # for im in self.system_db.getImages(): # if im.mask is not None: # print(im.timestamp) # self.System_Masks.append(str(im.timestamp)) # self.System_Masks.extend(set([str(m.image.timestamp) for m in self.system_db.getMasks()]).update(set(self.System_Masks_Masks))) def match(self, gt_inverse=True, system_inverse=True): stamps = set(self.GT_Masks).intersection(self.System_Masks) for stamp in stamps: if system_inverse: sm = ~self.system_db.getMask(image=self.system_db.getImages( timestamp=stamp)[0]).data.astype(bool) else: sm = self.system_db.getMask(image=self.system_db.getImages( timestamp=stamp)[0]).data.astype(bool) if gt_inverse: gt = ~self.gt_db.getMask(image=self.gt_db.getImages( timestamp=stamp)[0]).data.astype(bool) else: gt = self.gt_db.getMask(image=self.gt_db.getImages( timestamp=stamp)[0]).data.astype(bool) P = np.sum(gt).astype(float) TP = np.sum(sm & gt).astype(float) FP = np.sum(sm & (~gt)).astype(float) N = np.sum(~gt).astype(float) TN = np.sum((~sm) & (~gt)).astype(float) FN = np.sum((~sm) & gt).astype(float) self.specificity.update({stamp: TN / N}) self.sensitivity.update({stamp: TP / P}) self.precision.update({stamp: TP / (TP + FP)}) self.negative_predictive_value.update({stamp: TN / (TN + FN)}) self.false_positive_rate.update({stamp: FP / N}) self.false_negative_rate.update({stamp: FN / (TP + FN)}) self.false_discovery_rate.update({stamp: FP / (TP + FP)}) self.accuracy.update({stamp: (TP + TN) / (TP + FN + TN + FP)}) self.F1_score.update({stamp: 2 * TP / (2 * TP + FP + FN)}) self.MCC.update({ stamp: (TP * TN - FP * FN) / ((TP + FP) * (TP + FN) * (TN + FP) * (TN + FN)) }) self.informedness.update({stamp: TP / P + TN / N - 1}) self.markedness.update( {stamp: TP / (TP + FP) + TN / (TN + FN) - 1}) self.positive_rate.update( {stamp: (TP + FP) / (sm.shape[0] * sm.shape[1])}) self.LeeLiu_rate.update({ stamp: (TP / P)**2 / ((TP + FP) / (sm.shape[0] * sm.shape[1])) })
ImgType = db.getMarkerType(name="PT_Track_Marker") # Positions_Log = np.asarray([[m.x, m.y, m.image.sort_index] for m in db.getMarkers(type=LogType) if not m.text.count("inf")]) Positions_Img = np.asarray([[m.x, m.y, m.image.sort_index] for m in db.getMarkers(type=ImgType) if m.track.markers.count() > 3]) # Do Correction for Position Data from CameraTransform import CameraTransform CT = CameraTransform(14, [17, 9], [4608, 2592], observer_height=31., angel_to_horizon=(np.pi / 2. - 0.24) * 180 / np.pi) orth_x, orth_y, orth_z = CT.transCamToWorld(Positions_Img.T[:2], Z=0.525) # Calculate Histogramms cx = cy = 2 times = np.asarray(sorted([i.timestamp for i in db.getImages()])) scale = 1. / (cx * cy) / ((times[-1] - times[0]).seconds / 3600.) hist, binx, biny = np.histogram2d(orth_x, orth_y, bins=[ int(max(orth_x) - min(orth_x)) / cx, int(max(orth_y) - min(orth_y)) / cy ], range=[[min(orth_x), max(orth_x)], [min(orth_y), max(orth_y)]]) hist *= scale hist[hist == 0.] = np.nan cx = cy = 6
R = np.diag([r*object_size, r*object_size]) # Measurement uncertainty State_Dist = ss.multivariate_normal(cov=Q) # Initialize Distributions for Filter Meas_Dist = ss.multivariate_normal(cov=R) # Initialize Distributions for Filter # Initialize Filter MultiKal = MultiFilter(KalmanFilter, model, np.diag(Q), np.diag(R), meas_dist=Meas_Dist, state_dist=State_Dist) # MultiKal.LogProbabilityThreshold = -300. MultiKal.MeasurementProbabilityThreshold = 0. # MultiKal = MultiFilter(Filter, model) print("Initialized Tracker") # Init_Background from Image_Median # Initialize segmentation with init_image and start updating the first 10 frames. N = db.getImages().count() init = np.array(np.median([np.asarray(db.getImage(frame=j).data, for j in np.arange(0,10)], axis=0), # VB = ViBeSegmentation(n=2, init_image=init, n_min=2, r=25, phi=1) VB = ViBeSegmentation(n=3, init_image=init, n_min=3, r=40, phi=1) print("Debug") for i in range(10,20): mask = VB.detect(db.getImage(frame=i).data, do_neighbours=False) print("Detecting!") import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # for i in range(10306,10311): # mask = VB.detect(db.getImage(frame=i).data, do_neighbours=False) # fig, ax = plt.subplots(1) # # ax.imshow(np.vstack((mask*2**8, db.getImage(frame=i).data)))