class Evaluator(object): def __init__(self): self.pos_System_Markers = {} self.neg_System_Markers = {} self.GT_Markers = {} self.gt_db = None self.system_db = None def load_GT_marker_from_clickpoints(self, path, type): self.gt_db = DataFileExtended(path) markers = np.asarray([[m.image.sort_index, m.x, m.y] for m in self.gt_db.getMarkers(type=type)]) self.GT_Markers.update(dict([[t, markers[markers.T[0]==t].T[1:]] for t in set(markers.T[0])])) def load_pos_System_marker_from_clickpoints(self, path, type): self.system_db = DataFileExtended(path) markers = np.asarray([[self.gt_db.getImage(filename=m.image.filename).sort_index, m.x, m.y] for m in self.system_db.getMarkers(type=type) if self.gt_db.getImage(filename=m.image.filename) is not None]) self.pos_System_Markers.update(dict([[t, markers[markers.T[0]==t].T[1:]] for t in set(markers.T[0])])) def load_neg_System_marker_from_clickpoints(self, path, type): self.system_db = DataFileExtended(path) markers = np.asarray([[self.gt_db.getImage(filename=m.image.filename).sort_index, m.x, m.y] for m in self.system_db.getMarkers(type=type) if self.gt_db.getImage(filename=m.image.filename) is not None]) self.neg_System_Markers.update(dict([[t, markers[markers.T[0]==t].T[1:]] for t in set(markers.T[0])])) def save_marker_to_GT_db(self, markers, path, type): if function is None: function = lambda x : x self.gt_db = DataFileExtended(path) with self.gt_db.db.atomic() as transaction: self.gt_db.deleteMarkers(type=type) for t in markers: self.gt_db.setMarkers(image=self.gt_db.getImage(frame=t),x=markers[t].T[0],y=markers[t].T[1], type=type) def save_marker_to_System_db(self, markers, path, type): if function is None: function = lambda x : x self.system_db = DataFileExtended(path) with self.system_db.db.atomic() as transaction: self.system_db.deleteMarkers(type=type) for t in markers: self.system_db.setMarkers(image=self.system_db.getImage(frame=t),x=markers[t].T[0],y=markers[t].T[1], type=type)
if __name__ == '__main__': import my_plot import numpy as np import clickpoints import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from PenguTrack.DataFileExtended import DataFileExtended # Load Data from Databases db = DataFileExtended( "/home/birdflight/Desktop/PT_Test_full_n3_r7_A20_filtered.cdb") db2 = DataFileExtended("/home/birdflight/Desktop/252_GT_Detections.cdb") LogType = db.getMarkerType(name="PT_Detection_Marker") ImgType = db.getMarkerType(name="PT_Track_Marker") # Positions_Log = np.asarray([[m.x, m.y, m.image.sort_index] for m in db.getMarkers(type=LogType) if not m.text.count("inf")]) Positions_Img = np.asarray([[m.x, m.y, m.image.sort_index] for m in db.getMarkers(type=ImgType) if m.track.markers.count() > 3]) # Do Correction for Position Data from CameraTransform import CameraTransform CT = CameraTransform(14, [17, 9], [4608, 2592], observer_height=31., angel_to_horizon=(np.pi / 2. - 0.24) * 180 / np.pi) orth_x, orth_y, orth_z = CT.transCamToWorld(Positions_Img.T[:2], Z=0.525) # Calculate Histogramms cx = cy = 2 times = np.asarray(sorted([i.timestamp for i in db.getImages()])) scale = 1. / (cx * cy) / ((times[-1] - times[0]).seconds / 3600.) hist, binx, biny = np.histogram2d(orth_x, orth_y,
while True: img, meta = getImage() if img is not None: print("Got img from cam") init_buffer.append(img) print(init_buffer[-1].shape) print(init_buffer[-1].dtype) break init = np.array(np.median(init_buffer, axis=0)) # Load horizon-markers horizont_type = db_start.getMarkerType(name="Horizon") try: horizon_markers = np.array( [[m.x, m.y] for m in db_start.getMarkers(type=horizont_type)]).T except ValueError: raise ValueError("No markers with name 'Horizon'!") # Load penguin-markers penguin_type = db_start.getMarkerType(name="Penguin_Size") try: penguin_markers = np.array([[m.x1, m.y1, m.x2, m.y2] for m in db_start.getLines(type="Penguin_Size") ]).T except ValueError: raise ValueError("No markers with name 'Horizon'!") VB = SiAdViBeSegmentation(horizon_markers, 14e-3, [17e-3, 9e-3], penguin_markers,
state_dist=State_Dist) # Init_Background from Image_Median N = db.getImages().count() init = np.asarray(np.median([ np.asarray(rgb2gray(db.getImage(frame=j).data), for j in np.random.randint(0, N, 10) ], axis=0), # Load horizon-markers horizont_type = db.getMarkerType(name="Horizon") try: horizon_markers = np.asarray([[m.x, m.y] for m in db.getMarkers(type=horizont_type) ]).T except ValueError: raise ValueError("No markers with name 'Horizon'!") # Load penguin-markers penguin_type = db.getMarkerType(name="Penguin_Size") try: penguin_markers = np.asarray([[m.x1, m.y1, m.x2, m.y2] for m in db.getLines(type="Penguin_Size")]).T except ValueError: raise ValueError("No markers with name 'Horizon'!") # Initialize segmentation with init_image and start updating the first 10 frames. VB = SiAdViBeSegmentation(horizon_markers, 14e-3, [17e-3, 9e-3],