def point(scene, x, y, color='black', fill='black', diam=10, toolTip=None): item = QGraphicsEllipseItem(x-diam/2, y-diam/2, diam, diam) brush = QBrush(QColor(color), style=Qt.SolidPattern) item.setBrush(brush) if toolTip: item.setToolTip(toolTip) scene.addItem(item)
class GPendulum(Graphics.Items.ItemGroupBase): def _setup(self): self.rod = QGraphicsLineItem(QLineF(0, 0, 0, 100)) p = QPen(QColor(100, 100, 100)) p.setWidth(5) self.rod.setPen(p) self.rod.setToolTip('This is the rod of the pendulum') self.ball = QGraphicsEllipseItem(QRectF(-20, 80, 40, 40)) b = QBrush(Qt.SolidPattern) b.setColor(QColor(0, 255, 0)) self.ball.setBrush(b) self.ball.setToolTip('This is the ball of the pendulum where the mass is concentrated') self.addToGroup(self.rod) self.addToGroup(self.ball) self.setFlags(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable) def setProperties(self, q): = q def contextMenuEvent(self, e): e.accept() m = QMenu() p = m.addAction("Properties") a = m.exec_(e.screenPos()) if a == p: dlg = SimTools.RichTypes.Qt4Widgets.SimpleRichTypesDialog(mainWin, 'Pendulum properties', text='Change physical properties', scrolling=False) dlg.addRichTypes( dlg.exec_()
def __init__(self, *args): QGraphicsView.__init__(self, *args) self.move(20, 240) self.outerD = 125 self.innerD = 35 self.innerRange = 48 self.inputRange = 256 self.thresh = 3 self.padding = 40 self.marginTop = 10 self.worker = QSixAxisThread() self.worker.valueUpdated.connect(self.moveJoysticks) self.worker.start() self.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.setMaximumHeight(180) self.setMaximumWidth(420) self.setMinimumHeight(240) self.setMinimumWidth(300) self.adjustSize() self.scene = QGraphicsScene(self) self.outerCircle1 = QGraphicsEllipseItem(0, self.marginTop, self.outerD, self.outerD) self.outerCircle1.setPen(QPen(QColor(Qt.darkGray), 1, Qt.SolidLine)) self.outerCircle1.setBrush(Qt.gray) self.innerCircle1 = QGraphicsEllipseItem(self.outerD / 2 - self.innerD / 2, self.outerD / 2 - self.innerD / 2 + self.marginTop, self.innerD, self.innerD) self.innerCircle1.setPen(QPen(QColor(Qt.darkGray), 1, Qt.SolidLine)) self.innerCircle1.setBrush(Qt.lightGray) self.scene.addItem(self.outerCircle1) self.scene.addItem(self.innerCircle1) self.outerCircle2 = QGraphicsEllipseItem(self.outerD + self.padding, self.marginTop, self.outerD, self.outerD) self.outerCircle2.setPen(QPen(QColor(Qt.darkGray), 1, Qt.SolidLine)) self.outerCircle2.setBrush(Qt.gray) self.innerCircle2 = QGraphicsEllipseItem(self.outerD + self.padding + self.outerD / 2 - self.innerD / 2, self.outerD / 2 - self.innerD / 2 + self.marginTop, self.innerD, self.innerD) self.innerCircle2.setPen(QPen(QColor(Qt.darkGray), 1, Qt.SolidLine)) self.innerCircle2.setBrush(Qt.lightGray) self.scene.addItem(self.outerCircle2) self.scene.addItem(self.innerCircle2) self.setScene(self.scene) self.setStyleSheet('background-color:transparent; border-width: 0px; border: 0px;') self.currentX = 0 self.currentY = 0 self.currentA = 0 self.currentZ = 0 self.psBtn = QPixmap(os.getcwd() + '/../icons/bt_PS.png') self.psBtn = self.psBtn.scaled(50, 50, Qt.KeepAspectRatio) self.psItem = QGraphicsPixmapItem(self.psBtn) self.psItem.setOffset(QPointF(self.outerD - 4, 0)) self.effect = QGraphicsDropShadowEffect() self.effect.setOffset(0, 0) self.effect.setBlurRadius(20) self.effect.setColor( self.psItem.setGraphicsEffect(self.effect) self.scene.addItem(self.psItem) self.tl2 = QTimeLine(10000) self.tl2.setFrameRange(0, 10000) self.c = QGraphicsItemAnimation() self.c.setItem(self.psItem) self.c.setTimeLine(self.tl2) self.tl2.connect(self.tl2, SIGNAL('frameChanged(int)'), self.updateEffect) self.effectd = 3 self.tl2.start()
def __init__(self, *args): QGraphicsView.__init__(self, *args) self.outerD = 125 self.innerD = 25 self.innerRange = 50 self.inputRange = 256 self.thresh = 3 self.worker = JoystickThread() self.worker.valueUpdated.connect(self.moveJoystick) self.worker.start() self.move(30, 100) self.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.setMaximumHeight(140) self.setMaximumWidth(140) self.adjustSize() self.scene = QGraphicsScene(self) self.outerCircle = QGraphicsEllipseItem(0, 0, self.outerD, self.outerD) self.outerCircle.setPen(QPen(QColor(Qt.darkGray), 1, Qt.SolidLine)) self.outerCircle.setBrush(Qt.gray) self.innerCircle = QGraphicsEllipseItem(self.outerD / 2 - self.innerD / 2, self.outerD / 2 - self.innerD / 2, self.innerD, self.innerD) self.innerCircle.setPen(QPen(QColor(Qt.darkGray), 1, Qt.SolidLine)) self.innerCircle.setBrush(Qt.lightGray) self.scene.addItem(self.outerCircle) self.scene.addItem(self.innerCircle) self.setScene(self.scene) self.setStyleSheet('background-color:transparent;color:red') self.currentX = 0 self.currentY = 0
def __init__(self, *args): QGraphicsEllipseItem.__init__(self, *args) self.setRect(-3, -3, 6, 6) self.setPen(QPen(Qt.NoPen)) self.normalBrush = QBrush(QColor("#9CACB4")) self.hoverBrush = QBrush(QColor("#7D7D7D")) self.setBrush(self.normalBrush) self.__hover = False
def __init__(self, rect, type): QGraphicsEllipseItem.__init__(self, rect) self._color = None self._darkColor = None self._pos = None self._startAngle = None self._spanAngle = None self._value = None self._type = type
def __init__(self, pen=QPen(, brush=QBrush(Qt.NoBrush), xCenter=0.0, yCenter=0.0, radius=1.0): OWCurve.__init__(self) self._item = QGraphicsEllipseItem(self) = xCenter, yCenter self.radius = radius self._rect = QRectF(xCenter - radius, yCenter - radius, 2 * radius, 2 * radius) self.set_pen(pen) self.set_brush(brush)
def __init__(self, name, tileset, roundsFinished=0, parent = None): """generate new wind tile""" if not len(WINDPIXMAPS): WINDPIXMAPS[('E', False)] = None # avoid recursion self.genWINDPIXMAPS() QGraphicsEllipseItem.__init__(self) if parent: self.setParentItem(parent) = name self.face = QGraphicsSvgItem() self.face.setParentItem(self) self.prevailing = None self.setWind(name, roundsFinished) self.tileset = tileset self.__sizeFace()
def __init__(self, outer, inner, filename=None, width=None, height=None, x=0, y=0, pixmap=None, group=None, pos=None, size=None, padding=None): Button.__init__(self, filename, width, height, x, y, pixmap, group, pos, size, padding) self.outer = outer self.inner = inner self.innerRange = 48 self.inputRange = 256 self.thresh = 5 self.outerCircle = QGraphicsEllipseItem(self.getX(), self.getY(), self.outer, self.outer) self.outerCircle.setPen(QPen(QColor(Qt.darkGray), 1, Qt.SolidLine)) self.outerCircle.setBrush(Qt.gray) self.innerCircle = QGraphicsEllipseItem(self.getX() + self.outer / 2 - self.inner / 2, self.getY() + self.outer / 2 - self.inner / 2, self.inner, self.inner) self.innerCircle.setPen(QPen(QColor(Qt.darkGray), 1, Qt.SolidLine)) self.innerCircle.setBrush(Qt.lightGray) self.currentX = 0 self.currentY = 0 self.items = [self.outerCircle, self.innerCircle]
def __init__(self, rect=None): super(TaskGraphicsItem, self).__init__() if rect is not None: self.setRect(rect) self.setPen(QPen(Qt.NoPen)) # Setup the text item self.textItem = QGraphicsTextItem() self.textItem.setParentItem(self) self.textItem.rotate(-90) self.textItem.setDefaultTextColor(QColor(255, 255, 255)) # The dimensions to reach via a LERP. self.startPos = QPointF(0, 0) self.endPos = QPointF(0, 0) self.startDiameter = 1 self.endDiameter = 1 self.centerMark = QGraphicsEllipseItem() self.centerMark.setBrush(QBrush(Qt.white)) self.centerMark.setPen(QPen(Qt.NoPen)) self.centerMark.setParentItem(self) = -1 # To determine if it is associated with an active process. self.used = False
def __init__(self, radius, parent=None): QGraphicsEllipseItem.__init__(self, QRectF(-radius, -radius, radius*2.0, radius*2.0), parent=parent) self._pen = QPen(QColor('#000000')) self._pen.setWidth(1) self.setPen(self._pen) self._hoverPen = QPen(QColor('#000000')) self._hoverPen.setWidth(2) brush = QBrush(QColor('#FF9966')) self.setBrush(brush) self._isSelected = False self._isHover = False self.setAcceptHoverEvents(True)
def __init__(self, longitude, latitude, pixmap, scene, parent=None): """Constructor. Args: longitude(float): Longitude of the origin of the pixmap. latitude(float): Latitude of the center of the pixmap. pixmap(QPixmap): Pixmap. scene(MapGraphicsScene): Scene the item belongs to. parent(QGraphicsItem): Parent item. """ QGraphicsEllipseItem.__init__(self, parent=parent, scene=scene) self._lon = longitude self._lat = latitude self.setPixmap(pixmap) self.updatePosition(scene)
def __init__(self, p0, p1, parent=None): QGraphicsPathItem.__init__(self, parent=parent) self._p0 = p0 self._p1 = p1 self._startPoint = QGraphicsEllipseItem(-3, -3, 6, 6, parent=self) self._startPoint.setPos(p0) self._endPoint = QGraphicsEllipseItem(-3, -3, 6, 6, parent=self) self._endPoint.setVisible(False) brush = QBrush(QColor( self._startPoint.setBrush(brush) self._endPoint.setBrush(brush) pen = QPen(brush, 2.0) self.setPen(pen)
def _finish_select_area(self): self.unregister_handler(self.home_map_scene, QEvent.GraphicsSceneMouseRelease) self.unregister_handler(self.home_map_scene, QEvent.KeyRelease) item = None for id,it in self.current_op_stat['items'].items() : print "%d,%s" % (id,HMItem.repr(it)) p = it.polygon().first() item = None self.current_op = '' self.current_op_stat = None el_it = QGraphicsEllipseItem(p.x()-2,p.y()-2,4,4) HMItem.module(el_it,self.__class__.__name__) HMItem.type(el_it,HMItem.ARTIFACT) HMItem.level(el_it, -1) el_it.setPen(QPen(, 1, Qt.SolidLine, Qt.RoundCap, Qt.RoundJoin)) el_it.setBrush(QBrush( el_it.setZValue(1) self.home_map_scene.addItem(el_it)
def iLabel(node, *args, **kargs): #code for making specialized faces for intermediates mostly cribbed from the ete2 website example (though not interactive): # my_label = ellipse = QGraphicsEllipseItem( 0, 0, fontSize * 2, fontSize * 2 ) #I think the first two are coords of center; second pair is major/minor axis ellipse.setPen(QPen(QColor('black'))) ellipse.setBrush(QBrush(QColor('white'))) text = QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(my_label) text.setParentItem(ellipse) text.setBrush(QBrush(QColor("black"))) font = QFont("Arial", fontSize * .9, weight=80) font.setLetterSpacing(1, 2) #add 2 pixels between letters for legibility text.setFont(font) #Center text according to masterItem size tw = text.boundingRect().width() th = text.boundingRect().height() center = ellipse.boundingRect().center() text.setPos( center.x() + 1 - tw / 2, center.y() - th / 2 ) #since the last letter has an extra 2 pixels after it from the spacing command, adjust center to compensate return ellipse
def test_anchoritem(self): anchoritem = NodeAnchorItem(None) self.scene.addItem(anchoritem) path = QPainterPath() path.addEllipse(0, 0, 100, 100) anchoritem.setAnchorPath(path) anchor = AnchorPoint() anchoritem.addAnchor(anchor) ellipse1 = QGraphicsEllipseItem(-3, -3, 6, 6) ellipse2 = QGraphicsEllipseItem(-3, -3, 6, 6) self.scene.addItem(ellipse1) self.scene.addItem(ellipse2) anchor.scenePositionChanged.connect(ellipse1.setPos) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): anchoritem.addAnchor(anchor) anchor1 = AnchorPoint() anchoritem.addAnchor(anchor1) anchor1.scenePositionChanged.connect(ellipse2.setPos) self.assertSequenceEqual(anchoritem.anchorPoints(), [anchor, anchor1]) self.assertSequenceEqual(anchoritem.anchorPositions(), [0.5, 0.5]) anchoritem.setAnchorPositions([0.5, 0.0]) self.assertSequenceEqual(anchoritem.anchorPositions(), [0.5, 0.0]) def advance(): t = anchoritem.anchorPositions() t = [(t + 0.05) % 1.0 for t in t] anchoritem.setAnchorPositions(t) self.singleShot(20, advance) advance()
def ugly_name_face(node, *args, **kargs): """ This is my item generator. It must receive a node object, and returns a Qt4 graphics item that can be used as a node face. """ # receive an arbitrary number of arguments, in this case width and # height of the faces width = args[0][0] height = args[0][1] ## Creates a main master Item that will contain all other elements ## Items can be standard QGraphicsItem # masterItem = QGraphicsRectItem(0, 0, width, height) # Or your custom Items, in which you can re-implement interactive # functions, etc. Check QGraphicsItem doc for details. masterItem = InteractiveItem(0, 0, width, height) # Keep a link within the item to access node info masterItem.node = node # I dont want a border around the masterItem masterItem.setPen(QPen(QtCore.Qt.NoPen)) # Add ellipse around text ellipse = QGraphicsEllipseItem(masterItem.rect()) ellipse.setParentItem(masterItem) # Change ellipse color ellipse.setBrush(QBrush(QColor( random_color()))) # Add node name within the ellipse text = QGraphicsSimpleTextItem( text.setParentItem(ellipse) text.setPen(QPen(QPen(QColor("white")))) # Center text according to masterItem size tw = text.boundingRect().width() th = text.boundingRect().height() center = masterItem.boundingRect().center() text.setPos(center.x()-tw/2, center.y()-th/2) return masterItem
def __init__(self, *args): QGraphicsView.__init__(self, *args) self.outerD = 125 self.innerD = 35 self.innerRange = 48 self.inputRange = 256 self.thresh = 3 self.padding = 40 self.worker = QSixAxisThread() self.worker.valueUpdated.connect(self.moveJoysticks) self.worker.start() self.move(2, 100) self.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.setMaximumHeight(180) self.setMaximumWidth(420) self.setMinimumHeight(140) self.setMinimumWidth(300) self.adjustSize() self.scene = QGraphicsScene(self) self.outerCircle1 = QGraphicsEllipseItem(0, 0, self.outerD, self.outerD) self.outerCircle1.setPen(QPen(QColor(Qt.darkGray), 1, Qt.SolidLine)) self.outerCircle1.setBrush(Qt.gray) self.innerCircle1 = QGraphicsEllipseItem(self.outerD / 2 - self.innerD / 2, self.outerD / 2 - self.innerD / 2, self.innerD, self.innerD) self.innerCircle1.setPen(QPen(QColor(Qt.darkGray), 1, Qt.SolidLine)) self.innerCircle1.setBrush(Qt.lightGray) self.scene.addItem(self.outerCircle1) self.scene.addItem(self.innerCircle1) self.outerCircle2 = QGraphicsEllipseItem(self.outerD + self.padding, 0, self.outerD, self.outerD) self.outerCircle2.setPen(QPen(QColor(Qt.darkGray), 1, Qt.SolidLine)) self.outerCircle2.setBrush(Qt.gray) self.innerCircle2 = QGraphicsEllipseItem(self.outerD + self.padding + self.outerD / 2 - self.innerD / 2, self.outerD / 2 - self.innerD / 2, self.innerD, self.innerD) self.innerCircle2.setPen(QPen(QColor(Qt.darkGray), 1, Qt.SolidLine)) self.innerCircle2.setBrush(Qt.lightGray) self.scene.addItem(self.outerCircle2) self.scene.addItem(self.innerCircle2) self.setScene(self.scene) self.setStyleSheet('background-color:transparent;') self.currentX = 0 self.currentY = 0 self.currentA = 0 self.currentZ = 0 self.test = QGraphicsItem(self.outerCircle2)
def bgc_name_face(node, *args, **kargs): """ This is the item generator. It must receive a node object, and returns a Qt4 graphics item that can be used as a node face. """ # Receive an arbitrary number of arguments, in this case width and # Height of the faces and the information about the BGC width = args[0] height = args[1] # Add the popup interactive_face = InteractiveItem("Class : {}\nRelated MIBiG : {}\nCluster family : {}".format(args[2], args[4], args[3]), 0, 0, width, height) # Keep a link within the item to access node info interactive_face.node = node # Remove border around the masterItem interactive_face.setPen(QPen(QtCore.Qt.NoPen)) # Add ellipse around text ellipse = QGraphicsEllipseItem(interactive_face.rect()) ellipse.setParentItem(interactive_face) # Change ellipse color ellipse.setBrush(QBrush(QColor(args[6]))) # Add node name within the ellipse text = QGraphicsTextItem(args[5]) text.setTextWidth(50) text.setParentItem(ellipse) # Center text according to masterItem size text_width = text.boundingRect().width() text_height = text.boundingRect().height() center = interactive_face.boundingRect().center() text.setPos(center.x()-text_width/2, center.y()-text_height/2) return interactive_face
def iLabel(node, *args, **kargs): #code for making specialized faces for intermediates mostly cribbed from the ete2 website example (though not interactive): # my_label = ellipse = QGraphicsEllipseItem(0,0,fontSize*2,fontSize*2) #I think the first two are coords of center; second pair is major/minor axis ellipse.setPen(QPen(QColor( 'black' ))) ellipse.setBrush(QBrush(QColor( 'white' ))) text = QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(my_label) text.setParentItem(ellipse) text.setBrush(QBrush(QColor("black"))) font = QFont("Arial",fontSize*.9,weight=80) font.setLetterSpacing(1, 2) #add 2 pixels between letters for legibility text.setFont(font) #Center text according to masterItem size tw = text.boundingRect().width() th = text.boundingRect().height() center = ellipse.boundingRect().center() text.setPos(center.x()+1-tw/2, center.y()-th/2) #since the last letter has an extra 2 pixels after it from the spacing command, adjust center to compensate return ellipse
class SingleJoystickView(QGraphicsView): def __init__(self, *args): QGraphicsView.__init__(self, *args) self.outerD = 125 self.innerD = 25 self.innerRange = 50 self.inputRange = 256 self.thresh = 3 self.worker = JoystickThread() self.worker.valueUpdated.connect(self.moveJoystick) self.worker.start() self.move(30, 100) self.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.setMaximumHeight(140) self.setMaximumWidth(140) self.adjustSize() self.scene = QGraphicsScene(self) self.outerCircle = QGraphicsEllipseItem(0, 0, self.outerD, self.outerD) self.outerCircle.setPen(QPen(QColor(Qt.darkGray), 1, Qt.SolidLine)) self.outerCircle.setBrush(Qt.gray) self.innerCircle = QGraphicsEllipseItem(self.outerD / 2 - self.innerD / 2, self.outerD / 2 - self.innerD / 2, self.innerD, self.innerD) self.innerCircle.setPen(QPen(QColor(Qt.darkGray), 1, Qt.SolidLine)) self.innerCircle.setBrush(Qt.lightGray) self.scene.addItem(self.outerCircle) self.scene.addItem(self.innerCircle) self.setScene(self.scene) self.setStyleSheet('background-color:transparent;color:red') self.currentX = 0 self.currentY = 0 def moveJoystick(self, x, y): x2 = x * self.innerRange / self.inputRange - self.innerRange / 2 y2 = y * self.innerRange / self.inputRange - self.innerRange / 2 if -self.thresh <= x2 <= self.thresh: x2 = 0 if -self.thresh <= y2 <= self.thresh: y2 = 0 = QTimeLine(10), 10) self.a = QGraphicsItemAnimation() self.a.setItem(self.innerCircle) self.a.setTimeLine( self.a.setPosAt(0, QPointF(self.currentX, self.currentY)) self.a.setTranslationAt(1, x2, y2) self.currentX = x2 self.currentY = y2 print 'x:%d y:%d' % (x2, y2)
def iLabel(node, *args, **kargs): #code for making specialized faces for intermediates mostly cribbed from the ete2 website example (though not interactive): # my_label = args[0][0] #or maybe just ellipse = QGraphicsEllipseItem(0,0,fontSize*2,fontSize*2) #I think the first two are coords of center; second pair is major/minor axis ellipse.setBrush(QBrush(QColor( 'black' ))) text = QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(my_label) text.setParentItem(ellipse) text.setBrush(QBrush(QColor("white"))) text.setFont(QFont("Arial",fontSize*.75)) #Center text according to masterItem size tw = text.boundingRect().width() th = text.boundingRect().height() center = ellipse.boundingRect().center() text.setPos(center.x()-tw/2, center.y()-th/2) return ellipse
def _setup(self): self.rod = QGraphicsLineItem(QLineF(0, 0, 0, 100)) p = QPen(QColor(100, 100, 100)) p.setWidth(5) self.rod.setPen(p) self.rod.setToolTip('This is the rod of the pendulum') self.ball = QGraphicsEllipseItem(QRectF(-20, 80, 40, 40)) b = QBrush(Qt.SolidPattern) b.setColor(QColor(0, 255, 0)) self.ball.setBrush(b) self.ball.setToolTip('This is the ball of the pendulum where the mass is concentrated') self.addToGroup(self.rod) self.addToGroup(self.ball) self.setFlags(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable)
def __init__(self, longitude, latitude, radius, scene, parent=None): """Constructor. Args: longitude(float): Longitude of the center of the circle. latitude(float): Latitude of the center of the circle. radius(float): Radius of the circle in pixels. scene(MapGraphicsScene): Scene to which the circle belongs. parent(QGraphicsItem): Parent item, default None. Note: The management of the parent item is work in progress. """ QGraphicsEllipseItem.__init__(self, parent=parent, scene=scene) self._lon = longitude self._lat = latitude self._radius = radius d = self._radius * 2 self.setRect(0, 0, d, d) self.updatePosition(scene)
def iLabel(node, *args, **kargs): #code for making specialized faces for intermediates mostly cribbed from the ete2 website example (though not interactive): # my_label = args[0][0] #or maybe just ellipse = QGraphicsEllipseItem( 0, 0, fontSize * 2, fontSize * 2 ) #I think the first two are coords of center; second pair is major/minor axis ellipse.setBrush(QBrush(QColor('black'))) text = QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(my_label) text.setParentItem(ellipse) text.setBrush(QBrush(QColor("white"))) text.setFont(QFont("Arial", fontSize * .75)) #Center text according to masterItem size tw = text.boundingRect().width() th = text.boundingRect().height() center = ellipse.boundingRect().center() text.setPos(center.x() - tw / 2, center.y() - th / 2) return ellipse
def __init__(self, name, radius, parent=None): QGraphicsEllipseItem.__init__(self, QRectF(-radius, -radius, radius*2.0, radius*2.0), parent=parent) self._name = name pfname = parent.fullname() if pfname is not None: self._fullname = pfname + ':' + name else: self._fullname = + ':' + name pen = QPen(QColor('#000000')) pen.setWidth(3) self.setPen(pen) brush = QBrush(QColor('#000000')) self.setBrush(brush) self.setToolTip(name) self.setAcceptedMouseButtons(Qt.LeftButton) self.setAcceptHoverEvents(True) self._isDraggingLine = False
def __init__(self, parent = None): super(AxisScene, self).__init__(parent) self.guidePen = QPen(QColor("blue"),1) = QGraphicsEllipseItem(-10, -10, 20, 20),0))"red"), 4))"black")) self.lastPos = {} self.lastPos['x'] = 0 self.lastPos['y'] = 0 self.grid = False self.gridPen = QPen(QColor("blue"), 2) self.pathItem = QGraphicsPathItem() self.pathItem.setPen(QPen(QColor("red"), 1, Qt.DotLine)) self.path = None self.xAxis = "Select Axis..." self.yAxis = self.xAxis self.addItem(
def _update_add_area(self,event): p = event.scenePos() self.current_op_stat['points'].append(p) el_it = QGraphicsEllipseItem(p.x()-2,p.y()-2,4,4) HMItem.module(el_it,self.__class__.__name__) HMItem.type(el_it,HMItem.OUTLINE_POINT) HMItem.level(el_it, -1) el_it.setPen(QPen(, 1, Qt.SolidLine, Qt.RoundCap, Qt.RoundJoin)) el_it.setBrush(QBrush(Qt.Dense4Pattern)) el_it.setZValue(1) self.home_map_scene.addItem(el_it)
class CircleCurve(OWCurve): """ Displays a circle on the plot :param pen: The pen used to draw the outline of the circle :type pen: QPen :param brush: The brush used to paint the inside of the circle :type brush: QBrush :param xCenter: The x coordinate of the circle's center :type xCenter: float :param yCenter: The y coordinate of the circle's center :type yCenter: float :param radius: The circle's radius :type radius: float """ def __init__(self, pen=QPen(, brush=QBrush(Qt.NoBrush), xCenter=0.0, yCenter=0.0, radius=1.0): OWCurve.__init__(self) self._item = QGraphicsEllipseItem(self) = xCenter, yCenter self.radius = radius self._rect = QRectF(xCenter - radius, yCenter - radius, 2 * radius, 2 * radius) self.set_pen(pen) self.set_brush(brush) def update_properties(self): self._item.setRect(self.graph_transform().mapRect(self.data_rect())) self._item.setPen(self.pen()) self._item.setBrush(self.brush()) def data_rect(self): x, y = r = self.radius return QRectF(x - r, y - r, 2 * r, 2 * r)
def ugly_name_face(node, *args, **kargs): """ This is my item generator. It must receive a node object, and returns a Qt4 graphics item that can be used as a node face. """ # receive an arbitrary number of arguments, in this case width and # height of the faces width = args[0][0] height = args[0][1] ## Creates a main master Item that will contain all other elements ## Items can be standard QGraphicsItem # masterItem = QGraphicsRectItem(0, 0, width, height) # Or your custom Items, in which you can re-implement interactive # functions, etc. Check QGraphicsItem doc for details. masterItem = InteractiveItem(0, 0, width, height) # Keep a link within the item to access node info masterItem.node = node # I dont want a border around the masterItem masterItem.setPen(QPen(QtCore.Qt.NoPen)) # Add ellipse around text ellipse = QGraphicsEllipseItem(masterItem.rect()) ellipse.setParentItem(masterItem) # Change ellipse color ellipse.setBrush(QBrush(QColor(random_color()))) # Add node name within the ellipse text = QGraphicsSimpleTextItem( text.setParentItem(ellipse) text.setPen(QPen(QPen(QColor("white")))) # Center text according to masterItem size tw = text.boundingRect().width() th = text.boundingRect().height() center = masterItem.boundingRect().center() text.setPos(center.x() - tw / 2, center.y() - th / 2) return masterItem
class DraggedLineItem(QGraphicsPathItem): def __init__(self, p0, p1, parent=None): QGraphicsPathItem.__init__(self, parent=parent) self._p0 = p0 self._p1 = p1 self._startPoint = QGraphicsEllipseItem(-3, -3, 6, 6, parent=self) self._startPoint.setPos(p0) self._endPoint = QGraphicsEllipseItem(-3, -3, 6, 6, parent=self) self._endPoint.setVisible(False) brush = QBrush(QColor( self._startPoint.setBrush(brush) self._endPoint.setBrush(brush) pen = QPen(brush, 2.0) self.setPen(pen) def showEndpoint(self, show): self._endPoint.setVisible(show) def setEndpoint(self, pos): self._p1 = pos self._endPoint.setPos(pos) self._updatePath() def _updatePath(self): p0 = self._p0 p1 = self._p1 path = QPainterPath() path.moveTo(p0) dx = p1.x() - p0.x() x0 = p0.x() + 0.7 * dx x1 = p1.x() - 0.7 * dx path.cubicTo(QPointF(x0, p0.y()), QPointF(x1, p1.y()), p1) self.setPath(path)
def __init__(self, *args): QGraphicsEllipseItem.__init__(self, *args) self.setRect(-3.5, -3.5, 7., 7.) self.setPen(QPen(Qt.NoPen)) self.setBrush(QBrush(QColor("#9CACB4"))) self.__hover = False
def item(self): if self.item_ is None: num_pts = len(self.pts_) if num_pts == 1: # draw a point item = QGraphicsEllipseItem(self.pts_[0][0]-self.radius_, self.pts_[0][1]-self.radius_, 2*self.radius_, 2*self.radius_) item.setBrush(self.qcolor) elif num_pts == 2: item = QGraphicsLineItem(self.pts_[0][0], self.pts_[0][1], self.pts_[1][0], self.pts_[1][1]) else: poly = QPolygonF() for p in self.pts_: poly.append(QPointF(p[0],p[1])) item = QGraphicsPolygonItem(poly) item.setFlags(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable | QGraphicsItem.ItemIsFocusable) item.setPen(self.qcolor) item.setEnabled(True) item.setActive(True) self.item_ = item return self.item_
def __init__(self, world): QGraphicsPolygonItem.__init__(self) ############################# ### Build graph ############################# graph = pydot.Dot() graph.set_node_defaults(color = 'red', fontcolor = 'red', label = '\<orphan\>') graph.set('overlap', 'prism') # build adjacency graph from world for area in world.areas: # create node for each room node = pydot.Node( node.set( 'label', ) if area == world.player.currentArea: node.set( 'color', 'blue' ) node.set( 'fontcolor', 'blue' ) else: node.set( 'color', 'black' ) node.set( 'fontcolor', 'black' ) graph.add_node(node) # link to adjacent rooms for feature in area.features: for action in feature.actions: finalEvent = None for event in if type(event) == events.PlayerMoveEvent: finalEvent = pydot.Edge(,['destination'] ) if finalEvent is not None: graph.add_edge( finalEvent ) ################################ ### Generate SVG from graph ################################ ps = graph.create_svg(prog='neato') ######################################### ### Build graphics items from SVG ######################################### # build xml tree ns = {'svg': ''} doc = ET.fromstring(ps) # grab the root node properties rootNode = doc.xpath('/svg:svg/svg:g[1]', namespaces=ns)[0] polygon = rootNode.xpath('./svg:polygon', namespaces=ns)[0] pointStr = polygon.xpath('./@points', namespaces=ns)[0] penColor = QString(polygon.xpath('./@stroke', namespaces=ns)[0]) fillColor = QString(polygon.xpath('./@fill', namespaces=ns)[0]) # parse root polygon path path = QPolygonF() for pair in pointStr.split(' '): dims = pair.split(',') point = QPointF( float(dims[0]), float(dims[1]) ) path.append(point) self.setPolygon(path) # fill in root node colors if QColor.isValidColor(penColor): self.setPen( QColor(penColor) ) if QColor.isValidColor(fillColor): self.setBrush( QColor(fillColor) ) # build each graph node for xmlNode in rootNode.xpath('./svg:g', namespaces=ns): group = QGraphicsRectItem(self) group.setPen( Qt.transparent ) group.setBrush( Qt.transparent ) if xmlNode.attrib['class'] == 'node': # find the area object name = xmlNode.xpath('./svg:title', namespaces=ns)[0].text group.setData( 0, QString(world.areas[world.areaLookup[name]].id) ) # get the ellipse info ellipseNode = xmlNode.xpath('./svg:ellipse', namespaces=ns)[0] elProps = { k: float(ellipseNode.attrib[k]) for k in ['cx', 'cy', 'rx', 'ry']} rect = QRectF( elProps['cx']-elProps['rx'], elProps['cy']-elProps['ry'], 2*elProps['rx'], 2*elProps['ry']) penColor = QString(ellipseNode.attrib['stroke']) ellipseItem = QGraphicsEllipseItem(rect, group) if QColor.isValidColor(penColor): ellipseItem.setPen( QColor(penColor) ) # get the text info textNode = xmlNode.xpath('./svg:text', namespaces=ns)[0] text = textNode.text textItem = QGraphicsTextItem(text, group) penColor = textNode.attrib.get('fill', 'black') nodePoint = QPointF(float(textNode.attrib['x']), float(textNode.attrib['y'])) textItem.setPos( nodePoint - textItem.boundingRect().center() + QPointF(0.0,-4.0)) if QColor.isValidColor(penColor): textItem.setDefaultTextColor( QColor(penColor) ) group.setRect( ellipseItem.boundingRect() ) group.setFlags( QGraphicsRectItem.ItemIsSelectable ) elif xmlNode.attrib['class'] == 'edge': # parse the line portion of the arrow line = xmlNode.xpath('./svg:path', namespaces=ns)[0] path = QPainterPath() # pull info from xml file linePath = line.attrib['d'] lineColor = line.attrib['stroke'] # parse path coords points = re.findall( '(-?\d+\.\d+),(-?\d+\.\d+)', linePath ) if len(points) != 4: continue startPoint = QPointF( float(points[0][0]), float(points[0][1]) ) path.moveTo(startPoint) curvePoints = [] for pointCoord in points[1:]: curvePoints.append( QPointF(float(pointCoord[0]), float(pointCoord[1])) ) path.cubicTo( curvePoints[0], curvePoints[1], curvePoints[2] ) # construct path item pathItem = QGraphicsPathItem(path, group) if QColor.isValidColor(lineColor): pathItem.setPen( QColor(lineColor) ) polyNode = xmlNode.xpath('./svg:polygon', namespaces=ns)[0] # pull info from xml file pointStr = polyNode.xpath('./@points', namespaces=ns)[0] penColor = QString(polyNode.xpath('./@stroke', namespaces=ns)[0]) fillColor = QString(polyNode.xpath('./@fill', namespaces=ns)[0]) # parse polygon path path = QPolygonF() for pair in pointStr.split(' '): dims = pair.split(',') point = QPointF( float(dims[0]), float(dims[1]) ) path.append(point) # construct polygon item polygonItem = QGraphicsPolygonItem(path, group) if QColor.isValidColor(penColor): polygonItem.setPen( QColor(penColor) ) if QColor.isValidColor(fillColor): polygonItem.setBrush( QColor(fillColor) ) group.setRect( pathItem.boundingRect() and polygonItem.boundingRect() )
def hoverEnterEvent(self, event): QGraphicsEllipseItem.hoverEnterEvent(self, event) event.accept() self.setIsHover(True)
def constructPieChart(self, distrib, numbs): pie = QGraphicsItemGroup() totArc = 0 for j, num, dist in reversed( list(zip(list(range(len(numbs))), numbs, distrib))): arc = QGraphicsEllipseItem(-self.pieWidth / 2, -self.pieWidth / 2, self.pieWidth, self.pieHeight) arc.setPen(QPen(QColor(0, 0, 0), 1, Qt.SolidLine)) arc.setBrush(QBrush(self.discPalette[j])) arc.setToolTip( "%s: %.3f" % (self.attributes[self.selectedAttributes[j]][0], num) + (" (%2.1f%%)" % (dist / self.barHeight * 100) if self.normalize else "")) arc.setStartAngle(totArc) arc.setSpanAngle(dist * 2880 / self.barHeight) pie.addToGroup(arc) totArc += dist * 2880 / self.barHeight return pie
def hoverLeaveEvent(self, event): QGraphicsEllipseItem.hoverLeaveEvent(self, event) event.accept() self.setIsHover(False)