class Validation: def __init__(self, iface, db, validation_dia, plugin_dir, params): self.iface = iface self.db = db self.params = params self.validation_dia = validation_dia self.app_root = plugin_dir self.open_image = QPixmap(os.path.join(self.app_root, "image", "folder_open_icon.png")) self.validation_dia.ui.openPushButton.setIcon(QIcon(self.open_image)) self.validation_dia.ui.openPushButton.setToolTip("Select File") self.export_globals = None self.validation_dk = None self.report_to_dialog = None = QRegExp("CheckBox") self.check_boxes_names = [] self.long_task = QThreadPool(None).globalInstance() self.summary_tables = {} self.model_navigation() self.form_load() self.file_dialog = QFileDialog() self.summary_functions = {} self.report_file_path = None self.home_dir = os.path.expanduser('~') self.org_name = database.get_from_gaz_metadata(db, "owner") = ExportValidationReport("roadNet Validation Report", self.org_name, self.db, self.iface, None) self.list_check_boxes = [] self.progress_win = QProgressDialog("", None, 0, 100, self.validation_dia) self.progress_win.setFixedSize(380, 100) self.progress_win.setModal(True) self.progress_win.setWindowTitle("Export Validation Report") self.summary_runnables = {'dupStreetCheckBox': [lambda: DupStreetDesc(), 0], 'notStreetEsuCheckBox': [lambda: StreetsNoEsuDesc(), 1], 'notType3CheckBox': [lambda: Type3Desc(False), 2], 'incFootPathCheckBox': [lambda: Type3Desc(True), 2], 'dupEsuRefCheckBox': [lambda: DupEsuRef(True), 3], 'notEsuStreetCheckBox': [lambda: NoLinkEsuStreets(), 4], 'invCrossRefCheckBox': [lambda: InvalidCrossReferences()], 'startEndCheckBox': [lambda: CheckStartEnd(), 8], 'tinyEsuCheckBox': [lambda: CheckTinyEsus("esu", 1)], 'notMaintReinsCheckBox': [lambda: CheckMaintReins()], 'asdStartEndCheckBox': [lambda: CheckAsdCoords()], 'notMaintPolysCheckBox': [lambda: MaintNoPoly(), 16], 'notPolysMaintCheckBox': [lambda: PolyNoMaint()], 'tinyPolysCheckBox': [lambda: CheckTinyEsus("rd_poly", 1)]} def init_functions(self, ref_class, tolerance): """ initialise a dictionary which keys are names of check boxes and values are all functions that create the respective table on the screen report functions are lambda because they will be called upon report creation and int references to a dictionary in the validation_summary class to the associated table widget to populate :param ref_class: class, the class holding the relative function :return: void """ self.summary_functions = {'dupStreetCheckBox': [lambda: ref_class.dup_street_desc(), 0], 'notStreetEsuCheckBox': [lambda: ref_class.street_not_esu_desc(), 1], 'notType3CheckBox': [lambda: ref_class.no_type3_desc(include_footpath=False), 2], 'incFootPathCheckBox': [lambda: ref_class.no_type3_desc(include_footpath=True), 2], 'dupEsuRefCheckBox': [lambda: ref_class.dup_esu_ref(), 3], 'notEsuStreetCheckBox': [lambda: ref_class.no_link_esu_streets(), 4], 'invCrossRefCheckBox': [lambda: ref_class.invalid_cross_references()], 'startEndCheckBox': [lambda: ref_class.check_start_end(tolerance), 8], 'tinyEsuCheckBox': [lambda: ref_class.check_tiny_esus("esu", 1)], 'notMaintReinsCheckBox': [lambda: ref_class.check_maint_reinst()], 'asdStartEndCheckBox': [lambda: ref_class.check_asd_coords()], 'notMaintPolysCheckBox': [lambda: ref_class.maint_no_poly(), 16], 'notPolysMaintCheckBox': [lambda: ref_class.poly_no_maint()], 'tinyPolysCheckBox': [lambda: ref_class.check_tiny_esus("rd_poly", 1)]} def model_navigation(self): """ events handler for buttons in the form :return: object """ buttons = self.validation_dia.ui.okCancelButtons.buttons() buttons[0].clicked.connect(self.get_data) buttons[1].clicked.connect(self.close_browser) self.validation_dia.ui.openPushButton.clicked.connect(self.select_file) self.validation_dia.ui.screenRadioButton.toggled.connect(lambda: self.selection_handler(0)) self.validation_dia.ui.fileRadioButton.toggled.connect(lambda: self.selection_handler(1)) self.validation_dia.ui.notType3CheckBox.toggled.connect(self.check_no_type_click) self.validation_dia.ui.startEndCheckBox.toggled.connect(self.check_coords_click) self.validation_dia.ui.selectAllButton.clicked.connect(self.select_all) self.validation_dia.ui.clearAllButton.clicked.connect(self.clear_all) def form_load(self): # set the initial status of the form self.validation_dia.ui.screenRadioButton.setChecked(True) self.validation_dia.ui.filePathLineEdit.setEnabled(False) self.check_coords_click() self.check_no_type_click() self.validation_dia.ui.dupStreetCheckBox.setChecked(True) self.validation_dia.ui.notStreetEsuCheckBox.setChecked(True) self.validation_dia.ui.notType3CheckBox.setChecked(True) self.validation_dia.ui.dupEsuRefCheckBox.setChecked(True) self.validation_dia.ui.notEsuStreetCheckBox.setChecked(True) self.validation_dia.ui.invCrossRefCheckBox.setChecked(True) self.validation_dia.ui.startEndCheckBox.setChecked(False) self.validation_dia.ui.tinyEsuCheckBox.setChecked(True) if self.params['RNsrwr'].lower() == 'true': self.validation_dia.ui.notMaintReinsCheckBox.setChecked(True) self.validation_dia.ui.asdStartEndCheckBox.setChecked(True) if self.params['RNsrwr'].lower() == 'false': self.validation_dia.ui.notMaintReinsCheckBox.setChecked(False) self.validation_dia.ui.asdStartEndCheckBox.setChecked(False) self.validation_dia.ui.notMaintReinsCheckBox.setEnabled(False) self.validation_dia.ui.asdStartEndCheckBox.setEnabled(False) if self.params['RNPolyEdit'].lower() == 'true': self.validation_dia.ui.notMaintPolysCheckBox.setChecked(True) self.validation_dia.ui.notPolysMaintCheckBox.setChecked(True) self.validation_dia.ui.tinyPolysCheckBox.setChecked(True) if self.params['RNPolyEdit'].lower() == 'false': self.validation_dia.ui.notMaintPolysCheckBox.setChecked(False) self.validation_dia.ui.notPolysMaintCheckBox.setChecked(False) self.validation_dia.ui.tinyPolysCheckBox.setChecked(False) self.validation_dia.ui.notMaintPolysCheckBox.setEnabled(False) self.validation_dia.ui.notPolysMaintCheckBox.setEnabled(False) self.validation_dia.ui.tinyPolysCheckBox.setEnabled(False) def close_browser(self): # close the dialog self.validation_dia.close() def get_data(self): """ produce the report according to the options specified by the user :return: validation report either on screen or as text file """ if self.validation_dia.ui.fileRadioButton.isChecked(): # alert the user if no path is specified if self.validation_dia.ui.filePathLineEdit.text() == "": no_path_msg_box = QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Warning, " ", "You must specify a path and filename for the report", QMessageBox.Ok, None) no_path_msg_box.setWindowFlags(Qt.CustomizeWindowHint | Qt.WindowTitleHint) no_path_msg_box.exec_() return # format the path and runs the export val_file_path = self.validation_dia.ui.filePathLineEdit.text() # checks if the export directory exists and it is valid if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(val_file_path)): path_invalid_msg_box = QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Warning, " ", "A valid directory must be selected", QMessageBox.Ok, None) path_invalid_msg_box.setWindowFlags(Qt.CustomizeWindowHint | Qt.WindowTitleHint) path_invalid_msg_box.exec_() else: self.report_to_file(val_file_path) # text file report = false, create a screen report, instantiate the report creator class if not self.validation_dia.ui.fileRadioButton.isChecked(): self.report_to_screen() def select_file(self): """ open the dialog window to select the file and print the path on the main line edit :return: void """ self.file_dialog.setDirectory(self.home_dir) self.file_dialog.setFileMode(QFileDialog.ExistingFiles) filters = "Text files (*.txt)" self.file_dialog.setNameFilter(filters) save_file_name = self.file_dialog.getSaveFileName(self.file_dialog, "Export Validation Report", self.home_dir, filter="Text files (*.txt)") if save_file_name != "": self.validation_dia.ui.filePathLineEdit.setText(("{}.txt".format(save_file_name))) if save_file_name.endswith(".txt"): self.validation_dia.ui.filePathLineEdit.setText(save_file_name) def selection_handler(self, button_id): """ change the status of the line edit according to the radio button selection :return: """ # if screen report is selected disable line edit for the file path if button_id == 0: self.validation_dia.ui.filePathLineEdit.setEnabled(False) self.validation_dia.ui.openPushButton.setEnabled(False) self.check_boxes_names = [] else: self.validation_dia.ui.filePathLineEdit.setEnabled(True) self.validation_dia.ui.openPushButton.setEnabled(True) self.check_boxes_names = [] def check_coords_click(self): # show/hide tolerance metres spin box if self.validation_dia.ui.startEndCheckBox.isChecked(): self.validation_dia.ui.metresSpinBox.setVisible(True) self.validation_dia.ui.toleranceLabel.setVisible(True) else: self.validation_dia.ui.metresSpinBox.setVisible(False) self.validation_dia.ui.toleranceLabel.setVisible(False) def check_no_type_click(self): # enable/disable footpath check box if self.validation_dia.ui.notType3CheckBox.isChecked(): self.validation_dia.ui.incFootPathCheckBox.setEnabled(True) else: self.validation_dia.ui.notType3CheckBox.setChecked(False) self.validation_dia.ui.incFootPathCheckBox.setEnabled(False) def select_all(self): # reset the form to default status, select all self.form_load() def clear_all(self): # uncheck all checkboxes self.validation_dia.ui.dupStreetCheckBox.setChecked(False) self.validation_dia.ui.notStreetEsuCheckBox.setChecked(False) self.validation_dia.ui.notType3CheckBox.setChecked(False) self.validation_dia.ui.incFootPathCheckBox.setChecked(False) self.validation_dia.ui.incFootPathCheckBox.setEnabled(False) self.validation_dia.ui.dupEsuRefCheckBox.setChecked(False) self.validation_dia.ui.notEsuStreetCheckBox.setChecked(False) self.validation_dia.ui.invCrossRefCheckBox.setChecked(False) self.validation_dia.ui.startEndCheckBox.setChecked(False) self.validation_dia.ui.tinyEsuCheckBox.setChecked(False) self.validation_dia.ui.notMaintReinsCheckBox.setChecked(False) self.validation_dia.ui.asdStartEndCheckBox.setChecked(False) self.validation_dia.ui.notMaintPolysCheckBox.setChecked(False) self.validation_dia.ui.notPolysMaintCheckBox.setChecked(False) self.validation_dia.ui.tinyPolysCheckBox.setChecked(False) def report_to_file(self, val_file_path): """ creates a text file report :return: void """ # assign to the report class the file path property self.report_file_path = val_file_path # start writing # get all checked check-boxes if len(self.list_check_boxes) > 0: self.list_check_boxes = [] self.list_check_boxes = self.validation_dia.findChildren(QCheckBox, if len(self.check_boxes_names) > 0: self.check_boxes_names = [] for check_box in self.list_check_boxes: if check_box.isChecked(): self.check_boxes_names.append(str(check_box.objectName())) if len(self.check_boxes_names) < 1: no_val_check_msg_box = QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Warning, " ", "At least one validation option must be selected", QMessageBox.Ok, None) no_val_check_msg_box.setWindowFlags(Qt.CustomizeWindowHint | Qt.WindowTitleHint) no_val_check_msg_box.exec_() return tolerance = self.validation_dia.ui.metresSpinBox.value() if self.validation_dia.ui.startEndCheckBox.isChecked() and (tolerance is None or tolerance == 0): no_tol_msg_box_file = QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Warning, " ", "You must specify a tolerance", QMessageBox.Ok, None) no_tol_msg_box_file.setWindowFlags(Qt.CustomizeWindowHint | Qt.WindowTitleHint) no_tol_msg_box_file.exec_() return self.progress_win.setWindowTitle("Export Validation Report") if self.validation_dia.ui.notType3CheckBox.isChecked(): if 'incFootPathCheckBox' in self.check_boxes_names: # locate the include footpath option and run just the appropriate function self.check_boxes_names.remove('notType3CheckBox') self.export_globals = InitGlobals(self.db, self.params, tolerance) self.long_task.setMaxThreadCount(1) start_report = StartReport(val_file_path, self.org_name) start_report.signals.result.connect(self.log_progress) end_report = EndReport() end_report.signals.result.connect(self.log_progress) end_report.signals.report_finished.connect(self.show_finished) self.long_task.start(start_report) for check_box_name in self.check_boxes_names: run_class = self.summary_runnables[check_box_name] runnable = run_class[0]() runnable.signals.result.connect(self.log_progress) self.long_task.start(runnable) self.long_task.start(end_report) self.list_check_boxes = [] self.check_boxes_names = [] @pyqtSlot() def show_finished(self): self.long_task.waitForDone() show_finished_msg_box = QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Information, " ", "Report successfully exported at \n {0}" .format(str(self.report_file_path)) .replace("\\\\", "\\"), QMessageBox.Ok, None) show_finished_msg_box.setWindowFlags(Qt.CustomizeWindowHint | Qt.WindowTitleHint) show_finished_msg_box.exec_() @pyqtSlot(str, int) def log_progress(self, task, value): self.progress_win.setLabelText(task) self.progress_win.setValue(value) def report_to_screen(self): tolerance = self.validation_dia.ui.metresSpinBox.value() if self.validation_dia.ui.startEndCheckBox.isChecked() and (tolerance is None or tolerance == 0): no_tol_msg_box_screen = QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Warning, " ", "You must specify a tolerance", QMessageBox.Ok, None) no_tol_msg_box_screen.setWindowFlags(Qt.CustomizeWindowHint | Qt.WindowTitleHint) no_tol_msg_box_screen.exec_() return report_to_screen = report_to_screen.validation_dia = self.validation_dia # in case the user selects a screen report immediately after the generation of # a file report create a new instance of the report class and None the file path # instantiate the report window, the parent is the main validation report dialog if self.validation_dk is None: self.validation_dk = ValidationSummaryDock(self.validation_dia) self.validation_dk.setWindowTitle("Validation Report Summary") self.validation_dk.setWindowFlags(Qt.WindowMaximizeButtonHint | Qt.WindowMinimizeButtonHint) rn_icon = QIcon() rn_icon.addPixmap(QPixmap(os.path.join(self.app_root, "image", "rn_logo_v2.png"))) self.validation_dk.setWindowIcon(rn_icon) # instantiate the class handler (functions to create and format the screen report) # include the window in the instantiation report_to_dialog = ValidationSummary(self.validation_dk, self.iface, self.db, tolerance) # creates a list of the checked checkboxes to create the tables self.list_check_boxes = self.validation_dia.findChildren(QCheckBox, for check_box in self.list_check_boxes: if check_box.isChecked(): self.check_boxes_names.append(str(check_box.objectName())) # check if at least one checkbox is checked before running the report if len(self.check_boxes_names) < 1: no_val_check_msg_box = QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Warning, " ", "At least one validation option must be selected", QMessageBox.Ok, None) no_val_check_msg_box.setWindowFlags(Qt.CustomizeWindowHint | Qt.WindowTitleHint) no_val_check_msg_box.exec_() return # initialises the functions self.init_functions(report_to_screen, tolerance) # runs the functions, each function passes a list and a table reference # to the handler class methods that create, populate and finally show the window if self.validation_dia.ui.notType3CheckBox.isChecked(): if 'incFootPathCheckBox' in self.check_boxes_names: # locate the include footpath option and run just the appropriate function self.check_boxes_names.remove('notType3CheckBox') report_to_dialog.include_footpath = True for check_box_name in self.check_boxes_names: function = self.summary_functions[check_box_name][0] # handles multiple results for a unique check box (cross references) if check_box_name == 'invCrossRefCheckBox': function_list = function() report_to_dialog.set_table(function_list[0], 5) report_to_dialog.set_table(function_list[1], 6) report_to_dialog.set_table(function_list[2], 7) # handles multiple results for a unique check box (tiny/empty ESUs Polys) elif check_box_name == 'tinyEsuCheckBox': function_list = function() report_to_dialog.set_table(function_list[0], 9) report_to_dialog.set_table(function_list[1], 10) elif check_box_name == 'tinyPolysCheckBox': function_list = function() report_to_dialog.set_table(function_list[0], 19) report_to_dialog.set_table(function_list[1], 20) # handles multiple results for a unique check box (maint/reins asd streets) elif check_box_name == 'notMaintReinsCheckBox': function_list = function() report_to_dialog.set_table(function_list[0], 11) report_to_dialog.set_table(function_list[1], 12) # handles multiple results for a unique check box (maint/reins asd coords) elif check_box_name == 'asdStartEndCheckBox': function_list = function() report_to_dialog.set_table(function_list[0], 13) report_to_dialog.set_table(function_list[1], 14) report_to_dialog.set_table(function_list[2], 15) # handles multiple results for a unique check box (polygons with no link, multi maintenance assignation) elif check_box_name == 'notPolysMaintCheckBox': function_list = function() report_to_dialog.set_table(function_list[0], 17) report_to_dialog.set_table(function_list[1], 18) # all other normal cases else: table_id = self.summary_functions[check_box_name][1] report_to_dialog.set_table(function(), table_id) = ExportValidationReport("roadNet Validation Report", self.org_name, self.db, self.iface, None) report_to_dialog.show_validation_widget()
class ExportValidationReport: """ Control the overall process of exporting validation reports to text file from the validation report form on the admin menu """ def __init__(self, report_title, org_name, db, iface, file_path=None): self.report_title = report_title.upper() self.db = db self.iface = iface self.org_name = org_name.upper() self.user = "******" self.file_path = file_path self.report_file = None self.start_point = QgsPoint() self.end_point = QgsPoint() self.esu_layer = QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayersByName( 'ESU Graphic')[0] self.poly_layer = QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayersByName( 'Road Polygons')[0] self.filter = None self.queries = {} self.headers = {} self.headers_no_items = {} self.column_names = {} self.init_headers() self.init_queries() self.validation_dia = None self.progress_win = None self.progress_win = QProgressDialog("", None, 0, 13, self.validation_dia) self.progress_win.setFixedSize(380, 100) self.progress_win.setModal(True) self.progress_win.setWindowFlags(Qt.CustomizeWindowHint | Qt.WindowTitleHint) self.progress_win.setWindowTitle("Export Validation Report") def init_headers(self): # initialises the text of headers and column names to use in the report self.headers = {0: 'Duplicate street descriptions :', 1: 'Streets not linked to ESUs :', 2: ['ESUs linked to Public Type 1 or 2 Streets but not to Type 3 :', '(Including Footpaths)', 'NOTE : Some of these esus may be linked to private parts ' 'of streets that are part public and part private'], 3: ['Duplicate ESU References : ', 'The following ESUs have duplicate ESU references. ' 'It is important that these are unique values \n' \ 'These references are based on the esu midpoint and are used when exporting to DTF'], 4: 'ESUs not linked to Streets :', 5: 'ESUs incorrectly linked to Type 1 and Type 2 Streets :', 6: 'ESUs linked to Type 3 or 4 Streets but not to Type 1 or 2 :', 7: 'ESUs linked to Unofficial street types (ie. not 1,2,3 or 4) :', 8: 'Streets with Start / End coordinates more than {0}m from ESUs :', 9: 'IDs of tiny {0}s :', 10: 'IDs of emtpy geometries :', 11: 'Type 1/2 Streets not linked to Maintenance Records :', 12: 'Type 1/2 Streets not linked to Reinstatement Records :', 13: 'Maintenance Records With Invalid Start-End Co-ordinates', 14: 'Reinstatement Records With Invalid Start-End Co-ordinates', 15: 'Special Designation Records With Invalid Start-End Co-ordinates', 16: 'Maintenance Records not linked to any Polygons :', 17: 'Polygons not linked to a Maintenance Record :', 18: 'Polygons wrongly assigned to more than one Maintenance record :'} self.headers_no_items = { 0: 'No duplicate street descriptions.', 1: 'No Unreferenced Streets found.', 2: 'No ESUs linked to Public Type 1 or 2 Streets but not to Type 3.', 3: 'No Duplicate ESU References found.', 4: 'No Unreferenced ESUs found.', 5: 'No ESUs incorrectly linked to Type 1 & 2 Streets.', 6: 'No ESUs incorrectly linked to Type 3 or 4 Streets but not 1 or 2.', 7: 'No ESUs incorrectly linked to Unofficial street types.', 8: 'No problems found.', 9: 'No tiny {0}s found.', 10: 'No invalid geometries found.', 11: 'No Type 1/2 Streets Without Maintenance Records.', 12: 'No Type 1/2 Streets Without Reinstatement Records.', 13: 'No Maintenance Records With Invalid Start-End Co-ordinates.', 14: 'No Reinstatement Records With Invalid Start-End Co-ordinates.', 15: 'No Special Designation Records With Invalid Start-End Co-ordinates.', 16: 'No Maintenance Records without polygons found.', 17: 'No polygons without Maintenance Records found.', 18: 'No Polygons wrongly assigned to more than one Maintenance record.' } self.column_names = { 0: ['Description, Locality, Town'], 1: ['USRN, Version, Type, Description, Update Date, Updated By'], 2: ['ESU ID, Street Reference Type, USRN, Street Description'], 3: ['ESU ID, ESU Reference (External)'], 4: ['ESU ID'], 5: ['USRN, Start/End, Type, Description'], 6: ['USRN, Type, Description'], 7: ['USRN, ASD ID, Reference Number'], 8: ['USRN, Maintenance ID, Status'], 9: ['Polygon ID'], 10: ['Polygon ID, USRN, Maintenance ID'] } def write_content(self, query_id, header_id, header_no_content_id, columns_name_id, include_footpaths=True, include_subtitle=False): """ format the content of the data coming from the db either in text or dialog format :param query_id: int reference to the query dictionary :param header_id: int reference to the header dictionary :param header_no_content_id: int reference to the header no content dictionary :param columns_name_id: int reference to the list of columns of the required table :param include_footpaths: bool value to include footpaths in type 3 streets query :param include_subtitle: bool indicates if the header has a subtitle :return: void """ # build a query model object query_model = QSqlQueryModel() if not include_footpaths: filtered_query = self.queries[2].replace( "AND (lnkESU_STREET.Currency_flag = 0)", "AND (lnkESU_STREET.Currency_flag = 0) AND " "(tblStreet.Description not like '%Footpath%')") query_model.setQuery(filtered_query) else: query_model.setQuery(self.queries[query_id]) while query_model.canFetchMore(): query_model.fetchMore() parent_model_index = QModelIndex() # if the path is not specified sends data to function creating a list if self.file_path is None: assert isinstance(columns_name_id, object) items_list = self.content_to_screen( content_list=None, query_model=query_model, columns_name_id=columns_name_id, no_content_id=header_no_content_id) return items_list def start_report(self): self.progress_win.setLabelText("Starting report") self.progress_win.setValue(1) def dup_street_desc(self): """ duplicate street description report section creation :return: void if the report is to text list[string] if the report is to screen """ # self.progress_win.setLabelText( "Checking duplicate street descriptions...") items_list = self.write_content(0, 0, 0, 0) self.progress_win.setValue(1) return items_list def street_not_esu_desc(self): """ streets not linked to ESU report section creation :return: void if the report is to text list[string] if the report is to screen """ self.progress_win.setLabelText( "Checking streets not linked to ESUs...") items_list = self.write_content(1, 1, 1, 1) self.progress_win.setValue(2) return items_list def no_type3_desc(self, include_footpath): """ streets not connected to type 3 report section :param include_footpath: bool, include or not footpath in the query :return: void if the report is to text list[string] if the report is to screen """ if include_footpath: self.progress_win.setLabelText( "Checking ESUs linked to Public Type 1 or 2 Streets but not to Type 3 " "(Including Footpaths)...") items_list = self.write_content(2, 2, 2, 2) self.progress_win.setValue(3) return items_list else: self.progress_win.setLabelText( "Checking ESUs linked to Public Type 1 or 2 Streets but not to Type 3..." ) items_list = self.write_content(2, 2, 2, 2, False) self.progress_win.setValue(3) return items_list def dup_esu_ref(self): """ duplicate ESU references report section :param include_subtitle: include or not a header subtitle :return: void if the report is to text list[string] if the report is to screen, the subtitile is included by default """ self.progress_win.setLabelText("Checking Duplicate ESU References...") items_list = self.write_content(3, 3, 3, 3) self.progress_win.setValue(4) return items_list def no_link_esu_streets(self): """ section report on ESUs not linked to any street :return:void if the report is to text list[string] if the report is to screen, the subtitile is not included by default """ self.progress_win.setLabelText( "Checking ESUs not linked to Streets...") items_list = self.write_content(4, 4, 4, 4) self.progress_win.setValue(5) return items_list def invalid_cross_references(self): """ this function handles three checks that are grouped under the same checkbox in the form 'invalid cross references' first check: ESUs not linked to type 1 and 2 streets second check: ESUs linked to type 3 and 4 streets but not linked to type 1 or 2 third check: ESUs linked to unofficial street types (none of the previous type) :return void if the report is to text list[[string]x3] if the report is to screen """ self.progress_win.setLabelText("Checking Invalid Cross-References...") results_list = [] esu12_list = self.write_content(5, 5, 5, 4) esu34_list = self.write_content(6, 6, 6, 4) unoff_list = self.write_content(7, 7, 7, 4) results_list.append(esu12_list) results_list.append(esu34_list) results_list.append(unoff_list) self.progress_win.setValue(6) return results_list def check_start_end(self, tol): # set the feature counter to 0 count = 0 # initialises two virtual objects points (start and end point) start_point = self.start_point end_point = self.end_point # uses the qgis python api to access the ESU Graphic Layer esu_layer = self.esu_layer # runs the query number 8 to retrieve all streets from the Database streets_model = QSqlQueryModel() streets_model.setQuery(self.queries[8]) while streets_model.canFetchMore(): streets_model.fetchMore() n_columns = streets_model.columnCount() n_rows = streets_model.rowCount() i = 0 j = 0 # first loop start (for each street): start_end_content = [] while i <= n_rows - 1: self.progress_win.setLabelText("Checking start-end Coordinates...") # initialises the state of the checks booleans both to false start_ok = False end_ok = False col_info = [] while j <= n_columns - 1: model_index = streets_model.createIndex(i, j) if j == 0: data = col_info.append(data) if j == 1: data = col_info.append(data) if j == 2: data = col_info.append(data) if j >= 3: data = col_info.append(data) j += 1 usrn = col_info[0] ref_type = col_info[2] desc = col_info[1] start_point.set(float(col_info[3]), float(col_info[4])) end_point.set(float(col_info[5]), float(col_info[6])) # filter the layer "ESU Graphic" for the ESUs Ids returned from the list # deal just with the arcs part of multi arcs street esus_list = self.get_linked_esu_list(usrn) feat_filter = self.build_layer_filter(esus_list) feat_request = QgsFeatureRequest() feat_request.setFilterExpression(feat_filter) # second loop starts (for each arc (ESU) composing the street) # iterate through all filtered features and their proximity with the start and end of the street features = self.esu_layer.getFeatures(feat_request) features.rewind() # iterates through features for feat in features: # check start end points for each of the only if none of the start end points of # a ESU on each street is not already matched if (start_ok is not True) or (end_ok is not True): result = self.start_end_proximity(start_point, end_point, feat, tol) # both dist are ok if result == 3: start_ok = True end_ok = True # just end dist is ok elif result == 2: end_ok = True # just start dist is ok elif result == 1: start_ok = True else: break # in case of problems if not start_ok or not end_ok: count += 1 start_end_item = [str(col_info[0]) + ","] # handles the creation of the report on a text file if not start_ok and not end_ok: start_end_item.append("(both),") if not start_ok and end_ok: start_end_item.append("(start),") if start_ok and not end_ok: start_end_item.append("(end),") start_end_item.append(str(ref_type) + ",") start_end_item.append(str(desc) + "\n") start_end_content.append(start_end_item) j = 0 i += 1 if count == 0: self.progress_win.setValue(7) return else: start_end_content.insert(0, self.column_names[5]) self.progress_win.setValue(7) return self.content_to_screen(content_list=start_end_content, query_model=None, columns_name_id=None, no_content_id=8) def start_end_proximity(self, start_point_street, end_point_street, feature, tolerance): """ check distance of start and end point of the street with each ESU if it is greater or smaller than the set tolerance :param start_point: start point of each street to which the ESU is linked :param end_point: endpoint of each street to which the ESU is linked :param feature: the ESU to test :param tolerance: distance in metres expressed by the user, over which we flag up a problem :return int result: integer that expresses if the distance of the start end point of the ESU from the tart end point of the street is greater or lower than the set tolerance """ result = 0 geom = feature.geometry() multi_poly_list = geom.asMultiPolyline() # if the geometry is not empty check start end coords if len(multi_poly_list) > 0: multi_poly = geom.asMultiPolyline()[0] len_list = len(multi_poly) start_point_esu = multi_poly[0] end_point_esu = multi_poly[len_list - 1] # test 1: distance between start vertex of ESU and start point of street dist_start_1 = sqrt(start_point_esu.sqrDist(start_point_street)) # test 2: distance between start vertex of ESU and end point of street dist_end_1 = sqrt(start_point_esu.sqrDist(end_point_street)) # test 3: distance between end vertex of ESU and start point of street dist_start_2 = sqrt(end_point_esu.sqrDist(start_point_street)) # test 4: distance between end vertex of ESU and end point of street dist_end_2 = sqrt(end_point_esu.sqrDist(end_point_street)) # start tolerances evaluation if dist_start_1 < tolerance or dist_start_2 < tolerance: result = 1 # end tolerances evaluation if dist_end_1 < tolerance or dist_end_2 < tolerance: result += 2 return result def get_linked_esu_list(self, usrn): """ function that selects all esus for a determined street :param usrn: the unique identifier of a certain street :return: list[esu_ids] all esu ids linked to a certain street or void in case a street does not have any linked esu """ # executing the query esus_query_model = QSqlQueryModel() esus_query_model.setQuery(self.queries[9].format(usrn)) while esus_query_model.canFetchMore(): esus_query_model.fetchMore() n_rows = esus_query_model.rowCount() # skip if no esus are linked if n_rows == 0: return else: i = 0 esus_list = [] # creating a list of ESUs Ids that are linked to the street while i <= n_rows - 1: model_index = esus_query_model.createIndex(i, 0) esu = esus_list.append(esu) i += 1 return esus_list def build_layer_filter(self, esus_list): """ builds a qgis layer expression from a list of strings to return filtered features from a layer :param esus_list: list of strings containing all ESUs in a street :return: string filter to apply to feature request """ str_esu = "" i = 0 while i <= len(esus_list) - 1: if i == 0 or i == len(esus_list): str_esu += '"esu_id" = ' + str(esus_list[i]) + ' ' else: str_esu += 'OR "esu_id" = ' + str(esus_list[i]) + ' ' i += 1 return str_esu def check_tiny_esus(self, type, tolerance): """ function that checks for empty geometries and for features smaller than a set tolerance dimension expressed in metres :param type: string, indicates which layer is to check ("ESUS or polygons") :param tolerance: int, the tolerance :return: """ check_layer = None field_name = None check_geom = None check_geom_dim = None empty_geoms = [] tiny_shapes = [] if type == "esu": # self.progress_win.setLabelText("Checking tiny and empty ESUs geometries...") check_layer = self.esu_layer field_name = "esu_id" # self.progress_win.setValue(8) if type == "rd_poly": # self.progress_win.setLabelText("Checking tiny and empty polygons geometries...") check_layer = self.poly_layer field_name = "rd_pol_id" # self.progress_win.setValue(13) if not check_layer: no_layer_msg_box = QMessageBox( QMessageBox.Warning, " ", "Cannot retrieve {} Layer".format(type), QMessageBox.Ok, None) no_layer_msg_box.setWindowFlags(Qt.CustomizeWindowHint | Qt.WindowTitleHint) no_layer_msg_box.exec_() return else: # checks the field index exists fields = check_layer.pendingFields().toList() field_names_list = [] for field in fields: field_names_list.append( if field_name not in field_names_list: no_field_msg_box = QMessageBox( QMessageBox.Warning, " ", "Cannot find field named {}".format(field_name), QMessageBox.Ok, None) no_field_msg_box.setWindowFlags(Qt.CustomizeWindowHint | Qt.WindowTitleHint) no_field_msg_box.exec_() return else: # loop through all features in the layer check_features = check_layer.getFeatures() check_features.rewind() # checks for empty geometries for check_feature in check_features: check_geom = check_feature.geometry() check_geom_id = check_feature[field_name] if check_geom is None: empty_geoms.append(check_geom_id) elif not check_geom.isGeosValid(): empty_geoms.append(check_geom_id) # check for feature dimensions smaller than tolerance else: if type == 'esu': check_geom_dim = check_geom.length() if type == 'rd_poly': check_geom_dim = check_geom.area() if check_geom_dim < tolerance: tiny_shapes.append(check_geom_id) tiny_content = [] empty_content = [] check_list = [] if type == "esu": tiny_content.append(self.column_names[4]) empty_content.append(self.column_names[4]) if type == "rd_poly": tiny_content.append(self.column_names[9]) empty_content.append(self.column_names[9]) # if there are any problems with tiny shapes if len(tiny_shapes) > 0: for shape in tiny_shapes: tiny_item = [str(shape)] tiny_content.append(tiny_item) check_list.append(tiny_content) if len(tiny_shapes) == 0: last_item = [] tiny_content.append(last_item) last_item.append(str(self.headers_no_items[9].format(type))) # return tiny_content check_list.append(tiny_content) # if there are any problems with empty geometries if len(empty_geoms) > 0: for empty in empty_geoms: empty_item = [str(empty)] empty_content.append(empty_item) check_list.append(empty_content) if len(empty_geoms) == 0: last_item = [] empty_content.append(last_item) last_item.append(str(self.headers_no_items[10].format(type))) check_list.append(empty_content) return check_list def check_maint_reinst(self): """ groups two checks for streets type 1 and 2, checks streets that are not linked to maintenance records and check streets that are not linked to reinstatement records :return: void if the report is to text list[[string]x2] if the report is to screen """ # self.progress_win.setLabelText("Checking maintenance records for streets...") if self.file_path is None: results_list = [ self.write_content(10, 11, 11, 6), self.write_content(11, 12, 12, 6) ] self.progress_win.setValue(9) return results_list def check_asd_coords(self): """ groups three checks on start and end coordinates for streets classified as maintenance, reinstatement and special designation :return: void if the report is to text list[[string]x3] if the report is to screen """ self.progress_win.setLabelText("Checking streets asd coords...") results_list = [ self.write_content(12, 13, 13, 7), self.write_content(13, 14, 14, 7), self.write_content(14, 15, 15, 7) ] self.progress_win.setValue(10) return results_list def maint_no_poly(self): # function that checks maintenance record that have no link to # road polygons self.progress_win.setLabelText( "Checking maintenance records for polygons...") result_list = self.write_content(15, 16, 16, 8) self.progress_win.setValue(11) return result_list def poly_no_maint(self): """ group of two checks on road polygons 1: polygons that have not link to maintenance records 2: polygons wrongly assigned to more than one maintenance record :return: void """ results_list = [ self.write_content(16, 17, 17, 9), self.write_content(17, 18, 18, 10) ] self.progress_win.setValue(12) return results_list def end_report(self, parent): self.progress_win.close() parent.close() def content_to_screen(self, content_list=None, query_model=None, columns_name_id=None, no_content_id=None): """ handles the creation of an on-screen validation report version, the function handles the case of a report created both from db records and mixed data from db and spatial features :param content_list: list[string] 'ready made' list of values to print on the screen if data comes from mixed sources (db + features) :param query_model: QtSqlQueryModel model of the query if all data comes from db :param columns_name_id: int index of the column names dictionary to print column names on tables """ if content_list is None: parent_model_index = QModelIndex() # get number of rows and columns n_rows = query_model.rowCount(parent_model_index) n_columns = query_model.columnCount(parent_model_index) # if the path is not specified build the list view # creates a list of values content_list = [] items_list = [] i = 0 j = 0 k = 0 while k <= len(self.column_names[columns_name_id]) - 1: content_list.append(self.column_names[columns_name_id]) k += 1 # if there are no problems just print a message # on the first item in the list if n_rows < 1: content_list.append([self.headers_no_items[no_content_id]]) else: # identify data in the model and write to txt file while i <= n_rows - 1: while j <= n_columns - 1: model_index = query_model.createIndex(i, j) data = str( items_list.append(data) j += 1 content_list.append(items_list) j = 0 items_list = [] i += 1 return content_list def init_queries(self): """ database queries initialisation""" self.queries = { 0: "SELECT (ifnull(tblSTREET.Description, '') ||'|'|| ifnull(tlkpLOCALITY.Name, '')||'|'|| " "ifnull(tlkpTOWN.Name,'')) AS DuplicateRoads FROM (tblSTREET INNER JOIN tlkpLOCALITY " "ON tblSTREET.Loc_Ref = tlkpLOCALITY.Loc_Ref) INNER JOIN tlkpTOWN " "ON tblSTREET.Town_Ref = tlkpTOWN.Town_Ref GROUP BY tblSTREET.Currency_flag, " "tblSTREET.Description, tlkpLOCALITY.Name, tlkpTOWN.Name HAVING (((Count(tblSTREET.USRN))>1) " "AND ((tblSTREET.Currency_flag)=0))", 1: "SELECT (ifnull(tblSTREET.USRN, '') ||'|'|| ifnull(tblSTREET.Version_No, '') ||'|'|| " "ifnull(tblSTREET.Street_ref_type, '') ||'|'|| ifnull(tblSTREET.Description, '')||'|'|| " "ifnull(tblSTREET.Update_date, '') ||'|'|| ifnull(tblSTREET.Updated_by, '')) AS not_linked_usrn " "FROM tblSTREET LEFT JOIN (SELECT * from lnkESU_STREET where lnkESU_Street.Currency_Flag = 0) " "AS STREET_LINK ON (tblSTREET.Version_No = STREET_LINK.usrn_version_no) " "AND (tblSTREET.USRN = STREET_LINK.usrn) WHERE (((tblSTREET.Currency_flag) = 0) " "AND ((STREET_LINK.usrn) Is Null)) ORDER BY tblSTREET.USRN ", 2: "SELECT (ifnull(q12.esu_id,'') ||'|'|| ifnull(q12.street_ref_type,'') ||'|'|| " "ifnull(q12.USRN,'') ||'|'|| ifnull(q12.Description,'')) AS type3_not_linked " "FROM (SELECT DISTINCT lnkESU_STREET.esu_id, " "tblSTREET.Street_ref_type, tblStreet.Description,tblStreet.USRN " "FROM (lnkESU_STREET INNER JOIN tblSTREET ON (lnkESU_STREET.usrn_version_no = tblSTREET.Version_No) " "AND (lnkESU_STREET.usrn = tblSTREET.USRN)) INNER JOIN tblMAINT ON (tblSTREET.USRN = tblMAINT.USRN) " "WHERE (((tblSTREET.street_ref_type = 1) Or (tblSTREET.street_ref_type = 2)) AND " "(lnkESU_STREET.Currency_flag = 0) And (tblSTREET.Currency_flag = 0) AND " "(tblMAINT.Road_Status_Ref = 1)) ORDER BY lnkESU_STREET.esu_id) AS q12 LEFT JOIN " "(SELECT lnkESU_STREET.esu_id, tblSTREET.Street_ref_type FROM lnkESU_STREET INNER JOIN tblSTREET " "ON (lnkESU_STREET.usrn_version_no = tblSTREET.Version_No) AND (lnkESU_STREET.usrn = tblSTREET.USRN) " "WHERE ((tblSTREET.street_ref_type = 3) " "AND (lnkESU_STREET.Currency_flag = 0) And (tblSTREET.Currency_flag = 0)) " "ORDER BY lnkESU_STREET.esu_id) AS q3 ON q12.esu_id = q3.esu_id WHERE (q3.esu_id Is Null)", 3: "SELECT (ifnull(qryID.esu_id,'') ||'|'|| ifnull(qryID.esuxy,'')) as dup_esu_ref FROM " "(SELECT Count(tblESU.esu_id) AS CountOfesu_id, " "((substr('0000000'|| xref, -7,7) || substr('0000000'||yref, -7,7))) AS esuxy " " FROM tblESU WHERE tblESU.currency_flag=0 GROUP BY tblESU.currency_flag, " "(substr('0000000'|| xref, -7, 7) || substr('0000000'||yref, -7,7))) qryCntID " " INNER JOIN (SELECT tblESU.esu_id, (substr('0000000'|| xref, -7, 7) || substr('0000000'||yref, -7,7))" " AS esuxy From tblESU WHERE (tblESU.currency_flag=0)) qryID " "ON qryCntID.esuxy = qryID.esuxy WHERE (qryCntID.CountOfesu_id>1)", 4: " SELECT tblESU.esu_id AS esu_not_linked " "FROM tblESU LEFT JOIN " "((SELECT lnkESU_STREET.* From lnkESU_STREET WHERE (((lnkESU_STREET.currency_flag)=0)))) " "AS STREET_LINK ON (tblESU.version_no = STREET_LINK.esu_version_no) " "AND (tblESU.esu_id = STREET_LINK.esu_id) " "WHERE (((tblESU.currency_flag)=0) AND ((STREET_LINK.usrn) Is Null))", 5: "SELECT * FROM (SELECT DISTINCT esu_id, count(USRN) AS USRN_Count " "FROM (SELECT lnkESU_Street.esu_id,tblStreet.USRN " "FROM tblSTREET INNER JOIN lnkESU_STREET ON (tblSTREET.USRN = lnkESU_STREET.usrn) " "AND (tblSTREET.Version_No = lnkESU_STREET.usrn_version_no) " "WHERE (((tblSTREET.Street_ref_type)=1 Or (tblSTREET.Street_ref_type)=2) " "AND ((tblSTREET.Currency_flag)=0) AND ((lnkESU_STREET.currency_flag)=0))) AS sq " "GROUP BY esu_id) WHERE USRN_Count > 1", 6: "SELECT q34.esu_id as ESUID " "FROM (SELECT lnkESU_STREET.esu_id, tblSTREET.Street_ref_type " "FROM lnkESU_STREET INNER JOIN tblSTREET ON (lnkESU_STREET.usrn_version_no = tblSTREET.Version_No) " "AND (lnkESU_STREET.usrn = tblSTREET.USRN) " "WHERE (((tblSTREET.street_ref_type) = 3 OR (tblSTREET.street_ref_type) = 4) " "AND ((lnkESU_STREET.Currency_flag) = 0) And ((tblSTREET.Currency_flag) = 0)) " "ORDER BY lnkESU_STREET.esu_id) as q34 " "LEFT JOIN (SELECT lnkESU_STREET.esu_id, tblSTREET.Street_ref_type " "FROM lnkESU_STREET INNER JOIN tblSTREET ON (lnkESU_STREET.usrn_version_no = tblSTREET.Version_No) " "AND (lnkESU_STREET.usrn = tblSTREET.USRN) " "WHERE (((tblSTREET.street_ref_type) = 1 Or (tblSTREET.street_ref_type) = 2) " "AND ((lnkESU_STREET.Currency_flag) = 0) AND ((tblSTREET.Currency_flag) = 0)) " "ORDER BY lnkESU_STREET.esu_id) as q12 ON q34.esu_id = q12.esu_id WHERE (((q12.esu_id) Is Null))", 7: "SELECT lnkESU_STREET.esu_id as ESUID, tblSTREET.USRN as USRN, tblSTREET.Street_ref_type as REFTYPE " "FROM lnkESU_STREET INNER JOIN tblSTREET ON (lnkESU_STREET.usrn_version_no = tblSTREET.Version_No) " "AND (lnkESU_STREET.usrn = tblSTREET.USRN) " "WHERE (((tblSTREET.Street_ref_type) Not In (1,2,3,4)) " "AND ((lnkESU_STREET.currency_flag)=0) " "AND ((tblSTREET.Currency_flag)=0)) " "ORDER BY lnkESU_STREET.esu_id", 8: "SELECT DISTINCT tblStreet.USRN, tblStreet.Description, " "tblStreet.Street_ref_type, ifnull(tblStreet.Start_xref, 0), " "ifnull(tblStreet.Start_yref, 0), ifnull(tblStreet.End_xref, 0), ifnull(tblStreet.End_yref, 0) " "FROM tblStreet LEFT JOIN lnkESU_STREET ON (tblStreet.USRN = lnkESU_STREET.usrn) " "AND (tblStreet.Version_No = lnkESU_STREET.usrn_version_no) " "WHERE (((lnkESU_STREET.usrn) Is Not Null) AND ((tblStreet.Currency_flag)=0) " "AND ((lnkESU_STREET.currency_flag)=0)) " "ORDER BY tblStreet.USRN;", 9: "SELECT lnkESU_STREET.esu_id " "From lnkESU_STREET " " WHERE (((lnkESU_STREET.usrn)= {0}) " " AND ((lnkESU_STREET.currency_flag)=0))", 10: "SELECT (ifnull(tblSTREET.USRN,'') ||'|'|| ifnull(tblSTREET.Street_ref_type,'') ||'|'|| " "ifnull(tblSTREET.Description,'')) AS type12_maint " "FROM tblSTREET LEFT JOIN (SELECT tblMAINT.USRN, tblMAINT.Maint_id " "FROM tblMAINT WHERE (((tblMAINT.Currency_flag)=0))) as maint ON tblSTREET.USRN = maint.USRN " "WHERE (((tblSTREET.street_ref_type) = 1 Or (tblSTREET.street_ref_type) = 2) " "AND ((tblSTREET.Currency_flag) = 0) And ((maint.maint_id) Is Null)) " "ORDER BY tblSTREET.USRN", 11: "SELECT (ifnull(tblSTREET.USRN,'') ||'|'|| ifnull(tblSTREET.Street_ref_type,'') " "||'|'|| ifnull(tblSTREET.Description,'')) AS check_reins " "FROM tblSTREET LEFT JOIN (SELECT tblReins_Cat.USRN, tblReins_Cat.Reins_cat_id FROM tblReins_Cat " "WHERE (((tblReins_Cat.Currency_flag)=0))) as reins ON tblSTREET.USRN = reins.USRN " "WHERE (((tblSTREET.street_ref_type) = 1 Or (tblSTREET.street_ref_type) = 2) " "AND ((tblSTREET.Currency_flag) = 0) And ((reins.Reins_cat_id) Is Null)) " "AND tblStreet.USRN not in (Select distinct s.USRN " "FROM tblStreet s inner join tblMaint m on m.USRN = s.USRN WHERE s.Currency_flag = 0 " "AND m.currency_flag = 0 and m.road_status_ref = 4) " "ORDER BY tblSTREET.USRN", 12: "SELECT (ifnull(S.USRN,'') ||'|'||ifnull(ASD.Maint_ID,'') ||'|'|| ifnull(ASD.Reference_No,'')) " "as inv_maint FROM tblMaint ASD left join tblSTREET S ON S.USRN = ASD.USRN " "WHERE ASD.Currency_flag = 0 AND S.Currency_Flag = 0 AND ASD.Whole_Road = 0 AND ((ASD.start_xref = 0 " "or ASD.start_Yref = 0 or ASD.end_xref = 0 or ASD.end_yref = 0 ) or " "(ASD.start_xref = NULL or ASD.start_Yref = NULL or ASD.end_xref = NULL or ASD.end_yref = NULL)) " "ORDER BY S.USRN", 13: "SELECT (ifnull(S.USRN,'') ||'|'|| ifnull(ASD.Reins_Cat_Id,'') ||'|'|| ifnull(ASD.Reference_No,'')) " "AS inv_reins FROM tblReins_Cat ASD left join tblSTREET S ON S.USRN = ASD.USRN " "WHERE ASD.Currency_flag = 0 AND S.Currency_Flag = 0 AND ASD.Whole_Road = 0 " "AND ((ASD.start_xref = 0 or ASD.start_Yref = 0 or ASD.end_xref = 0 or ASD.end_yref = 0 ) or " "(ASD.start_xref = NULL or ASD.start_Yref = NULL or ASD.end_xref = NULL or ASD.end_yref = NULL)) " "ORDER BY S.USRN", 14: "SELECT (ifnull(S.USRN,'') ||'|'|| ifnull(ASD.Spec_Des_ID,'') ||'|'|| ifnull(ASD.Reference_No,'')) " "AS inv_spec_des FROM tblSpec_Des ASD left join tblSTREET S ON S.USRN = ASD.USRN " "WHERE ASD.Currency_flag = 0 AND S.Currency_Flag = 0 AND ASD.Whole_Road = 0 " "AND ((ASD.start_xref = 0 or ASD.start_Yref = 0 or ASD.end_xref = 0 or ASD.end_yref = 0 ) or " "(ASD.start_xref = NULL or ASD.start_Yref = NULL or ASD.end_xref = NULL or ASD.end_yref = NULL)) " "ORDER BY S.USRN", 15: "SELECT (ifnull(tblMAINT.USRN,'') ||'|'|| ifnull(tblMAINT.Maint_id, '') ||'|'|| " "ifnull(tlkpROAD_STATUS.Description, '')) as road_status " "FROM (tblMAINT LEFT JOIN lnkMAINT_RD_POL ON tblMAINT.Maint_id = lnkMAINT_RD_POL.maint_id) " "INNER JOIN tlkpROAD_STATUS ON tblMAINT.Road_status_ref = tlkpROAD_STATUS.Road_status_ref " "WHERE (((tblMAINT.Currency_flag) = 0) And ((lnkMAINT_RD_POL.rd_pol_id) Is Null)) " "ORDER BY tblMAINT.USRN", 16: "SELECT rdpoly.RD_POL_ID FROM rdpoly " "LEFT JOIN (select * from lnkMaint_RD_POL WHERE currency_flag = 0) " "AS mrp ON rdpoly.RD_POL_ID = mrp.rd_pol_id WHERE (((mrp.Maint_ID) Is Null)) ORDER BY rdpoly.RD_POL_ID", 17: "SELECT (ifnull(mp.rd_pol_id,'') ||'|'|| ifnull(tblMAINT.USRN,'') ||'|'|| " "ifnull(tblMAINT.Maint_id,'')) AS check_polys " "FROM (SELECT lnkMAINT_RD_POL.rd_pol_id, Count(lnkMAINT_RD_POL.maint_id) AS CountOfmaint_id " "From lnkMAINT_RD_POL " "GROUP BY lnkMAINT_RD_POL.rd_pol_id, lnkMAINT_RD_POL.currency_flag " "HAVING (((Count(lnkMAINT_RD_POL.maint_id))>1) AND ((lnkMAINT_RD_POL.currency_flag)=0))) as mp " "INNER JOIN (lnkMAINT_RD_POL INNER JOIN tblMAINT ON lnkMAINT_RD_POL.maint_id = tblMAINT.Maint_id) " "ON mp.rd_pol_id = lnkMAINT_RD_POL.rd_pol_id " "Where (((lnkMAINT_RD_POL.Currency_flag) = 0) And ((tblMAINT.Currency_flag) = 0)) " "ORDER BY mp.rd_pol_id, tblMAINT.USRN;" }