def show_password_create(self): password, confirm_password = '', None num_tries = 1 ok = True while ok and password != confirm_password: password, ok = QInputDialog().getText( self, "Attention", "Password:"******"") if ok and password: pwd_chk = Crypto.password_check(password) if not pwd_chk['password_ok']: # weak password # Password should be longer than 8 characters # and have at least 1 upper case, 1 lower case, 1 number and 1 symbol reply = QMessageBox.question(self, 'Weak Password', 'The password you entered is weak because:\n' + \ pwd_chk['error_msg'] + \ '\n\n\n Do you want to try a stronger password ?', QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No, QMessageBox.Yes) if reply == QMessageBox.Yes: continue # strong password confirm_password, ok = QInputDialog().getText( self, "Attention", "Re-enter Password to confirm:", QLineEdit.Password if num_tries <= 2 else QLineEdit.Normal, "") if password != confirm_password: QMessageBox.critical(self, "Mismatch!", "Passwords don't match") num_tries = num_tries + 1 else: return password return None
def choose_section(self): """選擇區間""" while True: st_N, OK = QInputDialog().getInt(None, '輸入起點', '請輸入起點的N >w<:') if OK: ed_N, OK = QInputDialog().getInt(None, '輸入起點', '請輸入終點的N >w<:') if OK: return [st_N, ed_N] else: choice = QMessageBox().information(None, '疑問', '確定要取消嗎?', buttons=QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) if choice == QMessageBox.Yes: break else: continue else: choice = QMessageBox().information(None, '疑問', '確定要取消嗎?', buttons=QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) if choice == QMessageBox.Yes: break else: continue return None
def get_custom_ip_settings(self): """ Prompt user for whether they want custom IP and hostnames. """ #TODO validate ip add # widget = QWidget() base_ip_dialog = QInputDialog() robot_ip_dialog = QInputDialog() base_hostname_dialog = QInputDialog() robot_hostname_dialog = QInputDialog() base_ip, ok_1 = base_ip_dialog.getText( widget, '', 'Enter the desired IP for the base station.\n\ Leave this field blank to use the defaults.', QLineEdit.Normal, '') #TODO does this work?? if ok_1: robot_ip, ok_2 = robot_ip_dialog.getText( widget, '', 'Enter the desired IP for the robot station.\n\ Leave this field blank to use the defaults.', QLineEdit.Normal, '') if ok_2: self.ip_configs['base_ip'] = base_ip self.ip_configs['robot_ip'] = robot_ip self.exec_install() else: self.password = None self.first_page()
def add_deck(self): # TODO: get name and subject from form dialog name, ok = QInputDialog().getText(self.mainWidget, "Neues Deck erstellen", "Name: ") if ok: subject, ok = QInputDialog().getText(self.mainWidget, "Neues Deck erstellen", "Fach: ") if ok: new_deck = self.controller.add_deck(name, subject) self.decksContent.layout().addWidget(new_deck) self.decksContent.update()
def Change_Az_Elev(): my_Azimut = QInputDialog().getText(None, "Azimut (gradi senso orario)", "Valore:", QLineEdit.Normal, str(my_nw_az)) my_Elevation = QInputDialog().getText(None, "Elevation (gradi dalla verticale)", "Valore:", QLineEdit.Normal, str(my_45_elev)) my_value = Set_my_Zfactor() Change_Az(int(my_Azimut[0]), int(my_Elevation[0]), my_value)
def __init__(self, GeometryFinder: SearchGeometry): self.dialog = QInputDialog() self.dialog.setGeometry(100, 100, 0, 0) self.msgbox = QMessageBox() self.msgbox.setGeometry(100, 100, 0, 0) self.GeometryFinder = GeometryFinder self.max_accepted_dist, _ = QInputDialog().getInt(None, '想請教一下', '請輸入判斷較長路徑的門檻值(km)', value=5)
def invite(self): chat_names = {} for i in self.Chats: chat_names[self.chat_names[i]] = i print(chat_names) chat, ok = QInputDialog().getItem(self, "Inviting", "Chat", chat_names, 0, False) if ok: login, ok = QInputDialog().getText(self, "Inviting", "Login") self.sor.sendto(('3' + str(len(self.alias)) + self.alias + chat_names[chat] + login).encode('utf-8'), self.server)
def choose_route(self, data_dir, zone2dir): """選擇路線""" while True: routeUID, OK = QInputDialog().getText(None, '輸入UID', '請輸入路線UID >w<:') if OK: #讀取站牌序列的csv routeUID = routeUID.upper() route_zone = routeUID[ 0:3] #讀取公車主管機關代碼(MIA, TXG, CHA, NAN, YUN, THB) if route_zone not in zone2dir: #檢查是不是在目標縣市 QMessageBox().information(None, '錯誤', '路線不在目標縣市') continue route_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, zone2dir[route_zone]) #路線檔所在的資料夾路徑 route_list = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(route_dir, 'route_list.csv')) #匯入該區域的路徑列表 candidate_route = route_list[route_list.SubRouteUID == routeUID] if candidate_route.shape[0] == 2: while True: direction, dir_OK = QInputDialog().getItem(None, '去返程', '請選取路線方向', \ list(map(str, candidate_route.Direction.tolist())), editable=False) if dir_OK: break elif candidate_route.shape[0] == 1: direction = str(candidate_route.Direction.tolist()[0]) else: QMessageBox().information(None, '錯誤', '路線不存在') continue if candidate_route.if_pass_zone[ candidate_route.Direction == int( direction)].tolist()[0] == 0: QMessageBox().information(None, '錯誤', '這條路線不在目標區域裡\n不用處理啦~') else: SubRouteName = candidate_route.SubRouteName[ candidate_route.Direction == int( direction)].tolist()[0] route_spec = [routeUID, SubRouteName, direction, route_dir] break else: route_spec = [] break return route_spec, OK
def promptPassword(self): alert = QInputDialog() alert.setModal(True) password, _ = alert.getText(self, 'Please insert database password', 'Your database password') return password
def __init__(self): super(Ui_MainWindow, self).__init__() self.thread = None self.fileDialog = QFileDialog() self.inputDialog = QInputDialog() self.messageBox = QMessageBox() self.swindow = Settings() self.idialog = ImageDialog() self.threadpool = QThreadPool(self) self.threads = 4 self.kappa = 3.0 self.framearray = [] self.batch = {} self.pname = None self.project = None self.coords = None self.selectedId = None self.selectedFtype = None self.infotablemodel = None self.configurations = { "tempdir": "", "sexpath": "/usr/bin/sex", "processes": 1 }
def on_actionBankEdit_triggered(self): tipo = QInputDialog().getText(self, "Xulpymoney","Edit selected bank"), QLineEdit.Normal, ( if tipo[1] == True: self.bank_edit(tipo[0])
def on_btn_run_clicked(self): password = "******" if self.export_mode == "scp": dlg = QInputDialog(self) dlg.setInputMode(QInputDialog.TextInput) dlg.setWindowTitle(_("Connecting to %s") % self.paras.exp_scp_server) dlg.setLabelText(_("Password for %s@%s:") % (self.paras.exp_scp_user, self.paras.exp_scp_server)) dlg.setTextEchoMode(QLineEdit.Password) #dlg.resize(300, 100) if dlg.exec_(): password = dlg.textValue() else: return super(TransportWidget, self).on_btn_run_clicked() self.executor_thread = TransportThread(self.paras, self.export_mode, self.all_resources, password, self) self.executor_thread.signal_exception.connect(self.on_signal_exception) self.executor_thread.ask_confirmation.connect(self.on_ask_confirmation) self.executor_thread.signal_main_event.connect(self.on_signal_main_event) self.executor_thread.signal_minor_event.connect(self.on_signal_minor_event) self.executor_thread.signal_next_file.connect(self.on_signal_next_file) self.executor_thread.signal_end_processing.connect(self.on_signal_end_processing) self.executor_thread.finished.connect(self.on_executor_thread_finished) self.executor_thread.start() self.update()
def __init__(self, name: str, parent=None): super().__init__(name=name, parent=parent) self.dialog = QInputDialog() self.dialog.setWindowTitle('Add patient') self.dialog.setLabelText('Enter patient id:') self.signal_cancel = self.dialog.rejected self.signal_ok = self.dialog.accepted
def btn_modes_set_add_click(self): input_dialog = QInputDialog() text, ok = input_dialog.getText(self, "Добавление настройки", "Наименование", QLineEdit.Normal) if ok: self.combo_set_micro.addItem(text) self.combo_set_micro.setCurrentIndex(self.combo_set_micro.count() - 1)
def select_comp(self): """ Prompt user for whether they are on robot or base computer. Assigns result to boolean class variable. """ layout = QVBoxLayout() dialog = QInputDialog() layout.addWidget(dialog) item, ok = dialog.getItem( QWidget(), 'Select Computer: Robot or Base', "Are you on the robot computer?", ['Yes', 'No'], ) if ok: if str(item).lower() == "yes": self.current_computer_is_robot = True elif str(item).lower() == "no": self.current_computer_is_robot = False else: self.input_invalid() self.select_comp() self.install_directory() else: self.first_page() return layout
def __init__(self): super().__init__() uic.loadUi("CashboxWindow.ui", self) cashboxes_names = map(lambda x: x[0],"cashboxes", ["name"])) dialog = QInputDialog(self) item, OBP = dialog.getItem(self, "Выберите кассу", "Имя кассы:" + " " * 37, cashboxes_names, 0, False) if OBP: self.cashbox_id ="cashboxes", ["id"], [f"name = '{item}'"])[0][0] else: self.hide() sys.exit() self.cashbox_name ="cashboxes", ["name"], [f"id = {self.cashbox_id}"])[0][0] self.setWindowTitle(self.cashbox_name) self.parse_n() self.update_n() self.timer = QTimer(self) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.parse_n) self.timer.start(10) self.plus_button.clicked.connect(
def askPasswordDialog(parent, title, prompt, timeout=None): if parent is None: app = qttools.createQApplication() translator = qttools.translator() app.installTranslator(translator) import icon dialog = QInputDialog() timer = QTimer() if not timeout is None: timer.timeout.connect(dialog.reject) timer.setInterval(timeout * 1000) timer.start() dialog.setWindowIcon(icon.BIT_LOGO) dialog.setWindowTitle(title) dialog.setLabelText(prompt) dialog.setTextEchoMode(QLineEdit.Password) QApplication.processEvents() ret = dialog.exec_() timer.stop() if ret: password = dialog.textValue() else: password = '' del (dialog) return (password)
def getNewName(names): newName, ok = QInputDialog.getText(QInputDialog(), '输入', "输入新的文件名") if not ok: return "", False if not newName: box = QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Question, '提醒', '您未输入任何字符') yes = box.addButton("重新输入", QMessageBox.YesRole) no = box.addButton("取消重命名", QMessageBox.NoRole) box.setIcon(1) box.exec_() if box.clickedButton() == no: return "", False elif box.clickedButton() == yes: getNewName(names) if newName in names: box = QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Question, '提醒', '已存在同名文件') yes = box.addButton("重新输入", QMessageBox.YesRole) no = box.addButton("取消重命名", QMessageBox.NoRole) box.setIcon(1) box.exec_() if box.clickedButton() == no: return "", False elif box.clickedButton() == yes: getNewName(names) return newName, True
def pgn_load_btn_click(self): # get file path name, _ = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, caption='Load PGN', filter='PGN files (*.pgn)') if name == '': return games = [] with open(name, 'r') as f: while True: game = chess.pgn.read_game(f) if game is None: break games.append(game) # TODO: assumes unique names game_names = [ g.headers.get('Opening', f'Game {i+1}') for i, g in enumerate(games) ] item, ok = QInputDialog().getItem(self, "Open Game", "Select a game", game_names) if not ok: return game = games[game_names.index(item)] self.board = game.board() for move in game.mainline_moves(): self.board.push(move) self.paint_board()
def authentication(self): while True: dlg = QInputDialog() login, okPressed = dlg.getText(self, "LOGIN", "Your login:"******"dre") if okPressed and login != '': self.user = login else: continue password, okPressed = dlg.getText(self, "PASSWORD", "Your password:"******"12345") if okPressed and password != '': self.password = password else: continue m = JIMmsg() self.msg = m.auth_msg(self.user, self.password) self.s.send(self.msg.encode('ascii')) data = self.s.recv(1024) data = json.loads(data.decode('ascii')) if data['response'] == 202: break else: buttonReply = QMessageBox.question(self, data['alert'], "Try once more", QMessageBox.Yes, QMessageBox.Yes) if buttonReply == QMessageBox.Yes: continue
def join(self): print("Attempting to join!") host, status = QInputDialog().getText(self.window, "Join", "IP:Port", QLineEdit.Normal) host_ip = host.split(":") if host_ip[0] == "": host_ip[0] = "" if status and not (1024 <= int(host_ip[1]) <= 65535): self.join() elif status and host: try: self.socket.connect((host_ip[0], int(host_ip[1]))) self.received.insertHtml( """<font color="green"><b><u>You're in!</b></u></font>""") self.received.insertPlainText("\n-----------\n") self.connected = True self.listen = Listener(self.socket) self.listen.start() self.listen.finished.connect(self.close) self.listen.chat_signal.connect(self.m_create) except Exception: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)
def enterPlaylistName(self): inputDialog = QInputDialog() inputDialog.setLabelText('Enter a name for the playlist: ') inputDialog.exec_() name = inputDialog.textValue().replace(" ", "") return name
def create(self): print("Attempting to host!") port_no, status = QInputDialog().getText(self.window, "Create", "Desired Port Number", QLineEdit.Normal) if status and (not port_no.isdigit() or not (int(port_no) >= 1024 and int(port_no) <= 65535)): self.create() elif status and port_no: self.connected = True try: self.socket.bind(("", int(port_no))) self.socket.listen() partner, sock_accept = self.socket.accept() self.socket.close() self.socket = partner self.received.insertHtml( """<font color="green"><b><u>You're in!</b></u></font>""") self.received.insertPlainText("\n-----------\n") self.listen = Listener(partner) self.listen.start() self.listen.finished.connect(self.close) self.listen.chat_signal.connect(self.m_create) except: self.connected = False traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)
def select_btn(self): self.full_values() self.time_start = self.vertical_headers[0] self.time_fin = self.vertical_headers[-1] time_str = 'от '+ mk_to_str(self.time_start) + ' до ' + mk_to_str(self.time_fin) labelT = "Введите интервал для отбора по времени:" while True: dlg = QInputDialog(self) dlg.setInputMode(QInputDialog.TextInput) dlg.setWindowTitle("Установка времени отбора") dlg.setLabelText(labelT) dlg.resize(500,200) dlg.setTextValue(time_str) ok = dlg.exec_() if not(ok): break time_str2 = dlg.textValue() try: time_start,time_fin = time_str2.split(' ')[1],time_str2.split(' ')[3] time_start,time_fin = str_to_mkt(time_start),str_to_mkt(time_fin) self.time_start,self.time_fin = time_start+3600*3,time_fin+3600*3 except Exception: labelT = "Неверный формат ввода, повторите:" dlg.setTextValue(time_str) else: break self.select_by_time()
def connect(self): addr, ok = QInputDialog().getText( self.window, "Connect", "IP and Port Format (IP:Port). \nPort should be between 1024 and 65535", QLineEdit.Normal) REGEX = r"((\d{1,3})[.](\d{1,3})[.](\d{1,3})[.](\d{1,3})|localhost):\d+" addr_l = addr.split(":") if ok and (not re.match(REGEX, addr) or not (int(addr_l[1]) >= 1024 and int(addr_l[1]) <= 65535)): self.connect() elif ok and addr: print(addr) self.status.setText("Connecting...") try: self.socket.connect((addr_l[0], int(addr_l[1]))) self.status.setText("Connected to " + addr) self.incoming_text.insertHtml("<b> Connection Formed </b>") self.incoming_text.insertPlainText("\n") self.connected = True self.toggle_buttons() self.listen_thread = ListenThread(self.socket) self.listen_thread.start() self.listen_thread.finished.connect(self.connection_closed) self.listen_thread.sig.connect(self.new_mes) except ConnectionRefusedError: self.status.setText("Connection Failed. Please try again") except Exception: self.status.setText("Unknown Error has occured.") traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)
def open_file(self): if self.is_filter_on(): return file_name, filter = \ QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Open file", ".", "CSV Files (*.csv *.txt);;All files (*)") if not file_name: return num_tries = 1 while num_tries <= 5: password, ok = QInputDialog().getText( self, "Attention", "Password:"******"") if ok: csv_data = None try: csv_data = self.__decrypt_file(file_name, password) except: print(sys.exc_info()) pass if csv_data: self.table_widget.update_model(csv_data) self.reset_needs_save() self.status.showMessage(file_name + " loaded") break else: num_tries = num_tries + 1 QMessageBox.critical( self, "Wrong Password!", "You entered the wrong password. Please try again.") else: return return
def btn_micros_add_click(self): input_dialog = QInputDialog() text, ok = input_dialog.getText(self, "Добавление камеры", "Наименование", QLineEdit.Normal) if ok: self.combo_micros.addItem(text) self.combo_micros.setCurrentIndex(self.combo_micros.count() - 1)
def createobj(self): self.objsCount = self.objsCount + 1 msg = QInputDialog() msg.exec_() # if path.isfile('data.json') is True: # with open ('data.json','r') as f: # data = json.load(f) # self.checklist = data # print(self.checklist) # print(type(self.checklist)) txt = msg.textValue() if txt != '' and not txt.isspace(): for i in self.checklist: # if not print(,'ls') self.s = max( self.s = int(self.s) + 1 self.checklist.update({self.s:txt}) # print(self.checklist,'check') # bxx = QCheckBox(txt,self) # # bxx.move(10, self.s*20) # self.lista.append(bxx) # print(self.s) self.updateS() self.initUI()
def change_address_clicked(self): selected_item = self.view.ui.treeCameras.selectedItems()[0] old_address = selected_item.text(0) text, ok = QInputDialog().getText( self.view, _('Checkpoint'), _('Enter the address of the checkpoint:'), text=old_address) if ok: if text != '': if self.model.checkpoints_service.checkpoint_is_exist(text): QMessageBox.warning(self.view, _('Warning'), _('Сheckpoint already exists')) else: self.model.checkpoints_service.edit_checkpoint( old_address, text) selected_item.setText(0, text) program_logs.change_checkpoint_address_log( old_address, text) QMessageBox.information( self.view, _('Success'), _('Сheckpoint successfully changed')) else: QMessageBox.warning(self.view, _('Warning'), _('Enter address'))
def set_flux_bound(self): rows = self.dataView.get_selected_rows() col = self.dataView.get_selected_columns()[0] if col == 4: max_value = min([self.dataTable.item(r).link.upper_bound for r in rows]) min_value = -999999. elif col == 5: min_value = max([self.dataTable.item(r).link.lower_bound for r in rows]) max_value = 999999 else: raise ValueError("The selected column for set_flux_bound needs to be 4, or 5!") value, status = QInputDialog().getDouble(self, "Set Bound", "New bound value:", 0, min_value, max_value) if status: self.dataTable.blockSignals(True) for row in rows: item = self.dataTable.item(row) if col == 4: = value elif col == 5: = value self.dataTable.item(row, 2).setText( self.dataTable.item(row, col).setData(value, 2) self.dataTable.blockSignals(False) self.dataTable.all_data_changed()