def _new_sink(self): sinks = sorted(self.Sinks.keys()) sinks.remove('SinkSelector') name, ok = QInputDialog.getItem(self, "Output", "Select output device", sinks, editable=False) if ok: self.__add_sink({'name': name})
def msg(self): #后面四个数字的作用依次是 初始值 最小值 最大值 小数点后位数 doubleNum,ok1 = QInputDialog.getDouble(self, "标题","计数:", 37.56, -10000, 10000, 2) #后面四个数字的作用依次是 初始值 最小值 最大值 步幅 intNum,ok2 = QInputDialog.getInt(self, "标题","计数:", 37, -10000, 10000, 2) #第三个参数可选 有一般显示 (QLineEdit.Normal)、密碼显示( QLineEdit. Password)与不回应文字输入( QLineEdit. NoEcho) stringNum,ok3 = QInputDialog.getText(self, "标题","姓名:",QLineEdit.Normal, "王尼玛") #1为默认选中选项目,True/False 列表框是否可编辑。 items = ["Spring", "Summer", "Fall", "Winter"] item, ok4 = QInputDialog.getItem(self, "标题","Season:", items, 1, True) text, ok5 = QInputDialog.getMultiLineText(self, "标题", "Address:", "John Doe\nFreedom Street")
def doBulk(self): qidxes = self.ui.bugList.selectionModel().selectedIndexes() cols = set(qidx.column() for qidx in qidxes) if len(cols) != 1: return col, = cols colname = self.mdl.headerData(col, Qt.Horizontal, Qt.DisplayRole) if colname not in ('status', 'assignee'): return objs = [ for qidx in qidxes] project = objs[0].project if colname == 'status': vals = [ for status in project.statuses or []] val, ok = QInputDialog.getItem(self,'Bulk edit'),'Select new status for selected items'), vals, 0, False) elif colname == 'assignee': vals = [ for user in project.members or []] val, ok = QInputDialog.getItem(self,'Bulk edit'),'Select new assignee for selected items'), vals, 0, False) if not ok: return for obj in objs: change = Change() change.field = colname = val update = Update() update.changes = [change]'update_issue', obj, update, backends=(obj.backend,))
def hgQueueDeletePatch(self, name): """ Public method to delete a selected unapplied patch. @param name file/directory name (string) """ # find the root of the repo repodir = self.vcs.splitPath(name)[0] while not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(repodir, self.vcs.adminDir)): repodir = os.path.dirname(repodir) if os.path.splitdrive(repodir)[1] == os.sep: return args = self.vcs.initCommand("qdelete") patchnames = sorted(self.__getPatchesList(repodir, Queues.UNAPPLIED_LIST)) if patchnames: patch, ok = QInputDialog.getItem( None,"Select Patch"),"Select the patch to be deleted:"), patchnames, 0, False) if ok and patch: args.append(patch) dia = HgDialog("Delete Patch"), self.vcs) res = dia.startProcess(args, repodir) if res: dia.exec_() else: E5MessageBox.information( None,"Select Patch"),"""No patches to select from."""))
def on_addInstalledApiFileButton_clicked(self): """ Private slot to add an API file from the list of installed API files for the selected lexer language. """ installedAPIFiles = self.__currentAPI.installedAPIFiles() if installedAPIFiles: installedAPIFilesPath = QFileInfo(installedAPIFiles[0]).path() installedAPIFilesShort = [] for installedAPIFile in installedAPIFiles: installedAPIFilesShort.append( QFileInfo(installedAPIFile).fileName()) file, ok = QInputDialog.getItem( self,"Add from installed APIs"),"Select from the list of installed API files"), installedAPIFilesShort, 0, False) if ok: self.apiList.addItem(Utilities.toNativeSeparators( QFileInfo(QDir(installedAPIFilesPath), file) .absoluteFilePath())) else: E5MessageBox.warning( self,"Add from installed APIs"),"""There are no APIs installed yet.""" """ Selection is not available.""")) self.addInstalledApiFileButton.setEnabled(False) self.prepareApiButton.setEnabled(self.apiList.count() > 0)
def delFunction(self, fva, parent=None): if parent == None: parent = self yn, ok = QInputDialog.getItem(self, 'Delete Function', 'Confirm:', ('No', 'Yes'), 0, False) if ok and yn == 'Yes': self.vw.delFunction(fva)
def setItem(self): items = ("Spring", "Summer", "Fall", "Winter") item, ok = QInputDialog.getItem(self, "QInputDialog.getItem()", "Season:", items, 0, False) if ok and item: self.itemLabel.setText(item)
def on_namedReferenceButton_clicked(self): """ Private slot to handle the named reference toolbutton. """ # determine cursor position as length into text length = self.regexpTextEdit.textCursor().position() # only present group names that occur before the # current cursor position regex = self.regexpTextEdit.toPlainText()[:length] names = self.namedGroups(regex) if not names: E5MessageBox.information( self,"Named reference"),"""No named groups have been defined yet.""")) return groupName, ok = QInputDialog.getItem( self,"Named reference"),"Select group name:"), names, 0, True) if ok and groupName: self.__insertString("(?P={0})".format(groupName))
def addButtonClicked(self): shop = self.shopModel.record(self.list.currentIndex().row()) query = QSqlQuery("SELECT as id, CONCAT(detail.article, \": \", as name \ FROM detail WHERE NOT( IN (SELECT detail_id FROM shop_detail \ WHERE shop_id={}))".format(shop.value("id"))) details = {} while details[query.value("name")] = query.value("id") if not details: return QMessageBox.warning(None, "Ошибка добавления", "Не удалось добавить новый товар на склад: все возможные товары уже добавлены.") choice, ok = QInputDialog.getItem(None, "Товар", "Укажите товар:", list(details.keys()), 0, False) if not ok: return qnt, ok = QInputDialog.getInt(None, "Количество", "Укажите количество товара:", 1, 1) if not ok: return detail_id = details[choice] shop_id = shop.value("id") query = QSqlQuery("INSERT INTO shop_detail (shop_id, detail_id, quantity) \ VALUES ({}, {}, {})".format(shop_id, detail_id, qnt)) if not query.isActive(): print(query.lastError().text()) self.setShopIndex(self.list.currentIndex().row()) self.table.selectionModel().clearSelection()
def set_icon(self, icon=None): """Return a string with opendesktop standard icon name for Qt.""" if not icon: icon = QInputDialog.getItem(None, __doc__, "<b>Choose Icon name?:", STD_ICON_NAMES, 0, False)[0] if icon: log.debug("Setting Tray Icon name to: {}.".format(icon)) return self.setIcon(QIcon.fromTheme("{}".format(icon)))
def choose_from_list(title, caption, item_list, parent, current=0): (item_text, ok) = QInputDialog.getItem( parent, title, caption, item_list, current, editable=False) if ok : return item_text return None
def showEncodingDialog(self): if not self.maybeSave(self.ind): return encoding, ok = QInputDialog.getItem(self, '','Select file encoding from the list:'), [bytes(b).decode() for b in QTextCodec.availableCodecs()], 0, False) if ok: self.currentTab.readTextFromFile(encoding)
def showEncodingDialog(self): if not self.maybeSave(self.ind): return codecsSet = set(bytes(QTextCodec.codecForName(alias).name()) for alias in QTextCodec.availableCodecs()) encoding, ok = QInputDialog.getItem(self, '','Select file encoding from the list:'), [bytes(b).decode() for b in sorted(codecsSet)], 0, False) if ok: self.currentTab.readTextFromFile(None, encoding)
def __showProfileData(self): """ Private method to handle the show profile data context menu action. """ itm = self.model().item(self.currentIndex()) fn = itm.fileName() pfn = self.project.getMainScript(True) files = [] if pfn is not None: tpfn = Utilities.getTestFileName(pfn) basename = os.path.splitext(pfn)[0] tbasename = os.path.splitext(tpfn)[0] f = "{0}.profile".format(basename) tf = "{0}.profile".format(tbasename) if os.path.isfile(f): files.append(f) if os.path.isfile(tf): files.append(tf) if fn is not None: tfn = Utilities.getTestFileName(fn) basename = os.path.splitext(fn)[0] tbasename = os.path.splitext(tfn)[0] f = "{0}.profile".format(basename) tf = "{0}.profile".format(tbasename) if os.path.isfile(f) and f not in files: files.append(f) if os.path.isfile(tf) and tf not in files: files.append(tf) if files: if len(files) > 1: pfn, ok = QInputDialog.getItem( None,"Profile Data"),"Please select a profile file"), files, 0, False) if not ok: return else: pfn = files[0] else: return from DataViews.PyProfileDialog import PyProfileDialog self.profiledata = PyProfileDialog() self.profiledata.start(pfn, fn)
def blankStock(self): printTypes = ("Brother", "Breeze", "Embroidery", "Kornit") barcode, ok = QInputDialog.getText(self, "Enter barcode", "Please scan or enter barcode:") if ok: bc = barcode printType, ok = QInputDialog.getItem(self, "Select Print Type", "Print Type", printTypes, 0, True) if ok and printType: pt = printType quantity, ok = QInputDialog.getInt(self, "Quantity", "Please enter quantity:", 1, 0, 25, 1) if ok: qty = quantity ImportExportDB.insBlankStock(self, bc, pt, qty)
def add_functional_dependency_closure(): this_table = self.database.get_table(table) columns = this_table.columns column_names = list( map( lambda column: column["name"], columns ) ) child, ok_child = QInputDialog.getItem( self, 'Add Functional Dependency', 'Child', column_names, 0, False ) if(child): column_names = list(set(column_names) - set([child])) if(ok_child): ok_parent = True parents = [] while(ok_parent): parent, ok_parent = QInputDialog.getItem( self, 'Add Functional Dependency', 'Parent', column_names, 0, False ) if(parent and ok_parent): column_names = list(set(column_names) - set([parent])) parents.append(parent) if(parents): this_table.add_functional_dependency( child, parents ) self.update_tree_view()
def set_icon(self, icon: (None, str)=None) -> str: """Return a string with opendesktop standard icon name for Qt.""" if not icon: try: cur_idx = STD_ICON_NAMES.index(self.windowIcon().name()) except ValueError: cur_idx = 0 icon = QInputDialog.getItem(None, __doc__, "<b>Choose Icon name?:", STD_ICON_NAMES, cur_idx, False)[0] if icon: log.debug("Setting Tray and Window Icon name to:{}.".format(icon)) self.tray.setIcon(QIcon.fromTheme("{}".format(icon))) self.setWindowIcon(QIcon.fromTheme("{}".format(icon))) return icon
def __askForkTo(self): """ Private method to ask the user which branch of a fork to follow. """ selections = ["Parent Process"),"Child process")] res, ok = QInputDialog.getItem( None,"Client forking"),"Select the fork branch to follow."), selections, 0, False) if not ok or res == selections[0]: self.__sendCommand(DebugProtocol.ResponseForkTo + 'parent\n') else: self.__sendCommand(DebugProtocol.ResponseForkTo + 'child\n')
def hgQueueGuardsDropAll(self, name): """ Public method to drop all guards of the current or a named patch. @param name file/directory name (string) """ # find the root of the repo repodir = self.vcs.splitPath(name)[0] while not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(repodir, self.vcs.adminDir)): repodir = os.path.dirname(repodir) if os.path.splitdrive(repodir)[1] == os.sep: return patchnames = sorted( self.__getPatchesList(repodir, Queues.SERIES_LIST)) if patchnames: patch, ok = QInputDialog.getItem( None,"Drop All Guards"),"Select the patch to drop guards for" " (leave empty for the current patch):"), [""] + patchnames, 0, False) if ok: args = self.vcs.initCommand("qguard") if patch: args.append(patch) args.append("--none") client = self.vcs.getClient() if client: client.runcommand(args) else: process = QProcess() process.setWorkingDirectory(repodir) process.start('hg', args) procStarted = process.waitForStarted(5000) if procStarted: process.waitForFinished(30000) else: E5MessageBox.information( None,"Drop All Guards"),"""No patches available to define guards for."""))
def add_column_closure(): this_table = self.database.get_table(table) name, ok_column = QInputDialog.getText( self, 'Add Column', 'Column Name', ) if(ok_column): datatype, ok_data = QInputDialog.getText( self, 'Add Column', 'Column Data Type', ) if(ok_data): ok_flag = True flags = [] flag_names = [ "NOT NULL", "UNIQUE INDEX", "BINARY", "UNSIGNED", "ZEROFILL", "AUTO_INCREMENT", ] while(ok_flag): flag, ok_flag = QInputDialog.getItem( self, 'Add Column', 'Flag', flag_names, 0, False ) if(flag and ok_flag): flag_names = list(set(flag_names) - set([flag])) flags.append(flag) if(flags): this_table.add_column( name, datatype, flags ) self.update_tree_view() self.update_sql_code(self.database.export_database())
def on_allEolFillButton_clicked(self): """ Private method used to set the eolfill for all styles of a selected lexer. """ on ="Enabled") off ="Disabled") selection, ok = QInputDialog.getItem( self,"Fill to end of line"),"Select fill to end of line for all styles"), [on, off], 0, False) if ok: enabled = selection == on self.eolfillCheckBox.setChecked(enabled) for style in list(self.lexer.ind2style.values()): self.lexer.setEolFill(enabled, style) self.__styleAllItems()
def choose_warband(self): """Choose a warband to be loaded into cache and then shown on screen""" # get list of save files warbands = show_warbands() # Let user choose out of save files wbname, okPressed = QInputDialog.getItem(self, "Choose", "Choose your warband", warbands, 0, False) if okPressed and wbname: # Load warband dictionary wbdict = load_warband(wbname) # convert warband dict to object wbobj = Warband.from_dict(wbdict) # set chosen warband as object in main window self.mainwindow.wbid = wbobj # set empty current unit to main window self.mainwindow.currentunit = Character.create_template() # Restart the main window to force changes self.mainwindow.initUI()
def on_sampleIntensitySetButton_clicked(self): """ User input for correlation calculation to toggle between using all samples and only those with intensity above threshold """ options = ("All samples", "Intensity filtered samples") option, ok = QInputDialog.getItem( self, "", "Calculate correlation on all samples or (relative) intensity filtered sample set: ", options, 0, False) if ok and option: self.Attributes['sampleIntensitySet'] = option self.correlationMethodText.setText( 'Calculate correlation on all samples or (relative) intensity filtered sample set: ' + self.Attributes['sampleIntensitySet']) if self.Attributes['sampleIntensitySet'] == 'All samples': self.Attributes['sampleIntensityThreshold'] = None self.sampleIntensityThresholdText.setText( 'Driver (relative) intensity threshold for defining sample set for correlation calculation: ' + str(self.Attributes['sampleIntensityThreshold']))
def kategoriSil(self): item, okPressed = QInputDialog.getItem(self, "Kategori Silme İşlemi", "Silineek Kategoriyi Seçin:", self.kategoriListesi, 0, False) if okPressed and item: if item != "Kategori Seçin": try: with conn: cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("DELETE FROM GRUPLAR Where GRUP_ADI=(?)", [item]) self.kategoriListesi.remove(item) self.ui.comboBox.clear() self.ui.comboBox.addItems(self.kategoriListesi) self.ui.listWidget.clear() self.ui.listWidget.addItems(self.kelimeListesi) QMessageBox.information(self, "Kategroi Silme", "Kategori Silindi") except Exception as e: print(e)
def run(self): """ User's menu for defining starting level of client """ self.chose_user, okBtnPressed = QInputDialog.getItem( self, "Выберите ваш уровеньзнания английского", "Выберите ваш уровеньзнания английского", ('A1 - beginner ', 'A2 - elementary', 'B1 - pre-intermediate', 'B2 - intermediate', 'C1 - upper-intermediate', 'C2 - advanced'), 1, False) self.chose_user = self.chose_user[:2] name, okBtnPressed_2 = QInputDialog.getText(self, "Введите имя", "Как тебя зовут?", False) self.user.create_user(person, name, self.chose_user) print(self.user.level, return [self.chose_user,]
def choose_device(app, args, dev, name, def1, set1): devs = dev.get_devices() if len(devs) == 0: exit_error(app, 'no {} found'.format(name), ValueError) elif def1 is not None and def1 not in devs: exit_error( app, '{d} {n} not detected, available {d} are {ll}'.format( d=name, n=def1, ll=str(devs)), ValueError) elif def1 is None: if len(devs) == 1: set1(devs[0]) else: if app: item, ok = QInputDialog.getItem( None, '', 'select ' + name + ':', devs, 0, False) if ok and item: set1(item) else: sys.exit(0) else: raise ValueError('must specify a device name')
def open_teamf(self): try: teams = items_combobox() list = [] for i in teams: list.append(*i) con_tup = tuple(list) items = con_tup item, ok = QInputDialog.getItem(self, "select input dialog", "Open a Team", items, 0, False) if ok and item: players_in_team = opening_team(item) self.list_2.clear() for i in players_in_team: self.list_2.addItem(*i) self.update_labels() except Exception as ex: template = "An exception of type {0} occurred. Arguments:\n{1!r}" message = template.format(type(ex).__name__, ex.args) print(message)
def on_addPluginApiFileButton_clicked(self): """ Private slot to add an API file from the list of API files installed by plugins for the selected lexer language. """ pluginAPIFiles = self.pluginManager.getPluginApiFiles( self.currentApiLanguage) pluginAPIFilesDict = {} for apiFile in pluginAPIFiles: pluginAPIFilesDict[QFileInfo(apiFile).fileName()] = apiFile file, ok = QInputDialog.getItem( self,"Add from Plugin APIs"), "Select from the list of API files installed by plugins"), sorted(pluginAPIFilesDict.keys()), 0, False) if ok: self.apiList.addItem(Utilities.toNativeSeparators( pluginAPIFilesDict[file])) self.prepareApiButton.setEnabled(self.apiList.count() > 0)
def dialog_new_magic(mainwindow): records = load_reference("magics") # categories categories = [] for record in records: pk = record.primarykey category = record.recorddict["category"] subcategory = record.recorddict["name"] source = record.recorddict["source"] text = f"{pk}-{source}-{category}-{subcategory}" categories.append(text) magic, okPressed = QInputDialog.getItem(mainwindow, "Select Magic", "Choose a Magic", categories, 0, False) if okPressed and magic: # take the primary key from the chosen awnser and get the python object pk = int(magic.split('-', 1)[0]) new_magic = Magic.from_database(primarykey=pk) return new_magic
def install_info(self): """ This is a dialog box to warn the user. If you are on the robot, you are prompted for the install directory, although we can't actually move the application to the install directory for you. We tell the user this, and let them know they will have to move the application to this directory at the end of the process. """ #TODO make note of this in the FAQ- moving into wrong dir could break the app layout = QVBoxLayout() dialog = QInputDialog() layout.addWidget(dialog) item, ok = dialog.getItem( QWidget(), 'Chosen Install Directory', 'Once the install process has finished, you must copy the application over into its final destination, which you just chose. Be sure to write it down if needed, the install process can take up to twenty minutes on a clean machine.\nThe install directory you chose is:\n{}'.format(self.install_directory), ['OK'], ) if ok: self.catkin_directory() return layout
def onCloseFiles(self): # 关闭文件 item, ok = QInputDialog.getItem( self,'关闭方式'),'all=true关闭所有打开的文件,忽略files参数\n否则只关闭files参数指定的文件'), ['True', 'Files'], 0, False) if not ok: return if item == 'True': self.setParams({ 'method': 'closeFiles', 'all': True }, '\n\nall=true 关闭所有打开的文件并忽略 files参数\nfiles=[...] 只关闭files参数指定的文件' ) return if self._files: self.setParams({ 'method': 'closeFiles', 'files': self._files }, '\n\nall=true 关闭所有打开的文件并忽略 files参数\nfiles=[...] 只关闭files参数指定的文件' )
def copy_test(self): item, ok = QInputDialog.getItem(self, "Выбор проекта", "Проект", tuple(self.projects), 0, False) if ok and item: cur_path = os.path.join(self.path, self.current_project, self.current_test) new_path = os.path.join(self.path, item, self.current_test + "-copy") try: os.mkdir(new_path) paths = [ i for i in os.listdir( os.path.join(self.path, self.current_project, self.current_test)) if ('.xlsx' in i) or ('.data' in i) ] for p in paths: shutil.copy(os.path.join(cur_path, p), new_path) except FileExistsError: QMessageBox.about(self, "Предупреждение", "Копия уже была создана")
def connect_conditioner_by_usb(self): self.connection_type = 'USB' items =[] for device in items.append("{} - {}".format(device.device, device.description)) logger.debug(items) com_port, okPressed = QInputDialog.getItem(self, "Select COM Port","CAN Logger USB Serial Port:", items, 0, False) if okPressed and com_port: logger.debug("Selected: {}".format(com_port)) self.comport = com_port.split('-')[0].strip() else: return logger.debug("Trying to connect USB serial.") try: self.ser.close() del self.ser except AttributeError: pass try: self.ser = serial.Serial(self.comport) self.ser.set_buffer_size(rx_size = 2147483647, tx_size = 2000) self.connected = True logger.debug("Connected to Serial Port.") self.serial_queue = queue.Queue() self.serial_thread = SerialListener(self.serial_queue,self.ser) self.serial_thread.setDaemon(True) #needed to close the thread when the application closes. self.serial_thread.start() logger.debug("Started Serial Thread.") return True except serial.serialutil.SerialException: logger.debug(traceback.format_exc()) self.connected = False if "PermissionError" in repr(traceback.format_exc()): QMessageBox.information(self,"USB Status","The port {} is already in use. Please unplug and replug the unit.".format(self.comport)) else: self.connected = False return False
def hgQueueGuardsDropAll(self, name): """ Public method to drop all guards of the current or a named patch. @param name file/directory name (string) """ # find the root of the repo repodir = self.vcs.splitPath(name)[0] while not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(repodir, self.vcs.adminDir)): repodir = os.path.dirname(repodir) if os.path.splitdrive(repodir)[1] == os.sep: return patchnames = sorted(self.__getPatchesList(repodir, Queues.SERIES_LIST)) if patchnames: patch, ok = QInputDialog.getItem( None,"Drop All Guards"),"Select the patch to drop guards for" " (leave empty for the current patch):"), [""] + patchnames, 0, False) if ok: args = self.vcs.initCommand("qguard") if patch: args.append(patch) args.append("--none") client = self.vcs.getClient() if client: client.runcommand(args) else: process = QProcess() process.setWorkingDirectory(repodir) process.start('hg', args) procStarted = process.waitForStarted(5000) if procStarted: process.waitForFinished(30000) else: E5MessageBox.information( None,"Drop All Guards"),"""No patches available to define guards for."""))
def del_region(self): items = (self.region_dict.values()) name_list = [] for item in items: name_list.append(item[0]) # items = ("Red","Blue","Green") item, okPressed = QInputDialog.getItem(self, "Select Region", "Delete Regions:", name_list, 0, False) if okPressed and item: for index, value in enumerate(items): print(value) if item in value: if self.log is not None: self.log(str(("Deleting " + str(item)))) # key = items.index(index) # print(items) key = list(self.region_dict.keys())[index] print("KEY", key) del self.region_dict[key] return
def export_case_attribute_log(project,progress_dialog): file_path, ok = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(None,None,"Save Log",options=QFileDialog.DontUseCustomDirectoryIcons,filter="CSV files (*.csv)") if not ok: return False delimiterList = ["; (Semicolon)", ", (Coma)", "\\t (TAB)", " (SPACE)", "Other"] delimiter, ok = QInputDialog.getItem(None, "Chose the Delimiter", "Delimiter:", delimiterList) if not ok: return False option = delimiterList.index(delimiter) if option == 0: delimiter = ";" elif option == 1: delimiter = "," elif option == 2: delimiter = "\t" elif option == 3: delimiter = " " elif option == 4: delimiter, ok = QInputDialog.getText(None, "Type your Custom Delimiter", "Delimiter") if not ok: return False ret = QMessageBox().question(None, '', "Does your file contains a legend row?", QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) if ret == QMessageBox.Yes: keep_legend_bool = True else: keep_legend_bool = False if len(project.case_attribute_model)>1: ret = QMessageBox().question(None, '', "Your Project has more than 1 attribute Model.\nDo you want to export the first one?\n", QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.Cancel) if ret == QMessageBox.Cancel: return False project.export_case_attribute_log(file_path,progress_dialog,keep_legend_bool,delimiter) progress_dialog.close() return True
def delete(self): i, okBtnPressed = QInputDialog.getItem(self, "Вы уверены", "Вы уверены?", ("Да", "Нет"), 1, False) if okBtnPressed: if i == 'Нет': oImage = QImage('Стандарт.jpg') sImage = oImage.scaled(QSize(900, 700), Qt.KeepAspectRatioByExpanding, transformMode = Qt.SmoothTransformation) palette = QPalette() palette.setBrush(QPalette.Window, QBrush(sImage)) self.setPalette(palette) return else: oImage = QImage('Стандарт.jpg') sImage = oImage.scaled(QSize(900, 700), Qt.KeepAspectRatioByExpanding, transformMode = Qt.SmoothTransformation) palette = QPalette() palette.setBrush(QPalette.Window, QBrush(sImage)) self.setPalette(palette) return for currentdir, dirs, files in os.walk(self.a): for el in files: shutil.move(self.a + '\\' + el, '0trash' + '\\' + el)
def getOpenCLPlatform(self): # Pop dialogs to get user to choose OpenCL platform platforms = cl.get_platforms() platlist = [str( for p in platforms] platdict = dict(list(zip(platlist, list(range(len(platlist)))))) if len(platlist) == 1: self.clPlatformNum = 0 return True qsPlatformName, ok = QInputDialog.getItem(self, \ 'Choose OpenCL platform', \ 'Available platforms:', \ platlist, \ editable=False) if not ok: print("You didn't select a OpenCL platform...") return False else: self.clPlatformNum = platdict[qsPlatformName] return True
def create_warband(self): """Create a new warband and store it in cache""" name, okPressed = QInputDialog.getText(self, "Create", "Name your warband:") if okPressed and name: # get all warbands from the database wbtable = load_reference("warbands") if wbtable == None: QMessageBox(self, f"Error", f"Could not load database files") return # create a list of choices warbands = [] for record in wbtable: pk = record.primarykey race = record.recorddict["race"] source = record.recorddict["source"] base = record.recorddict["base"] warbandtext = f"{pk}-{race}-{source}-{base}" warbands += [warbandtext] # let user choose from the list warband, okPressed = QInputDialog.getItem(self, "Create", "Choose a warband", warbands, 0, False) if okPressed and warband: # take the primary key from the chosen awnser and get the python object pk = int(warband.split('-', 1)[0]) warband_object = Warband.from_database(primarykey=pk) = name # Load warband object to main window self.mainwindow.wbid = warband_object # set an empty character as currentunit self.mainwindow.currentunit = Character.create_template() # restart ui to force changes self.mainwindow.initUI()
def delete_node(self): nodes = [ item for item in self.graphicsView.scene().items() if isinstance(item, Node) ] if not nodes: QMessageBox.critical(self, "Warning!", "There are no nodes on the graph.") return node_selected, ok = QInputDialog.getItem(self, "Delete Node", "Node: ", [ for node in nodes], 0, False) if ok: delete_choice = QMessageBox.question( self, "Delete Node", "Are you sure you want to delete %s and all its edges?" % (node_selected), QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) if delete_choice == QMessageBox.No: return node = [node for node in nodes if == node_selected][0] node_count = node.getNodesToUpdate() i = 0 while len(node_count) > 0: if i < len( node.getNodesToUpdate()[0].edges() ) and node.getNodesToUpdate()[0].edges()[i].destNode() == node: self.graphicsView.scene().removeItem( node.getNodesToUpdate()[0].edges()[i]) node.getNodesToUpdate()[0].deleteEdge(i) else: if node_count != node.getNodesToUpdate(): node_count = node.getNodesToUpdate() i = 0 else: i += 1 while len(node.edges()): self.graphicsView.scene().removeItem(node.popEdge()) self.graphicsView.scene().removeItem(node) return
def clickAct(self, event): sender = self.sender() if sender == self.btn_1: text, ok = QInputDialog.getText(self, "修改姓名", "请输入姓名:") if ok: self.label_1.setText(text) if sender == self.btn_2: text, ok = QInputDialog.getInt(self, '修改年龄', '请输入年龄:', min=1) if ok: self.label_2.setText(str(text)) if sender == self.btn_3: text, ok = QInputDialog.getItem(self, "修改性别", "请选择性别", ['男', '女']) if ok: self.label_3.setText(text) if sender == self.btn_4: text, ok = QInputDialog.getDouble(self, "修改身高", "修改身高", min=1.0) if ok: self.label_4.setText(str(text)) if sender == self.btn_5: text, ok = QInputDialog.getMultiLineText(self, "修改简介", "修改简介") if ok: self.textBrowser.setText(str(text))
def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event): x = event.x() y = event.y() for obj in self.coordinates: x_o = self.coordinates[obj][0] + 300 y_o = self.coordinates[obj][1] + 10 if (x_o - self.rect_gr // 2 < x < x_o + self.rect_gr and y_o - self.rect_gr // 2 < y < y_o + self.rect_gr): value, flag = QInputDialog.getItem(self, 'сюда или отсюда', 'отсюда или сюда?', ('сюда', 'отсюда'), 1, False) if flag: if value == 'отсюда': self.start_point = obj self.start_lbl.setText( self.dict_of_names[self.start_point]) else: self.end_point = obj self.end_lbl.setText( self.dict_of_names[self.end_point]) break
def create_new(self): """Create a new squad and store it in this warband""" name, okPressed = QInputDialog.getText(self, "Create", "Name your squad:") if okPressed and name: # get applicable characters to choose from character_list = self.mainwindow.wbid.get_characters() categories = [] for character in character_list: if character.recorddict["ishero"] == 0: pk = character.primarykey category = character.recorddict["name"] charactertext = f"{pk}-{category}" categories.append(charactertext) category, okPressed = QInputDialog.getItem(self, "Create", "Choose a category", categories, 0, False) if okPressed and category: # take the primary key from the chosen awnser and get the character object pk = int(category.split('-', 1)[0]) new_squad = Squad.from_database(primarykey=pk, name=name) = name wbidgold = squadprice = new_squad.get_price( ) * new_squad.get_totalhenchman() if wbidgold >= squadprice: = wbidgold - squadprice self.mainwindow.wbid.squadlist.append(new_squad) self.mainwindow.currentunit = new_squad.henchmanlist[0] self.mainwindow.initUI() else: QMessageBox.information(self, "Can't add squad!", "Lack of funds!", QMessageBox.Ok)
def openMenuCam(self): '''create a message box to choose a camera ''' items = cameraIds item, ok = QInputDialog.getItem(self, "Select Guppy camera", "List of avaible camera", items, 0, False, flags=QtCore.Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint) if ok and item: items = list(items) index = items.index(item) self.cam0 = Vimba().camera(cameraIds[index]) self.isConnected = True self.nbcam = 'camDefault' self.camID = cameraIds[index] if self.isConnected == True: self.setCamParameter() return self.isConnected
def configure_ip(self): """ Prompt user for whether they want custom IP and hostnames. If yes, next window is called and gets them. Else we execute the install process. """ QMessageBox.about( self.window, "Custom IP Address Configuration", "The remote computer and the base computer each need to know " + "their Internet Protocol (IP) addresses in order to " + "communicate with each other across an Ethernet network.\n\n" + "The next screen will ask if you would like to use some default " + "IP addresses and hostnames that" + "we have assigned, or if you would like to input " + "your own.\n\n" + "[Hostname]\t[IP]" + "\n--------------------------------------------------" + "\nrobot\t\t10.0.0.2" + "\nbase\t\t10.0.0.1") layout = QVBoxLayout() dialog = QInputDialog() layout.addWidget(dialog) item, ok = dialog.getItem( QWidget(), 'Configuring IPs', 'Use default IP configurations?', ['Yes', 'No'], ) if ok: if str(item).lower() == "no": self.get_custom_ip_settings() elif str(item).lower() == "yes": self.exec_install() else: self.invalid_input() self.configure_ip() else: self.first_page() return layout
def on_namedReferenceButton_clicked(self): """ Private slot to handle the named reference toolbutton. """ # determine cursor position as length into text length = self.regexpTextEdit.textCursor().position() # only present group names that occur before the # current cursor position regex = self.regexpTextEdit.toPlainText()[:length] names = self.namedGroups(regex) if not names: E5MessageBox.information( self,"Named reference"),"""No named groups have been defined yet.""")) return groupName, ok = QInputDialog.getItem(self,"Named reference"),"Select group name:"), names, 0, True) if ok and groupName: self.__insertString("(?P={0})".format(groupName))
def create_new(self): """Create a new hero, store it in the warband object and set to currentunit""" name, okPressed = QInputDialog.getText(self, "Create", "Name your hero:") if okPressed and name: # get applicable characters to choose from character_list = self.mainwindow.wbid.get_characters() categories = [] for character in character_list: print(character.recorddict) if character.recorddict["ishero"] == 1: pk = character.primarykey category = character.recorddict["name"] charactertext = f"{pk}-{category}" categories.append(charactertext) category, okPressed = QInputDialog.getItem(self, "Create", "Choose a character", categories, 0, False) if okPressed and category: # take the primary key from the chosen awnser and get the character object pk = int(category.split('-', 1)[0]) new_hero = Hero.from_database(primarykey=pk) = name # add hero to warband and deduct from gold wbidgold = if wbidgold >= new_hero.price: = wbidgold - new_hero.price self.mainwindow.wbid.herolist.append(new_hero) self.mainwindow.currentunit = new_hero self.mainwindow.initUI() else: message = QMessageBox.information( self, 'Lack of funds!', "Can't add new hero, lack of funds", QMessageBox.Ok)
def initData(self): self.startPoint = QPoint(28, 64) self.goalPoint = QPoint(40, 70) = np.zeros((self.MapWidth, self.MapHeight)) for y in range(5, 75):[33][y] = -1 for x in range(5, 34):[x][75] = -1 self.par = np.empty((self.MapWidth, self.MapHeight), dtype=tuple) self.par.fill((-1, -1)) dic = { "Distance 0": lambda x, y: 0, "Euclidean Distance": lambda x, y: np.hypot(x - self.goalPoint.x(), y - self.goalPoint.y( )), "Manhattan Distance": lambda x, y: np.abs(x - self.goalPoint.x()) + np.abs( y - self.goalPoint.y()), "Diagonal Distance": self.diagonal } htype, choosed = QInputDialog.getItem(self, "Choose Heuristic", "Choose Heuristic:", dic.keys(), 0, False) if not choosed: exit(-1) self.h = dic[htype] self.queue = queue.PriorityQueue()[self.startPoint.x()][self.startPoint.y()] = 0 self.queue.put((self.f(0, self.startPoint.x(), self.startPoint.y()), 0, self.startPoint.x(), self.startPoint.y())) self.found = False
def del_row(self, AdminWindow): #Delete selected query queries = [] queries_text = [] conn = sqlite3.connect('Covid.db') cursor = conn.cursor() query = '''select query_title from queries;''' cursor.execute(query) info = cursor.fetchall() for q in info: for x in q: queries.append( x) #List of queries in queries table(contains image query) query = '''select query_title from queries_text;''' cursor.execute(query) info2 = cursor.fetchall() for q in info2: for x in q: queries_text.append( x ) #List of queries in queries_text table (contains test output query) all_queries = queries + queries_text #Combines both list data = QInputDialog.getItem(AdminWindow, "List of Queries", "Query", all_queries) #Open a dropwdown dialog print(data) name = data[0] #Name of query ok = data[1] #True or False if ok: #If user has selected any option if (name in queries ): #If the selected query name is from queries list cursor.execute("DELETE FROM queries WHERE query_title = ?", (name, )) #Delete query conn.commit() conn.close() if (name in queries_text): #If query is from query_text list cursor.execute("DELETE FROM queries_text WHERE query_title=?", (name, )) #Delete query conn.commit() conn.close()
def on_btn_filter_clicked(self): list = ["指定源IP地址", "指定目的IP地址", "指定源端口", "指定目的端口", "指定协议类型", "自定义规则"] #第三个参数可选 有一般显示 (QLineEdit.Normal)、密碼显示( QLineEdit. Password)与不回应文字输入( QLineEdit. NoEcho) #stringNum,ok3 = QInputDialog.getText(self, "标题","姓名:",QLineEdit.Normal, "王尼玛") #1为默认选中选项目,True/False 列表框是否可编辑。 item, ok = QInputDialog.getItem(self, "选项", "规则列表", list, 1, False) type = 0 if ok: if item == "指定源IP地址": filter, ok_1 = QInputDialog.getText(self, "标题", "请输入指定源IP地址:", QLineEdit.Normal, "*.*.*.*") rule = "src host " + filter elif item == "指定目的IP地址": filter, ok_2 = QInputDialog.getText(self, "标题", "请输入指定目的IP地址:", QLineEdit.Normal, "*.*.*.*") rule = "dst host " + filter elif item == "指定源端口": filter, ok_3 = QInputDialog.getInt(self, "标题", "请输入指定源端口:", 80, 0, 65535) rule = "src port " + str(filter) elif item == "指定目的端口": filter, ok_4 = QInputDialog.getInt(self, "标题", "请输入指定目的端口:", 80, 0, 65535) rule = "dst port " + str(filter) elif item == "指定协议类型": filter, ok_2 = QInputDialog.getText(self, "标题", "请输入指定协议类型:", QLineEdit.Normal, "icmp") rule = filter elif item == "自定义规则": filter, ok_2 = QInputDialog.getText(self, "标题", "请输入规则:", QLineEdit.Normal, "host") rule = filter rule = rule.lower() self.set_filter(rule)
def qwerty(self): #функция перехода из одной раскладки в другую ru_en = {'а': 'f', 'б': ',', 'в': 'd', 'г': 'u', 'д': 'l', 'е': 't', 'ё': '`', 'ж': ';', 'з': 'p', 'и': 'b', 'й': 'q', 'к': 'r', 'л': 'k', 'м': 'v', 'н': 'y', 'о': 'j', 'п': 'g', 'р': 'h', 'с': 'c', 'т': 'n', 'у': 'e', 'ф': 'a', 'х': '[', 'ц': 'w', 'ч': 'x', 'ш': 'i', 'щ': 'o', 'ы': 's', 'э': '\'', 'ю': '.', 'я': 'z', 'ь': 'm', 'ъ': ']', 'Э': '"', 'Ж': ':', 'Ъ': '}', 'Х': '{', 'Б': '<', 'Ю': '>', '.': '/', ',': '?'} en_ru = dict([(v, k) for k, v in ru_en.items()]) #обратный словарь print(en_ru) i, okBtnPressed = QInputDialog.getItem( self, "Раскладка", "Из какой раскладки вы хотите перевод?", ('русская', 'английская'), 1, False) if okBtnPressed: text = n_text = '' if i == 'русская': for letter in text: if letter in ru_en: n_text += ru_en[letter] elif letter.lower() in ru_en: n_text += ru_en[letter.lower()].upper() else: n_text += letter else: for letter in text: if letter in en_ru: n_text += en_ru[letter] elif letter.lower() in en_ru: n_text += en_ru[letter.lower()].upper() else: n_text += letter self.fout.write(n_text) self.fout.close() for button in self.buttons: button.setEnabled(False)
def add_primary_key_closure(): this_table = self.database.get_table(table) columns = this_table.columns primary_keys = this_table.primary_keys column_names = list( map( lambda column: column["name"], columns ) ) column_names = list(set(column_names) - set(primary_keys)) primary_key, ok_primary_key = QInputDialog.getItem( self, 'Add Primary Key', 'Primary Key', column_names, 0, False ) if(ok_primary_key): this_table.add_primary_key(primary_key) self.update_tree_view() self.update_sql_code(self.database.export_database())
def addButtonClicked(self): order = self.form.currentRecord() query = QSqlQuery("SELECT as id, CONCAT(detail.article, \": \", as name \ FROM detail WHERE NOT( IN (SELECT detail_id FROM order_detail \ WHERE order_id={}))".format(order.value("id"))) details = {} while details[query.value("name")] = query.value("id") if not details: return QMessageBox.warning(None, "Ошибка добавления", "Не удалось добавить новый товар к заказу: все возможные товары уже добавлены.") choice, ok = QInputDialog.getItem(None, "Товар", "Укажите товар:", list(details.keys()), 0, False) if not ok: return qnt, ok = QInputDialog.getInt(None, "Количество", "Укажите количество товара:", 1, 1) if not ok: return detail_id = details[choice] order_id = order.value("id") query = QSqlQuery("INSERT INTO order_detail (order_id, detail_id, quantity) \ VALUES ({}, {}, {})".format(order_id, detail_id, qnt)) if not query.isActive(): print(query.lastError().text()) self.form.update()
def hgQueuePushPopPatches(self, name, operation, all=False, named=False, force=False): """ Public method to push patches onto the stack or pop patches off the stack. @param name file/directory name (string) @param operation operation type to be performed (Queues.POP, Queues.PUSH, Queues.GOTO) @keyparam all flag indicating to push/pop all (boolean) @keyparam named flag indicating to push/pop until a named patch is at the top of the stack (boolean) @keyparam force flag indicating a forceful pop (boolean) @return flag indicating that the project should be reread (boolean) @exception ValueError raised to indicate an invalid operation """ # find the root of the repo repodir = self.vcs.splitPath(name)[0] while not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(repodir, self.vcs.adminDir)): repodir = os.path.dirname(repodir) if os.path.splitdrive(repodir)[1] == os.sep: return False if operation == Queues.POP: args = self.vcs.initCommand("qpop") title ="Pop Patches") listType = Queues.APPLIED_LIST elif operation == Queues.PUSH: args = self.vcs.initCommand("qpush") title ="Push Patches") listType = Queues.UNAPPLIED_LIST elif operation == Queues.GOTO: args = self.vcs.initCommand("qgoto") title ="Go to Patch") listType = Queues.SERIES_LIST else: raise ValueError("illegal value for operation") args.append("-v") if force: args.append("--force") if all and operation in (Queues.POP, Queues.PUSH): args.append("--all") elif named or operation == Queues.GOTO: patchnames = self.__getPatchesList(repodir, listType) if patchnames: patch, ok = QInputDialog.getItem( None,"Select Patch"),"Select the target patch name:"), patchnames, 0, False) if ok and patch: args.append(patch) else: return False else: E5MessageBox.information( None,"Select Patch"),"""No patches to select from.""")) return False dia = HgDialog(title, self.vcs) res = dia.startProcess(args, repodir) if res: dia.exec_() res = dia.hasAddOrDelete() self.vcs.checkVCSStatus() return res
def get_or_set_config(): """Get config if exist else Set config if not exist.""" global config log.debug("Vacap Config File: {}.".format(CONFIG_FILENAME)) days = ["Lunes", "Martes", "Miercoles", "Jueves", "Viernes", "Sabado", "Domingo"] # if config does not exist or cant be read then try to create it, ask user. if not os.path.isfile(CONFIG_FILENAME): log.warning("Vacap Config File does not exist; Will try to create it.") QMessageBox.information(None, __doc__, "<b>Vamos a Configurar Vacap!.") msg = "<b>Hacer un Backup Copia de Seguridad al Iniciar la compu ?." _st = QMessageBox.question( None, __doc__, msg, QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No, QMessageBox.No) == QMessageBox.Yes msg = "<b>Hacer Backup Copia de Seguridad si la compu esta a Bateria ?" _bt = QMessageBox.question( None, __doc__, msg, QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No, QMessageBox.Yes) == QMessageBox.Yes msg = "<b>Que Dia de la Semana Hacer Backup Copia de Seguridad ?." _day = str(QInputDialog.getItem( None, __doc__, msg, days, 4, False)[0]).lower() msg = "<b>A que Hora del Dia hacer Hacer Backup Copia de Seguridad ?." _hour = int(QInputDialog.getInt(None, __doc__, msg, 12, 1, 23)[0]) msg = "<b>Donde Guardar el Backup Copia de Seguridad ?." QMessageBox.information(None, __doc__, msg) _trg = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(None, __doc__, gettempdir()) msg = "<b>Agregar 1 Carpeta para hacer Backup Copia de Seguridad ?." _backup_from = [] while QMessageBox.question( None, __doc__, msg, QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No, QMessageBox.Yes) == QMessageBox.Yes: _backup_from.append(str(QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory( None, __doc__, os.path.expanduser("~")))) configura = { "MAKE_BACKUP_FROM": _backup_from, "SAVE_BACKUP_TO": _trg, "MAKE_BACKUP_ON_STARTUP": _st, "MAKE_BACKUP_WHEN_RUNNING_ON_BATTERY": _bt, "MAKE_BACKUP_ON_WEEK_DAY": _day, "MAKE_BACKUP_AT_THIS_HOUR": _hour, } config = dumps(configura, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4, sort_keys=True) log.debug("Configuration: {}.".format(config)) confirm = QInputDialog.getMultiLineText( None, __doc__, "<b>Resumen Final de la Configuracion:", config)[1] if confirm: with open(CONFIG_FILENAME, "w", encoding="utf-8") as _config: _config.write(config) try:"Making Config {} Hidden".format(CONFIG_FILENAME)) ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetFileAttributesW(CONFIG_FILENAME, 0x02) # hidden file"Making Config {} ReadOnly.".format(CONFIG_FILENAME)) os.chmod(CONFIG_FILENAME, S_IREAD) # make read-only except Exception as reason: log.critical(reason) else: return get_or_set_config() else: log.debug("Reading/Parsing Config File: {}.".format(CONFIG_FILENAME)) with open(CONFIG_FILENAME, "r", encoding="utf-8") as _config: config = loads( return config
def _vcsCheckout(self, export=False): """ Protected slot used to create a local project from the repository. @param export flag indicating whether an export or a checkout should be performed """ if not self.project.checkDirty(): return vcsSystemsDict = e5App().getObject("PluginManager")\ .getPluginDisplayStrings("version_control") if not vcsSystemsDict: # no version control system found return vcsSystemsDisplay = [] keys = sorted(vcsSystemsDict.keys()) for key in keys: vcsSystemsDisplay.append(vcsSystemsDict[key]) vcsSelected, ok = QInputDialog.getItem( None,"New Project"),"Select version control system for the project"), vcsSystemsDisplay, 0, False) if not ok: return for vcsSystem, vcsSystemDisplay in list(vcsSystemsDict.items()): if vcsSystemDisplay == vcsSelected: break if not self.project.closeProject(): return self.project.pdata["VCS"] = [vcsSystem] self.project.vcs = self.project.initVCS(vcsSystem) if self.project.vcs is not None: vcsdlg = self.project.vcs.vcsNewProjectOptionsDialog() if vcsdlg.exec_() == QDialog.Accepted: projectdir, vcsDataDict = vcsdlg.getData() self.project.pdata["VCS"] = [vcsSystem] self.project.vcs = self.project.initVCS(vcsSystem) # edit VCS command options if self.project.vcs.vcsSupportCommandOptions(): vcores = E5MessageBox.yesNo( self.parent(),"New Project"), """Would you like to edit the VCS command""" """ options?""")) else: vcores = False if vcores: from .CommandOptionsDialog import VcsCommandOptionsDialog codlg = VcsCommandOptionsDialog(self.project.vcs) if codlg.exec_() == QDialog.Accepted: self.project.vcs.vcsSetOptions(codlg.getOptions()) # create the project directory if it doesn't exist already if not os.path.isdir(projectdir): try: os.makedirs(projectdir) except EnvironmentError: E5MessageBox.critical( self.parent(),"Create project directory"), "<p>The project directory <b>{0}</b> could not" " be created.</p>").format(projectdir)) self.project.pdata["VCS"] = ['None'] self.project.vcs = self.project.initVCS() return # create the project from the VCS self.project.vcs.vcsSetDataFromDict(vcsDataDict) if export: ok = self.project.vcs.vcsExport(vcsDataDict, projectdir) else: ok = self.project.vcs.vcsCheckout(vcsDataDict, projectdir, False) if ok: projectdir = os.path.normpath(projectdir) filters = ["*.e4p"] d = QDir(projectdir) plist = d.entryInfoList(filters) if len(plist): if len(plist) == 1: self.project.openProject( plist[0].absoluteFilePath()) self.project.newProject.emit() else: pfilenamelist = d.entryList(filters) pfilename, ok = QInputDialog.getItem( None,"New project from repository"),"Select a project file to open."), pfilenamelist, 0, False) if ok: self.project.openProject( QFileInfo(d, pfilename).absoluteFilePath()) self.project.newProject.emit() if export: self.project.pdata["VCS"] = ['None'] self.project.vcs = self.project.initVCS() self.project.setDirty(True) self.project.saveProject() else: res = E5MessageBox.yesNo( self.parent(),"New project from repository"), "The project retrieved from the repository" " does not contain an eric project file" " (*.e4p). Create it?"), yesDefault=True) if res: self.project.ppath = projectdir self.project.opened = True from Project.PropertiesDialog import \ PropertiesDialog dlg = PropertiesDialog(self.project, False) if dlg.exec_() == QDialog.Accepted: dlg.storeData() self.project.initFileTypes() self.project.setDirty(True) try: ms = os.path.join( self.project.ppath, self.project.pdata["MAINSCRIPT"][0]) if os.path.exists(ms): self.project.appendFile(ms) except IndexError: ms = "" self.project.newProjectAddFiles(ms) self.project.createProjectManagementDir() self.project.saveProject() self.project.openProject(self.project.pfile) if not export: res = E5MessageBox.yesNo( self.parent(), "New project from repository"), "Shall the project file be added" " to the repository?"), yesDefault=True) if res: self.project.vcs.vcsAdd( self.project.pfile) else: E5MessageBox.critical( self.parent(),"New project from repository"), """The project could not be retrieved from""" """ the repository.""")) self.project.pdata["VCS"] = ['None'] self.project.vcs = self.project.initVCS() else: self.project.pdata["VCS"] = ['None'] self.project.vcs = self.project.initVCS()
def _vcsImport(self): """ Protected slot used to import the local project into the repository. <b>NOTE</b>: This does not necessarily make the local project a vcs controlled project. You may have to checkout the project from the repository in order to accomplish that. """ def revertChanges(): """ Local function to revert the changes made to the project object. """ self.project.pdata["VCS"] = pdata_vcs[:] self.project.pdata["VCSOPTIONS"] = copy.deepcopy(pdata_vcsoptions) self.project.pdata["VCSOTHERDATA"] = copy.deepcopy(pdata_vcsother) self.project.vcs = vcs self.project.vcsProjectHelper = vcsHelper self.project.vcsBasicHelper = vcs is None self.initMenu(self.project.vcsMenu) self.project.setDirty(True) self.project.saveProject() pdata_vcs = self.project.pdata["VCS"][:] pdata_vcsoptions = copy.deepcopy(self.project.pdata["VCSOPTIONS"]) pdata_vcsother = copy.deepcopy(self.project.pdata["VCSOTHERDATA"]) vcs = self.project.vcs vcsHelper = self.project.vcsProjectHelper vcsSystemsDict = e5App().getObject("PluginManager")\ .getPluginDisplayStrings("version_control") if not vcsSystemsDict: # no version control system found return vcsSystemsDisplay = [] keys = sorted(list(vcsSystemsDict.keys())) for key in keys: vcsSystemsDisplay.append(vcsSystemsDict[key]) vcsSelected, ok = QInputDialog.getItem( None,"Import Project"),"Select version control system for the project"), vcsSystemsDisplay, 0, False) if not ok: return for vcsSystem, vcsSystemDisplay in list(vcsSystemsDict.items()): if vcsSystemDisplay == vcsSelected: break self.project.pdata["VCS"] = [vcsSystem] self.project.vcs = self.project.initVCS(vcsSystem) if self.project.vcs is not None: vcsdlg = self.project.vcs.vcsOptionsDialog(self.project,, 1) if vcsdlg.exec_() == QDialog.Accepted: vcsDataDict = vcsdlg.getData() # edit VCS command options if self.project.vcs.vcsSupportCommandOptions(): vcores = E5MessageBox.yesNo( self.parent(),"Import Project"), """Would you like to edit the VCS command""" """ options?""")) else: vcores = False if vcores: from .CommandOptionsDialog import VcsCommandOptionsDialog codlg = VcsCommandOptionsDialog(self.project.vcs) if codlg.exec_() == QDialog.Accepted: self.project.vcs.vcsSetOptions(codlg.getOptions()) self.project.setDirty(True) self.project.vcs.vcsSetDataFromDict(vcsDataDict) self.project.saveProject() isVcsControlled = self.project.vcs.vcsImport( vcsDataDict, self.project.ppath)[0] if isVcsControlled: # reopen the project self.project.openProject(self.project.pfile) else: # revert the changes to the local project # because the project dir is not a VCS directory revertChanges() else: # revert the changes because user cancelled revertChanges()
def etiquette(self): select = etiquette = select.etiquette if select.etiquette is not None else select old = {'mode':"mode"), 'texte': etiquette.texte} # ---------------- # Cas particuliers # ---------------- if isinstance(select, Champ): if'choix'): choix ='choix') try: index = choix.index(select.texte) except ValueError: index = 0 text, ok = QInputDialog.getItem(self.canvas, "Choisir une valeur", "Réponse :", choix, index, False) else: text, ok = QInputDialog.getText(self.canvas, "Éditer le champ", "Réponse :", QLineEdit.Normal, select.texte) if ok: select.label(text) return # ----------- # Cas général # ----------- dlg = QDialog(self.canvas) dlg.setWindowTitle("Changer la légende de l'objet (texte quelconque)") sizer = QVBoxLayout() sizer.addWidget(QLabel("Note: le code LATEX doit etre entre $$. Ex: $\\alpha$")) dlg.text = QTextEdit(dlg) dlg.text.setPlainText(etiquette.texte) dlg.setMinimumSize(300, 50) sizer.addWidget(dlg.text) dlg.cb = QCheckBox("Interpréter la formule", dlg) dlg.cb.setChecked(select.mode_affichage == 'formule') sizer.addWidget(dlg.cb) line = QFrame(self) line.setFrameStyle(QFrame.HLine) sizer.addWidget(line) box = QHBoxLayout() btn = QPushButton('OK') btn.clicked.connect(dlg.accept) box.addWidget(btn) box.addStretch(1) btn = QPushButton("Annuler") btn.clicked.connect(dlg.reject) box.addWidget(btn) sizer.addLayout(box) dlg.setLayout(sizer) dlg.setWindowModality(Qt.WindowModal) while True: ok = dlg.exec_() if ok: try: nom = select.nom txt = repr(dlg.text.toPlainText()) mode = repr('formule' if dlg.cb.isChecked() else 'texte') self.executer("%s.label(%s, %s)" %(nom, txt, mode)) except: # Au cas où une formule incorrecte fasse buguer l'affichage (?) etiquette.texte = old['texte']['mode']) print_error() continue else: etiquette.texte = old['texte']['mode']) break
def __newUiForm(self, path): """ Private slot to handle the New Form menu action for Qt-related projects. @param path full directory path for the new form file (string) """ selectedForm, ok = QInputDialog.getItem( None,"New Form"),"Select a form type:"), self.templateTypes4, 0, False) if not ok or not selectedForm: # user pressed cancel return templateIndex = self.templateTypes4.index(selectedForm) templateFile = os.path.join( getConfig('ericTemplatesDir'), self.templates4[templateIndex]) fname, selectedFilter = E5FileDialog.getSaveFileNameAndFilter( self,"New Form"), path,"Qt User-Interface Files (*.ui);;All Files (*)"), "", E5FileDialog.Options(E5FileDialog.DontConfirmOverwrite)) if not fname: # user aborted or didn't enter a filename return ext = QFileInfo(fname).suffix() if not ext: ex = selectedFilter.split("(*")[1].split(")")[0] if ex: fname += ex if os.path.exists(fname): res = E5MessageBox.yesNo( self,"New Form"),"The file already exists! Overwrite it?"), icon=E5MessageBox.Warning) if not res: # user selected to not overwrite return try: shutil.copy(templateFile, fname) except IOError as e: E5MessageBox.critical( self,"New Form"), "<p>The new form file <b>{0}</b> could not be created.<br>" "Problem: {1}</p>").format(fname, str(e))) return self.project.appendFile(fname) self.designerFile.emit(fname)