def _viewConnect(self, view): self._graphicSelection = QubPolygoneDrawingMgr(view.canvas(), view.matrix()) self._graphicSelection.setActionInfo('Grid grab, select the area') drawingobject = QubCanvasGrid(view.canvas()) self._graphicSelection.addDrawingObject(drawingobject) self._graphicSelection.setEndDrawCallBack(self.__endGridGrab) view.addDrawingMgr(self._graphicSelection)
def _viewConnect(self, view): self._graphicSelection = QubPolygoneDrawingMgr(view.canvas(), view.matrix()) self._graphicSelection.setActionInfo("Grid grab, select the area") drawingobject = QubCanvasGrid(view.canvas()) self._graphicSelection.addDrawingObject(drawingobject) self._graphicSelection.setEndDrawCallBack(self.__endGridGrab) view.addDrawingMgr(self._graphicSelection)
class LookupScanBrick(BaseGraphicScan) : def __init__(self,parent,name,uifile = 'LookupScan.ui',cmd_name = 'ltscan',**kwargs) : BaseGraphicScan.__init__(self, parent, name, uifile=uifile, cmd_name=cmd_name, **kwargs) self._graphicSelection = None self.__polyNb = 0 self.__gridPoints = None self._matchPoints = None self.__offsetMeasure = 1e3 self._ltinit = None self.addProperty('offsetmeasure','float',1e3) table = self._widgetTree.child('__gridTable') qt.QObject.connect(table,qt.SIGNAL('valueChanged(int,int)'),self._valueChangedScanParam) timeWidget = self._widgetTree.child('__time') timeWidget.setValidator(qt.QDoubleValidator(timeWidget)) # PopUp Menu self.__polygonListWidget = self._widgetTree.child('__polygonList') self.__polygonListWidget.setSelectionMode(qt.QListView.Extended) self.__polygonPopUpMenu = qt.QPopupMenu(self.__polygonListWidget) for itemName,cbk in [('Create new',self.__createPolygon), ('Remove',self.__removeSelectedPolygon), ('Revert selection',self.__revertSelectedPolygon)] : self.__polygonPopUpMenu.insertItem(itemName,cbk) self.connect(self.__polygonListWidget,qt.SIGNAL('rightButtonPressed(QListViewItem*,const QPoint &,int)'), self.__polygonPopUpDisplay) timeWidget = self._widgetTree.child('__time') self.connect(timeWidget,qt.SIGNAL('returnPressed()'),self.__refreshInfoText) self.connect(timeWidget,qt.SIGNAL('lostFocus()'),self.__refreshInfoText) def propertyChanged(self,property,oldValue,newValue) : if property == 'offsetmeasure': self.__offsetMeasure = newValue elif property == 'command' : BaseGraphicScan.propertyChanged(self,property,oldValue,newValue) ho = self.getHardwareObject(newValue) if ho is not None: try: self._ltinit = ho.getCommandObject('ltinit') self._ltinit.connectSignal('commandReplyArrived',self.__ltinitFinished) except: self._ltinit = None logging.getLogger().error('ltinit not find in command file') startButton = self._widgetTree.child('__startScan') startButton.setEnabled(False) else: BaseGraphicScan.propertyChanged(self,property,oldValue,newValue) def _setMotor(self,property,motorList) : if property == 'horizontal': combo = self._widgetTree.child('__motor1') else: combo = self._widgetTree.child('__motor2') for i in range(combo.count()) : combo.removeItem(i) combo.insertStringList(motorList) def _viewConnect(self,view) : self._graphicSelection = QubPolygoneDrawingMgr(view.canvas(), view.matrix()) self._graphicSelection.setActionInfo('Grid grab, select the area') drawingobject = QubCanvasGrid(view.canvas()) self._graphicSelection.addDrawingObject(drawingobject) self._graphicSelection.setEndDrawCallBack(self.__endGridGrab) view.addDrawingMgr(self._graphicSelection) def __endGridGrab(self,drawingobject) : self.__createGridPoints() self._updateGUI() def _updateGUI(self) : if self._graphicSelection : points = self._graphicSelection.points() if len(points) == 3 and self._XSize and self._YSize : table = self._widgetTree.child('__gridTable') try: dist = math.sqrt(((points[0][0] - points[1][0]) * self._XSize ) ** 2 + \ ((points[0][1] - points[1][1]) * self._YSize) ** 2) table.setText(0,2,self._formatString % (dist * self.__offsetMeasure)) dist = math.sqrt(((points[1][0] - points[2][0]) * self._YSize) ** 2 + \ ((points[1][1] - points[2][1]) * self._XSize) ** 2) table.setText(1,2,self._formatString % (dist * self.__offsetMeasure)) self.__refreshSteps() except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() def _valueChangedScanParam(self,row,column) : table = self._widgetTree.child('__gridTable') if column == 0: stringVal = table.text(row,column) val,okFlag = stringVal.toInt() if okFlag : if row == 0 : self._graphicSelection.setNbPointAxis1(val) else: self._graphicSelection.setNbPointAxis2(val) self.__refreshSteps() self.__createGridPoints() else: dialog = qt.QErrorMessage(self) dialog.message('Interval must be integer') elif column == 1: stringVal = table.text(row,column) step,ok1 = stringVal.toFloat() stringVal = table.text(row,0) interval,ok2 = stringVal.toInt() if ok1 and step > 0.: if ok2: distance = interval * step table.setText(row,2,self._formatString % distance) self._valueChangedScanParam(row,2) else: dialog = qt.QErrorMessage(self) dialog.message('Step must be a positif float') elif column == 2: self.__refreshSteps() # UPDATE GRAPHIC points = self._graphicSelection.points() if len(points) == 3 : angle = self._graphicSelection.angle()[0] * math.pi / 180 pixelSize = math.sqrt((self._XSize * math.cos(angle)) ** 2 + \ (self._YSize * math.sin(angle)) ** 2) if row == 0 : stringVal = table.text(0,2) dist1,ok1 = stringVal.toFloat() dist1 /= self.__offsetMeasure width = dist1 / pixelSize height = math.sqrt(((points[1][0] - points[2][0])) ** 2 + \ ((points[1][1] - points[2][1])) ** 2) else: width = math.sqrt(((points[0][0] - points[1][0])) ** 2 + \ ((points[0][1] - points[1][1])) ** 2) stringVal = table.text(1,2) dist2,ok2 = stringVal.toFloat() dist2 /= self.__offsetMeasure height = dist2 / pixelSize xori,yori = points[0] p = numpy.array([[xori,yori],[xori + width,yori],[xori + width,yori + height]]) translation = numpy.matrix([xori,yori]) rotation = numpy.matrix([[numpy.cos(-angle),-numpy.sin(-angle)], [numpy.sin(-angle),numpy.cos(-angle)]]) p -= translation p = p * rotation p += translation self._graphicSelection.setPoints(p.tolist()) def __refreshSteps(self) : table = self._widgetTree.child('__gridTable') # DISTANCE stringVal = table.text(0,2) dist1,ok1 = stringVal.toFloat() stringVal = table.text(1,2) dist2,ok2 = stringVal.toFloat() # INTERVALS if ok1 and ok2 : stringVal = table.text(0,0) inter1,ok1 = stringVal.toInt() if ok1: step = dist1 / inter1 table.setText(0,1,self._formatString % step) stringVal = table.text(1,0) inter2,ok2 = stringVal.toInt() if ok2 : step = dist2 / inter2 table.setText(1,1,self._formatString % step) def _movetoStart(self) : if not self._matchPoints : return mot1Widget = self._widgetTree.child('__motor1') mot2Widget = self._widgetTree.child('__motor2') mot1 = self.__getMotor(mot1Widget.currentText(),self._horizontalMotors) mot2 = self.__getMotor(mot2Widget.currentText(),self._verticalMotors) try: firstPoint = self._matchPoints.index(True) except: return # No scan point x,y = self.__gridPoints[firstPoint,0],self.__gridPoints[firstPoint,1] try: mot1Fp = (x - self._beamx) / mot1.getProperty('unit') * self._XSize mot2Fp = (y - self._beamy) / mot2.getProperty('unit') * self._YSize mot1Fp += mot1.getPosition() mot2Fp += mot2.getPosition() mot1.move(float(mot1Fp)) mot2.move(float(mot2Fp)) xtranslation,ytranslation = (self._beamx - x,self._beamy - y) graphicItems = [x.drawingManager for x in self.__getIterator()] graphicItems.append(self._graphicSelection) for item in graphicItems : newPoint = [] for x,y in item.points() : x,y = (x + xtranslation,y + ytranslation) newPoint.append((x,y)) item.setPoints(newPoint) translationMatrix = numpy.matrix([xtranslation,ytranslation]) self.__gridPoints += translationMatrix self.__setRegion(False) except AttributeError : import traceback traceback.print_exc() logging.getLogger().error('motors must have a unit field') def _startScan(self) : try : self._matchPoints.index(True) # if not point math -> go to exception mot1Widget = self._widgetTree.child('__motor1') mot2Widget = self._widgetTree.child('__motor2') self._ltinit(str(mot1Widget.currentText()),str(mot2Widget.currentText())) except ValueError: dialog = qt.QErrorMessage(self) dialog.message('Nothing to scan') return def __ltinitFinished(self,*args) : table = self._widgetTree.child('__gridTable') stringVal = table.text(0,0) nbColumn,valid = stringVal.toInt() if not valid : dialog = qt.QErrorMessage(self) dialog.message('Interval must be integer') return nbColumn += 1 self._logArgs['scan_type'] = 'lookup' posMot1 = [] posMot2 = [] pointMatchNb = 0 matchPointId = [] for i,(match,point) in enumerate(itertools.izip(self._matchPoints,self.__gridPoints)) : if match : posMot1.append(point[0,0]) posMot2.append(point[0,1]) matchPointId.append((i / nbColumn,pointMatchNb)) pointMatchNb += 1 if posMot1: mot1Widget = self._widgetTree.child('__motor1') mot2Widget = self._widgetTree.child('__motor2') timeWidget = self._widgetTree.child('__time') ctime,valid = timeWidget.text().toFloat() mot1 = self.__getMotor(mot1Widget.currentText(),self._horizontalMotors) mot2 = self.__getMotor(mot2Widget.currentText(),self._verticalMotors) posMot1 = numpy.array(posMot1) posMot1 -= self._beamx posMot1 *= (self._XSize / mot1.getProperty('unit')) posMot1 += mot1.getPosition() posMot2 = numpy.array(posMot2) posMot2 -= self._beamy posMot2 *= (self._YSize / mot2.getProperty('unit')) posMot2 += mot2.getPosition() lineStartStop = [] lastLineId = -1 currentPointInLine = [] for lineId,pointId in matchPointId: if lineId != lastLineId : if currentPointInLine: lineStartStop.append(currentPointInLine) currentPointInLine = [pointId] lastLineId = lineId else: currentPointInLine.append(pointId) if currentPointInLine : lineStartStop.append(currentPointInLine) startIndex = [] stopIndex = [] for line in lineStartStop: startIndex.append(line[0]) stopIndex.append(line[-1]) startIndex = numpy.array(startIndex) stopIndex = numpy.array(stopIndex) specVersion = self._ltinit.specVersion for motor_name,pos_motor in zip([str(mot1Widget.currentText()),str(mot2Widget.currentText())], [posMot1,posMot2]) : ho = self.getHardwareObject(self["command"]) MOTOR_ARRAY = ho.addChannel({"type":"spec", "version":specVersion, "name":"MOTOR_ARRAY", "dispatchMode":None}, "%s_ltscan_arr" % motor_name) MOTOR_ARRAY.setValue(SpecArray.SpecArray(pos_motor.ravel())) LT_START = SpecVariable.SpecVariable('LT_START',specVersion) LT_START.setValue(SpecArray.SpecArray(startIndex)) LT_STOP = SpecVariable.SpecVariable('LT_STOP',specVersion) LT_STOP.setValue(SpecArray.SpecArray(stopIndex)) LT_LINE = SpecVariable.SpecVariable('LT_LINE',specVersion) LT_LINE.setValue(len(stopIndex)) self._SpecCmd(str(mot1Widget.currentText()),str(mot2Widget.currentText()),ctime) def __getMotor(self,userMotName,motorList) : for mot in motorList: if mot.getMotorMnemonic() == userMotName: return mot def _moveGraphicInBeam(self,beamx,beamy) : pass def __createPolygon(self,nb) : try: showgButton = self._widgetTree.child('__showGrab') showgButton.setOn(True) grabButton = self._widgetTree.child('__grabButton') grabButton.setOn(False) polygon = QubPolygoneDrawingMgr(self._view.canvas(),self._view.matrix()) polygon.setActionInfo('Drawing mask plygon %d' % self.__polyNb) polygon.setEndDrawCallBack(self.__polygonCBK) polygon.setAutoDisconnectEvent(True) drawingObject = QubCanvasCloseLinePolygone(self._view.canvas()) polygon.addDrawingObject(drawingObject) self._view.addDrawingMgr(polygon) polygon.setColor(self._view.foregroundColor()) newItem = qt.QListViewItem(self.__polygonListWidget) newItem.setText(0,'Polygon %d' % self.__polyNb) newItem.setPixmap(0,Icons.load('Plus2')) newItem.drawingManager = polygon newItem.includeMode = True self.__polyNb += 1 polygon.startDrawing() except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() def __removeSelectedPolygon(self,nb): for item in self.__getIterator(True) : self.__polygonListWidget.takeItem(item) self.__setRegion() def __revertSelectedPolygon(self,nb) : for item in self.__getIterator(True) : item.includeMode = not item.includeMode if item.includeMode: pixmap = Icons.load('Plus2') else: pixmap = Icons.load('Minus2') item.setPixmap(0,pixmap) self.__setRegion() def __getIterator(self,selectedFilter = False) : Item = self.__polygonListWidget.firstChild() while Item: NextItem = Item.nextSibling() selectedFlag = Item.isSelected() if not selectedFilter or selectedFlag : yield Item Item = NextItem def __polygonPopUpDisplay(self,item,point,columnid) : self.__polygonPopUpMenu.exec_loop(point) def __polygonCBK(self,drawingManager) : self.__setRegion() def __createGridPoints(self) : # del old grid point self.__gridPoints = None table = self._widgetTree.child('__gridTable') stringVal = table.text(0,0) nbAxis1,okFlag = stringVal.toInt() if not okFlag: return stringVal = table.text(1,0) nbAxis2,okFlag = stringVal.toInt() if not okFlag: return if self._graphicSelection.points() : points = numpy.array([[x,y] for x,y in self._graphicSelection.points()]) angle = self._graphicSelection.angle()[0] * math.pi / 180 rotation = numpy.matrix([[numpy.cos(angle),-numpy.sin(angle)], [numpy.sin(angle),numpy.cos(angle)]]) translation = numpy.matrix([points[0][0],points[0][1]]) points -= translation points = points * rotation points = numpy.array([[x,y] for y in numpy.linspace(points[0,1],points[2,1],nbAxis2 + 1) for x in numpy.linspace(points[0,0],points[1,0],nbAxis1 + 1)]) rotation = numpy.matrix([[numpy.cos(-angle),-numpy.sin(-angle)], [numpy.sin(-angle),numpy.cos(-angle)]]) self.__gridPoints = points * rotation self.__gridPoints += translation self.__checkPolygoneItersection() def __checkPolygoneItersection(self) : self._matchPoints = None if self.__gridPoints is None : return includePolygone,excludePolygone = [],[] for item in self.__getIterator() : points = item.drawingManager.points() if item.includeMode : includePolygone.append(points) else: excludePolygone.append(points) pointGrid = self.__gridPoints.tolist() allInPoints = [] if includePolygone : for points in includePolygone: pInPoly = polygone.points_inclusion(pointGrid,points,False) if not allInPoints : allInPoints = pInPoly else: allInPoints = [x > 0 or y > 0 for x,y in itertools.izip(pInPoly,allInPoints)] if not allInPoints : allInPoints = [True for x in range(len(self.__gridPoints))] for points in excludePolygone: pInPoly = polygone.points_inclusion(pointGrid,points,False) allInPoints = [x > 0 and not y > 0 for x,y in itertools.izip(allInPoints,pInPoly)] self._matchPoints = allInPoints self.__refreshInfoText() def __refreshInfoText(self) : if self._matchPoints : matchPoint = self._matchPoints.count(True) textInfo = self._widgetTree.child('__info') timeString = self._widgetTree.child('__time').text() time,valid = timeString.toFloat() if valid : delta = datetime.timedelta(0,time) * matchPoint textInfo.setText('%d points in scan until %s' % (matchPoint, ( + delta).strftime('%HH%M'))) else: textInfo.setText('%d points in scan' % matchPoint) def __setRegion(self,aCheckPolygoneFlag = True) : addRegion = [] minusRegion = [] for item in self.__getIterator() : array = qt.QPointArray(len(item.drawingManager.points())) for i,(x,y) in enumerate(item.drawingManager.points()) : array.setPoint(i,x,y) region = qt.QRegion(array) if item.includeMode: addRegion.append(region) else: minusRegion.append(region) self._graphicSelection.setRegion(addRegion,minusRegion) if aCheckPolygoneFlag: self.__checkPolygoneItersection() def _setColor(self,color) : BaseGraphicScan._setColor(self,color) for item in self.__getIterator() : item.drawingManager.setColor(color) def _showGrabScan(self,aFlag) : BaseGraphicScan._showGrabScan(self,aFlag) for item in self.__getIterator() : if aFlag: else: item.drawingManager.hide()
def __createPolygon(self,nb) : try: showgButton = self._widgetTree.child('__showGrab') showgButton.setOn(True) grabButton = self._widgetTree.child('__grabButton') grabButton.setOn(False) polygon = QubPolygoneDrawingMgr(self._view.canvas(),self._view.matrix()) polygon.setActionInfo('Drawing mask plygon %d' % self.__polyNb) polygon.setEndDrawCallBack(self.__polygonCBK) polygon.setAutoDisconnectEvent(True) drawingObject = QubCanvasCloseLinePolygone(self._view.canvas()) polygon.addDrawingObject(drawingObject) self._view.addDrawingMgr(polygon) polygon.setColor(self._view.foregroundColor()) newItem = qt.QListViewItem(self.__polygonListWidget) newItem.setText(0,'Polygon %d' % self.__polyNb) newItem.setPixmap(0,Icons.load('Plus2')) newItem.drawingManager = polygon newItem.includeMode = True self.__polyNb += 1 polygon.startDrawing() except: import traceback traceback.print_exc()
class MxLookupScanBrick(BaseGraphicScan) : def __init__(self,parent,name,uifile = 'MxLookupScan.ui',**kwargs) : BaseGraphicScan.__init__(self, parent, name, uifile=uifile, **kwargs) self._graphicSelection = None self.__gridPoints = None self._matchPoints = None self.__offsetMeasure = 1e3 self.old_mot1_pos = None self.old_mot2_pos = None self._shape_history = None self.addProperty('offsetmeasure','float',1e3) self.defineSignal("addToQueue", ()) self.defineSignal('clearQueue', ()) self.defineSignal("dataCollectParametersRequest", ()) self.defineSignal("goToCollect", ()) table = self._widgetTree.child('__gridTable') qt.QObject.connect(table,qt.SIGNAL('valueChanged(int,int)'),self._valueChangedScanParam) timeWidget = self._widgetTree.child('__time') timeWidget.setValidator(qt.QDoubleValidator(timeWidget)) timeWidget = self._widgetTree.child('__time') timeWidget.hide() def propertyChanged(self,property,oldValue,newValue): if property == 'offsetmeasure': self.__offsetMeasure = newValue elif property == 'command': pass else: BaseGraphicScan.propertyChanged(self,property,oldValue,newValue) def run(self): startButton = self._widgetTree.child('__startScan') startButton.hide() stopButton = self._widgetTree.child('__stopScan') stopButton.hide() if self._horizontalMotors and self._verticalMotors: startButton.setEnabled(True) mot1 = self._horizontalMotors[0] mot2 = self._verticalMotors[0] self.old_mot1_pos = mot1.getPosition() self.old_mot2_pos = mot2.getPosition() mot1.connect('positionChanged', self.mot1_position_changed) mot2.connect('positionChanged', self.mot2_position_changed) table = self._widgetTree.child('__gridTable') table.setText(0, 0, "2") table.setText(1, 0, "2") dispatcher.connect(self._askedForGrid, "grid") def mot1_position_changed(self, new_pos): if self.old_mot1_pos is None: self.old_mot1_pos = new_pos else: if not hasattr(self._graphicSelection, "_xy_in_mm"): return mot1 = self._horizontalMotors[0] dx = new_pos - self.old_mot1_pos current_x = self._graphicSelection.x()[0] current_y = self._graphicSelection.y()[0] #new_x = current_x-(dx*0.85*mot1.getProperty('unit')/self._XSize) new_x = current_x-(dx*mot1.getProperty('unit')/self._XSize) self._graphicSelection.move(new_x,current_y, 0) points = self._graphicSelection.points() self._graphicSelection._xy_in_mm = numpy.array([(points[0][0] - self._beamx) * self._XSize, (points[0][1] - self._beamy) * self._YSize]) self.old_mot1_pos = new_pos def mot2_position_changed(self, new_pos): if self.old_mot2_pos is None: self.old_mot2_pos = new_pos else: if not hasattr(self._graphicSelection, "_xy_in_mm"): return mot2=self._verticalMotors[0] dy = new_pos - self.old_mot2_pos current_x = self._graphicSelection.x()[0] current_y = self._graphicSelection.y()[0] new_y = current_y-(dy*mot2.getProperty('unit')/self._YSize) self._graphicSelection.move(current_x, new_y, 0) points = self._graphicSelection.points() self._graphicSelection._xy_in_mm = numpy.array([(points[0][0] - self._beamx) * self._XSize, (points[0][1] - self._beamy) * self._YSize]) self.old_mot2_pos = new_pos def _setMotor(self,property,motorList): pass def _viewConnect(self,view) : self._graphicSelection = QubPolygoneDrawingMgr(view.canvas(), view.matrix()) self._graphicSelection.setActionInfo('Define grid: select the area') drawingobject = QubCanvasGrid(view.canvas()) self._graphicSelection.addDrawingObject(drawingobject) self._graphicSelection.setEndDrawCallBack(self.__endGridGrab) view.addDrawingMgr(self._graphicSelection) def __endGridGrab(self,drawingobject): self.__createGridPoints() points = self._graphicSelection.points() if len(points) == 3 and self._XSize and self._YSize: self._graphicSelection._xy_in_mm = numpy.array([(points[0][0] - self._beamx) * self._XSize, (points[0][1] - self._beamy) * self._YSize]) table = self._widgetTree.child('__gridTable') dist = math.sqrt(((points[0][0] - points[1][0]) * self._XSize ) ** 2 + \ ((points[0][1] - points[1][1]) * self._YSize) ** 2) table.setText(0,2,self._formatString % (dist * self.__offsetMeasure)) dist = math.sqrt(((points[1][0] - points[2][0]) * self._YSize) ** 2 + \ ((points[1][1] - points[2][1]) * self._XSize) ** 2) table.setText(1,2,self._formatString % (dist * self.__offsetMeasure)) self.__refreshSteps() def _updateGUI(self): if self._graphicSelection: if self._XSize and self._YSize: #showgButton = self._widgetTree.child('__showGrab') #if showgButton.isOn(): # self._valueChangedScanParam(0,2) self._valueChangedScanParam(1,2) else: pass #self._graphicSelection.hide() def _valueChangedScanParam(self,row,column) : table = self._widgetTree.child('__gridTable') if column == 0: stringVal = table.text(row,column) val,okFlag = stringVal.toInt() if okFlag : self.__refreshSteps() if row == 0 : self._graphicSelection.setNbPointAxis1(val-1) else: self._graphicSelection.setNbPointAxis2(val-1) self.__createGridPoints() else: dialog = qt.QErrorMessage(self) dialog.message('Interval must be integer') elif column == 1: stringVal = table.text(row,column) step,ok1 = stringVal.toFloat() stringVal = table.text(row,0) interval,ok2 = stringVal.toInt() if ok1 and step > 0.: if ok2: distance = interval * step table.setText(row,2,self._formatString % distance) self._valueChangedScanParam(row,2) else: dialog = qt.QErrorMessage(self) dialog.message('Step must be a positive float') elif column == 2: self.__refreshSteps() # UPDATE GRAPHIC points = self._graphicSelection.points() if len(points) == 3 : angle = self._graphicSelection.angle()[0] * math.pi / 180 pixelSize = math.sqrt((self._XSize * math.cos(angle)) ** 2 + \ (self._YSize * math.sin(angle)) ** 2) if row == 0 : stringVal = table.text(0,2) dist1,ok1 = stringVal.toFloat() dist1 /= self.__offsetMeasure width = dist1 / pixelSize height = math.sqrt(((points[1][0] - points[2][0])) ** 2 + \ ((points[1][1] - points[2][1])) ** 2) else: width = math.sqrt(((points[0][0] - points[1][0])) ** 2 + \ ((points[0][1] - points[1][1])) ** 2) stringVal = table.text(1,2) dist2,ok2 = stringVal.toFloat() dist2 /= self.__offsetMeasure height = dist2 / pixelSize xori = (self._graphicSelection._xy_in_mm[0] / self._XSize) + self._beamx yori = (self._graphicSelection._xy_in_mm[1] / self._YSize) + self._beamy #xori, yori = points[0] #p = numpy.array([[xori,yori],[xori + width,yori],[xori + width,yori + height]]) p = numpy.array([[0,0],[width,0],[width,height]]) translation = numpy.matrix([xori,yori]) rotation = numpy.matrix([[numpy.cos(-angle),-numpy.sin(-angle)], [numpy.sin(-angle),numpy.cos(-angle)]]) #p -= translation p = p * rotation p += translation self._graphicSelection.setPoints(p.tolist()) def _askedForGrid(self, grid_dict): self.__createGridPoints() grid_dict.update(self.__refreshSteps()) def __refreshSteps(self): table = self._widgetTree.child('__gridTable') # DISTANCE stringVal = table.text(0,2) dist1,ok1 = stringVal.toFloat() stringVal = table.text(1,2) dist2,ok2 = stringVal.toFloat() # INTERVALS if ok1 and ok2 : stringVal = table.text(0,0) inter1,ok1 = stringVal.toInt() inter1 = inter1 - 1 if inter1 < 1: qt.QMessageBox.warning(self, "Invalid value for points per line", "There should be at least 2 points per line for mesh", qt.QMessageBox.Ok) return if ok1: step = dist1 / inter1 table.setText(0,1,self._formatString % step) stringVal = table.text(1,0) inter2,ok2 = stringVal.toInt() inter2 = inter2 - 1 if inter2 < 1: qt.QMessageBox.warning(self, "Invalid value for points per line", "There should be at least 2 points per line for mesh", qt.QMessageBox.Ok) return if ok2 : step = dist2 / inter2 table.setText(1,1,self._formatString % step) if not self._matchPoints: self.emit(qt.PYSIGNAL("addToQueue"), ({}, )) return try: firstPoint = self._matchPoints.index(True) except: return mot1 = self._horizontalMotors[0] mot2 = self._verticalMotors[0] x,y = self.__gridPoints[firstPoint,0],self.__gridPoints[firstPoint,1] angle = self._graphicSelection.angle()[0] return {"dx_mm": float(dist1), "dy_mm": float(dist2), "steps_x": int(inter1)+1, "steps_y": int(inter2)+1, "x1": float((x - self._beamx) / mot1.getProperty('unit') * self._XSize), "y1": float((y - self._beamy) / mot2.getProperty('unit') * self._YSize), "angle": angle} def _movetoStart(self) : if not self._matchPoints : return mot1 = self._horizontalMotors[0] mot2 = self._verticalMotors[0] try: firstPoint = self._matchPoints.index(True) except: return # No scan point x,y = self.__gridPoints[firstPoint,0],self.__gridPoints[firstPoint,1] try: mot1Fp = (x - self._beamx) / mot1.getProperty('unit') * self._XSize mot2Fp = (y - self._beamy) / mot2.getProperty('unit') * self._YSize mot1Fp += mot1.getPosition() mot2Fp += mot2.getPosition() mot1.move(float(mot1Fp)) mot2.move(float(mot2Fp)) xtranslation,ytranslation = (self._beamx - x,self._beamy - y) translationMatrix = numpy.matrix([xtranslation,ytranslation]) self.__gridPoints += translationMatrix self._moveGraphicInBeam(self._beamx,self._beamy) except AttributeError : logging.getLogger().exception("motors must have a unit field") def _startScan(self): self._scanFinished() try : self._matchPoints.index(True) # if not point math -> go to exception except ValueError: dialog = qt.QErrorMessage(self) dialog.message('Nothing to scan') return table = self._widgetTree.child('__gridTable') stringVal = table.text(0,0) nbColumn,valid = stringVal.toInt() if not valid : dialog = qt.QErrorMessage(self) dialog.message('Interval must be integer') return nbColumn += 1 posMot1 = [] posMot2 = [] pointMatchNb = 0 matchPointId = [] for i,(match,point) in enumerate(itertools.izip(self._matchPoints,self.__gridPoints)) : if match : posMot1.append(point[0,0]) posMot2.append(point[0,1]) matchPointId.append((i / nbColumn,pointMatchNb)) pointMatchNb += 1 if posMot1: timeWidget = self._widgetTree.child('__time') ctime,valid = timeWidget.text().toFloat() if not valid : dialog = qt.QErrorMessage(self) dialog.message('Time must be float') return mot1 = self._horizontalMotors[0] mot2 = self._verticalMotors[0] posMot1 = numpy.array(posMot1) posMot1 -= self._beamx posMot1 *= (self._XSize / mot1.getProperty('unit')) posMot1 += mot1.getPosition() posMot2 = numpy.array(posMot2) posMot2 -= self._beamy posMot2 *= (self._YSize / mot2.getProperty('unit')) posMot2 += mot2.getPosition() lineStartStop = [] lastLineId = -1 currentPointInLine = [] for lineId,pointId in matchPointId: if lineId != lastLineId : if currentPointInLine: lineStartStop.append(currentPointInLine) currentPointInLine = [pointId] lastLineId = lineId else: currentPointInLine.append(pointId) if currentPointInLine : lineStartStop.append(currentPointInLine) startIndex = [] stopIndex = [] for line in lineStartStop: startIndex.append(line[0]) stopIndex.append(line[-1]) startIndex = numpy.array(startIndex) stopIndex = numpy.array(stopIndex) self.emit(qt.PYSIGNAL("clearQueue"), (0, )) #clear entire queue params = {} self.emit(qt.PYSIGNAL("dataCollectParametersRequest"), (params,)) # determine points and add to queue collectList = [] params["exposure_time"]=str(ctime) params["directory"]=os.path.join(params["directory"], "mesh") params["osc_range"]="0.5" params["number_images"]="1" params["osc_start"]=params["current_osc_start"] motor1_name = mot1.getMotorMnemonic() motor2_name = mot2.getMotorMnemonic() i = 1 for pos1, pos2 in zip(posMot1, posMot2): oscillation_parameters = { "motors": {mot1:float(pos1), mot2:float(pos2) }} oscillation_parameters.update(params) oscillation_parameters["run_number"]=i i+=1 oscillation_parameters["comments"]="%s: %f, %s: %f" % (motor1_name, pos1, motor2_name, pos2) self.emit(qt.PYSIGNAL("addToQueue"), ([oscillation_parameters], )) self.emit(qt.PYSIGNAL("goToCollect"), ()) def _moveGraphicInBeam(self,beamx,beamy) : self._graphicSelection.move(beamx, beamy, 0) def __createGridPoints(self) : # del old grid point self.__gridPoints = None table = self._widgetTree.child('__gridTable') stringVal = table.text(0,0) nbAxis1,okFlag = stringVal.toInt() if not okFlag: return stringVal = table.text(1,0) nbAxis2,okFlag = stringVal.toInt() if not okFlag: return if self._graphicSelection.points() : points = numpy.array([[x,y] for x,y in self._graphicSelection.points()]) angle = self._graphicSelection.angle()[0] * math.pi / 180 rotation = numpy.matrix([[numpy.cos(angle),-numpy.sin(angle)], [numpy.sin(angle),numpy.cos(angle)]]) translation = numpy.matrix([points[0][0],points[0][1]]) points -= translation points = points * rotation points = numpy.array([[x,y] for y in numpy.linspace(points[0,1],points[2,1],nbAxis2) for x in numpy.linspace(points[0,0],points[1,0],nbAxis1)]) rotation = numpy.matrix([[numpy.cos(-angle),-numpy.sin(-angle)], [numpy.sin(-angle),numpy.cos(-angle)]]) self.__gridPoints = points * rotation self.__gridPoints += translation # grid == points self._matchPoints = [True for x in self.__gridPoints.tolist()] def _setColor(self,color) : BaseGraphicScan._setColor(self,color) def _showGrabScan(self,aFlag) : BaseGraphicScan._showGrabScan(self,aFlag)
class LookupScanBrick(BaseGraphicScan): def __init__(self, parent, name, uifile='LookupScan.ui', cmd_name='ltscan', **kwargs): BaseGraphicScan.__init__(self, parent, name, uifile=uifile, cmd_name=cmd_name, **kwargs) self._graphicSelection = None self.__polyNb = 0 self.__gridPoints = None self._matchPoints = None self.__offsetMeasure = 1e3 self._ltinit = None self.addProperty('offsetmeasure', 'float', 1e3) table = self._widgetTree.child('__gridTable') qt.QObject.connect(table, qt.SIGNAL('valueChanged(int,int)'), self._valueChangedScanParam) timeWidget = self._widgetTree.child('__time') timeWidget.setValidator(qt.QDoubleValidator(timeWidget)) # PopUp Menu self.__polygonListWidget = self._widgetTree.child('__polygonList') self.__polygonListWidget.setSelectionMode(qt.QListView.Extended) self.__polygonPopUpMenu = qt.QPopupMenu(self.__polygonListWidget) for itemName, cbk in [('Create new', self.__createPolygon), ('Remove', self.__removeSelectedPolygon), ('Revert selection', self.__revertSelectedPolygon)]: self.__polygonPopUpMenu.insertItem(itemName, cbk) self.connect( self.__polygonListWidget, qt.SIGNAL('rightButtonPressed(QListViewItem*,const QPoint &,int)'), self.__polygonPopUpDisplay) timeWidget = self._widgetTree.child('__time') self.connect(timeWidget, qt.SIGNAL('returnPressed()'), self.__refreshInfoText) self.connect(timeWidget, qt.SIGNAL('lostFocus()'), self.__refreshInfoText) def propertyChanged(self, property, oldValue, newValue): if property == 'offsetmeasure': self.__offsetMeasure = newValue elif property == 'command': BaseGraphicScan.propertyChanged(self, property, oldValue, newValue) ho = self.getHardwareObject(newValue) if ho is not None: try: self._ltinit = ho.getCommandObject('ltinit') self._ltinit.connectSignal('commandReplyArrived', self.__ltinitFinished) except: self._ltinit = None logging.getLogger().error( 'ltinit not find in command file') startButton = self._widgetTree.child('__startScan') startButton.setEnabled(False) else: BaseGraphicScan.propertyChanged(self, property, oldValue, newValue) def _setMotor(self, property, motorList): if property == 'horizontal': combo = self._widgetTree.child('__motor1') else: combo = self._widgetTree.child('__motor2') for i in range(combo.count()): combo.removeItem(i) combo.insertStringList(motorList) def _viewConnect(self, view): self._graphicSelection = QubPolygoneDrawingMgr(view.canvas(), view.matrix()) self._graphicSelection.setActionInfo('Grid grab, select the area') drawingobject = QubCanvasGrid(view.canvas()) self._graphicSelection.addDrawingObject(drawingobject) self._graphicSelection.setEndDrawCallBack(self.__endGridGrab) view.addDrawingMgr(self._graphicSelection) def __endGridGrab(self, drawingobject): self.__createGridPoints() self._updateGUI() def _updateGUI(self): if self._graphicSelection: points = self._graphicSelection.points() if len(points) == 3 and self._XSize and self._YSize: table = self._widgetTree.child('__gridTable') try: dist = math.sqrt(((points[0][0] - points[1][0]) * self._XSize ) ** 2 + \ ((points[0][1] - points[1][1]) * self._YSize) ** 2) table.setText( 0, 2, self._formatString % (dist * self.__offsetMeasure)) dist = math.sqrt(((points[1][0] - points[2][0]) * self._YSize) ** 2 + \ ((points[1][1] - points[2][1]) * self._XSize) ** 2) table.setText( 1, 2, self._formatString % (dist * self.__offsetMeasure)) self.__refreshSteps() except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() def _valueChangedScanParam(self, row, column): table = self._widgetTree.child('__gridTable') if column == 0: stringVal = table.text(row, column) val, okFlag = stringVal.toInt() if okFlag: if row == 0: self._graphicSelection.setNbPointAxis1(val) else: self._graphicSelection.setNbPointAxis2(val) self.__refreshSteps() self.__createGridPoints() else: dialog = qt.QErrorMessage(self) dialog.message('Interval must be integer') elif column == 1: stringVal = table.text(row, column) step, ok1 = stringVal.toFloat() stringVal = table.text(row, 0) interval, ok2 = stringVal.toInt() if ok1 and step > 0.: if ok2: distance = interval * step table.setText(row, 2, self._formatString % distance) self._valueChangedScanParam(row, 2) else: dialog = qt.QErrorMessage(self) dialog.message('Step must be a positif float') elif column == 2: self.__refreshSteps() # UPDATE GRAPHIC points = self._graphicSelection.points() if len(points) == 3: angle = self._graphicSelection.angle()[0] * math.pi / 180 pixelSize = math.sqrt((self._XSize * math.cos(angle)) ** 2 + \ (self._YSize * math.sin(angle)) ** 2) if row == 0: stringVal = table.text(0, 2) dist1, ok1 = stringVal.toFloat() dist1 /= self.__offsetMeasure width = dist1 / pixelSize height = math.sqrt(((points[1][0] - points[2][0])) ** 2 + \ ((points[1][1] - points[2][1])) ** 2) else: width = math.sqrt(((points[0][0] - points[1][0])) ** 2 + \ ((points[0][1] - points[1][1])) ** 2) stringVal = table.text(1, 2) dist2, ok2 = stringVal.toFloat() dist2 /= self.__offsetMeasure height = dist2 / pixelSize xori, yori = points[0] p = numpy.array([[xori, yori], [xori + width, yori], [xori + width, yori + height]]) translation = numpy.matrix([xori, yori]) rotation = numpy.matrix( [[numpy.cos(-angle), -numpy.sin(-angle)], [numpy.sin(-angle), numpy.cos(-angle)]]) p -= translation p = p * rotation p += translation self._graphicSelection.setPoints(p.tolist()) def __refreshSteps(self): table = self._widgetTree.child('__gridTable') # DISTANCE stringVal = table.text(0, 2) dist1, ok1 = stringVal.toFloat() stringVal = table.text(1, 2) dist2, ok2 = stringVal.toFloat() # INTERVALS if ok1 and ok2: stringVal = table.text(0, 0) inter1, ok1 = stringVal.toInt() if ok1: step = dist1 / inter1 table.setText(0, 1, self._formatString % step) stringVal = table.text(1, 0) inter2, ok2 = stringVal.toInt() if ok2: step = dist2 / inter2 table.setText(1, 1, self._formatString % step) def _movetoStart(self): if not self._matchPoints: return mot1Widget = self._widgetTree.child('__motor1') mot2Widget = self._widgetTree.child('__motor2') mot1 = self.__getMotor(mot1Widget.currentText(), self._horizontalMotors) mot2 = self.__getMotor(mot2Widget.currentText(), self._verticalMotors) try: firstPoint = self._matchPoints.index(True) except: return # No scan point x, y = self.__gridPoints[firstPoint, 0], self.__gridPoints[firstPoint, 1] try: mot1Fp = (x - self._beamx) / mot1.getProperty('unit') * self._XSize mot2Fp = (y - self._beamy) / mot2.getProperty('unit') * self._YSize mot1Fp += mot1.getPosition() mot2Fp += mot2.getPosition() mot1.move(float(mot1Fp)) mot2.move(float(mot2Fp)) xtranslation, ytranslation = (self._beamx - x, self._beamy - y) graphicItems = [x.drawingManager for x in self.__getIterator()] graphicItems.append(self._graphicSelection) for item in graphicItems: newPoint = [] for x, y in item.points(): x, y = (x + xtranslation, y + ytranslation) newPoint.append((x, y)) item.setPoints(newPoint) translationMatrix = numpy.matrix([xtranslation, ytranslation]) self.__gridPoints += translationMatrix self.__setRegion(False) except AttributeError: import traceback traceback.print_exc() logging.getLogger().error('motors must have a unit field') def _startScan(self): try: self._matchPoints.index( True) # if not point math -> go to exception mot1Widget = self._widgetTree.child('__motor1') mot2Widget = self._widgetTree.child('__motor2') self._ltinit(str(mot1Widget.currentText()), str(mot2Widget.currentText())) except ValueError: dialog = qt.QErrorMessage(self) dialog.message('Nothing to scan') return def __ltinitFinished(self, *args): table = self._widgetTree.child('__gridTable') stringVal = table.text(0, 0) nbColumn, valid = stringVal.toInt() if not valid: dialog = qt.QErrorMessage(self) dialog.message('Interval must be integer') return nbColumn += 1 self._logArgs['scan_type'] = 'lookup' posMot1 = [] posMot2 = [] pointMatchNb = 0 matchPointId = [] for i, (match, point) in enumerate( itertools.izip(self._matchPoints, self.__gridPoints)): if match: posMot1.append(point[0, 0]) posMot2.append(point[0, 1]) matchPointId.append((i / nbColumn, pointMatchNb)) pointMatchNb += 1 if posMot1: mot1Widget = self._widgetTree.child('__motor1') mot2Widget = self._widgetTree.child('__motor2') timeWidget = self._widgetTree.child('__time') ctime, valid = timeWidget.text().toFloat() mot1 = self.__getMotor(mot1Widget.currentText(), self._horizontalMotors) mot2 = self.__getMotor(mot2Widget.currentText(), self._verticalMotors) posMot1 = numpy.array(posMot1) posMot1 -= self._beamx posMot1 *= (self._XSize / mot1.getProperty('unit')) posMot1 += mot1.getPosition() posMot2 = numpy.array(posMot2) posMot2 -= self._beamy posMot2 *= (self._YSize / mot2.getProperty('unit')) posMot2 += mot2.getPosition() lineStartStop = [] lastLineId = -1 currentPointInLine = [] for lineId, pointId in matchPointId: if lineId != lastLineId: if currentPointInLine: lineStartStop.append(currentPointInLine) currentPointInLine = [pointId] lastLineId = lineId else: currentPointInLine.append(pointId) if currentPointInLine: lineStartStop.append(currentPointInLine) startIndex = [] stopIndex = [] for line in lineStartStop: startIndex.append(line[0]) stopIndex.append(line[-1]) startIndex = numpy.array(startIndex) stopIndex = numpy.array(stopIndex) specVersion = self._ltinit.specVersion for motor_name, pos_motor in zip( [str(mot1Widget.currentText()), str(mot2Widget.currentText())], [posMot1, posMot2]): ho = self.getHardwareObject(self["command"]) MOTOR_ARRAY = ho.addChannel( { "type": "spec", "version": specVersion, "name": "MOTOR_ARRAY", "dispatchMode": None }, "%s_ltscan_arr" % motor_name) MOTOR_ARRAY.setValue(SpecArray.SpecArray(pos_motor.ravel())) LT_START = SpecVariable.SpecVariable('LT_START', specVersion) LT_START.setValue(SpecArray.SpecArray(startIndex)) LT_STOP = SpecVariable.SpecVariable('LT_STOP', specVersion) LT_STOP.setValue(SpecArray.SpecArray(stopIndex)) LT_LINE = SpecVariable.SpecVariable('LT_LINE', specVersion) LT_LINE.setValue(len(stopIndex)) self._SpecCmd(str(mot1Widget.currentText()), str(mot2Widget.currentText()), ctime) def __getMotor(self, userMotName, motorList): for mot in motorList: if mot.getMotorMnemonic() == userMotName: return mot def _moveGraphicInBeam(self, beamx, beamy): pass def __createPolygon(self, nb): try: showgButton = self._widgetTree.child('__showGrab') showgButton.setOn(True) grabButton = self._widgetTree.child('__grabButton') grabButton.setOn(False) polygon = QubPolygoneDrawingMgr(self._view.canvas(), self._view.matrix()) polygon.setActionInfo('Drawing mask plygon %d' % self.__polyNb) polygon.setEndDrawCallBack(self.__polygonCBK) polygon.setAutoDisconnectEvent(True) drawingObject = QubCanvasCloseLinePolygone(self._view.canvas()) polygon.addDrawingObject(drawingObject) self._view.addDrawingMgr(polygon) polygon.setColor(self._view.foregroundColor()) newItem = qt.QListViewItem(self.__polygonListWidget) newItem.setText(0, 'Polygon %d' % self.__polyNb) newItem.setPixmap(0, Icons.load('Plus2')) newItem.drawingManager = polygon newItem.includeMode = True self.__polyNb += 1 polygon.startDrawing() except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() def __removeSelectedPolygon(self, nb): for item in self.__getIterator(True): self.__polygonListWidget.takeItem(item) self.__setRegion() def __revertSelectedPolygon(self, nb): for item in self.__getIterator(True): item.includeMode = not item.includeMode if item.includeMode: pixmap = Icons.load('Plus2') else: pixmap = Icons.load('Minus2') item.setPixmap(0, pixmap) self.__setRegion() def __getIterator(self, selectedFilter=False): Item = self.__polygonListWidget.firstChild() while Item: NextItem = Item.nextSibling() selectedFlag = Item.isSelected() if not selectedFilter or selectedFlag: yield Item Item = NextItem def __polygonPopUpDisplay(self, item, point, columnid): self.__polygonPopUpMenu.exec_loop(point) def __polygonCBK(self, drawingManager): self.__setRegion() def __createGridPoints(self): # del old grid point self.__gridPoints = None table = self._widgetTree.child('__gridTable') stringVal = table.text(0, 0) nbAxis1, okFlag = stringVal.toInt() if not okFlag: return stringVal = table.text(1, 0) nbAxis2, okFlag = stringVal.toInt() if not okFlag: return if self._graphicSelection.points(): points = numpy.array([[x, y] for x, y in self._graphicSelection.points()]) angle = self._graphicSelection.angle()[0] * math.pi / 180 rotation = numpy.matrix([[numpy.cos(angle), -numpy.sin(angle)], [numpy.sin(angle), numpy.cos(angle)]]) translation = numpy.matrix([points[0][0], points[0][1]]) points -= translation points = points * rotation points = numpy.array( [[x, y] for y in numpy.linspace(points[0, 1], points[2, 1], nbAxis2 + 1) for x in numpy.linspace(points[0, 0], points[1, 0], nbAxis1 + 1)]) rotation = numpy.matrix([[numpy.cos(-angle), -numpy.sin(-angle)], [numpy.sin(-angle), numpy.cos(-angle)]]) self.__gridPoints = points * rotation self.__gridPoints += translation self.__checkPolygoneItersection() def __checkPolygoneItersection(self): self._matchPoints = None if self.__gridPoints is None: return includePolygone, excludePolygone = [], [] for item in self.__getIterator(): points = item.drawingManager.points() if item.includeMode: includePolygone.append(points) else: excludePolygone.append(points) pointGrid = self.__gridPoints.tolist() allInPoints = [] if includePolygone: for points in includePolygone: pInPoly = polygone.points_inclusion(pointGrid, points, False) if not allInPoints: allInPoints = pInPoly else: allInPoints = [ x > 0 or y > 0 for x, y in itertools.izip(pInPoly, allInPoints) ] if not allInPoints: allInPoints = [True for x in range(len(self.__gridPoints))] for points in excludePolygone: pInPoly = polygone.points_inclusion(pointGrid, points, False) allInPoints = [ x > 0 and not y > 0 for x, y in itertools.izip(allInPoints, pInPoly) ] self._matchPoints = allInPoints self.__refreshInfoText() def __refreshInfoText(self): if self._matchPoints: matchPoint = self._matchPoints.count(True) textInfo = self._widgetTree.child('__info') timeString = self._widgetTree.child('__time').text() time, valid = timeString.toFloat() if valid: delta = datetime.timedelta(0, time) * matchPoint textInfo.setText( '%d points in scan until %s' % (matchPoint, ( + delta).strftime('%HH%M'))) else: textInfo.setText('%d points in scan' % matchPoint) def __setRegion(self, aCheckPolygoneFlag=True): addRegion = [] minusRegion = [] for item in self.__getIterator(): array = qt.QPointArray(len(item.drawingManager.points())) for i, (x, y) in enumerate(item.drawingManager.points()): array.setPoint(i, x, y) region = qt.QRegion(array) if item.includeMode: addRegion.append(region) else: minusRegion.append(region) self._graphicSelection.setRegion(addRegion, minusRegion) if aCheckPolygoneFlag: self.__checkPolygoneItersection() def _setColor(self, color): BaseGraphicScan._setColor(self, color) for item in self.__getIterator(): item.drawingManager.setColor(color) def _showGrabScan(self, aFlag): BaseGraphicScan._showGrabScan(self, aFlag) for item in self.__getIterator(): if aFlag: else: item.drawingManager.hide()
def __createPolygon(self, nb): try: showgButton = self._widgetTree.child('__showGrab') showgButton.setOn(True) grabButton = self._widgetTree.child('__grabButton') grabButton.setOn(False) polygon = QubPolygoneDrawingMgr(self._view.canvas(), self._view.matrix()) polygon.setActionInfo('Drawing mask plygon %d' % self.__polyNb) polygon.setEndDrawCallBack(self.__polygonCBK) polygon.setAutoDisconnectEvent(True) drawingObject = QubCanvasCloseLinePolygone(self._view.canvas()) polygon.addDrawingObject(drawingObject) self._view.addDrawingMgr(polygon) polygon.setColor(self._view.foregroundColor()) newItem = qt.QListViewItem(self.__polygonListWidget) newItem.setText(0, 'Polygon %d' % self.__polyNb) newItem.setPixmap(0, Icons.load('Plus2')) newItem.drawingManager = polygon newItem.includeMode = True self.__polyNb += 1 polygon.startDrawing() except: import traceback traceback.print_exc()
class MxLookupScanBrick(BaseGraphicScan): def __init__(self, parent, name, uifile='MxLookupScan.ui', **kwargs): BaseGraphicScan.__init__(self, parent, name, uifile=uifile, **kwargs) self._graphicSelection = None self.__gridPoints = None self._matchPoints = None self.__offsetMeasure = 1e3 self.old_mot1_pos = None self.old_mot2_pos = None self._shape_history = None self.addProperty('offsetmeasure', 'float', 1e3) self.defineSignal("addToQueue", ()) self.defineSignal('clearQueue', ()) self.defineSignal("dataCollectParametersRequest", ()) self.defineSignal("goToCollect", ()) table = self._widgetTree.child('__gridTable') qt.QObject.connect(table, qt.SIGNAL('valueChanged(int,int)'), self._valueChangedScanParam) timeWidget = self._widgetTree.child('__time') timeWidget.setValidator(qt.QDoubleValidator(timeWidget)) timeWidget = self._widgetTree.child('__time') timeWidget.hide() def propertyChanged(self, property, oldValue, newValue): if property == 'offsetmeasure': self.__offsetMeasure = newValue elif property == 'command': pass else: BaseGraphicScan.propertyChanged(self, property, oldValue, newValue) def run(self): startButton = self._widgetTree.child('__startScan') startButton.hide() stopButton = self._widgetTree.child('__stopScan') stopButton.hide() if self._horizontalMotors and self._verticalMotors: startButton.setEnabled(True) mot1 = self._horizontalMotors[0] mot2 = self._verticalMotors[0] self.old_mot1_pos = mot1.getPosition() self.old_mot2_pos = mot2.getPosition() mot1.connect('positionChanged', self.mot1_position_changed) mot2.connect('positionChanged', self.mot2_position_changed) table = self._widgetTree.child('__gridTable') table.setText(0, 0, "2") table.setText(1, 0, "2") dispatcher.connect(self._askedForGrid, "grid") def mot1_position_changed(self, new_pos): if self.old_mot1_pos is None: self.old_mot1_pos = new_pos else: if not hasattr(self._graphicSelection, "_xy_in_mm"): return mot1 = self._horizontalMotors[0] dx = new_pos - self.old_mot1_pos current_x = self._graphicSelection.x()[0] current_y = self._graphicSelection.y()[0] #new_x = current_x-(dx*0.85*mot1.getProperty('unit')/self._XSize) new_x = current_x - (dx * mot1.getProperty('unit') / self._XSize) self._graphicSelection.move(new_x, current_y, 0) points = self._graphicSelection.points() self._graphicSelection._xy_in_mm = numpy.array([ (points[0][0] - self._beamx) * self._XSize, (points[0][1] - self._beamy) * self._YSize ]) self.old_mot1_pos = new_pos def mot2_position_changed(self, new_pos): if self.old_mot2_pos is None: self.old_mot2_pos = new_pos else: if not hasattr(self._graphicSelection, "_xy_in_mm"): return mot2 = self._verticalMotors[0] dy = new_pos - self.old_mot2_pos current_x = self._graphicSelection.x()[0] current_y = self._graphicSelection.y()[0] new_y = current_y - (dy * mot2.getProperty('unit') / self._YSize) self._graphicSelection.move(current_x, new_y, 0) points = self._graphicSelection.points() self._graphicSelection._xy_in_mm = numpy.array([ (points[0][0] - self._beamx) * self._XSize, (points[0][1] - self._beamy) * self._YSize ]) self.old_mot2_pos = new_pos def _setMotor(self, property, motorList): pass def _viewConnect(self, view): self._graphicSelection = QubPolygoneDrawingMgr(view.canvas(), view.matrix()) self._graphicSelection.setActionInfo('Define grid: select the area') drawingobject = QubCanvasGrid(view.canvas()) self._graphicSelection.addDrawingObject(drawingobject) self._graphicSelection.setEndDrawCallBack(self.__endGridGrab) view.addDrawingMgr(self._graphicSelection) def __endGridGrab(self, drawingobject): self.__createGridPoints() points = self._graphicSelection.points() if len(points) == 3 and self._XSize and self._YSize: self._graphicSelection._xy_in_mm = numpy.array([ (points[0][0] - self._beamx) * self._XSize, (points[0][1] - self._beamy) * self._YSize ]) table = self._widgetTree.child('__gridTable') dist = math.sqrt(((points[0][0] - points[1][0]) * self._XSize ) ** 2 + \ ((points[0][1] - points[1][1]) * self._YSize) ** 2) table.setText(0, 2, self._formatString % (dist * self.__offsetMeasure)) dist = math.sqrt(((points[1][0] - points[2][0]) * self._YSize) ** 2 + \ ((points[1][1] - points[2][1]) * self._XSize) ** 2) table.setText(1, 2, self._formatString % (dist * self.__offsetMeasure)) self.__refreshSteps() def _updateGUI(self): if self._graphicSelection: if self._XSize and self._YSize: #showgButton = self._widgetTree.child('__showGrab') #if showgButton.isOn(): # self._valueChangedScanParam(0, 2) self._valueChangedScanParam(1, 2) else: pass #self._graphicSelection.hide() def _valueChangedScanParam(self, row, column): table = self._widgetTree.child('__gridTable') if column == 0: stringVal = table.text(row, column) val, okFlag = stringVal.toInt() if okFlag: self.__refreshSteps() if row == 0: self._graphicSelection.setNbPointAxis1(val - 1) else: self._graphicSelection.setNbPointAxis2(val - 1) self.__createGridPoints() else: dialog = qt.QErrorMessage(self) dialog.message('Interval must be integer') elif column == 1: stringVal = table.text(row, column) step, ok1 = stringVal.toFloat() stringVal = table.text(row, 0) interval, ok2 = stringVal.toInt() if ok1 and step > 0.: if ok2: distance = interval * step table.setText(row, 2, self._formatString % distance) self._valueChangedScanParam(row, 2) else: dialog = qt.QErrorMessage(self) dialog.message('Step must be a positive float') elif column == 2: self.__refreshSteps() # UPDATE GRAPHIC points = self._graphicSelection.points() if len(points) == 3: angle = self._graphicSelection.angle()[0] * math.pi / 180 pixelSize = math.sqrt((self._XSize * math.cos(angle)) ** 2 + \ (self._YSize * math.sin(angle)) ** 2) if row == 0: stringVal = table.text(0, 2) dist1, ok1 = stringVal.toFloat() dist1 /= self.__offsetMeasure width = dist1 / pixelSize height = math.sqrt(((points[1][0] - points[2][0])) ** 2 + \ ((points[1][1] - points[2][1])) ** 2) else: width = math.sqrt(((points[0][0] - points[1][0])) ** 2 + \ ((points[0][1] - points[1][1])) ** 2) stringVal = table.text(1, 2) dist2, ok2 = stringVal.toFloat() dist2 /= self.__offsetMeasure height = dist2 / pixelSize xori = (self._graphicSelection._xy_in_mm[0] / self._XSize) + self._beamx yori = (self._graphicSelection._xy_in_mm[1] / self._YSize) + self._beamy #xori, yori = points[0] #p = numpy.array([[xori,yori],[xori + width,yori],[xori + width,yori + height]]) p = numpy.array([[0, 0], [width, 0], [width, height]]) translation = numpy.matrix([xori, yori]) rotation = numpy.matrix( [[numpy.cos(-angle), -numpy.sin(-angle)], [numpy.sin(-angle), numpy.cos(-angle)]]) #p -= translation p = p * rotation p += translation self._graphicSelection.setPoints(p.tolist()) def _askedForGrid(self, grid_dict): self.__createGridPoints() grid_dict.update(self.__refreshSteps()) def __refreshSteps(self): table = self._widgetTree.child('__gridTable') # DISTANCE stringVal = table.text(0, 2) dist1, ok1 = stringVal.toFloat() stringVal = table.text(1, 2) dist2, ok2 = stringVal.toFloat() # INTERVALS if ok1 and ok2: stringVal = table.text(0, 0) inter1, ok1 = stringVal.toInt() inter1 = inter1 - 1 if inter1 < 1: qt.QMessageBox.warning( self, "Invalid value for points per line", "There should be at least 2 points per line for mesh", qt.QMessageBox.Ok) return if ok1: step = dist1 / inter1 table.setText(0, 1, self._formatString % step) stringVal = table.text(1, 0) inter2, ok2 = stringVal.toInt() inter2 = inter2 - 1 if inter2 < 1: qt.QMessageBox.warning( self, "Invalid value for points per line", "There should be at least 2 points per line for mesh", qt.QMessageBox.Ok) return if ok2: step = dist2 / inter2 table.setText(1, 1, self._formatString % step) if not self._matchPoints: self.emit(qt.PYSIGNAL("addToQueue"), ({}, )) return try: firstPoint = self._matchPoints.index(True) except: return mot1 = self._horizontalMotors[0] mot2 = self._verticalMotors[0] x, y = self.__gridPoints[firstPoint, 0], self.__gridPoints[firstPoint, 1] angle = self._graphicSelection.angle()[0] return { "dx_mm": float(dist1), "dy_mm": float(dist2), "steps_x": int(inter1) + 1, "steps_y": int(inter2) + 1, "x1": float( (x - self._beamx) / mot1.getProperty('unit') * self._XSize), "y1": float( (y - self._beamy) / mot2.getProperty('unit') * self._YSize), "angle": angle } def _movetoStart(self): if not self._matchPoints: return mot1 = self._horizontalMotors[0] mot2 = self._verticalMotors[0] try: firstPoint = self._matchPoints.index(True) except: return # No scan point x, y = self.__gridPoints[firstPoint, 0], self.__gridPoints[firstPoint, 1] try: mot1Fp = (x - self._beamx) / mot1.getProperty('unit') * self._XSize mot2Fp = (y - self._beamy) / mot2.getProperty('unit') * self._YSize mot1Fp += mot1.getPosition() mot2Fp += mot2.getPosition() mot1.move(float(mot1Fp)) mot2.move(float(mot2Fp)) xtranslation, ytranslation = (self._beamx - x, self._beamy - y) translationMatrix = numpy.matrix([xtranslation, ytranslation]) self.__gridPoints += translationMatrix self._moveGraphicInBeam(self._beamx, self._beamy) except AttributeError: logging.getLogger().exception("motors must have a unit field") def _startScan(self): self._scanFinished() try: self._matchPoints.index( True) # if not point math -> go to exception except ValueError: dialog = qt.QErrorMessage(self) dialog.message('Nothing to scan') return table = self._widgetTree.child('__gridTable') stringVal = table.text(0, 0) nbColumn, valid = stringVal.toInt() if not valid: dialog = qt.QErrorMessage(self) dialog.message('Interval must be integer') return nbColumn += 1 posMot1 = [] posMot2 = [] pointMatchNb = 0 matchPointId = [] for i, (match, point) in enumerate(zip(self._matchPoints, self.__gridPoints)): if match: posMot1.append(point[0, 0]) posMot2.append(point[0, 1]) matchPointId.append((i / nbColumn, pointMatchNb)) pointMatchNb += 1 if posMot1: timeWidget = self._widgetTree.child('__time') ctime, valid = timeWidget.text().toFloat() if not valid: dialog = qt.QErrorMessage(self) dialog.message('Time must be float') return mot1 = self._horizontalMotors[0] mot2 = self._verticalMotors[0] posMot1 = numpy.array(posMot1) posMot1 -= self._beamx posMot1 *= (self._XSize / mot1.getProperty('unit')) posMot1 += mot1.getPosition() posMot2 = numpy.array(posMot2) posMot2 -= self._beamy posMot2 *= (self._YSize / mot2.getProperty('unit')) posMot2 += mot2.getPosition() lineStartStop = [] lastLineId = -1 currentPointInLine = [] for lineId, pointId in matchPointId: if lineId != lastLineId: if currentPointInLine: lineStartStop.append(currentPointInLine) currentPointInLine = [pointId] lastLineId = lineId else: currentPointInLine.append(pointId) if currentPointInLine: lineStartStop.append(currentPointInLine) startIndex = [] stopIndex = [] for line in lineStartStop: startIndex.append(line[0]) stopIndex.append(line[-1]) startIndex = numpy.array(startIndex) stopIndex = numpy.array(stopIndex) self.emit(qt.PYSIGNAL("clearQueue"), (0, )) #clear entire queue params = {} self.emit(qt.PYSIGNAL("dataCollectParametersRequest"), (params, )) # determine points and add to queue collectList = [] params["exposure_time"] = str(ctime) params["directory"] = os.path.join(params["directory"], "mesh") params["osc_range"] = "0.5" params["number_images"] = "1" params["osc_start"] = params["current_osc_start"] motor1_name = mot1.getMotorMnemonic() motor2_name = mot2.getMotorMnemonic() i = 1 for pos1, pos2 in zip(posMot1, posMot2): oscillation_parameters = { "motors": { mot1: float(pos1), mot2: float(pos2) } } oscillation_parameters.update(params) oscillation_parameters["run_number"] = i i += 1 oscillation_parameters["comments"] = "%s: %f, %s: %f" % ( motor1_name, pos1, motor2_name, pos2) self.emit(qt.PYSIGNAL("addToQueue"), ([oscillation_parameters], )) self.emit(qt.PYSIGNAL("goToCollect"), ()) def _moveGraphicInBeam(self, beamx, beamy): self._graphicSelection.move(beamx, beamy, 0) def __createGridPoints(self): # del old grid point self.__gridPoints = None table = self._widgetTree.child('__gridTable') stringVal = table.text(0, 0) nbAxis1, okFlag = stringVal.toInt() if not okFlag: return stringVal = table.text(1, 0) nbAxis2, okFlag = stringVal.toInt() if not okFlag: return if self._graphicSelection.points(): points = numpy.array([[x, y] for x, y in self._graphicSelection.points()]) angle = self._graphicSelection.angle()[0] * math.pi / 180 rotation = numpy.matrix([[numpy.cos(angle), -numpy.sin(angle)], [numpy.sin(angle), numpy.cos(angle)]]) translation = numpy.matrix([points[0][0], points[0][1]]) points -= translation points = points * rotation points = numpy.array( [[x, y] for y in numpy.linspace(points[0, 1], points[2, 1], nbAxis2) for x in numpy.linspace(points[0, 0], points[1, 0], nbAxis1)]) rotation = numpy.matrix([[numpy.cos(-angle), -numpy.sin(-angle)], [numpy.sin(-angle), numpy.cos(-angle)]]) self.__gridPoints = points * rotation self.__gridPoints += translation # grid == points self._matchPoints = [True for x in self.__gridPoints.tolist()] def _setColor(self, color): BaseGraphicScan._setColor(self, color) def _showGrabScan(self, aFlag): BaseGraphicScan._showGrabScan(self, aFlag)