def generateMP4s(dir_path, ftpfile_name): t1 = datetime.datetime.utcnow() # Load the font for labeling try: font = ImageFont.truetype("/usr/share/fonts/dejavu/DejaVuSans.ttf", 18) except: font = ImageFont.load_default() print("Preparing files for the timelapse...") # load the ftpfile so we know which frames we want meteor_list = FTPdetectinfo.readFTPdetectinfo(dir_path, ftpfile_name) for meteor in meteor_list: ff_name, _, _, n_segments, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, \ meteor_meas = meteor # determine which frames we want first_frame = int(meteor_meas[0][1]) - 30 last_frame = first_frame + 60 if first_frame < 0: first_frame = 0 if (n_segments > 1): lastseg = int(n_segments) - 1 last_frame = int(meteor_meas[lastseg][1]) + 30 #if last_frame > 255 : # last_frame = 255 if last_frame < first_frame + 60: last_frame = first_frame + 60 print(ff_name, ' frames ', first_frame, last_frame) # Read the FF file ff = readFF(dir_path, ff_name) # Skip the file if it could not be read if ff is None: continue # Create temporary directory dir_tmp_path = os.path.join(dir_path, "temp_img_dir") if os.path.exists(dir_tmp_path): shutil.rmtree(dir_tmp_path) print("Deleted directory : " + dir_tmp_path) mkdirP(dir_tmp_path) print("Created directory : " + dir_tmp_path) # extract the individual frames name_time_list = f2f.FFtoFrames(dir_path + '/' + ff_name, dir_tmp_path, 'jpg', -1, first_frame, last_frame) # Get id cam from the file name # e.g. FF499_20170626_020520_353_0005120.bin # or FF_CA0001_20170626_020520_353_0005120.fits file_split = ff_name.split('_') # Check the number of list elements, and the new fits format has one more underscore i = 0 if len(file_split[0]) == 2: i = 1 camid = file_split[i] font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX # add datestamp to each frame for img_file_name, timestamp in name_time_list: img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(dir_tmp_path, img_file_name)) # Draw text to image text = camid + " " + timestamp.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + " UTC" cv2.putText(img, text, (10, ff.nrows - 6), font, 0.4, (255, 255, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA) # Save the labelled image to disk cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(dir_tmp_path, img_file_name), img, [cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY, 100]) ffbasename = os.path.splitext(ff_name)[0] mp4_path = ffbasename + ".mp4" temp_img_path = os.path.join(dir_tmp_path, ffbasename + "_%03d.jpg") # If running on Windows, use ffmpeg.exe if platform.system() == 'Windows': # ffmpeg.exe path root = os.path.dirname(__file__) ffmpeg_path = os.path.join(root, "ffmpeg.exe") # Construct the ecommand for ffmpeg com = ffmpeg_path + " -y -f image2 -pattern_type sequence -start_number " + str( first_frame) + " -i " + temp_img_path + " " + mp4_path print("Creating timelapse using ffmpeg...") else: # If avconv is not found, try using ffmpeg software_name = "avconv" print("Checking if avconv is available...") if os.system(software_name + " --help > /dev/null"): software_name = "ffmpeg" # Construct the ecommand for ffmpeg com = software_name + " -y -f image2 -pattern_type sequence -start_number " + str( first_frame) + " -i " + temp_img_path + " " + mp4_path print("Creating timelapse using ffmpeg...") else: print("Creating timelapse using avconv...") com = "cd " + dir_path + ";" \ + software_name + " -v quiet -r 30 -y -start_number " + str(first_frame) + " -i " + temp_img_path \ + " -vcodec libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -crf 25 -movflags faststart -g 15 -vf \"hqdn3d=4:3:6:4.5,lutyuv=y=gammaval(0.97)\" " \ + mp4_path #print(com), shell=True, cwd=dir_path) #Delete temporary directory and files inside if os.path.exists(dir_tmp_path): try: shutil.rmtree(dir_tmp_path) except: # may occasionally fail due to ffmpeg thread still terminating # so catch this and wait a bit time.sleep(2) shutil.rmtree(dir_tmp_path) print("Deleted temporary directory : " + dir_tmp_path) print("Total time:", datetime.datetime.utcnow() - t1)
def recalibrateIndividualFFsAndApplyAstrometry(dir_path, ftpdetectinfo_path, calstars_list, config, platepar, generate_plot=True): """ Recalibrate FF files with detections and apply the recalibrated platepar to those detections. Arguments: dir_path: [str] Path where the FTPdetectinfo file is. ftpdetectinfo_path: [str] Name of the FTPdetectinfo file. calstars_list: [list] A list of entries [[ff_name, star_coordinates], ...]. config: [Config instance] platepar: [Platepar instance] Initial platepar. Keyword arguments: generate_plot: [bool] Generate the calibration variation plot. True by default. Return: recalibrated_platepars: [dict] A dictionary where the keys are FF file names and values are recalibrated platepar instances for every FF file. """ # Use a copy of the config file config = copy.deepcopy(config) # If the given file does not exits, return nothing if not os.path.isfile(ftpdetectinfo_path): print('ERROR! The FTPdetectinfo file does not exist: {:s}'.format(ftpdetectinfo_path)) print(' The recalibration on every file was not done!') return {} # Read the FTPdetectinfo data cam_code, fps, meteor_list = FTPdetectinfo.readFTPdetectinfo(*os.path.split(ftpdetectinfo_path), \ ret_input_format=True) # Convert the list of stars to a per FF name dictionary calstars = {ff_file: star_data for ff_file, star_data in calstars_list} ### Add neighboring FF files for more robust photometry estimation ### ff_processing_list = [] # Make a list of sorted FF files in CALSTARS calstars_ffs = sorted([ff_file for ff_file in calstars]) # Go through the list of FF files with detections and add neighboring FFs for meteor_entry in meteor_list: ff_name = meteor_entry[0] if ff_name in calstars_ffs: # Find the index of the given FF file in the list of calstars ff_indx = calstars_ffs.index(ff_name) # Add neighbours to the processing list for k in range(-(RECALIBRATE_NEIGHBOURHOOD_SIZE//2), RECALIBRATE_NEIGHBOURHOOD_SIZE//2 + 1): k_indx = ff_indx + k if (k_indx > 0) and (k_indx < len(calstars_ffs)): ff_name_tmp = calstars_ffs[k_indx] if ff_name_tmp not in ff_processing_list: ff_processing_list.append(ff_name_tmp) # Sort the processing list of FF files ff_processing_list = sorted(ff_processing_list) ### ### # Globally increase catalog limiting magnitude config.catalog_mag_limit += 1 # Load catalog stars (overwrite the mag band ratios if specific catalog is used) star_catalog_status = StarCatalog.readStarCatalog(config.star_catalog_path,\ config.star_catalog_file, lim_mag=config.catalog_mag_limit, \ mag_band_ratios=config.star_catalog_band_ratios) if not star_catalog_status: print("Could not load the star catalog!") print(os.path.join(config.star_catalog_path, config.star_catalog_file)) return {} catalog_stars, _, config.star_catalog_band_ratios = star_catalog_status # Update the platepar coordinates from the config file = config.latitude platepar.lon = config.longitude platepar.elev = config.elevation prev_platepar = copy.deepcopy(platepar) # Go through all FF files with detections, recalibrate and apply astrometry recalibrated_platepars = {} for ff_name in ff_processing_list: working_platepar = copy.deepcopy(prev_platepar) # Skip this meteor if its FF file was already recalibrated if ff_name in recalibrated_platepars: continue print() print('Processing: ', ff_name) print('------------------------------------------------------------------------------') # Find extracted stars on this image if not ff_name in calstars: print('Skipped because it was not in CALSTARS:', ff_name) continue # Get stars detected on this FF file (create a dictionaly with only one entry, the residuals function # needs this format) calstars_time = FFfile.getMiddleTimeFF(ff_name, config.fps, ret_milliseconds=True) jd = date2JD(*calstars_time) star_dict_ff = {jd: calstars[ff_name]} # Recalibrate the platepar using star matching result, min_match_radius = recalibrateFF(config, working_platepar, jd, star_dict_ff, catalog_stars) # If the recalibration failed, try using FFT alignment if result is None: print() print('Running FFT alignment...') # Run FFT alignment calstars_coords = np.array(star_dict_ff[jd])[:, :2] calstars_coords[:, [0, 1]] = calstars_coords[:, [1, 0]] print(calstars_time) test_platepar = alignPlatepar(config, prev_platepar, calstars_time, calstars_coords, \ show_plot=False) # Try to recalibrate after FFT alignment result, _ = recalibrateFF(config, test_platepar, jd, star_dict_ff, catalog_stars) # If the FFT alignment failed, align the original platepar using the smallest radius that matched # and force save the the platepar if (result is None) and (min_match_radius is not None): print() print("Using the old platepar with the minimum match radius of: {:.2f}".format(min_match_radius)) result, _ = recalibrateFF(config, working_platepar, jd, star_dict_ff, catalog_stars, max_match_radius=min_match_radius, force_platepar_save=True) if result is not None: working_platepar = result # If the alignment succeeded, save the result else: working_platepar = result else: working_platepar = result # Store the platepar if the fit succeeded if result is not None: # Recompute alt/az of the FOV centre working_platepar.az_centre, working_platepar.alt_centre = raDec2AltAz(working_platepar.RA_d, \ working_platepar.dec_d, working_platepar.JD,, working_platepar.lon) # Recompute the rotation wrt horizon working_platepar.rotation_from_horiz = rotationWrtHorizon(working_platepar) # Mark the platepar to indicate that it was automatically recalibrated on an individual FF file working_platepar.auto_recalibrated = True recalibrated_platepars[ff_name] = working_platepar prev_platepar = working_platepar else: print('Recalibration of {:s} failed, using the previous platepar...'.format(ff_name)) # Mark the platepar to indicate that autorecalib failed prev_platepar_tmp = copy.deepcopy(prev_platepar) prev_platepar_tmp.auto_recalibrated = False # If the aligning failed, set the previous platepar as the one that should be used for this FF file recalibrated_platepars[ff_name] = prev_platepar_tmp ### Average out photometric offsets within the given neighbourhood size ### # Go through the list of FF files with detections for meteor_entry in meteor_list: ff_name = meteor_entry[0] # Make sure the FF was successfuly recalibrated if ff_name in recalibrated_platepars: # Find the index of the given FF file in the list of calstars ff_indx = calstars_ffs.index(ff_name) # Compute the average photometric offset and the improved standard deviation using all # neighbors photom_offset_tmp_list = [] photom_offset_std_tmp_list = [] neighboring_ffs = [] for k in range(-(RECALIBRATE_NEIGHBOURHOOD_SIZE//2), RECALIBRATE_NEIGHBOURHOOD_SIZE//2 + 1): k_indx = ff_indx + k if (k_indx > 0) and (k_indx < len(calstars_ffs)): # Get the name of the FF file ff_name_tmp = calstars_ffs[k_indx] # Check that the neighboring FF was successfuly recalibrated if ff_name_tmp in recalibrated_platepars: # Get the computed photometric offset and stddev photom_offset_tmp_list.append(recalibrated_platepars[ff_name_tmp].mag_lev) photom_offset_std_tmp_list.append(recalibrated_platepars[ff_name_tmp].mag_lev_stddev) neighboring_ffs.append(ff_name_tmp) # Compute the new photometric offset and improved standard deviation (assume equal sample size) # Source: photom_offset_new = np.mean(photom_offset_tmp_list) photom_offset_std_new = np.sqrt(\ np.sum([st**2 + (mt - photom_offset_new)**2 \ for mt, st in zip(photom_offset_tmp_list, photom_offset_std_tmp_list)]) \ / len(photom_offset_tmp_list) ) # Assign the new photometric offset and standard deviation to all FFs used for computation for ff_name_tmp in neighboring_ffs: recalibrated_platepars[ff_name_tmp].mag_lev = photom_offset_new recalibrated_platepars[ff_name_tmp].mag_lev_stddev = photom_offset_std_new ### ### ### Store all recalibrated platepars as a JSON file ### all_pps = {} for ff_name in recalibrated_platepars: json_str = recalibrated_platepars[ff_name].jsonStr() all_pps[ff_name] = json.loads(json_str) with open(os.path.join(dir_path, config.platepars_recalibrated_name), 'w') as f: # Convert all platepars to a JSON file out_str = json.dumps(all_pps, default=lambda o: o.__dict__, indent=4, sort_keys=True) f.write(out_str) ### ### # If no platepars were recalibrated, use the single platepar recalibration procedure if len(recalibrated_platepars) == 0: print('No FF images were used for recalibration, using the single platepar calibration function...') # Use the initial platepar for calibration applyAstrometryFTPdetectinfo(dir_path, os.path.basename(ftpdetectinfo_path), None, platepar=platepar) return recalibrated_platepars ### GENERATE PLOTS ### dt_list = [] ang_dists = [] rot_angles = [] hour_list = [] photom_offset_list = [] photom_offset_std_list = [] first_dt = np.min([FFfile.filenameToDatetime(ff_name) for ff_name in recalibrated_platepars]) for ff_name in recalibrated_platepars: pp_temp = recalibrated_platepars[ff_name] # If the fitting failed, skip the platepar if pp_temp is None: continue # Add the datetime of the FF file to the list ff_dt = FFfile.filenameToDatetime(ff_name) dt_list.append(ff_dt) # Compute the angular separation from the reference platepar ang_dist = np.degrees(angularSeparation(np.radians(platepar.RA_d), np.radians(platepar.dec_d), \ np.radians(pp_temp.RA_d), np.radians(pp_temp.dec_d))) ang_dists.append(ang_dist*60) # Compute rotation difference rot_diff = (platepar.pos_angle_ref - pp_temp.pos_angle_ref + 180)%360 - 180 rot_angles.append(rot_diff*60) # Compute the hour of the FF used for recalibration hour_list.append((ff_dt - first_dt).total_seconds()/3600) # Add the photometric offset to the list photom_offset_list.append(pp_temp.mag_lev) photom_offset_std_list.append(pp_temp.mag_lev_stddev) if generate_plot: # Generate the name the plots plot_name = os.path.basename(ftpdetectinfo_path).replace('FTPdetectinfo_', '').replace('.txt', '') ### Plot difference from reference platepar in angular distance from (0, 0) vs rotation ### plt.figure() plt.scatter(0, 0, marker='o', edgecolor='k', label='Reference platepar', s=100, c='none', zorder=3) plt.scatter(ang_dists, rot_angles, c=hour_list, zorder=3) plt.colorbar(label="Hours from first FF file") plt.xlabel("Angular distance from reference (arcmin)") plt.ylabel("Rotation from reference (arcmin)") plt.title("FOV centre drift starting at {:s}".format(first_dt.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"))) plt.grid() plt.legend() plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(os.path.join(dir_path, plot_name + '_calibration_variation.png'), dpi=150) # plt.clf() plt.close() ### ### ### Plot the photometric offset variation ### plt.figure() plt.errorbar(dt_list, photom_offset_list, yerr=photom_offset_std_list, fmt="o", \ ecolor='lightgray', elinewidth=2, capsize=0, ms=2) # Format datetimes plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter("%H:%M")) # rotate and align the tick labels so they look better plt.gcf().autofmt_xdate() plt.xlabel("UTC time") plt.ylabel("Photometric offset") plt.title("Photometric offset variation") plt.grid() plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(os.path.join(dir_path, plot_name + '_photometry_variation.png'), dpi=150) plt.clf() plt.close() ### ### ### Apply platepars to FTPdetectinfo ### meteor_output_list = [] for meteor_entry in meteor_list: ff_name, meteor_No, rho, phi, meteor_meas = meteor_entry # Get the platepar that will be applied to this FF file if ff_name in recalibrated_platepars: working_platepar = recalibrated_platepars[ff_name] else: print('Using default platepar for:', ff_name) working_platepar = platepar # Apply the recalibrated platepar to meteor centroids meteor_picks = applyPlateparToCentroids(ff_name, fps, meteor_meas, working_platepar, \ add_calstatus=True) meteor_output_list.append([ff_name, meteor_No, rho, phi, meteor_picks]) # Calibration string to be written to the FTPdetectinfo file calib_str = 'Recalibrated with RMS on: ' + str(datetime.datetime.utcnow()) + ' UTC' # If no meteors were detected, set dummpy parameters if len(meteor_list) == 0: cam_code = '' fps = 0 # Back up the old FTPdetectinfo file try: shutil.copy(ftpdetectinfo_path, ftpdetectinfo_path.strip('.txt') \ + '_backup_{:s}.txt'.format(datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.%f'))) except: print('ERROR! The FTPdetectinfo file could not be backed up: {:s}'.format(ftpdetectinfo_path)) # Save the updated FTPdetectinfo FTPdetectinfo.writeFTPdetectinfo(meteor_output_list, dir_path, os.path.basename(ftpdetectinfo_path), \ dir_path, cam_code, fps, calibration=calib_str, celestial_coords_given=True) ### ### return recalibrated_platepars
def FTPdetectinfo2UFOOrbitInput(dir_path, file_name, platepar_path, platepar_dict=None): """ Convert the FTPdetectinfo file into UFOOrbit input CSV file. Arguments: dir_path: [str] Path of the directory which contains the FTPdetectinfo file. file_name: [str] Name of the FTPdetectinfo file. platepar_path: [str] Full path to the platepar file. Keyword arguments: platepar_dict: [dict] Dictionary of Platepar instances where keys are FF file names. This will be used instead of the platepar at platepar_path. None by default. """ # Load the FTPdetecinfo file meteor_list = FTPdetectinfo.readFTPdetectinfo(dir_path, file_name) # Load the platepar file if platepar_dict is None: pp = RMS.Formats.Platepar.Platepar(), use_flat=None) # Init the UFO format list ufo_meteor_list = [] # Go through every meteor in the list for meteor in meteor_list: ff_name, cam_code, meteor_No, n_segments, fps, hnr, mle, binn, px_fm, rho, phi, \ meteor_meas = meteor # Load the platepar from the platepar dictionary, if given if platepar_dict is not None: if ff_name in platepar_dict: pp = platepar_dict[ff_name] else: print( 'Skipping {:s} becuase no platepar was found for this FF file!' .format(ff_name)) continue # Convert the FF file name into time dt = FFfile.filenameToDatetime(ff_name) # Extract measurements calib_status, frame_n, x, y, ra, dec, azim, elev, inten, mag = np.array( meteor_meas).T # If the meteor wasn't calibrated, skip it if not np.all(calib_status): print('Meteor {:d} was not calibrated, skipping it...'.format( meteor_No)) continue # Compute the peak magnitude peak_mag = np.min(mag) # Compute the total duration first_frame = np.min(frame_n) last_frame = np.max(frame_n) duration = (last_frame - first_frame) / fps # Compute times of first and last points dt1 = dt + datetime.timedelta(seconds=first_frame / fps) dt2 = dt + datetime.timedelta(seconds=last_frame / fps) ### Fit a great circle to Az/Alt measurements and compute model beg/end RA and Dec ### # Convert the measurement Az/Alt to cartesian coordinates # NOTE: All values that are used for Great Circle computation are: # theta - the zenith angle (90 deg - altitude) # phi - azimuth +N of due E, which is (90 deg - azim) x, y, z = Math.polarToCartesian(np.radians((90 - azim) % 360), np.radians(90 - elev)) # Fit a great circle C, theta0, phi0 = GreatCircle.fitGreatCircle(x, y, z) # Get the first point on the great circle phase1 = GreatCircle.greatCirclePhase(np.radians(90 - elev[0]), np.radians((90 - azim[0])%360), \ theta0, phi0) alt1, azim1 = Math.cartesianToPolar( *GreatCircle.greatCircle(phase1, theta0, phi0)) alt1 = 90 - np.degrees(alt1) azim1 = (90 - np.degrees(azim1)) % 360 # Get the last point on the great circle phase2 = GreatCircle.greatCirclePhase(np.radians(90 - elev[-1]), np.radians((90 - azim[-1])%360),\ theta0, phi0) alt2, azim2 = Math.cartesianToPolar( *GreatCircle.greatCircle(phase2, theta0, phi0)) alt2 = 90 - np.degrees(alt2) azim2 = (90 - np.degrees(azim2)) % 360 # Compute RA/Dec from Alt/Az _, ra1, dec1 = RMS.Astrometry.ApplyAstrometry.altAzToRADec(, pp.lon, pp.UT_corr, [dt1], \ [azim1], [alt1], dt_time=True) _, ra2, dec2 = RMS.Astrometry.ApplyAstrometry.altAzToRADec(, pp.lon, pp.UT_corr, [dt2], \ [azim2], [alt2], dt_time=True) ### ### ufo_meteor_list.append([dt1, peak_mag, duration, azim1[0], alt1[0], azim2[0], alt2[0], \ ra1[0][0], dec1[0][0], ra2[0][0], dec2[0][0], cam_code, pp.lon,, pp.elev, pp.UT_corr]) # Construct a file name for the UFO file, which is the FTPdetectinfo file without the FTPdetectinfo # part ufo_file_name = file_name.replace('FTPdetectinfo_', '').replace( '.txt', '') + '.csv' # Write the UFOorbit file UFOOrbit.writeUFOOrbit(dir_path, ufo_file_name, ufo_meteor_list)
def FTPdetectinfo2UFOOrbitInput(dir_path, file_name, platepar_path, platepar_dict=None): """ Convert the FTPdetectinfo file into UFOOrbit input CSV file. Arguments: dir_path: [str] Path of the directory which contains the FTPdetectinfo file. file_name: [str] Name of the FTPdetectinfo file. platepar_path: [str] Full path to the platepar file. Keyword arguments: platepar_dict: [dict] Dictionary of Platepar instances where keys are FF file names. This will be used instead of the platepar at platepar_path. None by default. """ # Load the FTPdetecinfo file meteor_list = FTPdetectinfo.readFTPdetectinfo(dir_path, file_name) # Load the platepar file if platepar_dict is None: pp = RMS.Formats.Platepar.Platepar() # Init the UFO format list ufo_meteor_list = [] # Go through every meteor in the list for meteor in meteor_list: ff_name, cam_code, meteor_No, n_segments, fps, hnr, mle, binn, px_fm, rho, phi, \ meteor_meas = meteor # Load the platepar from the platepar dictionary, if given if platepar_dict is not None: if ff_name in platepar_dict: pp = platepar_dict[ff_name] else: print('Skipping {:s} becuase no platepar was found for this FF file!'.format(ff_name)) # Convert the FF file name into time dt = FFfile.filenameToDatetime(ff_name) # Extract measurements calib_status, frame_n, x, y, ra, dec, azim, elev, inten, mag = np.array(meteor_meas).T # If the meteor wasn't calibrated, skip it if not np.all(calib_status): print('Meteor {:d} was not calibrated, skipping it...'.format(meteor_No)) continue # Compute the peak magnitude peak_mag = np.min(mag) # Compute the total duration first_frame = np.min(frame_n) last_frame = np.max(frame_n) duration = (last_frame - first_frame)/fps # Compute times of first and last points dt1 = dt + datetime.timedelta(seconds=first_frame/fps) dt2 = dt + datetime.timedelta(seconds=last_frame/fps) ### Fit a great circle to Az/Alt measurements and compute model beg/end RA and Dec ### # Convert the measurement Az/Alt to cartesian coordinates # NOTE: All values that are used for Great Circle computation are: # theta - the zenith angle (90 deg - altitude) # phi - azimuth +N of due E, which is (90 deg - azim) x, y, z = Math.polarToCartesian(np.radians((90 - azim)%360), np.radians(90 - elev)) # Fit a great circle C, theta0, phi0 = GreatCircle.fitGreatCircle(x, y, z) # Get the first point on the great circle phase1 = GreatCircle.greatCirclePhase(np.radians(90 - elev[0]), np.radians((90 - azim[0])%360), \ theta0, phi0) alt1, azim1 = Math.cartesianToPolar(*GreatCircle.greatCircle(phase1, theta0, phi0)) alt1 = 90 - np.degrees(alt1) azim1 = (90 - np.degrees(azim1))%360 # Get the last point on the great circle phase2 = GreatCircle.greatCirclePhase(np.radians(90 - elev[-1]), np.radians((90 - azim[-1])%360),\ theta0, phi0) alt2, azim2 = Math.cartesianToPolar(*GreatCircle.greatCircle(phase2, theta0, phi0)) alt2 = 90 - np.degrees(alt2) azim2 = (90 - np.degrees(azim2))%360 # Compute RA/Dec from Alt/Az _, ra1, dec1 = RMS.Astrometry.ApplyAstrometry.altAzToRADec(, pp.lon, pp.UT_corr, [dt1], \ [azim1], [alt1], dt_time=True) _, ra2, dec2 = RMS.Astrometry.ApplyAstrometry.altAzToRADec(, pp.lon, pp.UT_corr, [dt2], \ [azim2], [alt2], dt_time=True) ### ### ufo_meteor_list.append([dt1, peak_mag, duration, azim1[0], alt1[0], azim2[0], alt2[0], \ ra1[0][0], dec1[0][0], ra2[0][0], dec2[0][0], cam_code, pp.lon,, pp.elev, pp.UT_corr]) # Construct a file name for the UFO file, which is the FTPdetectinfo file without the FTPdetectinfo # part ufo_file_name = file_name.replace('FTPdetectinfo_', '').replace('.txt', '') + '.csv' # Write the UFOorbit file UFOOrbit.writeUFOOrbit(dir_path, ufo_file_name, ufo_meteor_list)
def recalibrateIndividualFFsAndApplyAstrometry(dir_path, ftpdetectinfo_path, calstars_list, config, platepar): """ Recalibrate FF files with detections and apply the recalibrated platepar to those detections. Arguments: dir_path: [str] Path where the FTPdetectinfo file is. ftpdetectinfo_path: [str] Name of the FTPdetectinfo file. calstars_list: [list] A list of entries [[ff_name, star_coordinates], ...]. config: [Config instance] platepar: [Platepar instance] Initial platepar. Return: recalibrated_platepars: [dict] A dictionary where the keys are FF file names and values are recalibrated platepar instances for every FF file. """ # Read the FTPdetectinfo data cam_code, fps, meteor_list = FTPdetectinfo.readFTPdetectinfo(*os.path.split(ftpdetectinfo_path), \ ret_input_format=True) # Convert the list of stars to a per FF name dictionary calstars = {ff_file: star_data for ff_file, star_data in calstars_list} # Load catalog stars (overwrite the mag band ratios if specific catalog is used) catalog_stars, _, config.star_catalog_band_ratios = StarCatalog.readStarCatalog(config.star_catalog_path,\ config.star_catalog_file, lim_mag=config.catalog_mag_limit, \ mag_band_ratios=config.star_catalog_band_ratios) prev_platepar = copy.deepcopy(platepar) # Go through all FF files with detections, recalibrate and apply astrometry recalibrated_platepars = {} for meteor_entry in meteor_list: working_platepar = copy.deepcopy(prev_platepar) ff_name, meteor_No, rho, phi, meteor_meas = meteor_entry # Skip this meteors if its FF file was already recalibrated if ff_name in recalibrated_platepars: continue print() print('Processing: ', ff_name) print('------------------------------------------------------------------------------') # Find extracted stars on this image if not ff_name in calstars: print('Skipped because it was not in CALSTARS:', ff_name) continue # Get stars detected on this FF file (create a dictionaly with only one entry, the residuals function # needs this format) calstars_time = FFfile.getMiddleTimeFF(ff_name, config.fps, ret_milliseconds=True) jd = date2JD(*calstars_time) star_dict_ff = {jd: calstars[ff_name]} # Recalibrate the platepar using star matching result = recalibrateFF(config, working_platepar, jd, star_dict_ff, catalog_stars) # If the recalibration failed, try using FFT alignment if result is None: print() print('Running FFT alignment...') # Run FFT alignment calstars_coords = np.array(star_dict_ff[jd])[:, :2] calstars_coords[:, [0, 1]] = calstars_coords[:, [1, 0]] print(calstars_time) working_platepar = alignPlatepar(config, prev_platepar, calstars_time, calstars_coords, \ show_plot=False) # Try to recalibrate after FFT alignment result = recalibrateFF(config, working_platepar, jd, star_dict_ff, catalog_stars) if result is not None: working_platepar = result else: working_platepar = result # Store the platepar if the fit succeeded if result is not None: recalibrated_platepars[ff_name] = working_platepar prev_platepar = working_platepar else: print('Recalibration of {:s} failed, using the previous platepar...'.format(ff_name)) # If the aligning failed, set the previous platepar as the one that should be used for this FF file recalibrated_platepars[ff_name] = prev_platepar ### Store all recalibrated platepars as a JSON file ### all_pps = {} for ff_name in recalibrated_platepars: json_str = recalibrated_platepars[ff_name].jsonStr() all_pps[ff_name] = json.loads(json_str) with open(os.path.join(dir_path, config.platepars_recalibrated_name), 'w') as f: # Convert all platepars to a JSON file out_str = json.dumps(all_pps, default=lambda o: o.__dict__, indent=4, sort_keys=True) f.write(out_str) ### ### # If no platepars were recalibrated, use the single platepar recalibration procedure if len(recalibrated_platepars) == 0: print('No FF images were used for recalibration, using the single platepar calibration function...') # Use the initial platepar for calibration applyAstrometryFTPdetectinfo(dir_path, os.path.basename(ftpdetectinfo_path), None, platepar=platepar) return recalibrated_platepars ### Plot difference from reference platepar in angular distance from (0, 0) vs rotation ### ang_dists = [] rot_angles = [] hour_list = [] first_jd = np.min([FFfile.filenameToDatetime(ff_name) for ff_name in recalibrated_platepars]) for ff_name in recalibrated_platepars: pp_temp = recalibrated_platepars[ff_name] # If the fitting failed, skip the platepar if pp_temp is None: continue # Compute the angular separation from the reference platepar ang_dist = np.degrees(angularSeparation(np.radians(platepar.RA_d), np.radians(platepar.dec_d), \ np.radians(pp_temp.RA_d), np.radians(pp_temp.dec_d))) ang_dists.append(ang_dist*60) rot_angles.append((platepar.pos_angle_ref - pp_temp.pos_angle_ref)*60) # Compute the hour of the FF used for recalibration hour_list.append((FFfile.filenameToDatetime(ff_name) - first_jd).total_seconds()/3600) plt.figure() plt.scatter(0, 0, marker='o', edgecolor='k', label='Reference platepar', s=100, c='none', zorder=3) plt.scatter(ang_dists, rot_angles, c=hour_list, zorder=3) plt.colorbar(label='Hours from first FF file') plt.xlabel("Angular distance from reference (arcmin)") plt.ylabel('Rotation from reference (arcmin)') plt.grid() plt.legend() plt.tight_layout() # Generate the name for the plot calib_plot_name = os.path.basename(ftpdetectinfo_path).replace('FTPdetectinfo_', '').replace('.txt', '') \ + '_calibration_variation.png' plt.savefig(os.path.join(dir_path, calib_plot_name), dpi=150) # plt.clf() plt.close() ### ### ### Apply platepars to FTPdetectinfo ### meteor_output_list = [] for meteor_entry in meteor_list: ff_name, meteor_No, rho, phi, meteor_meas = meteor_entry # Get the platepar that will be applied to this FF file if ff_name in recalibrated_platepars: working_platepar = recalibrated_platepars[ff_name] else: print('Using default platepar for:', ff_name) working_platepar = platepar # Apply the recalibrated platepar to meteor centroids meteor_picks = applyPlateparToCentroids(ff_name, fps, meteor_meas, working_platepar, \ add_calstatus=True) meteor_output_list.append([ff_name, meteor_No, rho, phi, meteor_picks]) # Calibration string to be written to the FTPdetectinfo file calib_str = 'Recalibrated with RMS on: ' + str(datetime.datetime.utcnow()) + ' UTC' # If no meteors were detected, set dummpy parameters if len(meteor_list) == 0: cam_code = '' fps = 0 # Back up the old FTPdetectinfo file shutil.copy(ftpdetectinfo_path, ftpdetectinfo_path.strip('.txt') \ + '_backup_{:s}.txt'.format(datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.%f'))) # Save the updated FTPdetectinfo FTPdetectinfo.writeFTPdetectinfo(meteor_output_list, dir_path, os.path.basename(ftpdetectinfo_path), \ dir_path, cam_code, fps, calibration=calib_str, celestial_coords_given=True) ### ### return recalibrated_platepars