def main(reader_name, tags, lut_path, ptmin, ptmax, ymin=None, ymax=None, tag_name=None, logx=False, logy=False, leg_pos=[0.74, 0.2, 0.90, 0.4], particles=None, eta=0, dnch_deta=100, rmin=None, add_eta_label=True, add_alice3_label=True, save=None, background=False, use_p_over_z=True, aod=None, study_label="ALICE 3 study"): gROOT.LoadMacro(reader_name) gROOT.LoadMacro("style.C") reader_name = reader_name.split(".")[-2] reader = getattr(__import__('ROOT', fromlist=[reader_name]), reader_name) style = getattr(__import__('ROOT', fromlist=["style"]), "style") style() p = { "el": "e", "pi": "#pi", "ka": "K", "pr": "p", "de": "d", "tr": "t", "he3": "^{3}He" } charge = {"el": 1, "pi": 1, "ka": 1, "pr": 1, "de": 1, "tr": 1, "he3": 2} p_colors = { "el": "#e41a1c", "pi": "#377eb8", "ka": "#4daf4a", "pr": "#984ea3", "de": "#ff7f00", "tr": "#999999", "he3": "#a65628" } if particles is not None: to_remove = [] for i in p: if i not in particles: to_remove.append(i) for i in to_remove: p.pop(i) latex = TLatex() latex.SetTextAlign(33) canvas = reader_name canvas = canvas.replace("lutRead_", "") canvas = TCanvas(canvas, canvas, 800, 800) canvas.Divide(2, 2) drawn = [canvas] drawn_graphs = {} drawn_frames = {} if ymin is None: if "_dca" in reader_name: ymin = 0.1 elif "_pt" in reader_name: ymin = 1. elif "_eff" in reader_name: ymin = 0. if ymax is None: if "_dca" in reader_name: ymax = 1e4 elif "_pt" in reader_name: ymax = 100. elif "_eff" in reader_name: ymax = 115. def adjust_pad(): if logx: gPad.SetLogx() if logy: gPad.SetLogy() counter = 1 leg = None if tag_name is not None: leg = TLegend(*leg_pos) if add_eta_label: label = f"#eta = {int(eta)}" label += " dN_{Ch}/d#eta =" label += f" {int(dnch_deta)}" if rmin is not None: label += " R_{min} = " + rmin else: leg.SetHeader() leg.SetHeader(label) leg.SetLineColor(0) drawn.append(leg) def draw_study_label(x=0.5, y=0.9): latex = TLatex() latex.SetTextAlign(13) drawn.append(latex.DrawLatexNDC(x, y, " ".join(study_label))) for i in p: c = f"{canvas.GetName()}_{i}" c = TCanvas(c, c, 800, 800) drawn.append(c) adjust_pad() frame = c.DrawFrame(ptmin, ymin, ptmax, ymax, "") frame.SetDirectory(0) drawn_frames[i] = frame g_list = [] extra = {} cols = [ '#e41a1c', '#377eb8', '#4daf4a', '#984ea3', '#ff7f00', '#ffff33' ] for k, j in enumerate(tags): lut = f"{lut_path}/lutCovm.{i}.{j}.dat" if j == "": lut = f"{lut_path}/lutCovm.{i}.dat" if not path.isfile(lut): print("LUT file", lut, "does not exist") return g = reader(lut, eta, dnch_deta) if g.GetN() <= 0: print("Skipping", g.GetName(), "because empty graph") continue if len(g_list) == 0: frame.GetXaxis().SetTitle(g.GetXaxis().GetTitle()) frame.GetYaxis().SetTitle(g.GetYaxis().GetTitle()) if use_p_over_z: for j in range(g.GetN()): if "_pt" in reader_name: g.SetPoint(j, g.GetPointX(j) / charge[i], g.GetPointY(j) / charge[i]) else: g.SetPoint(j, g.GetPointX(j) / charge[i], g.GetPointY(j)) frame.GetXaxis().SetTitle("#it{p}_{T}/z (GeV/#it{c})") col = TColor.GetColor(cols[len(g_list)]) g.SetLineColor(col) g.SetLineStyle(1) g.SetLineWidth(3) g.Draw("samel") if aod is not None: f_aod = TFile(aod, "READ") if "_eff" in reader_name: extra[g.GetName()] = f_aod.Get( "qa-tracking-efficiency-kaon/pt/num") extra[g.GetName()].Divide( f_aod.Get("qa-tracking-efficiency-kaon/pt/num"), f_aod.Get("qa-tracking-efficiency-kaon/pt/den"), 1, 1, "B") extra[g.GetName()].Scale(100) extra[g.GetName()].Draw("SAME") extra[g.GetName()].SetDirectory(0) elif "_pt" in reader_name: extra[g.GetName()] = f_aod.Get( "qa-tracking-efficiency-kaon/pt/num") extra[g.GetName()].Divide( f_aod.Get("qa-tracking-efficiency-kaon/pt/num"), f_aod.Get("qa-tracking-efficiency-kaon/pt/den"), 1, 1, "B") extra[g.GetName()].Scale(100) extra[g.GetName()].Draw("SAME") extra[g.GetName()].SetDirectory(0) f_aod.Close() print("Drawing", g.GetName()) if tag_name is not None and counter == 1: leg.AddEntry(g, tag_name[k], "l") g_list.append(g) drawn_graphs[i] = g_list if len(g_list) <= 0: print("Nothing drawn!") continue drawn.append(latex.DrawLatexNDC(0.9, 0.9, p[i])) if leg is not None: leg.Draw() draw_study_label(.4, .91) gPad.Update() clone = c.DrawClonePad() if counter != 1: l = gPad.GetListOfPrimitives() for i in l: cn = i.ClassName() if cn == "TLegend": l.Remove(i) elif cn == "TLatex": if "ALICE" in i.GetTitle(): l.Remove(i) drawn.append(clone) c.SaveAs(f"/tmp/{c.GetName()}.png") gPad.Update() counter += 1 canvas_all_species = None if len(tags) == 1: canvas_all_species = TCanvas("all_spec_" + canvas.GetName(), "all_spec_" + canvas.GetName(), 800, 800) drawn.append(canvas_all_species) drawn_graphs_all_spec = {} leg_all_spec = TLegend(*leg_pos) leg_all_spec.SetNColumns(2) leg_all_spec.SetLineColor(0) drawn.append(leg_all_spec) for i in drawn_graphs: if canvas_all_species.GetListOfPrimitives().GetEntries() == 0: drawn_frames[i].Draw() g_list = [] for j in drawn_graphs[i]: g_list.append(j.Clone()) g_list[-1].SetName(g_list[-1].GetName() + "_color") g_list[-1].SetLineColor(TColor.GetColor(p_colors[i])) g_list[-1].Draw("same") leg_all_spec.AddEntry(g_list[-1], p[i], "L") drawn_graphs_all_spec[i] = g_list for i in drawn_graphs_all_spec: drawn_graphs[i + "_allspec"] = drawn_graphs_all_spec[i] leg_all_spec.Draw() if add_alice3_label: draw_study_label() latex = TLatex() latex.SetTextAlign(13) latex.SetTextSize(0.04) if tag_name is not None: drawn.append(latex.DrawLatexNDC(0.5, 0.80, tag_name[0])) drawn.append( latex.DrawLatexNDC( 0.4, 0.82, f"#eta = {int(eta)}" + "\n dN_{Ch}/d#eta =" + f" {int(dnch_deta)}" + ("\n R_{min} = " + rmin if rmin is not None else ""))) adjust_pad() canvas_all_species.Update() canvas_all_species.SaveAs(f"/tmp/{canvas_all_species.GetName()}.png") if save is None: canvas.SaveAs(f"/tmp/lut_{canvas.GetName()}.root") else: fo = TFile(save, "RECREATE") canvas.Write() if canvas_all_species is not None: canvas_all_species.Write() for i in drawn_graphs: for j in drawn_graphs[i]: j.Write() if not background: input("Done, press enter to continue")
class plots(object): """ Extract all plots from Middleware scan. """ def __init__(self, inputfile, outputfolder=''): """ Initialize object variables. """ self._rootfile = TFile(inputfile) self._directory = outputfolder self._canvas = TCanvas() self._histos = [] self._histos_good = [] self._histos_bad = [] self._shifts = [] self._widths = [] makedirs(outputfolder) gStyle.SetOptStat(000000000) def getAllPlots(self): """ Get all the plots. """ for kname in self._getKeys(): # Clear all objects from canvas self._canvas.Clear() # Get histogram and draw it histo = self._rootfile.Get(kname) histo.Draw() # Save it as pdf self._save(kname) def getScurvePerCbc(self, cbcs=range(0, 8), channels=-1): """ Fit all Scurves and put them into one histogram. Also plot shifts (offsets) and widths (noise). Parameters: cbcs: List of CBC's to plot channels: Number of channels to plot; -1 for all """ for cbc in cbcs: self._drawScurves(cbc, channels) def _drawScurves(self, cbc, channels): """ Make the fits to draw the Scurves. Parameters: cbc: CBC to plot channels: Number of channels to plot; -1 for all """ # Directory name in rootfile dirname = 'Final0' # Counter of fitted histograms count = 0 # Chi2 limit to distinguish good from bad fits chi2 = .05 # Loop over all keys in subdirectory for kname in self._getKeys(dirname): # Only plot a limited number of channels if channels > 0 and count >= channels: break # Only select S-Curves of a given CBC if not kname.startswith('{}/Scurve_Be0_Fe0_Cbc{}'.format( dirname, cbc)): continue # Error function with guessed parameters errf = TF1('errf', '.5 + .5*erf((x-[0])/[1])', 0., 254.) errf.SetParameter(0, 120.) # shift errf.SetParameter(1, 10.) # width # Fit histo = self._rootfile.Get(kname) histo.Fit('errf', 'RQ') # If fit failed, skip it try: histo.GetFunction('errf').GetParameter(0) except TypeError: continue # Colors! histo.SetLineColor( self._getColor(count, (channels > 0 and channels < 19))) histo.SetMarkerColor( self._getColor(count, (channels > 0 and channels < 19))) histo.GetFunction('errf').SetLineColor( self._getColor(count, (channels > 0 and channels < 19))) # Markers! histo.SetMarkerStyle(count % 15 + 20) histo.SetMarkerSize(.8) # Save values for future use self._shifts.append(histo.GetFunction('errf').GetParameter(0)) self._widths.append(histo.GetFunction('errf').GetParameter(1)) self._histos.append(histo) # Save histograms either in list of good fits or in list of bad fits if histo.GetFunction('errf').GetChisquare() <= chi2: self._histos_good.append(histo) else: self._histos_bad.append(histo) # Save histogram with fit histo.Draw() self._save('{}_fit'.format(kname)) # Save smoothed histogram histo.Draw('C HIST') self._save('{}_smooth'.format(kname)) # Count the number of histograms count += 1 # Draw all error functions in one histogram self._draw_all_errf(self._histos, 'S-curves for CBC {}'.format(cbc), 'scurves_cbc{}'.format(cbc)) # Draw all good error functions in one histogram self._draw_all_errf( self._histos_good, 'S-curves for CBC {} (#chi^{{2}} < {})'.format(cbc, chi2), 'scurves_cbc{}_good'.format(cbc)) # Draw all bad error functions in one histogram self._draw_all_errf( self._histos_bad, 'S-curves for CBC {} (#chi^{{2}} > {})'.format(cbc, chi2), 'scurves_cbc{}_bad'.format(cbc)) # Draw all fitted error functions in one histogram self._draw_all_errf_fit(self._histos, 'Fitted S-curves for CBC {}'.format(cbc), 'scurves_cbc{}_fit'.format(cbc)) # Draw all fitted error functions and measurements in one histogram self._draw_all_errf_fit_meas(self._histos, 'Fitted S-curves for CBC {}'.format(cbc), 'scurves_cbc{}_fit_meas'.format(cbc)) def _draw_all_errf(self, histos, title, name): """ Draw all error functions in one histogram Parameters: histos: List of histograms to plot title: Title of histogram name: Name of histogram """ self._canvas.Clear() for idx, histo in enumerate(histos): if idx == 0: # Dynamically set plot range histo.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(self._getXmin(), self._getXmax()) histo.Draw('C HIST') histo.SetTitle(title) histo.GetXaxis().SetTitle('VCth units') histo.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Occupancy') else: histo.Draw('C HIST SAME') self._save(name) self._save('{}_log'.format(name), True) def _draw_all_errf_fit(self, histos, title, name): """ Draw all error functions in one histogram Parameters: histos: List of histograms to plot title: Title of histogram name: Name of histogram """ self._canvas.Clear() for idx, histo in enumerate(histos): # Get fitted function func = histo.GetFunction('errf') if idx == 0: # Dynamically set plot range func.SetRange(self._getXmin(), self._getXmax()) func.Draw() func.SetTitle(title) func.GetXaxis().SetTitle('VCth units') func.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Occupancy') else: func.Draw('SAME') self._save(name) self._save('{}_log'.format(name), True) def _draw_all_errf_fit_meas(self, histos, title, name): """ Draw all error functions in one histogram Parameters: histos: List of histograms to plot title: Title of histogram name: Name of histogram """ self._canvas.Clear() for idx, histo in enumerate(histos): if idx == 0: # Dynamically set plot range histo.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(self._getXmin(), self._getXmax()) histo.Draw('P') histo.SetTitle(title) histo.GetXaxis().SetTitle('VCth units') histo.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Occupancy') else: histo.Draw('P SAME') self._save(name) self._save('{}_log'.format(name), True) def _getKeys(self, subdir=None): """ Loop over all keys in a given subfolder. Parameters: subdir: Get keys only from that directory, including all subdirectories """ # If subdir is defined, loop over keys in folder, otherwise loop over # keys in rootfile if subdir: obj = self._rootfile.Get(subdir) else: obj = self._rootfile # Loop over all keys for key in obj.GetListOfKeys(): if subdir: kname = '{}/{}'.format(subdir, key.GetName()) else: kname = key.GetName() # If key is a folder, go into that folder and loop over all keys if key.IsFolder(): for knamesub in self._getKeys(kname): yield knamesub else: yield kname def _save(self, name, logy=False): """ Save histogram as *.pdf. Parameters: name: Name of *.pdf, possibly including path; directories are created on the fly logy: Plot Y-axis in log """ # Go into directory if it is defined if self._directory: cwd = getcwd() # Create directory on filesystem if not path.exists(self._directory): makedirs(self._directory) chdir(self._directory) # If canvas is to be stored in a subdirectory, create it if '/' in name: subdir = name[:name.find('/')] if not path.exists(subdir): makedirs(subdir) # Set Y-axis to log if requested if logy: self._canvas.SetLogy() # This is probably not failsafe, empirically, the first primitive # is the frame, the second one an object, if this is not the case, # it might fail try: self._canvas.GetListOfPrimitives().At( 1).GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(1e-7, 2.) except AttributeError: LGR.warning('Cannot set Y-Axis to log') # Save as *.pdf self._canvas.SaveAs('{}.pdf'.format(name)) # Unset log scale if logy: self._canvas.SetLogy(False) try: self._canvas.GetListOfPrimitives().At( 1).GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(1e-7, 1.05) except AttributeError: pass # Go back to original working directories if self._directory: chdir(cwd) def _getXmin(self): """ Get minimum on X-Axis to plot. """ return min([ shift - 5 * width for shift, width in zip(self._shifts, self._widths) ]) def _getXmax(self): """ Get maximum on X-Axis to plot. """ return max([ shift + 5 * width for shift, width in zip(self._shifts, self._widths) ]) def _getColor(self, idx, nice=False): """ Get color for a given index (channel). Parameters: idx: Channel number nice: if True, get a handful of easily distinguishable colors; if False, get all colors """ # List with all colors colors = [] if nice: colors.extend(range(2, 10)) else: #colors.extend(range(390, 405)) colors.extend(range(394, 405)) colors.extend(range(406, 421)) colors.extend(range(422, 437)) colors.extend(range(590, 605)) colors.extend(range(606, 621)) colors.extend(range(622, 637)) colors.extend(range(791, 911)) return colors[idx % len(colors)]
def mbc_single_3s(evtfile, mc, setMres, setGamma, setR, sp1, sp2, sp3, fa, fb, setmd, setp, setxi, setN1, setN2, setNbkgd1, setNbkgd2, title1, title2, epsfile, txtfile, ymin=0.5, cuts=None, err_type='SYMM', test=False): from ROOT import (gROOT, RooRealVar, RooCategory, RooArgSet, RooDataSet, RooFit, RooGaussian, RooArgList, RooAddPdf, RooSimultaneous, RooArgusBG, RooFormulaVar, RooDLineShape, RooAbsData, RooDataHist, TCanvas, kRed, kBlue, kGreen, kMagenta, TPaveText) set_root_style(stat=1, grid=0) # // sp1 = sigma of signal # // sp2 = ratio of sigmas betwwen sigma2 sigma 1 # // sp3 = ratio of sigmas betwwen sigma3 sigma 2 # // fa, fb, - fractions # // xi_side - slope of argus # // p_side - power of argus # mc = 1 Monte Carlo Model: EvtGenModels/Class/ # mc = 3 Data Model: with BES 2007 paper (BES2006 lineshape hepex/0612056) mbc = RooRealVar('mbc', 'Beam constrained mass', 1.83, 1.89, 'GeV') ebeam = RooRealVar('ebeam', 'Ebeam', 1.8815, 1.892, 'GeV') dflav = RooCategory('dflav', 'D flavor') dflav.defineType('dflav', 1) dflav.defineType('dbarflav', -1) if cuts != None: if 'kkmass' in cuts: kkmass = RooRealVar('kkmass', 'KK invariant mass', 0.97, 1.90, 'GeV') ras = RooArgSet(mbc, ebeam, kkmass, dflav) dataset =, ras) elif 'kpimass' in cuts: kpimass = RooRealVar('kpimass', 'Kpi invariant mass', 0.6, 1.4, 'GeV') ras = RooArgSet(mbc, ebeam, kpimass, dflav) dataset =, ras) else: raise NameError(cuts) sys.stdout.write('Using cuts: %s...' % cuts) dataset = dataset.reduce(cuts) sys.stdout.write(' selected %s events.\n' % dataset.numEntries()) else: ras = RooArgSet(mbc, ebeam, dflav) dataset =, ras) res = RooRealVar("datares", "datares", mc) mres = RooRealVar("mres", "mres", setMres) gamma = RooRealVar('gamma', 'gamma', setGamma) r = RooRealVar('r', 'r', setR) sigmaE = RooRealVar("sigmaE", "sigmaE", 0.0021) sigmap1 = RooRealVar("sigmap1", "sigmap1", sp1, 0.002, 0.040) scalep2 = RooRealVar("scalep2", "scalep2", 2.00, 1.500, 5.500) scalep3 = RooRealVar("scalep3", "scalep3", 5.00, 3.00, 10.000) scalep2.setVal(sp2) scalep2.setConstant(1) scalep3.setVal(sp3) scalep3.setConstant(1) as12 = RooArgList(sigmap1, scalep2) sigmap2 = RooFormulaVar("sigmap2", "sigma2", "sigmap1*scalep2", as12) as123 = RooArgList(sigmap1, scalep2, scalep3) sigmap3 = RooFormulaVar("sigmap3", "sigma3", "sigmap1*scalep2*scalep3", as123) md = RooRealVar("md", "md", setmd, 1.863, 1.875) f2 = RooRealVar("f2", "f2", fa) f3 = RooRealVar("f3", "f3", fb) al23 = RooArgList(f2, f3) f1 = RooFormulaVar("f1", "f1", "1.0-f2-f3", al23) # Construct signal shape fcn1_1 = RooDLineShape("DLineshape1_1", "DLineShape1_1", 4, mbc, ebeam, mres, gamma, r, sigmaE, sigmap1, md, res) fcn1_2 = RooDLineShape("DLineshape1_2", "DLineShape1_2", 4, mbc, ebeam, mres, gamma, r, sigmaE, sigmap2, md, res) fcn1_3 = RooDLineShape("DLineshape1_3", "DLineShape1_3", 4, mbc, ebeam, mres, gamma, r, sigmaE, sigmap3, md, res) fcn2_1 = RooDLineShape("DLineshape2_1", "DLineShape2_1", 4, mbc, ebeam, mres, gamma, r, sigmaE, sigmap1, md, res) fcn2_2 = RooDLineShape("DLineshape2_2", "DLineShape2_2", 4, mbc, ebeam, mres, gamma, r, sigmaE, sigmap2, md, res) fcn2_3 = RooDLineShape("DLineshape2_3", "DLineShape2_3", 4, mbc, ebeam, mres, gamma, r, sigmaE, sigmap3, md, res) alf1_123 = RooArgList(fcn1_1, fcn1_2, fcn1_3) af12 = RooArgList(f1, f2) signal1_3 = RooAddPdf("signal1_3", "signal1_3", alf1_123, af12) alf2_123 = RooArgList(fcn2_1, fcn2_2, fcn2_3) signal2_3 = RooAddPdf("signal2_3", "signal2_3", alf2_123, af12) p = RooRealVar("p", "p", setp, 0.1, 1.5) xi = RooRealVar("xi", "xi", setxi, -100.0, -0.1) Bkgd1 = RooArgusBG("argus1", "argus1", mbc, ebeam, xi, p) Bkgd2 = RooArgusBG("argus2", "argus2", mbc, ebeam, xi, p) shapes1 = RooArgList(signal1_3) shapes1.add(signal1_3) shapes1.add(Bkgd1) shapes2 = RooArgList(signal2_3) shapes2.add(signal2_3) shapes2.add(Bkgd2) N1 = RooRealVar("N1", "N1", setN1, 0.0, 200000000.0) N2 = RooRealVar("N2", "N2", setN2, 0.0, 200000000.0) Nbkgd1 = RooRealVar("Nbkgd1", "Nbkgd1", setNbkgd1, 0.0, 200000000.0) Nbkgd2 = RooRealVar("Nbkgd2", "Nbkgd2", setNbkgd2, 0.0, 200000000.0) yields1 = RooArgList(N1) yields1.add(N1) yields1.add(Nbkgd1) yields2 = RooArgList(N2) yields2.add(N2) yields2.add(Nbkgd2) totalPdf1 = RooAddPdf("totalPdf1", "totalPdf1", shapes1, yields1) totalPdf2 = RooAddPdf("totalPdf2", "totalPdf2", shapes2, yields2) totalPdf = RooSimultaneous("totalPdf", "totalPdf", dflav) totalPdf.addPdf(totalPdf1, "dflav") totalPdf.addPdf(totalPdf2, "dbarflav") # Check fitTo options at: # # # Available fit options: # "m" = MIGRAD only, i.e. no MINOS # "s" = estimate step size with HESSE before starting MIGRAD # "h" = run HESSE after MIGRAD # "e" = Perform extended MLL fit # "0" = Run MIGRAD with strategy MINUIT 0 # (no correlation matrix calculation at end) # Does not apply to HESSE or MINOS, if run afterwards. # "q" = Switch off verbose mode # "l" = Save log file with parameter values at each MINUIT step # "v" = Show changed parameters at each MINUIT step # "t" = Time fit # "r" = Save fit output in RooFitResult object # Available optimizer options # "c" = Cache and precalculate components of PDF that exclusively # depend on constant parameters # "2" = Do NLL calculation in multi-processor mode on 2 processors # "3" = Do NLL calculation in multi-processor mode on 3 processors # "4" = Do NLL calculation in multi-processor mode on 4 processors MINUIT = 'ermh4' if err_type == 'ASYM': MINUIT = 'erh4' if test: sys.stdout.write('Will save epsfile as: %s \n' % epsfile) sys.stdout.write('Will save txtfile as: %s \n' % txtfile) return if dataset.numEntries() == 0: N1.setVal(0) N2.setVal(0) else: # Start Fitting fitres = totalPdf.fitTo(dataset, MINUIT) fitres.Print('v') # Save plots canvas = TCanvas('canvas', 'mbc', 1200, 400) canvas.Divide(3, 1) canvas_1 = canvas.GetListOfPrimitives().FindObject('canvas_1') canvas_2 = canvas.GetListOfPrimitives().FindObject('canvas_2') canvas_1.SetLogy(1) canvas_2.SetLogy(1) LineColorRed = RooFit.LineColor(kRed) LineColorBlue = RooFit.LineColor(kBlue) LineWidth = RooFit.LineWidth(1) #0.6) # Plot the D mbcFrame = mbc.frame() mbcFrame = mbc.frame(60) dflav.setLabel('dflav') ebas = RooArgSet(ebeam, dflav) ebeamdata = RooDataHist("ebeamdata", "ebeamdata", ebas, dataset) dataset.plotOn(mbcFrame, RooFit.Cut("dflav==dflav::dflav")) mbcFrame.getAttMarker().SetMarkerSize(0.6) mbcFrame.Draw() Slice = RooFit.Slice(dflav) ProjWData = RooFit.ProjWData(ebas, ebeamdata) totalPdf.plotOn(mbcFrame, LineColorRed, LineWidth, Slice, ProjWData) chisq1 = mbcFrame.chiSquare() * mbcFrame.GetNbinsX() mbcFrame.Draw() as_bkg1 = RooArgSet(Bkgd1) cp_bkg1 = RooFit.Components(as_bkg1) totalPdf.plotOn(mbcFrame, cp_bkg1, Slice, LineColorBlue, LineWidth, ProjWData) mbcFrame.SetTitle(title1) mbcFrame.SetMinimum(ymin) mbcFrame.Draw() # Plot the D bar mbcFrame = mbc.frame() mbcFrame = mbc.frame(60) dflav.setLabel('dbarflav') ebas = RooArgSet(ebeam, dflav) ebeamdata = RooDataHist("ebeamdata", "ebeamdata", ebas, dataset) dataset.plotOn(mbcFrame, RooFit.Cut("dflav==dflav::dbarflav")) mbcFrame.getAttMarker().SetMarkerSize(0.6) mbcFrame.Draw() Slice = RooFit.Slice(dflav) ProjWData = RooFit.ProjWData(ebas, ebeamdata) totalPdf.plotOn(mbcFrame, LineColorRed, LineWidth, Slice, ProjWData) chisq2 = mbcFrame.chiSquare() * mbcFrame.GetNbinsX() mbcFrame.Draw() as_bkg2 = RooArgSet(Bkgd2) cp_bkg2 = RooFit.Components(as_bkg2) totalPdf.plotOn(mbcFrame, cp_bkg2, Slice, LineColorBlue, LineWidth, ProjWData) mbcFrame.SetTitle(title2) mbcFrame.SetMinimum(ymin) mbcFrame.Draw() # Plot Statistics Box mbcFrame = mbc.frame() paramWin1 = totalPdf.paramOn(mbcFrame, dataset, "", 2, "NELU", 0.1, 0.9, 0.9) mbcFrame.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0) mbcFrame.GetXaxis().SetTickLength(0) mbcFrame.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0) mbcFrame.GetXaxis().SetTitle("") mbcFrame.GetXaxis().CenterTitle() mbcFrame.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0) mbcFrame.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.03) mbcFrame.GetYaxis().SetTickLength(0) paramWin1.getAttText().SetTextSize(0.06) mbcFrame.Draw() mbcFrame.SetTitle("Fit Parameters") ATextBox = TPaveText(.1, .1, .8, .2, "BRNDC") tempString = "#chi^{2}_{1} = %.1f, #chi^{2}_{2} = %.1f" % (chisq1, chisq2) ATextBox.AddText(tempString) ATextBox.SetFillColor(0) ATextBox.SetBorderSize(1) mbcFrame.addObject(ATextBox) mbcFrame.Draw() canvas.Print(epsfile) rootfile = epsfile.replace('.eps', '.root') canvas.Print(rootfile) # Save fitting parameters pars = [N1, N2, Nbkgd1, Nbkgd2, md, p, sigmap1, xi] save_fit_result(pars, txtfile, err_type=err_type, verbose=1)