예제 #1
def splot( pdf, sdata ) :
    # switch off all yields, except current one
    from contextlib import contextmanager
    def __select_component( i, yields ):
        orig = dict( (j,j.getVal()) for j in yields )
        [ j.setVal(0) for j in orig.iterkeys() if j!=i ]
        try     : yield
        finally : [ j.setVal(v) for (j,v) in orig.iteritems() ]
    from ROOT import TCanvas, kDashed, kRed, kGreen, kBlue, kBlack
    canvas = TCanvas(pdf.GetName() + '_splot')
    obs = [ o for o in pdf.Observables() if hasattr(o,'frame') and o not in sdata.usedObservables() ]
    for (p,o) in zip( canvas.pads(len(obs)), obs ) :
        # select yields
        _yields = [ y for y in pdf.Parameters() if y.getAttribute('Yield') ]
        # loop over components
        for (pp,i) in zip( p.pads(1,len(_yields)), _yields ) :
            # switch off all yields, except current one
            with __select_component( i, _yields ) :
                # plot both weighed data and PDF
                # TODO: add the same color coding as above...
                c_name = i.GetName()[2:]
                c_opts = { 'signal'             : dict( LineColor = kGreen )
                         , 'psi_background'     : dict( LineColor = kRed )
                         , 'cmb_background'     : dict( LineColor = kBlue )
                from P2VV.Utilities.Plotting import plot
                plot( pp, o, sdata.data( c_name ), pdf, pdfOpts = c_opts[c_name] if c_name in c_opts else {})
    return canvas
예제 #2
class ShapeBuilder(object):
    __weights = set(('jpsi', 'B', 'both'))
    __rho = dict(B = 2., jpsi = 2.)

    def __init__(self, time, masses, t_diff = None, MassResult = None,
                 InputFile = "/bfys/raaij/p2vv/data/Bs2JpsiPhiPrescaled_2011.root",
                 Workspace = 'Bs2JpsiPhiPrescaled_2011_workspace', Data = 'data',
                 UseKeysPdf = False, Weights = 'B', Draw = False, Reweigh = {}):
        assert(Weights in ShapeBuilder.__weights)
        self.__weights = Weights
        self.__time = time
        self.__t_diff = t_diff
        pos = Workspace.find('201')
        self.__year = Workspace[pos : pos + 4]
        self.__input_ws = None
        self.__ws = RooObject().ws()
        self.__shapes = {}
        self.__diff__shapes = {}

        self.__masses = masses

        self._sig = Component('wpv_signal', [], Yield = (1000, 10, 5e5))
        self._psi = Component('wpv_jpsi',   [], Yield = (5000, 10, 5e5))
        self._bkg = Component('wpv_bkg',    [], Yield = (5000, 10, 5e5))

        if 'B' in masses:
            ## m_sig_mean  = RealVar('wpv_m_sig_mean',   Unit = 'MeV', Value = 5365, MinMax = (5363, 5372))
            ## m_sig_sigma = RealVar('wpv_m_sig_sigma',  Unit = 'MeV', Value = 10, MinMax = (1, 20))
            ## from ROOT import RooGaussian as Gaussian
            ## self._sig_mass = Pdf(Name = 'wpv_sig_m', Type = Gaussian, Parameters = (masses['B'], m_sig_mean, m_sig_sigma ))
            self._sig_mass = BMassPdf(masses['B'], Name = 'wpv_sig_mass', ParNamePrefix = "wpv",
                                      AvSigParameterisation = True)
            self._bkg_mass = BBkgPdf(masses['B'],  Name = 'wpv_bkg_mass', ParNamePrefix = "wpv",
                                     m_bkg_exp = dict(Name = 'm_bkg_exp', Value = -0.0017,
                                                      MinMax = (-0.01, -0.00001)))
            self._sig[masses['B']] = self._sig_mass.pdf()
            self._psi[masses['B']] = self._bkg_mass.pdf()
            self._bkg[masses['B']] = self._bkg_mass.pdf()
        if 'jpsi' in masses:
            self._sig_mpsi = PsiMassPdf(masses['jpsi'], Name = 'wpv_sig_mpsi', ParNamePrefix = "wpv")
            self._bkg_mpsi = PsiBkgPdf(masses['jpsi'], Name = 'wpv_bkg_mpsi', ParNamePrefix = "wpv")
            self._sig[masses['jpsi']] = self._sig_mpsi.pdf()
            self._psi[masses['jpsi']] = self._sig_mpsi.pdf()
            self._bkg[masses['jpsi']] = self._bkg_mpsi.pdf()

        self.__components = {'jpsi' : dict(jpsi = self._psi, bkg = self._bkg),
                             'B'    : dict(B = self._sig, bkg = self._bkg),
                             'both' : dict(B = self._sig, jpsi = self._psi, bkg = self._bkg)}
        self.__pdf = buildPdf(self.__components[Weights].values(), Observables = masses.values(),
                             Name = 'wpv_mass_pdf')
        if MassResult:
            ## Use the provided mass result to set all the parameter values, only float the yields
            pdf_params = self.__pdf.getParameters(RooArgSet(*masses.values()))
            for p in MassResult.floatParsFinal():
                ## ignore yields
                if any((p.GetName().startswith(n) for n in ['N_', 'mpsi_c'])):
                ## Find pdf parameter, add "wpv_" prefix
                pdf_p = pdf_params.find('wpv_' + p.GetName())
                if pdf_p:


        from ROOT import TFile
        input_file = TFile.Open(InputFile)
        if not input_file or not input_file.IsOpen():
            raise OSError

        if Workspace:
            self.__input_ws = input_file.Get(Workspace)
            if not self.__input_ws:
                print 'Cannot find workspace %s in mixing file.' % Workspace
                raise RuntimeError
            self._data = self.__input_ws.data(Data)
            if not self._data:
                print 'Cannot find data in workspace %s.' % Workspace
                raise RuntimeError
            self._data = input_file.Get(Data)

        if not self._data.get().find(time.GetName()) and "refit" in time.GetName():
            from ROOT import RooFormulaVar, RooArgList
            def __add_alias(name, obs):
                obs_name = obs.GetName()[:-6]
                do = self._data.get().find(obs_name)
                rf = RooFormulaVar(name, name, "@0", RooArgList(do))
                a = self._data.addColumn(rf)
                return a

            ## Add refit observables
            time = __add_alias("time_refit", time)
            self.__time = time
            if t_diff:
                t_diff = __add_alias("time_diff_refit", t_diff)
                self.__t_diff = t_diff

        if t_diff:
            self._data = self._data.reduce("{0} > {1} && {0} < {2} && {3} > {4} && {3} < {5}".format(time.GetName(), time.getMin(), time.getMax(), t_diff.GetName(), t_diff.getMin(), t_diff.getMax()))
            self._data = self._data.reduce("{0} > {1} && {0} < {2}".format(time.GetName(), time.getMin(), time.getMax()))

        # self._data = self._data.reduce("mass > 5348 && mass < 5388")
        fitOpts = dict(NumCPU = 4, Save = True, Minimizer = 'Minuit2', Optimize = 2)
        self.__result = self.__pdf.fitTo(self._data, **fitOpts)

        from P2VV.Utilities.SWeights import SData
        for p in self.__pdf.Parameters(): p.setConstant(not p.getAttribute('Yield'))
        splot = SData(Pdf = self.__pdf, Data = self._data, Name = 'MixingMassSplot')
        self.__sdatas = {}
        self.__reweigh_weights = {}
        for key, c in self.__components[Weights].iteritems():
            sdata = splot.data(c.GetName())

            if 'Data' in Reweigh and key in Reweigh['Data']:
                from array import array
                from ROOT import RooBinning

                source = Reweigh['Data'][key]
                binning = Reweigh['Binning']
                if type(binning) == array:
                    binning = RooBinning(len(binning) - 1, binning)
                    Reweigh['DataVar'].setBinning(binning, 'reweigh')

                source_obs = source.get().find('nPV')
                cat_name = 'nPVs_' + key
                source_cat = source.get().find(cat_name)
                if source_cat:
                    # Remove previous weights to make sure we get it right
                    new_vars = source.get()
                    source = source.reduce(new_vars)
                    source_obs = source.get().find(source_obs.GetName())

                source_obs.setBinning(binning, 'reweigh')                
                source_cat = BinningCategory(Name = cat_name, Observable = source_obs,
                                             Binning = binning, Data = source, Fundamental = True)
                from P2VV.Reweighing import reweigh
                sdata, weights = reweigh(sdata, sdata.get().find('nPV'),
                                         source, source_cat)
                self.__reweigh_weights[key] = weights

            sdata = self.__ws.put(sdata)
            self.__sdatas[c] = sdata

        rho_keys = dict((v, k) for k, v in self.__components[Weights].iteritems())
        self.__shapes = {}
        self.__diff_shapes = {}
        for c, sdata in self.__sdatas.iteritems():
            if UseKeysPdf:
                rk = rho_keys[c]
                rho = ShapeBuilder.__rho[rk] if rk in ShapeBuilder.__rho else 1.
                time_shape = KeysPdf(Name = 'wpv_%s_pdf' % c.GetName(), Observable = time, Data = sdata, Rho = rho)
                if t_diff:
                    diff_shape = KeysPdf(Name = 'wpv_%s_diff_pdf' % c.GetName(), Observable = t_diff, Data = sdata)

                time_shape = HistPdf(Name = 'wpv_%s_pdf' % c.GetName(), Observables = [time],
                                Data = sdata, Binning = {time : 35})
                if t_diff:
                    diff_shape = HistPdf(Name = 'wpv_%s_diff_pdf' % c.GetName(), Observables = [t_diff],
                                         Data = sdata, Binning = {time : 35})
            self.__shapes[c] = time_shape
            if t_diff:
                self.__diff_shapes[c] = diff_shape
        if Draw:

    def __draw(self):
        from ROOT import kDashed, kRed, kGreen, kBlue, kBlack
        from ROOT import TCanvas
        from ROOT import TPaveText
        self.__year_label = TPaveText(0.71, 0.72, 0.89, 0.85, "NDC")

        obs = self.__masses.values()
        self.__canvas = TCanvas('wpv_canvas', 'wpv_canvas', len(obs) * 600, 533)
        for (p,o) in zip(self.__canvas.pads(len(obs)), obs):
            from P2VV.Utilities.Plotting import plot
            plot(p, o, pdf = self.__pdf, data = self._data
                 , dataOpts = dict(MarkerSize = 0.8, MarkerColor = kBlack, Binning = 50)
                 , pdfOpts  = dict(LineWidth = 2)
                 , plotResidHist = 'BX'
                 , xTitle = 'M_{#mu^{+}#mu^{-}} [MeV/c^{2}]'
                 , yTitle = 'Candidates / (%2.1f MeV/c^{2})' % ((o.getMax() - o.getMin()) / float(50))
                 , components = { 'wpv_bkg_*'   : dict( LineColor = kRed,   LineStyle = kDashed )
                                  , 'wpv_psi_*' : dict( LineColor = kGreen, LineStyle = kDashed )
                                  , 'wpv_sig_*' : dict( LineColor = kBlue,  LineStyle = kDashed )

        if self.__t_diff:

    def __draw_time(self):
        from ROOT import kDashed, kRed, kGreen, kBlue, kBlack
        from ROOT import TCanvas
        from itertools import product
        self.__time_canvases = []
        t = self.__time
        from P2VV.Utilities.Plotting import plot
        from ROOT import RooArgSet
        for logy, (c, shape) in product((True, False), self.__shapes.items()):
            cn = 'wpv_time_%s' % c.GetName()
            if logy: cn += '_log'
            p = TCanvas(cn, cn, 600, 400)
            nBins = 80
            frame = plot(p, t, pdf = shape, data = self.__sdatas[c]
                         , frameOpts = dict(Title = c.GetName())
                         , dataOpts = dict(MarkerSize = 0.8, Binning = nBins, MarkerColor = kBlack)
                         , pdfOpts  = dict(LineWidth = 2)
                         , logy = logy, yScale = (1 if logy else 0, None)
                         , plotResidHist = False)[0]
            frame.GetXaxis().SetTitle('t [ps]')
            if logy:
                frame.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(1, 7000 if self.__year == '2012' else 5000)
            frame.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Candidates / (%3.2f ps)' % ((t.getMax() - t.getMin()) / float(nBins)))
            from P2VV.Utilities.Resolution import plot_dir
            p.Print(os.path.join(plot_dir, 'wpv_time_%s_%s_%s.pdf' % (c.GetName()[4:], self.__year, 'log' if logy else 'linear')), EmbedFonts = True)
    def __draw_t_diff(self):
        from ROOT import kDashed, kRed, kGreen, kBlue, kBlack
        from ROOT import TCanvas
        self.__diff_canvases = []
        t_diff = self.__t_diff
        from ROOT import RooArgSet
        for c, shape in self.__diff_shapes.iteritems():
            name = 'wpv_diff_%s' % c.GetName()
            canvas = TCanvas(name, name, 600, 400)
            p = canvas.cd()
            from P2VV.Utilities.Plotting import plot
            plot(p, t_diff, pdf = shape, data = self.__sdatas[c]
                 , dataOpts = dict(MarkerSize = 0.8, Binning = 80, MarkerColor = kBlack)
                 , pdfOpts  = dict(LineWidth = 2)
                 , xTitle = 't_{rec} - t_{true} [ps]'
                 , yTitle = 'Candidates / (12.5 fs)'
                 , logy = False
                 , plotResidHist = False)
            from P2VV.Utilities.Resolution import plot_dir
            canvas.Print(os.path.join(plot_dir, 'wpv_tdiff_%s_%s_linear.pdf' % (c.GetName()[4:], self.__year)), EmbedFonts = True)

    def sdata(self, key):
        c = self.__components[self.__weights][key]
        return self.__sdatas[c]

    def shape(self, key):
        c = self.__components[self.__weights][key]
        return self.__shapes[c]

    def diff_shape(self, key):
        c = self.__components[self.__weights][key]
        return self.__diff_shapes[c]

    def input_ws(self):
        return self.__input_ws

    def reweigh_weights(self, key):
            return self.__reweigh_weights[key]
        except AttributeError:
            return {}
예제 #3
from ROOT import TH1F
histos = dict( (n, TH1F('acceptance_' + n, 'acceptance_' + n, 150, -1., 14)) for n in weights.iterkeys() )

for i in range(data.numEntries()):
    print ['%5.3f' % r.getVal() for r in ranges]
    for n, histo in histos.iteritems():
        b = 1
        interval = 0
        weight = weights[n].getVal()
        while (interval < len(ranges) / 2 and b <= histo.GetNbinsX()):
            l = ranges[2 * interval].getVal()
            r = ranges[2 * interval + 1].getVal()
            c = histo.GetBinCenter(b)
            fill = False
            if c > l:
                if c > r:
                    interval += 1
                    histo.Fill(c, weight)
                    b += 1
                    fill = True
                b += 1

from ROOT import TCanvas
canvas = TCanvas('canvas', 'canvas', 1000, 1000)
for i, h in zip( canvas.pads(2,2), histos.values() ):
예제 #4
    ctkSet = RooArgSet( angles[1], angles[2] )
    ctlSet = RooArgSet( angles[0], angles[2] )
    phiSet = RooArgSet( angles[0], angles[1] )
    effFuncCtk = effFunc.createIntegral( ctkSet, RooArgSet() )
    effFuncCtl = effFunc.createIntegral( ctlSet, RooArgSet() )
    effFuncPhi = effFunc.createIntegral( phiSet, RooArgSet() )

    # import plotting tools
    from P2VV.Load import LHCbStyle
    from P2VV.Utilities.Plotting import plot
    from ROOT import TCanvas, kBlue, kRed, kGreen

    # plot efficiency
    effCanv = TCanvas( 'effCanv', 'Efficiency' )
    for ( pad, obs, func, norm, xTitle )\
            in zip(  effCanv.pads( 2, 2 )
                   , obsSet[ 1 : 4 ]
                   , [ effFuncCtk, effFuncCtl, effFuncPhi ]
                   , [ 1. / 4. / pi, 1. / 4. / pi, 1. / 4. ]
                   , angleNames
                  ) :
        plot(  pad, obs, None, func, addPDFs = [ effFunc ]
             , yScale      = ( 0.85, 1.15 )
             , pdfOpts     = dict( LineColor = kBlue, LineWidth = 2, Normalization = norm )
             , addPDFsOpts = [ dict( LineColor = kRed,  LineWidth = 2 ) ]

    # plot lifetime and angles
    timeAnglesCanv = TCanvas( 'timeAnglesCanv', 'Lifetime and Decay Angles' )
    for ( pad, obs, nBins, plotTitle, xTitle )\
            in zip(  timeAnglesCanv.pads( 2, 2 )
예제 #5
## make some plots ##

if makePlots :
    # import ROOT plot style
    from P2VV.Load import LHCbStyle

    # create canvas
    from ROOT import TCanvas
    anglesCanv = TCanvas( 'anglesCanv', 'Angles' )

    # make plots
    from P2VV.Utilities.Plotting import plot
    from ROOT import RooFit, RooCmdArg
    for ( pad, obs, nBins, plotTitle, xTitle ) in zip(  anglesCanv.pads(2, 2)
                                                      , angles
                                                      , numBins
                                                      , tuple( [ angle.GetTitle() for angle in angles ] )
                                                      , angleTitles
                                                     ) :
        plot(  pad, obs, data, momPDF0, xTitle = xTitle, addPDFs = [ momPDF1, momPDF, coefPDF, pdf ]
             , frameOpts   = dict( Bins = nBins, Title = plotTitle )
             , dataOpts    = dict( MarkerStyle = markStyle, MarkerSize = markSize )
             , pdfOpts     = dict( LineWidth = lineWidth, LineColor = RooFit.kBlack )
             , addPDFsOpts = [  dict( LineWidth = lineWidth, LineColor = RooFit.kGreen + 2 )
                              , dict( LineWidth = lineWidth, LineColor = RooFit.kMagenta   )
                              , dict( LineWidth = lineWidth, LineColor = RooFit.kRed       )
                              , dict( LineWidth = lineWidth, LineColor = RooFit.kBlue      )
예제 #6

x = array('d', [(bounds[i] + bounds[i + 1]) / 2 for i in range(len(bounds) - 1)])
ex = array('d', [(bounds[i + 1] - bounds[i]) / 2 for i in range(len(bounds) - 1)])

from ROOT import TGraphErrors
shape_patterns = ['runPeriod_%s_' + p + '_%03d' for p in ['hlt1_excl_biased_exclB_bin', 'hlt2_biased_B_bin']]
shapes = dict([(s.GetName(), []) for s in run_period])
from itertools import product
for s, pat in product(shapes.iterkeys(), shape_patterns):
    l = [fpf[pat % (s, i)] for i in range(1, 41)]
    pos = pat.find('hlt')
    n = '%s_%s' % (s, pat[pos : pos + 4])
    y = array('d', [p.getVal() for p in l])
    ey = array('d', [p.getError() for p in l])
    g = TGraphErrors(len(l), x, y, ex, ey)
    ## shapes[s].append(BinnedFun(Name = '_'.join((n, 'shape')), ObsVar = t,
    ##                  Binning = binning, Coefficients = l))

eff_canvases = {}
from ROOT import TCanvas, kYellow, kOrange
for period, s in shapes.iteritems():
    n = 'eff_canvas_' + period
    eff_canvas = TCanvas(n, n, 1200, 400)
    eff_canvases[period] = eff_canvas
    for p, shape in zip(eff_canvas.pads(2, 1), sorted(s, key = lambda e: e.GetName())):
        plot_shape(p, t, shape, errorOpts = {'result' : result, 2 : kYellow, 1 : kOrange})
예제 #7

## make some plots ##

if makePlots :
    # import plotting tools
    from P2VV.Load import LHCbStyle
    from P2VV.Utilities.Plotting import plot
    from ROOT import TCanvas

    # plot lifetime and angles
    timeAnglesCanv = TCanvas( 'timeAnglesCanv', 'Lifetime and Decay Angles' )
    for ( pad, obs, nBins, plotTitle, xTitle )\
            in zip(  timeAnglesCanv.pads( 2, 2 )
                   , observables[ : -1 ]
                   , numBins
                   , [ var.GetTitle() for var in observables[ : -1 ] ]
                   , ( '', ) + angleNames
                  ) :
        plot(  pad, obs, data, pdf, xTitle = xTitle
             , frameOpts = { 'Bins' : nBins, 'Title' : plotTitle }
             , dataOpts  = { 'MarkerStyle' : markStyle, 'MarkerSize' : markSize, 'XErrorSize' : 0 }
             , pdfOpts   = { 'LineWidth' : lineWidth }

    # plot lifetime
    timePlotTitles = tuple( [ time.GetTitle() + str for str in (  ' - B (linear)'
                                                                , ' - B (logarithmic)'
                                                                , ' - #bar{B} (linear)'
예제 #8
        from P2VV.Utilities.DataHandling import readData
        data = readData(ntuple_file, tree_name, cuts = 'sel == 1 && (hlt1_biased == 1 || hlt1_unbiased_dec == 1) && (hlt2_biased == 1 || hlt2_unbiased == 1)',
                        NTuple = True, observables = observables)

        for i in range(3):
            mass_result = mass_pdf.fitTo(data, **fitOpts)
            if mass_result.status() == 0:
        assert(mass_result.status() == 0)

        # Plot mass pdf
        from ROOT import kDashed, kRed, kGreen, kBlue, kBlack
        from ROOT import TCanvas
        canvas = TCanvas('mass_canvas', 'mass_canvas', 600, 530)
        obs = [m]
        for (p,o) in zip(canvas.pads(len(obs)), obs):
            from P2VV.Utilities.Plotting import plot
            pdfOpts  = dict()
            plot(p, o, pdf = mass_pdf, data = data
                 , dataOpts = dict(MarkerSize = 0.8, MarkerColor = kBlack)
                 , pdfOpts  = dict(LineWidth = 2, **pdfOpts)
                 , plotResidHist = True
                 , components = { 'bkg_*'     : dict( LineColor = kRed,   LineStyle = kDashed ),
                                  ## 'psi_*'  : dict( LineColor = kGreen, LineStyle = kDashed ),
                                  'sig_*'     : dict( LineColor = kBlue,  LineStyle = kDashed )
        # Do the sWeights
        # make sweighted dataset. TODO: use mumu mass as well...
        from P2VV.Utilities.SWeights import SData
예제 #9
                                         SmoothSpline = 1, **spec)
    pdf = Single_Exponent_Time(Name = 'pdf', time = t, resolutionModel = res_model)
    pdf = pdf.pdf()

    for i in range(3):
        mass_result = mass_pdf.fitTo(data, **fitOpts)
        if mass_result.status() == 0:
    assert(mass_result.status() == 0)
    # Plot mass pdf
    from ROOT import kDashed, kRed, kGreen, kBlue, kBlack
    from ROOT import TCanvas
    canvas = TCanvas('mass_canvas', 'mass_canvas', 600, 530)
    obs = [m]
    for (p,o) in zip(canvas.pads(len(obs)), obs):
        from P2VV.Utilities.Plotting import plot
        pdfOpts  = dict()
        plot(p, o, pdf = mass_pdf, data = data
             , dataOpts = dict(MarkerSize = 0.8, MarkerColor = kBlack)
             , pdfOpts  = dict(LineWidth = 2, **pdfOpts)
             , plotResidHist = True
             , components = { 'bkg_*'     : dict( LineColor = kRed,   LineStyle = kDashed ),
                              ## 'psi_*'  : dict( LineColor = kGreen, LineStyle = kDashed ),
                              'sig_*'     : dict( LineColor = kBlue,  LineStyle = kDashed )
    # Do the sWeights
    # make sweighted dataset. TODO: use mumu mass as well...
    from P2VV.Utilities.SWeights import SData