def staff(): staff = ROOT.staff_t() # The input file cern.dat is a copy of the CERN staff data base # from 1988 f = TFile('staff.root', 'RECREATE') tree = TTree('T', 'staff data from ascii file') tree.Branch('staff', staff, 'Category/I:Flag:Age:Service:Children:Grade:Step:Hrweek:Cost') tree.Branch('Divisions', AddressOf(staff, 'Division'), 'Division/C') tree.Branch('Nation', AddressOf(staff, 'Nation'), 'Nation/C') # note that the branches Division and Nation cannot be on the first branch fname = os.path.expandvars('$ROOTSYS/tutorials/tree/cernstaff.dat') for line in open(fname).readlines(): t = filter(lambda x: x, re.split('\s+', line)) staff.Category = int(t[0]) # assign as integers staff.Flag = int(t[1]) staff.Age = int(t[2]) staff.Service = int(t[3]) staff.Children = int(t[4]) staff.Grade = int(t[5]) staff.Step = int(t[6]) staff.Hrweek = int(t[7]) staff.Cost = int(t[8]) staff.Division = t[9] # assign as strings staff.Nation = t[10] tree.Fill() tree.Print() tree.Write()
def makeTTree(): """Create ROOT TTree filled with a Gaussian distribution in x and a uniform distribution in y""" tree = TTree("tree", "tree") px = array('d', [0]) py = array('d', [0]) tree.Branch("px", px, "px/D") tree.Branch("py", py, "py/D") for i in range(500): px[0] = gRandom.Gaus(0, 3) py[0] = gRandom.Uniform() * 30 - 15 tree.Fill() return tree
def open(self, update=True): print ' called' if os.path.exists(self.fileName) and update: print 'Opening %s for updating' % self.fileName self.updatemode = True self.file = TFile(self.fileName, 'update') self.tree = self.file.Get(self.treeName) else: print 'Creating %s for writing' % self.fileName self.updatemode = False self.file = TFile(self.fileName, 'create') self.tree = TTree(self.treeName, self.treeName)
def test13WriteMisnamedLeaf( self ): """Test writing of an differently named leaf""" f = TFile( self.fname, 'RECREATE' ) t = TTree( self.tname, self.ttitle ) s = SomeDataStruct() t.Branch( 'cpu_packet_time', AddressOf(s, 'NLabel'), 'time/I' ); for i in range(self.N): s.NLabel = i t.Fill() f.Write() f.Close()
def test_minimizer(fin_name='gen_toy_10bin_highstat', fout_name='result'): fout = TFile('deltas/' + fout_name + '.root', 'RECREATE') tout = TTree('tree', 'tree') bin = array('i', [0]) n = array('f', [0]) delta_n_u = array('f', [0.]) delta_n_d = array('f', [0.]) delta_m_u = array('f', [0.]) delta_m_d = array('f', [0.]) var_delta_m = array('f', [0.]) tout.Branch('bin', bin, 'bin/I') tout.Branch('n', n, 'n/F') tout.Branch('delta_n_u', delta_n_u, 'delta_n_u/F') tout.Branch('delta_n_d', delta_n_d, 'delta_n_d/F') tout.Branch('delta_m_u', delta_m_u, 'delta_m_u/F') tout.Branch('delta_m_d', delta_m_d, 'delta_m_d/F') tout.Branch('var_delta_m', var_delta_m, 'var_delta_m/F') f = TFile.Open('deltas/' + fin_name + ".root") tree = f.Get("tree") tree.SetBranchStatus("*", True) for iev in range(tree.GetEntries()): tree.GetEntry(iev) ev = tree n_toy = ev.n_toy n_bins = ev.n_bin n_deltas = ev.n_deltas deltas = ev.deltas bin_n = ev.bin_n bin_u = ev.bin_u bin_d = ev.bin_d print deltas fix_params = [] #fix_params.extend([1, 2+3*n_bins]) #fix_params.extend(range(n_bins+2, 2*n_bins+2)) minimize_deltas = Minimze_deltas(deltas=deltas, nbins=n_bins, step=0.01, fix_params=fix_params) res = for b in range(n_bins): bin[0] = b + 1 n[0] = bin_n[b] delta_n_u[0] = res[0][b] delta_n_d[0] = res[1][b] delta_m_u[0] = res[2][b] delta_m_d[0] = res[3][b] var_delta_m[0] = res[4][b] #print "Bin %s: [%s, %s] ==> %s +/- %s" % ( b+1, delta_n_u[0], delta_n_d[0], abs(delta_m_u[0]), math.sqrt(var_delta_m[0])) tout.Fill() f.Close() fout.Write() fout.Close()
class TreeProducer(object): """Base class to create and prepare a custom output file & tree for analysis modules.""" def __init__(self, filename, module, **kwargs): self.filename = filename self.module = module self.outfile = TFile(filename, 'RECREATE') ncuts = kwargs.get('ncuts', 25) self.cutflow = Cutflow('cutflow', ncuts) self.display = kwargs.get('display_cutflow', True) self.pileup = TH1D('pileup', 'pileup', 100, 0, 100) self.tree = TTree('tree', 'tree') def addBranch(self, name, dtype='f', default=None, title=None, arrname=None): """Add branch with a given name, and create an array of the same name as address.""" if hasattr(self, name): raise IOError("Branch of name '%s' already exists!" % (name)) if not arrname: arrname = name if isinstance(dtype, str): # Set correct data type for numpy: if dtype == 'F': # 'F' = 'complex64', which do not work for filling float branches dtype = 'float32' # 'f' = 'float32' -> 'F' -> Float_t if isinstance(dtype, str): # Set correct data type for numpy: if dtype == 'D': # 'D' = 'complex128', which do not work for filling float branches dtype = 'float64' # 'd' = 'float64' -> 'D' -> Double_t setattr(self, arrname, np.zeros(1, dtype=dtype)) branch = self.tree.Branch(name, getattr(self, arrname), '%s/%s' % (name, root_dtype[dtype])) if default != None: getattr(self, name)[0] = default if title: branch.SetTitle(title) return branch def fill(self): """Fill tree.""" return self.tree.Fill() def endJob(self): """Write and close files after the job ends.""" if self.display: self.cutflow.display() print ">>> Write %s..." % (self.outfile.GetName()) self.outfile.Write() self.outfile.Close()
def ROC(stree, btree, selection, score_retrieval, outname): bhist = histfill(btree, selection, score_retrieval) shist = histfill(stree, selection, score_retrieval) outtree = TTree(outname, outname) tpr = np.zeros(1) fpr = np.zeros(1) outtree.Branch("tpr", tpr, "tpr/D") outtree.Branch("fpr", fpr, "fpr/D") n_signal = shist.Integral() n_background = bhist.Integral() for i in range(10000): tpr[0] = 1. - (shist.Integral(0, i + 1) / n_signal) fpr[0] = 1. - (bhist.Integral(0, i + 1) / n_background) outtree.Fill() outtree.Write()
def CreateOutput(self, nam): #create tree output associated with the hits self.otree = TTree(nam, nam) self.out_en = c_double(0) self.out_x = c_double(0) self.out_y = c_double(0) self.out_z = c_double(0) self.out_pdg = c_int(0) self.otree.Branch("en", self.out_en, "en/D") self.otree.Branch("x", self.out_x, "x/D") self.otree.Branch("y", self.out_y, "y/D") self.otree.Branch("z", self.out_z, "z/D") self.otree.Branch("pdg", self.out_pdg, "pdg/I")
def test01WriteStdVector(self): """Test writing of a single branched TTree with an std::vector<double>""" f = TFile(self.fname, 'RECREATE') t = TTree(self.tname, self.ttitle) v = std.vector('double')() t.Branch('mydata', v.__class__.__name__, v) for i in range(self.N): for j in range(self.M): v.push_back(i * self.M + j) t.Fill() v.clear() f.Write() f.Close()
def create_singles_TTree(host_file): from ROOT import TTree title = 'Single events by Sam Kohn (git: {})'.format( translate.git_describe()) out = TTree('singles', title) buf = TreeBuffer() initialize_basic_TTree(out, buf) buf.fQuad = float_value() buf.fMax = float_value() buf.fPSD_t1 = float_value() buf.fPSD_t2 = float_value() buf.f2inch_maxQ = float_value() buf.x = float_value() buf.y = float_value() buf.z = float_value() buf.x_AdTime = float_value() buf.y_AdTime = float_value() buf.z_AdTime = float_value() buf.fID = float_value() buf.fPSD = float_value() buf.num_nearby_events = unsigned_int_value() buf.nearby_dt = int_value(10) buf.nearby_energy = float_value(10) def branch(name, typecode): out.Branch(name, getattr(buf, name), '{}/{}'.format(name, typecode)) return branch('fQuad', 'F') branch('fMax', 'F') branch('fPSD_t1', 'F') branch('fPSD_t2', 'F') branch('f2inch_maxQ', 'F') branch('x', 'F') branch('y', 'F') branch('z', 'F') branch('x_AdTime', 'F') branch('y_AdTime', 'F') branch('z_AdTime', 'F') branch('fID', 'F') branch('fPSD', 'F') branch('num_nearby_events', 'I') out.Branch('nearby_dt', buf.nearby_dt, 'nearby_dt[num_nearby_events]/I') out.Branch('nearby_energy', buf.nearby_energy, 'nearby_energy[num_nearby_events]/F') return out, buf
def splitFile(input_file_name, input_tree_name, splitting_branch_name): input_file = input_tree = input_file[input_tree_name] branch_collection = BranchInfoCollection(input_tree) #determine possible values of branch according to which the file will be split splitting_branch = input_tree[splitting_branch_name] split_values = possibleValues(splitting_branch) #make new file with split trees split_file_name = '{}_split_{}.root'.format( removePathAndExtension(input_file_name), splitting_branch_name) split_file = TFile(split_file_name, 'RECREATE') split_trees = {} for value in split_values: name = '{}_{}_{}'.format(input_tree_name, splitting_branch_name, value) split_trees[value] = TTree(name, name) branch_collection.addBranches(split_trees[value]) for array_map in TreeIterator(input_tree): split_array = array_map[splitting_branch_name] for j in range(len(array_map)): branch_collection.fillArrays(array_map, j) split_trees[split_array[j]].Fill() for tree in split_trees.values(): tree.Write() split_file.Close()
def main(): # setting for reduced DS to be used on the output of makeSubset.C inputfile_name = "small.root" tree_name = "upsTree" # settings for full dataset (long processing time for unbinned lh) #inputfile_name = "/data1/chibdata/collision/v2/2012_AllData_v2.root" #tree_name = "rootuple/upsTree" print "Opening file" inputfile = TFile.Open(inputfile_name, "READ") print "Importing tree" tree = TTree() inputfile.GetObject(tree_name, tree) mass = RooRealVar("ups_mass", "ups_mass", 7, 11) y = RooRealVar("ups_rapidity", "ups_rapidity", -3, 3) pt = RooRealVar("ups_pt", "ups_pt", 0, 100) print "Assigning dataset" dataArgSet = RooArgSet(mass, y, pt) dataSet = RooDataSet("yds", "Y data set", tree, dataArgSet) cuts= "abs(ups_rapidity) < 1.25"+\ "&& ups_pt>9.5"\ reduced_ds = dataSet.reduce(RooFit.Cut(cuts)) print "Performing likelihood analysis" dofit(reduced_ds, "Y3S")
def fillTree(self, name, event, specific = None): #determine if we need all event info or only part keys = event.keys() if specific is not None: keys = specific #if we haven't made the tree, create it and set it up if name not in self.myTrees.keys(): print 'creating tree %s'%name self.myTrees[name] = TTree(name,name) gDirectory.Add(self.myTrees[name]) self.myTrees[name] = gDirectory.Get(name) #create the struct we bind to our branches stct = self._makeStruct(name,keys,event) if len(stct) > 0: gROOT.ProcessLine('.L %s_vars.C'%(name)) else: gROOT.ProcessLine(stct) gROOT.ProcessLine('%s_vars %s_vars_holder;'%(name,name)) self.myStructs[name] = getattr(ROOT,"%s_vars"%(name))() #bind branches to the members of the struct we've created self._bindBranches(name,keys,event) self.myTrees[name].SetCacheSize() #we are now done setting up the tree (if needed) -> set values and fill if isinstance(event,dict): for key in keys: if hasattr(self.myStructs[name],key): setattr(self.myStructs[name],key,event[key]) else: self.myDicts[name][key] = event[key] self.myTrees[name].SetBranchAddress(key, self.myDicts[name][key]) self.myTrees[name].Fill()
def test_duplicate_branch_name(): from array import array tree = TTree('tree', 'tree') d = array('d', [0.]) tree.Branch('double', d, 'double/D') tree.Branch('double', d, 'double/D') tree.Fill() # check that a warning was emitted with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: warnings.simplefilter("always") a = rnp.tree2array(tree) assert_equal(len(w), 1) assert_true(issubclass(w[-1].category, RuntimeWarning)) assert_true("ignoring duplicate branch named" in str(w[-1].message)) assert_equal(a.dtype, [('double', '<f8')])
def __init__(self, name, isData=False): print 'TreeProducerSimple is called', name = name self.outputfile = TFile(name, 'RECREATE') self.tree = TTree('tree', 'tree') self.addBranch('event', int) self.addBranch('njets', float) self.addBranch('jpt_1', float) self.addBranch('jeta_1', float) self.addBranch('jphi_1', float) self.addBranch('jpt_2', float) self.addBranch('jeta_2', float) self.addBranch('jphi_2', float) self.addBranch('met', float) self.addBranch('metphi', float) if not isData: jetuncs = ['jer', 'jes'] metuncs = ['jer', 'jes', 'unclEn'] for unc in jetuncs: for var in ['Up', 'Down']: self.addBranch('jpt_1_%s' % (unc + var), float) self.addBranch('jpt_2_%s' % (unc + var), float) for unc in metuncs: for var in ['Up', 'Down']: self.addBranch('met_%s' % (unc + var), float)
def calcAcceptance(chib_state): rootupla = rootupla_gen_1 if chib_state == 1 else rootupla_gen_2 in_file = TFile.Open(rootupla,'READ') tree = TTree() #in_file.GetObject('rootuple/GenParticlesTree', tree) in_file.GetObject('rootuple/chibTree', tree) N0 = 0 N1 = 0 cont = 0 for event in tree: if cont == 10000: break # if event.Upsilon_pt > cuts.upsilon_pt_lcut and event.Upsilon_pt < cuts.upsilon_pt_hcut and abs(event.photon_eta) < cuts.photon_eta_cut and abs(event.Upsilon_rapidity) < cuts.upsilon_rapidity_cut: if event.Upsilon_p4.Pt() > cuts.upsilon_pt_lcut and event.Upsilon_p4.Pt() < cuts.upsilon_pt_hcut and abs(event.photon_p4.Eta()) < cuts.photon_eta_cut and abs(event.Upsilon_p4.Rapidity()) < cuts.upsilon_rapidity_cut: muP_pt = event.muP_p4.Pt() muP_eta = event.muP_p4.Eta() ups_dir, mu_dir = upsilonMuDirections(event.chib_p4, event.Upsilon_p4, event.muP_p4,'hx') weight = angDist(ups_dir, mu_dir, chib_state, None) N0 += weight cont += 1 #if abs(muP_eta) < 2.4 and abs(event.muM_p4.Eta()) < 2.4 and muP_pt > 2.5 and event.muM_p4.Pt() > 2.5: if (abs(muP_eta) > 1.4 and abs(muP_eta) < 1.6 and abs(event.muM_p4.Eta()) > 1.4 and abs(event.muM_p4.Eta()) < 1.6 and muP_pt > 3 and event.muM_p4.Pt() > 3) \ or (abs(muP_eta) > 1.2 and abs(muP_eta) < 1.4 and abs(event.muM_p4.Eta()) > 1.2 and abs(event.muM_p4.Eta()) < 1.4 and muP_pt > 3.5 and event.muM_p4.Pt() > 3.5) \ or (abs(muP_eta) < 1.1 and abs(event.muM_p4.Eta()) < 1.1 and muP_pt > 4.5 and event.muM_p4.Pt() > 4.5): N1 += weight return N0, N1
def __init__(self, treeName, fileName, scale=1.0, cuts=""): self.fileName = fileName self.treeName = treeName self.scale = scale self.cuts = cuts self.tfile = TFile() self.ttree = TTree()
def initialize(self):'initializing [%s]...', = PyAthena.py_svc('StoreGateSvc') self.hsvc = PyAthena.py_svc('THistSvc') self.trigDec = PyAthena.py_tool( 'Trig::TrigDecisionTool/TrigDecisionTool') # # TTree # self.DATA = {} self.BRANCHES = {} self.hsvc['/turnontree/dijets'] = TTree("dijets", "dijets") self.tree = self.hsvc['/turnontree/dijets'] # for i in ['event_number', 'run_number', 'lumi_block']: self.treewrap(i, 0) for i in [ '%s%d' % (i, j) for i in ['px', 'py', 'pz', 'e', 'rapidity', 'pt'] for j in [0, 1] ]: self.treewrap(i, 0.0) for i in ['roi_%s%d' % (i, j) for i in ['eta', 'phi'] for j in [0, 1]]: self.treewrap(i, 0.0) return StatusCode.Success
def create_event_TTree(host_file): from ROOT import TTree title = 'AD events by Sam Kohn (git: {})'.format(translate.git_describe()) out = TTree('events', title) buf = TreeBuffer() initialize_basic_TTree(out, buf) buf.fQuad = float_value() buf.fMax = float_value() buf.fPSD_t1 = float_value() buf.fPSD_t2 = float_value() buf.f2inch_maxQ = float_value() buf.x = float_value() buf.y = float_value() buf.z = float_value() buf.fID = float_value() buf.fPSD = float_value() def branch(name, typecode): out.Branch(name, getattr(buf, name), '{}/{}'.format(name, typecode)) return branch('fQuad', 'F') branch('fMax', 'F') branch('fPSD_t1', 'F') branch('fPSD_t2', 'F') branch('f2inch_maxQ', 'F') branch('x', 'F') branch('y', 'F') branch('z', 'F') branch('fID', 'F') branch('fPSD', 'F') return out, buf
def copy_directory(newdir, olddir, condition=None): """Reads all objects from olddir and writes them to newdir. newdir, olddir: Directories (inheriting from TDirectory). condition: Function that takes key name and returns whether the file should be kept or not (optional). """ for key in olddir.GetListOfKeys(): if condition is not None and (not condition(key) or key.GetName().startswith('ProcessID')): continue cl = gROOT.GetClass(key.GetClassName()) if not cl: continue if cl.InheritsFrom(TDirectory.Class()): newsub = newdir.mkdir(key.GetName()) oldsub = olddir.GetDirectory(key.GetName()) copy_directory(newsub, oldsub) elif cl.InheritsFrom(TTree.Class()): oldtree = olddir.Get(key.GetName()) newtree = oldtree.CloneTree(-1, 'fast') newtree.Write() else: obj = key.ReadObj() obj.Write(key.GetName()) del obj
class TreeProducerCommon(object): """Class to create a custom output file & tree; as well as create and contain branches.""" def __init__(self, filename, module, **kwargs): print 'TreeProducerCommon is called for', name ncuts = kwargs.get('ncuts',25) self.filename = filename self.module = module self.outfile = TFile(filename,'RECREATE') self.tree = TTree('tree','tree') self.cutflow = TH1D('cutflow','cutflow',ncuts,0,ncuts) def addBranch(self, name, dtype='f', default=None, arrname=None): """Add branch with a given name, and create an array of the same name as address.""" if hasattr(self,name): raise IOError("Branch of name '%s' already exists!"%(name)) if not arrname: arrname = name if isinstance(dtype,str): if dtype.lower()=='f': # 'f' is only a 'float32', and 'F' is a 'complex64', which do not work for filling float branches dtype = float # float is a 'float64' ('f8') elif dtype.lower()=='i': # 'i' is only a 'int32' dtype = int # int is a 'int64' ('i8') setattr(self,arrname,np.zeros(1,dtype=dtype)) self.tree.Branch(name, getattr(self,arrname), '%s/%s'%(name,root_dtype[dtype])) if default!=None: getattr(self,name)[0] = default def endJob(self): """Write and close files after the job ends.""" self.outfile.Write() self.outfile.Close()
def newRootFile(filenumber): rootfile = {'number': filenumber} rootfile['name'] = path + '/' + O['detector'][0] + '_' + \ O['dataset'][0] + '/' + O['detector'][0] + '_' \ + O['dataset'][0] + '_' + str(filenumber) + \ '.root' print '<<< Create ROOT file:', rootfile['name'] rootfile['file'] = TFile(rootfile['name'], 'RECREATE') for inttype in ['b', 'h', 'i', 'l']: if array(inttype, [0]).itemsize == 4: break rootfile['time'] = array(inttype, [0]) rootfile['data'] = array('f', [0.0]) rootfile['datas'] = nBX * [0.0] rootfile['bx'] = array(inttype, [0]) rootfile['bxs'] = [bx for bx in O['crossings']] rootfile['fill'] = array(inttype, [0]) rootfile['run'] = array(inttype, [0]) rootfile['ls'] = array(inttype, [0]) rootfile['tree'] = TTree(O['treename']['hd5files'], \ O['detector'][1]+' data') rootfile['tree'].Branch(O['timename']['hd5files'], \ rootfile['time'], 'timestamp/I') rootfile['tree'].Branch('data', rootfile['data'], 'data/F') rootfile['tree'].Branch('bx', rootfile['bx'], 'bx/I') rootfile['tree'].Branch('fill', rootfile['fill'], 'fill/I') rootfile['tree'].Branch('run', rootfile['run'], 'run/I') rootfile['tree'].Branch('ls', rootfile['ls'], 'ls/I') return rootfile
def __init__(self, name, isMC=False, year=2016): print 'TreeProducerTriggers is called', name = name self.outputfile = TFile(name, 'RECREATE') self.tree = TTree('tree', 'tree') self.year = year self.addBranch('jj_mass_widejet', float) self.addBranch('jj_deltaEta_widejet', float) self.addBranch('HLT_AK8PFJet500', int) self.addBranch('HLT_PFJet500', int) self.addBranch('HLT_CaloJet500_NoJetID', int) self.addBranch('HLT_PFHT900', int) self.addBranch('HLT_AK8PFJet550', int) self.addBranch('HLT_PFJet550', int) self.addBranch('HLT_CaloJet550_NoJetID', int) self.addBranch('HLT_PFHT1050', int) self.addBranch( 'HLT_DoublePFJets128MaxDeta1p6_DoubleCaloBTagDeepCSV_p71', int) self.addBranch( 'HLT_DoublePFJets116MaxDeta1p6_DoubleCaloBTagDeepCSV_p71', int) self.addBranch('HLT_DoublePFJets40_CaloBTagDeepCSV_p71', int) self.addBranch('HLT_DoublePFJets100_CaloBTagDeepCSV_p71', int) self.addBranch('HLT_DoublePFJets200_CaloBTagDeepCSV_p71', int) self.addBranch('HLT_DoublePFJets350_CaloBTagDeepCSV_p71', int)
def __init__(self, name, isMC=False, year=2016): print 'TreeProducerDijetMass is called', name = name self.outputfile = TFile(name, 'RECREATE') self.tree = TTree('tree','tree') self.year = year = TH1F('Events', 'Events', 1,0,1) self.addBranch('njets' , int) self.addBranch('jid_1' , int) self.addBranch('jid_2' , int) self.addBranch('jj_mass' , float) self.addBranch('jj_mass_lepcorr', float) self.addBranch('jj_mass_metcorr', float) self.addBranch('jj_mass_widejet', float) self.addBranch('jj_deltaEta_widejet', float) self.addBranch('jj_deltaEta' , float) self.addBranch('nelectrons' , int) self.addBranch('nmuons' , int) self.addBranch('fatjetmass_1' , float) self.addBranch('fatjetmass_2' , float) self.addBranch('HLT_AK8PFJet500' , int) self.addBranch('HLT_PFJet500' , int) self.addBranch('HLT_CaloJet500_NoJetID' , int) self.addBranch('HLT_PFHT900' , int) self.addBranch('HLT_AK8PFJet550' , int) self.addBranch('HLT_PFJet550' , int) self.addBranch('HLT_CaloJet550_NoJetID' , int) self.addBranch('HLT_PFHT1050' , int) self.addBranch('isMC' , int)
def skim_data(weekend): rdata = [[1, 3, 4, 5], [9, 13], [27], [33], [34]] runList = rdata[weekend] thresh = {} thresh[1] = {0: 80, 1: 60, 2: 70, 3: 80} thresh[1] = {0: 80, 1: 60, 2: 70, 3: 80} thresh[3] = {0: 80, 1: 60, 2: 70, 3: 80} thresh[4] = {0: 80, 1: 60, 2: 70, 3: 80} thresh[5] = {0: 80, 1: 60, 2: 70, 3: 80} thresh[9] = {0: 80, 1: 70, 2: 100, 3: 90} thresh[13] = {0: 80, 1: 70, 2: 100, 3: 90} thresh[27] = {0: 80, 1: 75, 2: 70, 3: 90} thresh[33] = {0: 80, 1: 230, 2: 300, 3: 430} thresh[34] = {0: 80, 1: 230, 2: 300, 3: 430} # print(thresh) # for key in thresh: # print(key, thresh[key]) fileDir, skimDir = "./data", "./skim" for run in runList: filelist = glob.glob("{}/run_{}/FILTERED/compassF_run_{}".format( fileDir, run, run) + "*.root") print(filelist) for f in sorted(filelist): fcut = "(Channel==0 && Energy > {}) || ".format(thresh[run][0]) fcut += "(Channel==1 && Energy > {}) || ".format(thresh[run][1]) fcut += "(Channel==2 && Energy > {}) || ".format(thresh[run][2]) fcut += "(Channel==3 && Energy > {})".format(thresh[run][3]) ch = TChain("Data_F") ch.Add(f) print("Found %d entries" % (ch.GetEntries())) outName = "{}/run_{}.root".format(skimDir, run) outFile = TFile(outName, "RECREATE") outTree = TTree() outTree = ch.CopyTree(fcut) outTree.Write() outFile.Close() f2 = TFile(outName) tt2 = f2.Get("Data_F") print(tt2.GetEntries())
def execute(self, log_out, log_err): # Use local ROOT imports so ROOT env isn't necessary just to load the module. from ROOT import gROOT, TFile, TTree output_file = self.outputs[0] input_files = self.inputs"Creating output ROOT tuple '%s'" % output_file)"Input text files: %s" % str(input_files)) treeFile = TFile(output_file, "RECREATE") tree = TTree("ntuple", "data from text tuple " + input_files[0]) if len(input_files) > 1: inputfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) print firstfile = True for filename in input_files: if os.path.isfile(filename): f = open(filename, 'r') firstline = True for i in f: if firstline: if firstfile: branchdescriptor = i inputfile.write(i) else: if branchdescriptor != i: print "branch descriptor doesn't match" sys.exit(-1) else: inputfile.write(i) firstline = False f.close() firstfile = False else: logger.warn("Ignoring non-existant input file '%s'" % filename) inputfile.close() print tree.ReadFile( os.remove( else: print tree.ReadFile(input_files[0]) tree.Write()
def createdummyroot(fname, nevts=10000): print ">>> Creating dummy ROOT file %r..." % (fname) file = TFile(fname, 'RECREATE') tree = TTree('tree', 'tree') hist = TH1F('hist', 'hist', 50, -2, 2) pt = array('d', [0]) phi = array('d', [0]) tree.Branch("pt", pt, 'normal/D') tree.Branch("phi", phi, 'uniform/D') for i in xrange(nevts): pt[0] = gRandom.Landau(40, 20) phi[0] = gRandom.Uniform(-1.57, 1.57) hist.Fill(gRandom.Landau(0, 1)) tree.Fill() file.Write() file.Close() return fname
class tree_manager: def __init__(self, name): self.tree = TTree(name, '') self.arrays = {} def Branch(self, key): self.arrays[key] = array.array('d', [0.0]) return self.tree.Branch(key, self.arrays[key], key + '/D') def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.arrays[key][0] = value def Fill(self): return self.tree.Fill() def Write(self): return self.tree.Write()
def test11WriteTObjArray(self): """Test writing of a TObjArray""" f = TFile(self.fname, 'RECREATE') t = TTree(self.tname, self.ttitle) o = TObjArray() t.Branch('mydata', o) nameds = [TNamed(name, name) for name in self.testnames] for name in nameds: o.Add(name) self.assertEqual(len(o), len(self.testnames)) t.Fill() f.Write() f.Close()
def write_rootfile(self): """ Put the signal and bkg histos and the config as a json string into the currently open rootfile. rootfile - writable TFile """ self.histo.Write() self.bkg_histo.Write() config_str = json.dumps(self.config.to_dict()) config_array = array.array('B', config_str) t = TTree("configtree", "BumpHunter Config") t.Branch("config", config_array, "config[%s]/C" % len(config_array)) t.Fill() t.Write()
def __init__(self,name='tree',title='tree',ttree=None): """ empty constructor with a name and title. """ #if (ttree == None): self._constructor_empty(name,title) #else: self._constructor_copy(self,ttree) = name self.labels = [] self.varnames = [] self.vars = {} self.nentries = 0 self.ttree = TTree.__init__(self,name,title)