예제 #1
def fitsToRoot():

    # Create root file and tree
    f = TFile(path_root + "GRID_2008_2015.root", "RECREATE")
    tree = TTree("data_GRID", "data_GRID")
    obt = array('d', [0])
    tree.Branch('obt', obt, 'obt/D')
    contact = array('I', [0])
    tree.Branch('contact', contact, 'contact/I')

    filenames = filesInFolderAsList(path)

    c = 0
    for name in filenames:
        c = c + 1
        print str(c) + "/" + str(len(filenames))

        # open fits file
        hdulist = fits.open(path + name)


        # Get table inside EVENTS
        event_data = Table(hdulist['EVENTS'].data)

        contact[0] = int(name[3:9])
        print contact[0]
        #Iterate through tabel and append TIME to tree
        for row in event_data:
            obt[0] = (row['TIME'])

            #if (354153660 - 60) < obt[0] and obt[0] < (362102460 + 60):


    #tree.Scan("obt","", "col=20.6f")
def computation(name, start_year, start_month, start_day, start_hour,
                start_minute, start_second, end_year, end_month, end_day,
                end_hour, end_minute, end_second):

    # set initial and final times
    aepoch = time.strptime('2004 1 1 0 0 0', '%Y %m %d %H %M %S')
    tepoch = timegm(aepoch)

    dini = datetime(start_year, start_month, start_day, start_hour,
                    start_minute, start_second)  # start date for the analysis
    dfin = datetime(end_year, end_month, end_day, end_hour, end_minute,
                    end_second)  # stop date for the analysis
    dt = timedelta(
        0, 1
    )  # time interval for orbital sampling (1 s ~ 8 km ~24us max timing error)

    #  create output root file and tree

    f = TFile(name, "recreate")
    tree = TTree("position", "start of 2017 to 2017-11-09T10:09:10")
    year = array('i', [0])
    month = array('i', [0])
    day = array('i', [0])
    hour = array('i', [0])
    min = array('i', [0])
    sec = array('i', [0])
    X = array('f', [0.])
    Y = array('f', [0.])
    Z = array('f', [0.])
    lon = array('f', [0.])
    lat = array('f', [0.])
    h = array('f', [0.])
    obt = array('d', [0.])
    tree.Branch('year', year, 'year/I')
    tree.Branch('month', month, 'month/I')
    tree.Branch('day', day, 'day/I')
    tree.Branch('hour', hour, 'hour/I')
    tree.Branch('min', min, 'min/I')
    tree.Branch('sec', sec, 'sec/I')
    tree.Branch('X', X, 'X/F')
    tree.Branch('Y', Y, 'Y/F')
    tree.Branch('Z', Z, 'Z/F')
    tree.Branch('lon', lon, 'lon/F')
    tree.Branch('lat', lat, 'lat/F')
    tree.Branch('h', h, 'h/F')
    tree.Branch('obt', obt, 'obt/D')

    # load AGILE TLE

    agile_tle_file = open('AGILE_TLE_2017-Feb2018.dat',
                          'r')  #data from 22 March 2015 (newconf data)
    agile_tle_list = agile_tle_file.readlines()

    # track AGILE orbit

    l5 = agile_tle_list.pop()
    l6 = agile_tle_list.pop()
    agile0 = twoline2rv(l5, l6, wgs72)
    l5 = agile_tle_list.pop()
    l6 = agile_tle_list.pop()
    agile1 = twoline2rv(l5, l6, wgs72)

    # loop on time range

    d = dini

    counter = 0
    while d <= dfin:

        while d > agile1.epoch:
            print("From time ", d, " using TLE: ", l5)
            agile0 = agile1
            l3 = agile_tle_list.pop()
            l4 = agile_tle_list.pop()
            agile1 = twoline2rv(l3, l4, wgs72)

        xagile, vagile = agile0.propagate(d.year, d.month, d.day, d.hour,
                                          d.second + d.microsecond * 1.e-6)
        x0 = np.array(xagile)
        print xagile
        X[0] = x0[0]
        Y[0] = x0[1]
        Z[0] = x0[2]
        year[0] = d.year
        month[0] = d.month
        day[0] = d.day
        hour[0] = d.hour
        min[0] = d.minute
        sec[0] = d.second

        t = Time(d)
        t.delta_ut1_utc = iers_a.ut1_utc(t)
        s = t.sidereal_time('mean', 'greenwich')
        s.wrap_angle = 180 * u.deg
        r = rot.rotation_z(s)
        x0_ecef = r.dot(x0)
        lat[0], lon[0], h[0] = rot.ecef2geodetic(x0_ecef[0], x0_ecef[1],
        obt[0] = timegm(d.timetuple()) - tepoch

        #print (d, year[0], month[0], day[0], hour[0], min[0], sec[0], obt[0], x0[0], x0[1], x0[2], lon[0], lat[0], h[0])

        counter = counter + 1
        if counter == 5000:
            counter = 0
            print(year[0], month[0], day[0], hour[0], min[0], sec[0])

        d = d + dt
