while( True ): try: if yarpRunning: print "Waiting for input" inputInteractionPort.read(inputBottle,True) print(inputBottle.get(0).asString() + 'received') if( inputBottle.get(0).asString() == "ask_name" ): #testFace = numpy.zeros([numFaces,imgHNew*imgWNew*3]) testFace = numpy.zeros([numFaces,imgHNew*imgWNew]) for i in range(numFaces): imageReceived = False imageReceived = mySAMpy.readImageFromCamera() if(imageReceived): testFace[i,:] = mySAMpy.imageFlatten_testing print "face" + str(i) #pp = mySAMpy.testing(testFace, choice, visualiseInfo) ss=numpy.zeros(len(participantList)) for i in range(len(Lunique)): testFacen = testFace; #testFacen = testFace - testFace.mean() #testFacen /= testFace.std() #testFacen = testFace - mm[i].Ymean #testFacen /= mm[i].Ystd ss[i] = mm[i].SAMObject.familiarity(testFacen) print('Familiarity with ' + participantList[i] + ' given current face is: ' + str(ss[i]))
pb.draw() pb.show() visualiseInfo['fig_nn'] = fig_nn else: visualiseInfo = None # Read and test images from iCub eyes in real-time #fig_input = pb.figure() #subplt_input = fig_input.add_subplot(111) while (True): try: if yarpRunning: choice = inputInteractionPort.read(True) testFace = mySAMpy.readImageFromCamera() else: TODO pp = mySAMpy.testing(testFace, choice, visualiseInfo) #time.sleep(0.5) l = pp.pop() l.remove() pb.draw() pb.waitforbuttonpress(0.1) #del l except KeyboardInterrupt: print 'Interrupted' try: sys.exit(0) except SystemExit: os._exit(0)
visualiseInfo['fig_nn']=fig_nn else: visualiseInfo=None # Read and test images from iCub eyes in real-time #fig_input = pb.figure() #subplt_input = fig_input.add_subplot(111) while( True ): pass try: choice = inputInteractionPort.read(True) testFace = mySAMpy.readImageFromCamera() pp = mySAMpy.testing(testFace, choice, visualiseInfo) #time.sleep(0.5) l = pp.pop() l.remove() pb.draw() pb.waitforbuttonpress(0.1) #del l except KeyboardInterrupt: print 'Interrupted' try: sys.exit(0) except SystemExit: os._exit(0)
while (True): try: if yarpRunning: print "Waiting for input" inputInteractionPort.read(inputBottle, True) print(inputBottle.get(0).asString() + 'received') if (inputBottle.get(0).asString() == "ask_name"): #testFace = numpy.zeros([numFaces,imgHNew*imgWNew*3]) testFace = numpy.zeros([numFaces, imgHNew * imgWNew]) for i in range(numFaces): imageReceived = False imageReceived = mySAMpy.readImageFromCamera() if (imageReceived): testFace[i, :] = mySAMpy.imageFlatten_testing print "face" + str(i) #pp = mySAMpy.testing(testFace, choice, visualiseInfo) ss = numpy.zeros(len(participantList)) for i in range(len(Lunique)): testFacen = testFace #testFacen = testFace - testFace.mean() #testFacen /= testFace.std() #testFacen = testFace - mm[i].Ymean #testFacen /= mm[i].Ystd ss[i] = mm[i].SAMObject.familiarity(testFacen) print('Familiarity with ' + participantList[i] + ' given current face is: ' + str(ss[i]))