예제 #1
			fast = fast._next
			return False 
		if slow == fast:
			return True
	return False

ll = SinglyLinkedList()
n5 = Node(5)
n4 = Node(4, n5)
n3 = Node(3, n4)
n2 = Node(2, n3)
n1 = Node(1, n2)

n5._next = n3

# setting the head to the created linked list
ll._head = n1

# testing to see if the linked list loops
curr = ll._head
for i in range(8):
  print curr._element
  curr = curr._next

# lst = SinglyLinkedList()
# n4 = Node(4)
# n3 = Node(3, n4)
# n2 = Node(2, n3)
# n1 = Node(1, n2)