def sumLists(list1Node, list2Node, carry=0):
    if not (list1Node or list2Node or carry > 0):
        return None

    sumNode = Node(carry)
    list1Next = None
    list2Next = None

    # Add the listNode only if necessary, this handles varying lengths
    if list1Node:
        sumNode.value += list1Node.value
        list1Next =
    if list2Node:
        sumNode.value += list2Node.value
        list2Next =

    carry = sumNode.value / 10
    sumNode.value = sumNode.value % 10

    # hands off carry and next nodes of both lists recursively
    nextSumNode = sumLists(list1Next, list2Next, carry)
    # After node is received, take current node and put in front = nextSumNode

    return sumNode