예제 #1
            logger.info("File %s already exists. Skipping.", targetFileName)
            cmd = None

    from subprocess import call

    if cmd is not None: call(cmd + [targetFileName] + job)

    if options.delete:
        isOK =  checkRootFile( targetFileName, checkForObjects = [options.treeName]) \
            if options.treeName is not None else checkRootFile( targetFileName )
        if isOK:
            for f in job:
                logger.debug("Deleted input %s", f)
                "File %s does not look OK. Checked for tree: %r. Did not delete input.",
                targetFileName, options.treeName)
        if not isOK:
            logger.warning("File %s does not look OK. Checked for tree: %r.",
                           targetFileName, options.treeName)

    if options.really:
            "Done with nothing. Use --really to hadd and --delete to delete the input."
예제 #2
    if os.path.exists( targetFileName ):
        if options.overwrite:
            logger.info( "Found file %s. Overwriting.", targetFileName )
            cmd.append( '-f' )
            logger.info( "File %s already exists. Skipping.", targetFileName )
            cmd = None
    from subprocess import call

    if cmd is not None: call(cmd + [targetFileName] + job) 
    if options.delete:
        isOK =  checkRootFile( targetFileName, checkForObjects = [options.treeName]) \
            if options.treeName is not None else checkRootFile( targetFileName ) 
        if isOK:
            for f in job:
                os.remove( f )
                logger.debug( "Deleted input %s", f)
            logger.warning( "File %s does not look OK. Checked for tree: %r. Did not delete input.", targetFileName, options.treeName )
        if not isOK: logger.warning( "File %s does not look OK. Checked for tree: %r.", targetFileName, options.treeName )

    if options.really:
        logger.info("Done with nothing. Use --really to hadd and --delete to delete the input.")
elif isSingleLep:
    skimConds.append( "Sum$(LepGood_pt>20&&abs(LepGood_eta)<2.5) + Sum$(LepOther_pt>20&&abs(LepOther_eta)<2.5)>=1" )
elif isJet250:
    skimConds.append( "Sum$(Jet_pt>250) +  Sum$(DiscJet_pt>250) + Sum$(JetFailId_pt>250) + Sum$(gamma_pt>250) > 0" )

#Samples: Load samples
maxN = 2 if options.runSmallSample else None
if options.T2tt:
    from StopsDilepton.samples.cmgTuples_Signals_Spring15_mAODv2_25ns_0l import T2tt
    from StopsDilepton.samples.helpers import getT2ttSignalWeight
    samples = filter( lambda s:s.name in options.samples, T2tt)
    logger.info( "T2tt signal samples to be processed: %s", ",".join(s.name for s in samples) )
    # FIXME I'm forcing ==1 signal sample because I don't have a good idea how to construct a sample name from the complicated T2tt_x_y_z_... names
    assert len(samples)==1, "Can only process one T2tt sample at a time."
    samples[0].files = samples[0].files[:maxN]
    logger.debug( "Fetching signal weights..." )
    signalWeight = getT2ttSignalWeight( samples[0], lumi = targetLumi )
    logger.debug("Done fetching signal weights.")
elif options.TTDM:
    from StopsDilepton.samples.helpers import fromHeppySample
    samples = [ fromHeppySample(s, data_path = "/data/rschoefbeck/cmgTuples/TTBar_DM/", \
                    module = "CMGTools.StopsDilepton.TTbarDMJets_signals_RunIISpring15MiniAODv2",  maxN = maxN)\
                for s in options.samples ]
    from StopsDilepton.samples.helpers import fromHeppySample
    samples = [ fromHeppySample(s, data_path = options.dataDir, maxN = maxN) for s in options.samples ]

isData = False not in [s.isData for s in samples]
isMC   =  True not in [s.isData for s in samples]

if options.T2tt:
예제 #4
        "Sum$(Jet_pt>250) +  Sum$(DiscJet_pt>250) + Sum$(JetFailId_pt>250) + Sum$(gamma_pt>250) > 0"

#Samples: Load samples
maxN = 2 if options.runSmallSample else None
if options.T2tt:
    from StopsDilepton.samples.cmgTuples_Signals_Spring15_mAODv2_25ns_0l import T2tt
    from StopsDilepton.samples.helpers import getT2ttSignalWeight
    samples = filter(lambda s: s.name in options.samples, T2tt)
    logger.info("T2tt signal samples to be processed: %s",
                ",".join(s.name for s in samples))
    # FIXME I'm forcing ==1 signal sample because I don't have a good idea how to construct a sample name from the complicated T2tt_x_y_z_... names
    assert len(samples) == 1, "Can only process one T2tt sample at a time."
    samples[0].files = samples[0].files[:maxN]
    logger.debug("Fetching signal weights...")
    signalWeight = getT2ttSignalWeight(samples[0], lumi=targetLumi)
    logger.debug("Done fetching signal weights.")
elif options.TTDM:
    from StopsDilepton.samples.helpers import fromHeppySample
    samples = [ fromHeppySample(s, data_path = "/data/rschoefbeck/cmgTuples/TTBar_DM/", \
                    module = "CMGTools.StopsDilepton.TTbarDMJets_signals_RunIISpring15MiniAODv2",  maxN = maxN)\
                for s in options.samples ]
    from StopsDilepton.samples.helpers import fromHeppySample
    samples = [
        fromHeppySample(s, data_path=options.dataDir, maxN=maxN)
        for s in options.samples

isData = False not in [s.isData for s in samples]