def readLocalFile(self, file): if not file.isValid(): return job = ReadMeshJob(file.toLocalFile()) job.finished.connect(self._readMeshFinished) job.start()
def _reloadNodes(self, nodes: List["SceneNode"], message: str, action: str) -> None: """Reloads a list of nodes after the user pressed the "Reload" button. :param nodes: The list of nodes that needs to be reloaded. :param message: The message that triggered the action to reload them. :param action: The button that triggered the action to reload them. """ if action != "reload": return if self._reload_message is not None: self._reload_message.hide() for node in nodes: meshdata = node.getMeshData() if meshdata: filename = meshdata.getFileName() if not filename or not os.path.isfile( filename): # File doesn't exist any more. continue job = ReadMeshJob(filename) reload_finished_callback = functools.partial( self._reloadJobFinished, node) # Store it so it won't get garbage collected. This is a memory leak, but just one partial per reload so # it's not much. self._callbacks.add(reload_finished_callback) job.finished.connect(reload_finished_callback) job.start()
def _foreignFileChanged(self, path): """On file changed connection. Rereads the changed file and updates it. This happens automatically and can be set on/off in the settings. Explicit for foreign file types (stl, obj, x3d, ply). :param path: The path to the changed foreign file. """ export_path = '{}.{}'.format(path[:-6], self._foreign_file_extension) execute_list = "bpy.ops.export_mesh.{}(filepath = '{}', check_existing = False)".format( self._foreign_file_extension, export_path) command = '"{}" "{}" --background --python-expr "import bpy; import sys; exec(sys.argv[-1])" -- "{}"'.format( self._blender_path, path, execute_list), shell=True) if self._preferences.getValue( 'cura_blender/live_reload') and os.path.isfile(export_path): job = ReadMeshJob(export_path) job.finished.connect(self._readMeshFinished) job.start() # Give process time while waiting for the job to finish. while not job.isFinished(): job.yieldThread() # Remove temporary export file. Original foreign file, was not overwritten and the node still got it's reference in case of an undo. os.remove(export_path) if os.path.isfile(path + '1'): # Instead of overwriting files, blender saves the old one with .blend1 extension. We don't want this file at all, but need the original one for the file watcher. os.remove(path + '1') # Adds new filewatcher reference, because cura removes filewatcher automatically for other file types after reading. self._foreign_file_watcher.addPath(path)
def _reloadNodes(self, nodes: List["SceneNode"], message: str, action: str) -> None: if action != "reload": return for node in nodes: if not os.path.isfile(node.getMeshData().getFileName()): #File doesn't exist any more. continue job = ReadMeshJob(node.getMeshData().getFileName()) job.finished.connect(functools.partialmethod(self._reloadJobFinished, node)) job.start()
def _readLocalFile(self, file): # We need to prevent circular dependency, so do some just in time importing. from UM.Mesh.ReadMeshJob import ReadMeshJob filename = file.toLocalFile() job = ReadMeshJob( filename, add_to_recent_files=self.getAddToRecentFilesHint(filename)) job.finished.connect(self._readMeshFinished) job.start()
def _readLocalFile(self, file: QUrl, add_to_recent_files_hint: bool = True): # We need to prevent circular dependency, so do some just in time importing. from UM.Mesh.ReadMeshJob import ReadMeshJob filename = file.toLocalFile() job = ReadMeshJob(filename, add_to_recent_files=add_to_recent_files_hint) job.finished.connect(self._readMeshFinished) job.start()
def _reloadNodes(self, nodes: List["SceneNode"], message: str, action: str) -> None: if action != "reload": return self._reload_message.hide() for node in nodes: meshdata = node.getMeshData() if meshdata: filename = meshdata.getFileName() if not filename or not os.path.isfile(filename): #File doesn't exist any more. continue job = ReadMeshJob(filename) self._reload_finished_callback = functools.partial(self._reloadJobFinished, node) job.finished.connect(self._reload_finished_callback) job.start()
def _reloadNodes(self, nodes: List["SceneNode"], message: str, action: str) -> None: if action != "reload": return if self._reload_message is not None: self._reload_message.hide() for node in nodes: meshdata = node.getMeshData() if meshdata: filename = meshdata.getFileName() if not filename or not os.path.isfile(filename): # File doesn't exist any more. continue job = ReadMeshJob(filename) self._reload_finished_callback = functools.partial(self._reloadJobFinished, node) job.finished.connect(self._reload_finished_callback) job.start()
def _reloadNodes(self, nodes: List["SceneNode"], message: str, action: str) -> None: if action != "reload": return if self._reload_message is not None: self._reload_message.hide() for node in nodes: meshdata = node.getMeshData() if meshdata: filename = meshdata.getFileName() if not filename or not os.path.isfile(filename): # File doesn't exist any more. continue job = ReadMeshJob(filename) reload_finished_callback = functools.partial(self._reloadJobFinished, node) self._callbacks.add(reload_finished_callback) #Store it so it won't get garbage collected. This is a memory leak, but just one partial per reload so it's not much. job.finished.connect(reload_finished_callback) job.start()
def reloadAll(self): nodes = [] for node in DepthFirstIterator(self.getController().getScene().getRoot()): if type(node) is not SceneNode or not node.getMeshData(): continue nodes.append(node) if not nodes: return for node in nodes: if not node.getMeshData(): continue file_name = node.getMeshData().getFileName() if file_name: job = ReadMeshJob(file_name) job.finished.connect(lambda j: node.setMeshData(j.getResult())) job.start()
def reloadAll(self): Logger.log("i", "Reloading all loaded mesh data.") nodes = [] for node in DepthFirstIterator(self.getController().getScene().getRoot()): if type(node) is not SceneNode or not node.getMeshData(): continue nodes.append(node) if not nodes: return for node in nodes: file_name = node.getMeshData().getFileName() if file_name: job = ReadMeshJob(file_name) job._node = node job.finished.connect(self._reloadMeshFinished) job.start() else: Logger.log("w", "Unable to reload data because we don't have a filename.")
def _fileChanged(self, path): """On file changed connection. Rereads the changed file and updates it. This happens automatically and can be set on/off in the settings. :param path: The path to the changed blender file. """ # Checks auto reload flag in settings file. if self._preferences.getValue('cura_blender/live_reload'): job = ReadMeshJob(path) job.finished.connect(self._readMeshFinished) job.start() # Refreshes file in file watcher in case the auto reload flag gets changed during runtime. else: time.sleep(1) fs_watcher.removePath(path) fs_watcher.addPath(path) if os.path.isfile(path + '1'): # Instead of overwriting files, blender saves the old one with .blend1 extension. We don't want this file at all, but need the original one for the file watcher. os.remove(path + '1')
def reloadMesh(self) -> None: self._node_queue = self._getSelectedNodes(force_single=True) if not self._node_queue: return mesh_data = self._node_queue[0].getMeshData() if not mesh_data: self._message.setText(catalog.i18nc("@info:status", "Reloading a group is not supported")) self._node_queue = [] #type: List[SceneNode] return file_name = mesh_data.getFileName() if not file_name: self._message.setText(catalog.i18nc("@info:status", "No link to the original file was found")) self._node_queue = [] #type: List[SceneNode] return job = ReadMeshJob(file_name) job.finished.connect(self._readMeshFinished) job.start()
def replaceMeshes(self) -> None: self._node_queue = self._getSelectedNodes() if not self._node_queue: return for node in self._node_queue: mesh_data = node.getMeshData() if not mesh_data: self._message.setText(catalog.i18nc("@info:status", "Replacing a group is not supported")) self._node_queue = [] #type: List[SceneNode] return options = QFileDialog.Options() if sys.platform == "linux" and "KDE_FULL_SESSION" in os.environ: options |= QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog filter_types = ";;".join(self._application.getMeshFileHandler().supportedReadFileTypes) directory = None # type: Optional[str] mesh_data = self._node_queue[0].getMeshData() if mesh_data: directory = mesh_data.getFileName() if not directory: directory = self._application.getDefaultPath("dialog_load_path").toLocalFile() file_name, _ = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( parent=None, caption=catalog.i18nc("@title:window", "Select Replacement Mesh File"), directory=directory, options=options, filter=filter_types ) if not file_name: self._node_queue = [] #type: List[SceneNode] return job = ReadMeshJob(file_name) job.finished.connect(self._readMeshFinished) job.start()
def _readLocalFile(self, file): # We need to prevent circular dependency, so do some just in time importing. from UM.Mesh.ReadMeshJob import ReadMeshJob job = ReadMeshJob(file.toLocalFile()) job.finished.connect(self._readMeshFinished) job.start()
def _openFile(self, file): job = ReadMeshJob(os.path.abspath(file)) job.finished.connect(self._onFileLoaded) job.start()
def run(self): self._i18n_catalog = i18nCatalog("cura"); self.addOutputDevice("local_file", { "id": "local_file", "function": self._writeToLocalFile, "description": self._i18n_catalog.i18nc("Save button tooltip", "Save to Disk"), "shortDescription": self._i18n_catalog.i18nc("Save button tooltip", "Save to Disk"), "icon": "save", "priority": 0 }) self.showSplashMessage(self._i18n_catalog.i18nc("Splash screen message", "Setting up scene...")) controller = self.getController() controller.setActiveView("MeshView") controller.setCameraTool("CameraTool") controller.setSelectionTool("SelectionTool") t = controller.getTool("TranslateTool") if t: t.setEnabledAxis([ToolHandle.XAxis, ToolHandle.ZAxis]) Selection.selectionChanged.connect(self.onSelectionChanged) root = controller.getScene().getRoot() self._platform = Platform(root) self._volume = BuildVolume.BuildVolume(root) self.getRenderer().setLightPosition(Vector(0, 150, 0)) self.getRenderer().setBackgroundColor(QColor(245, 245, 245)) self._physics = PlatformPhysics.PlatformPhysics(controller, self._volume) camera = Camera("3d", root) camera.setPosition(Vector(-150, 150, 300)) camera.setPerspective(True) camera.lookAt(Vector(0, 0, 0)) self._camera_animation = CameraAnimation.CameraAnimation() self._camera_animation.setCameraTool(self.getController().getTool("CameraTool")) controller.getScene().setActiveCamera("3d") self.showSplashMessage(self._i18n_catalog.i18nc("Splash screen message", "Loading interface...")) self.setMainQml(Resources.getPath(Resources.QmlFilesLocation, "Cura.qml")) self.initializeEngine() self.getStorageDevice("LocalFileStorage").removableDrivesChanged.connect(self._removableDrivesChanged) if self.getMachines(): active_machine_pref = Preferences.getInstance().getValue("cura/active_machine") if active_machine_pref: for machine in self.getMachines(): if machine.getName() == active_machine_pref: self.setActiveMachine(machine) if not self.getActiveMachine(): self.setActiveMachine(self.getMachines()[0]) else: self.requestAddPrinter.emit() self._removableDrivesChanged() if self._engine.rootObjects: self.closeSplash() for file in self.getCommandLineOption("file", []): job = ReadMeshJob(os.path.abspath(file)) job.finished.connect(self._onFileLoaded) job.start() self.exec_()
def run(self): self._i18n_catalog = i18nCatalog("cura"); self.addOutputDevice("local_file", { "id": "local_file", "function": self._writeToLocalFile, "description": self._i18n_catalog.i18nc("Save button tooltip", "Save to Disk"), "icon": "save", "priority": 0 }) self.showSplashMessage(self._i18n_catalog.i18nc("Splash screen message", "Setting up scene...")) controller = self.getController() controller.setActiveView("MeshView") controller.setCameraTool("CameraTool") controller.setSelectionTool("SelectionTool") t = controller.getTool("TranslateTool") if t: t.setEnabledAxis([ToolHandle.XAxis, ToolHandle.ZAxis]) Selection.selectionChanged.connect(self.onSelectionChanged) root = controller.getScene().getRoot() self._platform = Platform(root) self._volume = BuildVolume.BuildVolume(root) self.getRenderer().setLightPosition(Vector(0, 150, 0)) self.getRenderer().setBackgroundColor(QColor(245, 245, 245)) self._physics = PlatformPhysics.PlatformPhysics(controller, self._volume) camera = Camera("3d", root) camera.setPosition(Vector(-150, 150, 300)) camera.setPerspective(True) camera.lookAt(Vector(0, 0, 0)) self._camera_animation = CameraAnimation.CameraAnimation() self._camera_animation.setCameraTool(self.getController().getTool("CameraTool")) controller.getScene().setActiveCamera("3d") self.showSplashMessage(self._i18n_catalog.i18nc("Splash screen message", "Loading interface...")) self.setMainQml(Resources.getPath(Resources.QmlFilesLocation, "Cura.qml")) self.initializeEngine() self.getStorageDevice("LocalFileStorage").removableDrivesChanged.connect(self._removableDrivesChanged) if self.getMachines(): active_machine_pref = Preferences.getInstance().getValue("cura/active_machine") if active_machine_pref: for machine in self.getMachines(): if machine.getName() == active_machine_pref: self.setActiveMachine(machine) if not self.getActiveMachine(): self.setActiveMachine(self.getMachines()[0]) else: self.requestAddPrinter.emit() self._removableDrivesChanged() if self._engine.rootObjects: self.closeSplash() for file in self.getCommandLineOption("file", []): job = ReadMeshJob(os.path.abspath(file)) job.finished.connect(self._onFileLoaded) job.start() self.exec_()