예제 #1
def convert(grammar) :
    from _unitex import unitex_load_persistent_alphabet,\

    command = "UnitexTool Grf2Fst2 --no_loop_check %s -qutf8-no-bom" % (grammar,)


    return grammar[:-3]+'fst2'
예제 #2
def check_dic(dictionary, dtype, alphabet, **kwargs):
    This function checks the format of <dela> and produces a file named
    CHECK_DIC.TXT that contains check result informations. This file is
    stored in the <dela> directory.


    - **dictionary [str]** -- the dictionary file path.

    - **dtype [str]** -- the dictionary type:
      - UnitexConstants.DELAF (inflected);
      - UnitexConstants.DELAS (non inflected).

    - **alphabet [str]** -- the alphabet file path.

    *Keyword arguments:*

    - **strict [bool]** -- strict syntax checking against unprotected
      dot and comma (default: False).

    - **no_space_warning [bool]** -- tolerates spaces in grammatical,
      semantic and inflectional codes (default: True).

    *Return [bool]:*

      **True** if it succeeds, **False** otherwise.
    options = CheckDicOptions()

    if exists(dictionary) is False:
        raise UnitexException(
            "[CHECKDIC] Dictionary file '%s' doesn't exists" % dictionary)

    command = ["UnitexTool", "CheckDic"]

    if dtype == UnitexConstants.DELAF:
    elif dtype == UnitexConstants.DELAS:

    if options["strict"] is True:
    if options["no_space_warning"] is True:

    command.append("--alphabet=%s" % alphabet)


    command = " ".join(command)

    _LOGGER.info("Checking dic '%s'" % dictionary)
    _LOGGER.debug("Command: %s", command)
    ret = _unitex.unitex_tool(command)

    return ret
예제 #3
def check_dic(dictionary, dtype, alphabet, **kwargs):
    This function checks the format of <dela> and produces a file named
    CHECK_DIC.TXT that contains check result informations. This file is
    stored in the <dela> directory.


    - **dictionary [str]** -- the dictionary file path.

    - **dtype [str]** -- the dictionary type:
      - UnitexConstants.DELAF (inflected);
      - UnitexConstants.DELAS (non inflected).

    - **alphabet [str]** -- the alphabet file path.

    *Keyword arguments:*

    - **strict [bool]** -- strict syntax checking against unprotected
      dot and comma (default: False).

    - **no_space_warning [bool]** -- tolerates spaces in grammatical,
      semantic and inflectional codes (default: True).

    *Return [bool]:*

      **True** if it succeeds, **False** otherwise.
    options = CheckDicOptions()

    if exists(dictionary) is False:
        raise UnitexException("[CHECKDIC] Dictionary file '%s' doesn't exists" % dictionary)

    command = ["UnitexTool", "CheckDic"]

    if dtype == UnitexConstants.DELAF:
    elif dtype == UnitexConstants.DELAS:

    if options["strict"] is True:
    if options["no_space_warning"] is True:

    command .append("--alphabet=%s" % alphabet)


    command = " ".join(command)

    _LOGGER.info("Checking dic '%s'" % dictionary)
    _LOGGER.debug("Command: %s", command)
    ret = _unitex.unitex_tool(command)

    return ret
예제 #4
def extract(text, output, index, **kwargs):
    This function extracts from the given text all sentences that
    contain at least one occurrence from the concordance. The parameter
    <text> represents the complete path of the text file, without
    omitting the extension .snt.


    - **text [str]** -- the text file (.snt format).
    - **output [str]** -- the output text file.
    - **index [str]** -- the index file path (produced by the 'locate'

    *Keyword arguments:*

    - **non_matching_sentences [bool]** -- extracts all sentences that
      don’t contain matching units (default: False).

    *Return [bool]:*

      **True** if it succeeds, **False** otherwise.
    options = ExtractOptions()

    if exists(text) is False:
        raise UnitexException("[EXTRACT] Text file '%s' doesn't exists" % text)
    if exists(index) is False:
        raise UnitexException("[EXTRACT] Index file '%s' doesn't exists" %

    command = ["UnitexTool", "Extract"]

    if options["non_matching_sentences"] is False:

    command.append("--output=%s" % output)
    command.append("--index=%s" % index)


    command = " ".join(command)

    _LOGGER.info("Extracting sentences")
    _LOGGER.debug("Command: %s", command)
    ret = _unitex.unitex_tool(command)

    return ret
예제 #5
def extract(text, output, index, **kwargs):
    This function extracts from the given text all sentences that
    contain at least one occurrence from the concordance. The parameter
    <text> represents the complete path of the text file, without
    omitting the extension .snt.


    - **text [str]** -- the text file (.snt format).
    - **output [str]** -- the output text file.
    - **index [str]** -- the index file path (produced by the 'locate'

    *Keyword arguments:*

    - **non_matching_sentences [bool]** -- extracts all sentences that
      don’t contain matching units (default: False).

    *Return [bool]:*

      **True** if it succeeds, **False** otherwise.
    options = ExtractOptions()

    if exists(text) is False:
        raise UnitexException("[EXTRACT] Text file '%s' doesn't exists" % text)
    if exists(index) is False:
        raise UnitexException("[EXTRACT] Index file '%s' doesn't exists" % index)

    command = ["UnitexTool", "Extract"]

    if options["non_matching_sentences"] is False:

    command.append("--output=%s" % output)
    command.append("--index=%s" % index)


    command = " ".join(command)

    _LOGGER.info("Extracting sentences")
    _LOGGER.debug("Command: %s", command)
    ret = _unitex.unitex_tool(command)

    return ret
예제 #6
def normalize(text, **kwargs):
    This function carries out a normalization of text separators. The
    separators are space, tab, and newline. Every sequence of separators
    that contains at least one newline is replaced by a unique newline.
    All other sequences of separators are replaced by a single space.

    This function also checks the syntax of lexical tags found in the
    text. All sequences in curly brackets should be either the sentence
    delimiter {S}, the stop marker {STOP}, or valid entries in the DELAF
    format ({aujourd’hui,.ADV}).

    **NOTE:** the function creates a modified version of the text that is
    saved in a file with extension .snt.

    **WARNING:** if you specify a normalization rule file, its rules
    will be applied prior to anything else. So, you have to be very
    careful if you manipulate separators in such rules.


    - **text [str]** -- the text file to normalize.

    *Keyword arguments:*

    - ** no_carriage_return [bool]** -- every separator sequence will be
      turned into a single space (default: False).
    - **input_offsets [str]** -- base offset file to be used.
    - **output_offsets [str]** -- offset file to be produced.
    - **replacement_rules [str]** -- specifies the normalization rule
      file to be used. See section 14.13.6 for details about the format
      of this file. By default, the function only replaces { and } by
      [ and ].
    - **no_separator_normalization [bool]** -- only applies replacement
      rules specified with the 'replacement_rules' option
      (default: False).

    *Return [bool]:*

      **True** if it succeeds, **False** otherwise.
    options = NormalizeOptions()

    if exists(text) is False:
        raise UnitexException("[NORMALIZE] Text file '%s' doesn't exists" % text)

    command = ["UnitexTool", "Normalize"]

    if options["no_carriage_return"] is True:

    if options["input_offsets"] is not None:
        command.append("--input_offsets=%s" % options["input_offsets"])
    if options["output_offsets"] is not None:
        command.append("--output_offsets=%s" % options["output_offsets"])

    if options["replacement_rules"] is not None:
        command.append("--replacement_rules=%s" % options["replacement_rules"])

    if options["no_separator_normalization"] is True:


    command = " ".join(command)

    _LOGGER.info("Normalizing text '%s'..." % text)
    _LOGGER.debug("Command: %s", command)
    ret = _unitex.unitex_tool(command)

    return ret
예제 #7
def compress(dictionary, **kwargs):
    This function takes a DELAF dictionary as a parameter and compresses
    it. The compression of a dictionary dico.dic produces two files:

    - dico.bin: a binary file containing the minimum automaton of
      the inflected forms of the dictionary;

    - dico.inf: a text file containing the compressed forms required
      for the reconstruction of the dictionary lines from the inflected
      forms contained in the automaton.


    - **dictionary [str]** -- the dictionary file path.

    *Keyword arguments:*

    - **output [str]** -- sets the output file. By default, a file
      xxx.dic will produce a file xxx.bin.

    - **flip [bool]** -- indicates that the inflected and canonical
      forms should be swapped in the compressed dictionary. This option
      is used to construct an inverse dictionary which is necessary for
      the program 'Reconstrucao' (default: False).

    - **semitic [bool]** -- indicates that the semitic compression
      algorithm should be used. Setting this option with semitic
      languages like Arabic significantly reduces the size of the output
      dictionary (default: False).

    - **version [str]** -- Possible values are:

      - UnitexConstants.DICTIONARY_VERSION_1: produces an old style .bin
      - UnitexConstants.DICTIONARY_VERSION_2: produces a new style .bin
        file, with no file size limitation to 16 Mb and a smaller size

    *Return [bool]:*

      **True** if it succeeds, **False** otherwise.
    options = CompressOptions()

    if exists(dictionary) is False:
        raise UnitexException("[COMPRESS] Dictionary file '%s' doesn't exists" % dictionary)

    command = ["UnitexTool", "Compress"]

    if options["output"] is not None:
        command.append("--output=%s" % options["output"])
    if options["flip"] is True:
    if options["semitic"] is True:

    if options["version"] == UnitexConstants.DICTIONARY_VERSION_1:
    elif options["version"] == UnitexConstants.DICTIONARY_VERSION_2:


    command = " ".join(command)

    _LOGGER.info("Compressing dic '%s'" % dictionary)
    _LOGGER.debug("Command: %s", command)
    ret = _unitex.unitex_tool(command)

    return ret
예제 #8
def locate(grammar, text, alphabet, **kwargs):
    This function applies a grammar to a text and constructs an index of
    the occurrences found.

    This function saves the references to the found occurrences in a
    file called concord.ind. The number of occurrences, the number of
    units belonging to those occurrences, as well as the percentage of
    recognized units within the text are saved in a file called
    concord.n. These two files are stored in the directory of the text.


    - **grammar [str]** -- the fst2 to apply on the text.

    - **text [str]** -- the text file, with extension .snt.

    - **alphabet [str]** -- the alphabet file of the language of the

    *Keyword arguments:*

    - *Generic options*:
      - **start_on_space [bool]** -- this parameter indicates that the
        search will start at any position in the text, even before a
        space. This parameter should only be used to carry out
        morphological searches (default: False).
      - **char_by_char [bool]** -- works in character by character
        tokenization mode. This is useful for languages like Thai
        (default: False).
      - **morpho [list(str)]** -- this optional argument indicates which
        morphological mode dictionaries are to be used, if needed by
        some .fst2 dictionaries. The argument is a list of dictionary
        path (bin format).
      - **korean [bool]** -- specify the dictionary is in korean
        (default: False).
      - **arabic_rules [str]** -- specifies the Arabic typographic rule
        configuration file path.
      - **sntdir [str]** -- puts produced files in 'sntdir' instead of
        the text directory. Note that 'sntdir' must end with a file
        separator (\ or /).
      - **negation_operator [str]** -- specifies the negation operator
        to be used in Locate patterns. The two legal values for X are
        minus and tilde (default). Using minus provides backward
        compatibility with previous versions of Unitex.
    - *Search limit options:*

      - **number_of_matches [int]** -- stops after the first N matches
        (default: all matches).
    - *Maximum iterations per token options:*

      - **stop_token_count [list(int_1, int_2)]** -- emits a warning
        after 'int_1' iterations on a token and stops after 'int_2'
    - *Matching mode options:*

      - **match_mode [str]** -- Possible values are:
        - UnitexConstants.MATCH_MODE_SHORTEST
        - UnitexConstants.MATCH_MODE_LONGEST (default)
        - UnitexConstants.MATCH_MODE_ALL
    - Output options:

      - **output_mode [str]** -- Possible values are:
        - UnitexConstants.OUTPUT_MODE_IGNORE (default)
        - UnitexConstants.OUTPUT_MODE_MERGE
        - UnitexConstants.OUTPUT_MODE_REPLACE
      - **protect_dic_chars [bool]** -- when 'merge' or 'replace' mode
        is used, this option protects some input characters with a
        backslash. This is useful when Locate is called by 'dico' in
        order to avoid producing bad lines like: 3,14,.PI.NUM
        (default: True).
      - **variable [list(str_1, str_2)]** -- sets an output variable
        named str_1 with content str_2. Note that str_2 must be ASCII.
    - *Ambiguous output options:*

      - **ambiguous_outputs [bool]** -- allows the production of several
        matches with same input but different outputs. If False, in case
        of ambiguous outputs, one will be arbitrarily chosen and kept,
        depending on the internal state of the function (default: True).
      - **variable_error [str]** -- Possible values are:
        - UnitexConstants.ON_ERROR_EXIT
        - UnitexConstants.ON_ERROR_IGNORE (default)
        - UnitexConstants.ON_ERROR_BACKTRACK

    *Return [bool]:*

      **True** if it succeeds, **False** otherwise.
    options = LocateOptions()

    if exists(grammar) is False:
        raise UnitexException("[LOCATE] Grammar file '%s' doesn't exists" % grammar)
    if exists(text) is False:
        raise UnitexException("[LOCATE] Text file '%s' doesn't exists" % text)
    if exists(alphabet) is False:
        raise UnitexException("[LOCATE] Alphabet file '%s' doesn't exists" % alphabet)

    command = ["UnitexTool", "Locate"]

    command.append("--text=%s" % text)
    command.append("--alphabet=%s" % alphabet)

    if options["morpho"] is not None:
        command.append("--morpho=%s" % ",".join(options["morpho"]))

    if options["start_on_space"] is False:

    if options["char_by_char"] is False:

    if options["sntdir"] is not None:
        command.append("--sntdir=%s" % options["sntdir"])
    if options["korean"] is True:
    if options["arabic_rules"] is not None:
        command.append("--arabic_rules=%s" % options["arabic_rules"])
    if options["negation_operator"] is not None:
        command.append("--negation_operator=%s" % options["negation_operator"])

    if options["number_of_matches"] is None:
        command.append("--number_of_matches=%s" % options["number_of_matches"])

    if options["stop_token_count"] is not None:
        if options["stop_token_count[0]"] is None:
            command.append("--stop_token_count=%s" % stop_token_count[1])
            command.append("--stop_token_count=%s,%s" % (stop_token_count[0], stop_token_count[1]))

    if options["match_mode"] == UnitexConstants.MATCH_MODE_LONGEST:
    elif options["match_mode"] == UnitexConstants.MATCH_MODE_SHORTEST:
    elif options["match_mode"] == UnitexConstants.MATCH_MODE_ALL:

    if options["output_mode"] == UnitexConstants.OUTPUT_MODE_IGNORE:
    elif options["output_mode"] == UnitexConstants.OUTPUT_MODE_MERGE:
    elif options["output_mode"] == UnitexConstants.OUTPUT_MODE_REPLACE:

    if options["protect_dic_chars"] is True:

    if options["variable"] is not None:
        command.append("--variable=%s=%s" % (options["variable"][0], options["variable"][1]))

    if options["ambiguous_outputs"] is True:

    if options["variable_error"] == UnitexConstants.ON_ERROR_IGNORE:
    elif options["variable_error"] == UnitexConstants.ON_ERROR_EXIT:
    elif options["variable_error"] == UnitexConstants.ON_ERROR_BACKTRACK:


    command = " ".join(command)

    _LOGGER.info("Locating pattern '%s'..." % grammar)
    _LOGGER.debug("Command: %s", command)
    ret = _unitex.unitex_tool(command)

    return ret
예제 #9
def grf2fst2(grammar, alphabet, **kwargs):
    This function compiles a grammar into a .fst2 file (for more details
    see section 6.2). The parameter <grf> denotes the complete path of
    the main graph of the grammar, without omitting the extension .grf.

    The result is a file with the same name as the graph passed to the
    function as a parameter, but with extension .fst2. This file is
    saved in the same directory as <grf>.


    - **grammar [str]** -- the grf to compile.
    - **alphabet [str]** -- specifies the alphabet file to be used for
      tokenizing the content of the grammar boxes into lexical units.

    *Keyword arguments:*

    - **loop_check [bool]** -- enables error (loop) checking
      (default: False).
    - **char_by_char [bool]** -- tokenization will be done character by
      character. If neither -c nor -a option is used, lexical units will
      be sequences of any Unicode letters (default: False).
    - **pkgdir [str]** -- specifies the repository directory to use (see
      section 5.2.2, page 99).
    - **no_empty_graph_warning [bool]** -- no warning will be emitted
      when a graph matches the empty word. This option is used by
      MultiFlex in order not to scare users with meaningless error
      messages when they design an inflection grammar that matches the
      empty word (default: False).
    - **tfst_check [bool]** -- checks wether the given graph can be
      considered as a valid sentence automaton or not (default: False).
    - **silent_grf_name [bool]** -- does not print the graph names
      (default: True).
    - **named_repositories [list(str)]** -- declaration of named
      repositories. This argument is made of one or more X=Y sequences,
      separated by ‘;’, where X is the name of the repository denoted by
      pathname Y.
    - **debug [bool]** -- compile graphs in debug mode (default: False).
    - **check_variables [bool]** -- check output validity to avoid
      malformed variable expressions (default: True).

    *Return [bool]:*

      **True** if it succeeds, **False** otherwise.
    options = Grf2Fst2Options()

    if exists(grammar) is False:
        raise UnitexException("[GRF2FST2] Grammar file '%s' doesn't exists" % grammar)
    if exists(alphabet) is False:
        raise UnitexException("[GRF2FST2] Alphabet file '%s' doesn't exists" % alphabet)

    command = ["UnitexTool", "Grf2Fst2"]

    if options["loop_check"] is False:

    command.append("--alphabet=%s" % alphabet)

    if options["char_by_char"] is True:
    if options["pkgdir"] is not None:
        command.append("--pkgdir=%s" % options["pkgdir"])
    if options["no_empty_graph_warning"] is True:
    if options["tfst_check"] is True:
    if options["silent_grf_name"] is True:
    if options["named_repositories"] is not None:
        command.append("--named_repositories=%s" % ";".join(options["named_repositories"]))
    if options["debug"] is True:
    if options["check_variables"] is True:


    command = " ".join(command)

    _LOGGER.info("Compiling grammar '%s'..." % grammar)
    _LOGGER.debug("Command: %s", command)
    ret = _unitex.unitex_tool(command)

    return ret
예제 #10
def fst2txt(grammar, text, alphabet, **kwargs):
    This function applies a transducer to a text in longest match mode
    at the preprocessing stage, when the text has not been cut into
    lexical units yet. This function modifies the input text file.

    **NOTE:** This function modifies the input text file.


    - **grammar [str]** -- the fst2 to apply on the text.
    - **text [str]** -- the (.snt) text file to be modified.
    - **alphabet [str]** -- the alphabet file of the language of the

    *Keyword arguments:*

    - **start_on_space [bool]** -- this parameter indicates that the
      search will start at any position in the text, even before a
      space. This parameter should only be used to carry out
      morphological searches (default: False).
    - **char_by_char [bool]** -- works in character by character
      tokenization mode. This is useful for languages like Thai
      (default: False).
    - **merge [bool]** -- merge (instead of replace) transducer outputs
      with text inputs (default: True).

    *Return [bool]:*

      **True** if it succeeds, **False** otherwise.
    options = Fst2TxtOptions()

    if exists(grammar) is False:
        raise UnitexException("[FST2TXT] Grammar file '%s' doesn't exists" % grammar)
    if exists(text) is False:
        raise UnitexException("[FST2TXT] Text file '%s' doesn't exists" % text)
    if exists(alphabet) is False:
        raise UnitexException("[FST2TXT] Alphabet file '%s' doesn't exists" % alphabet)

    command = ["UnitexTool", "Fst2Txt"]

    command.append("--text=%s" % text)
    command.append("--alphabet=%s" % alphabet)

    if options["start_on_space"] is False:

    if options["char_by_char"] is False:

    if options["merge"] is True:


    command = " ".join(command)

    _LOGGER.info("Applying grammar '%s'..." % grammar)
    _LOGGER.debug("Command: %s", command)
    ret = _unitex.unitex_tool(command)

    return ret
예제 #11
def dico(dictionaries, text, alphabet, **kwargs):
    This function applies dictionaries to a text. The text must have
    been cut up into lexical units by the 'tokenize' function.

    The function 'dico' produces the following files, and saves them in
    the directory of the text:

    - dlf: dictionary of simple words in the text;
    - dlc: dictionary of compound words in the text;
    - err: list of unknown words in the text;
    - tags_err: unrecognized simple words that are not matched by the
      tags.ind file;
    - tags.ind: sequences to be inserted in the text automaton (see
      section 3.8.3, page 69);
    - stat_dic.n: file containing the number of simple words, the number
      of compound words, and the number of unknown words in the text.

    **NOTE:** Files dlf, dlc, err and tags_err are not sorted. Use the
    function 'sort_txt' to sort them.


    - **dictionaries [list(str)]** -- list of dictionary pathes ('bin'
      or 'fst2' formats).
    - **text [str]** -- text (snt format) file path.
    - **alphabet [str]** -- alphabet file path.

    *Keyword arguments:*

    - **morpho [list(str)]** -- this optional argument indicates which
      morphological mode dictionaries are to be used, if needed by some
      .fst2 dictionaries. The argument is a list of dictionary path (bin
    - **korean [bool]** -- specify the dictionary is in korean
      (default: False).
    - **semitic [bool]** -- specify the dictionary is in a semitic
      language (default: False).
    - **arabic_rules [str]** -- specifies the Arabic typographic rule
      configuration file path.
    - **raw [str]** -- alternative output file path containing both
      simple and compound words, without requiring a text directory.

    *Return [bool]:*

      **True** if it succeeds, **False** otherwise.
    options = DicoOptions()

    for dictionary in dictionaries:
        if exists(dictionary) is False:
            raise UnitexException("[DICO] Dictionary file '%s' doesn't exists" % dictionary)
    if exists(text) is False:
        raise UnitexException("[DICO] Text file '%s' doesn't exists" % text)
    if exists(alphabet) is False:
        raise UnitexException("[DICO] Alphabet file '%s' doesn't exists" % alphabet)

    command = ["UnitexTool", "Dico"]

    command.append("--text=%s" % text)
    command.append("--alphabet=%s" % alphabet)

    if options["morpho"] is not None:
        command.append("--morpho=%s" % ",".join(options["morpho"]))
    if options["korean"] is True:
    if options["semitic"] is True:
    if options["arabic_rules"] is not None:
        command.append("--arabic_rules=%s" % options["arabic_rules"])
    if options["raw"] is not None:
        command.append("--raw=%s" % raw)

    command += dictionaries

    command = " ".join(command)

    _LOGGER.info("Applying dictionaries")
    _LOGGER.debug("Command: %s", command)
    ret = _unitex.unitex_tool(command)

    return ret
예제 #12
def concord(index, alphabet, **kwargs):
    This function takes a concordance index file produced by the
    function 'locate' and produces a concordance. It is also possible to
    produce a modified text version taking into account the transducer
    outputs associated to the occurrences.

    The result of the application of this function is a file called
    concord.txt if the concordance was constructed in text mode, a file
    called concord.html if 'output_mode' is UnitexConstants.FORMAT_HTML,
    UnitexConstants.FORMAT_GLOSSANET' or UnitexConstants.FORMAT_SCRIPT,
    and a text file with the name defined by the user of the function if
    the function has constructed a modified version of the text.

    In html mode, the occurrence is coded as a hypertext link. The
    reference associated to this link is of the form <a href="X Y Z">.
    X et Y represent the beginning and ending positions of the
    occurrence in characters in the file text_name.snt. Z represents the
    number of the sentence in which the occurrence was found.


    - **index [str]** -- the index file path (produced by the 'locate'

    - **alphabet [str]** -- alphabet file used for sorting.

    *Keyword arguments:*

    - *Generic options:*

      - **font [str]** -- the name of the font to use if the output is
        an HTML file.

      - **fontsize [int]** -- the font size to use if the output is an
        HTML file.

      - **only_ambiguous [bool]** -- Only displays identical occurrences
        with ambiguous outputs, in text order (default: False).

      - **only_matches [bool]** -- this option will force empty right
        and left contexts. Moreover, if used with
        UnitexConstants.FORMAT_TEXT, the function will not surround
        matches with tabulations (default: False).

      - **left [str]** -- number of characters on the left of the
        occurrences (default=0). In Thai mode, this means the number of
        non-diacritic characters.

      - **right [str]** -- number of characters (non-diacritic ones in
        Thai mode) on the right of the occurrences (default=0). If the
        occurrence is shorter than this value, the concordance line is
        completed up to right. If the occurrence is longer than the
        length defined by right, it is nevertheless saved as whole.

      **NOTE:** For both 'left' and 'right', you can add the 's'
      character to stop at the first {S} tag. For instance, if you set
      '40s' for the left value, the left context will end at 40
      characters at most, less if the {S} tag is found before.

    - *Sort options:*

      - **sort [str]** -- specifies the sort order. Possible values:

        - UnitexConstants.SORT_TEXT_ORDER: order in which the
          occurrences appear in the text (default);
        - UnitexConstants.SORT_LEFT_CENTER: left context for primary
          sort, then occurrence for secondary sort;
        - UnitexConstants.SORT_LEFT_RIGHT: left context, then right
        - UnitexConstants.SORT_CENTER_LEFT: occurrence, then left
        - UnitexConstants.SORT_CENTER_RIGHT: occurrence, then right
        - UnitexConstants.SORT_RIGHT_LEFT: right context, then left
        - UnitexConstants.SORT_RIGHT_CENTER: left context, then

    - *Output options:*

      - **format [str]** -- specifies the output fomat. Possible values:
        - UnitexConstants.FORMAT_HTML: produces a concordance in HTML
          format encoded in UTF-8 (default);
        - UnitexConstants.FORMAT_TEXT: produces a concordance in Unicode
          text format;
        - UnitexConstants.FORMAT_GLOSSANET: produces a concordance for
          GlossaNet in HTML format where occurrences are links described
          by the 'script' argument (cf. Unitex manual p. 268). The HTML
          file is encoded in UTF-8;
        - UnitexConstants.FORMAT_SCRIPT: produces a HTML concordance
          file where occurrences are links described by the 'script'
        - UnitexConstants.FORMAT_INDEX: produces an index of the
          concordance, made of the content of the occurrences (with the
          grammar outputs, if any), preceded by the positions of the
          occurrences in the text file given in characters;
        - UnitexConstants.FORMAT_UIMA: produces an index of the
          concordance relative to the original text file, before any
          Unitex operation. The 'offsets' argument must be provided;
        - UnitexConstants.FORMAT_PRLG: produces a concordance for PRLG
          corpora where each line is prefixed by information extracted
          with Unxmlize’s 'prlg' option. You must provide both the
          'offsets' and the 'unxmlize' argument;
        - UnitexConstants.FORMAT_XML: produces an xml index of the
        - UnitexConstants.FORMAT_XML_WITH_HEADER: produces an xml index
          of the concordance with full xml header;
        - UnitexConstants.FORMAT_AXIS: quite the same as 'index', but
          the numbers represent the median character of each occurrence;
        - UnitexConstants.FORMAT_XALIGN: another index file, used by the
          text alignment module. Each line is made of 3 integers X Y Z
          followed by the content of the occurrence. X is the sentence
          number, starting from 1. Y and Z are the starting and ending
          positions of the occurrence in the sentence, given in
        - UnitexConstants.FORMAT_MERGE: indicates to the function that
          it is supposed to produce a modified version of the text and
          save it in a file. The filename must be provided with the
          'output' argument.
      - **script [str]** -- string describing the links format for
        'glossanet' and 'script' output. For instance, if you use
        'http://www.google.com/search?q=', you will obtain a HTML
        concordance file where occurrences are hyperlinks to Google
      - **offsets [str]** -- the file produced by Tokenize’s
        output_offsets option (needed by the 'uima' and the 'prlg'
      - **unxmlize [str]** -- file produced by Unxmlize’s 'prlg' option
        (needed by the 'prlg' format).
      - **output [str]** -- the output filename (needed by the 'merge'

    - *Other options:*

      - **directory [str]** -- indicates to the function that it must
        not work in the same directory than <index> but in
      - **thai [bool]** -- option to use for Thai concordances
        (default: False).

    *Return [bool]:*

      **True** if it succeeds, **False** otherwise.
    options = ConcordOptions()

    if exists(index) is False:
        raise UnitexException("[CONCORD] Index file '%s' doesn't exists" % index)
    if exists(alphabet) is False:
        raise UnitexException("[CONCORD] Alphabet file '%s' doesn't exists" % alphabet)

    command = ["UnitexTool", "Concord"]

    if options["font"] is not None:
        command.append("--font=%s" % options["font"])
    if options["fontsize"] is not None:
        command.append("--fontsize=%s" % options["fontsize"])
    if options["only_ambiguous"] is True:
    if options["only_matches"] is True:

    command.append("--left=%s" % options["left"])
    command.append("--right=%s" % options["right"])

    if options["sort"] == UnitexConstants.SORT_TEXT_ORDER:
    elif options["sort"] == UnitexConstants.SORT_LEFT_CENTER:
    elif options["sort"] == UnitexConstants.SORT_LEFT_RIGHT:
    elif options["sort"] == UnitexConstants.SORT_CENTER_LEFT:
    elif options["sort"] == UnitexConstants.SORT_CENTER_RIGHT:
    elif options["sort"] == UnitexConstants.SORT_RIGHT_LEFT:
    elif options["sort"] == UnitexConstants.SORT_RIGHT_CENTER:

    if options["format"] == UnitexConstants.FORMAT_HTML:
    elif options["format"] == UnitexConstants.FORMAT_TEXT:
    elif options["format"] == UnitexConstants.FORMAT_GLOSSANET:
        command.append("--glossanet=%s" % options["script"])
    elif options["format"] == UnitexConstants.FORMAT_SCRIPT:
        command.append("--script=%s" % options["script"])
    elif options["format"] == UnitexConstants.FORMAT_INDEX:
    elif options["format"] == UnitexConstants.FORMAT_UIMA:
        command.append("--uima=%s" % options["offsets"])
    elif options["format"] == UnitexConstants.FORMAT_PRLG:
        command.append("--PRLG=%s,%s" % options["unxmlize"], options["offsets"])
    elif options["format"] == UnitexConstants.FORMAT_XML:
    elif options["format"] == UnitexConstants.FORMAT_XML_WITH_HEADERS:
    elif options["format"] == UnitexConstants.FORMAT_AXIS:
    elif options["format"] == UnitexConstants.FORMAT_XALIGN:
    elif options["format"] == UnitexConstants.FORMAT_MERGE:
        command.append("--merge=%s" % options["output"])

    if options["directory"] is not None:
        command.append("--directory=%s" % options["directory"])

    command.append("--alphabet=%s" % alphabet)

    if options["thai"] is not True:


    command = " ".join(command)

    _LOGGER.info("Create concordance for '%s'" % index)
    _LOGGER.debug("Command: %s", command)
    ret = _unitex.unitex_tool(command)

    return ret
예제 #13
def txt2tfst(text, alphabet, **kwargs):
    This function constructs an automaton of a text.

    If the text is separated into sentences, the function constructs an
    automaton for each sentence. If this is not the case, the function
    arbitrarily cuts the text into sequences of 2000 tokens and produces
    an automaton for each of these sequences.

    The result is a file called text.tfst which is saved in the
    directory of the text. Another file named text.tind is also produced.


    - **text [str]** -- the path to the text file in .snt format.

    - alphabet [str]** -- the alphabet file.

    *Keyword arguments:*

    - **clean [bool]** -- indicates whether the rule of conservation of
      the best paths (see section 7.2.4) should be applied
      (default: False).

    - **normalization_grammar [str]** -- name of a normalization grammar
      that is to be applied to the text automaton.

    - **tagset [str]** -- Elag tagset file to use to normalize
      dictionary entries.

    - **korean [bool]** -- tells the function that it works on Korean
      (default: False).

    *Return [bool]:*

      **True** if it succeeds, **False** otherwise.
    options = Txt2TFstOptions()

    if exists(text) is False:
        raise UnitexException("[TXT2TFST] Text file '%s' doesn't exists" % text)
    if exists(alphabet) is False:
        raise UnitexException("[TXT2TFST] Alphabet file '%s' doesn't exists" % alphabet)

    command = ["UnitexTool", "Txt2Tfst"]

    command.append("--alphabet=%s" % alphabet)

    if options["clean"] is not False:
    if options["normalization_grammar"] is not None:
        command.append("--normalization_grammar=%s" % options["normalization_grammar"])
    if options["tagset"] is not None:
        command.append("--tagset=%s" % options["tagset"])
    if options["korean"] is not False:


    command = " ".join(command)

    _LOGGER.info("Building text automaton for '%s'..." % text)
    _LOGGER.debug("Command: %s", command)
    ret = _unitex.unitex_tool(command)

    return ret
예제 #14
def tokenize(text, alphabet, **kwargs):
    This function tokenizes a tet text into lexical units. <txt> the
    complete path of the text file, without omitting the .snt extension.

    The function codes each unit as a whole. The list of units is saved
    in a text file called tokens.txt. The sequence of codes representing
    the units now allows the coding of the text. This sequence is saved
    in a binary file named text.cod. The function also produces the
    following four files:

    - tok_by_freq.txt: text file containing the units sorted by
    - tok_by_alph.txt: text file containing the units sorted
    - stats.n: text file containing information on the number of
      sentence separators, the number of units, the number of simple
      words and the number of numbers.
    - enter.pos: binary file containing the list of newline positions in
      the text. The coded representation of the text does not contain
      newlines, but spaces. Since a newline counts as two characters and
      a space as a single one, it is necessary to know where newlines
      occur in the text when the positions of occurrences located by the
      'locate' function are to be synchronized with the text file. File
      enter.pos is used for this by the 'concord' function. Thanks to
      this, when clicking on an occurrence in a concordance, it is
      correctly selected in the text. File enter.pos is a binary file
      containing the list of the positions of newlines in the text.

    All produced files are saved in the text directory


    - **text [str]** -- the text file to tokenize (.snt format).

    - **alphabet [str]** -- the alphabet file.

    *Keyword arguments:*

    - *Generic options:*

      - **char_by_char [bool]** -- indicates whether the function is
        applied character by character, with the exceptions of the
        sentence delimiter {S}, the stop marker {STOP} and lexical
        tags like {today,.ADV} which are considered to be single units
        (default: False).
      - **tokens [str]** -- specifies a tokens.txt file to load and
        modify, instead of creating a new one from scratch.
    - *Offsets options:*

      - **input_offsets [str]** -- base offset file to be used.
      - **output_offsets [str]** -- offset file to be produced.

    *Return [bool]:*

      **True** if it succeeds, **False** otherwise.
    options = TokenizeOptions()

    if exists(text) is False:
        raise UnitexException("[TOKENIZE] Text file '%s' doesn't exists" % text)
    if exists(alphabet) is False:
        raise UnitexException("[TOKENIZE] Alphabet file '%s' doesn't exists" % alphabet)

    command = ["UnitexTool", "Tokenize"]

    command.append("--alphabet=%s" % alphabet)

    if options["char_by_char"] is True:

    if options["tokens"] is not None:
        command.append("--tokens=%s" % options["tokens"])

    if options["input_offsets"] is not None:
        command.append("--input_offsets=%s" % options["input_offsets"])
    if options["output_offsets"] is not None:
        command.append("--output_offsets=%s" % options["output_offsets"])


    command = " ".join(command)

    _LOGGER.info("Tokenizing file '%s'..." % text)
    _LOGGER.debug("Command: %s", command)
    ret = _unitex.unitex_tool(command)

    return ret
예제 #15
def sort_txt(text, **kwargs):
    This function carries out a lexicographical sorting of the lines of
    file <txt>. <txt> represents the complete path of the file to be

    The input text file is modified. By default, the sorting is
    performed in the order of Unicode characters, removing duplicate


    - **text [str]** -- the text file to sort.

    *Keyword arguments:*

    - **duplicates [bool]** -- keep duplicate lines (default: False).
    - **reverse [bool]** -- sort in descending order (default: False).
    - **sort_order [str]** -- sorts using the alphabet order defined in
      this file. If this parameter is missing, the sorting is done
      according to the order of Unicode characters.
    - **line_info [str]** -- backup the number of lines of the result
      file in this file.
    - **thai [bool]** -- option for sorting Thai text (default: False).
    - **factorize_inflectional_codes [bool]** -- makes two entries
      X,Y.Z:A and X,Y.Z:B become a single entry X,Y.Z:A:B
      (default: False).

    *Return [bool]:*

      **True** if it succeeds, **False** otherwise.
    options = SortTxtOptions()

    if exists(text) is False:
        raise UnitexException("[SORTTXT] Text file '%s' doesn't exists" % text)

    command = ["UnitexTool", "SortTxt"]

    if options["duplicates"] is False:

    if options["reverse"] is True:
    if options["sort_order"] is None:
        command.append("--sort_order=%s" % options["sort_order"])
    if options["line_info"] is None:
        command.append("--line_info=%s" % options["line_info"])
    if options["thai"] is True:
    if options["factorize_inflectional_codes"] is True:


    command = " ".join(command)

    _LOGGER.info("Sorting file '%s'..." % text)
    _LOGGER.debug("Command: %s", command)
    ret = _unitex.unitex_tool(command)

    return ret