P = 2 * N

x = UTPM(numpy.zeros((D, P, 2 * N, 1)))
x.data[0, :] = numpy.random.rand(2 * N, 1)
x.data[1, :, :, 0] = numpy.eye(P)
y = x[N:]
x = x[:N]

# wrap the UTPM instance in a Function instance to trace all operations
# that have x as an argument
# create a CGraph instance that to store the computational trace
cg = CGraph().trace_on()
x = Function(x)
y = Function(y)
z = f(x, y)

# define dependent and independent variables in the computational procedure
cg.independentFunctionList = [x, y]
cg.dependentFunctionList = [z]

# Since the UTPM instrance is wrapped in a Function instance we have to access it
# by y.x. That means the Jacobian is
grad1 = z.x.data[1, :, 0]

print('forward gradient g(x) = \n', grad1)

# Now we want to compute the same Jacobian in the reverse mode of AD
# before we do that we have a look what the computational graph looks like:
# print 'Computational graph is', cg
    J1_tilde = dot(J1, Q2.T)
    Q, R = qr(J1_tilde)
    V = solve(R.T, Q2)
    return dot(V.T, V)

# dimensions of the involved matrices
D, P, M, N, K, Nx = 2, 1, 5, 3, 1, 1

# trace the function evaluation of METHOD 1: nullspace method
cg1 = CGraph()
J1 = Function(UTPM(numpy.random.rand(*(D, P, M, N))))
J2 = Function(UTPM(numpy.random.rand(*(D, P, K, N))))
C = eval_covariance_matrix_qr(J1, J2)
y = C[0, 0]
cg1.independentFunctionList = [J1, J2]
cg1.dependentFunctionList = [y]
print('covariance matrix: C =\n', C)

# trace the function evaluation of METHOD 2: naive method (potentially numerically unstable)
cg2 = CGraph()
J1 = Function(J1.x)
J2 = Function(J2.x)
C2 = eval_covariance_matrix_naive(J1, J2)
y = C2[0, 0]
cg2.independentFunctionList = [J1, J2]
cg2.dependentFunctionList = [y]
print('covariance matrix: C =\n', C2)
예제 #3
from algopy import CGraph, Function
cg = CGraph()
x = Function(1)
y = Function(3)
z = x * y + x
cg.independentFunctionList = [x,y]
cg.dependentFunctionList = [z]
print cg
    J1_tilde = dot(J1,Q2.T)
    Q,R = qr(J1_tilde)
    V = solve(R.T, Q2)
    return dot(V.T,V)

# dimensions of the involved matrices
D,P,M,N,K,Nx = 2,1,5,3,1,1

# trace the function evaluation of METHOD 1: nullspace method
cg1 = CGraph()
J1 = Function(UTPM(numpy.random.rand(*(D,P,M,N))))
J2 = Function(UTPM(numpy.random.rand(*(D,P,K,N))))
C = eval_covariance_matrix_qr(J1, J2)
y = C[0,0]
cg1.independentFunctionList = [J1, J2]
cg1.dependentFunctionList = [y]
print('covariance matrix: C =\n',C)

# trace the function evaluation of METHOD 2: naive method (potentially numerically unstable)
cg2 = CGraph()
J1 = Function(J1.x)
J2 = Function(J2.x)
C2 = eval_covariance_matrix_naive(J1, J2)
y = C2[0,0]
cg2.independentFunctionList = [J1, J2]
cg2.dependentFunctionList = [y]
print('covariance matrix: C =\n',C2)
n_p = 512  # Datenpunkte pro Periode

t = np.arange(n * n_p) / (n_p * f)  # Zeitvektor
current = i_hat * (np.sin(2 * np.pi * f * t) +
                   0.7 * np.sin(6 * np.pi * f * t + 1))  # Stromvorgabe
H = current / (2 * np.pi * r)  # Resultierende Feldvorgabe

graph = CGraph()
x = Function([alpha, a, k, c, Msat])

# Parametervektor
p = {'alpha': x[0], 'a': x[1], 'k': x[2], 'c': x[3], 'm_sat': x[4]}

model = JilesAthertonModel.from_dict(p)
M = model.integrate_rk4(t, H)

H = H[::2]
t = t[::2]
B = mu_0 * (H + M)
dB_dt = np.zeros(np.size(B))
new = np.append([0.0], (B[1:] - B[0:-1]) / (t[1:] - t[0:-1]))

P = np.sum(0.5 * H * new)

graph.independentFunctionList = [x]
graph.dependentFunctionList = [P]

a = graph.gradient([alpha, a, k, c, Msat])