예제 #1
    def __init__(self):
        # this decides which side of the screen to spawn at.
        self.start = random.randint(1, 4)

        # uses the function from point to find the x and y
        self.center.x = self.center.generate_asteroid_x(self.start)
        self.center.y = self.center.generate_asteroid_y(self.start)

        # uses angle object and its methods
        # to find the direction it should go
        angle = Angle()
        self.direction = angle.generate_angle(self.start)

        # uses the direction to get the correct speed
        self.velocity.dx = math.cos(math.radians(
            self.direction)) * BIG_ROCK_SPEED
        self.velocity.dy = math.sin(math.radians(
            self.direction)) * BIG_ROCK_SPEED

        self.radius = BIG_ROCK_RADIUS

        # starts at 0, but this will increase as the astroids advance
        self.rotation = 0

        self.dr = 1

        self.texture = arcade.load_texture("images/meteorGrey_big1.png")
        self.width = 50
        self.height = 50