예제 #1
def process_accel(accel_data):
    Computes the rotation angle from accelerometer data and updates the current theta.
    accel_data is an rs2_vector that holds the measurements retrieved from the accelerometer stream.
    # Holds the angle as calculated from accelerometer data
    # with x,y,z coordinates
    accel_angle = Angle(0, 0, 0)

    # Calculate rotation angle from accelerometer data
    # accel_angle.z = atan2(accel_data.y, accel_data.z);
    accel_angle.z = math.atan2(accel_data.y, accel_data.z)

    # accel_angle.x = atan2(accel_data.x, sqrt(accel_data.y * accel_data.y + accel_data.z * accel_data.z));
    accel_angle.x = math.atan2(
        math.sqrt(accel_data.y * accel_data.y + accel_data.z * accel_data.z))

    global first
    global theta
    global alpha
    global mutex

    # If it is the first iteration set initial pose of camera according to accelerometer data
    if first:
        first = False
        theta = accel_angle
        theta.y = math.pi
        Apply Complementary Filter:
        - 'high-pass filter' = theta * alpha: allows short duration signals to pass
        through while filtering out signals that are steady over time, is used to cancel out drift.
        - 'low-pass filter' = accel * (1-alpha): lets through long term changes,
        filtering out short term fluctuations
        - alpha is used to aggregate the data
        theta.x = theta.x * alpha + accel_angle.x * (1 - alpha)
        theta.z = theta.z * alpha + accel_angle.z * (1 - alpha)
    return theta