예제 #1
    def __init__(self, model):

        self._aligner = aligners.instantiate(model,"julius")

        # Map phoneme names from  SAMPA model-specific
        mappingfilename = os.path.join( model, "monophones.repl")
        if os.path.isfile( mappingfilename ):
                self._mapping = Mapping( mappingfilename )
            except Exception:
                self._mapping = Mapping()
            self._mapping = Mapping()

        self._alignerio  = AlignerIO()
        self._spkrate    = SpeakerRate()
        self._radius = 0.005

        self.N = 5     # initial N-gram to search the anchors
        self.NMIN = 3  # minimum N-gram to search the anchors
        self.W = 6.    # initial windows delay to search the anchors
        self.WMIN = 3. # minimum windows delay to search the anchors
        self.NBT = 12  # maximum number of tokens for chunks (and holes)
        self.ANCHORS = True   # Append anchors into the result
        self.SILENCES = False # Search automatically silences before anchors
예제 #2
class TestSpeakerRate( unittest.TestCase ):

    def setUp(self):
        self._s = SpeakerRate()

    def test_set(self):
        self._s.set_value( 12. )
        self.assertEqual(self._s.get_value(), 12.)
        self.assertEqual( self._s.get_value(), 5. )
        self.assertEqual( self._s.get_value(), 50. )
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            self._s.set_value( 300 )
            self._s.set_value( "dfbzhb" )
            self._s.mul( 100 )

    def test_evaluators(self):
        self._s.set_value( 12. )
        self._s.eval_from_duration( 10., 100 )
        self.assertEqual( self._s.get_value(), 10. )
        self.assertEqual( self._s.ntokens( 10. ), 100 )
        self.assertEqual( self._s.duration( 20 ), 2. )
예제 #3
class Chunks( object ):
    @author:       Brigitte Bigi
    @organization: Laboratoire Parole et Langage, Aix-en-Provence, France
    @contact:      [email protected]
    @license:      GPL, v3
    @copyright:    Copyright (C) 2011-2016  Brigitte Bigi
    @summary:      Write tokenized-phonetized segments from Tiers.

    def __init__(self, model):

        self._aligner = aligners.instantiate(model,"julius")

        # Map phoneme names from  SAMPA model-specific
        mappingfilename = os.path.join( model, "monophones.repl")
        if os.path.isfile( mappingfilename ):
                self._mapping = Mapping( mappingfilename )
            except Exception:
                self._mapping = Mapping()
            self._mapping = Mapping()

        self._alignerio  = AlignerIO()
        self._spkrate    = SpeakerRate()
        self._radius = 0.005

        self.N = 5     # initial N-gram to search the anchors
        self.NMIN = 3  # minimum N-gram to search the anchors
        self.W = 6.    # initial windows delay to search the anchors
        self.WMIN = 3. # minimum windows delay to search the anchors
        self.NBT = 12  # maximum number of tokens for chunks (and holes)
        self.ANCHORS = True   # Append anchors into the result
        self.SILENCES = False # Search automatically silences before anchors

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Getters
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def get_ngram_init(self):
        return self.N

    def get_ngram_min(self):
        return self.NMIN

    def get_windelay_init(self):
        return self.W

    def get_windelay_min(self):
        return self.WMIN

    def get_chunk_maxsize(self):
        return self.NBT

    def get_anchors(self):
        return self.ANCHORS

    def get_silences(self):
        return self.SILENCES

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Setters
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def set_ngram_init(self, N):
        if N < 2 or N > 20:
            raise ValueError('Bad value for N-gram.')
        self.N = N

    def set_ngram_min(self, N):
        if N < 2 or N > 20:
            raise ValueError('Bad value for N-gram.')
        self.NMIN = N

    def set_windelay_init(self, W):
        if W < 1. and W > 60.:
            raise ValueError('Bad value for a window delay.')
        self.W = W

    def set_windelay_min(self, W):
        if W < 1. and W > 60.:
            raise ValueError('Bad value for a window delay.')
        self.WMIN = W

    def set_chunk_maxsize(self, T):
        if T < 2 and T > 200:
            raise ValueError('Bad value for a chunk size.')
        self.NBT = T

    def set_anchors(self, value):
        self.ANCHORS = bool(value)

    def set_silences(self, value):
        self.SILENCES = bool(value)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Workers
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def create_chunks(self, inputaudio, phontier, toktier, diralign):
        Create time-aligned tiers from raw intput tiers.

        @param phontier (Tier - IN) the tier with phonetization
        @param toktier  (Tier - IN) the tier with tokenization to split
        @param diralign (str - IN) the directory to work.

        trsoutput = Transcription("Chunks")

        # Extract the audio channel
        channel = autils.extract_audio_channel( inputaudio,0 )
        channel = autils.format_channel( channel,16000,2 )

        # Extract the lists of tokens and their corresponding pronunciations
        pronlist = self._tier2raw( phontier,map=True ).split()
        toklist  = self._tier2raw( toktier, map=False ).split()
        if len(pronlist) != len(toklist):
            raise IOError("Inconsistency between the number of items in phonetization %d and tokenization %d."%(len(pronlist),len(toklist)))

        # At a first stage, we'll find anchors.
        anchortier = AnchorTier()
        anchortier.set_duration( channel.get_duration() )

        # Search silences and use them as anchors.
        if self.SILENCES is True:
            anchortier.append_silences( channel )

        # Estimates the speaking rate (amount of tokens/sec. in average)
        self._spkrate.eval_from_duration( channel.get_duration(), len(toklist) )

        # Multi-pass ASR to find anchors
        A = -1      # number of anchors in the preceding pass
        N = self.N  # decreasing N-gram value
        W = self.W  # decreasing window length

        while A != anchortier.GetSize() and anchortier.check_holes_ntokens( self.NBT ) is False:

            anchortier.set_windelay( W )
            A = anchortier.GetSize()

            logging.debug(" =========================================================== ")
            logging.debug(" Number of anchors: %d"%A)
            logging.debug(" N: %d"%N)
            logging.debug(" W: %d"%W)

            # perform ASR and append new anchors in the anchor tier (if any)
            self._asr(toklist, pronlist, anchortier, channel, diralign, N)

            # append the anchor tier as intermediate result
            if self.ANCHORS is True and A != anchortier.GetSize():
                annotationdata.io.write( os.path.join(diralign,"ANCHORS-%d.xra"%anchortier.GetSize()),trsoutput )

            # prepare next pass
            W = max(W-1., self.WMIN)
            N = max(N-1,  self.NMIN)

        # Then, anchors are exported as tracks.
        tiert = anchortier.export(toklist)
        tierp = anchortier.export(pronlist)

        return trsoutput

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Private
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def _append_tier(self, tier, trs):
        Append a copy of Tier in self.

        copytier = Tier("Anchors-"+str(tier.GetSize()))
        for a in tier:
            ac = a.Copy()
                copytier.Append( ac )
            except Exception:
                logging.debug("Append of annotation in tier failed: %s"%ac)


    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def _asr(self, toklist, pronlist, anchortier, channel, diralign, N):
        Windowing on the audio to perform ASR and find anchors.

        # init
        fromtime  = 0.
        totime    = float(N)
        fails     = 0
        maxtime = channel.get_duration()

        # windowing
        logging.debug(" ... Windowing the audio file:")
        while fromtime < maxtime and fails < 3:

                # Fix exact time range of this window...
                (fromtime,totime) = anchortier.fix_window(fromtime)
                if totime > maxtime:
                    totime = maxtime
                if fromtime >= totime:
                    logging.debug('Stop windowing: %f %f.'%(fromtime,totime))

                # Fix token range of this window...
                (fromtoken,totoken) = self._fix_trans_interval(fromtime,totime,toklist,anchortier)
                if fromtoken >= len(toklist):

                logging.debug(" ... ... window: ")
                logging.debug("... ... ... time  from %.4f to %.4f."%(fromtime,totime))
                logging.debug("... ... ... token from %d to %d."%(fromtoken,totoken))
                logging.debug("... ... ... REF: %s"%(" ".join( toklist[fromtoken:totoken] )))
                logging.debug("... ... ... HYP: ")

                # Fix anchors of this window
                anchors = self._fix_window_asr(fromtime, totime, fromtoken, totoken, channel, pronlist, toklist, diralign, N)

                if len(anchors) > 0:
                    self._add_anchors( anchors, anchortier )
                    # Prepare next window
                    fromtime = anchors[-1][1]
                    fails = 0
                    fromtime = totime
                    logging.debug("... ... ... No anchor found.")

            except Exception:
                # try your luck in the next window...
                import traceback
                fromtime = totime
                fails = fails + 1

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def _fix_trans_interval(self, fromtime, totime, toklist, anchortier):
        Fix the window on the transcript.

        # previous and following anchors
        af = anchortier.near_indexed_anchor( fromtime, -1 )
        at = anchortier.near_indexed_anchor( totime,    1 )

        fexact = False
        wdelay = totime-fromtime
        ntokens = self._spkrate.ntokens(wdelay)+1

        # an anchor is not too far away before
        if af is not None and af.GetLocation().GetEnd() >= (fromtime-wdelay):
            # we have an exact position in the token list
            fromtoken = af.GetLabel().GetTypedValue() + 1
            fexact = True
            # we approximate with the speaking rate
            fromtoken = max(0, self._spkrate.ntokens( fromtime ) - ntokens)

        # an anchor is not too far away after
        if at is not None and at.GetLocation().GetBegin() <= (totime+wdelay):
            # we have an exact position in the token list
            totoken = at.GetLabel().GetTypedValue() - 1
            # we approximate with the speaking rate
            if fexact is True:
                totoken = min(len(toklist), fromtoken + int(1.5*ntokens))
                totoken = min(len(toklist), self._spkrate.ntokens( totime ) + ntokens)

        # ...
        if fromtoken >= totoken:
            fromtoken = max(0, fromtoken-1)
            totoken   = min(len(toklist), fromtoken+2)

        return (fromtoken,totoken)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def _fix_window_asr(self, fromtime, totime, fromtoken, totoken, channel, pronlist, toklist, diralign, N):
        Fix asr result in a window.
        Return the list of anchors the ASR found in that window.

        # create audio file
        fnw = os.path.join(diralign, "asr")
        fna = os.path.join(diralign, "asr.wav")
        trackchannel = autils.extract_channel_fragment( channel, fromtime, totime, 0.2)
        autils.write_channel( fna, trackchannel )

        # call the ASR engine to recognize tokens of this track
        self._aligner.set_phones( " ".join( pronlist[fromtoken:totoken] ) )
        self._aligner.set_tokens( " ".join(  toklist[fromtoken:totoken] ) )
        self._aligner.run_alignment(fna, fnw, N)

        # get the tokens time-aligned by the ASR engine
        wordalign = self._alignerio.read_aligned(fnw)[1]  # (starttime,endtime,label,score)
        wordalign = self._adjust_asr_result(wordalign, fromtime, 0.2)

        # ignore the last word: we can't know if the word is entire or was cut
        if len(wordalign) > 3:

        # list of tokens the ASR automatically time-aligned
        tman = [token for token in toklist[fromtoken:totoken]]
        # list of tokens manually transcribed
        tasr = [(token,score) for (start,end,token,score) in wordalign]

        # Find matching tokens: the anchors
        matchingslist = self._fix_matchings_list( tman,tasr,N )

        anchors = []
        for match in matchingslist:
            i  = match[0]   # ref
            hi = match[1]   # hyp
            s = wordalign[hi][0]
            e = wordalign[hi][1]
            anchors.append( (s,e,fromtoken+i) )

        return anchors

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def _adjust_asr_result(self, wordsalign, fromtime, silence):
        Adapt wordsalign: remove <s> and </s> then adjust time values.

        # shift all time values of "silence" delta
        for i in range(len(wordsalign)):
            wordsalign[i][0] = wordsalign[i][0] - silence
            wordsalign[i][1] = wordsalign[i][1] - silence

        # remove the first <s> and the last </s>

        if len(wordsalign) == 0:
            raise IOError("The ASR failed to find tokens.")

        # the first token was recognized during the silence we prepended!!!!
        if wordsalign[0][1] < 0:
            wordsalign[0][0] = 0.

        # the first token was starting during the silence we prepended.
        wordsalign[0][0] = max( 0. , wordsalign[0][0] )

        # shift all local time values to the real time values in the audioinput
        for i in range(len(wordsalign)):
            wordsalign[i][0] = wordsalign[i][0] + fromtime
            wordsalign[i][1] = wordsalign[i][1] + fromtime
            logging.debug("... ... ... ... %s - %f"%(wordsalign[i][2],wordsalign[i][3]))

        return wordsalign

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def _fix_matchings_list(self, ref, hyp, N ):
        Create the list of matches between ref and hyp.

        pattern = Patterns()
        pattern.set_ngram( N )
        m3 = pattern.ngram_matchings( ref,hyp )

        if len( m3 ) == 0:
            return []

        # Search for the lowest/highest values in ref/hyp:
        listref = [ v[0] for v in m3 ]
        listhyp = [ v[1] for v in m3 ]
        minr = min( listref )
        maxr = max( listref )
        newref = ref[minr:maxr+1]
        minh = min( listhyp )
        maxh = max( listhyp )
        newhyp = hyp[minh:maxh+1]

        # Do some hypothesis were found several times in the reference?
        if len(listhyp) > len(list(set(listhyp))):

            pattern.set_ngram( N+2 )
            newm3 = pattern.ngram_matchings( ref,hyp )
            listref = [ v[0] for v in m3 ]
            listhyp = [ v[1] for v in m3 ]
            if len(listhyp) > len(list(set(listhyp))):
                newm3 = []

            newm3 = m3

        m1 = []
        if len(hyp) < N:
            pattern = Patterns()
            m1 = pattern.ngram_alignments( newref,newhyp )

        return sorted(list(set(m1+newm3)))

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def _add_anchors(self, anchorlist, anchortier):
        Add anchors in the anchor tier

        if len(anchorlist) == 0:

        logging.debug('... ... ... Anchors:')
        for (s,e,i) in anchorlist:

            # provide overlaps with a previous anchor
            previ = anchortier.Near( s,-1 )
            if previ != -1:
                prevann = anchortier[previ]
                if prevann.GetLocation().GetEnd().GetMidpoint() > s:
                    if prevann.GetLabel().IsSilence():
                        if prevann.GetLocation().GetEnd() < prevann.GetLocation().GetBegin():
                        s = prevann.GetLocation().GetEnd().SetMidpoint(s)

            # provide overlaps with a following anchor
            nexti = anchortier.Near( e,1 )
            if nexti != -1:
                nextann = anchortier[nexti]
                if nextann.GetLocation().GetBegin().GetMidpoint() < e:
                    if nextann.GetLabel().IsSilence():
                        if nextann.GetLocation().GetEnd() < nextann.GetLocation().GetBegin():
                        e = nextann.GetLocation().GetBegin().SetMidpoint(e)

            valid = True
            # previous index must be lesser
            p = anchortier.near_indexed_anchor( s,-1 )
            if p is not None:
                pidx = p.GetLabel().GetTypedValue()
                if i <= pidx:
                    valid = False
                    # solve a small amount of issues...
                    # duration between the previous and the one we want to add
                    deltatime = s-p.GetLocation().GetEnd().GetMidpoint()
                    if deltatime < 0.2:
                        if (i-10) > pidx:

            # next index must be higher
            n = anchortier.near_indexed_anchor(e, 1)
            if n is not None and i >= n.GetLabel().GetTypedValue():
                valid = False

            # add the anchor
            if valid is True:
                time  = TimeInterval(TimePoint(s),TimePoint(e))
                label = Label( Text(i,data_type="int") )
                anchortier.Add( Annotation(time,label) )
                logging.debug("... ... ... ... Add: %f %f %d"%(s,e,i))
                logging.debug("... ... ... ... ... Ignore: %f %f %d"%(s,e,i))

        # Then, fill the very evident holes

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def _tier2raw( self,tier,map=False ):
        Return all interval contents into a single string.

        # Map phonemes from SAMPA to the expected ones.
        self._mapping.set_keepmiss( True )
        self._mapping.set_reverse( True )

        raw = ""
        for i,ann in enumerate(tier):
            if ann.GetLabel().IsEmpty() is True:
                logging.info("WARNING: Found an empty annotation label at index %d"%i)
                raw = raw + " sil"
            else: #if ann.GetLabel().IsSilence() is False:
                besttext = ann.GetLabel().GetValue()
                if map is True:
                    besttext = self._mapping.map( besttext )

                if UNKSTAMP in besttext:
                    besttext = besttext.replace(UNKSTAMP, "sil")
                raw = raw + " " + besttext

        return ToStrip(raw)
예제 #4
 def setUp(self):
     self._s = SpeakerRate()