예제 #1
 def bus_service_search(self, request, query, is_single_app_search):
     routes = Route.objects.filter(service_id__iexact=query)
     stops = Entity.objects.filter(stoponroute__route__in=routes)
     location = get_point(request, None)
     if location:
         stops = stops.distance(location).order_by('distance')
     for stop in stops:
         result = {
             'url': stop.get_absolute_url(),
             'application': self.conf.local_name,
             'redirect_if_sole_result': True,
         result.update(EntityDetailView(self.conf).get_metadata(request, stop.identifier_scheme, stop.identifier_value))
         yield result
예제 #2
    def handle_GET(self, request, context, entity=None):
        point = get_point(request, entity)
        if point is None:
            return self.render(request, { 'entity': entity },
        if entity:
            return_url = reverse('places:entity-nearby-list',
                      args=[entity.primary_type.slug, entity.slug])
            return_url = reverse('places:nearby-list')

        # Get entity types to show on nearby page
        entity_types = EntityType.objects.filter(show_in_nearby_list=True)
        for et in entity_types:
            # For each et, get the entities that belong to it
            et.max_distance = 0
            et.entities_found = 0
            es = et.entities_completion.filter(location__isnull=False,
                                               location__distance_lt=(point, D(km=5))).distance(point).order_by('distance')
            for e in es:
                # Selection criteria for whether or not to count this entity
                if (e.distance.m ** 0.75) * (et.entities_found + 1) > 500:
                et.max_distance = e.distance.m
                et.entities_found += 1

        categorised_entity_types = defaultdict(list)
        for et in filter(lambda et: et.entities_found > 0, entity_types):
        # Need to do this other Django evalutes .items as ['items']
        categorised_entity_types = dict(categorised_entity_types.items())

            'entity_types': categorised_entity_types,
            'entity': entity,
            'return_url': return_url,
            # entity is None => we've searched around the user's location
            'exposes_user_data': entity is None,
        if entity and not entity.location:
            return self.render(request, context, 'places/entity_without_location')
        return self.render(request, context, 'places/nearby_list')
예제 #3
    def initial_context(self, request, ptypes, entity=None):
        point = get_point(request, entity)

        entity_types = tuple(get_object_or_404(EntityType, slug=t) for t in ptypes.split(';'))

        if point:
            entities = Entity.objects.filter(location__isnull=False, is_sublocation=False)
            for et in entity_types:
                entities = entities.filter(all_types_completion=et)
            entities = entities.distance(point).order_by('distance')[:99]
            entities = []

        context = super(NearbyDetailView, self).initial_context(request, ptypes, entities)
            'entity_types': entity_types,
            'point': point,
            'entities': entities,
            'entity': entity,
            # entity is None => point is the user's location
            'exposes_user_data': entity is None,
        return context