def verify_point_in_polygon_for_lanes(): """ """ avm = ArgoverseMap() # ref_query_x = 422. # ref_query_y = 1005. ref_query_x = -662 ref_query_y = 2817 city_name = "MIA" for trial_idx in range(10): query_x = ref_query_x + (np.random.rand() - 0.5) * 10 query_y = ref_query_y + (np.random.rand() - 0.5) * 10 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(22.5, 8)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.scatter([query_x], [query_y], 100, color="k", marker=".") occupied_lane_ids = avm.get_lane_segments_containing_xy( query_x, query_y, city_name) for occupied_lane_id in occupied_lane_ids: halluc_lane_polygon = avm.get_lane_segment_polygon( occupied_lane_id, city_name) plot_lane_segment_patch(halluc_lane_polygon, ax, color="y", alpha=0.3) nearby_lane_ids = avm.get_lane_ids_in_xy_bbox(query_x, query_y, city_name) nearby_lane_ids = set(nearby_lane_ids) - set(occupied_lane_ids) for nearby_lane_id in nearby_lane_ids: halluc_lane_polygon = avm.get_lane_segment_polygon( nearby_lane_id, city_name) plot_lane_segment_patch(halluc_lane_polygon, ax, color="r", alpha=0.3) ax.axis("equal") plt.close("all")
def get_point_in_polygon_score(self, lane_seq: List[int], xy_seq: np.ndarray, city_name: str, avm: ArgoverseMap) -> int: """Get the number of coordinates that lie insde the lane seq polygon. Args: lane_seq: Sequence of lane ids xy_seq: Trajectory coordinates city_name: City name (PITT/MIA) avm: Argoverse map_api instance Returns: point_in_polygon_score: Number of coordinates in the trajectory that lie within the lane sequence """ lane_seq_polygon = cascaded_union([ Polygon(avm.get_lane_segment_polygon(lane, city_name)).buffer(0) for lane in lane_seq ]) point_in_polygon_score = 0 for xy in xy_seq: point_in_polygon_score += lane_seq_polygon.contains(Point(xy)) return point_in_polygon_score
def plot_nearby_halluc_lanes( ax: plt.Axes, city_name: str, avm: ArgoverseMap, query_x: float, query_y: float, patch_color: str = "r", radius: float = 20.0, ) -> None: """Produce lane segment graphs for visual verification.""" nearby_lane_ids = avm.get_lane_ids_in_xy_bbox(query_x, query_y, city_name, radius) for nearby_lane_id in nearby_lane_ids: halluc_lane_polygon = avm.get_lane_segment_polygon( nearby_lane_id, city_name) plot_lane_segment_patch(halluc_lane_polygon, ax, color=patch_color, alpha=0.3) plt.text( halluc_lane_polygon[:, 0].mean(), halluc_lane_polygon[:, 1].mean(), str(nearby_lane_id), )
class argoverse_processor(object): """ This object can extract context information from raw map file and raw trajectory file. """ def __init__(self, scenario_path = _sample_path): self.map_pres = ArgoverseMap() self.scenarios = ArgoverseForecastingLoader(scenario_path) self.seq_lane_props = self.map_pres.city_lane_centerlines_dict def acquire_agent_trajectory(self, one_scenario): # There is 5 seconds of one scenario in total. 0.1s interval so that it has 50 items. return one_scenario.agent_traj def acquire_city(self, one_scenario): return one_scenario.seq_df['CITY_NAME'].values[0] def acquire_lane_centerlines_and_edgelines(self, one_scenario): city_name = self.acquire_city(one_scenario) seq_def = one_scenario.seq_df seq_lanes = self.seq_lane_props[city_name] x_min = min(seq_def['X']) x_max = max(seq_def['X']) y_min = min(seq_def['Y']) y_max = max(seq_def['Y']) lane_centerlines = [] lane_ids = [] # Get lane centerlines which lie within the range of trajectories for lane_id, lane_props in seq_lanes.items(): lane_cl = lane_props.centerline if ( np.min(lane_cl[:, 0]) < x_max and np.min(lane_cl[:, 1]) < y_max and np.max(lane_cl[:, 0]) > x_min and np.max(lane_cl[:, 1]) > y_min ): lane_centerlines.append(lane_cl) lane_ids.append(lane_id) edges1 = [] edges2 = [] for lane_id in lane_ids: lane_polyline = self.map_pres.get_lane_segment_polygon(lane_id, city_name) lane_polyline = lane_polyline[:-1] break_point = len(lane_polyline)/2 break_point = int(break_point) edges1.append(lane_polyline[:break_point]) edges2.append(lane_polyline[break_point:]) return lane_centerlines, edges1, edges2 def visualization_lanes(self, one_scenario): plt.figure(figsize=(8, 7)) lane_cls, lane_eds1, lane_eds2 = self.acquire_lane_centerlines_and_edgelines(one_scenario) for lane_cl in lane_cls: a, = plt.plot(lane_cl[:, 0], lane_cl[:, 1], '--', label='lane_centerline', color='#17A9C3', linewidth=1) # color='#C7398D') for lane_ed in lane_eds1: b, = plt.plot(lane_ed[:, 0], lane_ed[:, 1], label='lane_edgeline', color='#C7398D', linewidth=1) # color='#314E87') for lane_ed in lane_eds2: c, = plt.plot(lane_ed[:, 0], lane_ed[:, 1], label='lane_edgeline', color='#C7398D', linewidth=1) plt.legend([a, b], ['lane_centerline', 'lane_edgeline'], fontsize=10) plt.axis('off') def visualization_trajectory(self, one_scenario): plt.figure(figsize=(8, 7)) lane_cls, lane_eds1, lane_eds2 = self.acquire_lane_centerlines_and_edgelines(one_scenario) for lane_cl in lane_cls: a, = plt.plot(lane_cl[:, 0], lane_cl[:, 1], '--', color='grey', linewidth=1) # color='#C7398D') for lane_ed in lane_eds1: b, = plt.plot(lane_ed[:, 0], lane_ed[:, 1], color='grey', linewidth=1) # color='#314E87') for lane_ed in lane_eds2: c, = plt.plot(lane_ed[:, 0], lane_ed[:, 1], color='grey', linewidth=1) traj = self.acquire_agent_trajectory(one_scenario) train_traj = traj[:20] pred_traj = traj[20:] d, = plt.plot(train_traj[:, 0], train_traj[:, 1], '-', color='#17A9C3', alpha=1, linewidth=2, zorder=2) e, = plt.plot(train_traj[-1, 0], train_traj[-1, 1], 'o', color='#17A9C3', alpha=1, markersize=7, zorder=2) f, = plt.plot(pred_traj[:, 0], pred_traj[:, 1], '-', color='#C7398D', alpha=1, linewidth=1, zorder=2) plt.legend([a, b, d, f], ['lane_centerline', 'lane_edgeline', 'observed_agent_trajectory', 'future_agent_trajectory'], fontsize=10) plt.axis('off')
if len(candidate_cl)<=2: continue label = int(label) s_line = source_closest_line.centerline t_line = target_closest_line.centerline label_line = candidate_cl[label] other_lines = candidate_cl[0:label] + candidate_cl[label+1:] intersections = [] for row in separation_points: intersection = Polygon(avm.get_lane_segment_polygon(row["ids"][0], city)[:, 0:2]) for id in row["ids"][1:]: intersection = intersection.intersection(Polygon(avm.get_lane_segment_polygon(id, city)[:, 0:2])) intersections.append(intersection) intersections = [intersection.exterior.coords for intersection in intersections] points = [ row["coord"] for row in separation_points] image = draw(source, target, source_ref_line, label_line=label_line, other_lines=other_lines, points=points, polygons=intersections) cv2.imwrite(output_file%(i+1), image)
class ArgoDataset(Dataset): def __init__(self, split, config, train=True): self.config = config self.train = train if 'preprocess' in config and config['preprocess']: if train: self.split = np.load(self.config['preprocess_train'], allow_pickle=True) else: self.split = np.load(self.config['preprocess_val'], allow_pickle=True) else: self.avl = ArgoverseForecastingLoader(split) self.avl.seq_list = sorted(self.avl.seq_list) = ArgoverseMap() if 'raster' in config and config['raster']: #TODO: DELETE self.map_query = MapQuery(config['map_scale']) def __getitem__(self, idx): if 'preprocess' in self.config and self.config['preprocess']: data = self.split[idx] if self.train and self.config['rot_aug']: new_data = dict() for key in ['city', 'orig', 'gt_preds', 'has_preds']: if key in data: new_data[key] = ref_copy(data[key]) dt = np.random.rand() * self.config['rot_size'] #np.pi * 2.0 theta = data['theta'] + dt new_data['theta'] = theta new_data['rot'] = np.asarray( [[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta)], [np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]], np.float32) rot = np.asarray([[np.cos(-dt), -np.sin(-dt)], [np.sin(-dt), np.cos(-dt)]], np.float32) new_data['feats'] = data['feats'].copy() new_data['feats'][:, :, :2] = np.matmul( new_data['feats'][:, :, :2], rot) new_data['ctrs'] = np.matmul(data['ctrs'], rot) graph = dict() for key in [ 'num_nodes', 'turn', 'control', 'intersect', 'pre', 'suc', 'lane_idcs', 'left_pairs', 'right_pairs', 'left', 'right' ]: graph[key] = ref_copy(data['graph'][key]) graph['ctrs'] = np.matmul(data['graph']['ctrs'], rot) graph['feats'] = np.matmul(data['graph']['feats'], rot) new_data['graph'] = graph data = new_data else: new_data = dict() for key in [ 'city', 'orig', 'gt_preds', 'has_preds', 'theta', 'rot', 'feats', 'ctrs', 'graph' ]: if key in data: new_data[key] = ref_copy(data[key]) data = new_data if 'raster' in self.config and self.config['raster']: data.pop('graph') x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max = self.config['pred_range'] cx, cy = data['orig'] region = [cx + x_min, cx + x_max, cy + y_min, cy + y_max] raster = self.map_query.query(region, data['theta'], data['city']) data['raster'] = raster return data data = self.read_argo_data(idx) data = self.get_obj_feats(data) data['idx'] = idx if 'raster' in self.config and self.config['raster']: x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max = self.config['pred_range'] cx, cy = data['orig'] region = [cx + x_min, cx + x_max, cy + y_min, cy + y_max] raster = self.map_query.query(region, data['theta'], data['city']) data['raster'] = raster return data data['graph'] = self.get_lane_graph(data) return data def __len__(self): if 'preprocess' in self.config and self.config['preprocess']: return len(self.split) else: return len(self.avl) def read_argo_data(self, idx): city = copy.deepcopy(self.avl[idx].city) """TIMESTAMP,TRACK_ID,OBJECT_TYPE,X,Y,CITY_NAME""" df = copy.deepcopy(self.avl[idx].seq_df) agt_ts = np.sort(np.unique(df['TIMESTAMP'].values)) mapping = dict() for i, ts in enumerate(agt_ts): mapping[ts] = i trajs = np.concatenate( (df.X.to_numpy().reshape(-1, 1), df.Y.to_numpy().reshape(-1, 1)), 1) steps = [mapping[x] for x in df['TIMESTAMP'].values] steps = np.asarray(steps, np.int64) objs = df.groupby(['TRACK_ID', 'OBJECT_TYPE']).groups keys = list(objs.keys()) obj_type = [x[1] for x in keys] agt_idx = obj_type.index('AGENT') idcs = objs[keys[agt_idx]] agt_traj = trajs[idcs] agt_step = steps[idcs] del keys[agt_idx] ctx_trajs, ctx_steps = [], [] for key in keys: idcs = objs[key] ctx_trajs.append(trajs[idcs]) ctx_steps.append(steps[idcs]) data = dict() data['city'] = city data['trajs'] = [agt_traj] + ctx_trajs data['steps'] = [agt_step] + ctx_steps return data def get_obj_feats(self, data): orig = data['trajs'][0][19].copy().astype(np.float32) if self.train and self.config['rot_aug']: theta = np.random.rand() * np.pi * 2.0 else: pre = data['trajs'][0][18] - orig theta = np.pi - np.arctan2(pre[1], pre[0]) rot = np.asarray([[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta)], [np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]], np.float32) feats, ctrs, gt_preds, has_preds = [], [], [], [] for traj, step in zip(data['trajs'], data['steps']): if 19 not in step: continue gt_pred = np.zeros((30, 2), np.float32) has_pred = np.zeros(30, np.bool) future_mask = np.logical_and(step >= 20, step < 50) post_step = step[future_mask] - 20 post_traj = traj[future_mask] gt_pred[post_step] = post_traj has_pred[post_step] = 1 obs_mask = step < 20 step = step[obs_mask] traj = traj[obs_mask] idcs = step.argsort() step = step[idcs] traj = traj[idcs] for i in range(len(step)): if step[i] == 19 - (len(step) - 1) + i: break step = step[i:] traj = traj[i:] feat = np.zeros((20, 3), np.float32) feat[step, :2] = np.matmul(rot, (traj - orig.reshape(-1, 2)).T).T feat[step, 2] = 1.0 x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max = self.config['pred_range'] if feat[-1, 0] < x_min or feat[-1, 0] > x_max or feat[ -1, 1] < y_min or feat[-1, 1] > y_max: continue ctrs.append(feat[-1, :2].copy()) feat[1:, :2] -= feat[:-1, :2] feat[step[0], :2] = 0 feats.append(feat) gt_preds.append(gt_pred) has_preds.append(has_pred) feats = np.asarray(feats, np.float32) ctrs = np.asarray(ctrs, np.float32) gt_preds = np.asarray(gt_preds, np.float32) has_preds = np.asarray(has_preds, np.bool) data['feats'] = feats data['ctrs'] = ctrs data['orig'] = orig data['theta'] = theta data['rot'] = rot data['gt_preds'] = gt_preds data['has_preds'] = has_preds return data def get_lane_graph(self, data): """Get a rectangle area defined by pred_range.""" x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max = self.config['pred_range'] radius = max(abs(x_min), abs(x_max)) + max(abs(y_min), abs(y_max)) lane_ids =['orig'][0], data['orig'][1], data['city'], radius) lane_ids = copy.deepcopy(lane_ids) lanes = dict() for lane_id in lane_ids: lane =[data['city']][lane_id] lane = copy.deepcopy(lane) centerline = np.matmul(data['rot'], (lane.centerline - data['orig'].reshape(-1, 2)).T).T x, y = centerline[:, 0], centerline[:, 1] if x.max() < x_min or x.min() > x_max or y.max() < y_min or y.min( ) > y_max: continue else: """Getting polygons requires original centerline""" polygon = lane_id, data['city']) polygon = copy.deepcopy(polygon) lane.centerline = centerline lane.polygon = np.matmul(data['rot'], (polygon[:, :2] - data['orig'].reshape(-1, 2)).T).T lanes[lane_id] = lane lane_ids = list(lanes.keys()) ctrs, feats, turn, control, intersect = [], [], [], [], [] for lane_id in lane_ids: lane = lanes[lane_id] ctrln = lane.centerline num_segs = len(ctrln) - 1 ctrs.append(np.asarray((ctrln[:-1] + ctrln[1:]) / 2.0, np.float32)) feats.append(np.asarray(ctrln[1:] - ctrln[:-1], np.float32)) x = np.zeros((num_segs, 2), np.float32) if lane.turn_direction == 'LEFT': x[:, 0] = 1 elif lane.turn_direction == 'RIGHT': x[:, 1] = 1 else: pass turn.append(x) control.append(lane.has_traffic_control * np.ones(num_segs, np.float32)) intersect.append(lane.is_intersection * np.ones(num_segs, np.float32)) node_idcs = [] count = 0 for i, ctr in enumerate(ctrs): node_idcs.append(range(count, count + len(ctr))) count += len(ctr) num_nodes = count pre, suc = dict(), dict() for key in ['u', 'v']: pre[key], suc[key] = [], [] for i, lane_id in enumerate(lane_ids): lane = lanes[lane_id] idcs = node_idcs[i] pre['u'] += idcs[1:] pre['v'] += idcs[:-1] if lane.predecessors is not None: for nbr_id in lane.predecessors: if nbr_id in lane_ids: j = lane_ids.index(nbr_id) pre['u'].append(idcs[0]) pre['v'].append(node_idcs[j][-1]) suc['u'] += idcs[:-1] suc['v'] += idcs[1:] if lane.successors is not None: for nbr_id in lane.successors: if nbr_id in lane_ids: j = lane_ids.index(nbr_id) suc['u'].append(idcs[-1]) suc['v'].append(node_idcs[j][0]) lane_idcs = [] for i, idcs in enumerate(node_idcs): lane_idcs.append(i * np.ones(len(idcs), np.int64)) lane_idcs = np.concatenate(lane_idcs, 0) pre_pairs, suc_pairs, left_pairs, right_pairs = [], [], [], [] for i, lane_id in enumerate(lane_ids): lane = lanes[lane_id] nbr_ids = lane.predecessors if nbr_ids is not None: for nbr_id in nbr_ids: if nbr_id in lane_ids: j = lane_ids.index(nbr_id) pre_pairs.append([i, j]) nbr_ids = lane.successors if nbr_ids is not None: for nbr_id in nbr_ids: if nbr_id in lane_ids: j = lane_ids.index(nbr_id) suc_pairs.append([i, j]) nbr_id = lane.l_neighbor_id if nbr_id is not None: if nbr_id in lane_ids: j = lane_ids.index(nbr_id) left_pairs.append([i, j]) nbr_id = lane.r_neighbor_id if nbr_id is not None: if nbr_id in lane_ids: j = lane_ids.index(nbr_id) right_pairs.append([i, j]) pre_pairs = np.asarray(pre_pairs, np.int64) suc_pairs = np.asarray(suc_pairs, np.int64) left_pairs = np.asarray(left_pairs, np.int64) right_pairs = np.asarray(right_pairs, np.int64) graph = dict() graph['ctrs'] = np.concatenate(ctrs, 0) graph['num_nodes'] = num_nodes graph['feats'] = np.concatenate(feats, 0) graph['turn'] = np.concatenate(turn, 0) graph['control'] = np.concatenate(control, 0) graph['intersect'] = np.concatenate(intersect, 0) graph['pre'] = [pre] graph['suc'] = [suc] graph['lane_idcs'] = lane_idcs graph['pre_pairs'] = pre_pairs graph['suc_pairs'] = suc_pairs graph['left_pairs'] = left_pairs graph['right_pairs'] = right_pairs for k1 in ['pre', 'suc']: for k2 in ['u', 'v']: graph[k1][0][k2] = np.asarray(graph[k1][0][k2], np.int64) for key in ['pre', 'suc']: if 'scales' in self.config and self.config['scales']: #TODO: delete here graph[key] += dilated_nbrs2(graph[key][0], graph['num_nodes'], self.config['scales']) else: graph[key] += dilated_nbrs(graph[key][0], graph['num_nodes'], self.config['num_scales']) return graph
def verify_halluc_lane_extent_index(enable_lane_boundaries=False): """ """ avm = ArgoverseMap() city_names = ["MIA", "PIT"] for city_name in city_names: # get all lane segment IDs inside of this city lane_segment_ids = list( avm.city_lane_centerlines_dict[city_name].keys()) for lane_segment_id in lane_segment_ids: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = find_lane_segment_bounds_in_table( adm, city_name, lane_segment_id) predecessor_ids = avm.get_lane_segment_predecessor_ids( lane_segment_id, city_name) successor_ids = avm.get_lane_segment_successor_ids( lane_segment_id, city_name) (r_neighbor_id, l_neighbor_id) = avm.get_lane_segment_adjacent_ids( lane_segment_id, city_name) lane_centerline = avm.get_lane_segment_centerline( lane_segment_id, city_name) halluc_lane_polygon = avm.get_lane_segment_polygon( lane_segment_id, city_name) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(22.5, 8)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # add the lane of interest add_lane_segment_to_ax(ax, lane_centerline, halluc_lane_polygon, "y", xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) if predecessor_ids is not None: # add predecessors for predecessor_id in predecessor_ids: lane_centerline = avm.get_lane_segment_centerline( predecessor_id, city_name) halluc_lane_polygon = avm.get_lane_segment_polygon( predecessor_id, city_name) xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = find_lane_segment_bounds_in_table( adm, city_name, predecessor_id) add_lane_segment_to_ax(ax, lane_centerline, halluc_lane_polygon, "r", xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) if successor_ids is not None: # add successors for successor_id in successor_ids: lane_centerline = avm.get_lane_segment_centerline( successor_id, city_name) halluc_lane_polygon = avm.get_lane_segment_polygon( successor_id, city_name) xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = find_lane_segment_bounds_in_table( adm, city_name, successor_id) add_lane_segment_to_ax(ax, lane_centerline, halluc_lane_polygon, "b", xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) # add left neighbor if l_neighbor_id is not None: lane_centerline = avm.get_lane_segment_centerline( l_neighbor_id, city_name) halluc_lane_polygon = avm.get_lane_segment_polygon( l_neighbor_id, city_name) xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = find_lane_segment_bounds_in_table( adm, city_name, l_neighbor_id) add_lane_segment_to_ax(ax, lane_centerline, halluc_lane_polygon, "g", xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) # add right neighbor if r_neighbor_id is not None: lane_centerline = avm.get_lane_segment_centerline( r_neighbor_id, city_name) halluc_lane_polygon = avm.get_lane_segment_polygon( r_neighbor_id, city_name) xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = find_lane_segment_bounds_in_table( adm, city_name, r_neighbor_id) add_lane_segment_to_ax(ax, lane_centerline, halluc_lane_polygon, "m", xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) if enable_lane_boundaries: # Compare with Argo's proprietary, ground truth lane boundaries gt_lane_polygons = avm.city_to_lane_polygons_dict[city_name] for gt_lane_polygon in gt_lane_polygons: dist = np.linalg.norm( gt_lane_polygon.mean(axis=0)[:2] - np.array([xmin, ymin])) if dist < 30: ax.plot(gt_lane_polygon[:, 0], gt_lane_polygon[:, 1], color="k", alpha=0.3, zorder=1) ax.axis("equal") datetime_str = generate_datetime_string() plt.savefig( f"lane_segment_id_{lane_segment_id}_@_{datetime_str}.jpg") plt.close("all")
class GraphExtractor(object): def __init__(self, config, mode='train'): = ArgoverseMap() self.config = config self.mode = mode def __del__(self): del def dilated_nbrs(self, nbr, num_nodes, num_scales): data = np.ones(len(nbr['u']), np.bool) csr = sparse.csr_matrix((data, (nbr['u'], nbr['v'])), shape=(num_nodes, num_nodes)) mat = csr nbrs = [] for i in range(1, num_scales): mat = mat * mat nbr = dict() coo = mat.tocoo() nbr['u'] = coo.row.astype(np.int16) nbr['v'] = coo.col.astype(np.int16) nbrs.append(nbr) return nbrs def extract(self, data): """Get a rectangle area defined by pred_range.""" x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max = self.config['pred_range'] radius = max(abs(x_min), abs(x_max)) + max(abs(y_min), abs(y_max)) lane_ids =['orig'][0], data['orig'][1], data['city'], radius) lane_ids = copy.deepcopy(lane_ids) """Get all lane within self.config['pred_range'], convert centerline and polygon to rotated and biased""" # what's polygon lanes = dict() for lane_id in lane_ids: lane =[data['city']][lane_id] lane = copy.deepcopy(lane) centerline = np.matmul(data['rot'], (lane.centerline - data['orig'].reshape(-1, 2)).T).T x, y = centerline[:, 0], centerline[:, 1] if x.max() < x_min or x.min() > x_max or y.max() < y_min or y.min( ) > y_max: continue else: """Getting polygons requires original centerline""" polygon = lane_id, data['city']) polygon = copy.deepcopy(polygon) lane.centerline = centerline lane.polygon = np.matmul(data['rot'], (polygon[:, :2] - data['orig'].reshape(-1, 2)).T).T lanes[lane_id] = lane """Lane feature: ctrs(position), feats(shape), turn, control, intersect""" lane_ids = list(lanes.keys()) ctrs, feats, turn, control, intersect = [], [], [], [], [] for lane_id in lane_ids: lane = lanes[lane_id] ctrln = lane.centerline num_segs = len(ctrln) - 1 ctrs.append(np.asarray((ctrln[:-1] + ctrln[1:]) / 2.0, np.float32)) feats.append(np.asarray(ctrln[1:] - ctrln[:-1], np.float32)) x = np.zeros((num_segs, 2), np.float32) if lane.turn_direction == 'LEFT': x[:, 0] = 1 elif lane.turn_direction == 'RIGHT': x[:, 1] = 1 else: pass turn.append(x) control.append(lane.has_traffic_control * np.ones(num_segs, np.float32)) intersect.append(lane.is_intersection * np.ones(num_segs, np.float32)) # -------------------------node_idcs--------------------- node_idcs = [] count = 0 for ctr in ctrs: # node_idcs: list, i-th element: i-th lane nodes ids node_idcs.append(range(count, count + len(ctr))) count += len(ctr) num_nodes = count # -------------------------lane_idcs--------------------- # lane[idc] = a means idc-th node belongs to the a-th lane lane_idcs = [] for i, idcs in enumerate(node_idcs): lane_idcs.append( i * np.ones(len(idcs), np.int64)) # TODO: what does lane_idcs do? lane_idcs = np.concatenate(lane_idcs, 0) # **********************************Map Related work*************************** # ========================================= # ==============Hdmap Graph Build========== # ========================================= # -------all in all, pairs is for lanes; no pairs is for lanes-------- # ---------------------------pre and suc for lanes-------------------- pre_pairs, suc_pairs, left_pairs, right_pairs = [], [], [], [] for i, lane_id in enumerate(lane_ids): lane = lanes[lane_id] nbr_ids = lane.predecessors if nbr_ids is not None: for nbr_id in nbr_ids: if nbr_id in lane_ids: j = lane_ids.index(nbr_id) pre_pairs.append([i, j]) nbr_ids = lane.successors if nbr_ids is not None: for nbr_id in nbr_ids: if nbr_id in lane_ids: j = lane_ids.index(nbr_id) suc_pairs.append([i, j]) nbr_id = lane.l_neighbor_id if nbr_id is not None: if nbr_id in lane_ids: j = lane_ids.index(nbr_id) left_pairs.append([i, j]) nbr_id = lane.r_neighbor_id if nbr_id is not None: if nbr_id in lane_ids: j = lane_ids.index(nbr_id) right_pairs.append([i, j]) pre_pairs = np.asarray(pre_pairs, np.int16) suc_pairs = np.asarray(suc_pairs, np.int16) left_pairs = np.asarray(left_pairs, np.int16) right_pairs = np.asarray(right_pairs, np.int16) # ---------------------------pre and suc for nodes-------------------- pre, suc = dict(), dict() for key in ['u', 'v']: pre[key], suc[key] = [], [] for i, lane_id in enumerate(lane_ids): lane = lanes[lane_id] idcs = node_idcs[i] pre['u'] += idcs[1:] pre['v'] += idcs[:-1] if lane.predecessors is not None: for nbr_id in lane.predecessors: if nbr_id in lane_ids: j = lane_ids.index(nbr_id) pre['u'].append(idcs[0]) pre['v'].append( node_idcs[j] [-1]) # v is the pre of u, v is src, u is dest suc['u'] += idcs[:-1] suc['v'] += idcs[1:] if lane.successors is not None: for nbr_id in lane.successors: if nbr_id in lane_ids: j = lane_ids.index(nbr_id) suc['u'].append(idcs[-1]) suc['v'].append(node_idcs[j][0]) pre['u'] = np.asarray(pre['u'], dtype=np.int16) pre['v'] = np.asarray(pre['v'], dtype=np.int16) suc['u'] = np.asarray(suc['u'], dtype=np.int16) suc['v'] = np.asarray(suc['v'], dtype=np.int16) # -------------------dilate pre and suc: opition 1-------------------- dilated_pre = [pre] dilated_pre += self.dilated_nbrs(pre, num_nodes, self.config['num_scales']) dilated_suc = [suc] dilated_suc += self.dilated_nbrs(suc, num_nodes, self.config['num_scales']) # --------------------build nodes left and right graph----------------- num_lanes = lane_idcs[-1].item() + 1 left, right = dict(), dict() dist = np.expand_dims(ctrs, axis=1) - np.expand_dims(ctrs, axis=0) dist = np.sqrt((dist**2).sum(2)) hi = np.arange(num_nodes).reshape(-1, 1).repeat(num_nodes, axis=1).reshape(-1) wi = np.arange(num_nodes).reshape(1, -1).repeat(num_nodes, axis=0).reshape(-1) row_idcs = np.arange(num_nodes) pre_mat = np.zeros((num_lanes, num_lanes)) pre_mat[pre_pairs[:, 0], pre_pairs[:, 1]] = 1 suc_mat = np.zeros((num_lanes, num_lanes)) suc_mat[suc_pairs[:, 0], suc_pairs[:, 1]] = 1 pairs = left_pairs if len(pairs) > 0: # construct lane left graph mat = np.zeros((num_lanes, num_lanes)) mat[pairs[:, 0], pairs[:, 1]] = 1 mat = ( np.matmul(mat, pre_mat) + np.matmul(mat, suc_mat) + mat ) > 0.5 # left lane's suc or pre lane is also self's left lane # filter with distance left_dist = dist.copy() # if lane j is the lane i's left, then all nodes in lane j is the left of any node in lane i mask = np.logical_not(mat[lane_idcs[hi], lane_idcs[wi]]) # set the distance between nodes that has no left relation are very vert large left_dist[hi[mask], wi[mask]] = 1e6 # find the each node's nearest node min_dist, min_idcs = left_dist.min(1), left_dist.argmin(1) # if nearest node's distance > self.config['cross_dist'], then this node does not have left node mask = min_dist < self.config['cross_dist'] # if the angle between nearest node is too big , the this node does not have left node ui = row_idcs[mask] vi = min_idcs[mask] f1 = feats[ui] f2 = feats[vi] t1 = np.arctan2(f1[:, 1], f1[:, 0]) t2 = np.arctan2(f2[:, 1], f2[:, 0]) dt = np.abs(t1 - t2) m = dt > np.pi dt[m] = np.abs(dt[m] - 2 * np.pi) m = dt < 0.25 * np.pi ui = ui[m] vi = vi[m] left['u'] = ui.astype( np.int16) # u is the idx of node that has left neighbor left['v'] = vi.astype( np.int16) # v[i] is the idx of left neighbor of node u[i] else: left['u'] = np.zeros(0, np.int16) left['v'] = np.zeros(0, np.int16) pairs = right_pairs if len(pairs) > 0: mat = np.zeros((num_lanes, num_lanes)) mat[pairs[:, 0], pairs[:, 1]] = 1 mat = (np.matmul(mat, pre_mat) + np.matmul(mat, suc_mat) + mat) > 0.5 right_dist = dist.copy() mask = np.logical_not(mat[lane_idcs[hi], lane_idcs[wi]]) right_dist[hi[mask], wi[mask]] = 1e6 min_dist, min_idcs = right_dist.min(1), right_dist.argmin(1) mask = min_dist < self.config['cross_dist'] ui = row_idcs[mask] vi = min_idcs[mask] f1 = feats[ui] f2 = feats[vi] t1 = np.arctan2(f1[:, 1], f1[:, 0]) t2 = np.arctan2(f2[:, 1], f2[:, 0]) dt = np.abs(t1 - t2) m = dt > np.pi dt[m] = np.abs(dt[m] - 2 * np.pi) m = dt < 0.25 * np.pi ui = ui[m] vi = vi[m] right['u'] = ui.astype(np.int16) right['v'] = vi.astype(np.int16) else: right['u'] = np.zeros(0, np.int16) right['v'] = np.zeros(0, np.int16) graph = dict() graph['num_nodes'] = num_nodes # map node feats graph['ctrs'] = ctrs graph['feats'] = feats graph['turn'] = np.concatenate(turn, 0) graph['control'] = np.concatenate(control, 0) graph['intersect'] = np.concatenate(intersect, 0) # map node graph graph['pre'] = dilated_pre graph['suc'] = dilated_suc graph['left'] = left graph['right'] = right # lane pairs graph['lane_idcs'] = lane_idcs graph['pre_pairs'] = pre_pairs graph['suc_pairs'] = suc_pairs graph['left_pairs'] = left_pairs graph['right_pairs'] = right_pairs return graph
class ArgoverseForecastDataset( def __init__(self, cfg): super().__init__() = ArgoverseMap() self.axis_range = self.get_map_range( self.city_halluc_bbox_table, self.city_halluc_tableidx_to_laneid_map = ) self.laneid_map = self.process_laneid_map() self.vector_map, self.extra_map = self.generate_vector_map() # am.draw_lane(city_halluc_tableidx_to_laneid_map['PIT']['494'], 'PIT') # self.save_vector_map(self.vector_map) self.last_observe = cfg['last_observe'] ##set root_dir to the correct path to your dataset folder self.root_dir = cfg['data_locate'] = ArgoverseForecastingLoader(self.root_dir) self.map_feature = dict(PIT=[], MIA=[]) self.city_name, self.center_xy, self.rotate_matrix = dict(), dict( ), dict() def __len__(self): return len( def __getitem__(self, index): # self.trajectory, city_name, extra_fields = self.get_trajectory(index) traj_id = extra_fields['trajectory_id'][0] self.city_name.update({str(traj_id): city_name}) center_xy = self.trajectory[self.last_observe - 1][1] self.center_xy.update({str(traj_id): center_xy}) trajectory_feature = (self.trajectory - np.array(center_xy).reshape(1, 1, 2)).reshape( -1, 4) rotate_matrix = get_rotate_matrix( trajectory_feature[self.last_observe, :]) # rotate coordinate self.rotate_matrix.update({str(traj_id): rotate_matrix}) trajectory_feature = ((trajectory_feature.reshape(-1, 2)).dot( rotate_matrix.T)).reshape(-1, 4) trajectory_feature = self.normalize_coordinate( trajectory_feature, city_name) # normalize to [-1, 1] self.traj_feature = torch.from_numpy( np.hstack(( trajectory_feature, extra_fields['TIMESTAMP'].reshape(-1, 1), # extra_fields['OBJECT_TYPE'].reshape(-1, 1), extra_fields['trajectory_id'].reshape(-1, 1)))).float() map_feature_dict = dict(PIT=[], MIA=[]) for city in ['PIT', 'MIA']: for i in range(len(self.vector_map[city])): map_feature = (self.vector_map[city][i] - np.array(center_xy).reshape(1, 1, 2)).reshape( -1, 2) map_feature = (, 4) map_feature = self.normalize_coordinate(map_feature, city) tmp_tensor = torch.from_numpy( np.hstack(( map_feature, self.extra_map[city]['turn_direction'][i], self.extra_map[city]['in_intersection'][i], self.extra_map[city]['has_traffic_control'][i], # self.extra_map[city]['OBJECT_TYPE'][i], self.extra_map[city]['lane_id'][i]))) map_feature_dict[city].append(tmp_tensor.float()) # self.map_feature[city] = np.array(self.map_feature[city]) self.map_feature[city] = map_feature_dict[city] self.map_feature['city_name'] = city_name return self.traj_feature, self.map_feature def get_trajectory(self, index): seq_path =[index] data = data = data[data['OBJECT_TYPE'] == 'AGENT'] extra_fields = dict(TIMESTAMP=[], OBJECT_TYPE=[], trajectory_id=[]) polyline = [] j = int(str(seq_path).split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]) flag = True city_name = '' for _, row in data.iterrows(): if flag: xlast = row['X'] ylast = row['Y'] tlast = row['TIMESTAMP'] city_name = row['CITY_NAME'] flag = False continue startpoint = np.array([xlast, ylast]) endpoint = np.array([row['X'], row['Y']]) xlast = row['X'] ylast = row['Y'] extra_fields['TIMESTAMP'].append(tlast) extra_fields['OBJECT_TYPE'].append(0) # 'AGENT' extra_fields['trajectory_id'].append(j) # 'AGENT' tlast = row['TIMESTAMP'] polyline.append([startpoint, endpoint]) extra_fields['TIMESTAMP'] = np.array(extra_fields['TIMESTAMP']) extra_fields['TIMESTAMP'] -= np.min( extra_fields['TIMESTAMP']) # adjust time stamp extra_fields['OBJECT_TYPE'] = np.array(extra_fields['OBJECT_TYPE']) extra_fields['trajectory_id'] = np.array(extra_fields['trajectory_id']) return np.array(polyline), city_name, extra_fields def generate_vector_map(self): vector_map = {'PIT': [], 'MIA': []} extra_map = { 'PIT': dict(OBJECT_TYPE=[], turn_direction=[], lane_id=[], in_intersection=[], has_traffic_control=[]), 'MIA': dict(OBJECT_TYPE=[], turn_direction=[], lane_id=[], in_intersection=[], has_traffic_control=[]) } polyline = [] # index = 1 pbar = tqdm(total=17326) pbar.set_description("Generating Vector Map") for city_name in ['PIT', 'MIA']: for key in self.laneid_map[city_name]: pts =, city_name) turn_str =, city_name) if turn_str == 'LEFT': turn = -1 elif turn_str == 'RIGHT': turn = 1 else: turn = 0 pts_len = pts.shape[0] // 2 positive_pts = pts[:pts_len, :2] negative_pts = pts[pts_len:2 * pts_len, :2] polyline.clear() for i in range(pts_len - 1): v1 = np.array([positive_pts[i], positive_pts[i + 1]]) v2 = np.array([ negative_pts[pts_len - 1 - i], negative_pts[pts_len - i - 2] ]) polyline.append(v1) polyline.append(v2) # extra_field['table_index'] = self.laneid_map[city_name][key] repeat_t = 2 * (pts_len - 1) vector_map[city_name].append(np.array(polyline).copy()) extra_map[city_name]['turn_direction'].append( np.repeat(turn, repeat_t, axis=0).reshape(-1, 1)) extra_map[city_name]['OBJECT_TYPE'].append( np.repeat(-1, repeat_t, axis=0).reshape(-1, 1)) #HD Map extra_map[city_name]['lane_id'].append( np.repeat(int(key), repeat_t, axis=0).reshape(-1, 1)) extra_map[city_name]['in_intersection'].append( np.repeat(1 *, city_name), repeat_t, axis=0).reshape(-1, 1)) extra_map[city_name]['has_traffic_control'].append( np.repeat(1 * key, city_name), repeat_t, axis=0).reshape(-1, 1)) # if index > 10: # break # index = index + 1 pbar.update(1) pbar.close() print("Generate Vector Map Successfully!") return vector_map, extra_map #vector_map:list def process_laneid_map(self): laneid_map = {} tmp_map = {} tmp1_map = {} for key in self.city_halluc_tableidx_to_laneid_map['PIT']: tmp_map[self.city_halluc_tableidx_to_laneid_map['PIT'][key]] = key laneid_map['PIT'] = tmp_map for key in self.city_halluc_tableidx_to_laneid_map['MIA']: tmp1_map[self.city_halluc_tableidx_to_laneid_map['MIA'][key]] = key laneid_map['MIA'] = tmp1_map return laneid_map def get_map_range(self, am): map_range = dict(PIT={}, MIA={}) for city_name in ['PIT', 'MIA']: poly = am.get_vector_map_lane_polygons(city_name) poly_modified = (np.vstack(poly))[:, :2] max_coordinate = np.max(poly_modified, axis=0) min_coordinate = np.min(poly_modified, axis=0) map_range[city_name].update({'max': max_coordinate}) map_range[city_name].update({'min': min_coordinate}) return map_range def normalize_coordinate(self, array, city_name): max_coordinate = self.axis_range[city_name]['max'] min_coordinate = self.axis_range[city_name]['min'] array = (10. * (array.reshape(-1, 2)) / (max_coordinate - min_coordinate)).reshape(-1, 4) return array def save_vector_map(self, vector_map): save_path = "./data/vector_map/" for city_name in ['PIT', 'MIA']: tmp_map = np.vstack(vector_map[city_name]).reshape(-1, 4) + city_name + "_vectormap", tmp_map)
def main(data_dir): """ """ fnames = glob.glob(f"{data_dir}/*.csv") fnames = [Path(fname).name for fname in fnames] am = ArgoverseMap() city_graph_dict = build_city_lane_graphs(am) for fname in fnames: # # very hard cases # if int(Path(fname).stem) not in [ # 166633, 150381,11905, 136010, 49854, 27155]: # continue # # hard cases -- , # [174545,119781, 210709, 139445, 11381, 175883, 122703, 166633]: #23333,,124414]: # csv_fpath = f"{data_dir}/{fname}" traj, city_name = get_traj_and_city_name_from_csv(csv_fpath) plausible_start_ids = set() lane_vote_dict = defaultdict(int) for j, pt in enumerate(traj): contained_ids = am.get_lane_segments_containing_xy( pt[0], pt[1], city_name) for id in contained_ids: lane_vote_dict[id] += 1 plausible_start_ids.add(id) plausible_start_ids = list(plausible_start_ids) plausible_start_ids.sort() paths = [] # START BFS IN ANY PLAUSIBLE LANE ID! for start_id in plausible_start_ids: paths.extend( find_all_paths_from_src(city_graph_dict[city_name], str(start_id), max_depth=DFS_MAX_DEPTH)) paths = convert_str_lists_to_int_lists(paths) paths = trim_paths_with_no_inliers(paths, lane_vote_dict) paths = remove_repeated_paths(paths) path_votes_dict = defaultdict(int) for path_id, path in enumerate(paths): for id in path: path_votes_dict[path_id] += lane_vote_dict[id] # find which path has most inliers best_path_ids = get_dict_key_with_max_value(path_votes_dict) # if they are all tied, take the shortest best_path_lengths = [len(paths[id]) for id in best_path_ids] min_best_path_length = min(best_path_lengths) best_path_ids = [ id for id in best_path_ids if len(paths[id]) == min_best_path_length ] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) plt.axis("off") ax = fig.add_subplot(111) plot_all_nearby_lanes(am, ax, city_name, np.mean(traj[:, 0]), np.mean(traj[:, 1])) colors = ["g", "b", "r", "m"] # then plot this path for best_path_id in best_path_ids: color = colors[best_path_id % len(colors)] print( "Candidate: ", paths[best_path_id], " with ", path_votes_dict[best_path_id], ) for lane_id in paths[best_path_id]: polygon_3d = am.get_lane_segment_polygon(lane_id, city_name) plot_lane_segment_patch(polygon_3d[:, :2], ax, color=color) ax.text(np.mean(polygon_3d[:, 0]), np.mean(polygon_3d[:, 1]), f"{lane_id}") # just use one for now break # draw_lane_ids(plausible_start_ids, am, ax, city_name) all_nearby_lane_ids = [] for path in paths: all_nearby_lane_ids.extend(path) draw_lane_ids(set(all_nearby_lane_ids), am, ax, city_name) draw_traj(traj, ax) xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = compute_point_cloud_bbox(traj) WINDOW_RADIUS_MARGIN = 10 xmin -= WINDOW_RADIUS_MARGIN xmax += WINDOW_RADIUS_MARGIN ymin -= WINDOW_RADIUS_MARGIN ymax += WINDOW_RADIUS_MARGIN ax.set_xlim([xmin, xmax]) ax.set_ylim([ymin, ymax]) plt.savefig( f"/Users/johnlamb/Documents/argoverse-api/temp_files_oracle/{Path(fname).stem}.png" ) plt.close("all")
] ] # lines = [ headstart+build_line(line, lane_centerlines_dict, reverse=(not front)) for line in lines] # # Label build # label_line = crop_line( lines[label], source[-2], target[-1]) # label_line_distance = line_distance(label_line) + 5 # #endregion # # Distance threshold # lines = [ line_distance_crop(line, label_line_distance) for line in lines] #region Build intersection polygon intersection = Polygon( avm.get_lane_segment_polygon(intersection_ids[0], city)[:, 0:2]) for id in intersection_ids[1:]: intersection = intersection.intersection( Polygon(avm.get_lane_segment_polygon(id, city)[:, 0:2])) polygons = [intersection.exterior.coords] #endregion #region Find Separation Point separation_point = find_separation_point([ build_line([id], lane_centerlines_dict, reverse=(not front)) for id in intersection_ids ]) #endregion