예제 #1
 def func(m):
     '''  替换成编码的地址 '''                        
         ## ( m.group('url').endswith("/") and number=="5"  ) or \
     endwith_slash_gt = \
              ( m.group('url').endswith(";") and (number in ["9" ,"6" ,"8"])  ) or \
              ( m.group('url').endswith("/") and number in ["1" ,"3","5"] and m.string.find('/>')>=0 \
                and (mvalue(m,'tag')=='src' and m.end('url')== (m.string.find('/>')+1 ) )  \
     #logging.error('No:%s tag:%s end of url:%s,findbegin:%s'%(number,mvalue(m,'tag'),m.end('url'), m.string.find('/>')+1))
     last = m.group('url')[len(m.group('url'))-1:]
     url_in = ''
     if endwith_slash_gt:
         url_in = m.group('url')[:len(m.group('url'))-1] and m.group('url')[:len(m.group('url'))-1] or ''
         url_in = m.group('url')
     result_fullurl = scheme ='' 
     #书签 , javascript
     #No_b64_encoding = m.group('url').lstrip().startswith('#') or  m.group('url').lstrip().lower().startswith('javascript')
     No_b64_encoding = [x for x in ['#','javascript'] if m.group('url').lstrip().startswith(x)] 
     if No_b64_encoding:
         result_fullurl = fullurl%{
                               "base": '',
                               "accessed_dir":  '',
         result_fullurl = result_fullurl[1:]
         #logging.error('%s url:%s %s %s'%(number,m.group('url'),endwith_slash_gt ,len(m.group('url'))    ))
         scheme =  m.groupdict().has_key('scheme') and m.group('scheme') or url_obj.scheme
         result_fullurl = '%s:/'%scheme.replace(":","") + fullurl%{
                               "base": base_url,
                               "accessed_dir":  (accessed_dir),
                               'url':m.groupdict().has_key('url') and url_in or '',
                               'relative':m.groupdict().has_key('relative') and m.group('relative') or '',
     #logging.error('\n\n %s result_fullurl result : %s '%(number,result_fullurl ))
     #logging.error('scheme:"%s" base_url:%s accessed_dir:%s'%(scheme,base_url,accessed_dir) )
     #logging.error('%s url:%s %s %s'%(number,m.group('url'),endwith_slash_gt ,len(m.group('url'))    ))
     #result_fullurl = result_fullurl[1:]
     kk = result%{
                  'fullurl':  No_b64_encoding and result_fullurl or '/'+b64.uri_b64encode(result_fullurl) + (endwith_slash_gt and last or ""),
                  'tag':m.groupdict().has_key('tag') and m.group('tag') or '',
                  'equals':m.groupdict().has_key('equals') and m.group('equals') or '',
                  'quote':m.groupdict().has_key('quote') and m.group('quote') or '',
                  'spacing':m.groupdict().has_key('spacing') and m.group('spacing') or '',                         
     #logging.info('pattern %s end:%s '%(number,pattern))
     #logging.info('%s result : %s '%(number,result_fullurl))
     #logging.error('string : %s '%(m.string))
     return kk
예제 #2
 def post(self):
     # Handle the input form to redirect the user to a relative url
     form_url = self.request.get("url")
     if form_url:
         # Accept URLs that still have a leading 'http://'            
         inputted_url = form_url #urllib.quote(form_url.encode('utf-8')) #form_url # 
         #if inputted_url.startswith(HTTP_PREFIX):
         #    inputted_url = inputted_url[len(HTTP_PREFIX):]
         #return self.redirect("/" + b64.uri_b64encode(inputted_url))
         return self.redirect("/" + b64.uri_b64encode(inputted_url))
     self.response.out.write(unicode(template.render("main.html", {})))
예제 #3
    def post(self):
        # Handle the input form to redirect the user to a relative url
        form_url = self.request.get("url")
        if form_url:
            # Accept URLs that still have a leading 'http://'
            inputted_url = form_url  #urllib.quote(form_url.encode('utf-8')) #form_url #

            #if inputted_url.startswith(HTTP_PREFIX):
            #    inputted_url = inputted_url[len(HTTP_PREFIX):]
            #return self.redirect("/" + b64.uri_b64encode(inputted_url))
            return self.redirect("/" + b64.uri_b64encode(inputted_url))

            template.render("main.html", {
                'change_url': self.get_change_root(),
예제 #4
def uri_b64encode(url):
    url = url[1:]
    return b64.uri_b64encode(url)
 def _RunTransformTest(self, base_url, accessed_url, original, expected):
   tag_tests = [
     '<img src="%s"/>',
     "<img src='%s'/>",
     "<img src=%s/>",
     "<img src=\"%s'/>",
     "<img src='%s\"/>",
     "<img src  \t=  '%s'/>",
     "<img src  \t=  \t '%s'/>",
     "<img src = '%s'/>",
     '<a href="%s">',
     "<a href='%s'>",
     "<a href=%s>",
     "<a href=\"%s'>",
     "<a href='%s\">",
     "<a href \t = \t'%s'>",
     "<a href \t  = '%s'>",
     "<a href =  \t'%s'>",
     "<td background=%s>",
     "<td background='%s'>",
     '<td background="%s">',
     '<form action="%s">',
     "<form action='%s'>",
     "<form action=%s>",
     "<form action=\"%s'>",
     "<form action='%s\">",
     "<form action \t = \t'%s'>",
     "<form action \t  = '%s'>",
     "<form action =  \t'%s'>",      
     "@import '%s';",
     "@import '%s'\nnext line here",
     "@import \t '%s';",
     "@import %s;",
     "@import %s",
     '@import "%s";',
     '@import "%s"\nnext line here',
     "@import url(%s)",
     "@import url('%s')",
     '@import url("%s")',
     "background: transparent url(%s) repeat-x left;",
     'background: transparent url("%s") repeat-x left;',
     "background: transparent url('%s') repeat-x left;",
     '<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; URL=%s">',
     'src="%s" ',
   No_b64_encoding = expected.lstrip().startswith('#') or  expected.lstrip().lower().startswith('javascript')
   scheme =  original.startswith('https') and 'https' or urlparse.urlparse(accessed_url).scheme
   expected = No_b64_encoding and expected or  ('/'+b64.uri_b64encode('%s:/'%scheme +expected))
   for tag in tag_tests:   
     #logging.error("\n\n\n tag begin:%s "%tag)     
     test = tag % original
     correct = tag % expected
     result = transform_content.TransformContent(base_url, accessed_url, test)
     logging.error("Test with\n"
                  "Accessed: %s\n"
                  "Input   : %s\n"
                  "Received: %s\n"
                  "Expected: %s",
                  accessed_url, test, result, correct)
     if result != correct:
     self.assertEquals(correct, result)
예제 #6
def uri_b64encode(url):
    url = url[1:]
    return b64.uri_b64encode(url)
예제 #7
def to_uri_b64encode(url):
    url = url[1:]
    return "/"+b64.uri_b64encode(url)
예제 #8
def to_uri_b64encode(url):
    url = url[1:]
    return "/" + b64.uri_b64encode(url)