def landmarks(object_points, object_poses, camera_params): # go through all object points lms = {} for i, pt_obj in enumerate(object_points): # for every object pose, decide whether point was seen # transform point to current pose # project onto camera + add some noise observations = [] for pose_id, pose in object_poses.items(): if RNG.normal(0.8, 0.5) <= 0.5: # point isn't observed at this pose continue pt_3d = from_homogeneous(pose @ to_homogeneous(pt_obj)) pt_2d = (project(camera_params, pt_3d) + RNG.random() * 2).reshape( (2, )) # up to two pixel error observations.append( Observation(descriptor=None, pt_2d=pt_2d, timecam_id=(pose_id, 0))) landmark = Landmark(pt_obj, observations) lms[i] = landmark return lms
def _write_3d_detections( writer_data_3d: Union[queue.Queue, mp.Queue], scene: str, kitti_path: Path, tags: List[str], ): path = kitti_path / "3d_tracking" for tag in tags: path /= tag path /= "data" # to adhere to dir structure expected by ab3dmot path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) fname = path / (scene + ".txt") # overwrite file if exists if fname.exists(): fname.unlink() while True: with open(fname, "a") as fp: track_data = writer_data_3d.get(block=True) writer_data_3d.task_done() if not track_data: LOGGER.debug("Finished writing 3d detections") break img_id = track_data["img_id"] LOGGER.debug("Got 3d detection data for image %d", img_id) T_world_cam = track_data["T_world_cam"] for track_id, track in track_data["tracks"].items(): obj_type = track.cls.lower() dims = config.PED_DIMS if obj_type == "pedestrian" else config.CAR_DIMS location = track.locations.get(img_id) if location is None: continue rot_angle = np.array(track.rot_angle.get(img_id)) mask = track.masks[0] y_top_left, x_top_left = map(min, np.where(mask != 0)) y_bottom_right, x_bottom_right = map(max, np.where(mask != 0)) bbox2d = [ x_top_left, y_top_left, x_bottom_right, y_bottom_right ] # beta is angle between z and location dir vector loc_cam = from_homogeneous( np.linalg.inv(T_world_cam) @ to_homogeneous(location)) # kitti locations are given as bottom of bounding box # positive y direction is downward, hence add half of the dimensions loc_cam[1] += dims[0] / 2 dir_vec = loc_cam[[0, 2]].reshape(2, 1) dir_vec /= np.linalg.norm(dir_vec) beta = np.arccos(, np.array([0, 1]).reshape(2, 1))) if dir_vec[0] < 0: beta = -beta if not np.isfinite(rot_angle): rot_angle = np.array([0]) alpha = rot_angle - beta # number of badly tracked frames negatively effects confidence btf_score = get_confidence( max_point=config.KEEP_TRACK_FOR_N_FRAMES_AFTER_LOST, value=track.badly_tracked_frames, upward_sloping=False, ) # number of landmarks positively effects confidence num_lm_score = get_confidence(max_point=120, value=len(track.landmarks)) # number of poses positively effects confidence num_pose_score = get_confidence(max_point=10, value=len(track.poses)) # dist from camera negatively effects confidence dist_cam_score = get_confidence( max_point=100, value=track.dist_from_cam, upward_sloping=False, ) confidence_score = (btf_score * num_lm_score * num_pose_score * dist_cam_score) line = get_3d_track_line( img_id=img_id, track_id=track_id, obj_type=obj_type, dims=dims, loc=loc_cam.flatten().tolist(), rot=rot_angle.flatten()[0], bbox_2d=bbox2d, confidence_score=confidence_score, alpha=alpha.flatten()[0], ) fp.write(line + "\n")
def get_gt_detection_data_from_kitti( kitti_path: Union[str, Path], scene: Union[str, int], poses: List[np.ndarray], offset: int = 0, indexed_by_image_id: bool = False, ) -> DetectionData: kitti_path = _convert_to_path_if_needed(kitti_path) scene = _convert_to_str_scene(scene) detection_file = _get_detection_file(kitti_path, scene) if not detection_file.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError( f"Detection file {detection_file.as_posix()} doesn't exist" ) detection_data: DetectionData = {} with open(detection_file, "r") as fp: for line in fp: cols = line.split(" ") frame = int(cols[0]) if frame < offset: continue track_id = int(cols[1]) if track_id == -1: continue object_class = str(cols[2]) if object_class.lower() not in ["car", "pedestrian"]: continue truncation_level = int(cols[3]) occlusion_level = int(cols[4]) # cols[5] is observation angle of object bbox = list(map(float, cols[6:10])) # in left image coordinates dim_3d = list(map(float, cols[10:13])) # in camera coordinates location_cam2 = np.array(list(map(float, cols[13:16]))).reshape( (3, 1) ) # in camera coordinates rot_angle = float(cols[16]) # in camera coordinates T_w_cam2 = poses[frame] dir_vec = location_cam2[[0, 2]].reshape(2, 1) dir_vec /= np.linalg.norm(dir_vec) beta = np.arccos(, np.array([0, 1]).reshape(2, 1))) if dir_vec[0] < 0: beta = -beta location_world = from_homogeneous(T_w_cam2 @ to_homogeneous(location_cam2)) if indexed_by_image_id: if not detection_data.get(frame): detection_data[frame] = {} else: if not detection_data.get(track_id): detection_data[track_id] = {} detection_row = DetectionDataRow( world_pos=location_world.reshape(-1).tolist(), cam_pos=location_cam2.reshape(-1).tolist(), occ_lvl=occlusion_level, trunc_lvl=truncation_level, object_class=object_class, bbox2d=bbox, dim_3d=dim_3d, rot_angle=rot_angle, ) if indexed_by_image_id: detection_data[frame][track_id] = detection_row else: detection_data[track_id][frame] = detection_row LOGGER.debug("Extracted trajectories for %d objects", len(detection_data)) return detection_data
def _write_obb_data( writer_obb_data: Union[queue.Queue, mp.Queue], scene: str, kitti_path: Path, tags: List[str], ): path = kitti_path / "obb_data" for tag in tags: path /= tag path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) pcl_dir = path / scene pcl_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) fname = path / (scene + ".csv") columns = [ "scene", "img_id", "track_id", "x", "y", "z", "yaw", "num_poses", "badly_tracked_frames", "num_points", "dist_from_cam", ] # overwrite file if exists with open(fname, "w") as fp: fp.write(",".join(columns) + "\n") while True: with open(fname, "a") as fp: track_data = writer_obb_data.get(block=True) writer_obb_data.task_done() img_id = track_data["img_id"] LOGGER.debug("Got 3d obb data for image %d", img_id) T_world_cam = track_data["T_world_cam"] dims = config.CAR_DIMS for track_id, track in track_data["tracks"].items(): dist_from_cam = track.dist_from_cam pos = track.locations.get(img_id) if pos is None: continue rot_angle = np.array(track.rot_angle.get(img_id)) if not np.isfinite(rot_angle): rot_angle = np.array([0]) pos_cam = from_homogeneous( np.linalg.inv(T_world_cam) @ to_homogeneous(pos)) # kitti locations are given as bottom of bounding box # positive y direction is downward, hence add half of the dimensions pos_cam[1] += dims[0] / 2 num_poses = len(track.poses) num_landmarks = len(track.landmarks) badly_tracked_frames = track.badly_tracked_frames line = ( f"{scene}, {img_id}, {track_id}, {', '.join(map(str, pos_cam.flatten().tolist()))}, {rot_angle.flatten().tolist()[0]}, {num_poses}, " f"{badly_tracked_frames}, {num_landmarks}, {dist_from_cam}" ) fp.write(line + "\n") pcl_fname = pcl_dir / f"{img_id}_{track_id}.npy" points = np.array([ lm.pt_3d for lm in track.landmarks.values() ]).reshape(-1, 3), points)
def _compute_bounding_box(location, rot_angle, dimensions, T_world_cam): vec = np.array([*location, rot_angle, *dimensions]).reshape(7, 1) corners_cam = get_corners_from_vector(vec) corners_world = from_homogeneous(T_world_cam @ to_homogeneous(corners_cam)) return _get_points_and_lines_from_corners(corners_world)
def _update_track_visualization( all_track_geometries, all_geometries, object_tracks, visualizer, show_online_trajs, show_offline_trajs, current_img_id, cached_colors, current_cam_pose, ): # display current track estimates inactive_tracks = [] for ido in all_track_geometries: if ido not in object_tracks: inactive_tracks.append(ido) for ido, track in object_tracks.items(): track_geometries = all_track_geometries.get( ido, TrackGeometries( pt_cloud=o3d.geometry.PointCloud(), offline_trajectory=o3d.geometry.LineSet(), online_trajectory=o3d.geometry.LineSet(), bbox=o3d.geometry.LineSet(), color=cached_colors.get(ido, get_color(only_bright=True)), ), ) cached_colors[ido] = track_geometries.color # draw path path_points_offline = [] path_points_online = [] points = [] color = track_geometries.color lighter_color = color + 0.25 * np.array(Colors.WHITE) darker_color = color - 0.25 * np.array(Colors.WHITE) lighter_color = np.clip(lighter_color, 0, 1) darker_color = np.clip(darker_color, 0, 1) track_size = 0 dimensions = config.CAR_DIMS if track.cls == "car" else config.PED_DIMS for i, (img_id, pose_world_obj) in enumerate(track.poses.items()): # center = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]).reshape(3, 1) if i == len(track.poses) - 1: for lm in track.landmarks.values(): pt_world = from_homogeneous( pose_world_obj @ to_homogeneous(lm.pt_3d)) # Ecenter += pt_world if i == len( track.poses) - 1 and np.isfinite(pt_world).all(): points.append(pt_world) if len(points) < 3: continue try: if track.rot_angle.get(current_img_id) is not None: location = from_homogeneous( np.linalg.inv(current_cam_pose) @ to_homogeneous( track.locations[current_img_id])) # kitti locations are given as bottom of bounding box # positive y direction is downward, hence add half of the dimensions location[1] += dimensions[0] / 2 bbox, lines = _compute_bounding_box( location, track.rot_angle[current_img_id], dimensions, current_cam_pose, ) track_geometries.bbox.points = bbox track_geometries.bbox.lines = lines else: tmp_pt_cloud = o3d.geometry.PointCloud() tmp_pt_cloud.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector( points) bbox = tmp_pt_cloud.get_oriented_bounding_box() track_geometries.bbox.points = bbox.get_box_points() track_geometries.bbox.lines = o3d.utility.Vector2iVector( [ [0, 1], [0, 2], [0, 3], [1, 6], [1, 7], [2, 5], [2, 7], [3, 5], [3, 6], [4, 5], [4, 6], [4, 7], ]) except RuntimeError: # happens when points are too close to each other pass # if track.landmarks: # center /= len(track.landmarks) # offline_point = center.reshape(3,).tolist() offline_point = track.pcl_centers.get(img_id) if offline_point is not None: pt_world = from_homogeneous( pose_world_obj @ to_homogeneous(offline_point)) pt_world[2] -= dimensions[0] / 2 path_points_offline.append(pt_world) online_point = track.locations.get(img_id).copy() if online_point is not None: online_point[2] -= dimensions[0] / 2 path_points_online.append(online_point.reshape(3, ).tolist()) if i == len(track.poses) - 1: track_size = len(points) path_lines_offline = [[i, i + 1] for i in range(len(path_points_offline) - 1)] path_lines_online = [[i, i + 1] for i in range(len(path_points_online) - 1)] # draw current landmarks LOGGER.debug("Track has %d points", track_size) track_geometries.pt_cloud.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(points) if path_lines_offline: track_geometries.offline_trajectory.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector( path_points_offline) track_geometries.offline_trajectory.lines = o3d.utility.Vector2iVector( path_lines_offline) if path_lines_online: track_geometries.online_trajectory.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector( path_points_online) track_geometries.online_trajectory.lines = o3d.utility.Vector2iVector( path_lines_online) if track_geometries.pt_cloud.paint_uniform_color(color) if show_offline_trajs.val: track_geometries.offline_trajectory.paint_uniform_color(color) else: track_geometries.offline_trajectory.paint_uniform_color( VIEWER_COLORS.background) if show_online_trajs.val: track_geometries.online_trajectory.paint_uniform_color( darker_color) else: track_geometries.online_trajectory.paint_uniform_color( VIEWER_COLORS.background) track_geometries.bbox.paint_uniform_color(color) else: LOGGER.debug("Track is inactive") track_geometries.pt_cloud.paint_uniform_color( VIEWER_COLORS.background) track_geometries.offline_trajectory.paint_uniform_color( VIEWER_COLORS.background) track_geometries.online_trajectory.paint_uniform_color( VIEWER_COLORS.background) track_geometries.bbox.paint_uniform_color(VIEWER_COLORS.background) if all_track_geometries.get(ido) is None: visualizer.add_geometry(track_geometries.pt_cloud, reset_bounding_box=False) visualizer.add_geometry(track_geometries.bbox, reset_bounding_box=False) all_geometries.add(track_geometries.pt_cloud) all_geometries.add(track_geometries.bbox) if (len(path_lines_online) >= 1 and track_geometries.online_trajectory not in all_geometries): visualizer.add_geometry(track_geometries.online_trajectory, reset_bounding_box=False) all_geometries.add(track_geometries.online_trajectory) if (len(path_lines_offline) >= 1 and track_geometries.offline_trajectory not in all_geometries): visualizer.add_geometry(track_geometries.offline_trajectory, reset_bounding_box=False) all_geometries.add(track_geometries.offline_trajectory) all_track_geometries[ido] = track_geometries else: visualizer.update_geometry(track_geometries.pt_cloud) if (len(path_lines_online) >= 1 and track_geometries.online_trajectory not in all_geometries): visualizer.add_geometry(track_geometries.online_trajectory, reset_bounding_box=False) all_geometries.add(track_geometries.online_trajectory) else: visualizer.update_geometry(track_geometries.online_trajectory) if (len(path_lines_offline) >= 1 and track_geometries.offline_trajectory not in all_geometries): visualizer.add_geometry(track_geometries.offline_trajectory, reset_bounding_box=False) all_geometries.add(track_geometries.offline_trajectory) else: visualizer.update_geometry(track_geometries.offline_trajectory) visualizer.update_geometry(track_geometries.bbox) for ido in inactive_tracks: track_geometry = all_track_geometries.get(ido) if track_geometry is not None: cached_colors[ido] = track_geometry.color visualizer.remove_geometry(track_geometry.pt_cloud, reset_bounding_box=False) visualizer.remove_geometry(track_geometry.bbox, reset_bounding_box=False) visualizer.remove_geometry(track_geometry.offline_trajectory, reset_bounding_box=False) visualizer.remove_geometry(track_geometry.online_trajectory, reset_bounding_box=False) all_geometries.remove(track_geometry.pt_cloud) all_geometries.remove(track_geometry.bbox) if track_geometry.offline_trajectory in all_geometries: all_geometries.remove(track_geometry.offline_trajectory) if track_geometry.online_trajectory in all_geometries: all_geometries.remove(track_geometry.online_trajectory) del all_track_geometries[ido] del cached_colors[ido]