예제 #1
    def __init__(self, **kw):
        Abstract representation of parser

        Keyword arguments:
            - read - a callable accepting an int arg (nbytes) and returning a string,
              default is this class' read() method
            - file - a file object, or string of a pathname to open as a file, defaults
              to sys.stdin. Note that you can leave this blank, and pass a file keyword
              argument to the .run() method.
            - verbose - set to 1 to enable verbose output messages, default 0
            - keepfiles - if non-zero, keeps any files generated in the
              course of building the parser engine; by default, all these
              files get deleted upon a successful engine build
            - defaultNodeClass - the class to use for creating parse nodes, default
              is self.defaultNodeClass (in this base class, BisonNode)
        # setup
        read = kw.get('read', None)
        if read:
            self.read = read

        fileobj = kw.get('file', None)
        if fileobj:
            if isinstance(fileobj, str):
                    fileobj = open(fileobj, 'rb')
                    raise Exception('Cannot open input file %s' % fileobj)
            self.file = fileobj
            self.file = sys.stdin

        nodeClass = kw.get('defaultNodeClass', None)
        if nodeClass:
            self.defaultNodeClass = nodeClass

        self.verbose = kw.get('verbose', 0)

        if 'keepfiles' in kw:
            self.keepfiles = kw['keepfiles']

        # if engine lib name not declared, invent ont
        if not self.bisonEngineLibName:
            self.bisonEngineLibName = self.__class__.__module__ + '-parser'

        # get an engine
        self.engine = ParserEngine(self)