예제 #1
class BisonParser(object):
    Base parser class

    You should subclass this, and provide a bunch of methods called
    'on_TargetName', where 'TargetName' is the name of each target in
    your grammar (.y) file.
    # ---------------------------------------
    # override these if you need to

    # Command and options for running yacc/bison, except for filename arg
    bisonCmd = ['bison', '-d', '-v', '-t']

    bisonFile = 'tmp.y'
    bisonCFile = 'tmp.tab.c'

    # Name of header file generated by bison cmd.
    bisonHFile = 'tmp.tab.h'

    # C output file from bison gets renamed to this.
    bisonCFile1 = 'tmp.bison.c'

    # Bison-generated header file gets renamed to this.
    bisonHFile1 = 'tokens.h'

    # command and options for running [f]lex, except for filename arg.
    flexCmd = ['flex', ]
    flexFile = 'tmp.l'
    flexCFile = 'lex.yy.c'

    # C output file from flex gets renamed to this.
    flexCFile1 = 'tmp.lex.c'

    # CFLAGS added before all command line arguments.
    cflags_pre = ['-fPIC']

    # CFLAGS added after all command line arguments.
    cflags_post = ['-O3', '-g']

    # Directory used to store the generated / compiled files.
    buildDirectory = './'

    # Add debugging symbols to the binary files.
    debugSymbols = 1

    # Enable verbose debug message sent to stdout.
    verbose = 0

    # Timeout in seconds after which the parser is terminated.
    # TODO: this is currently not implemented.
    timeout = 1

    # Default to sys.stdin.
    file = None

    # Last parsed target, top of parse tree.
    last = None

    # Enable this to keep all temporary engine build files.
    keepfiles = 0

    # Prefix of the shared object / dll file. Defaults to 'modulename-engine'.
    # If the module is executed directly, "__main__" will be used (since that
    # that is the "module name", in that case).
    bisonEngineLibName = None

    # Class to use by default for creating new parse nodes. If set to None,
    # BisonNode will be used.
    default_node_class = BisonNode

    error_threshold = 10

    def __init__(self, **kw):
        Abstract representation of parser

        Keyword arguments:
            - read - a callable accepting an int arg (nbytes) and returning a string,
              default is this class' read() method
            - file - a file object, or string of a pathname to open as a file, defaults
              to sys.stdin. Note that you can leave this blank, and pass a file keyword
              argument to the .run() method.
            - verbose - set to 1 to enable verbose output messages, default 0
            - keepfiles - if non-zero, keeps any files generated in the
              course of building the parser engine; by default, all these
              files get deleted upon a successful engine build
            - defaultNodeClass - the class to use for creating parse nodes, default
              is self.defaultNodeClass (in this base class, BisonNode)
        # setup
        read = kw.get('read', None)
        if read:
            self.read = read

        fileobj = kw.get('file', None)
        if fileobj:
            if isinstance(fileobj, str):
                    fileobj = open(fileobj, 'rb')
                    raise Exception('Cannot open input file %s' % fileobj)
            self.file = fileobj
            self.file = sys.stdin

        nodeClass = kw.get('defaultNodeClass', None)
        if nodeClass:
            self.defaultNodeClass = nodeClass

        self.verbose = kw.get('verbose', 0)

        if 'keepfiles' in kw:
            self.keepfiles = kw['keepfiles']

        # if engine lib name not declared, invent ont
        if not self.bisonEngineLibName:
            self.bisonEngineLibName = self.__class__.__module__ + '-parser'

        # get an engine
        self.engine = ParserEngine(self)

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        return self.last[idx]

    def _handle(self, targetname, option, names, values):
        Callback which receives a target from parser, as a targetname
        and list of term names and values.

        Tries to dispatch to on_TargetName() methods if they exist,
        otherwise wraps the target in a BisonNode object
        handler = getattr(self, 'on_' + targetname, None)

        if handler:
            if self.verbose:
                    hdlrline = handler.__code__.co_firstlineno
                    hdlrline = handler.__init__.__code__.co_firstlineno

                print('BisonParser._handle: call handler at line %s with: %s' \
                      % (hdlrline, str((targetname, option, names, values))))
                self.last = handler(target=targetname, option=option, names=names,
            except Exception as e:
                print("returning exception", e, targetname, option, names, values)
                self.last = e
                return e

            #if self.verbose:
            #    print ('handler for %s returned %s' \
            #          % (targetname, repr(self.last)))
            if self.verbose:
                print ('no handler for %s, using default' % targetname)

            cls = self.default_node_class
            self.last = cls(target=targetname, option=option, names=names,

        # assumedly the last thing parsed is at the top of the tree
        return self.last

    def handle_timeout(self, signum, frame):
        raise TimeoutError('Computation exceeded timeout limit.')

    def reset(self):

    def run(self, **kw):
        Runs the parser, and returns the top-most parse target.

            - file - either a string, comprising a file to open and read input from, or
              a Python file object
            - debug - enables garrulous parser debugging output, default 0
        if self.verbose:
            print('Parser.run: calling engine')

        # grab keywords
        fileobj = kw.get('file', self.file)
        if isinstance(fileobj, str):
            filename = fileobj
                fileobj = open(fileobj, 'rb')
                raise Exception('Cannot open input file "%s"' % fileobj)
            filename = None
            fileobj = None

        read = kw.get('read', self.read)

        debug = kw.get('debug', 0)

        # back up existing attribs
        oldfile = self.file
        oldread = self.read

        # plug in new ones, if given
        if fileobj:
            self.file = fileobj
        if read:
            self.read = read

        if self.verbose and self.file.closed:
            print('Parser.run(): self.file', self.file, 'is closed')

        error_count = 0

        # TODO: add option to fail on first error.
        while not self.file.closed:
            # do the parsing job, spew if error
            self.last = None

            except Exception as e:
                error_count += 1

                if error_count > self.error_threshold:

                self.report_last_error(filename, e)

            if self.verbose:
                print('Parser.run: back from engine')

            if hasattr(self, 'hook_run'):
                self.last = self.hook_run(filename, self.last)

            if self.verbose and not self.file.closed:
                print('last:', self.last)

        if self.verbose:
            print('last:', self.last)

        # restore old values
        self.file = oldfile
        self.read = oldread

        if self.verbose:
            print('------------------ result=', self.last)

        # TODO: return last result (see while loop):
        # return self.last[:-1]
        return self.last

    def read(self, nbytes):
        Override this in your subclass, if you desire.

            - nbytes - the maximum length of the string which you may return.
              DO NOT return a string longer than this, or else Bad Things will
        # default to stdin
        if self.verbose:
            print('Parser.read: want %s bytes' % nbytes)

        bytes = self.file.readline(nbytes)

        if self.verbose:
            print('Parser.read: got %s bytes' % len(bytes))

        return bytes

    def report_last_error(self, filename, error):
        Report a raised exception. Depending on the mode in which the parser is
        running, it will:

         - write a verbose message to stderr (verbose=True; interactive=True).
           The written error message will include the type, value and traceback
           of the raised exception.

         - write a minimal message to stderr (verbose=False; interactive=True).
           The written error message will only include the type and value of
           the raised exception.


        #if filename != None:
        #    msg = '%s:%d: "%s" near "%s"' \
        #            % ((filename,) + error)

        #    if not self.interactive:
        #        raise BisonSyntaxError(msg)

        #    print >>sys.stderr, msg
        #elif hasattr(error, '__getitem__') and isinstance(error[0], int):
        #    msg = 'Line %d: "%s" near "%s"' % error

        #    if not self.interactive:
        #        raise BisonSyntaxError(msg)

        #    print >>sys.stderr, msg
        if not self.interactive:

        if self.verbose:

        print('ERROR:', error)

    def report_syntax_error(self, msg, yytext, first_line, first_col,
            last_line, last_col):
        yytext = yytext.replace('\n', '\\n')
        args = (first_line, first_col, last_line, last_col, msg, yytext)
        raise BisonSyntaxError('%d.%d-%d.%d: "%s" near "%s".' % args, args)
예제 #2
class BisonParser(object):
    Base parser class

    You should subclass this, and provide a bunch of methods called
    'on_TargetName', where 'TargetName' is the name of each target in
    your grammar (.y) file.
    # ---------------------------------------
    # override these if you need to

    # Command and options for running yacc/bison, except for filename arg
    bisonCmd = ['bison', '-d', '-v', '-t']

    bisonFile = 'tmp.y'
    bisonCFile = 'tmp.tab.c'

    # Name of header file generated by bison cmd.
    bisonHFile = 'tmp.tab.h'

    # C output file from bison gets renamed to this.
    bisonCFile1 = 'tmp.bison.c'

    # Bison-generated header file gets renamed to this.
    bisonHFile1 = 'tokens.h'

    # command and options for running [f]lex, except for filename arg.
    flexCmd = [
    flexFile = 'tmp.l'
    flexCFile = 'lex.yy.c'

    # C output file from flex gets renamed to this.
    flexCFile1 = 'tmp.lex.c'

    # CFLAGS added before all command line arguments.
    cflags_pre = ['-fPIC']

    # CFLAGS added after all command line arguments.
    cflags_post = ['-O3', '-g']

    # Directory used to store the generated / compiled files.
    buildDirectory = './'

    # Add debugging symbols to the binary files.
    debugSymbols = 1

    # Enable verbose debug message sent to stdout.
    verbose = 0

    # Timeout in seconds after which the parser is terminated.
    # TODO: this is currently not implemented.
    timeout = 1

    # Default to sys.stdin.
    file = None

    # Last parsed target, top of parse tree.
    last = None

    # Enable this to keep all temporary engine build files.
    keepfiles = 0

    # Prefix of the shared object / dll file. Defaults to 'modulename-engine'.
    # If the module is executed directly, "__main__" will be used (since that
    # that is the "module name", in that case).
    bisonEngineLibName = None

    # Class to use by default for creating new parse nodes. If set to None,
    # BisonNode will be used.
    default_node_class = BisonNode

    error_threshold = 10

    def __init__(self, **kw):
        Abstract representation of parser

        Keyword arguments:
            - read - a callable accepting an int arg (nbytes) and returning a string,
              default is this class' read() method
            - file - a file object, or string of a pathname to open as a file, defaults
              to sys.stdin. Note that you can leave this blank, and pass a file keyword
              argument to the .run() method.
            - verbose - set to 1 to enable verbose output messages, default 0
            - keepfiles - if non-zero, keeps any files generated in the
              course of building the parser engine; by default, all these
              files get deleted upon a successful engine build
            - defaultNodeClass - the class to use for creating parse nodes, default
              is self.defaultNodeClass (in this base class, BisonNode)
        # setup
        read = kw.get('read', None)
        if read:
            self.read = read

        fileobj = kw.get('file', None)
        if fileobj:
            if isinstance(fileobj, str):
                    fileobj = open(fileobj, 'rb')
                    raise Exception('Cannot open input file %s' % fileobj)
            self.file = fileobj
            self.file = sys.stdin

        nodeClass = kw.get('defaultNodeClass', None)
        if nodeClass:
            self.defaultNodeClass = nodeClass

        self.verbose = kw.get('verbose', 0)

        if 'keepfiles' in kw:
            self.keepfiles = kw['keepfiles']

        # if engine lib name not declared, invent ont
        if not self.bisonEngineLibName:
            self.bisonEngineLibName = self.__class__.__module__ + '-parser'

        # get an engine
        self.engine = ParserEngine(self)

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        return self.last[idx]

    def _handle(self, targetname, option, names, values):
        Callback which receives a target from parser, as a targetname
        and list of term names and values.

        Tries to dispatch to on_TargetName() methods if they exist,
        otherwise wraps the target in a BisonNode object
        handler = getattr(self, 'on_' + targetname, None)

        if handler:
            if self.verbose:
                    hdlrline = handler.__code__.co_firstlineno
                    hdlrline = handler.__init__.__code__.co_firstlineno

                print('BisonParser._handle: call handler at line %s with: %s' \
                      % (hdlrline, str((targetname, option, names, values))))
                self.last = handler(target=targetname,
            except Exception as e:
                print("returning exception", e, targetname, option, names,
                self.last = e
                return e

            #if self.verbose:
            #    print ('handler for %s returned %s' \
            #          % (targetname, repr(self.last)))
            if self.verbose:
                print('no handler for %s, using default' % targetname)

            cls = self.default_node_class
            self.last = cls(target=targetname,

        # assumedly the last thing parsed is at the top of the tree
        return self.last

    def handle_timeout(self, signum, frame):
        raise TimeoutError('Computation exceeded timeout limit.')

    def reset(self):

    def run(self, **kw):
        Runs the parser, and returns the top-most parse target.

            - file - either a string, comprising a file to open and read input from, or
              a Python file object
            - debug - enables garrulous parser debugging output, default 0
        if self.verbose:
            print('Parser.run: calling engine')

        # grab keywords
        fileobj = kw.get('file', self.file)
        if isinstance(fileobj, str):
            filename = fileobj
                fileobj = open(fileobj, 'rb')
                raise Exception('Cannot open input file "%s"' % fileobj)
            filename = None
            fileobj = None

        read = kw.get('read', self.read)

        debug = kw.get('debug', 0)

        # back up existing attribs
        oldfile = self.file
        oldread = self.read

        # plug in new ones, if given
        if fileobj:
            self.file = fileobj
        if read:
            self.read = read

        if self.verbose and self.file.closed:
            print('Parser.run(): self.file', self.file, 'is closed')

        error_count = 0

        # TODO: add option to fail on first error.
        while not self.file.closed:
            # do the parsing job, spew if error
            self.last = None

            except Exception as e:
                error_count += 1

                if error_count > self.error_threshold:

                self.report_last_error(filename, e)

            if self.verbose:
                print('Parser.run: back from engine')

            if hasattr(self, 'hook_run'):
                self.last = self.hook_run(filename, self.last)

            if self.verbose and not self.file.closed:
                print('last:', self.last)

        if self.verbose:
            print('last:', self.last)

        # restore old values
        self.file = oldfile
        self.read = oldread

        if self.verbose:
            print('------------------ result=', self.last)

        # TODO: return last result (see while loop):
        # return self.last[:-1]
        return self.last

    def read(self, nbytes):
        Override this in your subclass, if you desire.

            - nbytes - the maximum length of the string which you may return.
              DO NOT return a string longer than this, or else Bad Things will
        # default to stdin
        if self.verbose:
            print('Parser.read: want %s bytes' % nbytes)

        bytes = self.file.readline(nbytes)

        if self.verbose:
            print('Parser.read: got %s bytes' % len(bytes))

        return bytes

    def report_last_error(self, filename, error):
        Report a raised exception. Depending on the mode in which the parser is
        running, it will:

         - write a verbose message to stderr (verbose=True; interactive=True).
           The written error message will include the type, value and traceback
           of the raised exception.

         - write a minimal message to stderr (verbose=False; interactive=True).
           The written error message will only include the type and value of
           the raised exception.


        #if filename != None:
        #    msg = '%s:%d: "%s" near "%s"' \
        #            % ((filename,) + error)

        #    if not self.interactive:
        #        raise BisonSyntaxError(msg)

        #    print >>sys.stderr, msg
        #elif hasattr(error, '__getitem__') and isinstance(error[0], int):
        #    msg = 'Line %d: "%s" near "%s"' % error

        #    if not self.interactive:
        #        raise BisonSyntaxError(msg)

        #    print >>sys.stderr, msg
        if not self.interactive:

        if self.verbose:

        print('ERROR:', error)

    def report_syntax_error(self, msg, yytext, first_line, first_col,
                            last_line, last_col):
        yytext = yytext.replace('\n', '\\n')
        args = (first_line, first_col, last_line, last_col, msg, yytext)
        raise BisonSyntaxError('%d.%d-%d.%d: "%s" near "%s".' % args, args)