def get_relevant_match(self, league, start_date, end_date):
        home = league_analysis.alias_team(self.home)
        away = league_analysis.alias_team(self.away)

        matches = league_analysis.get_matches(league, start_date, end_date, home_team=home, away_team=away)
        match = matches[0]
        self.match = match
        return match
 def __init__(self, bet_line):
     """Example Correct Score bet line: Bristol Rovers v Barnet: 1 - 1, 7.0
     Example of a Result bet line: Walsall v Doncaster: Walsall, 1.97
     for league in all_leagues:
         home = league_analysis.alias_team(self.home)
         away = league_analysis.alias_team(self.away)
         if home in league.teams and away in league.teams:
             self.league = league
         message = "Match not found in any league, {0} vs {1}"
         raise Exception(message.format(bet_line.home, bet_line.away))