def __init__(self): TrafficArrays.__init__(self) # Standard self.steepness for descent self.steepness = 3000. * ft / (10. * nm) # From here, define object arrays with RegisterElementParameters(self): # FMS directions self.trk = np.array([]) self.spd = np.array([]) self.tas = np.array([]) self.alt = np.array([]) self.vs = np.array([]) # VNAV variables self.dist2vs = np.array([]) # distance from coming waypoint to TOD self.swvnavvs = np.array([]) # whether to use given VS or not self.vnavvs = np.array([]) # vertical speed in VNAV # LNAV variables self.qdr2wp = np.array( [] ) # Direction to waypoint from the last time passing was checked # to avoid 180 turns due to updated qdr shortly before passing wp # Traffic navigation information self.orig = [] # Four letter code of origin airport self.dest = [] # Four letter code of destination airport # Route objects self.route = []
def __init__(self): TrafficArrays.__init__(self) # Standard self.steepness for descent self.steepness = 3000. * ft / (10. * nm) # From here, define object arrays with RegisterElementParameters(self): # FMS directions self.trk = np.array([]) self.spd = np.array([]) self.tas = np.array([]) self.alt = np.array([]) self.vs = np.array([]) # VNAV variables self.dist2vs = np.array([]) # distance from coming waypoint to TOD self.swvnavvs = np.array([]) # whether to use given VS or not self.vnavvs = np.array([]) # vertical speed in VNAV # Traffic navigation information self.orig = [] # Four letter code of origin airport self.dest = [] # Four letter code of destination airport # Route objects self.route = []
def __init__(self): TrafficArrays.__init__(self) with RegisterElementParameters(self): = np.array([]) # [deg] Active WP latitude self.lon = np.array([]) # [deg] Active WP longitude self.nextaltco = np.array( []) # [m] Altitude to arrive at after distance xtoalt self.xtoalt = np.array( []) # [m] Distance to next altitude constraint self.nextspd = np.array( []) # [CAS[m/s]/Mach] save speed from next wp for next leg self.spd = np.array( [] ) # [CAS[m/s]/Mach]Active WP speed (constraint or calculated) self.spdcon = np.array( []) # [CAS[m/s]/Mach]Active WP speed constraint self.vs = np.array([]) # [m/s] Active vertical speed to use self.turndist = np.array( []) # [m] Distance when to turn to next waypoint self.flyby = np.array( []) # Flyby switch, when False, flyover (turndist=0.0) self.torta = np.array( []) # [s] NExt req Time of Arrival (RTA) (-999. = None) self.xtorta = np.array([]) # [m] distance ot next RTA self.next_qdr = np.array([]) # [deg] track angle of next leg
def __init__(self): TrafficArrays.__init__(self) # [m] Horizontal separation minimum for detection self.rpz = bs.settings.asas_pzr * nm # [m] Vertical separation minimum for detection self.hpz = bs.settings.asas_pzh * ft # [s] lookahead time self.dtlookahead = bs.settings.asas_dtlookahead self.dtnolook = 0.0 # Conflicts and LoS detected in the current timestep (used for resolving) self.confpairs = list() self.lospairs = list() self.qdr = np.array([]) self.dist = np.array([]) self.dcpa = np.array([]) self.tcpa = np.array([]) self.tLOS = np.array([]) # Unique conflicts and LoS in the current timestep (a, b) = (b, a) self.confpairs_unique = set() self.lospairs_unique = set() # All conflicts and LoS since simt=0 self.confpairs_all = list() self.lospairs_all = list() # Per-aircraft conflict data with RegisterElementParameters(self): self.inconf = np.array([], dtype=bool) # In-conflict flag self.tcpamax = np.array([]) # Maximum time to CPA for aircraft in conflict
def __init__(self): TrafficArrays.__init__(self) # From here, define object arrays with RegisterElementParameters(self): # Most recent broadcast data self.lastupdate = np.array([]) = np.array([]) self.lon = np.array([]) self.alt = np.array([]) self.trk = np.array([]) self.tas = np.array([]) = np.array([]) self.vs = np.array([]) self.setnoise(False)
def __init__(self): TrafficArrays.__init__(self) with RegisterElementParameters(self): = np.array([]) # [deg] Active WP latitude self.lon = np.array([]) # [deg] Active WP longitude self.nextaltco = np.array( []) # [m] Altitude to arrive at after distance xtoalt self.xtoalt = np.array( []) # [m] Distance to next altitude constraint self.nextspd = np.array( []) # [CAS[m/s]/Mach] save speed from next wp for next leg self.spd = np.array( [] ) # [CAS[m/s]/Mach]Active WP speed (constraint or calculated) self.spdcon = np.array( []) # [CAS[m/s]/Mach]Active WP speed constraint self.vs = np.array([]) # [m/s] Active vertical speed to use self.turndist = np.array( []) # [m] Distance when to turn to next waypoint self.flyby = np.array( []) # Flyby switch, when False, flyover (turndist=0.0) self.flyturn = np.array( [] ) # Flyturn switch, when False, when Fkase, use flyby/flyover self.turnrad = np.array( []) # Flyturn turn radius (<0 => not specified) self.turnspd = np.array( [] ) # [m/s, CAS] Flyturn turn speed for next turn (<=0 => not specified) self.oldturnspd = np.array( [] ) # [TAS, m/s] Flyturn turn speed for previous turn (<=0 => not specified) self.turnfromlastwp = np.array( [] ) # Currently in flyturn-mode from last waypoint (old turn, beginning of leg) self.turntonextwp = np.array( [] ) # Currently in flyturn-mode to next waypoint (new flyturn mode, end of leg) self.torta = np.array( []) # [s] NExt req Time of Arrival (RTA) (-999. = None) self.xtorta = np.array([]) # [m] distance ot next RTA self.next_qdr = np.array([]) # [deg] track angle of next leg
def __init__(self): TrafficArrays.__init__(self) # [-] switch to activate priority rules for conflict resolution self.swprio = False # switch priority on/off self.priocode = '' # select priority mode self.resopairs = set() # Resolved conflicts that are still before CPA # Resolution factors: # set < 1 to maneuver only a fraction of the resolution # set > 1 to add a margin to separation values self.resofach = bs.settings.asas_mar self.resofacv = bs.settings.asas_mar with RegisterElementParameters(self): self.resooffac = np.array([], dtype=np.bool) self.noresoac = np.array([], dtype=np.bool) # whether the autopilot follows ASAS or not = np.array([], dtype=bool) self.trk = np.array([]) # heading provided by the ASAS [deg] self.tas = np.array([]) # speed provided by the ASAS (eas) [m/s] self.alt = np.array([]) # alt provided by the ASAS [m] self.vs = np.array([]) # vspeed provided by the ASAS [m/s]