def concat_convert_from_mmap(full_file_paths, reshape=True): folder_path, mmap_path_start = os.path.split(full_file_paths[0]) mmap_path_end = os.path.split(full_file_paths[-1])[1] mmap_path_out = mmap_path_start[:11] + mmap_path_end[:11] print('starting chunk with', mmap_path_start) #load 1st array frames_0, dims, T = mmp.load_memmap(full_file_paths[0]) concatenated = np.array(frames_0) dims_list = [dims] T_list = [T] #join arrays frame by frame for file_name in full_file_paths[1:]: frames, dims, T = mmp.load_memmap(file_name) concatenated = np.concatenate((concatenated, np.array(frames)), axis=1) dims_list.append(dims) T_list.append(T) if reshape: print('reshaping') reshaped = caiman_mmap_to_hdf(concatenated, dims) output_fname = save_to_hdf(folder_path, mmap_path_out, reshaped) print(mmap_path_out, 'done') return ()
def test_load_raises_multiple_ext(): fname = "" try: mmapping.load_memmap(fname) except ValueError: assert True else: assert False
def convert_from_mmap(full_file_path): folder_path, mmap_path = os.path.split(full_file_path) frames, dims, T = mmp.load_memmap(full_file_path) frames_array = np.array(frames) output_fname = save_to_hdf(folder_path, mmap_path, frames_array) print(mmap_path, 'done') return ()
def fft_psd_multithreading(args): """helper function to parallelize get_noise_fft Parameters: ----------- Y: ndarray input movie (n_pixels x Time), can be also memory mapped file sn_s: ndarray (memory mapped) file where to store the results of computation. i: int pixel index start num_pixels: int number of pixel to select starting from i **kwargs: dict arguments to be passed to get_noise_fft """ (Y,i,num_pixels,kwargs)=args Yold=Y if isinstance(Y,basestring): Y,_,_=load_memmap(Y) idxs=list(range(i,i+num_pixels)) # import pdb # pdb.set_trace() print(len(idxs)) # print(kwargs) res,psx=get_noise_fft(Y[idxs], **kwargs) #print("[Worker %d] sn for row %d is %f" % (os.getpid(), i, sn_s[0])) return (idxs,res,psx)
def fft_psd_multithreading(args): """helper function to parallelize get_noise_fft Parameters: ----------- Y: ndarray input movie (n_pixels x Time), can be also memory mapped file sn_s: ndarray (memory mapped) file where to store the results of computation. i: int pixel index start num_pixels: int number of pixel to select starting from i **kwargs: dict arguments to be passed to get_noise_fft """ (Y, i, num_pixels, kwargs) = args Yold = Y if isinstance(Y, basestring): Y, _, _ = load_memmap(Y) idxs = list(range(i, i + num_pixels)) # import pdb # pdb.set_trace() print(len(idxs)) # print(kwargs) res, psx = get_noise_fft(Y[idxs], **kwargs) #print("[Worker %d] sn for row %d is %f" % (os.getpid(), i, sn_s[0])) return (idxs, res, psx)
def function_place_holder(args_in): file_name, idx_,shapes,function, args, kwargs = args_in Yr, _, _ = load_memmap(file_name) Yr = Yr[idx_,:] Yr.filename=file_name d,T=Yr.shape Y=np.reshape(Yr,(shapes[1],shapes[0],T),order='F').transpose([2,0,1]) [T,d1,d2]=Y.shape res_fun = function(Y,*args,**kwargs) if type(res_fun) is not tuple: if res_fun.shape == (d1,d2): print('** reshaping form 2D to 1D') res_fun = np.reshape(res_fun,d1*d2,order = 'F') return res_fun
def save_portion(pars): big_mov,d,tot_frames,fnames,idx_start,idx_end =pars big_mov = np.memmap(big_mov, mode='r+', dtype=np.float32,shape=(d, tot_frames), order='C') Ttot=0 Yr_tot=np.zeros((idx_end-idx_start,tot_frames)) print((Yr_tot.shape)) for f in fnames: print(f) Yr,dims,T=load_memmap(f) print((idx_start,idx_end)) Yr_tot[:,Ttot:Ttot+T]=np.array(Yr[idx_start:idx_end]) Ttot=Ttot+T del Yr big_mov[idx_start:idx_end,:]=Yr_tot del Yr_tot print('done') del big_mov return Ttot
def dot_place_holder(par): from caiman.mmapping import load_memmap import pickle A_name,idx_to_pass,b_,transpose = par A_, _, _ = load_memmap(A_name) b_ = pickle.loads(b_) # import pdb # pdb.set_trace() #print((idx_to_pass[-1])) if 'sparse' in str(type(b_)): if transpose: outp = (b_.T.tocsc()[:,idx_to_pass].dot(A_[idx_to_pass])).T # import pdb # pdb.set_trace() del b_ return idx_to_pass, outp else: outp = ([idx_to_pass].T)).T del b_ return idx_to_pass,outp else: if transpose: outp = A_[idx_to_pass].dot(b_[idx_to_pass]) del b_ return idx_to_pass, outp else: outp = A_[idx_to_pass].dot(b_) del b_ return idx_to_pass,outp
def dot_place_holder(par): from caiman.mmapping import load_memmap import pickle A_name,idx_to_pass,b_,transpose = par A_, _, _ = load_memmap(A_name) b_ = pickle.loads(b_) # import pdb # pdb.set_trace() print((idx_to_pass[-1])) if 'sparse' in str(type(b_)): if transpose: return idx_to_pass,(b_.T.tocsc()[:,idx_to_pass].dot(A_[idx_to_pass])).T else: return idx_to_pass,([idx_to_pass].T)).T else: if transpose: return idx_to_pass,A_[idx_to_pass].dot(b_[idx_to_pass]) else: return idx_to_pass,A_[idx_to_pass].dot(b_)
def update_spatial_components(Y, C=None, f=None, A_in=None, sn=None, dims=None, min_size=3, max_size=8, dist=3, normalize_yyt_one=True, method='ellipse', expandCore=None, dview=None, n_pixels_per_process=128, medw=(3, 3), thr_method='nrg', maxthr=0.1, nrgthr=0.9999, extract_cc=True, se=np.ones((3, 3),, ss=np.ones((3, 3),, nb=1, method_ls='nnls_L0'): """update spatial footprints and background through Basis Pursuit Denoising for each pixel i solve the problem [A(i,:),b(i)] = argmin sum(A(i,:)) subject to || Y(i,:) - A(i,:)*C + b(i)*f || <= sn(i)*sqrt(T); for each pixel the search is limited to a few spatial components Parameters ---------- Y: np.ndarray (2D or 3D) movie, raw data in 2D or 3D (pixels x time). C: np.ndarray calcium activity of each neuron. f: np.ndarray temporal profile of background activity. A_in: np.ndarray spatial profile of background activity. If A_in is boolean then it defines the spatial support of A. Otherwise it is used to determine it through determine_search_location dims: [optional] tuple x, y[, z] movie dimensions min_size: [optional] int max_size: [optional] int dist: [optional] int sn: [optional] float noise associated with each pixel if known backend [optional] str 'ipyparallel', 'single_thread' single_thread:no parallelization. It can be used with small datasets. ipyparallel: uses ipython clusters and then send jobs to each of them SLURM: use the slurm scheduler n_pixels_per_process: [optional] int number of pixels to be processed by each thread method: [optional] string method used to expand the search for pixels 'ellipse' or 'dilate' expandCore: [optional] scipy.ndimage.morphology if method is dilate this represents the kernel used for expansion dview: view on ipyparallel client you need to create an ipyparallel client and pass a view on the processors (client = Client(), dview=client[:]) medw, thr_method, maxthr, nrgthr, extract_cc, se, ss: [optional] Parameters for components post-processing. Refer to spatial.threshold_components for more details nb: [optional] int Number of background components method_ls: method to perform the regression for the basis pursuit denoising. 'nnls_L0'. Nonnegative least square with L0 penalty 'lasso_lars' lasso lars function from scikit learn 'lasso_lars_old' lasso lars from old implementation, will be deprecated normalize_yyt_one: bool wheter to norrmalize the C and A matrices so that diag(C*C.T) are ones Returns -------- A: np.ndarray new estimate of spatial footprints b: np.ndarray new estimate of spatial background C: np.ndarray temporal components (updated only when spatial components are completely removed) f: np.ndarray same as f_in except if empty component deleted. """ C = np.array(C) if normalize_yyt_one: # cct=np.diag( nr_C = np.shape(C)[0] d = scipy.sparse.lil_matrix((nr_C, nr_C)) d.setdiag(np.sqrt(np.sum(C**2, 1))) A_in = A_in * d C = old_div(C, np.sqrt(np.sum(C**2, 1)[:, np.newaxis])) if expandCore is None: expandCore = iterate_structure(generate_binary_structure(2, 1), 2).astype(int) if dims is None: raise Exception('You need to define the input dimensions') if Y.ndim < 2 and not isinstance(Y, basestring): Y = np.atleast_2d(Y) if Y.shape[1] == 1: raise Exception('Dimension of Matrix Y must be pixels x time') if C is not None: C = np.atleast_2d(C) if C.shape[1] == 1: raise Exception('Dimension of Matrix C must be neurons x time') if f is not None: f = np.atleast_2d(f) if f.shape[1] == 1: raise Exception('Dimension of Matrix f must be background comps x time ') if (A_in is None) and (C is None): raise Exception('Either A or C need to be determined') if A_in is not None: if len(A_in.shape) == 1: A_in = np.atleast_2d(A_in).T if A_in.shape[0] == 1: raise Exception('Dimension of Matrix A must be pixels x neurons ') start_time = time.time() [d, T] = np.shape(Y) if A_in is None: A_in = np.ones((d, np.shape(C)[1]), dtype=bool) if n_pixels_per_process > d: print( 'The number of pixels per process (n_pixels_per_process) is larger than the total number of pixels!! Decreasing suitably.') n_pixels_per_process = d if f is not None: nb = f.shape[0] else: if b is not None: nb = b.shape[1] if A_in.dtype == bool: IND = A_in.copy() print("spatial support for each components given by the user") if C is None: INDav = old_div(IND.astype('float32'), np.sum(IND, axis=0)) px = (np.sum(IND, axis=1) > 0) model = NMF(n_components=nb, init='random', random_state=0) b = model.fit_transform(np.maximum(Y[~px, :], 0)) f = model.components_.squeeze() #f = np.mean(Y[~px,:],axis=0) Y_resf =, f.T) b = np.fmax(, 0)) #b = np.fmax(Y_resf / scipy.linalg.norm(f)**2, 0) C = np.fmax(csr_matrix(INDav.T).dot(Y) - np.outer(, f), 0) f = np.atleast_2d(f) else: IND = determine_search_location( A_in, dims, method=method, min_size=min_size, max_size=max_size, dist=dist, expandCore=expandCore, dview=dview) print("found spatial support for each component") if C is None: raise Exception('You need to provide estimate of C and f') print((np.shape(A_in))) Cf = np.vstack((C, f)) # create matrix that include background components nr, _ = np.shape(C) # number of neurons ind2_ = [np.hstack((np.where(iid_)[0], nr + np.arange(f.shape[0]))) if np.size(np.where(iid_)[0]) > 0 else [] for iid_ in IND] if os.environ.get('SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR') is not None: tmpf = os.environ.get('SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR') print(('cluster temporary folder:' + tmpf)) folder = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=tmpf) else: folder = tempfile.mkdtemp() if dview is None: Y_name = Y C_name = Cf else: C_name = os.path.join(folder, 'C_temp.npy'), Cf) if type(Y) is np.core.memmap: # if input file is already memory mapped then find the filename Y_name = Y.filename # if not create a memory mapped version (necessary for parallelization) elif isinstance(Y, basestring) or dview is None: Y_name = Y else: raise Exception('Not implemented consistently') Y_name = os.path.join(folder, 'Y_temp.npy'), Y) Y, _, _, _ = load_memmap(Y_name) # create arguments to be passed to the function. Here we are grouping # bunch of pixels to be processed by each thread # pixel_groups = [(Y_name, C_name, sn, ind2_, range(i, i + n_pixels_per_process)) # for i in range(0, - n_pixels_per_process + 1, # n_pixels_per_process)] cct = np.diag( rank_f = nb pixel_groups = [] for i in range(0, - n_pixels_per_process + 1, n_pixels_per_process): pixel_groups.append([Y_name, C_name, sn, ind2_, list( range(i, i + n_pixels_per_process)), method_ls, cct, rank_f]) if i < pixel_groups.append([Y_name, C_name, sn, ind2_, list( range(i,, method_ls, cct, rank_f]) A_ = np.zeros((d, nr + np.size(f, 0))) print('Starting Update Spatial Components') #serial_result = map(lars_regression_noise_ipyparallel, pixel_groups) if dview is not None: parallel_result = dview.map_sync(regression_ipyparallel, pixel_groups) dview.results.clear() for chunk in parallel_result: for pars in chunk: px, idxs_, a = pars A_[px, idxs_] = a else: parallel_result = list(map(regression_ipyparallel, pixel_groups)) for chunk in parallel_result: for pars in chunk: px, idxs_, a = pars A_[px, idxs_] = a ## # Cf_ = [Cf[idx_, :] for idx_ in ind2_] # # #% LARS regression # A_ = np.hstack((np.zeros((d, nr)), np.zeros((d, np.size(f, 0))))) # # for c, y, s, id2_, px in zip(Cf_, Y, sn, ind2_, range(d)): # if px % 1000 == 0: # print px # if np.size(c) > 0: # _, _, a, _, _ = lars_regression_noise_old(y, np.array(c.T), 1, sn[px]**2 * T) # if np.isscalar(a): # A_[px, id2_] = a # else: # A_[px, id2_] = a.T ## #% print('Updated Spatial Components') A_ = threshold_components(A_, dims, dview=dview, medw=medw, thr_method=thr_method, maxthr=maxthr, nrgthr=nrgthr, extract_cc=extract_cc, se=se, ss=ss) print("threshold") ff = np.where(np.sum(A_, axis=0) == 0) # remove empty components if np.size(ff) > 0: ff = ff[0] print('eliminating {} empty components!!'.format(len(ff))) A_ = np.delete(A_, list(ff), 1) C = np.delete(C, list(ff), 0) background_ff = list(filter(lambda i: i > 0, ff-nr)) f = np.delete(f, background_ff, 0) nr = nr - (len(ff) - len(background_ff)) nb = nb - len(background_ff) A_ = A_[:, :nr] A_ = coo_matrix(A_) #import pdb # pdb.set_trace() # Y_resf =, f.T) -[:nr, :]).dot(f.T)) print("Computing residuals") if 'memmap' in str(type(Y)): Y_resf = parallel_dot_product(Y, f.T, block_size=1000, dview=dview) - \[:nr, :]).dot(f.T)) else: Y_resf =, f.T) -[:nr, :]).dot(f.T)) print("Computing A_bas") A_bas = np.fmax(, 0) # update baseline based on residual # A_bas = np.fmax(Y_resf / scipy.linalg.norm(f)**2, 0) # update baseline based on residual # baseline based on residual b = A_bas print(("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))) try: # clean up # remove temporary file created print("Remove temporary file created") shutil.rmtree(folder) except: raise Exception("Failed to delete: " + folder) # if A_in.dtype == bool: # return A_, b, C, f # else: # return A_, b, C return A_, b, C, f
def regression_ipyparallel(pars): # need to import since it is run from within the server import numpy as np import sys import gc from sklearn import linear_model Y_name, C_name, noise_sn, idxs_C, idxs_Y, method_least_square, cct, rank_f = pars if isinstance(Y_name, basestring): # print("Reloading Y") Y, _, _ = load_memmap(Y_name) Y = np.array(Y[idxs_Y, :]) else: Y = Y_name[idxs_Y, :] if isinstance(C_name, basestring): #print("Reloading Y") C = np.load(C_name, mmap_mode='r') C = np.array(C) else: C = C_name _, T = np.shape(C) #sys.stdout = open(str(os.getpid()) + ".out", "w") As = [] # print "*****************:" + str(idxs_Y[0]) + ',' + str(idxs_Y[-1]) print('updating lars') # import os # print('**' + str(os.environ['OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS'])) for y, px in zip(Y, idxs_Y): # print str(time.time()-st) + ": Pixel" + str(px) # print px,len(idxs_C),C.shape c = C[idxs_C[px], :] idx_only_neurons = idxs_C[px] cct_ = cct[idx_only_neurons[:-rank_f]] if np.size(c) > 0: sn = noise_sn[px]**2 * T if method_least_square == 'lasso_lars_old': # lasso lars from old implementation, will be deprecated a = lars_regression_noise_old(y, c.T, 1, sn)[2] elif method_least_square == 'nnls_L0': # Nonnegative least square with L0 penalty a = nnls_L0(c.T, y, 1.2 * sn) elif method_least_square == 'lasso_lars': # lasso lars function from scikit learn #a, RSS = scipy.optimize.nnls(c.T, np.ravel(y)) # RSS = RSS * RSS # if RSS <= 2*sn: # hard noise constraint hardly feasible lambda_lasso = .5 * noise_sn[px] * np.sqrt(np.max(cct_)) / T # lambda_lasso=1 clf = linear_model.LassoLars(alpha=lambda_lasso, positive=True) a_lrs =, np.ravel(y)) a = a_lrs.coef_ # else: # print 'Problem infeasible' # pl.cla() # pl.plot(; # pl.plot(y) # pl.pause(3) else: raise Exception('Least Square Method not found!' + method_least_square) if not np.isscalar(a): a = a.T As.append((px, idxs_C[px], a)) print('clearing variables') if isinstance(Y_name, basestring): #print("deleting Y") del Y if isinstance(C_name, basestring): del C if isinstance(Y_name, basestring): gc.collect() print('done!') return As
def load(file_name,fr=30,start_time=0,meta_data=None,subindices=None,shape=None,num_frames_sub_idx=np.inf): ''' load movie from file. Parameters ----------- file_name: string name of file. Possible extensions are tif, avi, npy, (npz and hdf5 are usable only if saved by calblitz) fr: float frame rate start_time: float initial time for frame 1 meta_data: dict same as for subindices: iterable indexes for loading only portion of the movie shape: tuple of two values dimension of the movie along x and y if loading from a two dimensional numpy array Returns ------- mov: ''' # case we load movie from file if os.path.exists(file_name): name, extension = os.path.splitext(file_name)[:2] if extension == '.tif' or extension == '.tiff': # load avi file if subindices is not None: input_arr = imread(file_name)[subindices, :, :] else: input_arr = imread(file_name) input_arr = np.squeeze(input_arr) elif extension == '.avi': # load avi file if subindices is not None: raise Exception('Subindices not implemented') cap = cv2.VideoCapture(file_name) try: length = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) width = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)) height = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)) except: print('Roll back top opencv 2') length = int(cap.get( width = int(cap.get( height = int(cap.get( input_arr=np.zeros((length, height,width),dtype=np.uint8) counter=0 ret=True while True: # Capture frame-by-frame ret, frame = if not ret: break input_arr[counter]=frame[:,:,0] counter=counter+1 if not counter%100: print(counter) # When everything done, release the capture cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() elif extension == '.npy': # load npy file if subindices is not None: input_arr=np.load(file_name)[subindices] else: input_arr=np.load(file_name) if input_arr.ndim==2: if shape is not None: d,T=np.shape(input_arr) d1,d2=shape input_arr=np.transpose(np.reshape(input_arr,(d1,d2,T),order='F'),(2,0,1)) else: raise Exception('Loaded vector is 2D , you need to provide the shape parameter') elif extension == '.mat': # load npy file input_arr=loadmat(file_name)['data'] input_arr=np.rollaxis(input_arr,2,-3) if subindices is not None: input_arr=input_arr[subindices] elif extension == '.npz': # load movie from saved file if subindices is not None: raise Exception('Subindices not implemented') with np.load(file_name) as f: return movie(**f) elif extension== '.hdf5': with h5py.File(file_name, "r") as f: attrs=dict(f['mov'].attrs) #print attrs if meta_data in attrs: attrs['meta_data']=cpk.loads(attrs['meta_data']) if subindices is None: # fr=f['fr'],start_time=f['start_time'],file_name=f['file_name'] return movie(f['mov'],**attrs) else: return movie(f['mov'][subindices],**attrs) elif extension == '.mmap': filename=os.path.split(file_name)[-1] fpart=filename.split('_')[1:-1] Yr, dims, T = load_memmap(filename) d1, d2 = dims images = np.reshape(Yr.T, [T] + list(dims), order='F') print('mmap') return movie(images,fr=fr) elif extension == '.sbx': print('sbx') return movie(sbxread(file_name[:-4],num_frames_sub_idx).transpose([0,3,2,1]),fr=fr) else: raise Exception('Unknown file type') else: raise Exception('File not found!') return movie(input_arr,fr=fr,start_time=start_time,file_name=os.path.split(file_name)[-1], meta_data=meta_data)
else: pars.append([f,os.path.splitext(f)[0],resize_fact[idx],remove_init,idx_xy,order,xy_shifts[idx],add_to_movie,border_to_0]) if dview is not None: fnames_new=dview.map_sync(save_place_holder,pars) else: fnames_new=list(map(save_place_holder,pars)) return fnames_new #%% def save_memmap_join(mmap_fnames,base_name=None, n_chunks=6, dview=None,async=False): tot_frames=0 order='C' for f in mmap_fnames: Yr,dims,T=load_memmap(f) print((f,T)) tot_frames+=T del Yr if base_name is None: base_name = mmap_fnames[0] base_name = base_name[:base_name.find('_d1_')]+'-#-'+str(len(mmap_fnames)) fname_tot = base_name + '_d1_' + str(dims[0]) + '_d2_' + str(dims[1]) + '_d3_' + str(1 if len(dims) == 2 else dims[2]) + '_order_' + str(order) + '_frames_' + str(tot_frames) + '_.mmap' fname_tot = os.path.join(os.path.split(mmap_fnames[0])[0],fname_tot) print(fname_tot)
def cnmf_patches(args_in): import numpy as np import caiman as cm import time import logging from caiman.source_extraction.cnmf import cnmf as cnmf # file_name, idx_,shapes,p,gSig,K,fudge_fact=args_in file_name, idx_, shapes, options = args_in name_log = os.path.basename(file_name[:-5]) + '_LOG_ ' + str( idx_[0]) + '_' + str(idx_[-1]) logger = logging.getLogger(name_log) hdlr = logging.FileHandler('./' + name_log) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s') hdlr.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(hdlr) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) p = options['temporal_params']['p']'START')'Read file') Yr, _, _ = load_memmap(file_name) Yr = Yr[idx_, :] if (np.sum(np.abs(np.diff(Yr)))) > 0.1: #Yr.filename=file_name d, T = Yr.shape # Y=np.reshape(Yr,(shapes[1],shapes[0],T),order='F') # Y.filename=file_name # dims = shapes[1],shapes[0] dims = shapes #shapes[1],shapes[0],shapes[2] images = np.reshape(Yr.T, [T] + list(dims), order='F') #images.filename=file_name cnm = cnmf.CNMF(n_processes = 1, k = options['init_params']['K'], gSig = options['init_params']['gSig'], merge_thresh = options['merging']['thr'], p = p, dview = None, Ain = None, Cin = None, f_in = None, do_merge = True,\ ssub = options['init_params']['ssub'], tsub = options['init_params']['ssub'], p_ssub = 1, p_tsub = 1, method_init = options['init_params']['method'], alpha_snmf = options['init_params']['alpha_snmf'],\ rf=None,stride=None, memory_fact=1, gnb = options['init_params']['nb'],\ only_init_patch = options['patch_params']['only_init']\ ,method_deconvolution = options['temporal_params']['method'], n_pixels_per_process = options['preprocess_params']['n_pixels_per_process'],\ block_size = options['temporal_params']['block_size'], check_nan = options['preprocess_params']['check_nan'],\ skip_refinement = options['patch_params']['skip_refinement'],N_iterations_refinement=options['patch_params']['nIter']) cnm = Yr = [] images = [] return idx_, shapes, scipy.sparse.coo_matrix( cnm.A ), cnm.b, cnm.C, cnm.f, cnm.S,, cnm.c1, cnm.neurons_sn, cnm.g,, cnm.options, cnm.YrA.T # [d1,d2,T]=Y.shape # # options['spatial_params']['dims']=(d1,d2) #'Preprocess Data') # Yr,sn,g,psx=cm.source_extraction.cnmf.pre_processing.preprocess_data(Yr,**options['preprocess_params']) # # #'Initialize Components') # # Ain, Cin, b_in, f_in, center=cm.source_extraction.cnmf.initialization.initialize_components(Y, **options['init_params']) # # nA = np.squeeze(np.array(np.sum(np.square(Ain),axis=0))) # # nr=nA.size # Cin=coo_matrix(Cin) # # # YA = (*scipy.sparse.spdiags(old_div(1.,nA),0,nr,nr) # AA = ((*scipy.sparse.spdiags(old_div(1.,nA),0,nr,nr)) # YrA = YA - # Cin=Cin.todense() # # if options['patch_params']['only_init']: # # return idx_,shapes, coo_matrix(Ain), b_in, Cin, f_in, None, None , None, None, g, sn, options, YrA.T # # else: # # raise Exception('Bug here, need to double check. For now set ["patch_params"]["only_init"] = True') #'Spatial Update') # A,b,Cin, f_in = cm.source_extraction.cnmf.spatial.update_spatial_components(Yr, Cin, f_in, Ain, sn=sn, **options['spatial_params']) # options['temporal_params']['p'] = 0 # set this to zero for fast updating without deconvolution # # import pdb # pdb.set_trace() # #'Temporal Update') # C,f,S,bl,c1,neurons_sn,g,YrA = cm.source_extraction.cnmf.temporal.update_temporal_components(Yr,A,b,Cin,f_in,bl=None,c1=None,sn=None,g=None,**options['temporal_params']) # #'Merge Components') # A_m,C_m,nr_m,merged_ROIs,S_m,bl_m,c1_m,sn_m,g_m=cm.source_extraction.cnmf.merging.merge_components(Yr,A,b,C,f,S,sn,options['temporal_params'], options['spatial_params'], bl=bl, c1=c1, sn=neurons_sn, g=g, thr=options['merging']['thr'], fast_merge = True) # #'Update Spatial II') # A2,b2,C2,f = cm.source_extraction.cnmf.spatial.update_spatial_components(Yr, C_m, f, A_m, sn=sn, **options['spatial_params']) # #'Update Temporal II') # options['temporal_params']['p'] = p # set it back to original value to perform full deconvolution # C2,f2,S2,bl2,c12,neurons_sn2,g21,YrA = cm.source_extraction.cnmf.temporal.update_temporal_components(Yr,A2,b2,C2,f,bl=None,c1=None,sn=None,g=None,**options['temporal_params']) # # # Y=[] # Yr=[] # #'Done!') # return idx_,shapes,A2,b2,C2,f2,S2,bl2,c12,neurons_sn2,g21,sn,options,YrA else: return None
def cnmf_patches(args_in): import numpy as np import caiman as cm import time import logging # file_name, idx_,shapes,p,gSig,K,fudge_fact=args_in file_name, idx_, shapes, options = args_in name_log = os.path.basename(file_name[:-5]) + '_LOG_ ' + str( idx_[0]) + '_' + str(idx_[-1]) logger = logging.getLogger(name_log) hdlr = logging.FileHandler('./' + name_log) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s') hdlr.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(hdlr) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) p = options['temporal_params']['p']'START')'Read file') Yr, _, _ = load_memmap(file_name) Yr = Yr[idx_, :] if (np.sum(np.abs(np.diff(Yr)))) > 0.1: Yr.filename = file_name d, T = Yr.shape Y = np.reshape(Yr, (shapes[1], shapes[0], T), order='F') Y.filename = file_name [d1, d2, T] = Y.shape options['spatial_params']['dims'] = (d1, d2)'Preprocess Data') Yr, sn, g, psx = cm.source_extraction.cnmf.pre_processing.preprocess_data( Yr, **options['preprocess_params'])'Initialize Components') Ain, Cin, b_in, f_in, center = cm.source_extraction.cnmf.initialization.initialize_components( Y, **options['init_params']) nA = np.squeeze(np.array(np.sum(np.square(Ain), axis=0))) nr = nA.size Cin = coo_matrix(Cin) YA = ( * scipy.sparse.spdiags(old_div(1., nA), 0, nr, nr) AA = (( * scipy.sparse.spdiags(old_div(1., nA), 0, nr, nr)) YrA = YA - Cin = Cin.todense() if options['patch_params']['only_init']: return idx_, shapes, coo_matrix( Ain ), b_in, Cin, f_in, None, None, None, None, g, sn, options, YrA.T else:'Spatial Update') A, b, Cin = cm.source_extraction.cnmf.spatial.update_spatial_components( Yr, Cin, f_in, Ain, sn=sn, **options['spatial_params']) options['temporal_params'][ 'p'] = 0 # set this to zero for fast updating without deconvolution'Temporal Update') C, f, S, bl, c1, neurons_sn, g, YrA = cm.source_extraction.cnmf.temporal.update_temporal_components( Yr, A, b, Cin, f_in, bl=None, c1=None, sn=None, g=None, **options['temporal_params']) options['temporal_params'][ 'p'] = p # set it back to original value to perform full deconvolution'Merge Components') A, C, nr, merged_ROIs, S, bl, c1, neurons_sn, g = cm.source_extraction.cnmf.merging.merge_components( Yr, A, b, C, f, S, sn, options['temporal_params'], options['spatial_params'], bl=bl, c1=c1, sn=neurons_sn, g=g, thr=options['merging']['thr'], fast_merge=True) for it in range(options['patch_params']['nIter']):'Starting Iteration ' + str(it)) # spatial update A, b, C = cm.source_extraction.cnmf.spatial.update_spatial_components( Yr, C, f, A, sn=sn, **options['spatial_params']) # temporal update C, f, S, bl, c1, neurons_sn, g, YrA = cm.source_extraction.cnmf.temporal.update_temporal_components( Yr, A, b, C, f, bl=None, c1=None, sn=None, g=None, **options['temporal_params']) # merge A, C, nr, merged_ROIs, S, bl, c1, neurons_sn, g = cm.source_extraction.cnmf.merging.merge_components( Yr, A, b, C, f, S, sn, options['temporal_params'], options['spatial_params'], bl=bl, c1=c1, sn=neurons_sn, g=g, thr=options['merging']['thr'], mx=50, fast_merge=True) Y = [] Yr = []'Done!') return idx_, shapes, A, b, C, f, S, bl, c1, neurons_sn, g, sn, options, YrA else: return None
def update_spatial_components(Y, C=None, f=None, A_in=None, sn=None, dims=None, min_size=3, max_size=8, dist=3,normalize_yyt_one=True, method='ellipse', expandCore=None, dview=None, n_pixels_per_process=128, medw=(3, 3), thr_method='nrg', maxthr=0.1, nrgthr=0.9999, extract_cc=True, se=np.ones((3, 3),, ss=np.ones((3, 3),, nb=1, method_ls='nnls_L0'): """update spatial footprints and background through Basis Pursuit Denoising for each pixel i solve the problem [A(i,:),b(i)] = argmin sum(A(i,:)) subject to || Y(i,:) - A(i,:)*C + b(i)*f || <= sn(i)*sqrt(T); for each pixel the search is limited to a few spatial components Parameters ---------- Y: np.ndarray (2D or 3D) movie, raw data in 2D or 3D (pixels x time). C: np.ndarray calcium activity of each neuron. f: np.ndarray temporal profile of background activity. A_in: np.ndarray spatial profile of background activity. If A_in is boolean then it defines the spatial support of A. Otherwise it is used to determine it through determine_search_location dims: [optional] tuple x, y[, z] movie dimensions min_size: [optional] int max_size: [optional] int dist: [optional] int sn: [optional] float noise associated with each pixel if known backend [optional] str 'ipyparallel', 'single_thread' single_thread:no parallelization. It can be used with small datasets. ipyparallel: uses ipython clusters and then send jobs to each of them SLURM: use the slurm scheduler n_pixels_per_process: [optional] int number of pixels to be processed by each thread method: [optional] string method used to expand the search for pixels 'ellipse' or 'dilate' expandCore: [optional] scipy.ndimage.morphology if method is dilate this represents the kernel used for expansion dview: view on ipyparallel client you need to create an ipyparallel client and pass a view on the processors (client = Client(), dview=client[:]) medw, thr_method, maxthr, nrgthr, extract_cc, se, ss: [optional] Parameters for components post-processing. Refer to spatial.threshold_components for more details nb: [optional] int Number of background components method_ls: method to perform the regression for the basis pursuit denoising. 'nnls_L0'. Nonnegative least square with L0 penalty 'lasso_lars' lasso lars function from scikit learn 'lasso_lars_old' lasso lars from old implementation, will be deprecated normalize_yyt_one: bool wheter to norrmalize the C and A matrices so that diag(C*C.T) are ones Returns -------- A: np.ndarray new estimate of spatial footprints b: np.ndarray new estimate of spatial background C: np.ndarray temporal components (updated only when spatial components are completely removed) """ C=np.array(C) if normalize_yyt_one: # cct=np.diag( nr_C=np.shape(C)[0] d = scipy.sparse.lil_matrix((nr_C,nr_C)) d.setdiag(np.sqrt(np.sum(C**2,1))) A_in=A_in*d C=old_div(C,np.sqrt(np.sum(C**2,1)[:,np.newaxis])) if expandCore is None: expandCore = iterate_structure(generate_binary_structure(2, 1), 2).astype(int) if dims is None: raise Exception('You need to define the input dimensions') if Y.ndim < 2 and not isinstance(Y, basestring): Y = np.atleast_2d(Y) if Y.shape[1] == 1: raise Exception('Dimension of Matrix Y must be pixels x time') if C is not None: C = np.atleast_2d(C) if C.shape[1] == 1: raise Exception('Dimension of Matrix C must be neurons x time') if f is not None: f = np.atleast_2d(f) if f.shape[1] == 1: raise Exception('Dimension of Matrix f must be background comps x time ') if (A_in is None) and (C is None): raise Exception('Either A or C need to be determined') if A_in is not None: if len(A_in.shape) == 1: A_in = np.atleast_2d(A_in).T if A_in.shape[0] == 1: raise Exception('Dimension of Matrix A must be pixels x neurons ') start_time = time.time() [d, T] = np.shape(Y) if A_in is None: A_in = np.ones((d, np.shape(C)[1]), dtype=bool) if n_pixels_per_process > d: raise Exception( 'The number of pixels per process (n_pixels_per_process) is larger than the total number of pixels!! Decrease suitably.') if f is not None: nb = f.shape[0] else: if b is not None: nb = b.shape[1] if A_in.dtype == bool: IND = A_in.copy() print("spatial support for each components given by the user") if C is None: INDav = old_div(IND.astype('float32'), np.sum(IND, axis=0)) px = (np.sum(IND, axis=1) > 0) model = NMF(n_components=nb, init='random', random_state=0) b = model.fit_transform(np.maximum(Y[~px, :], 0)) f = model.components_.squeeze() #f = np.mean(Y[~px,:],axis=0) Y_resf =, f.T) b = np.fmax(, 0)) #b = np.fmax(Y_resf / scipy.linalg.norm(f)**2, 0) C = np.fmax(csr_matrix(INDav.T).dot(Y) - np.outer(, f), 0) f = np.atleast_2d(f) else: IND = determine_search_location( A_in, dims, method=method, min_size=min_size, max_size=max_size, dist=dist, expandCore=expandCore, dview=dview) print("found spatial support for each component") if C is None: raise Exception('You need to provide estimate of C and f') print((np.shape(A_in))) Cf = np.vstack((C, f)) # create matrix that include background components nr, _ = np.shape(C) # number of neurons ind2_ = [np.hstack((np.where(iid_)[0], nr + np.arange(f.shape[0]))) if np.size(np.where(iid_)[0]) > 0 else [] for iid_ in IND] if os.environ.get('SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR') is not None: tmpf = os.environ.get('SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR') print(('cluster temporary folder:' + tmpf)) folder = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=tmpf) else: folder = tempfile.mkdtemp() if dview is None: Y_name = Y C_name = Cf else: C_name = os.path.join(folder, 'C_temp.npy'), Cf) if type(Y) is np.core.memmap: # if input file is already memory mapped then find the filename Y_name = Y.filename # if not create a memory mapped version (necessary for parallelization) elif isinstance(Y, basestring) or dview is None: Y_name = Y else: raise Exception('Not implemented consistently') Y_name = os.path.join(folder, 'Y_temp.npy'), Y) Y, _, _, _ = load_memmap(Y_name) # create arguments to be passed to the function. Here we are grouping # bunch of pixels to be processed by each thread # pixel_groups = [(Y_name, C_name, sn, ind2_, range(i, i + n_pixels_per_process)) # for i in range(0, - n_pixels_per_process + 1, # n_pixels_per_process)] cct=np.diag( rank_f=nb pixel_groups = [] for i in range(0, - n_pixels_per_process + 1, n_pixels_per_process): pixel_groups.append([Y_name, C_name, sn, ind2_, list(range(i, i + n_pixels_per_process)), method_ls, cct,rank_f]) if i < pixel_groups.append([Y_name, C_name, sn, ind2_, list(range(i,, method_ls, cct,rank_f]) A_ = np.zeros((d, nr + np.size(f, 0))) print('Starting Update Spatial Components') #serial_result = map(lars_regression_noise_ipyparallel, pixel_groups) if dview is not None: parallel_result = dview.map_sync(regression_ipyparallel, pixel_groups) dview.results.clear() for chunk in parallel_result: for pars in chunk: px, idxs_, a = pars A_[px, idxs_] = a else: parallel_result = list(map(regression_ipyparallel, pixel_groups)) for chunk in parallel_result: for pars in chunk: px, idxs_, a = pars A_[px, idxs_] = a ## # Cf_ = [Cf[idx_, :] for idx_ in ind2_] # # #% LARS regression # A_ = np.hstack((np.zeros((d, nr)), np.zeros((d, np.size(f, 0))))) # # for c, y, s, id2_, px in zip(Cf_, Y, sn, ind2_, range(d)): # if px % 1000 == 0: # print px # if np.size(c) > 0: # _, _, a, _, _ = lars_regression_noise_old(y, np.array(c.T), 1, sn[px]**2 * T) # if np.isscalar(a): # A_[px, id2_] = a # else: # A_[px, id2_] = a.T ## #% print('Updated Spatial Components') A_ = threshold_components(A_, dims, dview=dview, medw=(3, 3), thr_method=thr_method, maxthr=maxthr, nrgthr=nrgthr, extract_cc=extract_cc, se=se, ss=ss) print("threshold") ff = np.where(np.sum(A_, axis=0) == 0) # remove empty components if np.size(ff) > 0: ff = ff[0] print('eliminating empty components!!') nr = nr - len(ff) A_ = np.delete(A_, list(ff), 1) C = np.delete(C, list(ff), 0) A_ = A_[:, :nr] A_ = coo_matrix(A_) #import pdb # pdb.set_trace() # Y_resf =, f.T) -[:nr, :]).dot(f.T)) print("Computing residuals") if 'memmap' in str(type(Y)): Y_resf = parallel_dot_product(Y,f.T,block_size=5000,dview=dview) -[:nr, :]).dot(f.T)) else: Y_resf =, f.T) -[:nr, :]).dot(f.T)) print("Computing A_bas") A_bas = np.fmax(, 0) # update baseline based on residual # A_bas = np.fmax(Y_resf / scipy.linalg.norm(f)**2, 0) # update baseline based on residual # baseline based on residual b = A_bas print(("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))) try: # clean up # remove temporary file created print("Remove temporary file created") shutil.rmtree(folder) except: raise Exception("Failed to delete: " + folder) if A_in.dtype == bool: return A_, b, C, f else: return A_, b, C
def regression_ipyparallel(pars): # need to import since it is run from within the server import numpy as np import sys import gc from sklearn import linear_model Y_name, C_name, noise_sn, idxs_C, idxs_Y,method_least_square,cct,rank_f = pars if isinstance(Y_name, basestring): # print("Reloading Y") Y, _, _ = load_memmap(Y_name) Y = np.array(Y[idxs_Y, :]) else: Y = Y_name[idxs_Y, :] if isinstance(C_name, basestring): #print("Reloading Y") C = np.load(C_name, mmap_mode='r') C = np.array(C) else: C = C_name _, T = np.shape(C) #sys.stdout = open(str(os.getpid()) + ".out", "w") As = [] # print "*****************:" + str(idxs_Y[0]) + ',' + str(idxs_Y[-1]) for y, px in zip(Y, idxs_Y): # print str(time.time()-st) + ": Pixel" + str(px) # print px,len(idxs_C),C.shape c = C[idxs_C[px], :] idx_only_neurons=idxs_C[px] cct_=cct[idx_only_neurons[:-rank_f]] if np.size(c) > 0: sn = noise_sn[px]**2 * T if method_least_square == 'lasso_lars_old': # lasso lars from old implementation, will be deprecated a = lars_regression_noise_old(y, c.T, 1, sn)[2] elif method_least_square == 'nnls_L0': # Nonnegative least square with L0 penalty a = nnls_L0( c.T,y,1.2*sn) elif method_least_square == 'lasso_lars': # lasso lars function from scikit learn #a, RSS = scipy.optimize.nnls(c.T, np.ravel(y)) # RSS = RSS * RSS # if RSS <= 2*sn: # hard noise constraint hardly feasible lambda_lasso=.5*noise_sn[px]*np.sqrt(np.max(cct_))/T # lambda_lasso=1 clf = linear_model.LassoLars(alpha=lambda_lasso,positive=True) a_lrs =,np.ravel(y)) a = a_lrs.coef_ # else: # print 'Problem infeasible' # pl.cla() # pl.plot(; # pl.plot(y) # pl.pause(3) else: raise Exception('Least Square Method not found!'+method_least_square) if not np.isscalar(a): a = a.T As.append((px, idxs_C[px], a)) if isinstance(Y_name,basestring): #print("deleting Y") del Y if isinstance(C_name,basestring): del C if isinstance(Y_name,basestring): gc.collect() return As
def test_load_successful_3d(): fname = pathlib.Path(caiman_datadir()) / "testdata" / THREE_D_FNAME Yr, (d1, d2, d3), T = mmapping.load_memmap(str(fname)) assert (d1, d2, d3) == (10, 11, 13) assert T == 12 assert isinstance(Yr, np.memmap)
n_chunks: number of chunks in which to subdivide when saving, smaller requires more memory dview: cluster handle async: somtimes it will not work asynchrounously, try this if it fails Returns: -------- ''' tot_frames = 0 order = 'C' for f in mmap_fnames: Yr, dims, T = load_memmap(f) print((f, T)) tot_frames += T del Yr d = if base_name is None: base_name = mmap_fnames[0] base_name = base_name[:base_name.find('_d1_')] + '-#-' + str( len(mmap_fnames))