def test_custom_raw_row_results_all_types(self):
        Test to validate that custom protocol handlers work with varying types of

        Connect, create a table with all sorts of data. Query the data, make the sure the custom results handler is
        used correctly.

        @since 2.7
        @jira_ticket PYTHON-313
        @expected_result custom protocol handler is invoked with various result types

        @test_category data_types:serialization
        # Connect using a custom protocol handler that tracks the various types the result message is used with.
        session = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION).connect(keyspace="custserdes")
        session.client_protocol_handler = CustomProtocolHandlerResultMessageTracked
        session.row_factory = tuple_factory

        colnames = create_table_with_all_types("alltypes", session, 1)
        columns_string = ", ".join(colnames)

        # verify data
        params = get_all_primitive_params(0)
        results = session.execute("SELECT {0} FROM alltypes WHERE primkey=0".format(columns_string))[0]
        for expected, actual in zip(params, results):
            self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
        # Ensure we have covered the various primitive types
        self.assertEqual(len(CustomResultMessageTracked.checked_rev_row_set), len(PRIMITIVE_DATATYPES)-1)
    def test_custom_raw_row_results_all_types(self):
        Test to validate that custom protocol handlers work with varying types of

        Connect, create a table with all sorts of data. Query the data, make the sure the custom results handler is
        used correctly.

        @since 2.7
        @jira_ticket PYTHON-313
        @expected_result custom protocol handler is invoked with various result types

        @test_category data_types:serialization
        # Connect using a custom protocol handler that tracks the various types the result message is used with.
        session = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION).connect(keyspace="custserdes")
        session.client_protocol_handler = CustomProtocolHandlerResultMessageTracked
        session.row_factory = tuple_factory

        colnames = create_table_with_all_types("alltypes", session, 1)
        columns_string = ", ".join(colnames)

        # verify data
        params = get_all_primitive_params(0)
        results = session.execute("SELECT {0} FROM alltypes WHERE primkey=0".format(columns_string))[0]
        for expected, actual in zip(params, results):
            self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
        # Ensure we have covered the various primitive types
        self.assertEqual(len(CustomResultMessageTracked.checked_rev_row_set), len(PRIMITIVE_DATATYPES)-1)
예제 #3
	def initialize_connection(self):

		session = Cluster(contact_points=[], port=self.port).connect(keyspace=self.keyspace)
		session.row_factory = panda_factory
		query = "SELECT epoch_time, post_count, byte_transfer, get_count, requests, visits FROM "+self.source
		DataFrame = session.execute(query).sort(columns=['epoch_time', 'post_count', 'byte_transfer', 'get_count', 'requests', 'visits'], ascending=[1,0,0,0,0,0])
		process = retrieve_insert(DataFrame, session, self.dest) # create instance for the class retrieve_insert
		return 1
예제 #4
    def test_custom_raw_uuid_row_results(self):
        Test to validate that custom protocol handlers work with raw row results

        Connect and validate that the normal protocol handler is used.
        Re-Connect and validate that the custom protocol handler is used.
        Re-Connect and validate that the normal protocol handler is used.

        @since 2.7
        @jira_ticket PYTHON-313
        @expected_result custom protocol handler is invoked appropriately.

        @test_category data_types:serialization

        # Ensure that we get normal uuid back first
        session = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION).connect(
        session.row_factory = tuple_factory
        result_set = session.execute("SELECT schema_version FROM system.local")
        result = result_set.pop()
        uuid_type = result[0]
        self.assertEqual(type(uuid_type), uuid.UUID)

        # use our custom protocol handlder

        session.client_protocol_handler = CustomTestRawRowType
        session.row_factory = tuple_factory
        result_set = session.execute("SELECT schema_version FROM system.local")
        result = result_set.pop()
        raw_value = result.pop()
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(raw_value, binary_type))
        self.assertEqual(len(raw_value), 16)

        # Ensure that we get normal uuid back when we re-connect
        session.client_protocol_handler = ProtocolHandler
        result_set = session.execute("SELECT schema_version FROM system.local")
        result = result_set.pop()
        uuid_type = result[0]
        self.assertEqual(type(uuid_type), uuid.UUID)
    def test_custom_raw_uuid_row_results(self):
        Test to validate that custom protocol handlers work with raw row results

        Connect and validate that the normal protocol handler is used.
        Re-Connect and validate that the custom protocol handler is used.
        Re-Connect and validate that the normal protocol handler is used.

        @since 2.7
        @jira_ticket PYTHON-313
        @expected_result custom protocol handler is invoked appropriately.

        @test_category data_types:serialization

        # Ensure that we get normal uuid back first
        session = Cluster().connect()
        session.row_factory = tuple_factory
        result_set = session.execute("SELECT schema_version FROM system.local")
        result = result_set.pop()
        uuid_type = result[0]
        self.assertEqual(type(uuid_type), uuid.UUID)

        # use our custom protocol handlder

        session.client_protocol_handler = CustomTestRawRowType
        session.row_factory = tuple_factory
        result_set = session.execute("SELECT schema_version FROM system.local")
        result = result_set.pop()
        raw_value = result.pop()
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(raw_value, binary_type))
        self.assertEqual(len(raw_value), 16)

        # Ensure that we get normal uuid back when we re-connect
        session.client_protocol_handler = ProtocolHandler
        result_set = session.execute("SELECT schema_version FROM system.local")
        result = result_set.pop()
        uuid_type = result[0]
        self.assertEqual(type(uuid_type), uuid.UUID)
예제 #6
    def create_connection(self):
        Override the create_connection from the DbConnectionWrapper
        class which get's called in it's initializer
        from cassandra.cluster import Cluster
        from cassandra.query import dict_factory

        session = Cluster(self.nodes).connect()
        # Don't return paged results
        session.default_fetch_size = self.default_fetch_size
        # Return in dictionary format for easy parsing to DataFrame
        session.row_factory = dict_factory

        return session
예제 #7
    def create_connection(self):
        Override the create_connection from the DbConnectionWrapper
        class which get's called in it's initializer
        from cassandra.cluster import Cluster
        from cassandra.query import dict_factory

        session = Cluster(self.nodes).connect()

        # Don't return paged results
        session.default_fetch_size = self.default_fetch_size

        # Return in dictionary format for easy parsing to DataFrame
        session.row_factory = dict_factory

        return session
예제 #8
from cassandra.query import dict_factory
from cassandra.cluster import Cluster
import cassandra_client as client

KEYSPACE = "user_ratings"
TABLE = "ratings"
SESSION = Cluster([''], port=9042).connect()

client.create_keyspace(SESSION, KEYSPACE)
client.create_table(SESSION, KEYSPACE, TABLE)

SESSION.row_factory = dict_factory

def get(user_id: str) -> dict:
    user = SESSION.execute(RATING_QUERY, [user_id])
    if user:
        return user[0]
    return {}

def push(rating: dict):
    client.push_table(SESSION, KEYSPACE, TABLE, rating)

def list() -> list:
    return client.list_table(SESSION, KEYSPACE, TABLE)
예제 #9
파일: 프로젝트: Foolisher/weacast
 web app base singleton utils
 1. session  cassandra driver crud support

from cassandra.cluster import Cluster
from cassandra.decoder import dict_factory
from tornado.options import options

__author__ = 'wanggen'

session = Cluster(contact_points=[options.cassandra_host]).connect(options.cassandra_keyspace)
session.row_factory = dict_factory
예제 #10
 web app base singleton utils
 1. session  cassandra driver crud support

from cassandra.cluster import Cluster
from cassandra.decoder import dict_factory
from tornado.options import options

__author__ = 'wanggen'

session = Cluster(contact_points=[options.cassandra_host]).connect(
session.row_factory = dict_factory
예제 #11
                         double_sum(metric) AS energy
                         FROM battery_metrics.discharge_energy
                         WHERE group=\'{}\' AND cycle={};
                         """.format(group_name, cycle_number))

    # Calculates deep dive metrics (mean, std dev, and percent deviation)
    mean = df["energy"].mean()
    stdev = df["energy"].std()
    df["percent deviation"] = (df["energy"] - mean) * 100.0 / (2.0 * stdev)
    df.sort_values(by="percent deviation", ascending=False)

    for n in ("energy", "percent deviation"):
        df[n] = df[n].map(lambda x: round(x, 1))

    return df.to_dict("records")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Sets formatting for retrieved database query
    db_session.row_factory = create_dataframe
    db_session.default_fetch_size = None

    # Starts Flask/Dash app
    app.run_server(debug=False, host="", port=80)