def step(self): # Connect to Cassandra cluster = Cluster([''], port= 9042) session = cluster.connect() # Link to kafka consumer = KafkaConsumer('observation-persist', bootstrap_servers="") # Process observations for msg in consumer: split_msg = string.split(msg.value,"::") if(len(split_msg) == 16) : session.execute( """ INSERT INTO observation.observations_numeric (feature, procedure, observableproperty, year, month, phenomenontimestart, phenomenontimeend, value, quality, accuracy, status, processing, uncertml, comment, location, parameters) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) """, (split_msg[0],split_msg[1],split_msg[2],int(split_msg[3]),int(split_msg[4]),int(split_msg[5]),int(split_msg[6]), float(split_msg[7]),split_msg[8],float(split_msg[9]),split_msg[10],split_msg[11],split_msg[12], split_msg[13],split_msg[14],split_msg[15]) ) # Close link to kafka consumer.close() cluster.shutdown()
def test_udts_with_nulls(self): """ Test UDTs with null and empty string fields. """ c = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION) s = c.connect() s.execute(""" CREATE KEYSPACE test_udts_with_nulls WITH replication = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1' } """) s.set_keyspace("test_udts_with_nulls") s.execute("CREATE TYPE user (a text, b int, c uuid, d blob)") User = namedtuple('user', ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')) c.register_user_type("test_udts_with_nulls", "user", User) s.execute("CREATE TABLE mytable (a int PRIMARY KEY, b frozen<user>)") insert = s.prepare("INSERT INTO mytable (a, b) VALUES (0, ?)") s.execute(insert, [User(None, None, None, None)]) results = s.execute("SELECT b FROM mytable WHERE a=0") self.assertEqual((None, None, None, None), results[0].b) select = s.prepare("SELECT b FROM mytable WHERE a=0") self.assertEqual((None, None, None, None), s.execute(select)[0].b) # also test empty strings s.execute(insert, [User('', None, None, '')]) results = s.execute("SELECT b FROM mytable WHERE a=0") self.assertEqual(('', None, None, ''), results[0].b) self.assertEqual(('', None, None, ''), s.execute(select)[0].b) c.shutdown()
def insert_rows(starting_partition, ending_partition, rows_per_partition, counter, counter_lock): cluster = Cluster([''], load_balancing_policy=TokenAwarePolicy(RoundRobinPolicy())) try: session = cluster.connect('ks') try: statement = session.prepare('INSERT INTO tbl (a, b, c, d) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)') for partition_key in xrange(starting_partition, ending_partition): batch = None batch_size = 0 for cluster_column in xrange(rows_per_partition): if batch is None: batch = BatchStatement(batch_type=BatchType.UNLOGGED) value1 = random.randint(1, 1000000) value2 = random.randint(1, 1000000) batch.add(statement, [partition_key, cluster_column, value1, value2]) batch_size += 1 if (batch_size == MAX_BATCH_SIZE) or (cluster_column + 1 == rows_per_partition): with counter_lock: counter.value += batch_size session.execute(batch) batch = None batch_size = 0 finally: session.shutdown() finally: cluster.shutdown()
def validate_ssl_options(ssl_options): # find absolute path to client CA_CERTS tries = 0 while True: if tries > 5: raise RuntimeError("Failed to connect to SSL cluster after 5 attempts") try: cluster = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION, ssl_options=ssl_options) session = cluster.connect() break except Exception: ex_type, ex, tb = sys.exc_info() log.warn("{0}: {1} Backtrace: {2}".format(ex_type.__name__, ex, traceback.extract_tb(tb))) del tb tries += 1 # attempt a few simple commands. insert_keyspace = """CREATE KEYSPACE ssltest WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '3'} """ statement = SimpleStatement(insert_keyspace) statement.consistency_level = 3 session.execute(statement) drop_keyspace = "DROP KEYSPACE ssltest" statement = SimpleStatement(drop_keyspace) statement.consistency_level = ConsistencyLevel.ANY session.execute(statement) cluster.shutdown()
def test_cannot_connect_with_bad_client_auth(self): """ Test to validate that we cannot connect with invalid client auth. This test will use bad keys/certs to preform client authentication. It will then attempt to connect to a server that has client authentication enabled. @since 2.7.0 @expected_result The client will throw an exception on connect @test_category connection:ssl """ # Setup absolute paths to key/cert files abs_path_ca_cert_path = os.path.abspath(CLIENT_CA_CERTS) abs_driver_keyfile = os.path.abspath(DRIVER_KEYFILE) abs_driver_certfile = os.path.abspath(DRIVER_CERTFILE_BAD) cluster = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION, ssl_options={'ca_certs': abs_path_ca_cert_path, 'ssl_version': ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1, 'keyfile': abs_driver_keyfile, 'certfile': abs_driver_certfile}) with self.assertRaises(NoHostAvailable) as context: cluster.connect() cluster.shutdown()
def test_white_list(self): use_singledc() keyspace = 'test_white_list' cluster = Cluster(('',), load_balancing_policy=WhiteListRoundRobinPolicy((IP_FORMAT % 2,)), protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION, topology_event_refresh_window=0, status_event_refresh_window=0) session = cluster.connect() self._wait_for_nodes_up([1, 2, 3]) create_schema(cluster, session, keyspace) self._insert(session, keyspace) self._query(session, keyspace) self.coordinator_stats.assert_query_count_equals(self, 1, 0) self.coordinator_stats.assert_query_count_equals(self, 2, 12) self.coordinator_stats.assert_query_count_equals(self, 3, 0) # white list policy should not allow reconnecting to ignored hosts force_stop(3) self._wait_for_nodes_down([3]) self.assertFalse(cluster.metadata._hosts[IP_FORMAT % 3].is_currently_reconnecting()) self.coordinator_stats.reset_counts() force_stop(2) self._wait_for_nodes_down([2]) try: self._query(session, keyspace) except NoHostAvailable: pass cluster.shutdown()
def setup_test_keyspace(): cluster = Cluster() session = cluster.connect() try: results = session.execute("SELECT keyspace_name FROM system.schema_keyspaces") existing_keyspaces = [row[0] for row in results] for ksname in ('test1rf', 'test2rf', 'test3rf'): if ksname in existing_keyspaces: session.execute("DROP KEYSPACE %s" % ksname) ddl = ''' CREATE KEYSPACE test3rf WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '3'}''' session.execute(ddl) ddl = ''' CREATE KEYSPACE test2rf WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '2'}''' session.execute(ddl) ddl = ''' CREATE KEYSPACE test1rf WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1'}''' session.execute(ddl) ddl = ''' CREATE TABLE test3rf.test ( k int PRIMARY KEY, v int )''' session.execute(ddl) finally: cluster.shutdown()
def test_numpy_results_paged(self): """ Test Numpy-based parser that returns a NumPy array """ # arrays = { 'a': arr1, 'b': arr2, ... } cluster = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION) session = cluster.connect(keyspace="testspace") session.row_factory = tuple_factory session.client_protocol_handler = NumpyProtocolHandler session.default_fetch_size = 2 expected_pages = (self.N_ITEMS + session.default_fetch_size - 1) // session.default_fetch_size self.assertLess(session.default_fetch_size, self.N_ITEMS) results = session.execute("SELECT * FROM test_table") self.assertTrue(results.has_more_pages) for count, page in enumerate(results, 1): self.assertIsInstance(page, dict) for colname, arr in page.items(): if count <= expected_pages: self.assertGreater(len(arr), 0, "page count: %d" % (count,)) self.assertLessEqual(len(arr), session.default_fetch_size) else: # we get one extra item out of this iteration because of the way NumpyParser returns results # The last page is returned as a dict with zero-length arrays self.assertEqual(len(arr), 0) self.assertEqual(self._verify_numpy_page(page), len(arr)) self.assertEqual(count, expected_pages + 1) # see note about extra 'page' above cluster.shutdown()
def insert_into_cassandra(partition): if partition: if (USE_REDIS): r1 = redis.StrictRedis(host=REDIS_NODE, port=6379, db=1) # find post by user on batch layer r2 = redis.StrictRedis(host=REDIS_NODE, port=6379, db=2) # find user by post on batch layer if (USE_CASSANDRA): cluster = Cluster(CASSANDRA_CLUSTER_IP_LIST) session = cluster.connect(KEY_SPACE) user_post_stmt = session.prepare("INSERT INTO user_post_table (user, created_utc, url, subreddit, title, year_month, body) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)") post_user_stmt = session.prepare("INSERT INTO post_user_table (url, user, created_utc, subreddit, title, year_month, body) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)") for item in partition: if (USE_REDIS): agg2Redis(r1, item[0], item[10]) agg2Redis(r2, item[10], item[0]) if (USE_CASSANDRA): # author created_utc url subreddit id year_month body session.execute(user_post_stmt, (item[0], long(item[2]) * 1000, item[10], item[3], item[9], item[1], item[5])) session.execute(post_user_stmt, (item[10], item[0], long(item[2]) * 1000, item[3], item[9], item[1], item[5])) if (USE_CASSANDRA): session.shutdown() cluster.shutdown()
def test_can_insert_nested_registered_udts_with_different_namedtuples(self): """ Test for ensuring nested udts are inserted correctly when the created namedtuples are use names that are different the cql type. """ c = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION) s = c.connect(self.keyspace_name, wait_for_all_pools=True) s.row_factory = dict_factory MAX_NESTING_DEPTH = 16 # create the schema self.nested_udt_schema_helper(s, MAX_NESTING_DEPTH) # create and register the seed udt type udts = [] udt = namedtuple('level_0', ('age', 'name')) udts.append(udt) c.register_user_type(self.keyspace_name, "depth_0", udts[0]) # create and register the nested udt types for i in range(MAX_NESTING_DEPTH): udt = namedtuple('level_{0}'.format(i + 1), ('value')) udts.append(udt) c.register_user_type(self.keyspace_name, "depth_{0}".format(i + 1), udts[i + 1]) # insert udts and verify inserts with reads self.nested_udt_verification_helper(s, MAX_NESTING_DEPTH, udts) c.shutdown()
class CassandraClient(object): # Cassandra 2.1 only supports protocol versions 3 and lower. NATIVE_PROTOCOL_VERSION = 3 def __init__(self, contact_points, user, password, keyspace): super(CassandraClient, self).__init__() self._cluster = None self._session = None self._cluster = Cluster( contact_points=contact_points, auth_provider=PlainTextAuthProvider(user, password), protocol_version=self.NATIVE_PROTOCOL_VERSION) self._session = self._connect(keyspace) def _connect(self, keyspace): if not self._cluster.is_shutdown: return self._cluster.connect(keyspace) else: raise Exception("Cannot perform this operation on a terminated " "cluster.") @property def session(self): return self._session def __del__(self): if self._cluster is not None: self._cluster.shutdown() if self._session is not None: self._session.shutdown()
class ConnectionTimeoutTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.defaultInFlight = Connection.max_in_flight Connection.max_in_flight = 2 self.cluster = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION, load_balancing_policy=WhiteListRoundRobinPolicy([''])) self.session = self.cluster.connect() def tearDown(self): Connection.max_in_flight = self.defaultInFlight self.cluster.shutdown() def test_in_flight_timeout(self): """ Test to ensure that connection id fetching will block when max_id is reached/ In previous versions of the driver this test will cause a NoHostAvailable exception to be thrown, when the max_id is restricted @since 3.3 @jira_ticket PYTHON-514 @expected_result When many requests are run on a single node connection acquisition should block until connection is available or the request times out. @test_category connection timeout """ futures = [] query = '''SELECT * FROM system.local''' for i in range(100): futures.append(self.session.execute_async(query)) for future in futures: future.result()
def test_can_insert_udts_with_nulls(self): """ Test the insertion of UDTs with null and empty string fields """ c = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION) s = c.connect(self.keyspace_name, wait_for_all_pools=True) s.execute("CREATE TYPE user (a text, b int, c uuid, d blob)") User = namedtuple('user', ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')) c.register_user_type(self.keyspace_name, "user", User) s.execute("CREATE TABLE mytable (a int PRIMARY KEY, b frozen<user>)") insert = s.prepare("INSERT INTO mytable (a, b) VALUES (0, ?)") s.execute(insert, [User(None, None, None, None)]) results = s.execute("SELECT b FROM mytable WHERE a=0") self.assertEqual((None, None, None, None), results[0].b) select = s.prepare("SELECT b FROM mytable WHERE a=0") self.assertEqual((None, None, None, None), s.execute(select)[0].b) # also test empty strings s.execute(insert, [User('', None, None, six.binary_type())]) results = s.execute("SELECT b FROM mytable WHERE a=0") self.assertEqual(('', None, None, six.binary_type()), results[0].b) c.shutdown()
def test_submit_schema_refresh(self): """ Ensure new new schema is refreshed after submit_schema_refresh() """ cluster = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION) cluster.connect() self.assertNotIn("newkeyspace", cluster.metadata.keyspaces) other_cluster = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION) session = other_cluster.connect() session.execute( """ CREATE KEYSPACE newkeyspace WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1'} """) future = cluster.submit_schema_refresh() future.result() self.assertIn("newkeyspace", cluster.metadata.keyspaces) session.execute("DROP KEYSPACE newkeyspace") cluster.shutdown() other_cluster.shutdown()
def test_pool_management(self): # Ensure that in_flight and request_ids quiesce after cluster operations cluster = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION, idle_heartbeat_interval=0) # no idle heartbeat here, pool management is tested in test_idle_heartbeat session = cluster.connect() session2 = cluster.connect() # prepare p = session.prepare("SELECT * FROM system.local WHERE key=?") self.assertTrue(session.execute(p, ('local',))) # simple self.assertTrue(session.execute("SELECT * FROM system.local WHERE key='local'")) # set keyspace session.set_keyspace('system') session.set_keyspace('system_traces') # use keyspace session.execute('USE system') session.execute('USE system_traces') # refresh schema cluster.refresh_schema_metadata() cluster.refresh_schema_metadata(max_schema_agreement_wait=0) # submit schema refresh future = cluster.submit_schema_refresh() future.result() assert_quiescent_pool_state(self, cluster) cluster.shutdown()
class DuplicateRpcTest(unittest.TestCase): load_balancing_policy = WhiteListRoundRobinPolicy(['']) def setUp(self): self.cluster = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION, load_balancing_policy=self.load_balancing_policy) self.session = self.cluster.connect() self.session.execute("UPDATE system.peers SET rpc_address = '' WHERE peer=''") def tearDown(self): self.session.execute("UPDATE system.peers SET rpc_address = '' WHERE peer=''") self.cluster.shutdown() def test_duplicate(self): """ Test duplicate RPC addresses. Modifies the system.peers table to make hosts have the same rpc address. Ensures such hosts are filtered out and a message is logged @since 3.4 @jira_ticket PYTHON-366 @expected_result only one hosts' metadata will be populated @test_category metadata """ mock_handler = MockLoggingHandler() logger = logging.getLogger(cassandra.cluster.__name__) logger.addHandler(mock_handler) test_cluster = self.cluster = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION, load_balancing_policy=self.load_balancing_policy) test_cluster.connect() warnings = mock_handler.messages.get("warning") self.assertEqual(len(warnings), 1) self.assertTrue('multiple' in warnings[0]) logger.removeHandler(mock_handler)
def test_connect_to_already_shutdown_cluster(self): """ Ensure you cannot connect to a cluster that's been shutdown """ cluster = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION) cluster.shutdown() self.assertRaises(Exception, cluster.connect)
def test_tuples_with_nulls(self): """ Test tuples with null and empty string fields. """ if self._cass_version < (2, 1, 0): raise unittest.SkipTest("The tuple type was introduced in Cassandra 2.1") c = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION) s = c.connect() s.execute("""CREATE KEYSPACE test_tuples_with_nulls WITH replication = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1'}""") s.set_keyspace("test_tuples_with_nulls") s.execute("CREATE TABLE mytable (k int PRIMARY KEY, t tuple<text, int, uuid, blob>)") insert = s.prepare("INSERT INTO mytable (k, t) VALUES (0, ?)") s.execute(insert, [(None, None, None, None)]) result = s.execute("SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE k=0") self.assertEquals((None, None, None, None), result[0].t) read = s.prepare("SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE k=0") self.assertEquals((None, None, None, None), s.execute(read)[0].t) # also test empty strings where compatible s.execute(insert, [('', None, None, '')]) result = s.execute("SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE k=0") self.assertEquals(('', None, None, ''), result[0].t) self.assertEquals(('', None, None, ''), s.execute(read)[0].t) c.shutdown()
def test_custom_raw_row_results_all_types(self): """ Test to validate that custom protocol handlers work with varying types of results Connect, create a table with all sorts of data. Query the data, make the sure the custom results handler is used correctly. @since 2.7 @jira_ticket PYTHON-313 @expected_result custom protocol handler is invoked with various result types @test_category data_types:serialization """ # Connect using a custom protocol handler that tracks the various types the result message is used with. session = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION).connect(keyspace="custserdes") session.client_protocol_handler = CustomProtocolHandlerResultMessageTracked session.row_factory = tuple_factory colnames = create_table_with_all_types("alltypes", session, 1) columns_string = ", ".join(colnames) # verify data params = get_all_primitive_params(0) results = session.execute("SELECT {0} FROM alltypes WHERE primkey=0".format(columns_string))[0] for expected, actual in zip(params, results): self.assertEqual(actual, expected) # Ensure we have covered the various primitive types self.assertEqual(len(CustomResultMessageTracked.checked_rev_row_set), len(PRIMITIVE_DATATYPES)-1) session.shutdown()
def test_none_values_dicts(self): """ Ensure binding None is handled correctly with dict bindings """ cluster = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION) session = cluster.connect() # test with new dict binding prepared = session.prepare( """ INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (?, ?) """) self.assertIsInstance(prepared, PreparedStatement) bound = prepared.bind({'k': 1, 'v': None}) session.execute(bound) prepared = session.prepare( """ SELECT * FROM test3rf.test WHERE k=? """) self.assertIsInstance(prepared, PreparedStatement) bound = prepared.bind({'k': 1}) results = session.execute(bound) self.assertEqual(results[0].v, None) cluster.shutdown()
def _test_downgrading_cl(self, keyspace, rf, accepted): cluster = Cluster( load_balancing_policy=TokenAwarePolicy(RoundRobinPolicy()), default_retry_policy=DowngradingConsistencyRetryPolicy(), protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION) session = cluster.connect(wait_for_all_pools=True) create_schema(cluster, session, keyspace, replication_factor=rf) self._insert(session, keyspace, 1) self._query(session, keyspace, 1) self.coordinator_stats.assert_query_count_equals(self, 1, 0) self.coordinator_stats.assert_query_count_equals(self, 2, 1) self.coordinator_stats.assert_query_count_equals(self, 3, 0) try: force_stop(2) wait_for_down(cluster, 2) self._assert_writes_succeed(session, keyspace, accepted) self._assert_reads_succeed(session, keyspace, accepted - set([ConsistencyLevel.ANY])) self._assert_writes_fail(session, keyspace, SINGLE_DC_CONSISTENCY_LEVELS - accepted) self._assert_reads_fail(session, keyspace, SINGLE_DC_CONSISTENCY_LEVELS - accepted) finally: start(2) wait_for_up(cluster, 2) cluster.shutdown()
def test_async_binding_dicts(self): """ Ensure None binding over async queries with dict bindings """ cluster = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION) session = cluster.connect() prepared = session.prepare( """ INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (?, ?) """) self.assertIsInstance(prepared, PreparedStatement) future = session.execute_async(prepared, {'k': 873, 'v': None}) future.result() prepared = session.prepare( """ SELECT * FROM test3rf.test WHERE k=? """) self.assertIsInstance(prepared, PreparedStatement) future = session.execute_async(prepared, {'k': 873}) results = future.result() self.assertEqual(results[0].v, None) cluster.shutdown()
def test_session_no_cluster(self): """ Test session context without cluster context. @since 3.4 @jira_ticket PYTHON-521 @expected_result session should be created correctly. Session should shutdown correctly outside of context @test_category configuration """ cluster = Cluster(**self.cluster_kwargs) unmanaged_session = cluster.connect() with cluster.connect() as session: self.assertFalse(cluster.is_shutdown) self.assertFalse(session.is_shutdown) self.assertFalse(unmanaged_session.is_shutdown) self.assertTrue(session.execute('select release_version from system.local')[0]) self.assertTrue(session.is_shutdown) self.assertFalse(cluster.is_shutdown) self.assertFalse(unmanaged_session.is_shutdown) unmanaged_session.shutdown() self.assertTrue(unmanaged_session.is_shutdown) self.assertFalse(cluster.is_shutdown) cluster.shutdown() self.assertTrue(cluster.is_shutdown)
def setup(hosts):"Using 'cassandra' package from %s", cassandra.__path__) cluster = Cluster(hosts) cluster.set_core_connections_per_host(HostDistance.LOCAL, 1) try: session = cluster.connect() log.debug("Creating keyspace...") session.execute(""" CREATE KEYSPACE %s WITH replication = { 'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '2' } """ % KEYSPACE) log.debug("Setting keyspace...") session.set_keyspace(KEYSPACE) log.debug("Creating table...") session.execute(""" CREATE TABLE %s ( thekey text, col1 text, col2 text, PRIMARY KEY (thekey, col1) ) """ % TABLE) finally: cluster.shutdown()
def handle_noargs(self, **options): cluster = Cluster() session = cluster.connect() # Checking if keysapce exists query = "SELECT * FROM system.schema_keyspaces WHERE keyspace_name='%s';" % KEYSPACE_NAME result = session.execute(query) if len(result) != 0: msg = 'Looks like you already have a %s keyspace.\nDo you want to delete it and recreate it? All current data will be deleted! (y/n): ' % KEYSPACE_NAME resp = raw_input(msg) if not resp or resp[0] != 'y': print "Ok, then we're done here." return query = "DROP KEYSPACE %s" % KEYSPACE_NAME session.execute(query) # Creating keysapce query = "CREATE KEYSPACE tess WITH REPLICATION = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1};" session.execute(query) # Creating tables query = "USE tess;" session.execute(query) query = "CREATE TABLE emotiv_eeg_record (test_id int, time double, AF3 double, F7 double, F3 double, FC5 double, T7 double, P7 double, O1 double, O2 double, P8 double, T8 double, FC6 double, F4 double, F8 double, AF4 double, PRIMARY KEY (test_id, time));" session.execute(query) cluster.shutdown() print 'All done!'
def test_can_insert_tuples_all_primitive_datatypes(self): """ Ensure tuple subtypes are appropriately handled. """ if self.cass_version < (2, 1, 0): raise unittest.SkipTest("The tuple type was introduced in Cassandra 2.1") c = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION) s = c.connect(self.keyspace_name) s.encoder.mapping[tuple] = s.encoder.cql_encode_tuple s.execute("CREATE TABLE tuple_primitive (" "k int PRIMARY KEY, " "v frozen<tuple<%s>>)" % ','.join(PRIMITIVE_DATATYPES)) values = [] type_count = len(PRIMITIVE_DATATYPES) for i, data_type in enumerate(PRIMITIVE_DATATYPES): # create tuples to be written and ensure they match with the expected response # responses have trailing None values for every element that has not been written values.append(get_sample(data_type)) expected = tuple(values + [None] * (type_count - len(values))) s.execute("INSERT INTO tuple_primitive (k, v) VALUES (%s, %s)", (i, tuple(values))) result = s.execute("SELECT v FROM tuple_primitive WHERE k=%s", (i,))[0] self.assertEqual(result.v, expected) c.shutdown()
def test_raise_error_on_prepared_statement_execution_dropped_table(self): """ test for error in executing prepared statement on a dropped table test_raise_error_on_execute_prepared_statement_dropped_table tests that an InvalidRequest is raised when a prepared statement is executed after its corresponding table is dropped. This happens because if a prepared statement is invalid, the driver attempts to automatically re-prepare it on a non-existing table. @expected_errors InvalidRequest If a prepared statement is executed on a dropped table @since 2.6.0 @jira_ticket PYTHON-207 @expected_result InvalidRequest error should be raised upon prepared statement execution. @test_category prepared_statements """ cluster = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION) session = cluster.connect("test3rf") session.execute("CREATE TABLE error_test (k int PRIMARY KEY, v int)") prepared = session.prepare("SELECT * FROM error_test WHERE k=?") session.execute("DROP TABLE error_test") with self.assertRaises(InvalidRequest): session.execute(prepared, [0]) cluster.shutdown()
def test_basic(self): cluster = Cluster() session = cluster.connect() result = session.execute( """ CREATE KEYSPACE clustertests WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1'} """) self.assertEquals(None, result) result = session.execute( """ CREATE TABLE clustertests.cf0 ( a text, b text, c text, PRIMARY KEY (a, b) ) """) self.assertEquals(None, result) result = session.execute( """ INSERT INTO clustertests.cf0 (a, b, c) VALUES ('a', 'b', 'c') """) self.assertEquals(None, result) result = session.execute("SELECT * FROM clustertests.cf0") self.assertEquals([('a', 'b', 'c')], result) cluster.shutdown()
def teardown_class(cls): cluster = Cluster(['']) session = cluster.connect() try: session.execute("DROP KEYSPACE %s" % cls.ksname) finally: cluster.shutdown()
def insert_graph(rdd): if rdd: if (USE_REDIS): r4 = redis.StrictRedis(host=REDIS_NODE, port=6379, db=4) # read modify write on realtime graph for item in rdd: agg2graph(r4, item[0], item[1], item[2]) agg2graph(r4, item[2], item[1], item[0]) if (USE_CASSANDRA): cluster = Cluster(CASSANDRA_CLUSTER_IP_LIST) session = cluster.connect(KEY_SPACE) graph_stmt = session.prepare("INSERT INTO user_graph_realtime (user1, nCommonPosts, user2) VALUES (?,?,?)") for item in rdd: userPair = session.execute("SELECT * FROM user_graph_realtime WHERE user1=%s and user2=%s ALLOW FILTERING", parameters=[item[0], item[2]]) if (userPair == None): # insert new entry into realtime graph session.execute(graph_stmt, (item[0], int(item[1]), item[2])) session.execute(graph_stmt, (item[2], int(item[1]), item[0])) else: # update entry in realtime graph oldEdgeWeight = userPair.nCommonPosts session.execute("UPDATE user_graph_realtime SET nCommonPosts=%d WHERE user1=%s and user2=%s ALLOW FILTERING", parameters=[int(item[1]) + int(oldEdgeWeight), item[0], item[2]]) session.execute("UPDATE user_graph_realtime SET nCommonPosts=%d WHERE user1=%s and user2=%s ALLOW FILTERING", parameters=[int(item[1]) + int(oldEdgeWeight), item[2], item[0]]) session.shutdown() cluster.shutdown()
class DatastoreProxy(AppDBInterface): """ Cassandra implementation of the AppDBInterface """ def __init__(self, log_level=logging.INFO): """ Constructor. """ class_name = self.__class__.__name__ self.logger = logging.getLogger(class_name) self.logger.setLevel(log_level)'Starting {}'.format(class_name)) self.hosts = appscale_info.get_db_ips() self.retry_policy = IdempotentRetryPolicy() self.no_retries = FallthroughRetryPolicy() remaining_retries = INITIAL_CONNECT_RETRIES while True: try: self.cluster = Cluster(self.hosts, default_retry_policy=self.retry_policy) self.session = self.cluster.connect(KEYSPACE) break except cassandra.cluster.NoHostAvailable as connection_error: remaining_retries -= 1 if remaining_retries < 0: raise connection_error time.sleep(3) self.session.default_consistency_level = ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM def close(self): """ Close all sessions and connections to Cassandra. """ self.cluster.shutdown() def batch_get_entity(self, table_name, row_keys, column_names): """ Takes in batches of keys and retrieves their corresponding rows. Args: table_name: The table to access row_keys: A list of keys to access column_names: A list of columns to access Returns: A dictionary of rows and columns/values of those rows. The format looks like such: {key:{column_name:value,...}} Raises: TypeError: If an argument passed in was not of the expected type. AppScaleDBConnectionError: If the batch_get could not be performed due to an error with Cassandra. """ if not isinstance(table_name, str): raise TypeError("Expected a str") if not isinstance(column_names, list): raise TypeError("Expected a list") if not isinstance(row_keys, list): raise TypeError("Expected a list") row_keys_bytes = [bytearray(row_key) for row_key in row_keys] statement = 'SELECT * FROM "{table}" '\ 'WHERE {key} IN %s and {column} IN %s'.format( table=table_name, key=ThriftColumn.KEY, column=ThriftColumn.COLUMN_NAME, ) query = SimpleStatement(statement, retry_policy=self.retry_policy) parameters = (ValueSequence(row_keys_bytes), ValueSequence(column_names)) try: results = self.session.execute(query, parameters=parameters) results_dict = {row_key: {} for row_key in row_keys} for (key, column, value) in results: if key not in results_dict: results_dict[key] = {} results_dict[key][column] = value return results_dict except dbconstants.TRANSIENT_CASSANDRA_ERRORS: message = 'Exception during batch_get_entity' logging.exception(message) raise AppScaleDBConnectionError(message) def batch_put_entity(self, table_name, row_keys, column_names, cell_values, ttl=None): """ Allows callers to store multiple rows with a single call. A row can have multiple columns and values with them. We refer to each row as an entity. Args: table_name: The table to mutate row_keys: A list of keys to store on column_names: A list of columns to mutate cell_values: A dict of key/value pairs ttl: The number of seconds to keep the row. Raises: TypeError: If an argument passed in was not of the expected type. AppScaleDBConnectionError: If the batch_put could not be performed due to an error with Cassandra. """ if not isinstance(table_name, str): raise TypeError("Expected a str") if not isinstance(column_names, list): raise TypeError("Expected a list") if not isinstance(row_keys, list): raise TypeError("Expected a list") if not isinstance(cell_values, dict): raise TypeError("Expected a dict") insert_str = """ INSERT INTO "{table}" ({key}, {column}, {value}) VALUES (?, ?, ?) """.format(table=table_name, key=ThriftColumn.KEY, column=ThriftColumn.COLUMN_NAME, value=ThriftColumn.VALUE) if ttl is not None: insert_str += 'USING TTL {}'.format(ttl) statement = self.session.prepare(insert_str) statements_and_params = [] for row_key in row_keys: for column in column_names: params = (bytearray(row_key), column, bytearray(cell_values[row_key][column])) statements_and_params.append((statement, params)) try: execute_concurrent(self.session, statements_and_params, raise_on_first_error=True) except dbconstants.TRANSIENT_CASSANDRA_ERRORS: message = 'Exception during batch_put_entity' logging.exception(message) raise AppScaleDBConnectionError(message) def prepare_insert(self, table): """ Prepare an insert statement. Args: table: A string containing the table name. Returns: A PreparedStatement object. """ statement = """ INSERT INTO "{table}" ({key}, {column}, {value}) VALUES (?, ?, ?) """.format(table=table, key=ThriftColumn.KEY, column=ThriftColumn.COLUMN_NAME, value=ThriftColumn.VALUE) return self.session.prepare(statement) def prepare_delete(self, table): """ Prepare a delete statement. Args: table: A string containing the table name. Returns: A PreparedStatement object. """ statement = """ DELETE FROM "{table}" WHERE {key} = ? """.format(table=table, key=ThriftColumn.KEY) return self.session.prepare(statement) def _normal_batch(self, mutations): """ Use Cassandra's native batch statement to apply mutations atomically. Args: mutations: A list of dictionaries representing mutations. """ self.logger.debug('Normal batch: {} mutations'.format(len(mutations))) batch = BatchStatement(consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM, retry_policy=self.retry_policy) prepared_statements = {'insert': {}, 'delete': {}} for mutation in mutations: table = mutation['table'] if mutation['operation'] == TxnActions.PUT: if table not in prepared_statements['insert']: prepared_statements['insert'][table] = self.prepare_insert(table) values = mutation['values'] for column in values: batch.add( prepared_statements['insert'][table], (bytearray(mutation['key']), column, bytearray(values[column])) ) elif mutation['operation'] == TxnActions.DELETE: if table not in prepared_statements['delete']: prepared_statements['delete'][table] = self.prepare_delete(table) batch.add( prepared_statements['delete'][table], (bytearray(mutation['key']),) ) try: self.session.execute(batch) except dbconstants.TRANSIENT_CASSANDRA_ERRORS: message = 'Exception during batch_mutate' logging.exception(message) raise AppScaleDBConnectionError(message) def apply_mutations(self, mutations): """ Apply mutations across tables. Args: mutations: A list of dictionaries representing mutations. """ prepared_statements = {'insert': {}, 'delete': {}} statements_and_params = [] for mutation in mutations: table = mutation['table'] if mutation['operation'] == TxnActions.PUT: if table not in prepared_statements['insert']: prepared_statements['insert'][table] = self.prepare_insert(table) values = mutation['values'] for column in values: params = (bytearray(mutation['key']), column, bytearray(values[column])) statements_and_params.append( (prepared_statements['insert'][table], params)) elif mutation['operation'] == TxnActions.DELETE: if table not in prepared_statements['delete']: prepared_statements['delete'][table] = self.prepare_delete(table) params = (bytearray(mutation['key']),) statements_and_params.append( (prepared_statements['delete'][table], params)) execute_concurrent(self.session, statements_and_params, raise_on_first_error=True) def _large_batch(self, app, mutations, entity_changes, txn): """ Insert or delete multiple rows across tables in an atomic statement. Args: app: A string containing the application ID. mutations: A list of dictionaries representing mutations. entity_changes: A list of changes at the entity level. txn: A transaction ID handler. Raises: FailedBatch if a concurrent process modifies the batch status. AppScaleDBConnectionError if a database connection error was encountered. """ self.logger.debug('Large batch: transaction {}, {} mutations'. format(txn, len(mutations))) set_status = """ INSERT INTO batch_status (app, transaction, applied) VALUES (%(app)s, %(transaction)s, False) IF NOT EXISTS """ parameters = {'app': app, 'transaction': txn} result = self.session.execute(set_status, parameters) if not result.was_applied: raise FailedBatch('A batch for transaction {} already exists'. format(txn)) insert_item = """ INSERT INTO batches (app, transaction, namespace, path, old_value, new_value) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) """ insert_statement = self.session.prepare(insert_item) statements_and_params = [] for entity_change in entity_changes: old_value = None if entity_change['old'] is not None: old_value = bytearray(entity_change['old'].Encode()) new_value = None if entity_change['new'] is not None: new_value = bytearray(entity_change['new'].Encode()) parameters = (app, txn, entity_change['key'].name_space(), bytearray(entity_change['key'].path().Encode()), old_value, new_value) statements_and_params.append((insert_statement, parameters)) try: execute_concurrent(self.session, statements_and_params, raise_on_first_error=True) except dbconstants.TRANSIENT_CASSANDRA_ERRORS: message = 'Exception during large batch' logging.exception(message) raise AppScaleDBConnectionError(message) update_status = """ UPDATE batch_status SET applied = True WHERE app = %(app)s AND transaction = %(transaction)s IF applied = False """ parameters = {'app': app, 'transaction': txn} result = self.session.execute(update_status, parameters) if not result.was_applied: raise FailedBatch('Another process modified batch for transaction {}'. format(txn)) try: self.apply_mutations(mutations) except dbconstants.TRANSIENT_CASSANDRA_ERRORS: message = 'Exception during large batch' logging.exception(message) raise AppScaleDBConnectionError(message) clear_batch = """ DELETE FROM batches WHERE app = %(app)s AND transaction = %(transaction)s """ parameters = {'app': app, 'transaction': txn} self.session.execute(clear_batch, parameters) clear_status = """ DELETE FROM batch_status WHERE app = %(app)s and transaction = %(transaction)s """ parameters = {'app': app, 'transaction': txn} self.session.execute(clear_status, parameters) def batch_mutate(self, app, mutations, entity_changes, txn): """ Insert or delete multiple rows across tables in an atomic statement. Args: app: A string containing the application ID. mutations: A list of dictionaries representing mutations. entity_changes: A list of changes at the entity level. txn: A transaction ID handler. """ size = batch_size(mutations) self.logger.debug('batch_size: {}'.format(size)) if size > LARGE_BATCH_THRESHOLD: self._large_batch(app, mutations, entity_changes, txn) else: self._normal_batch(mutations) def batch_delete(self, table_name, row_keys, column_names=()): """ Remove a set of rows corresponding to a set of keys. Args: table_name: Table to delete rows from row_keys: A list of keys to remove column_names: Not used Raises: TypeError: If an argument passed in was not of the expected type. AppScaleDBConnectionError: If the batch_delete could not be performed due to an error with Cassandra. """ if not isinstance(table_name, str): raise TypeError("Expected a str") if not isinstance(row_keys, list): raise TypeError("Expected a list") row_keys_bytes = [bytearray(row_key) for row_key in row_keys] statement = 'DELETE FROM "{table}" WHERE {key} IN %s'.\ format( table=table_name, key=ThriftColumn.KEY ) query = SimpleStatement(statement, retry_policy=self.retry_policy) parameters = (ValueSequence(row_keys_bytes),) try: self.session.execute(query, parameters=parameters) except dbconstants.TRANSIENT_CASSANDRA_ERRORS: message = 'Exception during batch_delete' logging.exception(message) raise AppScaleDBConnectionError(message) def delete_table(self, table_name): """ Drops a given table (aka column family in Cassandra) Args: table_name: A string name of the table to drop Raises: TypeError: If an argument passed in was not of the expected type. AppScaleDBConnectionError: If the delete_table could not be performed due to an error with Cassandra. """ if not isinstance(table_name, str): raise TypeError("Expected a str") statement = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "{table}"'.format(table=table_name) query = SimpleStatement(statement, retry_policy=self.retry_policy) try: self.session.execute(query) except dbconstants.TRANSIENT_CASSANDRA_ERRORS: message = 'Exception during delete_table' logging.exception(message) raise AppScaleDBConnectionError(message) def create_table(self, table_name, column_names): """ Creates a table if it doesn't already exist. Args: table_name: The column family name column_names: Not used but here to match the interface Raises: TypeError: If an argument passed in was not of the expected type. AppScaleDBConnectionError: If the create_table could not be performed due to an error with Cassandra. """ if not isinstance(table_name, str): raise TypeError("Expected a str") if not isinstance(column_names, list): raise TypeError("Expected a list") statement = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "{table}" ('\ '{key} blob,'\ '{column} text,'\ '{value} blob,'\ 'PRIMARY KEY ({key}, {column})'\ ') WITH COMPACT STORAGE'.format( table=table_name, key=ThriftColumn.KEY, column=ThriftColumn.COLUMN_NAME, value=ThriftColumn.VALUE ) query = SimpleStatement(statement, retry_policy=self.no_retries) try: self.session.execute(query) except cassandra.OperationTimedOut: logging.warning('Encountered an operation timeout while creating a ' 'table. Waiting 1 minute for schema to settle.') time.sleep(60) raise AppScaleDBConnectionError('Exception during create_table') except (error for error in dbconstants.TRANSIENT_CASSANDRA_ERRORS if error != cassandra.OperationTimedOut): message = 'Exception during create_table' logging.exception(message) raise AppScaleDBConnectionError(message) def range_query(self, table_name, column_names, start_key, end_key, limit, offset=0, start_inclusive=True, end_inclusive=True, keys_only=False): """ Gets a dense range ordered by keys. Returns an ordered list of a dictionary of [key:{column1:value1, column2:value2},...] or a list of keys if keys only. Args: table_name: Name of table to access column_names: Columns which get returned within the key range start_key: String for which the query starts at end_key: String for which the query ends at limit: Maximum number of results to return offset: Cuts off these many from the results [offset:] start_inclusive: Boolean if results should include the start_key end_inclusive: Boolean if results should include the end_key keys_only: Boolean if to only keys and not values Raises: TypeError: If an argument passed in was not of the expected type. AppScaleDBConnectionError: If the range_query could not be performed due to an error with Cassandra. Returns: An ordered list of dictionaries of key=>columns/values """ if not isinstance(table_name, str): raise TypeError('table_name must be a string') if not isinstance(column_names, list): raise TypeError('column_names must be a list') if not isinstance(start_key, str): raise TypeError('start_key must be a string') if not isinstance(end_key, str): raise TypeError('end_key must be a string') if not isinstance(limit, (int, long)) and limit is not None: raise TypeError('limit must be int, long, or NoneType') if not isinstance(offset, (int, long)): raise TypeError('offset must be int or long') if start_inclusive: gt_compare = '>=' else: gt_compare = '>' if end_inclusive: lt_compare = '<=' else: lt_compare = '<' query_limit = '' if limit is not None: query_limit = 'LIMIT {}'.format(len(column_names) * limit) statement = """ SELECT * FROM "{table}" WHERE token({key}) {gt_compare} %s AND token({key}) {lt_compare} %s AND {column} IN %s {limit} ALLOW FILTERING """.format(table=table_name, key=ThriftColumn.KEY, gt_compare=gt_compare, lt_compare=lt_compare, column=ThriftColumn.COLUMN_NAME, limit=query_limit) query = SimpleStatement(statement, retry_policy=self.retry_policy) parameters = (bytearray(start_key), bytearray(end_key), ValueSequence(column_names)) try: results = self.session.execute(query, parameters=parameters) results_list = [] current_item = {} current_key = None for (key, column, value) in results: if keys_only: results_list.append(key) continue if key != current_key: if current_item: results_list.append({current_key: current_item}) current_item = {} current_key = key current_item[column] = value if current_item: results_list.append({current_key: current_item}) return results_list[offset:] except dbconstants.TRANSIENT_CASSANDRA_ERRORS: message = 'Exception during range_query' logging.exception(message) raise AppScaleDBConnectionError(message) def get_metadata(self, key): """ Retrieve a value from the datastore metadata table. Args: key: A string containing the key to fetch. Returns: A string containing the value or None if the key is not present. """ statement = """ SELECT {value} FROM "{table}" WHERE {key} = %s AND {column} = %s """.format( value=ThriftColumn.VALUE, table=dbconstants.DATASTORE_METADATA_TABLE, key=ThriftColumn.KEY, column=ThriftColumn.COLUMN_NAME ) try: results = self.session.execute(statement, (bytearray(key), key)) except dbconstants.TRANSIENT_CASSANDRA_ERRORS: message = 'Unable to fetch {} from datastore metadata'.format(key) logging.exception(message) raise AppScaleDBConnectionError(message) try: return results[0].value except IndexError: return None def set_metadata(self, key, value): """ Set a datastore metadata value. Args: key: A string containing the key to set. value: A string containing the value to set. """ if not isinstance(key, str): raise TypeError('key should be a string') if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError('value should be a string') statement = """ INSERT INTO "{table}" ({key}, {column}, {value}) VALUES (%(key)s, %(column)s, %(value)s) """.format( table=dbconstants.DATASTORE_METADATA_TABLE, key=ThriftColumn.KEY, column=ThriftColumn.COLUMN_NAME, value=ThriftColumn.VALUE ) parameters = {'key': bytearray(key), 'column': key, 'value': bytearray(value)} try: self.session.execute(statement, parameters) except dbconstants.TRANSIENT_CASSANDRA_ERRORS: message = 'Unable to set datastore metadata for {}'.format(key) logging.exception(message) raise AppScaleDBConnectionError(message) except cassandra.InvalidRequest: self.create_table(dbconstants.DATASTORE_METADATA_TABLE, dbconstants.DATASTORE_METADATA_SCHEMA) self.session.execute(statement, parameters) def get_indices(self, app_id): """ Gets the indices of the given application. Args: app_id: Name of the application. Returns: Returns a list of encoded entity_pb.CompositeIndex objects. """ start_key = dbconstants.KEY_DELIMITER.join([app_id, 'index', '']) end_key = dbconstants.KEY_DELIMITER.join( [app_id, 'index', dbconstants.TERMINATING_STRING]) result = self.range_query( dbconstants.METADATA_TABLE, dbconstants.METADATA_SCHEMA, start_key, end_key, dbconstants.MAX_NUMBER_OF_COMPOSITE_INDEXES, offset=0, start_inclusive=True, end_inclusive=True) list_result = [] for list_item in result: for key, value in list_item.iteritems(): list_result.append(value['data']) return list_result def valid_data_version(self): """ Checks whether or not the data layout can be used. Returns: A boolean. """ try: version = self.get_metadata(VERSION_INFO_KEY) except cassandra.InvalidRequest: return False return version is not None and float(version) == EXPECTED_DATA_VERSION
fr = bool(row[6]) price = float(row[7]) session.execute( """ INSERT INTO Application (id, name, category, rating, reviews, size, installs, free, price_dollar, content_rating, genres, last_update, current_ver, android_ver) values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) """, (uuid.uuid1(), row[0], row[1], rating, rev, row[4], row[5], fr, price, row[8], row[9], row[10], row[11], row[12])) line_count += 1 return if __name__ == "__main__": args = parse_arguments() if args.file is None or not os.path.exists(args.file): exit(0) #Connect cluster auth_provider = PlainTextAuthProvider(username='******', password='******') cluster = Cluster(['cassan2'], auth_provider=auth_provider, port=9042) session = cluster.connect() #Enter in the keyspace session.execute("USE Customer1;") fill_database(session, args.file) #Close cluster cluster.shutdown()
class PreparedStatementTests(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.cass_version = get_server_versions() def setUp(self): self.cluster = Cluster(metrics_enabled=True, protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION) self.session = self.cluster.connect() def tearDown(self): self.cluster.shutdown() def test_basic(self): """ Test basic PreparedStatement usage """ self.session.execute(""" DROP KEYSPACE IF EXISTS preparedtests """) self.session.execute(""" CREATE KEYSPACE preparedtests WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1'} """) self.session.set_keyspace("preparedtests") self.session.execute(""" CREATE TABLE cf0 ( a text, b text, c text, PRIMARY KEY (a, b) ) """) prepared = self.session.prepare(""" INSERT INTO cf0 (a, b, c) VALUES (?, ?, ?) """) self.assertIsInstance(prepared, PreparedStatement) bound = prepared.bind(('a', 'b', 'c')) self.session.execute(bound) prepared = self.session.prepare(""" SELECT * FROM cf0 WHERE a=? """) self.assertIsInstance(prepared, PreparedStatement) bound = prepared.bind(('a')) results = self.session.execute(bound) self.assertEqual(results, [('a', 'b', 'c')]) # test with new dict binding prepared = self.session.prepare(""" INSERT INTO cf0 (a, b, c) VALUES (?, ?, ?) """) self.assertIsInstance(prepared, PreparedStatement) bound = prepared.bind({'a': 'x', 'b': 'y', 'c': 'z'}) self.session.execute(bound) prepared = self.session.prepare(""" SELECT * FROM cf0 WHERE a=? """) self.assertIsInstance(prepared, PreparedStatement) bound = prepared.bind({'a': 'x'}) results = self.session.execute(bound) self.assertEqual(results, [('x', 'y', 'z')]) def test_missing_primary_key(self): """ Ensure an InvalidRequest is thrown when prepared statements are missing the primary key """ self._run_missing_primary_key(self.session) def _run_missing_primary_key(self, session): statement_to_prepare = """INSERT INTO test3rf.test (v) VALUES (?)""" # logic needed work with changes in CASSANDRA-6237 if self.cass_version[0] >= (3, 0, 0): self.assertRaises(InvalidRequest, session.prepare, statement_to_prepare) else: prepared = session.prepare(statement_to_prepare) self.assertIsInstance(prepared, PreparedStatement) bound = prepared.bind((1, )) self.assertRaises(InvalidRequest, session.execute, bound) def test_missing_primary_key_dicts(self): """ Ensure an InvalidRequest is thrown when prepared statements are missing the primary key with dict bindings """ self._run_missing_primary_key_dicts(self.session) def _run_missing_primary_key_dicts(self, session): statement_to_prepare = """ INSERT INTO test3rf.test (v) VALUES (?)""" # logic needed work with changes in CASSANDRA-6237 if self.cass_version[0] >= (3, 0, 0): self.assertRaises(InvalidRequest, session.prepare, statement_to_prepare) else: prepared = session.prepare(statement_to_prepare) self.assertIsInstance(prepared, PreparedStatement) bound = prepared.bind({'v': 1}) self.assertRaises(InvalidRequest, session.execute, bound) def test_too_many_bind_values(self): """ Ensure a ValueError is thrown when attempting to bind too many variables """ self._run_too_many_bind_values(self.session) def _run_too_many_bind_values(self, session): statement_to_prepare = """ INSERT INTO test3rf.test (v) VALUES (?)""" # logic needed work with changes in CASSANDRA-6237 if self.cass_version[0] >= (3, 0, 0): self.assertRaises(InvalidRequest, session.prepare, statement_to_prepare) else: prepared = session.prepare(statement_to_prepare) self.assertIsInstance(prepared, PreparedStatement) self.assertRaises(ValueError, prepared.bind, (1, 2)) def test_imprecise_bind_values_dicts(self): """ Ensure an error is thrown when attempting to bind the wrong values with dict bindings """ prepared = self.session.prepare(""" INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (?, ?) """) self.assertIsInstance(prepared, PreparedStatement) # too many values is ok - others are ignored prepared.bind({'k': 1, 'v': 2, 'v2': 3}) # right number, but one does not belong if PROTOCOL_VERSION < 4: # pre v4, the driver bails with key error when 'v' is found missing self.assertRaises(KeyError, prepared.bind, {'k': 1, 'v2': 3}) else: # post v4, the driver uses UNSET_VALUE for 'v' and 'v2' is ignored prepared.bind({'k': 1, 'v2': 3}) # also catch too few variables with dicts self.assertIsInstance(prepared, PreparedStatement) if PROTOCOL_VERSION < 4: self.assertRaises(KeyError, prepared.bind, {}) else: # post v4, the driver attempts to use UNSET_VALUE for unspecified keys self.assertRaises(ValueError, prepared.bind, {}) def test_none_values(self): """ Ensure binding None is handled correctly """ prepared = self.session.prepare(""" INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (?, ?) """) self.assertIsInstance(prepared, PreparedStatement) bound = prepared.bind((1, None)) self.session.execute(bound) prepared = self.session.prepare(""" SELECT * FROM test3rf.test WHERE k=? """) self.assertIsInstance(prepared, PreparedStatement) bound = prepared.bind((1, )) results = self.session.execute(bound) self.assertEqual(results[0].v, None) def test_unset_values(self): """ Test to validate that UNSET_VALUEs are bound, and have the expected effect Prepare a statement and insert all values. Then follow with execute excluding parameters. Verify that the original values are unaffected. @since 2.6.0 @jira_ticket PYTHON-317 @expected_result UNSET_VALUE is implicitly added to bind parameters, and properly encoded, leving unset values unaffected. @test_category prepared_statements:binding """ if PROTOCOL_VERSION < 4: raise unittest.SkipTest( "Binding UNSET values is not supported in protocol version < 4" ) # table with at least two values so one can be used as a marker self.session.execute( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test1rf.test_unset_values (k int PRIMARY KEY, v0 int, v1 int)" ) insert = self.session.prepare( "INSERT INTO test1rf.test_unset_values (k, v0, v1) VALUES (?, ?, ?)" ) select = self.session.prepare( "SELECT * FROM test1rf.test_unset_values WHERE k=?") bind_expected = [ # initial condition ((0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0)), # unset implicit (( 0, 1, ), (0, 1, 0)), ({ 'k': 0, 'v0': 2 }, (0, 2, 0)), ({ 'k': 0, 'v1': 1 }, (0, 2, 1)), # unset explicit ((0, 3, UNSET_VALUE), (0, 3, 1)), ((0, UNSET_VALUE, 2), (0, 3, 2)), ({ 'k': 0, 'v0': 4, 'v1': UNSET_VALUE }, (0, 4, 2)), ({ 'k': 0, 'v0': UNSET_VALUE, 'v1': 3 }, (0, 4, 3)), # nulls still work ((0, None, None), (0, None, None)), ] for params, expected in bind_expected: self.session.execute(insert, params) results = self.session.execute(select, (0, )) self.assertEqual(results[0], expected) self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.session.execute, select, (UNSET_VALUE, 0, 0)) def test_no_meta(self): prepared = self.session.prepare(""" INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (0, 0) """) self.assertIsInstance(prepared, PreparedStatement) bound = prepared.bind(None) bound.consistency_level = ConsistencyLevel.ALL self.session.execute(bound) prepared = self.session.prepare(""" SELECT * FROM test3rf.test WHERE k=0 """) self.assertIsInstance(prepared, PreparedStatement) bound = prepared.bind(None) bound.consistency_level = ConsistencyLevel.ALL results = self.session.execute(bound) self.assertEqual(results[0].v, 0) def test_none_values_dicts(self): """ Ensure binding None is handled correctly with dict bindings """ # test with new dict binding prepared = self.session.prepare(""" INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (?, ?) """) self.assertIsInstance(prepared, PreparedStatement) bound = prepared.bind({'k': 1, 'v': None}) self.session.execute(bound) prepared = self.session.prepare(""" SELECT * FROM test3rf.test WHERE k=? """) self.assertIsInstance(prepared, PreparedStatement) bound = prepared.bind({'k': 1}) results = self.session.execute(bound) self.assertEqual(results[0].v, None) def test_async_binding(self): """ Ensure None binding over async queries """ prepared = self.session.prepare(""" INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (?, ?) """) self.assertIsInstance(prepared, PreparedStatement) future = self.session.execute_async(prepared, (873, None)) future.result() prepared = self.session.prepare(""" SELECT * FROM test3rf.test WHERE k=? """) self.assertIsInstance(prepared, PreparedStatement) future = self.session.execute_async(prepared, (873, )) results = future.result() self.assertEqual(results[0].v, None) def test_async_binding_dicts(self): """ Ensure None binding over async queries with dict bindings """ prepared = self.session.prepare(""" INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (?, ?) """) self.assertIsInstance(prepared, PreparedStatement) future = self.session.execute_async(prepared, {'k': 873, 'v': None}) future.result() prepared = self.session.prepare(""" SELECT * FROM test3rf.test WHERE k=? """) self.assertIsInstance(prepared, PreparedStatement) future = self.session.execute_async(prepared, {'k': 873}) results = future.result() self.assertEqual(results[0].v, None) def test_raise_error_on_prepared_statement_execution_dropped_table(self): """ test for error in executing prepared statement on a dropped table test_raise_error_on_execute_prepared_statement_dropped_table tests that an InvalidRequest is raised when a prepared statement is executed after its corresponding table is dropped. This happens because if a prepared statement is invalid, the driver attempts to automatically re-prepare it on a non-existing table. @expected_errors InvalidRequest If a prepared statement is executed on a dropped table @since 2.6.0 @jira_ticket PYTHON-207 @expected_result InvalidRequest error should be raised upon prepared statement execution. @test_category prepared_statements """ self.session.execute( "CREATE TABLE test3rf.error_test (k int PRIMARY KEY, v int)") prepared = self.session.prepare( "SELECT * FROM test3rf.error_test WHERE k=?") self.session.execute("DROP TABLE test3rf.error_test") with self.assertRaises(InvalidRequest): self.session.execute(prepared, [0]) # TODO revisit this test @unittest.skip def test_invalidated_result_metadata(self): """ Tests to make sure cached metadata is updated when an invalidated prepared statement is reprepared. @since 2.7.0 @jira_ticket PYTHON-621 Prior to this fix, the request would blow up with a protocol error when the result was decoded expecting a different number of columns. """ s = self.session s.result_factory = tuple_factory table = "test1rf.%s" % self._testMethodName.lower() s.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s" % table) s.execute("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, a int, b int, c int)" % table) s.execute("INSERT INTO %s (k, a, b, c) VALUES (0, 0, 0, 0)" % table) wildcard_prepared = s.prepare("SELECT * FROM %s" % table) original_result_metadata = wildcard_prepared.result_metadata self.assertEqual(len(original_result_metadata), 4) r = s.execute(wildcard_prepared) self.assertEqual(r[0], (0, 0, 0, 0)) s.execute("ALTER TABLE %s DROP c" % table) # Get a bunch of requests in the pipeline with varying states of result_meta, reprepare, resolved futures = set( s.execute_async(wildcard_prepared.bind(None)) for _ in range(200)) for f in futures: self.assertEqual(f.result()[0], (0, 0, 0)) self.assertIsNot(wildcard_prepared.result_metadata, original_result_metadata) s.execute("DROP TABLE %s" % table)
def test_export_keyspace_schema_udts(self): """ Test udt exports """ if get_server_versions()[0] < (2, 1, 0): raise unittest.SkipTest('UDTs were introduced in Cassandra 2.1') if PROTOCOL_VERSION < 3: raise unittest.SkipTest( "Protocol 3.0+ is required for UDT change events, currently testing against %r" % (PROTOCOL_VERSION, )) if sys.version_info[2:] != (2, 7): raise unittest.SkipTest( 'This test compares static strings generated from dict items, which may change orders. Test with 2.7.' ) cluster = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION) session = cluster.connect() session.execute(""" CREATE KEYSPACE export_udts WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1'} AND durable_writes = true; """) session.execute(""" CREATE TYPE export_udts.street ( street_number int, street_name text) """) session.execute(""" CREATE TYPE ( zipcode int, zip_plus_4 int) """) session.execute(""" CREATE TYPE export_udts.address ( street_address frozen<street>, zip_code frozen<zip>) """) session.execute(""" CREATE TABLE export_udts.users ( user text PRIMARY KEY, addresses map<text, frozen<address>>) """) expected_string = """CREATE KEYSPACE export_udts WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1'} AND durable_writes = true; CREATE TYPE export_udts.street ( street_number int, street_name text ); CREATE TYPE ( zipcode int, zip_plus_4 int ); CREATE TYPE export_udts.address ( street_address frozen<street>, zip_code frozen<zip> ); CREATE TABLE export_udts.users ( user text PRIMARY KEY, addresses map<text, frozen<address>> ) WITH bloom_filter_fp_chance = 0.01 AND caching = '{"keys":"ALL", "rows_per_partition":"NONE"}' AND comment = '' AND compaction = {'min_threshold': '4', 'class': 'org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.SizeTieredCompactionStrategy', 'max_threshold': '32'} AND compression = {'sstable_compression': ''} AND dclocal_read_repair_chance = 0.1 AND default_time_to_live = 0 AND gc_grace_seconds = 864000 AND max_index_interval = 2048 AND memtable_flush_period_in_ms = 0 AND min_index_interval = 128 AND read_repair_chance = 0.0 AND speculative_retry = '99.0PERCENTILE';""" self.assert_equal_diff( cluster.metadata.keyspaces['export_udts'].export_as_string(), expected_string) table_meta = cluster.metadata.keyspaces['export_udts'].tables['users'] expected_string = """CREATE TABLE export_udts.users ( user text PRIMARY KEY, addresses map<text, frozen<address>> ) WITH bloom_filter_fp_chance = 0.01 AND caching = '{"keys":"ALL", "rows_per_partition":"NONE"}' AND comment = '' AND compaction = {'min_threshold': '4', 'class': 'org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.SizeTieredCompactionStrategy', 'max_threshold': '32'} AND compression = {'sstable_compression': ''} AND dclocal_read_repair_chance = 0.1 AND default_time_to_live = 0 AND gc_grace_seconds = 864000 AND max_index_interval = 2048 AND memtable_flush_period_in_ms = 0 AND min_index_interval = 128 AND read_repair_chance = 0.0 AND speculative_retry = '99.0PERCENTILE';""" self.assert_equal_diff(table_meta.export_as_string(), expected_string) cluster.shutdown()
def test_set_keyspace_twice(self): cluster = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION) session = cluster.connect() session.execute("USE system") session.execute("USE system") cluster.shutdown()
class TimeoutTimerTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): """ Setup sessions and pause node1 """ self.cluster = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION) self.session = self.cluster.connect() # self.node1, self.node2, self.node3 = get_cluster().nodes.values() self.node1 = get_node(1) self.cluster = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION) self.session = self.cluster.connect() ddl = ''' CREATE TABLE test3rf.timeout ( k int PRIMARY KEY, v int )''' self.session.execute(ddl) self.node1.pause() def tearDown(self): """ Shutdown cluster and resume node1 """ self.node1.resume() self.session.execute("DROP TABLE test3rf.timeout") self.cluster.shutdown() def test_async_timeouts(self): """ Test to validate that timeouts are honored Exercise the underlying timeouts, by attempting a query that will timeout. Ensure the default timeout is still honored. Make sure that user timeouts are also honored. @since 2.7.0 @jira_ticket PYTHON-108 @expected_result timeouts should be honored @test_category """ # Because node1 is stopped these statements will all timeout ss = SimpleStatement('SELECT * FROM test3rf.test', consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL) # Test with default timeout (should be 10) start_time = time.time() future = self.session.execute_async(ss) with self.assertRaises(OperationTimedOut): future.result() end_time = time.time() total_time = end_time - start_time expected_time = self.session.default_timeout # check timeout and ensure it's within a reasonable range self.assertAlmostEqual(expected_time, total_time, delta=.05) # Test with user defined timeout (Should be 1) start_time = time.time() future = self.session.execute_async(ss, timeout=1) mock_callback = Mock(return_value=None) mock_errorback = Mock(return_value=None) future.add_callback(mock_callback) future.add_errback(mock_errorback) with self.assertRaises(OperationTimedOut): future.result() end_time = time.time() total_time = end_time - start_time expected_time = 1 # check timeout and ensure it's within a reasonable range self.assertAlmostEqual(expected_time, total_time, delta=.05) self.assertTrue(mock_errorback.called) self.assertFalse(mock_callback.called)
class TimeoutTimerTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): """ Setup sessions and pause node1 """ self.cluster = Cluster( protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION, execution_profiles={ EXEC_PROFILE_DEFAULT: ExecutionProfile(load_balancing_policy=HostFilterPolicy( RoundRobinPolicy(), lambda host: host.address == "")) }) self.session = self.cluster.connect(wait_for_all_pools=True) self.control_connection_host_number = 1 self.node_to_stop = get_node(self.control_connection_host_number) ddl = ''' CREATE TABLE test3rf.timeout ( k int PRIMARY KEY, v int )''' self.session.execute(ddl) self.node_to_stop.pause() def tearDown(self): """ Shutdown cluster and resume node1 """ self.node_to_stop.resume() self.session.execute("DROP TABLE test3rf.timeout") self.cluster.shutdown() def test_async_timeouts(self): """ Test to validate that timeouts are honored Exercise the underlying timeouts, by attempting a query that will timeout. Ensure the default timeout is still honored. Make sure that user timeouts are also honored. @since 2.7.0 @jira_ticket PYTHON-108 @expected_result timeouts should be honored @test_category """ # Because node1 is stopped these statements will all timeout ss = SimpleStatement('SELECT * FROM test3rf.test', consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL) # Test with default timeout (should be 10) start_time = time.time() future = self.session.execute_async(ss) with self.assertRaises(OperationTimedOut): future.result() end_time = time.time() total_time = end_time - start_time expected_time = self.cluster.profile_manager.default.request_timeout # check timeout and ensure it's within a reasonable range self.assertAlmostEqual(expected_time, total_time, delta=.05) # Test with user defined timeout (Should be 1) expected_time = 1 start_time = time.time() future = self.session.execute_async(ss, timeout=expected_time) mock_callback = Mock(return_value=None) mock_errorback = Mock(return_value=None) future.add_callback(mock_callback) future.add_errback(mock_errorback) with self.assertRaises(OperationTimedOut): future.result() end_time = time.time() total_time = end_time - start_time # check timeout and ensure it's within a reasonable range self.assertAlmostEqual(expected_time, total_time, delta=.05) self.assertTrue(mock_errorback.called) self.assertFalse(mock_callback.called)
def benchmark(thread_class): options, args = parse_options() for conn_class in options.supported_reactors: setup(options.hosts)"==== %s ====" % (conn_class.__name__, )) kwargs = { 'metrics_enabled': options.enable_metrics, 'connection_class': conn_class } if options.protocol_version: kwargs['protocol_version'] = options.protocol_version cluster = Cluster(options.hosts, **kwargs) session = cluster.connect(KEYSPACE) log.debug("Sleeping for two seconds...") time.sleep(2.0) query = session.prepare(""" INSERT INTO {table} (thekey, col1, col2) VALUES (?, ?, ?) """.format(table=TABLE)) values = ('key', 'a', 'b') per_thread = options.num_ops // options.threads threads = [] log.debug("Beginning inserts...") start = time.time() try: for i in range(options.threads): thread = thread_class(i, session, query, values, per_thread, cluster.protocol_version, options.profile) thread.daemon = True threads.append(thread) for thread in threads: thread.start() for thread in threads: while thread.is_alive(): thread.join(timeout=0.5) end = time.time() finally: cluster.shutdown() teardown(options.hosts) total = end - start"Total time: %0.2fs" % total)"Average throughput: %0.2f/sec" % (options.num_ops / total)) if options.enable_metrics: stats = scales.getStats()['cassandra']"Connection errors: %d", stats['connection_errors'])"Write timeouts: %d", stats['write_timeouts'])"Read timeouts: %d", stats['read_timeouts'])"Unavailables: %d", stats['unavailables'])"Other errors: %d", stats['other_errors'])"Retries: %d", stats['retries']) request_timer = stats['request_timer']"Request latencies:")" min: %0.4fs", request_timer['min'])" max: %0.4fs", request_timer['max'])" mean: %0.4fs", request_timer['mean'])" stddev: %0.4fs", request_timer['stddev'])" median: %0.4fs", request_timer['median'])" 75th: %0.4fs", request_timer['75percentile'])" 95th: %0.4fs", request_timer['95percentile'])" 98th: %0.4fs", request_timer['98percentile'])" 99th: %0.4fs", request_timer['99percentile'])" 99.9th: %0.4fs", request_timer['999percentile'])
def main() -> None: """Main function.""" args = create_parser().parse_args() cluster = Cluster(args.db_nodes) session = cluster.connect(args.keyspace) # default start and end date start_date = args.start_date end_date = args.end_date if datetime.fromisoformat(start_date) < datetime.fromisoformat(MIN_START): start_date = MIN_START # query most recent data if not args.force: most_recent_date = query_most_recent_date(session, args.keyspace, args.table) if most_recent_date is not None: start_date = most_recent_date print(f"*** Starting exchange rate ingest for {args.cryptocurrency} ***") print(f"Start date: {start_date}") print(f"End date: {end_date}") print(f"Target fiat currencies: {args.fiat_currencies}") if datetime.fromisoformat(start_date) > datetime.fromisoformat(end_date): print("Error: start date after end date.") cluster.shutdown() raise SystemExit # fetch cryptocurrency exchange rates in USD cmc_rates = fetch_cmc_rates(start_date, end_date, args.cryptocurrency) ecb_rates = fetch_ecb_rates(args.fiat_currencies) # query conversion rates and merge converted values in exchange rates exchange_rates = cmc_rates date_range = pd.date_range(date.fromisoformat(start_date), date.fromisoformat(end_date)) date_range = pd.DataFrame(date_range, columns=["date"]) date_range = date_range["date"].dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") for fiat_currency in set(args.fiat_currencies) - set(["USD"]): ecb_rate = ecb_rates[["date", fiat_currency ]].rename(columns={fiat_currency: "fx_rate"}) merged_df = cmc_rates.merge(ecb_rate, on="date", how="left").merge(date_range, how="right") # fill gaps over weekends merged_df["fx_rate"].fillna(method="ffill", inplace=True) merged_df["fx_rate"].fillna(method="bfill", inplace=True) merged_df[fiat_currency] = merged_df["USD"] * merged_df["fx_rate"] merged_df = merged_df[["date", fiat_currency]] exchange_rates = exchange_rates.merge(merged_df, on="date") # insert final exchange rates into Cassandra if "USD" not in args.fiat_currencies: exchange_rates.drop("USD", axis=1, inplace=True) exchange_rates["fiat_values"] = exchange_rates.drop( "date", axis=1).to_dict(orient="records") exchange_rates.drop(args.fiat_currencies, axis=1, inplace=True) print(f"{exchange_rates.iloc[0].date} - {exchange_rates.iloc[-1].date}") # insert exchange rates into Cassandra table insert_exchange_rates(session, args.keyspace, args.table, exchange_rates) print(f"Inserted rates for {len(exchange_rates)} days: ", end="") print(f"{exchange_rates.iloc[0].date} - {exchange_rates.iloc[-1].date}") cluster.shutdown()
class CustomPayloadTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): if PROTOCOL_VERSION < 4: raise unittest.SkipTest( "Native protocol 4,0+ is required for custom payloads, currently using %r" % (PROTOCOL_VERSION, )) self.cluster = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION) self.session = self.cluster.connect() def tearDown(self): self.cluster.shutdown() def test_custom_query_basic(self): """ Test to validate that custom payloads work with simple queries creates a simple query and ensures that custom payloads are passed to C*. A custom query provider is used with C* so we can validate that same custom payloads are sent back with the results @since 2.6 @jira_ticket PYTHON-280 @expected_result valid custom payloads should be sent and received @test_category queries:custom_payload """ # Create a simple query statement a query = "SELECT * FROM system.local" statement = SimpleStatement(query) # Validate that various types of custom payloads are sent and received okay self.validate_various_custom_payloads(statement=statement) def test_custom_query_batching(self): """ Test to validate that custom payloads work with batch queries creates a batch query and ensures that custom payloads are passed to C*. A custom query provider is used with C* so we can validate that same custom payloads are sent back with the results @since 2.6 @jira_ticket PYTHON-280 @expected_result valid custom payloads should be sent and received @test_category queries:custom_payload """ # Construct Batch Statement batch = BatchStatement(BatchType.LOGGED) for i in range(10): batch.add( SimpleStatement( "INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (%s, %s)"), (i, i)) # Validate that various types of custom payloads are sent and received okay self.validate_various_custom_payloads(statement=batch) def test_custom_query_prepared(self): """ Test to validate that custom payloads work with prepared queries creates a batch query and ensures that custom payloads are passed to C*. A custom query provider is used with C* so we can validate that same custom payloads are sent back with the results @since 2.6 @jira_ticket PYTHON-280 @expected_result valid custom payloads should be sent and received @test_category queries:custom_payload """ # Construct prepared statement prepared = self.session.prepare(""" INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (?, ?) """) bound = prepared.bind((1, None)) # Validate that various custom payloads are validated correctly self.validate_various_custom_payloads(statement=bound) def validate_various_custom_payloads(self, statement): """ This is a utility method that given a statement will attempt to submit the statement with various custom payloads. It will validate that the custom payloads are sent and received correctly. @param statement The statement to validate the custom queries in conjunction with """ # Simple key value custom_payload = {'test': b'test_return'} self.execute_async_validate_custom_payload( statement=statement, custom_payload=custom_payload) # no key value custom_payload = {'': b''} self.execute_async_validate_custom_payload( statement=statement, custom_payload=custom_payload) # Space value custom_payload = {' ': b' '} self.execute_async_validate_custom_payload( statement=statement, custom_payload=custom_payload) # Long key value pair key_value = "x" * 10 custom_payload = {key_value: six.b(key_value)} self.execute_async_validate_custom_payload( statement=statement, custom_payload=custom_payload) # Max supported value key pairs according C* binary protocol v4 should be 65534 (unsigned short max value) for i in range(65534): custom_payload[str(i)] = six.b('x') self.execute_async_validate_custom_payload( statement=statement, custom_payload=custom_payload) # Add one custom payload to this is too many key value pairs and should fail custom_payload[str(65535)] = six.b('x') with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.execute_async_validate_custom_payload( statement=statement, custom_payload=custom_payload) def execute_async_validate_custom_payload(self, statement, custom_payload): """ This is just a simple method that submits a statement with a payload, and validates that the custom payload we submitted matches the one that we got back @param statement The statement to execute @param custom_payload The custom payload to submit with """ # Submit the statement with our custom payload. Validate the one # we receive from the server matches response_future = self.session.execute_async( statement, custom_payload=custom_payload) response_future.result() returned_custom_payload = response_future.custom_payload self.assertEqual(custom_payload, returned_custom_payload)
def test_nonprimitive_datatypes(self): """ Test for inserting various types of DATA_TYPE_NON_PRIMITIVE into UDT's """ raise unittest.SkipTest("Collections are not allowed in UDTs") c = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION) s = c.connect() # create keyspace s.execute(""" CREATE KEYSPACE test_nonprimitive_datatypes WITH replication = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1' } """) s.set_keyspace("test_nonprimitive_datatypes") # create UDT alpha_type_list = [] start_index = ord('a') for i, nonprim_datatype in enumerate(DATA_TYPE_NON_PRIMITIVE_NAMES): for j, datatype in enumerate(DATA_TYPE_PRIMITIVES): if nonprim_datatype == "map": type_string = "{0}_{1} {2}<{3}, {3}>".format( chr(start_index + i), chr(start_index + j), nonprim_datatype, datatype) else: type_string = "{0}_{1} {2}<{3}>".format( chr(start_index + i), chr(start_index + j), nonprim_datatype, datatype) alpha_type_list.append(type_string) s.execute(""" CREATE TYPE alldatatypes ({0}) """.format(', '.join(alpha_type_list))) s.execute( "CREATE TABLE mytable (a int PRIMARY KEY, b frozen<alldatatypes>)") # register UDT alphabet_list = [] for i in range(ord('a'), ord('a') + len(DATA_TYPE_NON_PRIMITIVE_NAMES)): for j in range(ord('a'), ord('a') + len(DATA_TYPE_PRIMITIVES)): alphabet_list.append('{0}_{1}'.format(chr(i), chr(j))) Alldatatypes = namedtuple("alldatatypes", alphabet_list) c.register_user_type("test_nonprimitive_datatypes", "alldatatypes", Alldatatypes) # insert UDT data params = [] for nonprim_datatype in DATA_TYPE_NON_PRIMITIVE_NAMES: for datatype in DATA_TYPE_PRIMITIVES: params.append((get_nonprim_sample(nonprim_datatype, datatype))) insert = s.prepare("INSERT INTO mytable (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)") s.execute(insert, (0, Alldatatypes(*params))) # retrieve and verify data results = s.execute("SELECT * FROM mytable") self.assertEqual(1, len(results)) row = results[0].b for expected, actual in zip(params, row): self.assertEqual(expected, actual) c.shutdown()
def test_legacy_tables(self): if get_server_versions()[0] < (2, 1, 0): raise unittest.SkipTest( 'Test schema output assumes 2.1.0+ options') if sys.version_info[2:] != (2, 7): raise unittest.SkipTest( 'This test compares static strings generated from dict items, which may change orders. Test with 2.7.' ) cli_script = """CREATE KEYSPACE legacy WITH placement_strategy = 'SimpleStrategy' AND strategy_options = {replication_factor:1}; USE legacy; CREATE COLUMN FAMILY simple_no_col WITH comparator = UTF8Type AND key_validation_class = UUIDType AND default_validation_class = UTF8Type; CREATE COLUMN FAMILY simple_with_col WITH comparator = UTF8Type and key_validation_class = UUIDType and default_validation_class = UTF8Type AND column_metadata = [ {column_name: col_with_meta, validation_class: UTF8Type} ]; CREATE COLUMN FAMILY composite_partition_no_col WITH comparator = UTF8Type AND key_validation_class = 'CompositeType(UUIDType,UTF8Type)' AND default_validation_class = UTF8Type; CREATE COLUMN FAMILY composite_partition_with_col WITH comparator = UTF8Type AND key_validation_class = 'CompositeType(UUIDType,UTF8Type)' AND default_validation_class = UTF8Type AND column_metadata = [ {column_name: col_with_meta, validation_class: UTF8Type} ]; CREATE COLUMN FAMILY nested_composite_key WITH comparator = UTF8Type and key_validation_class = 'CompositeType(CompositeType(UUIDType,UTF8Type), LongType)' and default_validation_class = UTF8Type AND column_metadata = [ {column_name: full_name, validation_class: UTF8Type} ]; create column family composite_comp_no_col with column_type = 'Standard' and comparator = 'DynamicCompositeType(t=>org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.TimeUUIDType,s=>org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.UTF8Type,b=>org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.BytesType)' and default_validation_class = 'BytesType' and key_validation_class = 'BytesType' and read_repair_chance = 0.0 and dclocal_read_repair_chance = 0.1 and gc_grace = 864000 and min_compaction_threshold = 4 and max_compaction_threshold = 32 and compaction_strategy = 'org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.SizeTieredCompactionStrategy' and caching = 'KEYS_ONLY' and cells_per_row_to_cache = '0' and default_time_to_live = 0 and speculative_retry = 'NONE' and comment = 'Stores file meta data'; create column family composite_comp_with_col with column_type = 'Standard' and comparator = 'DynamicCompositeType(t=>org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.TimeUUIDType,s=>org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.UTF8Type,b=>org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.BytesType)' and default_validation_class = 'BytesType' and key_validation_class = 'BytesType' and read_repair_chance = 0.0 and dclocal_read_repair_chance = 0.1 and gc_grace = 864000 and min_compaction_threshold = 4 and max_compaction_threshold = 32 and compaction_strategy = 'org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.SizeTieredCompactionStrategy' and caching = 'KEYS_ONLY' and cells_per_row_to_cache = '0' and default_time_to_live = 0 and speculative_retry = 'NONE' and comment = 'Stores file meta data' and column_metadata = [ {column_name : 'b@6d616d6d616a616d6d61', validation_class : BytesType, index_name : 'idx_one', index_type : 0}, {column_name : 'b@6869746d65776974686d75736963', validation_class : BytesType, index_name : 'idx_two', index_type : 0}] and compression_options = {'sstable_compression' : ''};""" # note: the inner key type for legacy.nested_composite_key # (org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.CompositeType(org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.UUIDType, org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.UTF8Type)) # is a bit strange, but it replays in CQL with desired results expected_string = """CREATE KEYSPACE legacy WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1'} AND durable_writes = true; /* Warning: Table legacy.composite_comp_with_col omitted because it has constructs not compatible with CQL (was created via legacy API). Approximate structure, for reference: (this should not be used to reproduce this schema) CREATE TABLE legacy.composite_comp_with_col ( key blob, t timeuuid, b blob, s text, "b@6869746d65776974686d75736963" blob, "b@6d616d6d616a616d6d61" blob, PRIMARY KEY (key, t, b, s) ) WITH COMPACT STORAGE AND CLUSTERING ORDER BY (t ASC, b ASC, s ASC) AND caching = '{"keys":"ALL", "rows_per_partition":"NONE"}' AND comment = 'Stores file meta data' AND compaction = {'min_threshold': '4', 'class': 'org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.SizeTieredCompactionStrategy', 'max_threshold': '32'} AND compression = {'sstable_compression': ''} AND dclocal_read_repair_chance = 0.1 AND default_time_to_live = 0 AND gc_grace_seconds = 864000 AND max_index_interval = 2048 AND memtable_flush_period_in_ms = 0 AND min_index_interval = 128 AND read_repair_chance = 0.0 AND speculative_retry = 'NONE'; CREATE INDEX idx_two ON legacy.composite_comp_with_col ("b@6869746d65776974686d75736963"); CREATE INDEX idx_one ON legacy.composite_comp_with_col ("b@6d616d6d616a616d6d61"); */ CREATE TABLE legacy.nested_composite_key ( key 'org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.CompositeType(org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.UUIDType, org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.UTF8Type)', key2 bigint, full_name text, PRIMARY KEY ((key, key2)) ) WITH COMPACT STORAGE AND caching = '{"keys":"ALL", "rows_per_partition":"NONE"}' AND comment = '' AND compaction = {'min_threshold': '4', 'class': 'org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.SizeTieredCompactionStrategy', 'max_threshold': '32'} AND compression = {'sstable_compression': ''} AND dclocal_read_repair_chance = 0.1 AND default_time_to_live = 0 AND gc_grace_seconds = 864000 AND max_index_interval = 2048 AND memtable_flush_period_in_ms = 0 AND min_index_interval = 128 AND read_repair_chance = 0.0 AND speculative_retry = 'NONE'; CREATE TABLE legacy.composite_partition_with_col ( key uuid, key2 text, col_with_meta text, PRIMARY KEY ((key, key2)) ) WITH COMPACT STORAGE AND caching = '{"keys":"ALL", "rows_per_partition":"NONE"}' AND comment = '' AND compaction = {'min_threshold': '4', 'class': 'org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.SizeTieredCompactionStrategy', 'max_threshold': '32'} AND compression = {'sstable_compression': ''} AND dclocal_read_repair_chance = 0.1 AND default_time_to_live = 0 AND gc_grace_seconds = 864000 AND max_index_interval = 2048 AND memtable_flush_period_in_ms = 0 AND min_index_interval = 128 AND read_repair_chance = 0.0 AND speculative_retry = 'NONE'; CREATE TABLE legacy.composite_partition_no_col ( key uuid, key2 text, column1 text, value text, PRIMARY KEY ((key, key2), column1) ) WITH COMPACT STORAGE AND CLUSTERING ORDER BY (column1 ASC) AND caching = '{"keys":"ALL", "rows_per_partition":"NONE"}' AND comment = '' AND compaction = {'min_threshold': '4', 'class': 'org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.SizeTieredCompactionStrategy', 'max_threshold': '32'} AND compression = {'sstable_compression': ''} AND dclocal_read_repair_chance = 0.1 AND default_time_to_live = 0 AND gc_grace_seconds = 864000 AND max_index_interval = 2048 AND memtable_flush_period_in_ms = 0 AND min_index_interval = 128 AND read_repair_chance = 0.0 AND speculative_retry = 'NONE'; CREATE TABLE legacy.simple_with_col ( key uuid PRIMARY KEY, col_with_meta text ) WITH COMPACT STORAGE AND caching = '{"keys":"ALL", "rows_per_partition":"NONE"}' AND comment = '' AND compaction = {'min_threshold': '4', 'class': 'org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.SizeTieredCompactionStrategy', 'max_threshold': '32'} AND compression = {'sstable_compression': ''} AND dclocal_read_repair_chance = 0.1 AND default_time_to_live = 0 AND gc_grace_seconds = 864000 AND max_index_interval = 2048 AND memtable_flush_period_in_ms = 0 AND min_index_interval = 128 AND read_repair_chance = 0.0 AND speculative_retry = 'NONE'; CREATE TABLE legacy.simple_no_col ( key uuid, column1 text, value text, PRIMARY KEY (key, column1) ) WITH COMPACT STORAGE AND CLUSTERING ORDER BY (column1 ASC) AND caching = '{"keys":"ALL", "rows_per_partition":"NONE"}' AND comment = '' AND compaction = {'min_threshold': '4', 'class': 'org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.SizeTieredCompactionStrategy', 'max_threshold': '32'} AND compression = {'sstable_compression': ''} AND dclocal_read_repair_chance = 0.1 AND default_time_to_live = 0 AND gc_grace_seconds = 864000 AND max_index_interval = 2048 AND memtable_flush_period_in_ms = 0 AND min_index_interval = 128 AND read_repair_chance = 0.0 AND speculative_retry = 'NONE'; /* Warning: Table legacy.composite_comp_no_col omitted because it has constructs not compatible with CQL (was created via legacy API). Approximate structure, for reference: (this should not be used to reproduce this schema) CREATE TABLE legacy.composite_comp_no_col ( key blob, column1 'org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.DynamicCompositeType(org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.TimeUUIDType, org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.BytesType, org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.UTF8Type)', column2 text, value blob, PRIMARY KEY (key, column1, column1, column2) ) WITH COMPACT STORAGE AND CLUSTERING ORDER BY (column1 ASC, column1 ASC, column2 ASC) AND caching = '{"keys":"ALL", "rows_per_partition":"NONE"}' AND comment = 'Stores file meta data' AND compaction = {'min_threshold': '4', 'class': 'org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.SizeTieredCompactionStrategy', 'max_threshold': '32'} AND compression = {'sstable_compression': ''} AND dclocal_read_repair_chance = 0.1 AND default_time_to_live = 0 AND gc_grace_seconds = 864000 AND max_index_interval = 2048 AND memtable_flush_period_in_ms = 0 AND min_index_interval = 128 AND read_repair_chance = 0.0 AND speculative_retry = 'NONE'; */""" ccm = get_cluster() ccm.run_cli(cli_script) cluster = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION) session = cluster.connect() legacy_meta = cluster.metadata.keyspaces['legacy'] self.assert_equal_diff(legacy_meta.export_as_string(), expected_string) session.execute('DROP KEYSPACE legacy') cluster.shutdown()
class ClientExceptionTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): """ Test is skipped if run with native protocol version <4 """ self.support_v5 = True if PROTOCOL_VERSION < 4: raise unittest.SkipTest( "Native protocol 4,0+ is required for custom payloads, currently using %r" % (PROTOCOL_VERSION, )) try: self.cluster = Cluster( protocol_version=ProtocolVersion.MAX_SUPPORTED, allow_beta_protocol_version=True) self.session = self.cluster.connect() except NoHostAvailable:"Protocol Version 5 not supported,") self.cluster = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION) self.session = self.cluster.connect() self.support_v5 = False self.nodes_currently_failing = [] self.node1, self.node2, self.node3 = get_cluster().nodes.values() def tearDown(self): self.cluster.shutdown() failing_nodes = [] # Restart the nodes to fully functional again self.setFailingNodes(failing_nodes, "testksfail") def execute_helper(self, session, query): tries = 0 while tries < 100: try: return session.execute(query) except OperationTimedOut: ex_type, ex, tb = sys.exc_info() log.warn("{0}: {1} Backtrace: {2}".format( ex_type.__name__, ex, traceback.extract_tb(tb))) del tb tries += 1 raise RuntimeError( "Failed to execute query after 100 attempts: {0}".format(query)) def execute_concurrent_args_helper(self, session, query, params): tries = 0 while tries < 100: try: return execute_concurrent_with_args(session, query, params, concurrency=50) except (ReadTimeout, WriteTimeout, OperationTimedOut, ReadFailure, WriteFailure): ex_type, ex, tb = sys.exc_info() log.warn("{0}: {1} Backtrace: {2}".format( ex_type.__name__, ex, traceback.extract_tb(tb))) del tb tries += 1 raise RuntimeError( "Failed to execute query after 100 attempts: {0}".format(query)) def setFailingNodes(self, failing_nodes, keyspace): """ This method will take in a set of failing nodes, and toggle all of the nodes in the provided list to fail writes. @param failing_nodes A definitive list of nodes that should fail writes @param keyspace The keyspace to enable failures on """ # Ensure all of the nodes on the list have failures enabled for node in failing_nodes: if node not in self.nodes_currently_failing: node.stop(wait_other_notice=True, gently=False) node.start( jvm_args=[" -Dcassandra.test.fail_writes_ks=" + keyspace], wait_for_binary_proto=True, wait_other_notice=True) self.nodes_currently_failing.append(node) # Ensure all nodes not on the list, but that are currently set to failing are enabled for node in self.nodes_currently_failing: if node not in failing_nodes: node.stop(wait_other_notice=True, gently=False) node.start(wait_for_binary_proto=True, wait_other_notice=True) self.nodes_currently_failing.remove(node) def _perform_cql_statement(self, text, consistency_level, expected_exception, session=None): """ Simple helper method to preform cql statements and check for expected exception @param text CQl statement to execute @param consistency_level Consistency level at which it is to be executed @param expected_exception Exception expected to be throw or none """ if session is None: session = self.session statement = SimpleStatement(text) statement.consistency_level = consistency_level if expected_exception is None: self.execute_helper(session, statement) else: with self.assertRaises(expected_exception) as cm: self.execute_helper(session, statement) if self.support_v5 and (isinstance(cm.exception, WriteFailure) or isinstance(cm.exception, ReadFailure)): if isinstance(cm.exception, ReadFailure): self.assertEqual( list(cm.exception.error_code_map.values())[0], 1) else: self.assertEqual( list(cm.exception.error_code_map.values())[0], 0) def test_write_failures_from_coordinator(self): """ Test to validate that write failures from the coordinator are surfaced appropriately. test_write_failures_from_coordinator Enable write failures on the various nodes using a custom jvm flag, cassandra.test.fail_writes_ks. This will cause writes to fail on that specific node. Depending on the replication factor of the keyspace, and the consistency level, we will expect the coordinator to send WriteFailure, or not. @since 2.6.0, 3.7.0 @jira_ticket PYTHON-238, PYTHON-619 @expected_result Appropriate write failures from the coordinator @test_category queries:basic """ # Setup temporary keyspace. self._perform_cql_statement(""" CREATE KEYSPACE testksfail WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '3'} """, consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL, expected_exception=None) # create table self._perform_cql_statement(""" CREATE TABLE testksfail.test ( k int PRIMARY KEY, v int ) """, consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL, expected_exception=None) # Disable one node failing_nodes = [self.node1] self.setFailingNodes(failing_nodes, "testksfail") # With one node disabled we would expect a write failure with ConsistencyLevel of all self._perform_cql_statement(""" INSERT INTO testksfail.test (k, v) VALUES (1, 0 ) """, consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL, expected_exception=WriteFailure) # We have two nodes left so a write with consistency level of QUORUM should complete as expected self._perform_cql_statement(""" INSERT INTO testksfail.test (k, v) VALUES (1, 0 ) """, consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM, expected_exception=None) failing_nodes = [] # Restart the nodes to fully functional again self.setFailingNodes(failing_nodes, "testksfail") # Drop temporary keyspace self._perform_cql_statement(""" DROP KEYSPACE testksfail """, consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ANY, expected_exception=None) def test_tombstone_overflow_read_failure(self): """ Test to validate that a ReadFailure is returned from the node when a specified threshold of tombstombs is reached. test_tombstomb_overflow_read_failure First sets the tombstone failure threshold down to a level that allows it to be more easily encountered. We then create some wide rows and ensure they are deleted appropriately. This produces the correct amount of tombstombs. Upon making a simple query we expect to get a read failure back from the coordinator. @since 2.6.0, 3.7.0 @jira_ticket PYTHON-238, PYTHON-619 @expected_result Appropriate write failures from the coordinator @test_category queries:basic """ # Setup table for "wide row" self._perform_cql_statement(""" CREATE TABLE test3rf.test2 ( k int, v0 int, v1 int, PRIMARY KEY (k,v0)) """, consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL, expected_exception=None) statement = self.session.prepare( "INSERT INTO test3rf.test2 (k, v0,v1) VALUES (1,?,1)") parameters = [(x, ) for x in range(3000)] self.execute_concurrent_args_helper(self.session, statement, parameters) statement = self.session.prepare( "DELETE v1 FROM test3rf.test2 WHERE k = 1 AND v0 =?") parameters = [(x, ) for x in range(2001)] self.execute_concurrent_args_helper(self.session, statement, parameters) self._perform_cql_statement(""" SELECT * FROM test3rf.test2 WHERE k = 1 """, consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL, expected_exception=ReadFailure) self._perform_cql_statement(""" DROP TABLE test3rf.test2; """, consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL, expected_exception=None) def test_user_function_failure(self): """ Test to validate that exceptions in user defined function are correctly surfaced by the driver to us. test_user_function_failure First creates a table to use for testing. Then creates a function that will throw an exception when invoked. It then invokes the function and expects a FunctionException. Finally it preforms cleanup operations. @since 2.6.0 @jira_ticket PYTHON-238 @expected_result Function failures when UDF throws exception @test_category queries:basic """ # create UDF that throws an exception self._perform_cql_statement(""" CREATE FUNCTION test3rf.test_failure(d double) RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT RETURNS double LANGUAGE java AS 'throw new RuntimeException("failure");'; """, consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL, expected_exception=None) # Create test table self._perform_cql_statement(""" CREATE TABLE test3rf.d (k int PRIMARY KEY , d double); """, consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL, expected_exception=None) # Insert some values self._perform_cql_statement(""" INSERT INTO test3rf.d (k,d) VALUES (0, 5.12); """, consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL, expected_exception=None) # Run the function expect a function failure exception self._perform_cql_statement(""" SELECT test_failure(d) FROM test3rf.d WHERE k = 0; """, consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL, expected_exception=FunctionFailure) self._perform_cql_statement(""" DROP FUNCTION test3rf.test_failure; """, consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL, expected_exception=None) self._perform_cql_statement(""" DROP TABLE test3rf.d; """, consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL, expected_exception=None)
class PreparedStatementTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.cluster = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION) self.session = self.cluster.connect() def tearDown(self): self.cluster.shutdown() def test_routing_key(self): """ Simple code coverage to ensure routing_keys can be accessed """ prepared = self.session.prepare(""" INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (?, ?) """) self.assertIsInstance(prepared, PreparedStatement) bound = prepared.bind((1, None)) self.assertEqual(bound.routing_key, b'\x00\x00\x00\x01') def test_empty_routing_key_indexes(self): """ Ensure when routing_key_indexes are blank, the routing key should be None """ prepared = self.session.prepare(""" INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (?, ?) """) prepared.routing_key_indexes = None self.assertIsInstance(prepared, PreparedStatement) bound = prepared.bind((1, None)) self.assertEqual(bound.routing_key, None) def test_predefined_routing_key(self): """ Basic test that ensures _set_routing_key() overrides the current routing key """ prepared = self.session.prepare(""" INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (?, ?) """) self.assertIsInstance(prepared, PreparedStatement) bound = prepared.bind((1, None)) bound._set_routing_key('fake_key') self.assertEqual(bound.routing_key, 'fake_key') def test_multiple_routing_key_indexes(self): """ Basic test that uses a fake routing_key_index """ prepared = self.session.prepare(""" INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (?, ?) """) self.assertIsInstance(prepared, PreparedStatement) prepared.routing_key_indexes = [0, 1] bound = prepared.bind((1, 2)) self.assertEqual( bound.routing_key, b'\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00') prepared.routing_key_indexes = [1, 0] bound = prepared.bind((1, 2)) self.assertEqual( bound.routing_key, b'\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00') def test_bound_keyspace(self): """ Ensure that bound.keyspace works as expected """ prepared = self.session.prepare(""" INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (?, ?) """) self.assertIsInstance(prepared, PreparedStatement) bound = prepared.bind((1, 2)) self.assertEqual(bound.keyspace, 'test3rf')
def test_refresh_schema_no_wait(self): contact_points = [''] cluster = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION, max_schema_agreement_wait=10, contact_points=contact_points, load_balancing_policy=WhiteListRoundRobinPolicy(contact_points)) session = cluster.connect() schema_ver = session.execute("SELECT schema_version FROM system.local WHERE key='local'")[0][0] # create a schema disagreement session.execute("UPDATE system.local SET schema_version=%s WHERE key='local'", (uuid4(),)) try: agreement_timeout = 1 # cluster agreement wait exceeded c = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION, max_schema_agreement_wait=agreement_timeout) start_time = time.time() s = c.connect() end_time = time.time() self.assertGreaterEqual(end_time - start_time, agreement_timeout) self.assertTrue(c.metadata.keyspaces) # cluster agreement wait used for refresh original_meta = c.metadata.keyspaces start_time = time.time() self.assertRaisesRegexp(Exception, r"Schema was not refreshed.*", c.refresh_schema) end_time = time.time() self.assertGreaterEqual(end_time - start_time, agreement_timeout) self.assertIs(original_meta, c.metadata.keyspaces) # refresh wait overrides cluster value original_meta = c.metadata.keyspaces start_time = time.time() c.refresh_schema(max_schema_agreement_wait=0) end_time = time.time() self.assertLess(end_time - start_time, agreement_timeout) self.assertIsNot(original_meta, c.metadata.keyspaces) self.assertEqual(original_meta, c.metadata.keyspaces) c.shutdown() refresh_threshold = 0.5 # cluster agreement bypass c = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION, max_schema_agreement_wait=0) start_time = time.time() s = c.connect() end_time = time.time() self.assertLess(end_time - start_time, refresh_threshold) self.assertTrue(c.metadata.keyspaces) # cluster agreement wait used for refresh original_meta = c.metadata.keyspaces start_time = time.time() c.refresh_schema() end_time = time.time() self.assertLess(end_time - start_time, refresh_threshold) self.assertIsNot(original_meta, c.metadata.keyspaces) self.assertEqual(original_meta, c.metadata.keyspaces) # refresh wait overrides cluster value original_meta = c.metadata.keyspaces start_time = time.time() self.assertRaisesRegexp(Exception, r"Schema was not refreshed.*", c.refresh_schema, max_schema_agreement_wait=agreement_timeout) end_time = time.time() self.assertGreaterEqual(end_time - start_time, agreement_timeout) self.assertIs(original_meta, c.metadata.keyspaces) c.shutdown() finally: session.execute("UPDATE system.local SET schema_version=%s WHERE key='local'", (schema_ver,)) cluster.shutdown()
class SchemaMetadataTests(unittest.TestCase): ksname = "schemametadatatest" @property def cfname(self): return self._testMethodName.lower() @classmethod def setup_class(cls): cluster = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION) session = cluster.connect() try: results = session.execute( "SELECT keyspace_name FROM system.schema_keyspaces") existing_keyspaces = [row[0] for row in results] if cls.ksname in existing_keyspaces: session.execute("DROP KEYSPACE %s" % cls.ksname) session.execute(""" CREATE KEYSPACE %s WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1'}; """ % cls.ksname) finally: cluster.shutdown() @classmethod def teardown_class(cls): cluster = Cluster([''], protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION) session = cluster.connect() try: session.execute("DROP KEYSPACE %s" % cls.ksname) finally: cluster.shutdown() def setUp(self): self.cluster = Cluster([''], protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION) self.session = self.cluster.connect() def tearDown(self): try: self.session.execute(""" DROP TABLE {ksname}.{cfname} """.format(ksname=self.ksname, cfname=self.cfname)) finally: self.cluster.shutdown() def make_create_statement(self, partition_cols, clustering_cols=None, other_cols=None, compact=False): clustering_cols = clustering_cols or [] other_cols = other_cols or [] statement = "CREATE TABLE %s.%s (" % (self.ksname, self.cfname) if len(partition_cols) == 1 and not clustering_cols: statement += "%s text PRIMARY KEY, " % partition_cols[0] else: statement += ", ".join("%s text" % col for col in partition_cols) statement += ", " statement += ", ".join("%s text" % col for col in clustering_cols + other_cols) if len(partition_cols) != 1 or clustering_cols: statement += ", PRIMARY KEY (" if len(partition_cols) > 1: statement += "(" + ", ".join(partition_cols) + ")" else: statement += partition_cols[0] if clustering_cols: statement += ", " statement += ", ".join(clustering_cols) statement += ")" statement += ")" if compact: statement += " WITH COMPACT STORAGE" return statement def check_create_statement(self, tablemeta, original): recreate = tablemeta.as_cql_query(formatted=False) self.assertEqual(original, recreate[:len(original)]) self.session.execute("DROP TABLE %s.%s" % (self.ksname, self.cfname)) self.session.execute(recreate) # create the table again, but with formatting enabled self.session.execute("DROP TABLE %s.%s" % (self.ksname, self.cfname)) recreate = tablemeta.as_cql_query(formatted=True) self.session.execute(recreate) def get_table_metadata(self): self.cluster.control_connection.refresh_schema() return self.cluster.metadata.keyspaces[self.ksname].tables[self.cfname] def test_basic_table_meta_properties(self): create_statement = self.make_create_statement(["a"], [], ["b", "c"]) self.session.execute(create_statement) self.cluster.control_connection.refresh_schema() meta = self.cluster.metadata self.assertNotEqual(meta.cluster_ref, None) self.assertNotEqual(meta.cluster_name, None) self.assertTrue(self.ksname in meta.keyspaces) ksmeta = meta.keyspaces[self.ksname] self.assertEqual(, self.ksname) self.assertTrue(ksmeta.durable_writes) self.assertEqual(, 'SimpleStrategy') self.assertEqual(ksmeta.replication_strategy.replication_factor, 1) self.assertTrue(self.cfname in ksmeta.tables) tablemeta = ksmeta.tables[self.cfname] self.assertEqual(tablemeta.keyspace, ksmeta) self.assertEqual(, self.cfname) self.assertEqual([u'a'], [ for c in tablemeta.partition_key]) self.assertEqual([], tablemeta.clustering_key) self.assertEqual([u'a', u'b', u'c'], sorted(tablemeta.columns.keys())) for option in tablemeta.options: self.assertIn(option, TableMetadata.recognized_options) self.check_create_statement(tablemeta, create_statement) def test_compound_primary_keys(self): create_statement = self.make_create_statement(["a"], ["b"], ["c"]) create_statement += " WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (b ASC)" self.session.execute(create_statement) tablemeta = self.get_table_metadata() self.assertEqual([u'a'], [ for c in tablemeta.partition_key]) self.assertEqual([u'b'], [ for c in tablemeta.clustering_key]) self.assertEqual([u'a', u'b', u'c'], sorted(tablemeta.columns.keys())) self.check_create_statement(tablemeta, create_statement) def test_compound_primary_keys_more_columns(self): create_statement = self.make_create_statement(["a"], ["b", "c"], ["d", "e", "f"]) create_statement += " WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (b ASC, c ASC)" self.session.execute(create_statement) tablemeta = self.get_table_metadata() self.assertEqual([u'a'], [ for c in tablemeta.partition_key]) self.assertEqual([u'b', u'c'], [ for c in tablemeta.clustering_key]) self.assertEqual([u'a', u'b', u'c', u'd', u'e', u'f'], sorted(tablemeta.columns.keys())) self.check_create_statement(tablemeta, create_statement) def test_composite_primary_key(self): create_statement = self.make_create_statement(["a", "b"], [], ["c"]) self.session.execute(create_statement) tablemeta = self.get_table_metadata() self.assertEqual([u'a', u'b'], [ for c in tablemeta.partition_key]) self.assertEqual([], tablemeta.clustering_key) self.assertEqual([u'a', u'b', u'c'], sorted(tablemeta.columns.keys())) self.check_create_statement(tablemeta, create_statement) def test_composite_in_compound_primary_key(self): create_statement = self.make_create_statement(["a", "b"], ["c"], ["d", "e"]) create_statement += " WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (c ASC)" self.session.execute(create_statement) tablemeta = self.get_table_metadata() self.assertEqual([u'a', u'b'], [ for c in tablemeta.partition_key]) self.assertEqual([u'c'], [ for c in tablemeta.clustering_key]) self.assertEqual([u'a', u'b', u'c', u'd', u'e'], sorted(tablemeta.columns.keys())) self.check_create_statement(tablemeta, create_statement) def test_compound_primary_keys_compact(self): create_statement = self.make_create_statement(["a"], ["b"], ["c"], compact=True) create_statement += " AND CLUSTERING ORDER BY (b ASC)" self.session.execute(create_statement) tablemeta = self.get_table_metadata() self.assertEqual([u'a'], [ for c in tablemeta.partition_key]) self.assertEqual([u'b'], [ for c in tablemeta.clustering_key]) self.assertEqual([u'a', u'b', u'c'], sorted(tablemeta.columns.keys())) self.check_create_statement(tablemeta, create_statement) def test_compound_primary_keys_more_columns_compact(self): create_statement = self.make_create_statement(["a"], ["b", "c"], ["d"], compact=True) create_statement += " AND CLUSTERING ORDER BY (b ASC, c ASC)" self.session.execute(create_statement) tablemeta = self.get_table_metadata() self.assertEqual([u'a'], [ for c in tablemeta.partition_key]) self.assertEqual([u'b', u'c'], [ for c in tablemeta.clustering_key]) self.assertEqual([u'a', u'b', u'c', u'd'], sorted(tablemeta.columns.keys())) self.check_create_statement(tablemeta, create_statement) def test_composite_primary_key_compact(self): create_statement = self.make_create_statement(["a", "b"], [], ["c"], compact=True) self.session.execute(create_statement) tablemeta = self.get_table_metadata() self.assertEqual([u'a', u'b'], [ for c in tablemeta.partition_key]) self.assertEqual([], tablemeta.clustering_key) self.assertEqual([u'a', u'b', u'c'], sorted(tablemeta.columns.keys())) self.check_create_statement(tablemeta, create_statement) def test_composite_in_compound_primary_key_compact(self): create_statement = self.make_create_statement(["a", "b"], ["c"], ["d"], compact=True) create_statement += " AND CLUSTERING ORDER BY (c ASC)" self.session.execute(create_statement) tablemeta = self.get_table_metadata() self.assertEqual([u'a', u'b'], [ for c in tablemeta.partition_key]) self.assertEqual([u'c'], [ for c in tablemeta.clustering_key]) self.assertEqual([u'a', u'b', u'c', u'd'], sorted(tablemeta.columns.keys())) self.check_create_statement(tablemeta, create_statement) def test_compound_primary_keys_ordering(self): create_statement = self.make_create_statement(["a"], ["b"], ["c"]) create_statement += " WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (b DESC)" self.session.execute(create_statement) tablemeta = self.get_table_metadata() self.check_create_statement(tablemeta, create_statement) def test_compound_primary_keys_more_columns_ordering(self): create_statement = self.make_create_statement(["a"], ["b", "c"], ["d", "e", "f"]) create_statement += " WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (b DESC, c ASC)" self.session.execute(create_statement) tablemeta = self.get_table_metadata() self.check_create_statement(tablemeta, create_statement) def test_composite_in_compound_primary_key_ordering(self): create_statement = self.make_create_statement(["a", "b"], ["c"], ["d", "e"]) create_statement += " WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (c DESC)" self.session.execute(create_statement) tablemeta = self.get_table_metadata() self.check_create_statement(tablemeta, create_statement) def test_indexes(self): create_statement = self.make_create_statement(["a"], ["b", "c"], ["d", "e", "f"]) create_statement += " WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (b ASC, c ASC)" self.session.execute(create_statement) d_index = "CREATE INDEX d_index ON %s.%s (d)" % (self.ksname, self.cfname) e_index = "CREATE INDEX e_index ON %s.%s (e)" % (self.ksname, self.cfname) self.session.execute(d_index) self.session.execute(e_index) tablemeta = self.get_table_metadata() statements = tablemeta.export_as_string().strip() statements = [s.strip() for s in statements.split(';')] statements = list(filter(bool, statements)) self.assertEqual(3, len(statements)) self.assertEqual(d_index, statements[1]) self.assertEqual(e_index, statements[2]) # make sure indexes are included in KeyspaceMetadata.export_as_string() ksmeta = self.cluster.metadata.keyspaces[self.ksname] statement = ksmeta.export_as_string() self.assertIn('CREATE INDEX d_index', statement) self.assertIn('CREATE INDEX e_index', statement) def test_collection_indexes(self): self.session.execute( "CREATE TABLE %s.%s (a int PRIMARY KEY, b map<text, text>)" % (self.ksname, self.cfname)) self.session.execute("CREATE INDEX index1 ON %s.%s (keys(b))" % (self.ksname, self.cfname)) tablemeta = self.get_table_metadata() self.assertIn('(keys(b))', tablemeta.export_as_string()) self.session.execute("DROP INDEX %s.index1" % (self.ksname, )) self.session.execute("CREATE INDEX index2 ON %s.%s (b)" % (self.ksname, self.cfname)) tablemeta = self.get_table_metadata() self.assertIn(' (b)', tablemeta.export_as_string()) # test full indexes on frozen collections, if available if get_server_versions()[0] >= (2, 1, 3): self.session.execute("DROP TABLE %s.%s" % (self.ksname, self.cfname)) self.session.execute( "CREATE TABLE %s.%s (a int PRIMARY KEY, b frozen<map<text, text>>)" % (self.ksname, self.cfname)) self.session.execute("CREATE INDEX index3 ON %s.%s (full(b))" % (self.ksname, self.cfname)) tablemeta = self.get_table_metadata() self.assertIn('(full(b))', tablemeta.export_as_string()) def test_compression_disabled(self): create_statement = self.make_create_statement(["a"], ["b"], ["c"]) create_statement += " WITH compression = {}" self.session.execute(create_statement) tablemeta = self.get_table_metadata() self.assertIn("compression = {}", tablemeta.export_as_string())
class BatchStatementTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): if PROTOCOL_VERSION < 2: raise unittest.SkipTest( "Protocol 2.0+ is required for BATCH operations, currently testing against %r" % (PROTOCOL_VERSION, )) self.cluster = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION) if PROTOCOL_VERSION < 3: self.cluster.set_core_connections_per_host(HostDistance.LOCAL, 1) self.session = self.cluster.connect() self.session.execute("TRUNCATE test3rf.test") def tearDown(self): self.cluster.shutdown() def confirm_results(self): keys = set() values = set() results = self.session.execute("SELECT * FROM test3rf.test") for result in results: keys.add(result.k) values.add(result.v) self.assertEqual(set(range(10)), keys) self.assertEqual(set(range(10)), values) def test_string_statements(self): batch = BatchStatement(BatchType.LOGGED) for i in range(10): batch.add("INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (%s, %s)", (i, i)) self.session.execute(batch) self.session.execute_async(batch).result() self.confirm_results() def test_simple_statements(self): batch = BatchStatement(BatchType.LOGGED) for i in range(10): batch.add( SimpleStatement( "INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (%s, %s)"), (i, i)) self.session.execute(batch) self.session.execute_async(batch).result() self.confirm_results() def test_prepared_statements(self): prepared = self.session.prepare( "INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (?, ?)") batch = BatchStatement(BatchType.LOGGED) for i in range(10): batch.add(prepared, (i, i)) self.session.execute(batch) self.session.execute_async(batch).result() self.confirm_results() def test_bound_statements(self): prepared = self.session.prepare( "INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (?, ?)") batch = BatchStatement(BatchType.LOGGED) for i in range(10): batch.add(prepared.bind((i, i))) self.session.execute(batch) self.session.execute_async(batch).result() self.confirm_results() def test_no_parameters(self): batch = BatchStatement(BatchType.LOGGED) batch.add("INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (0, 0)") batch.add("INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (1, 1)", ()) batch.add( SimpleStatement("INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (2, 2)")) batch.add( SimpleStatement("INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (3, 3)"), ()) prepared = self.session.prepare( "INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (4, 4)") batch.add(prepared) batch.add(prepared, ()) batch.add(prepared.bind([])) batch.add(prepared.bind([]), ()) batch.add("INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (5, 5)", ()) batch.add("INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (6, 6)", ()) batch.add("INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (7, 7)", ()) batch.add("INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (8, 8)", ()) batch.add("INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (9, 9)", ()) self.assertRaises(ValueError, batch.add, prepared.bind([]), (1)) self.assertRaises(ValueError, batch.add, prepared.bind([]), (1, 2)) self.assertRaises(ValueError, batch.add, prepared.bind([]), (1, 2, 3)) self.session.execute(batch) self.confirm_results()
class BatchStatementDefaultRoutingKeyTests(unittest.TestCase): # Test for PYTHON-126: BatchStatement.add() should set the routing key of the first added prepared statement def setUp(self): if PROTOCOL_VERSION < 2: raise unittest.SkipTest( "Protocol 2.0+ is required for BATCH operations, currently testing against %r" % (PROTOCOL_VERSION,)) self.cluster = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION) self.session = self.cluster.connect() query = """ INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (?, ?) """ self.simple_statement = SimpleStatement(query, routing_key='ss_rk', keyspace='keyspace_name') self.prepared = self.session.prepare(query) def tearDown(self): self.cluster.shutdown() def test_rk_from_bound(self): """ batch routing key is inherited from BoundStatement """ bound = self.prepared.bind((1, None)) batch = BatchStatement() batch.add(bound) self.assertIsNotNone(batch.routing_key) self.assertEqual(batch.routing_key, bound.routing_key) def test_rk_from_simple(self): """ batch routing key is inherited from SimpleStatement """ batch = BatchStatement() batch.add(self.simple_statement) self.assertIsNotNone(batch.routing_key) self.assertEqual(batch.routing_key, self.simple_statement.routing_key) def test_inherit_first_rk_bound(self): """ compound batch inherits the first routing key of the first added statement (bound statement is first) """ bound = self.prepared.bind((100000000, None)) batch = BatchStatement() batch.add("ss with no rk") batch.add(bound) batch.add(self.simple_statement) for i in range(3): batch.add(self.prepared, (i, i)) self.assertIsNotNone(batch.routing_key) self.assertEqual(batch.routing_key, bound.routing_key) def test_inherit_first_rk_simple_statement(self): """ compound batch inherits the first routing key of the first added statement (Simplestatement is first) """ bound = self.prepared.bind((1, None)) batch = BatchStatement() batch.add("ss with no rk") batch.add(self.simple_statement) batch.add(bound) for i in range(10): batch.add(self.prepared, (i, i)) self.assertIsNotNone(batch.routing_key) self.assertEqual(batch.routing_key, self.simple_statement.routing_key) def test_inherit_first_rk_prepared_param(self): """ compound batch inherits the first routing key of the first added statement (prepared statement is first) """ bound = self.prepared.bind((2, None)) batch = BatchStatement() batch.add("ss with no rk") batch.add(self.prepared, (1, 0)) batch.add(bound) batch.add(self.simple_statement) self.assertIsNotNone(batch.routing_key) self.assertEqual(batch.routing_key, self.prepared.bind((1, 0)).routing_key)
class SerialConsistencyTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): if PROTOCOL_VERSION < 2: raise unittest.SkipTest( "Protocol 2.0+ is required for Serial Consistency, currently testing against %r" % (PROTOCOL_VERSION,)) self.cluster = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION) if PROTOCOL_VERSION < 3: self.cluster.set_core_connections_per_host(HostDistance.LOCAL, 1) self.session = self.cluster.connect() def tearDown(self): self.cluster.shutdown() def test_conditional_update(self): self.session.execute("INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (0, 0)") statement = SimpleStatement( "UPDATE test3rf.test SET v=1 WHERE k=0 IF v=1", serial_consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.SERIAL) # crazy test, but PYTHON-299 # TODO: expand to check more parameters get passed to statement, and on to messages self.assertEqual(statement.serial_consistency_level, ConsistencyLevel.SERIAL) future = self.session.execute_async(statement) result = future.result() self.assertEqual(future.message.serial_consistency_level, ConsistencyLevel.SERIAL) self.assertTrue(result) self.assertFalse(result[0].applied) statement = SimpleStatement( "UPDATE test3rf.test SET v=1 WHERE k=0 IF v=0", serial_consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_SERIAL) self.assertEqual(statement.serial_consistency_level, ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_SERIAL) future = self.session.execute_async(statement) result = future.result() self.assertEqual(future.message.serial_consistency_level, ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_SERIAL) self.assertTrue(result) self.assertTrue(result[0].applied) def test_conditional_update_with_prepared_statements(self): self.session.execute("INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (0, 0)") statement = self.session.prepare( "UPDATE test3rf.test SET v=1 WHERE k=0 IF v=2") statement.serial_consistency_level = ConsistencyLevel.SERIAL future = self.session.execute_async(statement) result = future.result() self.assertEqual(future.message.serial_consistency_level, ConsistencyLevel.SERIAL) self.assertTrue(result) self.assertFalse(result[0].applied) statement = self.session.prepare( "UPDATE test3rf.test SET v=1 WHERE k=0 IF v=0") bound = statement.bind(()) bound.serial_consistency_level = ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_SERIAL future = self.session.execute_async(bound) result = future.result() self.assertEqual(future.message.serial_consistency_level, ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_SERIAL) self.assertTrue(result) self.assertTrue(result[0].applied) def test_conditional_update_with_batch_statements(self): self.session.execute("INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (0, 0)") statement = BatchStatement(serial_consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.SERIAL) statement.add("UPDATE test3rf.test SET v=1 WHERE k=0 IF v=1") self.assertEqual(statement.serial_consistency_level, ConsistencyLevel.SERIAL) future = self.session.execute_async(statement) result = future.result() self.assertEqual(future.message.serial_consistency_level, ConsistencyLevel.SERIAL) self.assertTrue(result) self.assertFalse(result[0].applied) statement = BatchStatement(serial_consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_SERIAL) statement.add("UPDATE test3rf.test SET v=1 WHERE k=0 IF v=0") self.assertEqual(statement.serial_consistency_level, ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_SERIAL) future = self.session.execute_async(statement) result = future.result() self.assertEqual(future.message.serial_consistency_level, ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_SERIAL) self.assertTrue(result) self.assertTrue(result[0].applied) def test_bad_consistency_level(self): statement = SimpleStatement("foo") self.assertRaises(ValueError, setattr, statement, 'serial_consistency_level', ConsistencyLevel.ONE) self.assertRaises(ValueError, SimpleStatement, 'foo', serial_consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
def main(): cassandra_cluster = Cluster( ['', '', '', '']) cassandra_session = cassandra_cluster.connect('insight') drop_views(cassandra_session) cassandra_cluster.shutdown()
class BatchStatementTests(BasicSharedKeyspaceUnitTestCase): def setUp(self): if PROTOCOL_VERSION < 2: raise unittest.SkipTest( "Protocol 2.0+ is required for BATCH operations, currently testing against %r" % (PROTOCOL_VERSION,)) self.cluster = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION) if PROTOCOL_VERSION < 3: self.cluster.set_core_connections_per_host(HostDistance.LOCAL, 1) self.session = self.cluster.connect() def tearDown(self): self.cluster.shutdown() def confirm_results(self): keys = set() values = set() # Assuming the test data is inserted at default CL.ONE, we need ALL here to guarantee we see # everything inserted results = self.session.execute(SimpleStatement("SELECT * FROM test3rf.test", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL)) for result in results: keys.add(result.k) values.add(result.v) self.assertEqual(set(range(10)), keys, msg=results) self.assertEqual(set(range(10)), values, msg=results) def test_string_statements(self): batch = BatchStatement(BatchType.LOGGED) for i in range(10): batch.add("INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (%s, %s)", (i, i)) self.session.execute(batch) self.session.execute_async(batch).result() self.confirm_results() def test_simple_statements(self): batch = BatchStatement(BatchType.LOGGED) for i in range(10): batch.add(SimpleStatement("INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (%s, %s)"), (i, i)) self.session.execute(batch) self.session.execute_async(batch).result() self.confirm_results() def test_prepared_statements(self): prepared = self.session.prepare("INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (?, ?)") batch = BatchStatement(BatchType.LOGGED) for i in range(10): batch.add(prepared, (i, i)) self.session.execute(batch) self.session.execute_async(batch).result() self.confirm_results() def test_bound_statements(self): prepared = self.session.prepare("INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (?, ?)") batch = BatchStatement(BatchType.LOGGED) for i in range(10): batch.add(prepared.bind((i, i))) self.session.execute(batch) self.session.execute_async(batch).result() self.confirm_results() def test_no_parameters(self): batch = BatchStatement(BatchType.LOGGED) batch.add("INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (0, 0)") batch.add("INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (1, 1)", ()) batch.add(SimpleStatement("INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (2, 2)")) batch.add(SimpleStatement("INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (3, 3)"), ()) prepared = self.session.prepare("INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (4, 4)") batch.add(prepared) batch.add(prepared, ()) batch.add(prepared.bind([])) batch.add(prepared.bind([]), ()) batch.add("INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (5, 5)", ()) batch.add("INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (6, 6)", ()) batch.add("INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (7, 7)", ()) batch.add("INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (8, 8)", ()) batch.add("INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (9, 9)", ()) self.assertRaises(ValueError, batch.add, prepared.bind([]), (1)) self.assertRaises(ValueError, batch.add, prepared.bind([]), (1, 2)) self.assertRaises(ValueError, batch.add, prepared.bind([]), (1, 2, 3)) self.session.execute(batch) self.confirm_results() def test_unicode(self): ddl = ''' CREATE TABLE test3rf.testtext ( k int PRIMARY KEY, v text )''' self.session.execute(ddl) unicode_text = u'Fran\u00E7ois' query = u'INSERT INTO test3rf.testtext (k, v) VALUES (%s, %s)' try: batch = BatchStatement(BatchType.LOGGED) batch.add(u"INSERT INTO test3rf.testtext (k, v) VALUES (%s, %s)", (0, unicode_text)) self.session.execute(batch) finally: self.session.execute("DROP TABLE test3rf.testtext") def test_too_many_statements(self): max_statements = 0xFFFF ss = SimpleStatement("INSERT INTO test3rf.test (k, v) VALUES (0, 0)") b = BatchStatement(batch_type=BatchType.UNLOGGED, consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ONE) # max works b.add_all([ss] * max_statements, [None] * max_statements) self.session.execute(b) # max + 1 raises self.assertRaises(ValueError, b.add, ss) # also would have bombed trying to encode b._statements_and_parameters.append((False, ss.query_string, ())) self.assertRaises(NoHostAvailable, self.session.execute, b)
class LightweightTransactionTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): """ Test is skipped if run with cql version < 2 """ if PROTOCOL_VERSION < 2: raise unittest.SkipTest( "Protocol 2.0+ is required for Lightweight transactions, currently testing against %r" % (PROTOCOL_VERSION,)) self.cluster = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION) self.session = self.cluster.connect() ddl = ''' CREATE TABLE test3rf.lwt ( k int PRIMARY KEY, v int )''' self.session.execute(ddl) def tearDown(self): """ Shutdown cluster """ self.session.execute("DROP TABLE test3rf.lwt") self.cluster.shutdown() def test_no_connection_refused_on_timeout(self): """ Test for PYTHON-91 "Connection closed after LWT timeout" Verifies that connection to the cluster is not shut down when timeout occurs. Number of iterations can be specified with LWT_ITERATIONS environment variable. Default value is 1000 """ insert_statement = self.session.prepare("INSERT INTO test3rf.lwt (k, v) VALUES (0, 0) IF NOT EXISTS") delete_statement = self.session.prepare("DELETE FROM test3rf.lwt WHERE k = 0 IF EXISTS") iterations = int(os.getenv("LWT_ITERATIONS", 1000)) # Prepare series of parallel statements statements_and_params = [] for i in range(iterations): statements_and_params.append((insert_statement, ())) statements_and_params.append((delete_statement, ())) received_timeout = False results = execute_concurrent(self.session, statements_and_params, raise_on_first_error=False) for (success, result) in results: if success: continue else: # In this case result is an exception if type(result).__name__ == "NoHostAvailable":"PYTHON-91: Disconnected from Cassandra: %s" % result.message) if type(result).__name__ == "WriteTimeout": received_timeout = True continue if type(result).__name__ == "WriteFailure": received_timeout = True continue if type(result).__name__ == "ReadTimeout": continue if type(result).__name__ == "ReadFailure": continue"Unexpected exception %s: %s" % (type(result).__name__, result.message)) # Make sure test passed self.assertTrue(received_timeout)
class CassandraIO(): """ This module reads the packet info from the Cassandra database and returns a histogram of the data. As of this writing, Cassandra is not suitable for our needs and the plan is to move to a relational database so not a lot of care is being put into this module """ def __init__(self, keyspace, table, hostname=""): self._cluster = Cluster([hostname]) self._session = self._cluster.connect(keyspace) self._table = table def get_histogram(self, sample_window_sec, slide_window_sec, filter_name, filter_value, features_keep): """ filter_name and filter_value is to define one thing that we're making histograms for. For example, source_addr = would build histograms for all packets originating from and with whatever desired features features_keep is a tuple of strings representing field names in the database. If the feature is inside the text_values map, just pass in the key for the map and this code will automatically try the various maps looking for it. We assume the same key name doesn't appear in multiple maps As a result the ret dict contains a flat keyspace """ ret = Histograms(sample_window_sec, slide_window_sec) self._result = self._session.execute("SELECT * FROM " + self._table) temp_data = dict() count = 0 for res in self._result: count += 1 features = () res_dict = res._asdict() if res_dict[filter_name] != filter_value: continue if res.source_addr in temp_data: temp_data[res_dict["dest_addr"]] += 1 else: temp_data[res_dict["dest_addr"]] = 0 for f in features_keep.split(","): f = f.strip() if f in res_dict: features = features + (res_dict[f], ) elif f in res_dict["text_values"]: features = features + (res_dict["text_values"][f], ) else: raise Exception("Could not find field " + f) sec = time.mktime(res.time_stamp.timetuple()) ret.insert_one(','.join(map(str, features)), sec) return ret def close(self): self._session = None self._cluster.shutdown() self._cluster = None
class Client: def __init__(self, hosts, metadata): self.port = 9042 self.hosts = [] for host in hosts: if ":" in host: self.port = host.split(":")[-1] self.hosts.append(host.split(":")[0]) else: self.hosts.append(host) logger.debug(f"Connecting to hosts: {hosts}") self.ks = metadata["keyspace"] self.repl = metadata["replication"] self.cluster = Cluster(self.hosts, port=self.port) try: self.session = self.cluster.connect(self.ks) except NoHostAvailable: self.cluster.shutdown() self.cluster = Cluster(self.hosts, port=self.port) query = f"CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS {self.ks} WITH REPLICATION = {self.repl}" logger.debug(f"Keyspace not found: {self.ks}") logger.debug(f"Executing query: {query}") self.session = self.cluster.connect() self.session.execute(query) self.session.set_keyspace(self.ks) def heartbeat(self): return bool(self.cluster.metadata.keyspaces) def _format_table(self, table): columns = [] for column_name, column in table.columns.items(): columns.append({ "name": column_name, "datatype": column.cql_type }) return { "name":, "columns": columns, "primary_key": [ for x in table.primary_key] } def list_tables(self, **kwargs): tables = [] for _, table in self.cluster.metadata.keyspaces[self.ks].tables.items(): tables.append(self._format_table(table)) return tables def create_table(self, data): logger.debug(f"Creating table {data}") fields = [] for i in data["columns"]: fields.append(f'{i["name"]} {i["datatype"]}') query = f'CREATE TABLE {data["name"]}({",".join(fields)}, PRIMARY KEY({",".join(data["primary_key"])}))' logger.debug(f"Executing query: {query}") self.session.execute(query) return True def describe_table(self, table_name): table = self.cluster.metadata.keyspaces[self.ks].tables[table_name] return self._format_table(table) def insert_into(self, table_name, data): logger.debug(f"Insert into {table_name}: {data}") fields = [] values = [] for k, v in data["field_values"].items(): fields.append(k) if isinstance(v, str): v = f"'{v}'" values.append(str(v)) query = f'INSERT INTO {table_name}({",".join(fields)}) VALUES({",".join(values)})' logger.debug(f"Executing query: {query}") self.session.execute(query) return True def select_from(self, table_name, data): logger.debug(f"Select from {table_name}: {data}") query = f'SELECT * FROM {table_name}' logger.debug(f"Executing query: {query}") rows = self.session.execute(query) return rows.all() def update_from(self, table_name, data): logger.debug(f"Update from {table_name}: {data}") updates = [] filters = [] for k, v in data["field_values"].items(): if isinstance(v, str): v = f"'{v}'" updates.append(f"{k} = {v}") for k, v in data["where"].items(): if isinstance(v, str): v = f"'{v}'" filters.append(f"{k} = {v}") query = f'UPDATE {table_name} SET {",".join(updates)} WHERE {",".join(filters)}' logger.debug(f"Executing query: {query}") self.session.execute(query) return True def delete_from(self, table_name, data): logger.debug(f"Delete from {table_name}: {data}") filters = [] for k, v in data["where"].items(): if isinstance(v, str): v = f"'{v}'" filters.append(f"{k} = {v}") query = f'DELETE FROM {table_name} WHERE {",".join(filters)}' logger.debug(f"Executing query: {query}") self.session.execute(query) return True
def token_aware(self, keyspace, use_prepared=False): use_singledc() cluster = Cluster(load_balancing_policy=TokenAwarePolicy( RoundRobinPolicy()), protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION) session = cluster.connect() wait_for_up(cluster, 1, wait=False) wait_for_up(cluster, 2, wait=False) wait_for_up(cluster, 3) create_schema(session, keyspace, replication_factor=1) self._insert(session, keyspace) self._query(session, keyspace, use_prepared=use_prepared) self.coordinator_stats.assert_query_count_equals(self, 1, 0) self.coordinator_stats.assert_query_count_equals(self, 2, 12) self.coordinator_stats.assert_query_count_equals(self, 3, 0) self.coordinator_stats.reset_counts() self._query(session, keyspace, use_prepared=use_prepared) self.coordinator_stats.assert_query_count_equals(self, 1, 0) self.coordinator_stats.assert_query_count_equals(self, 2, 12) self.coordinator_stats.assert_query_count_equals(self, 3, 0) self.coordinator_stats.reset_counts() force_stop(2) wait_for_down(cluster, 2, wait=True) try: self._query(session, keyspace, use_prepared=use_prepared) except Unavailable as e: self.assertEqual(e.consistency, 1) self.assertEqual(e.required_replicas, 1) self.assertEqual(e.alive_replicas, 0) self.coordinator_stats.reset_counts() start(2) wait_for_up(cluster, 2, wait=True) self._query(session, keyspace, use_prepared=use_prepared) self.coordinator_stats.assert_query_count_equals(self, 1, 0) self.coordinator_stats.assert_query_count_equals(self, 2, 12) self.coordinator_stats.assert_query_count_equals(self, 3, 0) self.coordinator_stats.reset_counts() stop(2) wait_for_down(cluster, 2, wait=True) try: self._query(session, keyspace, use_prepared=use_prepared) except Unavailable: pass self.coordinator_stats.reset_counts() start(2) wait_for_up(cluster, 2, wait=True) decommission(2) wait_for_down(cluster, 2, wait=True) self._query(session, keyspace, use_prepared=use_prepared) results = set([ self.coordinator_stats.get_query_count(1), self.coordinator_stats.get_query_count(3) ]) self.assertEqual(results, set([0, 12])) self.coordinator_stats.assert_query_count_equals(self, 2, 0) cluster.shutdown()
class cassandra_utils(): ''' Object that holds all cassandra related information ''' def __init__(self, hosts_list): self.hosts_list = hosts_list # For now, this is hardcoded. Make it configurable later self.replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1} self._connect_to_cluster() # Private methods def _connect_to_cluster(self):'connecting to Cassandra at: {}'.format(self.hosts_list)) self.cluster = Cluster(self.hosts_list) self.session = self.cluster.connect() self.cluster_name = self.cluster.metadata.cluster_name'Connected to cluster named: {}'.format( self.cluster_name)) # Public methods def get_replication(self): ''' Simply return the replication setting for now ''' return self.replication def get_keyspaces(self): ''' Return the list of keyspaces in this cluster. Also init a dict of keyspaces and keyspace objects ''' self.system_ks_list = [] self.db_ks_list = [] self.system_ks_dict = {} self.db_ks_dict = {} for ks, ks_obj in self.cluster.metadata.keyspaces.items(): logging.debug('Setting up keyspace: {}'.format(ks)) setattr(self, ks, ks_obj) if ks in SYSTEM_KS: self.system_ks_list.append(ks) self.system_ks_dict[ks] = ks_obj else: self.db_ks_list.append(ks) self.db_ks_dict[ks] = ks_obj return self.db_ks_list, self.system_ks_list def get_tables_in_keyspace(self, keyspace): ''' Given a key space, return a list of tables. Also set the table obj as an attr in this (self) obj ''' table_list = [] # get the keyspace attribute ks_obj = getattr(self, keyspace) # roll through the ks_obj tables dict and set things up tables_dict = ks_obj.tables.items() for table_name, table_obj in tables_dict: logging.debug('Setting up for table: {} in keyspace: {}'.format( table_name, keyspace)) table_list.append(table_name) setattr(ks_obj, table_name, table_obj) return table_list def set_session_keyspace(self, keyspace): ''' Set the default keyspace ''''Setting cluster keyspace to: {}'.format(keyspace)) self.session.set_keyspace(keyspace) def create_table(cass, ks_name, table_name, table_columns=TABLE_COLUMNS_SV2): ''' Create specified table in keyspace ks_name if it does not exist ''' cmd = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {ks_name}.{table_name} {cols}".format( ks_name=ks_name, table_name=table_name, cols=table_columns)'Creating table with command: {}'.format(cmd)) retval = cass.session.execute(cmd) # TBD: Not too sure how to check for creating failures'Create command returned: {}'.format(retval)) def delete_table(cass, ks_name, table_name): ''' Delete specified table from keyspace ks_name ''' cmd = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {ks_name}.{table_name};".format( ks_name=ks_name, table_name=table_name)'Deleting table with command: {}'.format(cmd)) retval = cass.session.execute(cmd) # TBD: Not too sure how to check for creating failures'Delete command returned: {}'.format(retval)) def cleanup(self): ''' Close all connections to the Cassandra cluster ''''Closing connection to cluster: {}'.format( self.cluster_name)) self.cluster.shutdown()
class HeartbeatTest(unittest.TestCase): """ Test to validate failing a heartbeat check doesn't mark a host as down @since 3.3 @jira_ticket PYTHON-286 @expected_result host should not be marked down when heartbeat fails @test_category connection heartbeat """ def setUp(self): self.cluster = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION, idle_heartbeat_interval=1) self.session = self.cluster.connect() def tearDown(self): self.cluster.shutdown() def test_heart_beat_timeout(self): # Setup a host listener to ensure the nodes don't go down test_listener = TestHostListener() host = "" node = get_node(1) initial_connections = self.fetch_connections(host, self.cluster) self.assertNotEqual(len(initial_connections), 0) self.cluster.register_listener(test_listener) # Pause the node node.pause() # Wait for connections associated with this host go away self.wait_for_no_connections(host, self.cluster) # Resume paused node node.resume() # Run a query to ensure connections are re-established current_host = "" count = 0 while current_host != host and count < 100: rs = self.session.execute_async("SELECT * FROM system.local", trace=False) rs.result() current_host = str(rs._current_host) count += 1 time.sleep(.1) self.assertLess(count, 100, "Never connected to the first node") new_connections = self.wait_for_connections(host, self.cluster) self.assertIsNone(test_listener.host_down) # Make sure underlying new connections don't match previous ones for connection in initial_connections: self.assertFalse(connection in new_connections) def fetch_connections(self, host, cluster): # Given a cluster object and host grab all connection associated with that host connections = [] holders = cluster.get_connection_holders() for conn in holders: if host == str(getattr(conn, 'host', '')): if isinstance(conn, HostConnectionPool): if conn._connections is not None: connections.append(conn._connections) else: if conn._connection is not None: connections.append(conn._connection) return connections def wait_for_connections(self, host, cluster): retry = 0 while (retry < 300): retry += 1 connections = self.fetch_connections(host, cluster) if len(connections) is not 0: return connections time.sleep(.1)"No new connections found") def wait_for_no_connections(self, host, cluster): retry = 0 while (retry < 100): retry += 1 connections = self.fetch_connections(host, cluster) if len(connections) is 0: return time.sleep(.5)"Connections never cleared")
def test_dc_aware_roundrobin_one_remote_host(self): use_multidc([2, 2]) keyspace = 'test_dc_aware_roundrobin_one_remote_host' cluster = Cluster(load_balancing_policy=DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy( 'dc2', used_hosts_per_remote_dc=1), protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION) session = cluster.connect() wait_for_up(cluster, 1, wait=False) wait_for_up(cluster, 2, wait=False) wait_for_up(cluster, 3, wait=False) wait_for_up(cluster, 4) create_schema(session, keyspace, replication_strategy=[2, 2]) self._insert(session, keyspace) self._query(session, keyspace) self.coordinator_stats.assert_query_count_equals(self, 1, 0) self.coordinator_stats.assert_query_count_equals(self, 2, 0) self.coordinator_stats.assert_query_count_equals(self, 3, 6) self.coordinator_stats.assert_query_count_equals(self, 4, 6) self.coordinator_stats.reset_counts() bootstrap(5, 'dc1') wait_for_up(cluster, 5) self._query(session, keyspace) self.coordinator_stats.assert_query_count_equals(self, 1, 0) self.coordinator_stats.assert_query_count_equals(self, 2, 0) self.coordinator_stats.assert_query_count_equals(self, 3, 6) self.coordinator_stats.assert_query_count_equals(self, 4, 6) self.coordinator_stats.assert_query_count_equals(self, 5, 0) self.coordinator_stats.reset_counts() decommission(3) decommission(4) wait_for_down(cluster, 3, wait=True) wait_for_down(cluster, 4, wait=True) self._query(session, keyspace) self.coordinator_stats.assert_query_count_equals(self, 3, 0) self.coordinator_stats.assert_query_count_equals(self, 4, 0) responses = set() for node in [1, 2, 5]: responses.add(self.coordinator_stats.get_query_count(node)) self.assertEqual(set([0, 0, 12]), responses) self.coordinator_stats.reset_counts() decommission(5) wait_for_down(cluster, 5, wait=True) self._query(session, keyspace) self.coordinator_stats.assert_query_count_equals(self, 3, 0) self.coordinator_stats.assert_query_count_equals(self, 4, 0) self.coordinator_stats.assert_query_count_equals(self, 5, 0) responses = set() for node in [1, 2]: responses.add(self.coordinator_stats.get_query_count(node)) self.assertEqual(set([0, 12]), responses) self.coordinator_stats.reset_counts() decommission(1) wait_for_down(cluster, 1, wait=True) self._query(session, keyspace) self.coordinator_stats.assert_query_count_equals(self, 1, 0) self.coordinator_stats.assert_query_count_equals(self, 2, 12) self.coordinator_stats.assert_query_count_equals(self, 3, 0) self.coordinator_stats.assert_query_count_equals(self, 4, 0) self.coordinator_stats.assert_query_count_equals(self, 5, 0) self.coordinator_stats.reset_counts() force_stop(2) try: self._query(session, keyspace) except NoHostAvailable: pass cluster.shutdown()
def teardown(hosts): cluster = Cluster(hosts) cluster.set_core_connections_per_host(HostDistance.LOCAL, 1) session = cluster.connect() session.execute("DROP KEYSPACE " + KEYSPACE) cluster.shutdown()
class DatastoreProxy(AppDBInterface): """ Cassandra implementation of the AppDBInterface """ def __init__(self, log_level=logging.INFO): """ Constructor. """ class_name = self.__class__.__name__ self.logger = logging.getLogger(class_name) self.logger.setLevel(log_level)'Starting {}'.format(class_name)) self.hosts = appscale_info.get_db_ips() remaining_retries = INITIAL_CONNECT_RETRIES while True: try: self.cluster = Cluster(self.hosts, default_retry_policy=BASIC_RETRIES) self.session = self.cluster.connect(KEYSPACE) break except cassandra.cluster.NoHostAvailable as connection_error: remaining_retries -= 1 if remaining_retries < 0: raise connection_error time.sleep(3) self.session.default_consistency_level = ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM self.prepared_statements = {} def close(self): """ Close all sessions and connections to Cassandra. """ self.cluster.shutdown() def batch_get_entity(self, table_name, row_keys, column_names): """ Takes in batches of keys and retrieves their corresponding rows. Args: table_name: The table to access row_keys: A list of keys to access column_names: A list of columns to access Returns: A dictionary of rows and columns/values of those rows. The format looks like such: {key:{column_name:value,...}} Raises: TypeError: If an argument passed in was not of the expected type. AppScaleDBConnectionError: If the batch_get could not be performed due to an error with Cassandra. """ if not isinstance(table_name, str): raise TypeError("Expected a str") if not isinstance(column_names, list): raise TypeError("Expected a list") if not isinstance(row_keys, list): raise TypeError("Expected a list") row_keys_bytes = [bytearray(row_key) for row_key in row_keys] statement = 'SELECT * FROM "{table}" '\ 'WHERE {key} IN %s and {column} IN %s'.format( table=table_name, key=ThriftColumn.KEY, column=ThriftColumn.COLUMN_NAME, ) query = SimpleStatement(statement, retry_policy=BASIC_RETRIES) parameters = (ValueSequence(row_keys_bytes), ValueSequence(column_names)) try: results = self.session.execute(query, parameters=parameters) results_dict = {row_key: {} for row_key in row_keys} for (key, column, value) in results: if key not in results_dict: results_dict[key] = {} results_dict[key][column] = value return results_dict except dbconstants.TRANSIENT_CASSANDRA_ERRORS: message = 'Exception during batch_get_entity' logging.exception(message) raise AppScaleDBConnectionError(message) def batch_put_entity(self, table_name, row_keys, column_names, cell_values, ttl=None): """ Allows callers to store multiple rows with a single call. A row can have multiple columns and values with them. We refer to each row as an entity. Args: table_name: The table to mutate row_keys: A list of keys to store on column_names: A list of columns to mutate cell_values: A dict of key/value pairs ttl: The number of seconds to keep the row. Raises: TypeError: If an argument passed in was not of the expected type. AppScaleDBConnectionError: If the batch_put could not be performed due to an error with Cassandra. """ if not isinstance(table_name, str): raise TypeError("Expected a str") if not isinstance(column_names, list): raise TypeError("Expected a list") if not isinstance(row_keys, list): raise TypeError("Expected a list") if not isinstance(cell_values, dict): raise TypeError("Expected a dict") insert_str = """ INSERT INTO "{table}" ({key}, {column}, {value}) VALUES (?, ?, ?) """.format(table=table_name, key=ThriftColumn.KEY, column=ThriftColumn.COLUMN_NAME, value=ThriftColumn.VALUE) if ttl is not None: insert_str += 'USING TTL {}'.format(ttl) statement = self.session.prepare(insert_str) statements_and_params = [] for row_key in row_keys: for column in column_names: params = (bytearray(row_key), column, bytearray(cell_values[row_key][column])) statements_and_params.append((statement, params)) try: execute_concurrent(self.session, statements_and_params, raise_on_first_error=True) except dbconstants.TRANSIENT_CASSANDRA_ERRORS: message = 'Exception during batch_put_entity' logging.exception(message) raise AppScaleDBConnectionError(message) def prepare_insert(self, table): """ Prepare an insert statement. Args: table: A string containing the table name. Returns: A PreparedStatement object. """ statement = """ INSERT INTO "{table}" ({key}, {column}, {value}) VALUES (?, ?, ?) USING TIMESTAMP ? """.format(table=table, key=ThriftColumn.KEY, column=ThriftColumn.COLUMN_NAME, value=ThriftColumn.VALUE) if statement not in self.prepared_statements: self.prepared_statements[statement] = self.session.prepare(statement) return self.prepared_statements[statement] def prepare_delete(self, table): """ Prepare a delete statement. Args: table: A string containing the table name. Returns: A PreparedStatement object. """ statement = """ DELETE FROM "{table}" USING TIMESTAMP ? WHERE {key} = ? """.format(table=table, key=ThriftColumn.KEY) if statement not in self.prepared_statements: self.prepared_statements[statement] = self.session.prepare(statement) return self.prepared_statements[statement] def _normal_batch(self, mutations, txid): """ Use Cassandra's native batch statement to apply mutations atomically. Args: mutations: A list of dictionaries representing mutations. txid: An integer specifying a transaction ID. """ self.logger.debug('Normal batch: {} mutations'.format(len(mutations))) batch = BatchStatement(consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM, retry_policy=BASIC_RETRIES) prepared_statements = {'insert': {}, 'delete': {}} for mutation in mutations: table = mutation['table'] if table == 'group_updates': key = mutation['key'] insert = """ INSERT INTO group_updates (group, last_update) VALUES (%(group)s, %(last_update)s) USING TIMESTAMP %(timestamp)s """ parameters = {'group': key, 'last_update': mutation['last_update'], 'timestamp': get_write_time(txid)} batch.add(insert, parameters) continue if mutation['operation'] == Operations.PUT: if table not in prepared_statements['insert']: prepared_statements['insert'][table] = self.prepare_insert(table) values = mutation['values'] for column in values: batch.add( prepared_statements['insert'][table], (bytearray(mutation['key']), column, bytearray(values[column]), get_write_time(txid)) ) elif mutation['operation'] == Operations.DELETE: if table not in prepared_statements['delete']: prepared_statements['delete'][table] = self.prepare_delete(table) batch.add( prepared_statements['delete'][table], (get_write_time(txid), bytearray(mutation['key'])) ) try: self.session.execute(batch) except dbconstants.TRANSIENT_CASSANDRA_ERRORS: message = 'Exception during batch_mutate' logging.exception(message) raise AppScaleDBConnectionError(message) def apply_mutations(self, mutations, txid): """ Apply mutations across tables. Args: mutations: A list of dictionaries representing mutations. txid: An integer specifying a transaction ID. """ prepared_statements = {'insert': {}, 'delete': {}} statements_and_params = [] for mutation in mutations: table = mutation['table'] if table == 'group_updates': key = mutation['key'] insert = """ INSERT INTO group_updates (group, last_update) VALUES (%(group)s, %(last_update)s) USING TIMESTAMP %(timestamp)s """ parameters = {'group': key, 'last_update': mutation['last_update'], 'timestamp': get_write_time(txid)} statements_and_params.append((SimpleStatement(insert), parameters)) continue if mutation['operation'] == Operations.PUT: if table not in prepared_statements['insert']: prepared_statements['insert'][table] = self.prepare_insert(table) values = mutation['values'] for column in values: params = (bytearray(mutation['key']), column, bytearray(values[column]), get_write_time(txid)) statements_and_params.append( (prepared_statements['insert'][table], params)) elif mutation['operation'] == Operations.DELETE: if table not in prepared_statements['delete']: prepared_statements['delete'][table] = self.prepare_delete(table) params = (get_write_time(txid), bytearray(mutation['key'])) statements_and_params.append( (prepared_statements['delete'][table], params)) execute_concurrent(self.session, statements_and_params, raise_on_first_error=True) def _large_batch(self, app, mutations, entity_changes, txn): """ Insert or delete multiple rows across tables in an atomic statement. Args: app: A string containing the application ID. mutations: A list of dictionaries representing mutations. entity_changes: A list of changes at the entity level. txn: A transaction ID handler. Raises: FailedBatch if a concurrent process modifies the batch status. AppScaleDBConnectionError if a database connection error was encountered. """ self.logger.debug('Large batch: transaction {}, {} mutations'. format(txn, len(mutations))) large_batch = LargeBatch(self.session, app, txn) try: large_batch.start() except FailedBatch as batch_error: raise AppScaleDBConnectionError(str(batch_error)) insert_item = """ INSERT INTO batches (app, transaction, namespace, path, old_value, new_value) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) """ insert_statement = self.session.prepare(insert_item) statements_and_params = [] for entity_change in entity_changes: old_value = None if entity_change['old'] is not None: old_value = bytearray(entity_change['old'].Encode()) new_value = None if entity_change['new'] is not None: new_value = bytearray(entity_change['new'].Encode()) parameters = (app, txn, entity_change['key'].name_space(), bytearray(entity_change['key'].path().Encode()), old_value, new_value) statements_and_params.append((insert_statement, parameters)) try: execute_concurrent(self.session, statements_and_params, raise_on_first_error=True) except dbconstants.TRANSIENT_CASSANDRA_ERRORS: message = 'Unable to write large batch log' logging.exception(message) raise AppScaleDBConnectionError(message) try: large_batch.set_applied() except FailedBatch as batch_error: raise AppScaleDBConnectionError(str(batch_error)) try: self.apply_mutations(mutations, txn) except dbconstants.TRANSIENT_CASSANDRA_ERRORS: message = 'Exception during large batch' logging.exception(message) raise AppScaleDBConnectionError(message) try: large_batch.cleanup() except FailedBatch: # This should not raise an exception since the batch is already applied. logging.exception('Unable to clear batch status') clear_batch = """ DELETE FROM batches WHERE app = %(app)s AND transaction = %(transaction)s """ parameters = {'app': app, 'transaction': txn} try: self.session.execute(clear_batch, parameters) except dbconstants.TRANSIENT_CASSANDRA_ERRORS: logging.exception('Unable to clear batch log') def batch_mutate(self, app, mutations, entity_changes, txn): """ Insert or delete multiple rows across tables in an atomic statement. Args: app: A string containing the application ID. mutations: A list of dictionaries representing mutations. entity_changes: A list of changes at the entity level. txn: A transaction ID handler. """ size = batch_size(mutations) if size > LARGE_BATCH_THRESHOLD: self._large_batch(app, mutations, entity_changes, txn) else: self._normal_batch(mutations, txn) def batch_delete(self, table_name, row_keys, column_names=()): """ Remove a set of rows corresponding to a set of keys. Args: table_name: Table to delete rows from row_keys: A list of keys to remove column_names: Not used Raises: TypeError: If an argument passed in was not of the expected type. AppScaleDBConnectionError: If the batch_delete could not be performed due to an error with Cassandra. """ if not isinstance(table_name, str): raise TypeError("Expected a str") if not isinstance(row_keys, list): raise TypeError("Expected a list") row_keys_bytes = [bytearray(row_key) for row_key in row_keys] statement = 'DELETE FROM "{table}" WHERE {key} IN %s'.\ format( table=table_name, key=ThriftColumn.KEY ) query = SimpleStatement(statement, retry_policy=BASIC_RETRIES) parameters = (ValueSequence(row_keys_bytes),) try: self.session.execute(query, parameters=parameters) except dbconstants.TRANSIENT_CASSANDRA_ERRORS: message = 'Exception during batch_delete' logging.exception(message) raise AppScaleDBConnectionError(message) def delete_table(self, table_name): """ Drops a given table (aka column family in Cassandra) Args: table_name: A string name of the table to drop Raises: TypeError: If an argument passed in was not of the expected type. AppScaleDBConnectionError: If the delete_table could not be performed due to an error with Cassandra. """ if not isinstance(table_name, str): raise TypeError("Expected a str") statement = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "{table}"'.format(table=table_name) query = SimpleStatement(statement, retry_policy=BASIC_RETRIES) try: self.session.execute(query) except dbconstants.TRANSIENT_CASSANDRA_ERRORS: message = 'Exception during delete_table' logging.exception(message) raise AppScaleDBConnectionError(message) def create_table(self, table_name, column_names): """ Creates a table if it doesn't already exist. Args: table_name: The column family name column_names: Not used but here to match the interface Raises: TypeError: If an argument passed in was not of the expected type. AppScaleDBConnectionError: If the create_table could not be performed due to an error with Cassandra. """ if not isinstance(table_name, str): raise TypeError("Expected a str") if not isinstance(column_names, list): raise TypeError("Expected a list") statement = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "{table}" ('\ '{key} blob,'\ '{column} text,'\ '{value} blob,'\ 'PRIMARY KEY ({key}, {column})'\ ') WITH COMPACT STORAGE'.format( table=table_name, key=ThriftColumn.KEY, column=ThriftColumn.COLUMN_NAME, value=ThriftColumn.VALUE ) query = SimpleStatement(statement, retry_policy=NO_RETRIES) try: self.session.execute(query, timeout=SCHEMA_CHANGE_TIMEOUT) except cassandra.OperationTimedOut: logging.warning( 'Encountered an operation timeout while creating a table. Waiting {} ' 'seconds for schema to settle.'.format(SCHEMA_CHANGE_TIMEOUT)) time.sleep(SCHEMA_CHANGE_TIMEOUT) raise AppScaleDBConnectionError('Exception during create_table') except (error for error in dbconstants.TRANSIENT_CASSANDRA_ERRORS if error != cassandra.OperationTimedOut): message = 'Exception during create_table' logging.exception(message) raise AppScaleDBConnectionError(message) def range_query(self, table_name, column_names, start_key, end_key, limit, offset=0, start_inclusive=True, end_inclusive=True, keys_only=False): """ Gets a dense range ordered by keys. Returns an ordered list of a dictionary of [key:{column1:value1, column2:value2},...] or a list of keys if keys only. Args: table_name: Name of table to access column_names: Columns which get returned within the key range start_key: String for which the query starts at end_key: String for which the query ends at limit: Maximum number of results to return offset: Cuts off these many from the results [offset:] start_inclusive: Boolean if results should include the start_key end_inclusive: Boolean if results should include the end_key keys_only: Boolean if to only keys and not values Raises: TypeError: If an argument passed in was not of the expected type. AppScaleDBConnectionError: If the range_query could not be performed due to an error with Cassandra. Returns: An ordered list of dictionaries of key=>columns/values """ if not isinstance(table_name, str): raise TypeError('table_name must be a string') if not isinstance(column_names, list): raise TypeError('column_names must be a list') if not isinstance(start_key, str): raise TypeError('start_key must be a string') if not isinstance(end_key, str): raise TypeError('end_key must be a string') if not isinstance(limit, (int, long)) and limit is not None: raise TypeError('limit must be int, long, or NoneType') if not isinstance(offset, (int, long)): raise TypeError('offset must be int or long') if start_inclusive: gt_compare = '>=' else: gt_compare = '>' if end_inclusive: lt_compare = '<=' else: lt_compare = '<' query_limit = '' if limit is not None: query_limit = 'LIMIT {}'.format(len(column_names) * limit) statement = """ SELECT * FROM "{table}" WHERE token({key}) {gt_compare} %s AND token({key}) {lt_compare} %s AND {column} IN %s {limit} ALLOW FILTERING """.format(table=table_name, key=ThriftColumn.KEY, gt_compare=gt_compare, lt_compare=lt_compare, column=ThriftColumn.COLUMN_NAME, limit=query_limit) query = SimpleStatement(statement, retry_policy=BASIC_RETRIES) parameters = (bytearray(start_key), bytearray(end_key), ValueSequence(column_names)) try: results = self.session.execute(query, parameters=parameters) results_list = [] current_item = {} current_key = None for (key, column, value) in results: if keys_only: results_list.append(key) continue if key != current_key: if current_item: results_list.append({current_key: current_item}) current_item = {} current_key = key current_item[column] = value if current_item: results_list.append({current_key: current_item}) return results_list[offset:] except dbconstants.TRANSIENT_CASSANDRA_ERRORS: message = 'Exception during range_query' logging.exception(message) raise AppScaleDBConnectionError(message) def get_metadata(self, key): """ Retrieve a value from the datastore metadata table. Args: key: A string containing the key to fetch. Returns: A string containing the value or None if the key is not present. """ statement = """ SELECT {value} FROM "{table}" WHERE {key} = %s AND {column} = %s """.format( value=ThriftColumn.VALUE, table=dbconstants.DATASTORE_METADATA_TABLE, key=ThriftColumn.KEY, column=ThriftColumn.COLUMN_NAME ) try: results = self.session.execute(statement, (bytearray(key), key)) except dbconstants.TRANSIENT_CASSANDRA_ERRORS: message = 'Unable to fetch {} from datastore metadata'.format(key) logging.exception(message) raise AppScaleDBConnectionError(message) try: return results[0].value except IndexError: return None def set_metadata(self, key, value): """ Set a datastore metadata value. Args: key: A string containing the key to set. value: A string containing the value to set. """ if not isinstance(key, str): raise TypeError('key should be a string') if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError('value should be a string') statement = """ INSERT INTO "{table}" ({key}, {column}, {value}) VALUES (%(key)s, %(column)s, %(value)s) """.format( table=dbconstants.DATASTORE_METADATA_TABLE, key=ThriftColumn.KEY, column=ThriftColumn.COLUMN_NAME, value=ThriftColumn.VALUE ) parameters = {'key': bytearray(key), 'column': key, 'value': bytearray(value)} try: self.session.execute(statement, parameters) except dbconstants.TRANSIENT_CASSANDRA_ERRORS: message = 'Unable to set datastore metadata for {}'.format(key) logging.exception(message) raise AppScaleDBConnectionError(message) except cassandra.InvalidRequest: self.create_table(dbconstants.DATASTORE_METADATA_TABLE, dbconstants.DATASTORE_METADATA_SCHEMA) self.session.execute(statement, parameters) def get_indices(self, app_id): """ Gets the indices of the given application. Args: app_id: Name of the application. Returns: Returns a list of encoded entity_pb.CompositeIndex objects. """ start_key = dbconstants.KEY_DELIMITER.join([app_id, 'index', '']) end_key = dbconstants.KEY_DELIMITER.join( [app_id, 'index', dbconstants.TERMINATING_STRING]) result = self.range_query( dbconstants.METADATA_TABLE, dbconstants.METADATA_SCHEMA, start_key, end_key, dbconstants.MAX_NUMBER_OF_COMPOSITE_INDEXES, offset=0, start_inclusive=True, end_inclusive=True) list_result = [] for list_item in result: for key, value in list_item.iteritems(): list_result.append(value['data']) return list_result def valid_data_version(self): """ Checks whether or not the data layout can be used. Returns: A boolean. """ try: version = self.get_metadata(VERSION_INFO_KEY) except cassandra.InvalidRequest: return False return version is not None and float(version) == EXPECTED_DATA_VERSION def group_updates(self, groups): """ Fetch the latest transaction IDs for each group. Args: groups: An interable containing encoded Reference objects. Returns: A set of integers specifying transaction IDs. """ futures = [] for group in groups: query = 'SELECT * FROM group_updates WHERE group=%s' futures.append(self.session.execute_async(query, [bytearray(group)])) updates = set() for future in futures: rows = future.result() try: result = rows[0] except IndexError: continue updates.add(result.last_update) return updates def start_transaction(self, app, txid, is_xg, in_progress): """ Persist transaction metadata. Args: app: A string containing an application ID. txid: An integer specifying the transaction ID. is_xg: A boolean specifying that the transaction is cross-group. in_progress: An iterable containing transaction IDs. """ if in_progress: in_progress_bin = bytearray( struct.pack('q' * len(in_progress), *in_progress)) else: in_progress_bin = None insert = """ INSERT INTO transactions (txid_hash, operation, namespace, path, start_time, is_xg, in_progress) VALUES (%(txid_hash)s, %(operation)s, %(namespace)s, %(path)s, %(start_time)s, %(is_xg)s, %(in_progress)s) USING TTL {ttl} """.format(ttl=dbconstants.MAX_TX_DURATION * 2) parameters = {'txid_hash': tx_partition(app, txid), 'operation': TxnActions.START, 'namespace': '', 'path': bytearray(''), 'start_time': datetime.datetime.utcnow(), 'is_xg': is_xg, 'in_progress': in_progress_bin} try: self.session.execute(insert, parameters) except dbconstants.TRANSIENT_CASSANDRA_ERRORS: message = 'Exception while starting a transaction' logging.exception(message) raise AppScaleDBConnectionError(message) def put_entities_tx(self, app, txid, entities): """ Update transaction metadata with new put operations. Args: app: A string containing an application ID. txid: An integer specifying the transaction ID. entities: A list of entities that will be put upon commit. """ batch = BatchStatement(consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM, retry_policy=BASIC_RETRIES) insert = self.session.prepare(""" INSERT INTO transactions (txid_hash, operation, namespace, path, entity) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) USING TTL {ttl} """.format(ttl=dbconstants.MAX_TX_DURATION * 2)) for entity in entities: args = (tx_partition(app, txid), TxnActions.MUTATE, entity.key().name_space(), bytearray(entity.key().path().Encode()), bytearray(entity.Encode())) batch.add(insert, args) try: self.session.execute(batch) except dbconstants.TRANSIENT_CASSANDRA_ERRORS: message = 'Exception while putting entities in a transaction' logging.exception(message) raise AppScaleDBConnectionError(message) def delete_entities_tx(self, app, txid, entity_keys): """ Update transaction metadata with new delete operations. Args: app: A string containing an application ID. txid: An integer specifying the transaction ID. entity_keys: A list of entity keys that will be deleted upon commit. """ batch = BatchStatement(consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM, retry_policy=BASIC_RETRIES) insert = self.session.prepare(""" INSERT INTO transactions (txid_hash, operation, namespace, path, entity) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) USING TTL {ttl} """.format(ttl=dbconstants.MAX_TX_DURATION * 2)) for key in entity_keys: # The None value overwrites previous puts. args = (tx_partition(app, txid), TxnActions.MUTATE, key.name_space(), bytearray(key.path().Encode()), None) batch.add(insert, args) try: self.session.execute(batch) except dbconstants.TRANSIENT_CASSANDRA_ERRORS: message = 'Exception while deleting entities in a transaction' logging.exception(message) raise AppScaleDBConnectionError(message) def transactional_tasks_count(self, app, txid): """ Count the number of existing tasks associated with the transaction. Args: app: A string specifying an application ID. txid: An integer specifying a transaction ID. Returns: An integer specifying the number of existing tasks. """ select = """ SELECT count(*) FROM transactions WHERE txid_hash = %(txid_hash)s AND operation = %(operation)s """ parameters = {'txid_hash': tx_partition(app, txid), 'operation': TxnActions.ENQUEUE_TASK} try: return self.session.execute(select, parameters)[0].count except dbconstants.TRANSIENT_CASSANDRA_ERRORS: message = 'Exception while fetching task count' logging.exception(message) raise AppScaleDBConnectionError(message) def add_transactional_tasks(self, app, txid, tasks): """ Add tasks to be enqueued upon the completion of a transaction. Args: app: A string specifying an application ID. txid: An integer specifying a transaction ID. tasks: A list of TaskQueueAddRequest objects. """ batch = BatchStatement(consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM, retry_policy=BASIC_RETRIES) insert = self.session.prepare(""" INSERT INTO transactions (txid_hash, operation, namespace, path, task) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) USING TTL {ttl} """.format(ttl=dbconstants.MAX_TX_DURATION * 2)) for task in tasks: task.clear_transaction() # The path for the task entry doesn't matter as long as it's unique. path = bytearray(str(uuid.uuid4())) args = (tx_partition(app, txid), TxnActions.ENQUEUE_TASK, '', path, task.Encode()) batch.add(insert, args) try: self.session.execute(batch) except dbconstants.TRANSIENT_CASSANDRA_ERRORS: message = 'Exception while adding tasks in a transaction' logging.exception(message) raise AppScaleDBConnectionError(message) def record_reads(self, app, txid, group_keys): """ Keep track of which entity groups were read in a transaction. Args: app: A string specifying an application ID. txid: An integer specifying a transaction ID. group_keys: An iterable containing Reference objects. """ batch = BatchStatement(consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM, retry_policy=BASIC_RETRIES) insert = self.session.prepare(""" INSERT INTO transactions (txid_hash, operation, namespace, path) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) USING TTL {ttl} """.format(ttl=dbconstants.MAX_TX_DURATION * 2)) for group_key in group_keys: if not isinstance(group_key, entity_pb.Reference): group_key = entity_pb.Reference(group_key) args = (tx_partition(app, txid), TxnActions.GET, group_key.name_space(), bytearray(group_key.path().Encode())) batch.add(insert, args) try: self.session.execute(batch) except dbconstants.TRANSIENT_CASSANDRA_ERRORS: message = 'Exception while recording reads in a transaction' logging.exception(message) raise AppScaleDBConnectionError(message) def get_transaction_metadata(self, app, txid): """ Fetch transaction state. Args: app: A string specifying an application ID. txid: An integer specifying a transaction ID. Returns: A dictionary containing transaction state. """ select = """ SELECT namespace, operation, path, start_time, is_xg, in_progress, entity, task FROM transactions WHERE txid_hash = %(txid_hash)s """ parameters = {'txid_hash': tx_partition(app, txid)} try: results = self.session.execute(select, parameters) except dbconstants.TRANSIENT_CASSANDRA_ERRORS: message = 'Exception while inserting entities in a transaction' logging.exception(message) raise AppScaleDBConnectionError(message) metadata = {'puts': {}, 'deletes': [], 'tasks': [], 'reads': set()} for result in results: if result.operation == TxnActions.START: metadata['start'] = result.start_time metadata['is_xg'] = result.is_xg metadata['in_progress'] = set() if metadata['in_progress'] is not None: metadata['in_progress'] = set( struct.unpack('q' * int(len(result.in_progress) / 8), result.in_progress)) if result.operation == TxnActions.MUTATE: key = create_key(app, result.namespace, result.path) if result.entity is None: metadata['deletes'].append(key) else: metadata['puts'][key.Encode()] = result.entity if result.operation == TxnActions.GET: group_key = create_key(app, result.namespace, result.path) metadata['reads'].add(group_key.Encode()) if result.operation == TxnActions.ENQUEUE_TASK: metadata['tasks'].append( taskqueue_service_pb.TaskQueueAddRequest(result.task)) return metadata