예제 #1
    def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
        # move column definitions into columns dict
        # and set default column names
        column_dict = OrderedDict()
        primary_keys = OrderedDict()
        pk_name = None

        # get inherited properties
        inherited_columns = OrderedDict()
        for base in bases:
            for k, v in getattr(base, '_defined_columns', {}).items():
                inherited_columns.setdefault(k, v)

        # short circuit __abstract__ inheritance
        is_abstract = attrs['__abstract__'] = attrs.get('__abstract__', False)

        # short circuit __discriminator_value__ inheritance
        attrs['__discriminator_value__'] = attrs.get('__discriminator_value__')

        # TODO __default__ttl__ should be removed in the next major release
        options = attrs.get('__options__') or {}
        attrs['__default_ttl__'] = options.get('default_time_to_live')

        column_definitions = [(k, v) for k, v in attrs.items() if isinstance(v, columns.Column)]
        column_definitions = sorted(column_definitions, key=lambda x: x[1].position)

        is_polymorphic_base = any([c[1].discriminator_column for c in column_definitions])

        column_definitions = [x for x in inherited_columns.items()] + column_definitions
        discriminator_columns = [c for c in column_definitions if c[1].discriminator_column]
        is_polymorphic = len(discriminator_columns) > 0
        if len(discriminator_columns) > 1:
            raise ModelDefinitionException('only one discriminator_column can be defined in a model, {0} found'.format(len(discriminator_columns)))

        if attrs['__discriminator_value__'] and not is_polymorphic:
            raise ModelDefinitionException('__discriminator_value__ specified, but no base columns defined with discriminator_column=True')

        discriminator_column_name, discriminator_column = discriminator_columns[0] if discriminator_columns else (None, None)

        if isinstance(discriminator_column, (columns.BaseContainerColumn, columns.Counter)):
            raise ModelDefinitionException('counter and container columns cannot be used as discriminator columns')

        # find polymorphic base class
        polymorphic_base = None
        if is_polymorphic and not is_polymorphic_base:
            def _get_polymorphic_base(bases):
                for base in bases:
                    if getattr(base, '_is_polymorphic_base', False):
                        return base
                    klass = _get_polymorphic_base(base.__bases__)
                    if klass:
                        return klass
            polymorphic_base = _get_polymorphic_base(bases)

        defined_columns = OrderedDict(column_definitions)

        # check for primary key
        if not is_abstract and not any([v.primary_key for k, v in column_definitions]):
            raise ModelDefinitionException("At least 1 primary key is required.")

        counter_columns = [c for c in defined_columns.values() if isinstance(c, columns.Counter)]
        data_columns = [c for c in defined_columns.values() if not c.primary_key and not isinstance(c, columns.Counter)]
        if counter_columns and data_columns:
            raise ModelDefinitionException('counter models may not have data columns')

        has_partition_keys = any(v.partition_key for (k, v) in column_definitions)

        def _transform_column(col_name, col_obj):
            column_dict[col_name] = col_obj
            if col_obj.primary_key:
                primary_keys[col_name] = col_obj
            # set properties
            attrs[col_name] = ColumnDescriptor(col_obj)

        partition_key_index = 0
        # transform column definitions
        for k, v in column_definitions:
            # don't allow a column with the same name as a built-in attribute or method
            if k in BaseModel.__dict__:
                raise ModelDefinitionException("column '{0}' conflicts with built-in attribute/method".format(k))

            # counter column primary keys are not allowed
            if (v.primary_key or v.partition_key) and isinstance(v, columns.Counter):
                raise ModelDefinitionException('counter columns cannot be used as primary keys')

            # this will mark the first primary key column as a partition
            # key, if one hasn't been set already
            if not has_partition_keys and v.primary_key:
                v.partition_key = True
                has_partition_keys = True
            if v.partition_key:
                v._partition_key_index = partition_key_index
                partition_key_index += 1

            overriding = column_dict.get(k)
            if overriding:
                v.position = overriding.position
                v.partition_key = overriding.partition_key
                v._partition_key_index = overriding._partition_key_index
            _transform_column(k, v)

        partition_keys = OrderedDict(k for k in primary_keys.items() if k[1].partition_key)
        clustering_keys = OrderedDict(k for k in primary_keys.items() if not k[1].partition_key)

        if attrs.get('__compute_routing_key__', True):
            key_cols = [c for c in partition_keys.values()]
            partition_key_index = dict((col.db_field_name, col._partition_key_index) for col in key_cols)
            key_cql_types = [c.cql_type for c in key_cols]
            key_serializer = staticmethod(lambda parts, proto_version: [t.to_binary(p, proto_version) for t, p in zip(key_cql_types, parts)])
            partition_key_index = {}
            key_serializer = staticmethod(lambda parts, proto_version: None)

        # setup partition key shortcut
        if len(partition_keys) == 0:
            if not is_abstract:
                raise ModelException("at least one partition key must be defined")
        if len(partition_keys) == 1:
            pk_name = [x for x in partition_keys.keys()][0]
            attrs['pk'] = attrs[pk_name]
            # composite partition key case, get/set a tuple of values
            _get = lambda self: tuple(self._values[c].getval() for c in partition_keys.keys())
            _set = lambda self, val: tuple(self._values[c].setval(v) for (c, v) in zip(partition_keys.keys(), val))
            attrs['pk'] = property(_get, _set)

        # some validation
        col_names = set()
        for v in column_dict.values():
            # check for duplicate column names
            if v.db_field_name in col_names:
                raise ModelException("{0} defines the column '{1}' more than once".format(name, v.db_field_name))
            if v.clustering_order and not (v.primary_key and not v.partition_key):
                raise ModelException("clustering_order may be specified only for clustering primary keys")
            if v.clustering_order and v.clustering_order.lower() not in ('asc', 'desc'):
                raise ModelException("invalid clustering order '{0}' for column '{1}'".format(repr(v.clustering_order), v.db_field_name))

        # create db_name -> model name map for loading
        db_map = {}
        for col_name, field in column_dict.items():
            db_field = field.db_field_name
            if db_field != col_name:
                db_map[db_field] = col_name

        # add management members to the class
        attrs['_columns'] = column_dict
        attrs['_primary_keys'] = primary_keys
        attrs['_defined_columns'] = defined_columns

        # maps the database field to the models key
        attrs['_db_map'] = db_map
        attrs['_pk_name'] = pk_name
        attrs['_dynamic_columns'] = {}

        attrs['_partition_keys'] = partition_keys
        attrs['_partition_key_index'] = partition_key_index
        attrs['_key_serializer'] = key_serializer
        attrs['_clustering_keys'] = clustering_keys
        attrs['_has_counter'] = len(counter_columns) > 0

        # add polymorphic management attributes
        attrs['_is_polymorphic_base'] = is_polymorphic_base
        attrs['_is_polymorphic'] = is_polymorphic
        attrs['_polymorphic_base'] = polymorphic_base
        attrs['_discriminator_column'] = discriminator_column
        attrs['_discriminator_column_name'] = discriminator_column_name
        attrs['_discriminator_map'] = {} if is_polymorphic_base else None

        # setup class exceptions
        DoesNotExistBase = None
        for base in bases:
            DoesNotExistBase = getattr(base, 'DoesNotExist', None)
            if DoesNotExistBase is not None:

        DoesNotExistBase = DoesNotExistBase or attrs.pop('DoesNotExist', BaseModel.DoesNotExist)
        attrs['DoesNotExist'] = type('DoesNotExist', (DoesNotExistBase,), {})

        MultipleObjectsReturnedBase = None
        for base in bases:
            MultipleObjectsReturnedBase = getattr(base, 'MultipleObjectsReturned', None)
            if MultipleObjectsReturnedBase is not None:

        MultipleObjectsReturnedBase = MultipleObjectsReturnedBase or attrs.pop('MultipleObjectsReturned', BaseModel.MultipleObjectsReturned)
        attrs['MultipleObjectsReturned'] = type('MultipleObjectsReturned', (MultipleObjectsReturnedBase,), {})

        # create the class and add a QuerySet to it
        klass = super(ModelMetaClass, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)

        udts = []
        for col in column_dict.values():
            columns.resolve_udts(col, udts)

        for user_type in set(udts):

        return klass
예제 #2
    def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
        # move column definitions into columns dict
        # and set default column names
        column_dict = OrderedDict()
        primary_keys = OrderedDict()
        pk_name = None

        # get inherited properties
        inherited_columns = OrderedDict()
        for base in bases:
            for k, v in getattr(base, '_defined_columns', {}).items():
                inherited_columns.setdefault(k, v)

        # short circuit __abstract__ inheritance
        is_abstract = attrs['__abstract__'] = attrs.get('__abstract__', False)

        # short circuit __discriminator_value__ inheritance
        attrs['__discriminator_value__'] = attrs.get('__discriminator_value__')

        # TODO __default__ttl__ should be removed in the next major release
        options = attrs.get('__options__') or {}
        attrs['__default_ttl__'] = options.get('default_time_to_live')

        column_definitions = [(k, v) for k, v in attrs.items() if isinstance(v, columns.Column)]
        column_definitions = sorted(column_definitions, key=lambda x: x[1].position)

        is_polymorphic_base = any([c[1].discriminator_column for c in column_definitions])

        column_definitions = [x for x in inherited_columns.items()] + column_definitions
        discriminator_columns = [c for c in column_definitions if c[1].discriminator_column]
        is_polymorphic = len(discriminator_columns) > 0
        if len(discriminator_columns) > 1:
            raise ModelDefinitionException('only one discriminator_column can be defined in a model, {0} found'.format(len(discriminator_columns)))

        if attrs['__discriminator_value__'] and not is_polymorphic:
            raise ModelDefinitionException('__discriminator_value__ specified, but no base columns defined with discriminator_column=True')

        discriminator_column_name, discriminator_column = discriminator_columns[0] if discriminator_columns else (None, None)

        if isinstance(discriminator_column, (columns.BaseContainerColumn, columns.Counter)):
            raise ModelDefinitionException('counter and container columns cannot be used as discriminator columns')

        # find polymorphic base class
        polymorphic_base = None
        if is_polymorphic and not is_polymorphic_base:
            def _get_polymorphic_base(bases):
                for base in bases:
                    if getattr(base, '_is_polymorphic_base', False):
                        return base
                    klass = _get_polymorphic_base(base.__bases__)
                    if klass:
                        return klass
            polymorphic_base = _get_polymorphic_base(bases)

        defined_columns = OrderedDict(column_definitions)

        # check for primary key
        if not is_abstract and not any([v.primary_key for k, v in column_definitions]):
            raise ModelDefinitionException("At least 1 primary key is required.")

        counter_columns = [c for c in defined_columns.values() if isinstance(c, columns.Counter)]
        data_columns = [c for c in defined_columns.values() if not c.primary_key and not isinstance(c, columns.Counter)]
        if counter_columns and data_columns:
            raise ModelDefinitionException('counter models may not have data columns')

        has_partition_keys = any(v.partition_key for (k, v) in column_definitions)

        def _transform_column(col_name, col_obj):
            column_dict[col_name] = col_obj
            if col_obj.primary_key:
                primary_keys[col_name] = col_obj
            # set properties
            attrs[col_name] = ColumnDescriptor(col_obj)

        partition_key_index = 0
        # transform column definitions
        for k, v in column_definitions:
            # don't allow a column with the same name as a built-in attribute or method
            if k in BaseModel.__dict__:
                raise ModelDefinitionException("column '{0}' conflicts with built-in attribute/method".format(k))

            # counter column primary keys are not allowed
            if (v.primary_key or v.partition_key) and isinstance(v, columns.Counter):
                raise ModelDefinitionException('counter columns cannot be used as primary keys')

            # this will mark the first primary key column as a partition
            # key, if one hasn't been set already
            if not has_partition_keys and v.primary_key:
                v.partition_key = True
                has_partition_keys = True
            if v.partition_key:
                v._partition_key_index = partition_key_index
                partition_key_index += 1

            overriding = column_dict.get(k)
            if overriding:
                v.position = overriding.position
                v.partition_key = overriding.partition_key
                v._partition_key_index = overriding._partition_key_index
            _transform_column(k, v)

        partition_keys = OrderedDict(k for k in primary_keys.items() if k[1].partition_key)
        clustering_keys = OrderedDict(k for k in primary_keys.items() if not k[1].partition_key)

        if attrs.get('__compute_routing_key__', True):
            key_cols = [c for c in partition_keys.values()]
            partition_key_index = dict((col.db_field_name, col._partition_key_index) for col in key_cols)
            key_cql_types = [c.cql_type for c in key_cols]
            key_serializer = staticmethod(lambda parts, proto_version: [t.to_binary(p, proto_version) for t, p in zip(key_cql_types, parts)])
            partition_key_index = {}
            key_serializer = staticmethod(lambda parts, proto_version: None)

        # setup partition key shortcut
        if len(partition_keys) == 0:
            if not is_abstract:
                raise ModelException("at least one partition key must be defined")
        if len(partition_keys) == 1:
            pk_name = [x for x in partition_keys.keys()][0]
            attrs['pk'] = attrs[pk_name]
            # composite partition key case, get/set a tuple of values
            _get = lambda self: tuple(self._values[c].getval() for c in partition_keys.keys())
            _set = lambda self, val: tuple(self._values[c].setval(v) for (c, v) in zip(partition_keys.keys(), val))
            attrs['pk'] = property(_get, _set)

        # some validation
        col_names = set()
        for v in column_dict.values():
            # check for duplicate column names
            if v.db_field_name in col_names:
                raise ModelException("{0} defines the column '{1}' more than once".format(name, v.db_field_name))
            if v.clustering_order and not (v.primary_key and not v.partition_key):
                raise ModelException("clustering_order may be specified only for clustering primary keys")
            if v.clustering_order and v.clustering_order.lower() not in ('asc', 'desc'):
                raise ModelException("invalid clustering order '{0}' for column '{1}'".format(repr(v.clustering_order), v.db_field_name))

        # create db_name -> model name map for loading
        db_map = {}
        for col_name, field in column_dict.items():
            db_field = field.db_field_name
            if db_field != col_name:
                db_map[db_field] = col_name

        # add management members to the class
        attrs['_columns'] = column_dict
        attrs['_primary_keys'] = primary_keys
        attrs['_defined_columns'] = defined_columns

        # maps the database field to the models key
        attrs['_db_map'] = db_map
        attrs['_pk_name'] = pk_name
        attrs['_dynamic_columns'] = {}

        attrs['_partition_keys'] = partition_keys
        attrs['_partition_key_index'] = partition_key_index
        attrs['_key_serializer'] = key_serializer
        attrs['_clustering_keys'] = clustering_keys
        attrs['_has_counter'] = len(counter_columns) > 0

        # add polymorphic management attributes
        attrs['_is_polymorphic_base'] = is_polymorphic_base
        attrs['_is_polymorphic'] = is_polymorphic
        attrs['_polymorphic_base'] = polymorphic_base
        attrs['_discriminator_column'] = discriminator_column
        attrs['_discriminator_column_name'] = discriminator_column_name
        attrs['_discriminator_map'] = {} if is_polymorphic_base else None

        # setup class exceptions
        DoesNotExistBase = None
        for base in bases:
            DoesNotExistBase = getattr(base, 'DoesNotExist', None)
            if DoesNotExistBase is not None:

        DoesNotExistBase = DoesNotExistBase or attrs.pop('DoesNotExist', BaseModel.DoesNotExist)
        attrs['DoesNotExist'] = type('DoesNotExist', (DoesNotExistBase,), {})

        MultipleObjectsReturnedBase = None
        for base in bases:
            MultipleObjectsReturnedBase = getattr(base, 'MultipleObjectsReturned', None)
            if MultipleObjectsReturnedBase is not None:

        MultipleObjectsReturnedBase = MultipleObjectsReturnedBase or attrs.pop('MultipleObjectsReturned', BaseModel.MultipleObjectsReturned)
        attrs['MultipleObjectsReturned'] = type('MultipleObjectsReturned', (MultipleObjectsReturnedBase,), {})

        # create the class and add a QuerySet to it
        klass = super(ModelMetaClass, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)

        udts = []
        for col in column_dict.values():
            columns.resolve_udts(col, udts)

        for user_type in set(udts):

        return klass
예제 #3
class TableMetadata(object):
    A representation of the schema for a single table.

    keyspace = None
    """ An instance of :class:`~.KeyspaceMetadata`. """

    name = None
    """ The string name of the table. """

    partition_key = None
    A list of :class:`.ColumnMetadata` instances representing the columns in
    the partition key for this table.  This will always hold at least one

    clustering_key = None
    A list of :class:`.ColumnMetadata` instances representing the columns
    in the clustering key for this table.  These are all of the
    :attr:`.primary_key` columns that are not in the :attr:`.partition_key`.

    Note that a table may have no clustering keys, in which case this will
    be an empty list.

    def primary_key(self):
        A list of :class:`.ColumnMetadata` representing the components of
        the primary key for this table.
        return self.partition_key + self.clustering_key

    columns = None
    A dict mapping column names to :class:`.ColumnMetadata` instances.

    is_compact_storage = False

    options = None
    A dict mapping table option names to their specific settings for this

    recognized_options = (
        "dclocal_read_repair_chance",  # kept to be safe, but see _build_table_options()

    compaction_options = {
        "min_compaction_threshold": "min_threshold",
        "max_compaction_threshold": "max_threshold",
        "compaction_strategy_class": "class"}

    triggers = None
    A dict mapping trigger names to :class:`.TriggerMetadata` instances.

    def is_cql_compatible(self):
        A boolean indicating if this table can be represented as CQL in export
        # no such thing as DCT in CQL
        incompatible = issubclass(self.comparator, types.DynamicCompositeType)
        # no compact storage with more than one column beyond PK
        incompatible |= self.is_compact_storage and len(self.columns) > len(self.primary_key) + 1

        return not incompatible

    def __init__(self, keyspace_metadata, name, partition_key=None, clustering_key=None, columns=None, triggers=None, options=None):
        self.keyspace = keyspace_metadata
        self.name = name
        self.partition_key = [] if partition_key is None else partition_key
        self.clustering_key = [] if clustering_key is None else clustering_key
        self.columns = OrderedDict() if columns is None else columns
        self.options = options
        self.comparator = None
        self.triggers = OrderedDict() if triggers is None else triggers

    def export_as_string(self):
        Returns a string of CQL queries that can be used to recreate this table
        along with all indexes on it.  The returned string is formatted to
        be human readable.
        if self.is_cql_compatible:
            ret = self.all_as_cql()
            # If we can't produce this table with CQL, comment inline
            ret = "/*\nWarning: Table %s.%s omitted because it has constructs not compatible with CQL (was created via legacy API).\n" % \
                  (self.keyspace.name, self.name)
            ret += "\nApproximate structure, for reference:\n(this should not be used to reproduce this schema)\n\n%s" % self.all_as_cql()
            ret += "\n*/"

        return ret

    def all_as_cql(self):
        ret = self.as_cql_query(formatted=True)
        ret += ";"

        for col_meta in self.columns.values():
            if col_meta.index:
                ret += "\n%s;" % (col_meta.index.as_cql_query(),)

        for trigger_meta in self.triggers.values():
            ret += "\n%s;" % (trigger_meta.as_cql_query(),)
        return ret

    def as_cql_query(self, formatted=False):
        Returns a CQL query that can be used to recreate this table (index
        creations are not included).  If `formatted` is set to :const:`True`,
        extra whitespace will be added to make the query human readable.
        ret = "CREATE TABLE %s.%s (%s" % (
            "\n" if formatted else "")

        if formatted:
            column_join = ",\n"
            padding = "    "
            column_join = ", "
            padding = ""

        columns = []
        for col in self.columns.values():
            columns.append("%s %s%s" % (protect_name(col.name), col.typestring, ' static' if col.is_static else ''))

        if len(self.partition_key) == 1 and not self.clustering_key:
            columns[0] += " PRIMARY KEY"

        ret += column_join.join("%s%s" % (padding, col) for col in columns)

        # primary key
        if len(self.partition_key) > 1 or self.clustering_key:
            ret += "%s%sPRIMARY KEY (" % (column_join, padding)

            if len(self.partition_key) > 1:
                ret += "(%s)" % ", ".join(protect_name(col.name) for col in self.partition_key)
                ret += self.partition_key[0].name

            if self.clustering_key:
                ret += ", %s" % ", ".join(protect_name(col.name) for col in self.clustering_key)

            ret += ")"

        # options
        ret += "%s) WITH " % ("\n" if formatted else "")

        option_strings = []
        if self.is_compact_storage:
            option_strings.append("COMPACT STORAGE")

        if self.clustering_key:
            cluster_str = "CLUSTERING ORDER BY "

            clustering_names = protect_names([c.name for c in self.clustering_key])

            if self.is_compact_storage and \
                    not issubclass(self.comparator, types.CompositeType):
                subtypes = [self.comparator]
                subtypes = self.comparator.subtypes

            inner = []
            for colname, coltype in zip(clustering_names, subtypes):
                ordering = "DESC" if issubclass(coltype, types.ReversedType) else "ASC"
                inner.append("%s %s" % (colname, ordering))

            cluster_str += "(%s)" % ", ".join(inner)


        join_str = "\n    AND " if formatted else " AND "
        ret += join_str.join(option_strings)

        return ret

    def _make_option_strings(self):
        ret = []
        options_copy = dict(self.options.items())
        if not options_copy.get('compaction'):
            options_copy.pop('compaction', None)

            actual_options = json.loads(options_copy.pop('compaction_strategy_options', '{}'))
            for system_table_name, compact_option_name in self.compaction_options.items():
                value = options_copy.pop(system_table_name, None)
                if value:
                    actual_options.setdefault(compact_option_name, value)

            compaction_option_strings = ["'%s': '%s'" % (k, v) for k, v in actual_options.items()]
            ret.append('compaction = {%s}' % ', '.join(compaction_option_strings))

        for system_table_name in self.compaction_options.keys():
            options_copy.pop(system_table_name, None)  # delete if present
        options_copy.pop('compaction_strategy_option', None)

        if not options_copy.get('compression'):
            params = json.loads(options_copy.pop('compression_parameters', '{}'))
            param_strings = ["'%s': '%s'" % (k, v) for k, v in params.items()]
            ret.append('compression = {%s}' % ', '.join(param_strings))

        for name, value in options_copy.items():
            if value is not None:
                if name == "comment":
                    value = value or ""
                ret.append("%s = %s" % (name, protect_value(value)))

        return list(sorted(ret))
예제 #4
class TableMetadata(object):
    A representation of the schema for a single table.

    keyspace = None
    """ An instance of :class:`~.KeyspaceMetadata`. """

    name = None
    """ The string name of the table. """

    partition_key = None
    A list of :class:`.ColumnMetadata` instances representing the columns in
    the partition key for this table.  This will always hold at least one

    clustering_key = None
    A list of :class:`.ColumnMetadata` instances representing the columns
    in the clustering key for this table.  These are all of the
    :attr:`.primary_key` columns that are not in the :attr:`.partition_key`.

    Note that a table may have no clustering keys, in which case this will
    be an empty list.
    def primary_key(self):
        A list of :class:`.ColumnMetadata` representing the components of
        the primary key for this table.
        return self.partition_key + self.clustering_key

    columns = None
    A dict mapping column names to :class:`.ColumnMetadata` instances.

    is_compact_storage = False

    options = None
    A dict mapping table option names to their specific settings for this

    recognized_options = (
        "dclocal_read_repair_chance",  # kept to be safe, but see _build_table_options()

    compaction_options = {
        "min_compaction_threshold": "min_threshold",
        "max_compaction_threshold": "max_threshold",
        "compaction_strategy_class": "class"

    def __init__(self,
        self.keyspace = keyspace_metadata
        self.name = name
        self.partition_key = [] if partition_key is None else partition_key
        self.clustering_key = [] if clustering_key is None else clustering_key
        self.columns = OrderedDict() if columns is None else columns
        self.options = options
        self.comparator = None

    def export_as_string(self):
        Returns a string of CQL queries that can be used to recreate this table
        along with all indexes on it.  The returned string is formatted to
        be human readable.
        ret = self.as_cql_query(formatted=True)
        ret += ";"

        for col_meta in self.columns.values():
            if col_meta.index:
                ret += "\n%s;" % (col_meta.index.as_cql_query(), )

        return ret

    def as_cql_query(self, formatted=False):
        Returns a CQL query that can be used to recreate this table (index
        creations are not included).  If `formatted` is set to :const:`True`,
        extra whitespace will be added to make the query human readable.
        ret = "CREATE TABLE %s.%s (%s" % (protect_name(
            self.keyspace.name), protect_name(
                self.name), "\n" if formatted else "")

        if formatted:
            column_join = ",\n"
            padding = "    "
            column_join = ", "
            padding = ""

        columns = []
        for col in self.columns.values():
            columns.append("%s %s%s" % (protect_name(
                col.name), col.typestring, ' static' if col.is_static else ''))

        if len(self.partition_key) == 1 and not self.clustering_key:
            columns[0] += " PRIMARY KEY"

        ret += column_join.join("%s%s" % (padding, col) for col in columns)

        # primary key
        if len(self.partition_key) > 1 or self.clustering_key:
            ret += "%s%sPRIMARY KEY (" % (column_join, padding)

            if len(self.partition_key) > 1:
                ret += "(%s)" % ", ".join(
                    protect_name(col.name) for col in self.partition_key)
                ret += self.partition_key[0].name

            if self.clustering_key:
                ret += ", %s" % ", ".join(
                    protect_name(col.name) for col in self.clustering_key)

            ret += ")"

        # options
        ret += "%s) WITH " % ("\n" if formatted else "")

        option_strings = []
        if self.is_compact_storage:
            option_strings.append("COMPACT STORAGE")

        if self.clustering_key:
            cluster_str = "CLUSTERING ORDER BY "

            clustering_names = protect_names(
                [c.name for c in self.clustering_key])

            if self.is_compact_storage and \
                    not issubclass(self.comparator, types.CompositeType):
                subtypes = [self.comparator]
                subtypes = self.comparator.subtypes

            inner = []
            for colname, coltype in zip(clustering_names, subtypes):
                ordering = "DESC" if issubclass(coltype,
                                                types.ReversedType) else "ASC"
                inner.append("%s %s" % (colname, ordering))

            cluster_str += "(%s)" % ", ".join(inner)


        join_str = "\n    AND " if formatted else " AND "
        ret += join_str.join(option_strings)

        return ret

    def _make_option_strings(self):
        ret = []
        options_copy = dict(self.options.items())
        if not options_copy.get('compaction'):
            options_copy.pop('compaction', None)

            actual_options = json.loads(
                options_copy.pop('compaction_strategy_options', '{}'))
            for system_table_name, compact_option_name in self.compaction_options.items(
                value = options_copy.pop(system_table_name, None)
                if value:
                    actual_options.setdefault(compact_option_name, value)

            compaction_option_strings = [
                "'%s': '%s'" % (k, v) for k, v in actual_options.items()
            ret.append('compaction = {%s}' %
                       ', '.join(compaction_option_strings))

        for system_table_name in self.compaction_options.keys():
            options_copy.pop(system_table_name, None)  # delete if present
        options_copy.pop('compaction_strategy_option', None)

        if not options_copy.get('compression'):
            params = json.loads(
                options_copy.pop('compression_parameters', '{}'))
            if params:
                param_strings = [
                    "'%s': '%s'" % (k, v) for k, v in params.items()
                ret.append('compression = {%s}' % ', '.join(param_strings))

        for name, value in options_copy.items():
            if value is not None:
                if name == "comment":
                    value = value or ""
                ret.append("%s = %s" % (name, protect_value(value)))

        return list(sorted(ret))