def probe_tablebase(game): if not gaviota: return None score = gaviota.probe_dtm(game) if score is not None:'tb', mate=score)) return score
def probe_tablebase(game): if not gaviota: return None score = gaviota.probe_dtm(game) if score:, score="tb", mate=score) return score
def get_endgame_dtm(board): """ Gets depth-to-mate property of an end game position. Only does not throw an exeption, if there are MAX_GAVIOTA_PIECES or less pieces on the board. :param board: Position to look up the database for. :return: Number of moves to mate (integer value) """ file_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) with chess.gaviota.open_tablebase( "{}/data/Gaviota".format(file_path)) as gaviota: return gaviota.probe_dtm(board)
def probe(board): moves = {} # The best move will be determined in this order. mating_move = None zeroing_move = None winning_move, winning_dtz = None, -9999 stalemating_move = None insuff_material_move = None drawing_move = None losing_move, losing_dtz = None, -9999 losing_zeroing_move, losing_zeroing_dtz = None, -9999 # Look at all moves and probe for the result position. for move in board.legal_moves: uci_move = board.uci(move) board.push(move) dtz = syzygy.probe_dtz(board) dtm = gaviota.probe_dtm(board) moves[uci_move] = { "dtz": dtz, "dtm": dtm, } # Mate. if board.is_checkmate(): mating_move = uci_move # Winning zeroing move. if dtz is not None and dtz < 0 and board.halfmove_clock == 0: zeroing_move = uci_move # Winning move. if dtz is not None and dtz < 0 and dtz > winning_dtz: winning_move = uci_move winning_dtz = dtz # Stalemating move. if board.is_stalemate(): stalemating_move = uci_move # Insufficient material. if board.is_insufficient_material(): insuff_material_move = uci_move # Drawing move. if dtz is not None and dtz == 0: drawing_move = uci_move # Losing move. if dtz is not None and board.halfmove_clock != 0 and dtz > losing_dtz: losing_move = uci_move losing_dtz = dtz # Losing move. if dtz is not None and dtz > losing_zeroing_dtz: losing_zeroing_move = uci_move losing_zeroing_dtz = dtz board.pop() return { "dtz": syzygy.probe_dtz(board), "wdl": syzygy.probe_wdl(board), "dtm": gaviota.probe_dtm(board), "bestmove": mating_move or zeroing_move or winning_move or stalemating_move or insuff_material_move or drawing_move or losing_move or losing_zeroing_move, "moves": moves, }
def index(): # Setup a board from the given valid FEN or fall back to the default FEN. board = chess.Board(DEFAULT_FEN) # Get FENs with the current side to move, black and white to move. original_turn = board.turn board.turn = chess.WHITE white_fen = board.fen() board.turn = chess.BLACK black_fen = board.fen() board.turn = original_turn fen = board.fen() wdl = None winning_side = None winning_moves = [] drawing_moves = [] losing_moves = [] if not board.is_valid(): status = "Invalid position" elif board.is_stalemate(): status = "Draw by stalemate" wdl = 0 elif board.is_checkmate(): wdl = 2 if board.turn == chess.WHITE: status = "Black won by checkmate" winning_side = "black" else: status = "White won by checkmate" winning_side = "white" else: wdl = syzygy.probe_wdl(board) dtz = syzygy.probe_dtz(board) if board.is_insufficient_material(): status = "Draw by insufficient material" wdl = 0 elif dtz is None: status = "Position not found in tablebases" elif dtz == 0: status = "Tablebase draw" elif dtz > 0 and board.turn == chess.WHITE: status = "White is winning with DTZ %d" % (abs(dtz), ) winning_side = "white" losing_side = "black" elif dtz < 0 and board.turn == chess.WHITE: status = "White is losing with DTZ %d" % (abs(dtz), ) winning_side = "black" losing_side = "white" elif dtz > 0 and board.turn == chess.BLACK: status = "Black is winning with DTZ %d" % (abs(dtz), ) winning_side = "black" losing_side = "white" elif dtz < 0 and board.turn == chess.BLACK: status = "Black is losing with DTZ %d" % (abs(dtz), ) winning_side = "white" losing_side = "black" for move in board.legal_moves: san = board.san(move) uci = board.uci(move) board.push(move) move_info = { "uci": uci, "san": san, "fen": board.epd() + " 0 1", "dtz": syzygy.probe_dtz(board), "dtm": gaviota.probe_dtm(board), "zeroing": board.halfmove_clock == 0, "checkmate": board.is_checkmate(), "stalemate": board.is_stalemate(), "insufficient_material": board.is_insufficient_material(), } move_info["dtm"] = abs( move_info["dtm"]) if move_info["dtm"] is not None else None move_info["winning"] = move_info["checkmate"] or ( move_info["dtz"] is not None and move_info["dtz"] < 0) move_info["drawing"] = move_info["stalemate"] or move_info[ "insufficient_material"] or (move_info["dtz"] == 0 or (move_info["dtz"] is None and wdl is not None and wdl < 0)) if move_info["winning"]: if move_info["checkmate"]: move_info["badge"] = "Checkmate" elif move_info["zeroing"]: move_info["badge"] = "Zeroing" else: move_info["badge"] = "Win with DTZ %d" % (abs( move_info["dtz"]), ) winning_moves.append(move_info) elif move_info["drawing"]: if move_info["stalemate"]: move_info["badge"] = "Stalemate" elif move_info["insufficient_material"]: move_info["badge"] = "Insufficient material" elif move_info["dtz"] == 0: move_info["badge"] = "Draw" else: move_info["badge"] = "Unknown" drawing_moves.append(move_info) else: if move_info["dtz"] is None: move_info["badge"] = "Unknown" elif move_info["zeroing"]: move_info["badge"] = "Zeroing" else: move_info["badge"] = "Loss with DTZ %d" % (abs( move_info["dtz"]), ) losing_moves.append(move_info) board.pop() winning_moves.sort(key=lambda move: move["uci"]) winning_moves.sort(key=lambda move: (move["dtm"] is None, move["dtm"])) winning_moves.sort(key=lambda move: (move["dtz"] is None, move["dtz"]), reverse=True) winning_moves.sort(key=lambda move: move["zeroing"], reverse=True) winning_moves.sort(key=lambda move: move["checkmate"], reverse=True) drawing_moves.sort(key=lambda move: move["uci"]) drawing_moves.sort(key=lambda move: move["insufficient_material"], reverse=True) drawing_moves.sort(key=lambda move: move["stalemate"], reverse=True) losing_moves.sort(key=lambda move: move["uci"]) losing_moves.sort(key=lambda move: (move["dtm"] is not None, move["dtm"]), reverse=True) losing_moves.sort(key=lambda move: (move["dtz"] is None, move["dtz"]), reverse=True) losing_moves.sort(key=lambda move: move["zeroing"]) return html_minify( render_template("index.html", fen_input=board.epd() + " 0 1" if board.epd() + " 0 1" != DEFAULT_FEN else "", fen=fen, status=status, insufficient_material=board.is_insufficient_material(), winning_side=winning_side, winning_moves=winning_moves, drawing_moves=drawing_moves, losing_moves=losing_moves, blessed_loss=wdl == -1, cursed_win=wdl == 1, illegal=not board.is_valid(), not_yet_solved=board.epd() + " 0 1" == chess.STARTING_FEN, unknown=wdl is None, turn="white" if board.turn == chess.WHITE else "black", white_fen=white_fen, black_fen=black_fen, horizontal_fen=mirror_horizontal(fen), vertical_fen=mirror_vertical(fen), swapped_fen=swap_colors(fen), clear_fen=clear_fen(fen), DEFAULT_FEN=DEFAULT_FEN, material=material(board)))
def index(): # Setup a board from the given valid FEN or fall back to the default FEN. try: board = chess.Board(request.args.get("fen", DEFAULT_FEN)) except ValueError: try: board, _ = chess.Board.from_epd(request.args.get("fen", DEFAULT_FEN)) except ValueError: board = chess.Board(DEFAULT_FEN) # Get FENs with the current side to move, black and white to move. original_turn = board.turn board.turn = chess.WHITE white_fen = board.fen() board.turn = chess.BLACK black_fen = board.fen() board.turn = original_turn fen = board.fen() wdl = None winning_side = None winning_moves = [] drawing_moves = [] losing_moves = [] if not board.is_valid(): status = "Invalid position" elif board.is_stalemate(): status = "Draw by stalemate" wdl = 0 elif board.is_checkmate(): wdl = 2 if board.turn == chess.WHITE: status = "Black won by checkmate" winning_side = "black" else: status = "White won by checkmate" winning_side = "white" else: wdl = syzygy.probe_wdl(board) dtz = syzygy.probe_dtz(board) if board.is_insufficient_material(): status = "Draw by insufficient material" wdl = 0 elif dtz is None: status = "Position not found in tablebases" elif dtz == 0: status = "Tablebase draw" elif dtz > 0 and board.turn == chess.WHITE: status = "White is winning with DTZ %d" % (abs(dtz), ) winning_side = "white" losing_side = "black" elif dtz < 0 and board.turn == chess.WHITE: status = "White is losing with DTZ %d" % (abs(dtz), ) winning_side = "black" losing_side = "white" elif dtz > 0 and board.turn == chess.BLACK: status = "Black is winning with DTZ %d" % (abs(dtz), ) winning_side = "black" losing_side = "white" elif dtz < 0 and board.turn == chess.BLACK: status = "Black is losing with DTZ %d" % (abs(dtz), ) winning_side = "white" losing_side = "black" for move in board.legal_moves: san = board.san(move) uci = board.uci(move) board.push(move) move_info = { "uci": uci, "san": san, "fen": board.epd() + " 0 1", "dtz": syzygy.probe_dtz(board), "dtm": gaviota.probe_dtm(board), "zeroing": board.halfmove_clock == 0, "checkmate": board.is_checkmate(), "stalemate": board.is_stalemate(), "insufficient_material": board.is_insufficient_material(), } move_info["dtm"] = abs(move_info["dtm"]) if move_info["dtm"] is not None else None move_info["winning"] = move_info["checkmate"] or (move_info["dtz"] is not None and move_info["dtz"] < 0) move_info["drawing"] = move_info["stalemate"] or move_info["insufficient_material"] or (move_info["dtz"] == 0 or (move_info["dtz"] is None and wdl is not None and wdl < 0)) if move_info["winning"]: if move_info["checkmate"]: move_info["badge"] = "Checkmate" elif move_info["zeroing"]: move_info["badge"] = "Zeroing" else: move_info["badge"] = "Win with DTZ %d" % (abs(move_info["dtz"]), ) winning_moves.append(move_info) elif move_info["drawing"]: if move_info["stalemate"]: move_info["badge"] = "Stalemate" elif move_info["insufficient_material"]: move_info["badge"] = "Insufficient material" elif move_info["dtz"] == 0: move_info["badge"] = "Draw" else: move_info["badge"] = "Unknown" drawing_moves.append(move_info) else: if move_info["dtz"] is None: move_info["badge"] = "Unknown" elif move_info["zeroing"]: move_info["badge"] = "Zeroing" else: move_info["badge"] = "Loss with DTZ %d" % (abs(move_info["dtz"]), ) losing_moves.append(move_info) board.pop() winning_moves.sort(key=lambda move: move["uci"]) winning_moves.sort(key=lambda move: (move["dtm"] is None, move["dtm"])) winning_moves.sort(key=lambda move: (move["dtz"] is None, move["dtz"]), reverse=True) winning_moves.sort(key=lambda move: move["zeroing"], reverse=True) winning_moves.sort(key=lambda move: move["checkmate"], reverse=True) drawing_moves.sort(key=lambda move: move["uci"]) drawing_moves.sort(key=lambda move: move["insufficient_material"], reverse=True) drawing_moves.sort(key=lambda move: move["stalemate"], reverse=True) losing_moves.sort(key=lambda move: move["uci"]) losing_moves.sort(key=lambda move: (move["dtm"] is not None, move["dtm"]), reverse=True) losing_moves.sort(key=lambda move: (move["dtz"] is None, move["dtz"]), reverse=True) losing_moves.sort(key=lambda move: move["zeroing"]) return html_minify(render_template("index.html", fen_input=board.epd() + " 0 1" if board.epd() + " 0 1" != DEFAULT_FEN else "", fen=fen, status=status, insufficient_material=board.is_insufficient_material(), winning_side=winning_side, winning_moves=winning_moves, drawing_moves=drawing_moves, losing_moves=losing_moves, blessed_loss=wdl == -1, cursed_win=wdl == 1, illegal=not board.is_valid(), not_yet_solved=board.epd() + " 0 1" == chess.STARTING_FEN, unknown=wdl is None, turn="white" if board.turn == chess.WHITE else "black", white_fen=white_fen, black_fen=black_fen, horizontal_fen=mirror_horizontal(fen), vertical_fen=mirror_vertical(fen), swapped_fen=swap_colors(fen), clear_fen=clear_fen(fen), DEFAULT_FEN=DEFAULT_FEN, material=material(board) ))