def do_stopwatch(self, args, arguments): """ :: Usage: stopwatch start TIMER stopwatch stop TIMER stopwatch print [TIMER] stopwatch benchmark Arguments: TIMER the name of the timer Description: THIS IS NOT YET WORKING starts and stops named timers and prints them """ t = arguments.TIMER if arguments.start: StopWatch.start(t) elif arguments.stop: StopWatch.stop(t) elif arguments.benchmark: StopWatch.benchmark() elif arguments.print: t = arguments.TIMER if t is None: print(StopWatch.__str__) else: StopWatch.print("Timer " + t + ":", t)
def do_cmsd(self): """ :: Usage: cmsd --help cmsd --setup [--mongo] cmsd --clean [--force] cmsd --version cmsd --update cmsd --start cmsd --stop cmsd --ps cmsd --gui COMMAND... cmsd --shell cmsd --pipe cmsd COMMAND... This command passes the arguments to a docker container that runs cloudmesh. Arguments: COMMAND the commands we bass along Description: cmsd --help prints this manual page cmsd --setup [--mongo] sets up cmsd containers. If --mongo flag is passed, only the mongo container will be setup. cmsd --clean [--force] stops and removes cmsd containers If --clean flag is passed, container images will also be removed. cmsd --version prints out the version of cmsd and the version of the container cmsd --update updates the cloudmesh repositories inside the cms-container cmsd --start starts cmsd containers cmsd --stop stops cmsd containers cmsd --ps lists the container processes cmsd --gui help find out which gui commands are available cmsd --gui quick runs cloudmesh gui on the docker container cmsd --shell enters the cms container and starts an interactive shell cmsd --pipe You can pipe commands or scripts to the cmsd container echo "banner a" | cmsd --pipe cmsd COMMAND The command will be executed within the container, just as in case of cms. cmsd When no command is specified, cmsd will be run in interactive mode. """ StopWatch.start("run") if len(sys.argv) == 1: # if arguments["COMMAND"] is None print("start cms interactively") os.system( f"docker exec -ti {CMS_CONTAINER_NAME} /usr/local/bin/cms") return "" elif not sys.argv[1].startswith("--"): # print("start cms interactively") # os.system("docker exec -ti cmsd /bin/bash") command = ' '.join(sys.argv[1:]) self.cms(command) return "" doc = textwrap.dedent(self.do_cmsd.__doc__) arguments = docopt(doc, help=False) if arguments["--setup"]: if arguments['--mongo']: self.setup_mongo() else: self.setup() elif arguments["--version"]: print("cmsd:", version) self.version() elif arguments["--clean"]: self.clean(arguments['--force']) elif arguments['--help']: print(doc) elif arguments["--stop"]: self.stop() elif arguments["--start"]: self.up() elif arguments["--ps"]: elif arguments["--update"]: self.update() elif arguments["--shell"]: elif arguments["--gui"]: self.gui(" ".join(arguments["COMMAND"])) # not implemented elif arguments["--pipe"]: os.system( f"docker exec -i {CMS_CONTAINER_NAME} /bin/bash -c /usr/local/bin/cms" ) return "" # "cat setup.json | docker run -i ubuntu /bin/bash -c 'cat'" else: print(doc) StopWatch.stop("run") print() StopWatch.print("Run time", "run") print() return ""
def do_robot(self, args, arguments): """ :: Usage: robot welcome robot osx install robot osx driver robot image fetch robot probe [--format=FORMAT] robot flash erase [--dryrun] robot flash python [--dryrun] robot test robot run PROGRAM robot credentials set SSID USERNAME PASSWORD robot put (credentials | cred) robot list (credentials | cred) robot login robot set PORT NOT IMPLEMENTED robot ls [PATH] robot put [-o] SOURCE [DESTINATION] robot get PATH robot rm PATH robot rmdir PATH robot dance FILE IPS robot inventory list [--cat] [--path=PATH] [ID] robot inventory export FILENAME robot reset Arguments: FILE a file name Options: -f specify the file """ # pprint(arguments) # "wget" arguments.dryrun = arguments["--dryrun"] def _run(command): print(command) if arguments.dryrun: print(command) else: os.system(command) def _continue(msg): if not arguments.dryrun: c = yn_choice(msg, default='y') if arguments.welcome: print( elif arguments.login: p = Probe() Console.error( "If you do not see a >>> please press the reset button.") print(p) data = {'tty': p.tty, 'baudrate': "115200"} # if 'tty.SLAB_USBtoUART' in p.tty: # data["baudrate"] = "9600" # else: # data["baudrate"] = "115200" os.system( "picocom --imap lfcrlf -b {baudrate} {tty}".format(**data)) elif arguments.flash and arguments.erase: p = Probe() print(p.tty) print("Please press the right buttons") _continue("continue?") command = " --port {} erase_flash".format(p.tty) _run(command) elif arguments.flash and arguments.python: p = Probe() print(p.tty) print("Please press the right buttons") _continue("continue?") d = { "baud": str(9600 * 6), "dir": ".", "image": "esp8266-20170108-v1.8.7.bin", "port": p.tty } if 'tty.SLAB_USBtoUART' in p.tty: d["baud"] = str(460800) command = " --port {port} --baud {baud} write_flash --flash_size=detect -fm dio 0x00000 {image}".format( **d) _run(command) # " --port /dev/tty.wchusbserial1410 --baud 9600 write_flash --flash_size=detect -fm dio 0x00000 esp8266-20170108-v1.8.7.bin" elif arguments.osx and arguments.install: o = sys.platform print(o) if sys.platform == 'darwin': if Shell.command_exists("brew"): pass else: os.system( '/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"' ) os.system("pip install pyserial") # # INSTALLING COMMANDS WITH BREW # for package in ["lua", "picocom", "wget"]: try: print("installing command", package) r = Shell.which(package) if r is None: r = Brew.install(package) else: print(" [OK]", package, "already installed") except Exception as e: print("Error", e, type(e)) # # INSTALLING LIBRARIES WITH BREW # # libusb-compat for package in ["libusb", "mosquitto"]: try: print("installing", package) r = Brew.install(package) if r is None: r = Brew.install(package) else: Console.error( package + " package already installed. skipping.") except Exception as e: print("Error", e, type(e)) # # INSTALLING CASK LIBRARIES AND COMMANDS WITH BREW # # libusb-compat for package in ["adafruit-arduino", "pycharm-ce"]: # "aquamacs" try: print("installing", package) os.system("brew cask install {}".format(package)) except Exception as e: print("Error", e, type(e)) if sys.platform == 'linux': Console.error( "Linux not yet supported. Install lua and picocom.") return "" elif arguments.osx and arguments.driver: os.system( "brew tap mengbo/ch340g-ch34g-ch34x-mac-os-x-driver" ) os.system("brew cask install wch-ch34x-usb-serial-driver") elif arguments.probe: output_format = arguments["--format"] or "table" try: p = Probe() d = p.probe() print(Printer.attribute(d, output=output_format)) except Exception as e: Error.traceback(error=e, debug=True, trace=True) return "" elif arguments.image and arguments.fetch: try: if os.path.isfile("esp8266-20170108-v1.8.7.bin"): print("... image already downloaded") else: os.system( "wget" ) # g = Git() # r = g.fetch() except Exception as e: Error.traceback(error=e, debug=True, trace=True) return "" elif p = Probe() d = {"port": p.tty, "program": arguments.PROGRAM} os.system("ampy --port {port} run {program}".format(**d)) elif arguments.test: p = Probe() d = {"port": p.tty} test = textwrap.dedent(""" n=3 print('Count to', n) for i in range(1, n+1): print(i) """) with open("", "w") as f: f.write(test) os.system("ampy --port {port} run".format(**d)) elif arguments.reset: p = Probe() d = {"port": p.tty} test = textwrap.dedent(""" import machine machine.reset() """) with open("", "w") as f: f.write(test) os.system("ampy --port {port} run".format(**d)) os.remove("") elif arguments.credentials and arguments.set: try: net = Network(ssid=arguments.SSID, username=arguments.USERNAME, password=arguments.PASSWORD) except Exception as e: Error.traceback(e) elif (arguments.credentials or arguments.cred) and arguments.put: try: filename = path_expand("~/.cloudmesh/robot/credentials.txt") p = Probe() # print (p.tty) ampy = Ampy(p.tty) ampy.put(filename, "credentials.txt", False) except Exception as e: Error.traceback(e) sys.exit(1) elif arguments.put: try: t = StopWatch() t.start("put") size = os.path.getsize(arguments.SOURCE) optimize = arguments["-o"] p = Probe() ampy = Ampy(p.tty) ampy.put(arguments.SOURCE, dest=arguments.DESTINATION, optimize=optimize) t.stop("put") t.print("Time:", "put") print("Rate:", "{0:.2f}".format(size / t.get("put") / 1024), "KB/s") except Exception as e: Error.traceback(e) elif arguments.credentials and arguments.list: try: p = Probe() ampy = Ampy(p.tty) filename = path_expand( "~/.cloudmesh/robot/credentials.txt.robot") ampy.get("credentials.txt", filename) r = print(r) os.remove(filename) except Exception as e: Error.traceback(e) elif try: p = Probe() ampy = Ampy(p.tty) r = print(r) except Exception as e: Error.traceback(e) elif arguments.rm: try: p = Probe() ampy = Ampy(p.tty) ampy.rm(arguments.PATH) except Exception as e: Error.traceback(e) elif arguments.rmdir: try: p = Probe() ampy = Ampy(p.tty) ampy.rmdir(arguments.PATH) except Exception as e: Error.traceback(e) elif arguments.mkdir: try: p = Probe() ampy = Ampy(p.tty) ampy.mkdir(arguments.PATH) except Exception as e: Error.traceback(e) elif pprint(arguments) from cloudmesh.robot.turtles import Car, Cars import turtle iplist = Parameter.expand(arguments.IPS) print(iplist) ips = [] i = 1 for ip in iplist: spec = [i, ip] ips.append(spec) i = i + 1 print("IPS", ips) try: colors = [ 'blue', 'red', 'green', 'oragne', 'gray', 'brown', 'cyan', 'pink', 'purple', 'tomato' ] cars = Cars(ips) print(cars) cars.read_dance(arguments.FILE) wn = turtle.Screen() # creates a graphics window # def a(): for i in range(0, len(ips)): car = Car(i + 1, "robi" + str(i + 1), ips[i], colors[i]) cars.add(car) wn.exitonclick() except Exception as e: Error.traceback(e) elif arguments.inventory and arguments.export: filename = arguments.FILENAME inventory = NetworkInventory( path_expand('~/.cloudmesh/robot/inventory.txt')) inventory.export(filename) elif arguments.inventory: def load_inventory(path): with open(path) as stream: try: d = yaml.safe_load(stream) except Exception as e: print("problem loading file", e) for id in d: d[id]['id'] = str(id) return d path = path_expand(arguments["--path"] or "~/.cloudmesh/robot/inventory.txt") print(path) if not os.path.isfile(path): print("ERROR: file does not exist") sys.exit(1) if arguments.ID: d = load_inventory(path) if arguments["--cat"]: result = d[int(arguments.ID)] else: result = Printer.attribute(d[int(arguments.ID)]) print(result) elif arguments["--cat"]: with open(path) as stream: try: content = print(content) except Exception as e: print("problem loading file", e) else: d = load_inventory(path) table = Printer.dict( d, order=['id', 'name', 'ip', 'mac', 'chipid']) print(table) '''