예제 #1
파일: gametrack.py 프로젝트: veilheim/avrae
 async def game_spellslot(self, ctx, level: int = None, value: str = None):
     """Views or sets your remaining spell slots."""
     if level is not None:
             assert 0 < level < 10
         except AssertionError:
             return await ctx.send("Invalid spell level.")
     character: Character = await Character.from_ctx(ctx)
     embed = EmbedWithCharacter(character)
     embed.set_footer(text="\u25c9 = Available / \u3007 = Used")
     if level is None and value is None:  # show remaining
         embed.description = f"__**Remaining Spell Slots**__\n{character.spellbook.slots_str()}"
     elif value is None:
         embed.description = f"__**Remaining Level {level} Spell Slots**__\n" \
             if value.startswith(('+', '-')):
                 value = character.spellbook.get_slots(level) + int(value)
                 value = int(value)
         except ValueError:
             return await ctx.send(f"{value} is not a valid integer.")
             assert 0 <= value <= character.spellbook.get_max_slots(level)
         except AssertionError:
             raise CounterOutOfBounds()
         character.spellbook.set_slots(level, value)
         await character.commit(ctx)
         embed.description = f"__**Remaining Level {level} Spell Slots**__\n" \
     await ctx.send(embed=embed)
예제 #2
    async def join(self, ctx, *, args: str = ''):
        """Adds the current active character to combat. A character must be loaded through the SheetManager module first.
        Args: adv/dis
              -b [conditional bonus]
              -phrase [flavor text]
              -p [init value]
              -h (same as !init add)
              --group (same as !init add)"""
        char: Character = await Character.from_ctx(ctx)

        embed = EmbedWithCharacter(char, False)
        embed.colour = char.get_color()

        args = shlex.split(args)
        args = argparse(args)
        adv = args.adv(boolwise=True)
        b = args.join('b', '+') or None
        p = args.last('p', type_=int)
        phrase = args.join('phrase', '\n') or None
        group = args.last('group')

        if p is None:
            roll_str = char.skills.initiative.d20(base_adv=adv)
            if b:
                roll_str = f"{roll_str}+{b}"
            check_roll = roll(roll_str, inline=True)

            embed.title = '{} makes an Initiative check!'.format(char.name)
            embed.description = check_roll.skeleton + ('\n*' + phrase + '*' if phrase is not None else '')
            init = check_roll.total
            init = p
            embed.title = "{} already rolled initiative!".format(char.name)
            embed.description = "Placed at initiative `{}`.".format(init)

        controller = str(ctx.author.id)
        private = args.last('h', type_=bool)
        bonus = char.skills.initiative.value

        combat = await Combat.from_ctx(ctx)

        me = await PlayerCombatant.from_character(char.name, controller, init, bonus, char.ac, private,
                                                  char.get_resists(), ctx, combat, char.upstream, str(ctx.author.id),

        if combat.get_combatant(char.name) is not None:
            await ctx.send("Combatant already exists.")

        if group is None:
            embed.set_footer(text="Added to combat!")
            grp = combat.get_group(group, create=init)
            embed.set_footer(text=f"Joined group {grp.name}!")

        await combat.final()
        await ctx.send(embed=embed)
        await char.commit(ctx)
예제 #3
    async def game_spellslot(self, ctx, level: int = None, value: str = None, *args):
        Views or sets your remaining spell slots.
        __Valid Arguments__
        nopact - Modifies normal spell slots first instead of a Pact Magic slots, if applicable.
        if level is not None:
                assert 0 < level < 10
            except AssertionError:
                return await ctx.send("Invalid spell level.")
        character: Character = await Character.from_ctx(ctx)
        embed = EmbedWithCharacter(character)

        if level is None and value is None:  # show remaining
            embed.description = f"__**Remaining Spell Slots**__\n{character.spellbook.slots_str()}"
        elif value is None:
            embed.description = f"__**Remaining Level {level} Spell Slots**__\n" \
            old_slots = character.spellbook.get_slots(level)
            value = maybe_mod(value, old_slots)
            character.spellbook.set_slots(level, value, pact='nopact' not in args)
            await character.commit(ctx)
            embed.description = f"__**Remaining Level {level} Spell Slots**__\n" \
                                f"{character.spellbook.slots_str(level)} ({(value - old_slots):+})"

        # footer - pact vs non pact
        if character.spellbook.max_pact_slots is not None:
            embed.set_footer(text=f"{constants.FILLED_BUBBLE} = Available / {constants.EMPTY_BUBBLE} = Used\n"
                                  f"{constants.FILLED_BUBBLE_ALT} / {constants.EMPTY_BUBBLE_ALT} = Pact Slot")
            embed.set_footer(text=f"{constants.FILLED_BUBBLE} = Available / {constants.EMPTY_BUBBLE} = Used")

        await ctx.send(embed=embed)
예제 #4
    async def spellbook(self, ctx):
        """Commands to display a character's known spells and metadata."""
        character: Character = await Character.from_ctx(ctx)
        embed = EmbedWithCharacter(character)
        embed.description = f"{character.name} knows {len(character.spellbook.spells)} spells."
        embed.add_field(name="DC", value=str(character.spellbook.dc))
        embed.add_field(name="Spell Attack Bonus", value=str(character.spellbook.sab))
        embed.add_field(name="Spell Slots", value=character.get_remaining_slots_str() or "None")
        spells_known = collections.defaultdict(lambda: [])
        choices = await get_spell_choices(ctx)
        for spell_ in character.spellbook.spells:
            spell = await get_castable_spell(ctx, spell_.name, choices)
            if spell is None and spell_.strict:
            elif spell is None:
                if spell.source == 'homebrew':
                    formatted = f"*{spell.name}*"
                    formatted = spell.name

        level_name = {'0': 'Cantrips', '1': '1st Level', '2': '2nd Level', '3': '3rd Level',
                      '4': '4th Level', '5': '5th Level', '6': '6th Level',
                      '7': '7th Level', '8': '8th Level', '9': '9th Level'}
        for level, spells in sorted(list(spells_known.items()), key=lambda k: k[0]):
            if spells:
                embed.add_field(name=level_name.get(level, "Unknown"), value=', '.join(spells))
        await ctx.send(embed=embed)
예제 #5
    async def spellbook(self, ctx):
        """Commands to display a character's known spells and metadata."""
        character = await Character.from_ctx(ctx)
        embed = EmbedWithCharacter(character)
        embed.description = f"{character.get_name()} knows {len(character.get_spell_list())} spells."
        embed.add_field(name="DC", value=str(character.get_save_dc()))
        embed.add_field(name="Spell Attack Bonus",
        embed.add_field(name="Spell Slots",
                        value=character.get_remaining_slots_str() or "None")
        spells_known = {}
        for spell_name in character.get_spell_list():
            spell = strict_search(c.spells, 'name', spell_name)
            spells_known[spell['level']] = spells_known.get(
                spell['level'], []) + [spell_name]

        level_name = {
            '0': 'Cantrips',
            '1': '1st Level',
            '2': '2nd Level',
            '3': '3rd Level',
            '4': '4th Level',
            '5': '5th Level',
            '6': '6th Level',
            '7': '7th Level',
            '8': '8th Level',
            '9': '9th Level'
        for level, spells in sorted(list(spells_known.items()),
                                    key=lambda k: k[0]):
            if spells:
                embed.add_field(name=level_name.get(level, "Unknown Level"),
                                value=', '.join(spells))
        await self.bot.say(embed=embed)
예제 #6
    def get_sheet_embed(self):
        embed = EmbedWithCharacter(self)
        desc_details = []

        # race/class (e.g. Tiefling Bard/Warlock)
        classes = '/'.join(f"{cls} {lvl}" for cls, lvl in self.levels)
        desc_details.append(f"{self.race} {classes}")

        # prof bonus
            f"**Proficiency Bonus**: {self.stats.prof_bonus:+}")

        # combat details
        desc_details.append(f"**AC**: {self.ac}")
        desc_details.append(f"**HP**: {self.get_hp_str()}")
            f"**Initiative**: {self.skills.initiative.value:+}")

        # stats
        save_profs = str(self.saves)
        if save_profs:
            desc_details.append(f"**Save Proficiencies**: {save_profs}")
        skill_profs = str(self.skills)
        if skill_profs:
            desc_details.append(f"**Skill Proficiencies**: {skill_profs}")
            f"**Senses**: passive Perception {10 + self.skills.perception.value}"

        # resists
        resists = str(self.resistances)
        if resists:

        embed.description = '\n'.join(desc_details)

        # attacks
        atks = self.attacks
        atk_str = ""
        for attack in atks:
            a = f"{str(attack)}\n"
            if len(atk_str) + len(a) > 1000:
                atk_str += "[...]"
            atk_str += a
        atk_str = atk_str.strip()
        if atk_str:
            embed.add_field(name="Attacks", value=atk_str)

        # sheet url?
        if self._import_version < 15:
                f"You are using an old sheet version ({self.sheet_type} v{self._import_version}). "
                f"Please run !update.")

        return embed
예제 #7
    async def spellbook(self, ctx):
        """Commands to display a character's known spells and metadata."""
        character = await Character.from_ctx(ctx)
        embed = EmbedWithCharacter(character)
        embed.description = f"{character.get_name()} knows {len(character.get_spell_list())} spells."
        embed.add_field(name="DC", value=str(character.get_save_dc()))
        embed.add_field(name="Spell Attack Bonus",
        embed.add_field(name="Spell Slots",
                        value=character.get_remaining_slots_str() or "None")
        spells_known = {}
        choices = await get_spell_choices(ctx)
        for spell_ in character.get_raw_spells():
            if isinstance(spell_, str):
                spell, strict = search(c.spells, spell_, lambda sp: sp.name)
                if spell is None or not strict:
                spells_known[str(spell.level)] = spells_known.get(
                    str(spell.level), []) + [spell.name]
                spellname = spell_['name']
                strict = spell_['strict']
                spell = await get_castable_spell(ctx, spellname, choices)
                if spell is None and strict:
                elif spell is None:
                    spells_known['unknown'] = spells_known.get(
                        'unknown', []) + [f"*{spellname}*"]
                    if spell.source == 'homebrew':
                        formatted = f"*{spell.name}*"
                        formatted = spell.name
                    spells_known[str(spell.level)] = spells_known.get(
                        str(spell.level), []) + [formatted]

        level_name = {
            '0': 'Cantrips',
            '1': '1st Level',
            '2': '2nd Level',
            '3': '3rd Level',
            '4': '4th Level',
            '5': '5th Level',
            '6': '6th Level',
            '7': '7th Level',
            '8': '8th Level',
            '9': '9th Level'
        for level, spells in sorted(list(spells_known.items()),
                                    key=lambda k: k[0]):
            if spells:
                embed.add_field(name=level_name.get(level, "Unknown"),
                                value=', '.join(spells))
        await ctx.send(embed=embed)
예제 #8
    async def spellbook(self, ctx):
        """Commands to display a character's known spells and metadata."""
        await ctx.trigger_typing()

        character: Character = await Character.from_ctx(ctx)
        embed = EmbedWithCharacter(character)
        embed.description = f"{character.name} knows {len(character.spellbook.spells)} spells."
        embed.add_field(name="DC", value=str(character.spellbook.dc))
        embed.add_field(name="Spell Attack Bonus", value=str(character.spellbook.sab))
        embed.add_field(name="Spell Slots", value=character.spellbook.slots_str() or "None")

        # dynamic help flags
        flag_show_multiple_source_help = False
        flag_show_homebrew_help = False

        spells_known = collections.defaultdict(lambda: [])
        choices = await get_spell_choices(ctx)
        for spell_ in character.spellbook.spells:
            results, strict = search(choices, spell_.name, lambda sp: sp.name, strict=True)
            if not strict:
                if len(results) > 1:
                    spells_known['unknown'].append(f"*{spell_.name} ({'*' * len(results)})*")
                    flag_show_multiple_source_help = True
                flag_show_homebrew_help = True
                spell = results
                if spell.homebrew:
                    formatted = f"*{spell.name}*"
                    flag_show_homebrew_help = True
                    formatted = spell.name

        level_name = {'0': 'Cantrips', '1': '1st Level', '2': '2nd Level', '3': '3rd Level',
                      '4': '4th Level', '5': '5th Level', '6': '6th Level',
                      '7': '7th Level', '8': '8th Level', '9': '9th Level'}
        for level, spells in sorted(list(spells_known.items()), key=lambda k: k[0]):
            if spells:
                embed.add_field(name=level_name.get(level, "Unknown"), value=', '.join(spells), inline=False)

        # dynamic help
        footer_out = []
        if flag_show_homebrew_help:
            footer_out.append("An italicized spell indicates that the spell is homebrew.")
        if flag_show_multiple_source_help:
            footer_out.append("Asterisks after a spell indicates that the spell is being provided by multiple sources.")

        if footer_out:
            embed.set_footer(text=' '.join(footer_out))

        await ctx.send(embed=embed)
예제 #9
    def get_sheet_embed(self):
        embed = EmbedWithCharacter(self)
        # noinspection PyListCreation
        # this could be a list literal, but it's more readable this way
        desc_details = []

        # race/class (e.g. Tiefling Bard/Warlock)
        desc_details.append(f"{self.race} {str(self.levels)}")

        # prof bonus
            f"**Proficiency Bonus**: {self.stats.prof_bonus:+}")

        # combat details
        desc_details.append(f"**AC**: {self.ac}")
        desc_details.append(f"**HP**: {self.hp_str()}")
            f"**Initiative**: {self.skills.initiative.value:+}")

        # stats
        save_profs = str(self.saves)
        if save_profs:
            desc_details.append(f"**Save Proficiencies**: {save_profs}")
        skill_profs = str(self.skills)
        if skill_profs:
            desc_details.append(f"**Skill Proficiencies**: {skill_profs}")
            f"**Senses**: passive Perception {10 + self.skills.perception.value}"

        # resists
        resists = str(self.resistances)
        if resists:

        embed.description = '\n'.join(desc_details)

        # attacks
        atk_str = self.attacks.build_str(self)
        if len(atk_str) > 1000:
            atk_str = f"{atk_str[:1000]}\n[...]"
        if atk_str:
            embed.add_field(name="Attacks", value=atk_str)

        # sheet url?
        if self._import_version < SHEET_VERSION:
                f"You are using an old sheet version ({self.sheet_type} v{self._import_version}). "
                f"Please run !update.")

        return embed
예제 #10
파일: gametrack.py 프로젝트: veilheim/avrae
    async def game_deathsave_save(self, ctx):
        """Adds a successful death save."""
        character: Character = await Character.from_ctx(ctx)

        embed = EmbedWithCharacter(character)
        embed.title = f'{character.name} succeeds a Death Save!'

        await character.commit(ctx)

        if character.death_saves.is_stable():
            embed.set_footer(text=f"{character.name} is STABLE!")
        embed.description = "Added 1 successful death save."
        embed.add_field(name="Death Saves", value=str(character.death_saves))

        await ctx.send(embed=embed)
예제 #11
파일: gametrack.py 프로젝트: veilheim/avrae
    async def game_deathsave_fail(self, ctx):
        """Adds a failed death save."""
        character: Character = await Character.from_ctx(ctx)

        embed = EmbedWithCharacter(character)
        embed.title = f'{character.name} fails a Death Save!'

        await character.commit(ctx)

        if character.death_saves.is_dead():
            embed.set_footer(text=f"{character.name} is DEAD!")
        embed.description = "Added 1 failed death save."
        embed.add_field(name="Death Saves", value=str(character.death_saves))

        await ctx.send(embed=embed)
    async def game_deathsave_fail(self, ctx):
        """Adds a failed death save."""
        character = await Character.from_ctx(ctx)

        embed = EmbedWithCharacter(character)
        embed.title = f'{character.get_name()} fails a Death Save!'

        death_phrase = ''
        if character.add_failed_ds(): death_phrase = f"{character.get_name()} is DEAD!"

        await character.commit(ctx)
        embed.description = "Added 1 failed death save."
        if death_phrase: embed.set_footer(text=death_phrase)

        embed.add_field(name="Death Saves", value=character.get_ds_str())

        await ctx.send(embed=embed)
예제 #13
    async def game_deathsave_save(self, ctx):
        """Adds a successful death save."""
        character = Character.from_ctx(ctx)

        embed = EmbedWithCharacter(character)
        embed.title = f'{character.get_name()} succeeds a Death Save!'

        death_phrase = ''
        if character.add_successful_ds(): death_phrase = f"{character.get_name()} is STABLE!"

        embed.description = "Added 1 successful death save."
        if death_phrase: embed.set_footer(text=death_phrase)

        embed.add_field(name="Death Saves", value=character.get_ds_str())

        await self.bot.say(embed=embed)
예제 #14
async def send_ddb_ctas(ctx, character):
    """Sends relevant CTAs after a DDB character is imported. Only show a CTA 1/24h to not spam people."""
    ddb_user = await ctx.bot.ddb.get_ddb_user(ctx, ctx.author.id)
    if ddb_user is not None:
        ld_dict = ddb_user.to_ld_dict()
        ld_dict = {"key": str(ctx.author.id), "anonymous": True}
    gamelog_flag = await ctx.bot.ldclient.variation('cog.gamelog.cta.enabled',
                                                    ld_dict, False)

    # has the user seen this cta within the last 7d?
    if await ctx.bot.rdb.get(f"cog.sheetmanager.cta.seen.{ctx.author.id}"):

    embed = EmbedWithCharacter(character)
    embed.title = "Heads up!"
    embed.description = "There's a couple of things you can do to make your experience even better!"
    embed.set_footer(text="You won't see this message again this week.")

    # link ddb user
    if ddb_user is None:
            name="Connect Your D&D Beyond Account",
            "Visit your [Account Settings](https://www.dndbeyond.com/account) page in D&D Beyond to link your "
            "D&D Beyond and Discord accounts. This lets you use all your D&D Beyond content in Avrae for free!",
    # game log
    if character.ddb_campaign_id and gamelog_flag:
            await CampaignLink.from_id(ctx.bot.mdb, character.ddb_campaign_id)
        except NoCampaignLink:
                name="Link Your D&D Beyond Campaign",
                f"Sync rolls between a Discord channel and your D&D Beyond character sheet by linking your "
                f"campaign! Use `{ctx.prefix}campaign https://www.dndbeyond.com/campaigns/"
                f"{character.ddb_campaign_id}` in the Discord channel you want to link it to.",

    if not embed.fields:
    await ctx.send(embed=embed)
    await ctx.bot.rdb.setex(f"cog.sheetmanager.cta.seen.{ctx.author.id}",
                            str(time.time()), 60 * 60 * 24 * 7)
예제 #15
    async def desc(self, ctx):
        """Prints or edits a description of your currently active character."""
        char: Character = await Character.from_ctx(ctx)

        desc = char.description
        if not desc:
            desc = 'No description available.'

        if len(desc) > 2048:
            desc = desc[:2044] + '...'
        elif len(desc) < 2:
            desc = 'No description available.'

        embed = EmbedWithCharacter(char, name=False)
        embed.title = char.name
        embed.description = desc

        await ctx.send(embed=embed)
        await try_delete(ctx.message)
    async def desc(self, ctx):
        """Prints or edits a description of your currently active character."""
        char = await Character.from_ctx(ctx)

        desc = char.character['stats'].get('description', 'No description available.')
        if not desc:
            desc = 'No description available.'
        if len(desc) > 2048:
            desc = desc[:2044] + '...'
        elif len(desc) < 2:
            desc = 'No description available.'

        embed = EmbedWithCharacter(char, name=False)
        embed.title = char.get_name()
        embed.description = desc

        await ctx.send(embed=embed)
            await ctx.message.delete()
예제 #17
    async def join(self, ctx, *, args: str = ''):
        """Adds the current active character to combat. A character must be loaded through the SheetManager module first.
        Args: adv/dis
              -b [conditional bonus]
              -phrase [flavor text]
              -p [init value]
              -h (same as !init add)
              --group (same as !init add)"""
        char = await Character.from_ctx(ctx)
        character = char.character

        # if char.get_combat_id():
        #     return await ctx.send(f"This character is already in a combat. "
        #                               f"Please leave combat in <#{char.get_combat_id()}> first.\n"
        #                               f"If this seems like an error, please `!update` your character sheet.")
        # we just ignore this for now.
        # I'll figure out a better solution when I actually need it

        skills = character.get('skills')
        if skills is None:
            return await ctx.send('You must update your character sheet first.')
        skill = 'initiative'

        embed = EmbedWithCharacter(char, False)
        embed.colour = char.get_color()

        skill_effects = character.get('skill_effects', {})
        args += ' ' + skill_effects.get(skill, '')  # dicecloud v7 - autoadv

        args = shlex.split(args)
        args = argparse(args)
        adv = args.adv()
        b = args.join('b', '+') or None
        p = args.last('p', type_=int)
        phrase = args.join('phrase', '\n') or None

        if p is None:
            if b:
                bonus = '{:+}'.format(skills[skill]) + '+' + b
                check_roll = roll('1d20' + bonus, adv=adv, inline=True)
                bonus = '{:+}'.format(skills[skill])
                check_roll = roll('1d20' + bonus, adv=adv, inline=True)

            embed.title = '{} makes an Initiative check!'.format(char.get_name())
            embed.description = check_roll.skeleton + ('\n*' + phrase + '*' if phrase is not None else '')
            init = check_roll.total
            init = p
            bonus = 0
            embed.title = "{} already rolled initiative!".format(char.get_name())
            embed.description = "Placed at initiative `{}`.".format(init)

        group = args.last('group')
        controller = str(ctx.author.id)
        private = args.last('h', type_=bool)
        bonus = roll(bonus).total

        combat = await Combat.from_ctx(ctx)

        me = await PlayerCombatant.from_character(char.get_name(), controller, init, bonus, char.get_ac(), private,
                                                  char.get_resists(), ctx, combat, char.id, str(ctx.author.id), char)

        if combat.get_combatant(char.get_name()) is not None:
            await ctx.send("Combatant already exists.")

        if group is None:
            embed.set_footer(text="Added to combat!")
            grp = combat.get_group(group, create=init)
            embed.set_footer(text=f"Joined group {grp.name}!")

        await combat.final()
        await ctx.send(embed=embed)
        await char.commit(ctx)
    async def save(self, ctx, skill, *, args: str = ''):
        """Rolls a save for your current active character.
        __Valid Arguments__
        -b [conditional bonus]
        -phrase [flavor text]
        -title [title] *note: [charname] and [sname] will be replaced automatically*
        -image [image URL]
        -dc [dc] (does not apply to Death Saves)
        -rr [iterations] (does not apply to Death Saves)"""
        if skill == 'death':
            ds_cmd = self.bot.get_command('game deathsave')
            if ds_cmd is None:
                return await ctx.send("Error: GameTrack cog not loaded.")
            return await ctx.invoke(ds_cmd, *shlex.split(args))

        char = await Character.from_ctx(ctx)
        saves = char.get_saves()
        if not saves:
            return await ctx.send('You must update your character sheet first.')
            save = next(a for a in saves.keys() if skill.lower() == a.lower())
        except StopIteration:
                save = next(a for a in saves.keys() if skill.lower() in a.lower())
            except StopIteration:
                return await ctx.send('That\'s not a valid save.')

        embed = EmbedWithCharacter(char, name=False)

        skill_effects = char.get_skill_effects()
        args += ' ' + skill_effects.get(save, '')  # dicecloud v11 - autoadv

        args = await self.new_arg_stuff(args, ctx, char)
        adv = args.adv()
        b = args.join('b', '+')
        phrase = args.join('phrase', '\n')
        iterations = min(args.last('rr', 1, int), 25)
        dc = args.last('dc', type_=int)
        num_successes = 0

        formatted_d20 = format_d20(adv, char.get_setting('reroll'))

        if b is not None:
            roll_str = formatted_d20 + '{:+}'.format(saves[save]) + '+' + b
            roll_str = formatted_d20 + '{:+}'.format(saves[save])

        embed.title = args.last('title', '') \
                          .replace('[charname]', char.get_name()) \
                          .replace('[sname]', camel_to_title(save)) \
                      or '{} makes {}!'.format(char.get_name(), a_or_an(camel_to_title(save)))

        if iterations > 1:
            embed.description = (f"**DC {dc}**\n" if dc else '') + ('*' + phrase + '*' if phrase is not None else '')
            for i in range(iterations):
                result = roll(roll_str, adv=adv, inline=True)
                if dc and result.total >= dc:
                    num_successes += 1
                embed.add_field(name=f"Save {i+1}", value=result.skeleton)
            if dc:
                embed.set_footer(text=f"{num_successes} Successes | {iterations - num_successes} Failues")
            result = roll(roll_str, adv=adv, inline=True)
            if dc:
                embed.set_footer(text="Success!" if result.total >= dc else "Failure!")
            embed.description = (f"**DC {dc}**\n" if dc else '') + result.skeleton + (
                '\n*' + phrase + '*' if phrase is not None else '')

        embeds.add_fields_from_args(embed, args.get('f'))

        if args.last('image') is not None:

        await ctx.send(embed=embed)
            await ctx.message.delete()
    async def check(self, ctx, check, *, args: str = ''):
        """Rolls a check for your current active character.
        __Valid Arguments__
        -b [conditional bonus]
        -mc [minimum roll]
        -phrase [flavor text]
        -title [title] *note: [charname] and [cname] will be replaced automatically*
        -dc [dc]
        -rr [iterations]
        str/dex/con/int/wis/cha (different skill base; e.g. Strength (Intimidation))
        char = await Character.from_ctx(ctx)
        skills = char.get_skills()
        if not skills:
            return await ctx.send('You must update your character sheet first.')
            skill = next(a for a in skills.keys() if check.lower() == a.lower())#this checks for the skill exactly
        except StopIteration:
                skill = next(a for a in skills.keys() if check.lower() in a.lower())#this checks for the partial name of the skill
            except StopIteration:
                    # Probably will be fairly slow, but whatever
                    skill = next(SKILL_ALIASES[alias] for alias in SKILL_ALIASES.keys() if check.lower() == alias.lower())#go through our alias names
                except StopIteration:
                    return await ctx.send('That\'s not a valid check.')

        embed = EmbedWithCharacter(char, False)

        skill_effects = char.get_skill_effects()
        args += ' ' + skill_effects.get(skill, '')  # dicecloud v7 - autoadv

        args = await self.new_arg_stuff(args, ctx, char)
        adv = args.adv()
        b = args.join('b', '+')
        phrase = args.join('phrase', '\n')
        iterations = min(args.last('rr', 1, int), 25)
        dc = args.last('dc', type_=int)
        num_successes = 0

        formatted_d20 = format_d20(adv, char.get_setting('reroll'))

        mc = args.last('mc', None)
        if mc:
            formatted_d20 = f"{formatted_d20}mi{mc}"

        mod = skills[skill]
        skill_name = skill
        if any(args.last(s, type_=bool) for s in ("str", "dex", "con", "int", "wis", "cha")):
            base = next(s for s in ("str", "dex", "con", "int", "wis", "cha") if args.last(s, type_=bool))
            mod = mod - char.get_mod(SKILL_MAP[skill]) + char.get_mod(base)
            skill_name = f"{verbose_stat(base)} ({skill})"

        skill_name = camel_to_title(skill_name)
        default_title = '{} makes {} check!'.format(char.get_name(), a_or_an(skill_name))

        if b is not None:
            roll_str = formatted_d20 + '{:+}'.format(mod) + '+' + b
            roll_str = formatted_d20 + '{:+}'.format(mod)

        embed.title = args.last('title', '') \
                          .replace('[charname]', char.get_name()) \
                          .replace('[cname]', skill_name) \
                      or default_title

        if iterations > 1:
            embed.description = (f"**DC {dc}**\n" if dc else '') + ('*' + phrase + '*' if phrase is not None else '')
            for i in range(iterations):
                result = roll(roll_str, adv=adv, inline=True)
                if dc and result.total >= dc:
                    num_successes += 1
                embed.add_field(name=f"Check {i+1}", value=result.skeleton)
            if dc:
                embed.set_footer(text=f"{num_successes} Successes | {iterations - num_successes} Failues")
            result = roll(roll_str, adv=adv, inline=True)
            if dc:
                embed.set_footer(text="Success!" if result.total >= dc else "Failure!")
            embed.description = (f"**DC {dc}**\n" if dc else '') + result.skeleton + (
                '\n*' + phrase + '*' if phrase is not None else '')

        embeds.add_fields_from_args(embed, args.get('f'))

        if args.last('image') is not None:
        await ctx.send(embed=embed)
            await ctx.message.delete()
예제 #20
    async def save(self, ctx, skill, *args):
        """Rolls a save for your current active character.
        __Valid Arguments__
        -b [conditional bonus]
        -phrase [flavor text]
        -title [title] *note: [charname] and [sname] will be replaced automatically*
        -image [image URL]
        -dc [dc] (does not apply to Death Saves)
        -rr [iterations] (does not apply to Death Saves)"""
        if skill == 'death':
            ds_cmd = self.bot.get_command('game deathsave')
            if ds_cmd is None:
                return await ctx.send("Error: GameTrack cog not loaded.")
            return await ctx.invoke(ds_cmd, *args)

        char: Character = await Character.from_ctx(ctx)
            save = char.saves.get(skill)
        except ValueError:
            return await ctx.send('That\'s not a valid save.')

        embed = EmbedWithCharacter(char, name=False)

        args = await self.new_arg_stuff(args, ctx, char)
        adv = args.adv(boolwise=True)
        b = args.join('b', '+')
        phrase = args.join('phrase', '\n')
        iterations = min(args.last('rr', 1, int), 25)
        dc = args.last('dc', type_=int)
        num_successes = 0

        formatted_d20 = save.d20(base_adv=adv,

        if b:
            roll_str = f"{formatted_d20}+{b}"
            roll_str = formatted_d20

        save_name = f"{verbose_stat(skill[:3]).title()} Save"
        if args.last('title'):
            embed.title = args.last('title', '') \
                .replace('[charname]', char.name) \
                .replace('[sname]', save_name)
            embed.title = f'{char.name} makes {a_or_an(save_name)}!'

        if iterations > 1:
            embed.description = (f"**DC {dc}**\n" if dc else '') + (
                '*' + phrase + '*' if phrase is not None else '')
            for i in range(iterations):
                result = roll(roll_str, inline=True)
                if dc and result.total >= dc:
                    num_successes += 1
                embed.add_field(name=f"Save {i + 1}", value=result.skeleton)
            if dc:
                    f"{num_successes} Successes | {iterations - num_successes} Failures"
            result = roll(roll_str, inline=True)
            if dc:
                    text="Success!" if result.total >= dc else "Failure!")
            embed.description = (
                f"**DC {dc}**\n" if dc else '') + result.skeleton + (
                    '\n*' + phrase + '*' if phrase is not None else '')

        embeds.add_fields_from_args(embed, args.get('f'))

        if args.last('image') is not None:

        await ctx.send(embed=embed)
            await ctx.message.delete()
예제 #21
    async def customcounter(self, ctx, name=None, *, modifier=None):
        """Commands to implement custom counters.
        When called on its own, if modifier is supplied, increases the counter *name* by *modifier*.
        If modifier is not supplied, prints the value and metadata of the counter *name*."""
        if name is None:
            return await ctx.invoke(self.bot.get_command("customcounter list"))
        character = await Character.from_ctx(ctx)
        sel = await character.select_consumable(ctx, name)
        if sel is None:
            return await ctx.send("Selection timed out or was cancelled.")

        name = sel[0]
        counter = sel[1]

        assert character is not None
        assert counter is not None

        if modifier is None:  # display value
            counterDisplayEmbed = EmbedWithCharacter(character)
            val = self._get_cc_value(character, counter)
            counterDisplayEmbed.add_field(name=name, value=val)
            return await ctx.send(embed=counterDisplayEmbed)

        operator = None
        if ' ' in modifier:
            m = modifier.split(' ')
            operator = m[0]
            modifier = m[-1]

            modifier = int(modifier)
        except ValueError:
            return await ctx.send(
                f"Could not modify counter: {modifier} is not a number")
        resultEmbed = EmbedWithCharacter(character)
        if not operator or operator == 'mod':
            consValue = int(counter.get('value', 0))
            newValue = consValue + modifier
        elif operator == 'set':
            newValue = modifier
            return await ctx.send("Invalid operator. Use mod or set.")
            character.set_consumable(name, newValue)
            await character.commit(ctx)
            _max = self._get_cc_max(character, counter)
            actualValue = int(character.get_consumable(name).get('value', 0))

            if counter.get('type') == 'bubble':
                assert _max not in ('N/A', None)
                numEmpty = _max - counter.get('value', 0)
                filled = '\u25c9' * counter.get('value', 0)
                empty = '\u3007' * numEmpty
                out = f"{filled}{empty}"
                out = f"{counter.get('value', 0)}"
            if (not _max
                    in (None, 'N/A')) and not counter.get('type') == 'bubble':
                resultEmbed.description = f"**__{name}__**\n{out}/{_max}"
                resultEmbed.description = f"**__{name}__**\n{out}"

            if newValue - actualValue:
                resultEmbed.description += f"\n({abs(newValue - actualValue)} overflow)"
        except CounterOutOfBounds:
            resultEmbed.description = f"Could not modify counter: new value out of bounds"
            await ctx.message.delete()
        await ctx.send(embed=resultEmbed)
예제 #22
    async def _old_cast(self, ctx, spell_name, args):
        spell = getSpell(spell_name)
        if spell is None:
            return await self.bot.say("Spell not found.", delete_after=15)
        if spell.get('source') == "UAMystic":
            return await self.bot.say("Mystic talents are not supported.")

        char = await Character.from_ctx(ctx)

        args = await scripting.parse_snippets(args, ctx)
        args = await char.parse_cvars(args, ctx)
        args = shlex.split(args)
        args = argparse(args)

        can_cast = True
        spell_level = int(spell.get('level', 0))
        cast_level = args.last('l', spell_level, int)
        if not spell_level <= cast_level <= 9:
            return await self.bot.say("Invalid spell level.")

        # make sure we can cast it
        if not char.get_remaining_slots(
                cast_level) > 0 and spell_name in char.get_spell_list():
            can_cast = False

        if args.last('i', type_=bool):
            can_cast = True

        if not can_cast:
            embed = EmbedWithCharacter(char)
            embed.title = "Cannot cast spell!"
            embed.description = "Not enough spell slots remaining, or spell not in known spell list!\n" \
                                "Use `!game longrest` to restore all spell slots, or pass `-i` to ignore restrictions."
            if cast_level > 0:
                embed.add_field(name="Spell Slots",
            return await self.bot.say(embed=embed)

        if len(args) == 0:
            rolls = spell.get('roll', None)
            if isinstance(rolls, list):
                rolls = '\n'.join(rolls) \
                    .replace('SPELL', str(char.get_spell_ab() - char.get_prof_bonus())) \
                    .replace('PROF', str(char.get_prof_bonus()))
                rolls = rolls.split('\n')
                out = "**{} casts {}:** ".format(
                    char.get_name(), spell['name']) + '\n'.join(
                        roll(r, inline=True).skeleton for r in rolls)
            elif rolls is not None:
                rolls = rolls \
                    .replace('SPELL', str(char.get_spell_ab() - char.get_prof_bonus())) \
                    .replace('PROF', str(char.get_prof_bonus()))
                out = "**{} casts {}:** ".format(
                    char.get_name(), spell['name']) + roll(
                        rolls, inline=True).skeleton
                out = "**{} casts {}!** ".format(char.get_name(),
            rolls = args.get('r')
            roll_results = ""
            for r in rolls:
                res = roll(r, inline=True)
                if res.total is not None:
                    roll_results += res.result + '\n'
                    roll_results += "**Effect:** " + r
            out = "**{} casts {}:**\n".format(char.get_name(),
                                              spell['name']) + roll_results

        if not args.last('i', type_=bool):
        if cast_level > 0:
            out += f"\n**Remaining Spell Slots**: {char.get_remaining_slots_str(cast_level)}"

        out = "Spell not supported by new cast, falling back to old cast.\n" + out
        await char.commit(ctx)  # make sure we save changes
        await self.bot.say(out)
        spell_cmd = self.bot.get_command('spell')
        if spell_cmd is None:
            return await self.bot.say("Lookup cog not loaded.")
        await ctx.invoke(spell_cmd, name=spell['name'])
예제 #23
    async def check(self, ctx, check, *args):
        """Rolls a check for your current active character.
        __Valid Arguments__
        -b [conditional bonus]
        -mc [minimum roll]
        -phrase [flavor text]
        -title [title] *note: [charname] and [cname] will be replaced automatically*
        -dc [dc]
        -rr [iterations]
        str/dex/con/int/wis/cha (different skill base; e.g. Strength (Intimidation))
        char: Character = await Character.from_ctx(ctx)
        skill_key = await search_and_select(ctx, SKILL_NAMES, check,
                                            lambda s: s)
        skill_name = camel_to_title(skill_key)

        embed = EmbedWithCharacter(char, False)
        skill = char.skills[skill_key]

        args = await self.new_arg_stuff(args, ctx, char)
        # advantage
        adv = args.adv(boolwise=True)
        # roll bonus
        b = args.join('b', '+')
        # phrase
        phrase = args.join('phrase', '\n')
        # num rolls
        iterations = min(args.last('rr', 1, int), 25)
        # dc
        dc = args.last('dc', type_=int)
        # reliable talent (#654)
        rt = char.get_setting('talent', 0) and skill.prof >= 1
        mc = args.last('mc') or 10 * rt
        # halfling luck
        ro = char.get_setting('reroll')

        num_successes = 0
        mod = skill.value
        formatted_d20 = skill.d20(base_adv=adv,

        if any(args.last(s, type_=bool) for s in STAT_ABBREVIATIONS):
            base = next(s for s in STAT_ABBREVIATIONS
                        if args.last(s, type_=bool))
            mod = mod - char.get_mod(SKILL_MAP[skill_key]) + char.get_mod(base)
            skill_name = f"{verbose_stat(base)} ({skill_name})"

        if b is not None:
            roll_str = f"{formatted_d20}{mod:+}+{b}"
            roll_str = f"{formatted_d20}{mod:+}"

        if args.last('title'):
            embed.title = args.last('title', '') \
                .replace('[charname]', char.name) \
                .replace('[cname]', skill_name)
            embed.title = f'{char.name} makes {a_or_an(skill_name)} check!'

        if iterations > 1:
            embed.description = (f"**DC {dc}**\n" if dc else '') + (
                '*' + phrase + '*' if phrase is not None else '')
            for i in range(iterations):
                result = roll(roll_str, inline=True)
                if dc and result.total >= dc:
                    num_successes += 1
                embed.add_field(name=f"Check {i + 1}", value=result.skeleton)
            if dc:
                    f"{num_successes} Successes | {iterations - num_successes} Failures"
            result = roll(roll_str, inline=True)
            if dc:
                    text="Success!" if result.total >= dc else "Failure!")
            embed.description = (
                f"**DC {dc}**\n" if dc else '') + result.skeleton + (
                    '\n*' + phrase + '*' if phrase is not None else '')

        embeds.add_fields_from_args(embed, args.get('f'))

        if args.last('image') is not None:
        await ctx.send(embed=embed)
            await ctx.message.delete()
예제 #24
    async def cast(self, ctx, spell_name, *, args=''):
        """Casts a spell.
        __Valid Arguments:__
        -i - Ignores Spellbook restrictions, for demonstrations or rituals.
        -l [level] - Specifies the level to cast the spell at.
        **__Save Spells__**
        -dc [Save DC] - Default: Pulls a cvar called `dc`.
        -save [Save type] - Default: The spell's default save.
        -d [damage] - adds additional damage.
        **__Attack Spells__**
        See `!a`.
        **__All Spells__**
        -phrase [phrase] - adds flavor text."""
            await self.bot.delete_message(ctx.message)

        char = None
        if not '-i' in args:
            char = await Character.from_ctx(ctx)
            spell_name = await searchCharacterSpellName(spell_name, ctx, char)
            spell_name = await searchSpellNameFull(spell_name, ctx)

        if spell_name is None: return

        spell = strict_search(c.autospells, 'name', spell_name)
        if spell is None:
            return await self._old_cast(ctx, spell_name,
                                        args)  # fall back to old cast

        if not char: char = await Character.from_ctx(ctx)

        args = await scripting.parse_snippets(args, ctx)
        args = await char.parse_cvars(args, ctx)
        args = shlex.split(args)
        args = argparse(args)

        can_cast = True
        spell_level = int(spell.get('level', 0))
        cast_level = args.last('l', spell_level, int)
        if not spell_level <= cast_level <= 9:
            return await self.bot.say("Invalid spell level.")

        # make sure we can cast it
        if not char.get_remaining_slots(
                cast_level) > 0 and spell_name in char.get_spell_list():
            can_cast = False

        if args.last('i', type_=bool):
            can_cast = True

        if not can_cast:
            embed = EmbedWithCharacter(char)
            embed.title = "Cannot cast spell!"
            embed.description = "Not enough spell slots remaining, or spell not in known spell list!\n" \
                                "Use `!game longrest` to restore all spell slots, or pass `-i` to ignore restrictions."
            if cast_level > 0:
                embed.add_field(name="Spell Slots",
            return await self.bot.say(embed=embed)

        args['l'] = [cast_level]
        args['name'] = [char.get_name()]
        args['dc'] = [args.get('dc', [char.get_save_dc()])[-1]]
        args['casterlevel'] = [char.get_level()]
        args['crittype'] = [char.get_setting('crittype', 'default')]
        args['ab'] = [char.get_spell_ab()]
        args['SPELL'] = [
                or (char.get_spell_ab() - char.get_prof_bonus()))

        result = sheet_cast(spell, args, EmbedWithCharacter(char, name=False))

        embed = result['embed']

        _fields = args.get('f')
        if type(_fields) == list:
            for f in _fields:
                title = f.split('|')[0] if '|' in f else '\u200b'
                value = "|".join(f.split('|')[1:]) if '|' in f else f
                embed.add_field(name=title, value=value)

        if not args.last('i', type_=bool):
        if cast_level > 0:
            embed.add_field(name="Spell Slots",

        await char.commit(ctx)  # make sure we save changes
        await self.bot.say(embed=embed)