예제 #1
    async def check(self, ctx, check, *args):
        """Rolls a check for your current active character.
        __Valid Arguments__
        *-b [conditional bonus]*
        -phrase [flavor text]
        -title [title] *note: [name] and [cname] will be replaced automatically*
        -dc [dc]
        -mc [minimum roll]
        -rr [iterations]
        str/dex/con/int/wis/cha (different skill base; e.g. Strength (Intimidation))

        An italicized argument means the argument supports ephemeral arguments - e.g. `-b1` applies a bonus to one check.
        char: Character = await Character.from_ctx(ctx)
        skill_key = await search_and_select(ctx, SKILL_NAMES, check,
                                            lambda s: s)

        embed = EmbedWithCharacter(char, False)
        skill = char.skills[skill_key]

        args = await self.new_arg_stuff(args, ctx, char)

        checkutils.update_csetting_args(char, args, skill)
        checkutils.run_check(skill_key, char, args, embed)

        if args.last('image') is not None:

        await ctx.send(embed=embed)
        await try_delete(ctx.message)
예제 #2
    async def save(self, ctx, skill, *args):
        """Rolls a save for your current active character.
        __Valid Arguments__
        *-b [conditional bonus]*
        -phrase [flavor text]
        -title [title] *note: [name] and [sname] will be replaced automatically*
        -image [image URL]
        -dc [dc] (does not apply to Death Saves)
        -rr [iterations] (does not apply to Death Saves)

        An italicized argument means the argument supports ephemeral arguments - e.g. `-b1` applies a bonus to one save.
        if skill == 'death':
            ds_cmd = self.bot.get_command('game deathsave')
            if ds_cmd is None:
                return await ctx.send("Error: GameTrack cog not loaded.")
            return await ctx.invoke(ds_cmd, *args)

        char: Character = await Character.from_ctx(ctx)

        embed = EmbedWithCharacter(char, name=False)

        args = await self.new_arg_stuff(args, ctx, char)

        checkutils.update_csetting_args(char, args)
        checkutils.run_save(skill, char, args, embed)

        if args.last('image') is not None:

        # send
        await ctx.send(embed=embed)
        await try_delete(ctx.message)
예제 #3
    async def check(self, ctx, check, *args):
        """Rolls a check for your current active character.
        __Valid Arguments__
        -b [conditional bonus]
        -mc [minimum roll]
        -phrase [flavor text]
        -title [title] *note: [charname] and [cname] will be replaced automatically*
        -dc [dc]
        -rr [iterations]
        str/dex/con/int/wis/cha (different skill base; e.g. Strength (Intimidation))
        char: Character = await Character.from_ctx(ctx)
        skill_key = await search_and_select(ctx, SKILL_NAMES, check,
                                            lambda s: s)
        skill_name = camel_to_title(skill_key)

        embed = EmbedWithCharacter(char, False)
        skill = char.skills[skill_key]

        args = await self.new_arg_stuff(args, ctx, char)
        # advantage
        adv = args.adv(boolwise=True)
        # roll bonus
        b = args.join('b', '+')
        # phrase
        phrase = args.join('phrase', '\n')
        # num rolls
        iterations = min(args.last('rr', 1, int), 25)
        # dc
        dc = args.last('dc', type_=int)
        # reliable talent (#654)
        rt = char.get_setting('talent', 0) and skill.prof >= 1
        mc = args.last('mc') or 10 * rt
        # halfling luck
        ro = char.get_setting('reroll')

        num_successes = 0
        mod = skill.value
        formatted_d20 = skill.d20(base_adv=adv,

        if any(args.last(s, type_=bool) for s in STAT_ABBREVIATIONS):
            base = next(s for s in STAT_ABBREVIATIONS
                        if args.last(s, type_=bool))
            mod = mod - char.get_mod(SKILL_MAP[skill_key]) + char.get_mod(base)
            skill_name = f"{verbose_stat(base)} ({skill_name})"

        if b is not None:
            roll_str = f"{formatted_d20}{mod:+}+{b}"
            roll_str = f"{formatted_d20}{mod:+}"

        if args.last('title'):
            embed.title = args.last('title', '') \
                .replace('[charname]', char.name) \
                .replace('[cname]', skill_name)
            embed.title = f'{char.name} makes {a_or_an(skill_name)} check!'

        if iterations > 1:
            embed.description = (f"**DC {dc}**\n" if dc else '') + (
                '*' + phrase + '*' if phrase is not None else '')
            for i in range(iterations):
                result = roll(roll_str, inline=True)
                if dc and result.total >= dc:
                    num_successes += 1
                embed.add_field(name=f"Check {i + 1}", value=result.skeleton)
            if dc:
                    f"{num_successes} Successes | {iterations - num_successes} Failures"
            result = roll(roll_str, inline=True)
            if dc:
                    text="Success!" if result.total >= dc else "Failure!")
            embed.description = (
                f"**DC {dc}**\n" if dc else '') + result.skeleton + (
                    '\n*' + phrase + '*' if phrase is not None else '')

        embeds.add_fields_from_args(embed, args.get('f'))

        if args.last('image') is not None:
        await ctx.send(embed=embed)
            await ctx.message.delete()
예제 #4
    async def save(self, ctx, skill, *args):
        """Rolls a save for your current active character.
        __Valid Arguments__
        -b [conditional bonus]
        -phrase [flavor text]
        -title [title] *note: [charname] and [sname] will be replaced automatically*
        -image [image URL]
        -dc [dc] (does not apply to Death Saves)
        -rr [iterations] (does not apply to Death Saves)"""
        if skill == 'death':
            ds_cmd = self.bot.get_command('game deathsave')
            if ds_cmd is None:
                return await ctx.send("Error: GameTrack cog not loaded.")
            return await ctx.invoke(ds_cmd, *args)

        char: Character = await Character.from_ctx(ctx)
            save = char.saves.get(skill)
        except ValueError:
            return await ctx.send('That\'s not a valid save.')

        embed = EmbedWithCharacter(char, name=False)

        args = await self.new_arg_stuff(args, ctx, char)
        adv = args.adv(boolwise=True)
        b = args.join('b', '+')
        phrase = args.join('phrase', '\n')
        iterations = min(args.last('rr', 1, int), 25)
        dc = args.last('dc', type_=int)
        num_successes = 0

        formatted_d20 = save.d20(base_adv=adv,

        if b:
            roll_str = f"{formatted_d20}+{b}"
            roll_str = formatted_d20

        save_name = f"{verbose_stat(skill[:3]).title()} Save"
        if args.last('title'):
            embed.title = args.last('title', '') \
                .replace('[charname]', char.name) \
                .replace('[sname]', save_name)
            embed.title = f'{char.name} makes {a_or_an(save_name)}!'

        if iterations > 1:
            embed.description = (f"**DC {dc}**\n" if dc else '') + (
                '*' + phrase + '*' if phrase is not None else '')
            for i in range(iterations):
                result = roll(roll_str, inline=True)
                if dc and result.total >= dc:
                    num_successes += 1
                embed.add_field(name=f"Save {i + 1}", value=result.skeleton)
            if dc:
                    f"{num_successes} Successes | {iterations - num_successes} Failures"
            result = roll(roll_str, inline=True)
            if dc:
                    text="Success!" if result.total >= dc else "Failure!")
            embed.description = (
                f"**DC {dc}**\n" if dc else '') + result.skeleton + (
                    '\n*' + phrase + '*' if phrase is not None else '')

        embeds.add_fields_from_args(embed, args.get('f'))

        if args.last('image') is not None:

        await ctx.send(embed=embed)
            await ctx.message.delete()
    async def check(self, ctx, check, *, args: str = ''):
        """Rolls a check for your current active character.
        __Valid Arguments__
        -b [conditional bonus]
        -mc [minimum roll]
        -phrase [flavor text]
        -title [title] *note: [charname] and [cname] will be replaced automatically*
        -dc [dc]
        -rr [iterations]
        str/dex/con/int/wis/cha (different skill base; e.g. Strength (Intimidation))
        char = await Character.from_ctx(ctx)
        skills = char.get_skills()
        if not skills:
            return await ctx.send('You must update your character sheet first.')
            skill = next(a for a in skills.keys() if check.lower() == a.lower())#this checks for the skill exactly
        except StopIteration:
                skill = next(a for a in skills.keys() if check.lower() in a.lower())#this checks for the partial name of the skill
            except StopIteration:
                    # Probably will be fairly slow, but whatever
                    skill = next(SKILL_ALIASES[alias] for alias in SKILL_ALIASES.keys() if check.lower() == alias.lower())#go through our alias names
                except StopIteration:
                    return await ctx.send('That\'s not a valid check.')

        embed = EmbedWithCharacter(char, False)

        skill_effects = char.get_skill_effects()
        args += ' ' + skill_effects.get(skill, '')  # dicecloud v7 - autoadv

        args = await self.new_arg_stuff(args, ctx, char)
        adv = args.adv()
        b = args.join('b', '+')
        phrase = args.join('phrase', '\n')
        iterations = min(args.last('rr', 1, int), 25)
        dc = args.last('dc', type_=int)
        num_successes = 0

        formatted_d20 = format_d20(adv, char.get_setting('reroll'))

        mc = args.last('mc', None)
        if mc:
            formatted_d20 = f"{formatted_d20}mi{mc}"

        mod = skills[skill]
        skill_name = skill
        if any(args.last(s, type_=bool) for s in ("str", "dex", "con", "int", "wis", "cha")):
            base = next(s for s in ("str", "dex", "con", "int", "wis", "cha") if args.last(s, type_=bool))
            mod = mod - char.get_mod(SKILL_MAP[skill]) + char.get_mod(base)
            skill_name = f"{verbose_stat(base)} ({skill})"

        skill_name = camel_to_title(skill_name)
        default_title = '{} makes {} check!'.format(char.get_name(), a_or_an(skill_name))

        if b is not None:
            roll_str = formatted_d20 + '{:+}'.format(mod) + '+' + b
            roll_str = formatted_d20 + '{:+}'.format(mod)

        embed.title = args.last('title', '') \
                          .replace('[charname]', char.get_name()) \
                          .replace('[cname]', skill_name) \
                      or default_title

        if iterations > 1:
            embed.description = (f"**DC {dc}**\n" if dc else '') + ('*' + phrase + '*' if phrase is not None else '')
            for i in range(iterations):
                result = roll(roll_str, adv=adv, inline=True)
                if dc and result.total >= dc:
                    num_successes += 1
                embed.add_field(name=f"Check {i+1}", value=result.skeleton)
            if dc:
                embed.set_footer(text=f"{num_successes} Successes | {iterations - num_successes} Failues")
            result = roll(roll_str, adv=adv, inline=True)
            if dc:
                embed.set_footer(text="Success!" if result.total >= dc else "Failure!")
            embed.description = (f"**DC {dc}**\n" if dc else '') + result.skeleton + (
                '\n*' + phrase + '*' if phrase is not None else '')

        embeds.add_fields_from_args(embed, args.get('f'))

        if args.last('image') is not None:
        await ctx.send(embed=embed)
            await ctx.message.delete()
    async def save(self, ctx, skill, *, args: str = ''):
        """Rolls a save for your current active character.
        __Valid Arguments__
        -b [conditional bonus]
        -phrase [flavor text]
        -title [title] *note: [charname] and [sname] will be replaced automatically*
        -image [image URL]
        -dc [dc] (does not apply to Death Saves)
        -rr [iterations] (does not apply to Death Saves)"""
        if skill == 'death':
            ds_cmd = self.bot.get_command('game deathsave')
            if ds_cmd is None:
                return await ctx.send("Error: GameTrack cog not loaded.")
            return await ctx.invoke(ds_cmd, *shlex.split(args))

        char = await Character.from_ctx(ctx)
        saves = char.get_saves()
        if not saves:
            return await ctx.send('You must update your character sheet first.')
            save = next(a for a in saves.keys() if skill.lower() == a.lower())
        except StopIteration:
                save = next(a for a in saves.keys() if skill.lower() in a.lower())
            except StopIteration:
                return await ctx.send('That\'s not a valid save.')

        embed = EmbedWithCharacter(char, name=False)

        skill_effects = char.get_skill_effects()
        args += ' ' + skill_effects.get(save, '')  # dicecloud v11 - autoadv

        args = await self.new_arg_stuff(args, ctx, char)
        adv = args.adv()
        b = args.join('b', '+')
        phrase = args.join('phrase', '\n')
        iterations = min(args.last('rr', 1, int), 25)
        dc = args.last('dc', type_=int)
        num_successes = 0

        formatted_d20 = format_d20(adv, char.get_setting('reroll'))

        if b is not None:
            roll_str = formatted_d20 + '{:+}'.format(saves[save]) + '+' + b
            roll_str = formatted_d20 + '{:+}'.format(saves[save])

        embed.title = args.last('title', '') \
                          .replace('[charname]', char.get_name()) \
                          .replace('[sname]', camel_to_title(save)) \
                      or '{} makes {}!'.format(char.get_name(), a_or_an(camel_to_title(save)))

        if iterations > 1:
            embed.description = (f"**DC {dc}**\n" if dc else '') + ('*' + phrase + '*' if phrase is not None else '')
            for i in range(iterations):
                result = roll(roll_str, adv=adv, inline=True)
                if dc and result.total >= dc:
                    num_successes += 1
                embed.add_field(name=f"Save {i+1}", value=result.skeleton)
            if dc:
                embed.set_footer(text=f"{num_successes} Successes | {iterations - num_successes} Failues")
            result = roll(roll_str, adv=adv, inline=True)
            if dc:
                embed.set_footer(text="Success!" if result.total >= dc else "Failure!")
            embed.description = (f"**DC {dc}**\n" if dc else '') + result.skeleton + (
                '\n*' + phrase + '*' if phrase is not None else '')

        embeds.add_fields_from_args(embed, args.get('f'))

        if args.last('image') is not None:

        await ctx.send(embed=embed)
            await ctx.message.delete()
예제 #7
    async def attack(self, ctx, atk_name=None, *, args: str = ''):
        """Rolls an attack for the current active character.
        __Valid Arguments__
        -t "<target>" - Sets targets for the attack. You can pass as many as needed. Will target combatants if channel is in initiative.
        -t "<target>|<args>" - Sets a target, and also allows for specific args to apply to them. (e.g, -t "OR1|hit" to force the attack against OR1 to hit)

        *ea* (Elven Accuracy double advantage)
        -ac [target ac]
        -t [target]
        *-b* [to hit bonus]
        -criton [a number to crit on if rolled on or above]
        *-d* [damage bonus]
        *-c* [damage bonus on crit]
        -rr [times to reroll]
        *-mi* [minimum weapon dice roll]
        *-resist* [damage resistance]
        *-immune* [damage immunity]
        *-vuln* [damage vulnerability]
        *-neutral* [damage non-resistance]
        *hit* (automatically hits)
        *miss* (automatically misses)
        *crit* (automatically crit)
        *max* (deals max damage)

        -h (hides rolled values)
        -phrase [flavor text]
        -title [title] *note: [name] and [aname] will be replaced automatically*
        -thumb [url]
        -f "Field Title|Field Text" (see !embed)
        [user snippet]

        An italicized argument means the argument supports ephemeral arguments - e.g. `-d1` applies damage to the first hit, `-b1` applies a bonus to one attack, and so on."""
        if atk_name is None:
            return await ctx.invoke(self.attack_list)

        char: Character = await Character.from_ctx(ctx)
        args = await self.new_arg_stuff(args, ctx, char)

        caster, targets, combat = await targetutils.maybe_combat(ctx, char, args)
        attack = await search_and_select(ctx, caster.attacks, atk_name, lambda a: a.name)

        embed = EmbedWithCharacter(char, name=False)
        if args.last('title') is not None:
            embed.title = args.last('title') \
                .replace('[name]', char.name) \
                .replace('[aname]', attack.name)
            embed.title = '{} attacks with {}!'.format(char.name, a_or_an(attack.name))

        await attack.automation.run(ctx, embed, caster, targets, args, combat=combat, title=embed.title)
        if combat:
            await combat.final()

        _fields = args.get('f')
        embeds.add_fields_from_args(embed, _fields)
        if 'thumb' in args:

        await ctx.send(embed=embed)
            await ctx.message.delete()