예제 #1
   def calc_3d_vel_estimate(self, pcOld, pcNew):
      (rows, cols) = (self.velX.rows, self.velY.cols)
      self.rows = rows
      self.cols = cols

      # initialize velocity matrix (2d array of 3-tuples)
      V = [[None]*cols for row in xrange(rows)]

      # iterate through the point clouds
      self.old_points = [pt for pt in point_cloud.read_points(pcOld)]
      self.new_points = [pt for pt in point_cloud.read_points(pcNew)]

      # get 3d velocity estimate at each pixel
      for i in xrange(rows):
	 for j in xrange(cols):
	    iDiff = int(round(self.velX[i,j]))
	    jDiff = int(round(self.velY[i,j]))

	    iOld = i - iDiff
	    jOld = j - jDiff

	    # handle out of bounds: set V at (i,j) to None
	    # TODO think of a better way
	    if iOld<0 or iOld >=rows or jOld<0 or jOld>cols:
	       V[i][j] = None
	       new_point = self.new_points[rows*i + j]
	       old_point = self.old_points[rows*iOld + jOld]

	       # use difference b/w new_point and old_point as vel estimate
	       V[i][j] = (vel_x, vel_y, vel_z) = tuple(new-old for (new,old) in zip(new_point,old_point))

      self.vel3d = V
예제 #2
   def estimate_3d_vel(self, flowX, flowY, last_points_msg, points_msg):
      rows, cols = flowX.rows, flowX.cols
      stime = time()
      last_points = [pt for pt in point_cloud.read_points(last_points_msg)]
      elapsed = time()-stime
      print 'point cloud iteration: ', elapsed, 'sec'

      stime = time()
      points = [pt for pt in point_cloud.read_points(points_msg)]
      elapsed = time()-stime
      print 'point cloud iteration: ', elapsed, 'sec'

      new_points = np.empty([rows,cols],dtype=('f4,f4,f4'))
      pixel_vels_3d = np.empty([rows,cols],dtype=('f4,f4,f4'))
      # get 3d velocity estimate at each pixel
      stime = time()
      for i in xrange(rows):
	 for j in xrange(cols):
	    iDiff = int(round(flowX[i,j]))
	    jDiff = int(round(flowY[i,j]))

	    iNew = i + iDiff
	    jNew = j + jDiff
	    #iOld = i - iDiff
	    #jOld = j - jDiff

	    # handle out of bounds: set V at (i,j) to NaN 
	    # TODO think of a better way?

	    #if iOld<0 or iOld >=rows or jOld<0 or jOld>=cols:
	    if iNew<0 or iNew>=rows or jNew<0 or jNew>=cols:
	          pixel_vels_3d[i,j] = (np.nan, np.nan, np.nan)
		  import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
	       # CORRECTION
	       #newp = points[cols*i+j]
	       #oldp = last_points[cols*iOld+jOld]
	       newp = points[cols*iNew+jNew]
	       oldp = last_points[cols*i+j]
	       pixel_vels_3d[i,j] = newp[0]-oldp[0], newp[1]-oldp[1], newp[2]-oldp[2]
      elapsed = time()-stime
      print 'pixel-wise velocity estimate: ', elapsed, 'sec'

      return pixel_vels_3d
예제 #3
   def smooth_3d_vel(self, pixel_vels, pointcloud_message, region_size):
      rows, cols = pixel_vels.shape 
      stime = time()
      points = [pt for pt in point_cloud.read_points(pointcloud_message)]
      print 'point cloud iteration: ', (time()-stime), 'sec'
      s_rows, s_cols = rows/region_size,cols/region_size
      result_points = []
      velocities = []

      stime = time()
      isnan = math.isnan
      point_index = 0
      for region_i in xrange(s_rows):
	 for region_j in xrange(s_cols):
	    v_count = 0.
	    v_accum = [0.,0.,0.]
	    p_accum = [0.,0.,0.]
            for i in xrange(region_i*region_size,region_i*region_size+region_size):
	       for j in xrange(region_j*region_size,region_j*region_size+region_size):
		  v = vx,vy,vz = pixel_vels[i,j]
		  if not (isnan(vx) or isnan(vy) or isnan(vz)):
		     p = px,py,pz = points[i * cols + j] 
		     if not (isnan(px) or isnan(py) or isnan(pz)):
			p_accum[0]+=px; p_accum[1]+=py; p_accum[2]+=pz
			v_accum[0]+=vx; v_accum[1]+=vy; p_accum[2]+=vz
			v_count += 1
	    if not (v_count > 0): v_count = 1. # prevent division by zero
	    result_points.append( (p_accum[0]/v_count, p_accum[1]/v_count, p_accum[2]/v_count) )
	    velocities.append( (v_accum[0]/v_count, v_accum[1]/v_count, v_accum[2]/v_count))

      print 'smoothing 3d velocity: ', (time() - stime), 'sec'
      return result_points, velocities
예제 #4
   def getDepthChanges(self, pclOld, pclNew, X, Y):
      rospy.loginfo("calculating depth change")
      Z = cv.CreateMat(X.rows, X.cols, X.type) # X.type?
      self.old_depth = [pt[2] for pt in point_cloud.read_points(pclOld)]
      self.new_depth = [pt[2] for pt in point_cloud.read_points(pclNew)]

      (rows, cols) = (X.rows, X.cols)

      for i in xrange(rows):
	 for j in xrange(cols):
	    iDiff = round(X[i,j])
	    jDiff = round(Y[i,j])
	    iOld = i - iDiff
	    jOld = j - jDiff
	    # handle out of bounds TODO think of a better way
	    if iOld<0 or iOld >=rows or jOld<0 or jOld>cols:
	       Z[i,j] = float("nan")
	       Z[i,j] = self.new_depth[rows*i + j] - self.old_depth[rows*iOld + jOld]

      self.velZ = Z
예제 #5
   def estimate_3d_vel(self, points_2d, vels_2d, last_points_msg, points_msg):
      stime = time()
      last_points = [pt for pt in point_cloud.read_points(last_points_msg)]
      elapsed = time()-stime
      print 'point cloud iteration: ', elapsed, 'sec'

      stime = time()
      points = [pt for pt in point_cloud.read_points(points_msg)]
      elapsed = time()-stime
      print 'point cloud iteration: ', elapsed, 'sec'
      points_3d = []
      vels_3d = []
      # get 3d velocity estimate at each pixel
      stime = time()
      for pt, vel in izip(points_2d, vels_2d):
      #for i in xrange(rows):
	 #for j in xrange(cols):
	    px, py = pt
	    vx, vy = vel

	    p2x, p2y = int(round(px + vx)), int(round(py + vy))

	    # handle out of bounds: set V at (i,j) to NaN 
	    # TODO think of a better way?
	    #if iOld<0 or iOld >=rows or jOld<0 or jOld>=cols:
	    if not (p2x<0 or p2x>=640 or p2y<0 or p2y>=480) :
	       newp = points[640*p2y+p2x]
	       oldp = last_points[640*py+px]

	       points_3d.append( oldp )
	       vels_3d.append(( newp[0]-oldp[0], newp[1]-oldp[1], newp[2]-oldp[2] ))
      elapsed = time()-stime
      print 'Feature-wise 3d velocity estimate: ', elapsed, 'sec'

      return points_3d, vels_3d
예제 #6
파일: pcltest.py 프로젝트: j-v/comp558
   d_msg = None
   p_msg = None
   for topic, msg, t in bag.read_messages(topics=[depth_topic, rgb_topic, pcl_topic]):
      if topic == depth_topic: d_msg = msg
      elif topic == pcl_topic: p_msg = msg
      if d_msg != None and p_msg != None and d_msg.header.stamp.to_nsec() == p_msg.header.stamp.to_nsec():

   # convert Image to cv format
   bridge = CvBridge()
   im = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv(d_msg)

   # print out depth values and hope for the best
   count = 0
   ptmax = 2000
   for v in point_cloud.read_points(p_msg):
      print v
      count += 1
      if count > ptmax: break
   count = 0
   for i in xrange(im.rows):
      for j in xrange(im.cols):
	 count += 1
	 if count > ptmax: break
	 print im[i,j]
      if count > ptmax: break
