def ncstation2cov(save_coverage=True): # Open the netcdf dataset ds = Dataset('test_data/') # Itemize the variable names that we want to include in the coverage var_names = ['time','lat','lon','z','streamflow','water_temperature',] # Instantiate a ParameterDictionary pdict = ParameterDictionary() # Create a ParameterContext object for each of the variables in the dataset and add them to the ParameterDictionaryl for v in var_names: var = ds.variables[v] pcontext = ParameterContext(v, param_type=QuantityType(var.dtype.char)) if 'units' in var.ncattrs(): pcontext.uom = var.getncattr('units') if 'long_name' in var.ncattrs(): pcontext.description = var.getncattr('long_name') if '_FillValue' in var.ncattrs(): pcontext.fill_value = var.getncattr('_FillValue') # Set the reference_frame for the coordinate parameters if v == 'time': pcontext.reference_frame = AxisTypeEnum.TIME elif v == 'lat': pcontext.reference_frame = AxisTypeEnum.LAT elif v == 'lon': pcontext.reference_frame = AxisTypeEnum.LON elif v == 'z': pcontext.reference_frame = AxisTypeEnum.HEIGHT pdict.add_context(pcontext) # Construct temporal and spatial Coordinate Reference System objects tcrs = CRS.standard_temporal() scrs = CRS.lat_lon_height() # Construct temporal and spatial Domain objects tdom = GridDomain(GridShape('temporal', [0]), tcrs, MutabilityEnum.EXTENSIBLE) # 1d (timeline) sdom = GridDomain(GridShape('spatial', [0]), scrs, MutabilityEnum.IMMUTABLE) # 1d spatial topology (station/trajectory) # Instantiate the SimplexCoverage providing the ParameterDictionary, spatial Domain and temporal Domain scov = SimplexCoverage('sample station coverage_model', pdict, sdom, tdom) # Insert the timesteps (automatically expands other arrays) tvar=ds.variables['time'] scov.insert_timesteps(tvar.size) # Add data to the parameters - NOT using setters at this point, direct assignment to arrays for v in var_names: var = ds.variables[v] var.set_auto_maskandscale(False) # TODO: Sort out how to leave the coordinates sparse internally and only broadcast during read scov.range_value[v][:] = var[:] if save_coverage:, 'test_data/usgs.cov') return scov
def oneparamcov(save_coverage=False, in_memory=False): # Instantiate a ParameterDictionary pdict = ParameterDictionary() # Create a set of ParameterContext objects to define the parameters in the coverage, add each to the ParameterDictionary t_ctxt = ParameterContext('time', param_type=QuantityType(value_encoding=np.dtype('int64'))) t_ctxt.reference_frame = AxisTypeEnum.TIME t_ctxt.uom = 'seconds since 01-01-1970' pdict.add_context(t_ctxt) # Construct temporal and spatial Coordinate Reference System objects tcrs = CRS([AxisTypeEnum.TIME]) scrs = CRS([AxisTypeEnum.LON, AxisTypeEnum.LAT]) # Construct temporal and spatial Domain objects tdom = GridDomain(GridShape('temporal', [0]), tcrs, MutabilityEnum.EXTENSIBLE) # 1d (timeline) sdom = GridDomain(GridShape('spatial', [0]), scrs, MutabilityEnum.IMMUTABLE) # 0d spatial topology (station/trajectory) # Instantiate the SimplexCoverage providing the ParameterDictionary, spatial Domain and temporal Domain scov = SimplexCoverage('test_data', create_guid(), 'sample coverage_model', pdict, tdom, sdom, in_memory) # Insert some timesteps (automatically expands other arrays) scov.insert_timesteps(10) # Add data for the parameter scov.set_parameter_values('time', value=np.arange(10)) if in_memory and save_coverage: SimplexCoverage.pickle_save(scov, 'test_data/sample.cov') return scov
def test_plot_1(): from coverage_model.test.examples import SimplexCoverage import matplotlib.pyplot as plt cov=SimplexCoverage.load('test_data/usgs.cov') log.debug('Plot the \'water_temperature\' and \'streamflow\' for all times') wtemp = cov.get_parameter_values('water_temperature') wtemp_pc = cov.get_parameter_context('water_temperature') sflow = cov.get_parameter_values('streamflow') sflow_pc = cov.get_parameter_context('streamflow') times = cov.get_parameter_values('time') time_pc = cov.get_parameter_context('time') fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2,1,1) ax1.plot(times,wtemp) ax1.set_xlabel('{0} ({1})'.format(, time_pc.uom)) ax1.set_ylabel('{0} ({1})'.format(, wtemp_pc.uom)) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2,1,2) ax2.plot(times,sflow) ax2.set_xlabel('{0} ({1})'.format(, time_pc.uom)) ax2.set_ylabel('{0} ({1})'.format(, sflow_pc.uom))
def methodized_read(): from coverage_model.test.examples import SimplexCoverage import numpy as np import os log.debug('============ Station ============') pth = 'test_data/usgs.cov' if not os.path.exists(pth): raise SystemError('Cannot proceed, \'{0}\' file must exist. Run the \'ncstation2cov()\' function to generate the file.'.format(pth)) cov=SimplexCoverage.load(pth) ra=np.zeros([0]) log.debug('\n>> All data for first timestep\n') log.debug(cov.get_parameter_values('water_temperature',0,None,ra)) log.debug('\n>> All data\n') log.debug(cov.get_parameter_values('water_temperature',None,None,None)) log.debug('\n>> All data for second, fifth and sixth timesteps\n') log.debug(cov.get_parameter_values('water_temperature',[[1,4,5]],None,None)) log.debug('\n>> First datapoint (in x) for every 5th timestep\n') log.debug(cov.get_parameter_values('water_temperature',slice(0,None,5),0,None)) log.debug('\n>> First datapoint for first 10 timesteps, passing DOA objects\n') tdoa = DomainOfApplication(slice(0,10)) sdoa = DomainOfApplication(0) log.debug(cov.get_parameter_values('water_temperature',tdoa,sdoa,None)) log.debug('\n============ Grid ============') pth = 'test_data/ncom.cov' if not os.path.exists(pth): raise SystemError('Cannot proceed, \'{0}\' file must exist. Run the \'ncstation2cov()\' function to generate the file.'.format(pth)) cov=SimplexCoverage.load(pth) ra=np.zeros([0]) log.debug('\n>> All data for first timestep\n') log.debug(cov.get_parameter_values('water_temp',0,None,ra)) log.debug('\n>> All data\n') log.debug(cov.get_parameter_values('water_temp',None,None,None)) log.debug('\n>> All data for first, fourth, and fifth timesteps\n') log.debug(cov.get_parameter_values('water_temp',[[0,3,4]],None,None)) log.debug('\n>> Data from z=0, y=10, x=10 for every 2nd timestep\n') log.debug(cov.get_parameter_values('water_temp',slice(0,None,2),[0,10,10],None)) log.debug('\n>> Data from z=0-10, y=10, x=10 for the first 2 timesteps, passing DOA objects\n') tdoa = DomainOfApplication(slice(0,2)) sdoa = DomainOfApplication([slice(0,10),10,10]) log.debug(cov.get_parameter_values('water_temp',tdoa,sdoa,None))
def ncgrid2cov(save_coverage=True): # Open the netcdf dataset ds = Dataset('test_data/') # Itemize the variable names that we want to include in the coverage var_names = ['time','lat','lon','depth','water_u','water_v','salinity','water_temp',] # Instantiate a ParameterDictionary pdict = ParameterDictionary() # Create a ParameterContext object for each of the variables in the dataset and add them to the ParameterDictionary for v in var_names: var = ds.variables[v] pcontext = ParameterContext(v, param_type=QuantityType(value_encoding=ds.variables[v].dtype.char)) if 'units' in var.ncattrs(): pcontext.uom = var.getncattr('units') if 'long_name' in var.ncattrs(): pcontext.description = var.getncattr('long_name') if '_FillValue' in var.ncattrs(): pcontext.fill_value = var.getncattr('_FillValue') # Set the reference_frame for the coordinate parameters if v == 'time': pcontext.reference_frame = AxisTypeEnum.TIME elif v == 'lat': pcontext.reference_frame = AxisTypeEnum.LAT elif v == 'lon': pcontext.reference_frame = AxisTypeEnum.LON elif v == 'depth': pcontext.reference_frame = AxisTypeEnum.HEIGHT pdict.add_context(pcontext) # Construct temporal and spatial Coordinate Reference System objects tcrs = CRS([AxisTypeEnum.TIME]) scrs = CRS([AxisTypeEnum.LON, AxisTypeEnum.LAT, AxisTypeEnum.HEIGHT]) # Construct temporal and spatial Domain objects tdom = GridDomain(GridShape('temporal'), tcrs, MutabilityEnum.EXTENSIBLE) # 1d (timeline) sdom = GridDomain(GridShape('spatial', [34,57,89]), scrs, MutabilityEnum.IMMUTABLE) # 3d spatial topology (grid) # Instantiate the SimplexCoverage providing the ParameterDictionary, spatial Domain and temporal Domain scov = SimplexCoverage('sample grid coverage_model', pdict, sdom, tdom) # Insert the timesteps (automatically expands other arrays) tvar=ds.variables['time'] scov.insert_timesteps(tvar.size) # Add data to the parameters - NOT using setters at this point, direct assignment to arrays for v in var_names: var = ds.variables[v] var.set_auto_maskandscale(False) arr = var[:] # TODO: Sort out how to leave these sparse internally and only broadcast during read if v == 'depth': z,_,_ = my_meshgrid(arr,np.zeros([57]),np.zeros([89]),indexing='ij',sparse=True) scov.range_value[v][:] = z elif v == 'lat': _,y,_ = my_meshgrid(np.zeros([34]),arr,np.zeros([89]),indexing='ij',sparse=True) scov.range_value[v][:] = y elif v == 'lon': _,_,x = my_meshgrid(np.zeros([34]),np.zeros([57]),arr,indexing='ij',sparse=True) scov.range_value[v][:] = x else: scov.range_value[v][:] = var[:] if save_coverage:, 'test_data/ncom.cov') return scov
def samplecov(save_coverage=True): # Instantiate a ParameterDictionary pdict = ParameterDictionary() # Create a set of ParameterContext objects to define the parameters in the coverage, add each to the ParameterDictionary t_ctxt = ParameterContext('time', param_type=QuantityType(value_encoding=np.dtype('int64'))) t_ctxt.reference_frame = AxisTypeEnum.TIME t_ctxt.uom = 'seconds since 01-01-1970' pdict.add_context(t_ctxt) lat_ctxt = ParameterContext('lat', param_type=QuantityType(value_encoding=np.dtype('float32'))) lat_ctxt.reference_frame = AxisTypeEnum.LAT lat_ctxt.uom = 'degree_north' pdict.add_context(lat_ctxt) lon_ctxt = ParameterContext('lon', param_type=QuantityType(value_encoding=np.dtype('float32'))) lon_ctxt.reference_frame = AxisTypeEnum.LON lon_ctxt.uom = 'degree_east' pdict.add_context(lon_ctxt) temp_ctxt = ParameterContext('temp', param_type=QuantityType(value_encoding=np.dtype('float32'))) temp_ctxt.uom = 'degree_Celsius' pdict.add_context(temp_ctxt) cond_ctxt = ParameterContext('conductivity', param_type=QuantityType(value_encoding=np.dtype('float32'))) cond_ctxt.uom = 'unknown' pdict.add_context(cond_ctxt) # Construct temporal and spatial Coordinate Reference System objects tcrs = CRS([AxisTypeEnum.TIME]) scrs = CRS([AxisTypeEnum.LON, AxisTypeEnum.LAT]) # Construct temporal and spatial Domain objects tdom = GridDomain(GridShape('temporal', [0]), tcrs, MutabilityEnum.EXTENSIBLE) # 1d (timeline) sdom = GridDomain(GridShape('spatial', [0]), scrs, MutabilityEnum.IMMUTABLE) # 1d spatial topology (station/trajectory) # Instantiate the SimplexCoverage providing the ParameterDictionary, spatial Domain and temporal Domain scov = SimplexCoverage('sample coverage_model', pdict, sdom, tdom) # Insert some timesteps (automatically expands other arrays) scov.insert_timesteps(10) # Add data for each parameter scov.set_parameter_values('time', value=np.arange(10)) scov.set_parameter_values('lat', value=45) scov.set_parameter_values('lon', value=-71) # make a random sample of 10 values between 23 and 26 # Ref: # --> To sample multiply the output of random_sample by (b-a) and add a tvals=np.random.random_sample(10)*(26-23)+23 scov.set_parameter_values('temp', value=tvals) scov.set_parameter_values('conductivity', value=np.random.random_sample(10)*(30-20)+20) if save_coverage:, 'test_data/sample.cov') return scov
def nospatialcov(save_coverage=False, in_memory=False): # Construct temporal and spatial Coordinate Reference System objects tcrs = CRS([AxisTypeEnum.TIME]) # Construct temporal and spatial Domain objects tdom = GridDomain(GridShape('temporal', [0]), tcrs, MutabilityEnum.EXTENSIBLE) # 1d (timeline) # Instantiate a ParameterDictionary pdict = ParameterDictionary() # Create a set of ParameterContext objects to define the parameters in the coverage, add each to the ParameterDictionary t_ctxt = ParameterContext('quantity_time', param_type=QuantityType(value_encoding=np.dtype('int64')), variability=VariabilityEnum.TEMPORAL) t_ctxt.reference_frame = AxisTypeEnum.TIME t_ctxt.uom = 'seconds since 01-01-1970' pdict.add_context(t_ctxt) quant_ctxt = ParameterContext('quantity', param_type=QuantityType(value_encoding=np.dtype('float32'))) quant_ctxt.long_name = 'example of a parameter of type QuantityType' quant_ctxt.uom = 'degree_Celsius' pdict.add_context(quant_ctxt) const_ctxt = ParameterContext('constant', param_type=ConstantType()) const_ctxt.long_name = 'example of a parameter of type ConstantType' pdict.add_context(const_ctxt) arr_ctxt = ParameterContext('array', param_type=ArrayType()) arr_ctxt.long_name = 'example of a parameter of type ArrayType with base_type ndarray (resolves to \'object\')' pdict.add_context(arr_ctxt) arr2_ctxt = ParameterContext('array2', param_type=ArrayType()) arr2_ctxt.long_name = 'example of a parameter of type ArrayType with base_type object' pdict.add_context(arr2_ctxt) # Instantiate the SimplexCoverage providing the ParameterDictionary, spatial Domain and temporal Domain scov = SimplexCoverage('test_data', create_guid(), 'sample coverage_model', pdict, temporal_domain=tdom, in_memory_storage=in_memory) # Insert some timesteps (automatically expands other arrays) scov.insert_timesteps(10) # Add data for each parameter scov.set_parameter_values('quantity_time', value=np.arange(10)) scov.set_parameter_values('quantity', value=np.random.random_sample(10)*(26-23)+23) scov.set_parameter_values('constant', value=20) arrval = [] arr2val = [] for x in xrange(scov.num_timesteps): # One value (which IS an array) for each member of the domain arrval.append(np.random.bytes(np.random.randint(1,20))) arr2val.append(np.random.random_sample(np.random.randint(1,10))) scov.set_parameter_values('array', value=arrval) scov.set_parameter_values('array2', value=arr2val) if in_memory and save_coverage: SimplexCoverage.pickle_save(scov, 'test_data/ptypes.cov') return scov
def ptypescov(save_coverage=False, in_memory=False): # Construct temporal and spatial Coordinate Reference System objects tcrs = CRS([AxisTypeEnum.TIME]) scrs = CRS([AxisTypeEnum.LON, AxisTypeEnum.LAT]) # Construct temporal and spatial Domain objects tdom = GridDomain(GridShape('temporal', [0]), tcrs, MutabilityEnum.EXTENSIBLE) # 1d (timeline) sdom = GridDomain(GridShape('spatial', [0]), scrs, MutabilityEnum.IMMUTABLE) # 0d spatial topology (station/trajectory) # Instantiate a ParameterDictionary pdict = ParameterDictionary() # Create a set of ParameterContext objects to define the parameters in the coverage, add each to the ParameterDictionary quant_t_ctxt = ParameterContext('quantity_time', param_type=QuantityType(value_encoding=np.dtype('int64')), variability=VariabilityEnum.TEMPORAL) quant_t_ctxt.reference_frame = AxisTypeEnum.TIME quant_t_ctxt.uom = 'seconds since 01-01-1970' pdict.add_context(quant_t_ctxt) cnst_int_ctxt = ParameterContext('const_int', param_type=ConstantType(QuantityType(value_encoding=np.dtype('int32'))), variability=VariabilityEnum.NONE) cnst_int_ctxt.long_name = 'example of a parameter of type ConstantType, base_type int32' cnst_int_ctxt.reference_frame = AxisTypeEnum.LAT cnst_int_ctxt.uom = 'degree_north' pdict.add_context(cnst_int_ctxt) cnst_flt_ctxt = ParameterContext('const_float', param_type=ConstantType(), variability=VariabilityEnum.NONE) cnst_flt_ctxt.long_name = 'example of a parameter of type QuantityType, base_type float (default)' cnst_flt_ctxt.reference_frame = AxisTypeEnum.LON cnst_flt_ctxt.uom = 'degree_east' pdict.add_context(cnst_flt_ctxt) # func_ctxt = ParameterContext('function', param_type=FunctionType(QuantityType(value_encoding=np.dtype('float32')))) # func_ctxt.long_name = 'example of a parameter of type FunctionType' # pdict.add_context(func_ctxt) quant_ctxt = ParameterContext('quantity', param_type=QuantityType(value_encoding=np.dtype('float32'))) quant_ctxt.long_name = 'example of a parameter of type QuantityType' quant_ctxt.uom = 'degree_Celsius' pdict.add_context(quant_ctxt) arr_ctxt = ParameterContext('array', param_type=ArrayType()) arr_ctxt.long_name = 'example of a parameter of type ArrayType, will be filled with variable-length \'byte-string\' data' pdict.add_context(arr_ctxt) rec_ctxt = ParameterContext('record', param_type=RecordType()) rec_ctxt.long_name = 'example of a parameter of type RecordType, will be filled with dictionaries' pdict.add_context(rec_ctxt) # Instantiate the SimplexCoverage providing the ParameterDictionary, spatial Domain and temporal Domain scov = SimplexCoverage('test_data', create_guid(), 'sample coverage_model', pdict, tdom, sdom, in_memory) # Insert some timesteps (automatically expands other arrays) scov.insert_timesteps(10) # Add data for each parameter scov.set_parameter_values('quantity_time', value=np.arange(10)) scov.set_parameter_values('const_int', value=45.32) # Set a constant directly, with incorrect data type (fixed under the hood) scov.set_parameter_values('const_float', value=make_range_expr(-71.11)) # Set with a properly formed constant expression scov.set_parameter_values('quantity', value=np.random.random_sample(10)*(26-23)+23) # # Setting three range expressions such that indices 0-2 == 10, 3-7 == 15 and >=8 == 20 # scov.set_parameter_values('function', value=make_range_expr(10, 0, 3, min_incl=True, max_incl=False, else_val=-999.9)) # scov.set_parameter_values('function', value=make_range_expr(15, 3, 8, min_incl=True, max_incl=False, else_val=-999.9)) # scov.set_parameter_values('function', value=make_range_expr(20, 8, min_incl=True, max_incl=False, else_val=-999.9)) arrval = [] recval = [] letts='abcdefghij' for x in xrange(scov.num_timesteps): arrval.append(np.random.bytes(np.random.randint(1,20))) # One value (which is a byte string) for each member of the domain d = {letts[x]: letts[x:]} recval.append(d) # One value (which is a dict) for each member of the domain scov.set_parameter_values('array', value=arrval) scov.set_parameter_values('record', value=recval) if in_memory and save_coverage: SimplexCoverage.pickle_save(scov, 'test_data/ptypes.cov') return scov