def get_approved_paragraphs(clf, story_id): '''Takes a story id and returns a list of all the aprroved content in order for that story.''' cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute('''SELECT * FROM paragraphs WHERE story_id = ''' + str(story_id) + ''' AND approved = 1 ORDER BY created;''') rows = cur.fetchall() return [Paragraph(p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], p[6], dbtime.get_time_from_str(p[7])) for p in rows]
def find(clf, field_name, query, order_by=None): cur = conn.cursor() if not order_by: order_by = field_name # TODO: This is a bug, maybe escape field_name later rows = cur.execute('SELECT * FROM paragraphs WHERE ' + field_name + ' = ? ORDER BY ?', (query, order_by)).fetchall() return [Paragraph(p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], p[6], dbtime.get_time_from_str(p[7])) for p in rows]
def save(self): cur = conn.cursor() if is None: time = dbtime.make_time_str() self.created_time = dbtime.get_time_from_str(time) cur.execute("INSERT INTO stories VALUES (NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);", (self.author_id,self.title,time,self.author_init_comment, self.votes)) = cur.lastrowid else: cur.execute('''UPDATE stories SET author_id=?, title=?, WHERE id=?'''(self.author_id,self.title, conn.commit() return self
def save(self): cur = conn.cursor() if == None: time = dbtime.make_time_str() self.created_time = dbtime.get_time_from_str(time) cur.execute("INSERT INTO comments VALUES (NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?);", (self.author_id,self.story_id,self.content,self.created_time)) = cur.lastrowid else: cur.execute('''UPDATE comments SET author_id=?, story_id=?, content=?, WHERE id=?'''(self.author_id,self.story_id,self.content, conn.commit()
def find(cls, field_name, field_value): if field_name == 'author': field_name = 'author_id' field_value = cur = conn.cursor() if field_name == 'all': cur.execute("SELECT * FROM stories") else: cur.execute("SELECT * FROM stories WHERE " + field_name + "= ?",(field_value,)) records = cur.fetchall() stories = [] for record in records: story = Story(*record) story.created_time = dbtime.get_time_from_str(record[3]) stories.append(story) return stories
def find(cls, field_name, field_value): if field_name == 'author': field_name = 'author_id' field_value = cur = conn.cursor() if field_name == 'all': cur.execute("SELECT * FROM comments") else: cur.execute("SELECT * FROM comments WHERE " + field_name + "= ?",(field_value,)) records = cur.fetchall() comments = [] for record in records: comment = Comment(*record) comment.created_time = dbtime.get_time_from_str(record[4]) comments.append(comment) return comments