예제 #1
def writeGraphviz(pat='/##', filename=None, filterList=[]):
    '''This is  a generic function. It takes the the pattern, search for paths
    and write a graphviz file.
    def ignore(line):
        for f in filterList:
            if f in line:
                return True
        return False

    pathList = getMoosePaths(pat)
    dot = []
    dot.append("digraph G {")
    for p in pathList:
        if ignore(p):
            p = re.sub('[]()]', '', p)
            dot.append('\t'+' -> '.join(filter(None, p.split('/'))))
    dot = '\n'.join(dot)
    if not filename:
        with open(filename, 'w') as graphviz:
                    , "Writing topology to file {}".format(filename)
예제 #2
def writeGraphviz(pat='/##', filename=None, filterList=[]):
    '''This is  a generic function. It takes the the pattern, search for paths
    and write a graphviz file.
    def ignore(line):
        for f in filterList:
            if f in line:
                return True
        return False

    pathList = getMoosePaths(pat)
    dot = []
    dot.append("digraph G {")
    for p in pathList:
        if ignore(p):
            p = p.translate(None, '[]()')
            dot.append('\t'+' -> '.join(filter(None, p.split('/'))))
    dot = '\n'.join(dot)
    if not filename:
        with open(filename, 'w') as graphviz:
                    , "Writing topology to file {}".format(filename)
예제 #3
파일: vhdl.py 프로젝트: dilawar/pyghdl
 def testBench(self, entity, newFileDict):
     """Generate the test-bench """
     # if this entity is already a testbench then remove it from the list and
     # add a new one.
     eXml = self.vhdlXml.find(".//entity[@name='{0}']".format(entity))
             , "Generating testbench for entity {0}".format(entity)
     if eXml.attrib['noPort'] == "true": # It's a testbench.
         fileName = eXml.attrib['file']
                 , "Entity {} in {} is a testbench. Ignoring it..".format(
                     , fileName
         # add a new testbench. Need to find an entity which is its children.
         fileSet = self.fileDict[entity]
         newFileDict[entity] = fileSet
     else :                              # no testbench
         fileSet = set(self.fileDict[entity])
         tbName = self.prefix + entity + ".vhd"
         tbEntity = "tb_"+entity
                 self.generateTestBench(entity, tbName, self.testVectorFile)
         newFileDict[tbEntity] = fileSet
예제 #4
def setupTable(name, obj, qtyname, tablePath=None, threshold=None):
    '''This is replacement function for moose.utils.setupTable

    It stores qtyname from obj.
    assert qtyname[0].isupper(), "First character must be uppercase character"
            , "Setting up table for: {} -> get{}".format(obj.path, qtyname)
    if tablePath is None:
        tablePath = '{}/{}'.format(obj.path, 'data')
                , "Using default table path: {}".format(tablePath)
                , frame = inspect.currentframe()
    if not moose.exists(obj.path):
        raise RuntimeError("Unknown path {}".format(obj.path))

    table = moose.Table('{}/{}'.format(tablePath, name))
    if threshold is None:
        moose.connect(table, "requestOut", obj, "get{}".format(qtyname))
        raise UserWarning("TODO: Table with threshold is not implemented yet")
    return table
예제 #5
def writeGraphviz(pat="/##", filename=None, filterList=[]):
    """This is  a generic function. It takes the the pattern, search for paths
    and write a graphviz file.

    def ignore(line):
        for f in filterList:
            if f in line:
                return True
        return False

    pathList = getMoosePaths(pat)
    dot = []
    dot.append("digraph G {")
    for p in pathList:
        if ignore(p):
            p = re.sub("[]()]", "", p)
            dot.append("\t" + " -> ".join(filter(None, p.split("/"))))
    dot = "\n".join(dot)
    if not filename:
        with open(filename, "w") as graphviz:
            debug.printDebug("INFO", "Writing topology to file {}".format(filename))
예제 #6
 def integateAndFireMechanism(self, mechanism):
     """  Integrate and fire mechanism
     mech_params = mechanism.findall(".//{"+self.bio+"}parameter")
     for parameter in mech_params:
         paramName = parameter.attrib['name']
         if paramName == 'inject':
             self.mooseCell.inject = float(parameter.attrib["value"])*self.Ifactor
         elif paramName == 'Rm':
             self.mooseCell.Rm = float(parameter.attrib["value"])*self.Rfactor
         elif paramName == 'Cm':
             self.mooseCell.Cm = float(parameter.attrib["value"])*self.Cfactor
         elif paramName == 'Em':
             self.mooseCell.Em = float(parameter.attrib["value"])*self.Efactor
         elif paramName == 'v_reset':
             # voltage after spike, typicaly below resting
             self.mooseCell.Vreset = float(parameter.attrib["value"])*self.Efactor
             self.mooseCell.initVm = self.mooseCell.Vreset
         elif paramName == 'threshold':
             # firing threshold potential
             self.mooseCell.Vthreshold = \
         elif paramName == 't_refrac':
             # min refractory time before next spike
             msg = "Use this refractory period in simulation"
             debug.printDebug("TODO" , msg, frame=inspect.currentframe())
             self.mooseCell.refractoryPeriod = \
         elif paramName == 'inject':
             # inject into soma
             self.mooseCell.refractoryPeriod = \
예제 #7
 def make_cml_function(self, element, fn_name, concdep=None):
     fn_type = element.attrib['expr_form']
     if fn_type in ['exponential', 'sigmoid', 'exp_linear']:
         fn = self.make_function(fn_name,
     elif fn_type == 'generic':
         # OOPS! These expressions should be in SI units, since I converted
         # to SI Ideally I should not convert to SI and have the user
         # consistently use one or the other Or convert constants in these
         # expressions to SI, only voltage and ca_conc appear!  NO! SEE
         # ABOVE, for calculating values for tables, I use units specified in
         # xml file, then I convert to SI while writing to MOOSE internal
         # tables.
         expr_string = element.attrib['expr']
         if concdep is None:
             ca_name = ''  # no Ca dependence
             ca_name = ',' + concdep.attrib['variable_name']
             # Ca dependence
         expr_string = self.replace(expr_string, 'alpha',
                                    'self.alpha(v' + ca_name + ')')
         expr_string = self.replace(expr_string, 'beta',
                                    'self.beta(v' + ca_name + ')')
         fn = self.make_function(fn_name,
                          "Unsupported function type %s " % fn_type,
예제 #8
def setupTable(name, obj, qtyname, tablePath=None, threshold=None):
    '''This is replacement function for moose.utils.setupTable

    It stores qtyname from obj.
    assert qtyname[0].isupper(), "First character must be uppercase character"
            , "Setting up table for: {} -> get{}".format(obj.path, qtyname)
    if tablePath is None:
        tablePath = '{}/{}'.format(obj.path, 'data')
                , "Using default table path: {}".format(tablePath)
                , frame = inspect.currentframe()
    if not moose.exists(obj.path):
        raise RuntimeError("Unknown path {}".format(obj.path))

    table = moose.Table('{}/{}'.format(tablePath, name))
    if threshold is None:
        moose.connect(table, "requestOut", obj, "get{}".format(qtyname))
        raise UserWarning("TODO: Table with threshold is not implemented yet")
    return table
예제 #9
파일: vhdl.py 프로젝트: dilawar/pyghdl
    def main(self, files, args) :
        ''' Top most function in this folder.'''

        self.generateTB = args.generate_tb
        self.testVectorFile = args.test_vector_file
        self.topModule = args.top_module
        # We must delete all files automatically generated before (if any). All
        # such files have auto_generated_ prefix.
        newFiles = set()
        for file in files :
            if re.search(self.prefix, file) : pass 
            else : newFiles.add(file)
        files = newFiles

        debug.printDebug("STEP", "Building design out of files.")
        parseVhdl = vhdl_parser.VHDLParser(topdir=self.topdir)
        self.vhdlXml = parseVhdl.parseFiles(files)

        debug.printDebug("STEP", "Processing design and building hierarchy")

        # dump the xml for debugging purpose.
        with open("vhdl.xml", "w") as f:
        with open("hier.xml", "w") as f:
        # Run each top-entity
예제 #10
파일: parser.py 프로젝트: physicalist/moose
def parseWithoutValidation(modelName, modelPath):
    xmlParser = etree.XMLParser(remove_comments=True)
        xmlRootElem = etree.parse(modelPath, xmlParser)
    except Exception as e:
        debug.printDebug("ERROR", "Parsing of {0} failed.".format(modelPath))
        debug.printDebug("DEBUG", "Error: {0}".format(e))
        raise RuntimeError, "Failed to parse XML"
    return xmlRootElem
예제 #11
def parseWithoutValidation(modelName, modelPath) :
    xmlParser = etree.XMLParser(remove_comments=True)
    try :
        xmlRootElem = etree.parse(modelPath, xmlParser)
    except Exception as e :
        debug.printDebug("ERROR", "Parsing of {0} failed.".format(modelPath))
        debug.printDebug("DEBUG", "Error: {0}".format(e))
        raise RuntimeError, "Failed to parse XML"
    return xmlRootElem
예제 #12
    def readIonConcML(self, ionConcElement, units="SI units"):
        if units == 'Physiological Units':
            # see pg 219 (sec 13.2) of Book of Genesis
            Vfactor = 1e-3  # V from mV
            Tfactor = 1e-3  # s from ms
            Gfactor = 1e1  # S/m^2 from mS/cm^2
            concfactor = 1e6  # mol/m^3 from mol/cm^3
            Lfactor = 1e-2  # m from cm
            Ifactor = 1e-6  # A from microA
            Vfactor = 1.0
            Tfactor = 1.0
            Gfactor = 1.0
            concfactor = 1.0
            Lfactor = 1.0
            Ifactor = 1.0
        # creates /library in MOOSE tree; elif present, wraps
        moose.Neutral(self.libraryPath + '')
        ionSpecies = ionConcElement.find('./{' + self.cml + '}ion_species')
        if ionSpecies is not None:
            if not 'ca' in ionSpecies.attrib['name']:
                msg = "Sorry, I cannot handle non-Ca-ion pools. Exiting..."
                debug.printDebug("ERR", msg, frame=inspect.currentframe())

        capoolName = ionConcElement.attrib['name']
            "Loading Ca pool {} into {}".format(capoolName, self.libraryPath))
        caPool = moose.CaConc(self.libraryPath + '/' + capoolName)
        poolModel = ionConcElement.find('./{' + self.cml +
        caPool.CaBasal = float(poolModel.attrib['resting_conc']) * concfactor
        caPool.Ca_base = float(poolModel.attrib['resting_conc']) * concfactor

        if 'decay_constant' in poolModel.attrib:
            caPool.tau = float(poolModel.attrib['decay_constant']) * Tfactor
        elif 'inv_decay_constant' in poolModel.attrib:
            caPool.tau = 1.0 / float(poolModel.attrib['inv_decay_constant']) \
                    * Tfactor

        # Only one of pool_volume_info or fixed_pool_info should be present, but
        # not checking
        volInfo = poolModel.find('./{' + self.cml + '}pool_volume_info')
        if volInfo is not None:
            caPool.thick = float(volInfo.attrib['shell_thickness']) * Lfactor
        fixedPoolInfo = poolModel.find('./{' + self.cml + '}fixed_pool_info')
        if fixedPoolInfo is not None:
            # Put in phi under the caPool, so that it can be used instead of
            # thickness to set B (see section 19.2 in Book of Genesis)
            caPool_phi = moose.Mstring(caPool.path + '/phi')
            caPool_phi.value = str( float(fixedPoolInfo.attrib['phi']) \
                    * concfactor/Ifactor/Tfactor )
예제 #13
    def readIonConcML(self, ionConcElement, units="SI units"):
        if units == 'Physiological Units': 
            # see pg 219 (sec 13.2) of Book of Genesis
            Vfactor = 1e-3   # V from mV
            Tfactor = 1e-3   # s from ms
            Gfactor = 1e1    # S/m^2 from mS/cm^2
            concfactor = 1e6 # mol/m^3 from mol/cm^3
            Lfactor = 1e-2   # m from cm
            Ifactor = 1e-6   # A from microA
            Vfactor = 1.0
            Tfactor = 1.0
            Gfactor = 1.0
            concfactor = 1.0
            Lfactor = 1.0
            Ifactor = 1.0
        # creates /library in MOOSE tree; elif present, wraps
        ionSpecies = ionConcElement.find('./{'+self.cml+'}ion_species')
        if ionSpecies is not None:
            if not 'ca' in ionSpecies.attrib['name']:
                msg = "Sorry, I cannot handle non-Ca-ion pools. Exiting..."
                debug.printDebug("ERR", msg, frame=inspect.currentframe())

        capoolName = ionConcElement.attrib['name']
                , "Loading Ca pool {} into {}".format(capoolName
                    , self.libraryPath)
        caPool = moose.CaConc(self.libraryPath+'/'+capoolName)
        poolModel = ionConcElement.find('./{'+self.cml+'}decaying_pool_model')
        caPool.CaBasal = float(poolModel.attrib['resting_conc']) * concfactor
        caPool.Ca_base = float(poolModel.attrib['resting_conc']) * concfactor

        if 'decay_constant' in poolModel.attrib:
            caPool.tau = float(poolModel.attrib['decay_constant']) * Tfactor
        elif 'inv_decay_constant' in poolModel.attrib:
            caPool.tau = 1.0 / float(poolModel.attrib['inv_decay_constant']) \
                    * Tfactor

        # Only one of pool_volume_info or fixed_pool_info should be present, but
        # not checking
        volInfo = poolModel.find('./{'+self.cml+'}pool_volume_info')
        if volInfo is not None:
            caPool.thick = float(volInfo.attrib['shell_thickness']) * Lfactor
        fixedPoolInfo = poolModel.find('./{'+self.cml+'}fixed_pool_info')
        if fixedPoolInfo is not None:
            # Put in phi under the caPool, so that it can be used instead of
            # thickness to set B (see section 19.2 in Book of Genesis)
            caPool_phi = moose.Mstring(caPool.path+'/phi')
            caPool_phi.value = str( float(fixedPoolInfo.attrib['phi']) \
                    * concfactor/Ifactor/Tfactor )
예제 #14
파일: vhdl.py 프로젝트: dilawar/pyghdl
 def simulateUsingVsim(self, entityName, fileSet):
     cmd.runCommand(["vlib", self.workdir])
     for file in fileSet:
         file = os.path.join(self.topdir, file)
                 , "Compiling {0} using modelsim".format(file)
         cmd.runCommand(["vcom", file])
     if None:
         cmd.runCommand(["vsim", "-c", "-do", "run {}; quit".format(self.runtime)
             , entityName]
             , stdout=None, stderr=None
예제 #15
 def __init__(self, nml_params):
     self.cml = 'http://morphml.org/channelml/schema'
     self.libraryPath = config.libraryPath
     self.nml_params = nml_params
     temp = '{0}'.format(nml_params['temperature'])
     if temp is None or len(temp) == 0:
         self.temperature = 32.0
             "INFO", "Using default temp of {0} C".format(self.temperature))
         self.temperature = float(temp)
                          "Using temperature {0}".format(self.temperature))
예제 #16
    def addParameterToCompartment(self, parameter, cell, options):
        """ Add parameter to compartment
        cellName = options['cellName']
        mechName = options['mechName']
        passive = options['passive']

        paramName = parameter.attrib['name']
        if passive:
            if paramName in ['gmax']:
                    cell, cellName, parameter, 'RM',
                    self.RMfactor * 1.0 / float(parameter.attrib["value"]),
            elif paramName in ['e', 'erev']:
                    cell, cellName, parameter, 'Em',
                    self.Efactor * float(parameter.attrib["value"]), self.bio)
            elif paramName in ['inject']:
                    cell, cellName, parameter, 'inject',
                    self.Ifactor * float(parameter.attrib["value"]), self.bio)
                msg = "Yo programmar of MorphML! You did not implemented"
                msg += " parameter {0} in mechanism {1} ".format(
                    paramName, mechName)
                debug.printDebug("WARN", msg, frame=inspect.currentframe())
            if paramName in ['gmax']:
                gmaxval = float(
                    eval(parameter.attrib["value"], {"__builtins__": None},
                self.set_group_compartment_param(cell, cellName, parameter,
                                                 self.Gfactor * gmaxval,
                                                 self.bio, mechName)
            elif paramName in ['e', 'erev']:
                    cell, cellName, parameter, 'Ek',
                    self.Efactor * float(parameter.attrib["value"]), self.bio,
            elif paramName in ['depth']:  # has to be type Ion Concentration!
                    cell, cellName, parameter, 'thick',
                    self.length_factor * float(parameter.attrib["value"]),
                    self.bio, mechName)
                msg = "Yo programmar of MorphML! You did not implemented"
                msg += " parameter {0} in mechanism {1} ".format(
                    paramName, mechName)
                debug.printDebug("WARN", msg, frame=inspect.currentframe())
예제 #17
파일: vhdl.py 프로젝트: dilawar/pyghdl
 def analyze(self, filepath) :
     ''' Analyze a file. '''
     workdir = self.workdir
     if "ghdl" in self.compiler:
         command = "ghdl  -a --workdir={0} --work=work \
             --ieee=synopsys {1}".format(workdir, filepath)
     elif "vsim" in self.compiler:
         cmd.runCommand(["vlib", self.workdir])
         cmd.runCommand(["vcom", filepath])
                 , "Unknown compiler %s " % self.compiler
         return None
예제 #18
 def readMorphMLFromFile(self, filename, params={}):
     specify global params as a dict (presently none implemented)
     returns { cellName1 : segDict, ... }
     see readMorphML(...) for segDict
     debug.printDebug("INFO", "{}".format(filename))
     tree = ET.parse(filename)
     neuroml_element = tree.getroot()
     cellsDict = {}
     for cell in neuroml_element.findall('.//{' + self.neuroml + '}cell'):
         cellDict = self.readMorphML(cell, params,
     return cellsDict
예제 #19
 def __init__(self, nml_params):
     self.libraryPath = config.libraryPath
     self.nml_params = nml_params
     temp = '{0}'.format(nml_params['temperature'])
     if temp is None or len(temp) == 0:
         self.temperature = 32.0
                 , "Using default temp of {0} C".format(self.temperature)
         self.temperature = float(temp)
                 , "Using temperature {0}".format(self.temperature)
예제 #20
파일: vhdl.py 프로젝트: dilawar/pyghdl
 def elaborate(self, entityname) :
     ''' Elaborate the file '''
     if "ghdl" in self.compiler:
         workdir = self.workdir
         debug.printDebug("STEP", "Elaborating entity {0}".format(entityname))
         bin = os.path.join(self.workdir, entityname)
         # Before elaboration, check if binary already exists. If yes then remove
         # it.
         if os.path.exists(bin):
         command = "ghdl -e --workdir={0} --work=work -o {1} {2}".format(workdir
             , bin, entityname)
예제 #21
    def readSynapseML(self, synapseElement, units="SI units"):
        # see pg 219 (sec 13.2) of Book of Genesis
        if 'Physiological Units' in units:
            Vfactor = 1e-3  # V from mV
            Tfactor = 1e-3  # s from ms
            Gfactor = 1e-3  # S from mS
        elif 'SI Units' in units:
            Vfactor = 1.0
            Tfactor = 1.0
            Gfactor = 1.0
            debug.printDebug("ERROR", "Wrong units {0}".format(units))
            raise UserWarning, "Wrong value or parameter {0}".format(units)

        # creates /library in MOOSE tree; elif present, wraps
        # NOTE: This path is created by NeuroML now in __init__. Disabling,
        # Dilawar Singh

        if utils.neuroml_debug:
            synName = synapseElement.attrib['name']
            msg = "Loading synapse : %s into library ." % synName
            debug.printDebug("INFO", msg)

        self.mooseSynp = moose.SynChan(
            os.path.join(self.libraryPath, synapseElement.attrib['name']))
        doub_exp_syn = synapseElement.find('./{' + self.cml + '}doub_exp_syn')

        self.mooseSynp.Ek = float(doub_exp_syn.attrib['reversal_potential']) \
                * Vfactor
        self.mooseSynp.Gbar = float(doub_exp_syn.attrib['max_conductance'])\
                 * Gfactor
        # seconds
        self.mooseSynp.tau1 = float(doub_exp_syn.attrib['rise_time']) * Tfactor
        # second\s
        self.mooseSynp.tau2 = float(
            doub_exp_syn.attrib['decay_time']) * Tfactor

        # The delay and weight can be set only after connecting a spike event
        # generator.  delay and weight are arrays: multiple event messages can
        # be connected to a single synapse
        self.mooseSynp_graded = moose.Mstring(self.mooseSynp.path + '/graded')
        self.mooseSynp_graded.value = 'False'
        self.mooseSynp_mgblock = moose.Mstring(self.mooseSynp.path +
        self.mooseSynp_mgblock.value = 'False'
예제 #22
 def make_cml_function(self, element, fn_name, concdep=None):
     fn_type = element.attrib['expr_form']
     if fn_type in ['exponential','sigmoid','exp_linear']:
         fn = self.make_function(
                 , fn_type
                 , rate=float(element.attrib['rate'])
                 , midpoint=float(element.attrib['midpoint'])
                 , scale=float(element.attrib['scale'] ) 
     elif fn_type == 'generic':
         # OOPS! These expressions should be in SI units, since I converted
         # to SI Ideally I should not convert to SI and have the user
         # consistently use one or the other Or convert constants in these
         # expressions to SI, only voltage and ca_conc appear!  NO! SEE
         # ABOVE, for calculating values for tables, I use units specified in
         # xml file, then I convert to SI while writing to MOOSE internal
         # tables.
         expr_string = element.attrib['expr']
         if concdep is None: 
             ca_name = ''                        # no Ca dependence
             ca_name = ','+concdep.attrib['variable_name']     
             # Ca dependence
         expr_string = self.replace(
                 , 'alpha'
                 , 'self.alpha(v'+ca_name+')'
         expr_string = self.replace(
                 , 'beta'
                 , 'self.beta(v'+ca_name+')'
         fn = self.make_function(
                 , fn_type
                 , expr_string=expr_string
                 , concdep=concdep 
                 , "Unsupported function type %s " % fn_type
                 , frame=inspect.currentframe()
예제 #23
def parseXMLs(commandLineArgs, validate=False) :
    xmlRootElemDict = collections.defaultdict(list)
    models = vars(commandLineArgs)
    for model in models :
        if models[model] :
            for modelPath in models[model] :
                debug.printDebug("INFO", "Parsing {0}".format(models[model]))
                if validate :
                    # parse model and valid it with schama
                    modelXMLRootElem = parseAndValidateWithSchema(model, modelPath)
                else :
                    # Simple parse the model without validating it with schema.
                    modelXMLRootElem = parseWithoutValidation(model, modelPath)
                if modelXMLRootElem :
                    xmlRootElemDict[model].append((modelXMLRootElem, modelPath))
    assert len(xmlRootElemDict) > 0
    return xmlRootElemDict
예제 #24
 def readMorphMLFromFile(self, filename, params={}):
     specify global params as a dict (presently none implemented)
     returns { cellName1 : segDict, ... }
     see readMorphML(...) for segDict
     debug.printDebug("INFO", "{}".format(filename))
     tree = ET.parse(filename)
     neuroml_element = tree.getroot()
     cellsDict = {}
     for cell in neuroml_element.findall('.//{'+self.neuroml+'}cell'):
         cellDict = self.readMorphML(
             , params
             , neuroml_element.attrib['lengthUnits']
     return cellsDict
예제 #25
파일: vhdl.py 프로젝트: dilawar/pyghdl
    def run(self,  entityName, time=1000) :
        ''' Running the binary '''
        if "ghdl" in self.compiler:
            self.simulator = self.compiler
            workdir = self.workdir
            bin = workdir+"/"+entityName
            debug.printDebug("STEP", "Simulating design")
            if not os.path.isfile(bin) :
                msg = "Error : Binary not found. Existing."
                debug.printDebug("WARN", msg)
            # Else run the command.
            command = "{0} --vcd={1}.vcd --stop-time={2}ns \n".format(
                    bin, workdir+"/"+entityName, time)

        if "vsim" in self.compiler:
            print("using vsim")
예제 #26
    def readSynapseML(self, synapseElement, units="SI units"):
        # see pg 219 (sec 13.2) of Book of Genesis
        if 'Physiological Units' in units:
            Vfactor = 1e-3 # V from mV
            Tfactor = 1e-3 # s from ms
            Gfactor = 1e-3 # S from mS
        elif 'SI Units' in units:
            Vfactor = 1.0
            Tfactor = 1.0
            Gfactor = 1.0
            debug.printDebug("ERROR", "Wrong units {0}".format(units))
            raise UserWarning, "Wrong value or parameter {0}".format(units)

        # creates /library in MOOSE tree; elif present, wraps
        # NOTE: This path is created by NeuroML now in __init__. Disabling,
        # Dilawar Singh

        if utils.neuroml_debug:
            synName = synapseElement.attrib['name']
            msg = "Loading synapse : %s into library ." % synName
            debug.printDebug("INFO", msg)

        self.mooseSynp = moose.SynChan(os.path.join(self.libraryPath
                , synapseElement.attrib['name']))
        doub_exp_syn = synapseElement.find('./{' + self.cml + '}doub_exp_syn')

        self.mooseSynp.Ek = float(doub_exp_syn.attrib['reversal_potential']) \
                * Vfactor
        self.mooseSynp.Gbar = float(doub_exp_syn.attrib['max_conductance'])\
                 * Gfactor
        # seconds
        self.mooseSynp.tau1 = float(doub_exp_syn.attrib['rise_time']) * Tfactor 
        # second\s
        self.mooseSynp.tau2 = float(doub_exp_syn.attrib['decay_time'])*Tfactor 

        # The delay and weight can be set only after connecting a spike event
        # generator.  delay and weight are arrays: multiple event messages can
        # be connected to a single synapse
        self.mooseSynp_graded = moose.Mstring(self.mooseSynp.path+'/graded')
        self.mooseSynp_graded.value = 'False'
        self.mooseSynp_mgblock = moose.Mstring(self.mooseSynp.path+'/mgblock')
        self.mooseSynp_mgblock.value = 'False'
예제 #27
    def addMechanism(self, mechanism, cell, cellName):
        """ Add mechanism to cell.
        mechName = mechanism.attrib["name"]
        debug.printDebug("STEP", "Loading mechanism {0}".format(mechName))
        passive = False
        if "passive_conductance" in mechanism.attrib:
            if mechanism.attrib['passive_conductance'].lower() == "true":
                passive = True

        # ONLY creates channel if at least one parameter (like gmax) is
        # specified in the xml  Neuroml does not allow you to specify all
        # default values.  However, granule cell example in neuroconstruct has
        # Ca ion pool without a parameter, applying default values to all
        # compartments!

        mech_params = mechanism.findall(".//{" + self.bio + "}parameter")

        ## if no params, apply all default values to all compartments
        if len(mech_params) == 0:
            compartments = self.cellDictByCableId[cellName][1].values()
            for c in compartments:
                self.set_compartment_param(c, None, 'default', mechName)

        # if params are present, apply params to specified cable/compartment
        # groups.

        for parameter in mech_params:
            options = {
                'cellName': cellName,
                'mechName': mechName,
                'passive': passive
            self.addParameterToCompartment(parameter, cell, options)

        # Connect the Ca pools and channels Am connecting these at the very end
        # so that all channels and pools have been created Note: this function
        # is in moose.utils not moose.neuroml.utils !

        # temperature should be in Kelvin for Nernst
        temperature = self.stringToFloat(self.temperature)
            temperature + neuroml_utils.ZeroCKelvin)
예제 #28
    def addMechanism(self, mechanism, cell, cellName):
        """ Add mechanism to cell.
        mechName = mechanism.attrib["name"]
        debug.printDebug("STEP", "Loading mechanism {0}".format(mechName))
        passive = False
        if "passive_conductance" in mechanism.attrib:
            if mechanism.attrib['passive_conductance'].lower() == "true":
                passive = True

        # ONLY creates channel if at least one parameter (like gmax) is
        # specified in the xml  Neuroml does not allow you to specify all
        # default values.  However, granule cell example in neuroconstruct has
        # Ca ion pool without a parameter, applying default values to all
        # compartments!

        mech_params = mechanism.findall(".//{"+self.bio+"}parameter")

        ## if no params, apply all default values to all compartments
        if len(mech_params) == 0:
            compartments = self.cellDictByCableId[cellName][1].values()
            for c in compartments:
                self.set_compartment_param(c, None, 'default', mechName)

        # if params are present, apply params to specified cable/compartment
        # groups.

        for parameter in mech_params:
            options = { 'cellName' : cellName
                       , 'mechName' : mechName
                       , 'passive' : passive
            self.addParameterToCompartment(parameter, cell, options)

        # Connect the Ca pools and channels Am connecting these at the very end
        # so that all channels and pools have been created Note: this function
        # is in moose.utils not moose.neuroml.utils !

        # temperature should be in Kelvin for Nernst
        temperature = self.stringToFloat(self.temperature)
            , temperature + neuroml_utils.ZeroCKelvin
예제 #29
파일: parser.py 프로젝트: physicalist/moose
def parseXMLs(commandLineArgs, validate=False):
    xmlRootElemDict = collections.defaultdict(list)
    models = vars(commandLineArgs)
    for model in models:
        if models[model]:
            for modelPath in models[model]:
                debug.printDebug("INFO", "Parsing {0}".format(models[model]))
                if validate:
                    # parse model and valid it with schama
                    modelXMLRootElem = parseAndValidateWithSchema(
                        model, modelPath)
                    # Simple parse the model without validating it with schema.
                    modelXMLRootElem = parseWithoutValidation(model, modelPath)
                if modelXMLRootElem:
                        (modelXMLRootElem, modelPath))
    assert len(xmlRootElemDict) > 0
    return xmlRootElemDict
예제 #30
파일: main.py 프로젝트: manasdas17/pyghdl
def findCompiler(language):
    if language == 'vhdl':
        # Try for ghdl
        if not findExecutable("ghdl"):
            if not findExecutable("vsim"):
                        , "Can't find a suitable compiler on your system" +
                        " Use -c switch from command line"
                return findExecutable("vsim")
            return findExecutable("ghdl")
                , "Unknown language {}".format(language)
예제 #31
def parseAndValidateWithSchema(modelName, modelPath) :

    prefixPath = ''
    if modelName == 'xml' :
        schemaPath = os.path.join(prefixPath, 'schema/moose/moose.xsd')
        if not os.path.isfile(schemaPath) :
            debug.printDebug("WARN", "Schema {0} does not exists..".format(schemaPath))

    try :
        schemaH = open(schemaPath, "r")
        schemaText = schemaH.read()
    except Exception as e :
        debug.printDebug("WARN", "Error reading schema for validation."+
          " Falling back to validation-disabled parser."
          + " Failed with error {0}".format(e))
        return parseWithoutValidation(modelName, modelPath)
        # Now we have the schema text
    schema = etree.XMLSchema(etree.XML(schemaText))
    xmlParser = etree.XMLParser(schema=schema, remove_comments=True)
    with open(modelPath, "r") as xmlTextFile :
        return etree.parse(xmlTextFile, xmlParser)
예제 #32
 def integateAndFireMechanism(self, mechanism):
     """  Integrate and fire mechanism
     mech_params = mechanism.findall(".//{" + self.bio + "}parameter")
     for parameter in mech_params:
         paramName = parameter.attrib['name']
         if paramName == 'inject':
             self.mooseCell.inject = float(
                 parameter.attrib["value"]) * self.Ifactor
         elif paramName == 'Rm':
             self.mooseCell.Rm = float(
                 parameter.attrib["value"]) * self.Rfactor
         elif paramName == 'Cm':
             self.mooseCell.Cm = float(
                 parameter.attrib["value"]) * self.Cfactor
         elif paramName == 'Em':
             self.mooseCell.Em = float(
                 parameter.attrib["value"]) * self.Efactor
         elif paramName == 'v_reset':
             # voltage after spike, typicaly below resting
             self.mooseCell.Vreset = float(
                 parameter.attrib["value"]) * self.Efactor
             self.mooseCell.initVm = self.mooseCell.Vreset
         elif paramName == 'threshold':
             # firing threshold potential
             self.mooseCell.Vthreshold = \
         elif paramName == 't_refrac':
             # min refractory time before next spike
             msg = "Use this refractory period in simulation"
             debug.printDebug("TODO", msg, frame=inspect.currentframe())
             self.mooseCell.refractoryPeriod = \
         elif paramName == 'inject':
             # inject into soma
             self.mooseCell.refractoryPeriod = \
예제 #33
파일: parser.py 프로젝트: physicalist/moose
def parseAndValidateWithSchema(modelName, modelPath):

    prefixPath = ''
    if modelName == 'xml':
        schemaPath = os.path.join(prefixPath, 'schema/moose/moose.xsd')
        if not os.path.isfile(schemaPath):
                             "Schema {0} does not exists..".format(schemaPath))

        schemaH = open(schemaPath, "r")
        schemaText = schemaH.read()
    except Exception as e:
            "WARN", "Error reading schema for validation." +
            " Falling back to validation-disabled parser." +
            " Failed with error {0}".format(e))
        return parseWithoutValidation(modelName, modelPath)
        # Now we have the schema text
    schema = etree.XMLSchema(etree.XML(schemaText))
    xmlParser = etree.XMLParser(schema=schema, remove_comments=True)
    with open(modelPath, "r") as xmlTextFile:
        return etree.parse(xmlTextFile, xmlParser)
예제 #34
파일: vhdl.py 프로젝트: dilawar/pyghdl
 def getNextLevelsOfHier(self, archName, hasParents, childLess , alreadyAddedArcs):
     Get the components of a xmlElem.
     @param elemXml : Xml element of archName 
     @param archName : name of the entity of this architecture
     if archName not in alreadyAddedArcs.keys():
         debug.printDebug("WARN", "Funtion validations error"\
             +": {0} should have been added to args 2".format(archName))
         return None
     comps = self.vhdlXml.findall(".//architecture[@of='{0}']/*".format(archName))
     archXml = alreadyAddedArcs[archName]
     if len(comps) < 1 :
                 , "No component found for {0}".format(archName)
     for comp in comps :
         compName = comp.attrib['name']
         instanceOf = comp.attrib['instance_of']
                 , "Component {0} found for entity {1}".format(
                     , archName
         if comp.attrib['isInstantiated'] == "true":
             # Now check if architecture of this component was already added.
             if compName in alreadyAddedArcs.keys() :
                 compXml = alreadyAddedArcs[compName]
             else :
                 compXml = ET.Element("component")
                 compXml.attrib['name'] = compName 
                 compXml.attrib['instance_of'] = instanceOf
                 alreadyAddedArcs[compName] = compXml
         else :
                     , "Component {0} is not instantited.".format(compName)
예제 #35
파일: command.py 프로젝트: dilawar/pyghdl
def runCommand(command, shell=False, **kwargs):
    if type(command) is list:
        command = shlex.split(command)
        p = subprocess.Popen(command
                , stdin = kwargs.get('stdin', subprocess.PIPE)
                , stdout = kwargs.get('stdout', subprocess.PIPE)
                , stderr = kwargs.get('stderr', subprocess.PIPE)
    except Exception as e:
        debug.printDebug("ERROR", "Failed with exception %s " % e)
        debug.printDebug("DEBUG", "Command was:  {}".format(command))
                , "Success : {}".format(" ".join(command))
예제 #36
    def set_compartment_param(self, compartment, name, value, mechName):
        """ Set the param for the compartment depending on name and mechName. """
        if name == 'CM':
            compartment.Cm = value * math.pi * compartment.diameter * compartment.length
        elif name == 'RM':
            compartment.Rm = value / (math.pi * compartment.diameter *
        elif name == 'RA':
            compartment.Ra = value * compartment.length / \
        elif name == 'Em':
            compartment.Em = value
        elif name == 'initVm':
            compartment.initVm = value
        elif name == 'inject':
            msg = " {0} inject {1} A.".format(compartment.name, value)
            debug.printDebug("INFO", msg)
            compartment.inject = value
        elif mechName is 'synapse':

            # synapse being added to the compartment
            # these are potential locations, we do not actually make synapses.
            # I assume below that compartment name has _segid at its end

            # get segment id from compartment name
            segid = moose_methods.getCompartmentId(compartment.name)

        # spikegen being added to the compartment
        elif mechName is 'spikegen':
            # these are potential locations, we do not actually make the
            # spikegens.  spikegens for different synapses can have different
            # thresholds, hence include synapse_type in its name value contains
            # name of synapse i.e. synapse_type
            #spikegen = moose.SpikeGen(compartment.path+'/'+value+'_spikegen')
        elif mechName is not None:

            # if mechanism is not present in compartment, deep copy from library
            if not moose.exists(compartment.path + '/' + mechName):

                # if channel does not exist in library load it from xml file
                if not moose.exists(self.libraryPath + "/" + mechName):
                    cmlR = ChannelML(self.nml_params)
                    model_filename = mechName + '.xml'
                    model_path = neuroml_utils.find_first_file(
                        model_filename, self.model_dir)
                    if model_path is not None:
                        msg = 'Mechanism {0}: files {1} not found under {2}'\
                                .format( mechName
                                        , model_filename
                                        , self.model_dir

                neutralObj = moose.Neutral(self.libraryPath + "/" + mechName)

                # Ion concentration pool
                if 'CaConc' == neutralObj.className:
                    libcaconc = moose.CaConc(self.libraryPath + "/" + mechName)

                    # deep copies the library caconc under the compartment
                    caconc = moose.copy(libcaconc, compartment, mechName)
                    caconc = moose.CaConc(caconc)

                    # CaConc connections are made later using connect_CaConc()
                    # Later, when calling connect_CaConc, B is set for caconc
                    # based on thickness of Ca shell and compartment l and dia
                    # OR based on the Mstring phi under CaConc path.
                    channel = None

                elif 'HHChannel2D' == neutralObj.className:  ## HHChannel2D
                    libchannel = moose.HHChannel2D(self.libraryPath + "/" +
                    ## deep copies the library channel under the compartment
                    channel = moose.copy(libchannel, compartment, mechName)
                    channel = moose.HHChannel2D(channel)
                    moose.connect(channel, 'channel', compartment, 'channel')
                elif 'HHChannel' == neutralObj.className:  ## HHChannel
                    libchannel = moose.HHChannel(self.libraryPath + "/" +

                    # deep copies the library channel under the compartment
                    channel = moose.copy(libchannel, compartment, mechName)
                    channel = moose.HHChannel(channel)
                    moose.connect(channel, 'channel', compartment, 'channel')
            # if mechanism is present in compartment, just wrap it
                neutralObj = moose.Neutral(compartment.path + '/' + mechName)
                # Ion concentration pool
                if 'CaConc' == neutralObj.className:
                    # wraps existing channel
                    caconc = moose.CaConc(compartment.path + '/' + mechName)
                    channel = None
                elif 'HHChannel2D' == neutralObj.className:  ## HHChannel2D
                    # wraps existing channel
                    channel = moose.HHChannel2D(compartment.path + '/' +
                elif 'HHChannel' == neutralObj.className:  ## HHChannel
                    # wraps existing channel
                    channel = moose.HHChannel(compartment.path + '/' +
            if name == 'Gbar':
                # if CaConc, neuroConstruct uses gbar for thickness or phi
                if channel is None:
                    # If child Mstring 'phi' is present, set gbar as phi BUT,
                    # value has been multiplied by Gfactor as a Gbar, SI or
                    # physiological not known here, ignoring Gbar for CaConc,
                    # instead of passing units here
                    child = moose_utils.get_child_Mstring(caconc, 'phi')
                    if child is not None:
                        #child.value = value
                        #caconc.thick = value
                else:  # if ion channel, usual Gbar
                    channel.Gbar = value * math.pi * compartment.diameter \
                            * compartment.length
            elif name == 'Ek':
                channel.Ek = value

            # thick seems to be NEURON's extension to NeuroML level 2.
            elif name == 'thick':
                # JUST THIS WILL NOT DO - HAVE TO SET B based on this thick!
                caconc.thick = value
                # Later, when calling connect_CaConc, B is set for caconc based
                # on thickness of Ca shell and compartment l and dia.  OR based
                # on the Mstring phi under CaConc path.

        if neuroml_utils.neuroml_debug:
            msg = "Setting {0} for {1} value {2}".format(
                name, compartment.path, value)
            debug.printDebug("DEBUG", msg, frame=inspect.currentframe())
예제 #37
    def readChannelML(self, channelElement, params={}, units="SI units"):
        """Loads a single channel
        # I first calculate all functions assuming a consistent system of units.
        # While filling in the A and B tables, I just convert to SI.  Also
        # convert gmax and Erev.
        if 'Physiological Units' in units:
            # see pg 219 (sec 13.2) of Book of Genesis
            Vfactor = 1e-3  # V from mV
            Tfactor = 1e-3  # s from ms
            Gfactor = 1e1  # S/m^2 from mS/cm^2
            concfactor = 1e6  # Mol = mol/m^-3 from mol/cm^-3
        elif 'SI Units' in units:
            Vfactor = 1.0
            Tfactor = 1.0
            Gfactor = 1.0
            concfactor = 1.0
                             "wrong units %s. Existing... " % units,
            raise UserWarning, "Unknown units"

        # creates /library in MOOSE tree; elif present, wraps
        channel_name = channelElement.attrib['name']
        if utils.neuroml_debug:
            msg = "Loading channel {} into {} ".format(channel_name,
            debug.printDebug("INFO", msg)

        IVrelation = channelElement.find('./{' + self.cml +
        concdep = IVrelation.find('./{' + self.cml + '}conc_dependence')
        cPath = os.path.join(self.libraryPath, channel_name)
        if concdep is None:
            channel = moose.HHChannel(cPath)
            channel = moose.HHChannel2D(cPath)

        if IVrelation.attrib['cond_law'] == "ohmic":
            channel.Gbar = float(IVrelation.attrib['default_gmax']) * Gfactor
            channel.Ek = float(IVrelation.attrib['default_erev']) * Vfactor
            channelIon = moose.Mstring(channel.path + '/ion')
            channelIon.value = IVrelation.attrib['ion']
            if concdep is not None:
                channelIonDependency = moose.Mstring(channel.path +
                channelIonDependency.value = concdep.attrib['ion']

        nernstnote = IVrelation.find('./{' + utils.meta_ns + '}notes')
        if nernstnote is not None:
            # the text in nernstnote is "Nernst,Cout=<float>,z=<int>"
            nernst_params = string.split(nernstnote.text, ',')
            if nernst_params[0] == 'Nernst':
                nernstMstring = moose.Mstring(channel.path + '/nernst_str')
                nernstMstring.value = str(
                    float(string.split(nernst_params[1], '=')[1]) *
                    concfactor) + ',' + str(
                        int(string.split(nernst_params[2], '=')[1]))

        gates = IVrelation.findall('./{' + self.cml + '}gate')
        if len(gates) > 3:
            msg = "Sorry! Maximum x, y, and z (three) gates are possible in\

            debug.printDebug("ERR", msg, frame=inspect.currentframe())
            raise UserWarning, "Bad value or parameter"

        # These are the names that MOOSE uses to create gates.
        gate_full_name = ['gateX', 'gateY', 'gateZ']

        # if impl_prefs tag is present change VMIN, VMAX and NDIVS
        impl_prefs = channelElement.find('./{' + self.cml + '}impl_prefs')
        if impl_prefs is not None:
            table_settings = impl_prefs.find('./{' + self.cml +
            # some problem here... disable
            VMIN_here = float(table_settings.attrib['min_v'])
            VMAX_here = float(table_settings.attrib['max_v'])
            NDIVS_here = int(table_settings.attrib['table_divisions'])
            dv_here = (VMAX_here - VMIN_here) / NDIVS_here
            # default VMIN, VMAX and dv are in SI convert them to current
            # calculation units used by channel definition while loading into
            # tables, convert them back to SI
            VMIN_here = utils.VMIN / Vfactor
            VMAX_here = utils.VMAX / Vfactor
            NDIVS_here = utils.NDIVS
            dv_here = utils.dv / Vfactor
        offset = IVrelation.find('./{' + self.cml + '}offset')
        if offset is None:
            vNegOffset = 0.0
            vNegOffset = float(offset.attrib['value'])
        self.parameters = []
        for parameter in channelElement.findall('.//{' + self.cml +
                (parameter.attrib['name'], float(parameter.attrib['value'])))

        for num, gate in enumerate(gates):
            # if no q10settings tag, the q10factor remains 1.0 if present but no
            # gate attribute, then set q10factor if there is a gate attribute,
            # then set it only if gate attrib matches gate name
            self.q10factor = 1.0
            self.gate_name = gate.attrib['name']
            q10sets = IVrelation.findall('./{' + self.cml + '}q10_settings')
            for q10settings in q10sets:
                # self.temperature from neuro.utils
                if 'gate' in list(q10settings.attrib.keys()):
                    if q10settings.attrib['gate'] == self.gate_name:

            # HHChannel2D crashing on setting Xpower!  temperamental! If you
            # print something before, it gives cannot creategate from copied
            # channel, else crashes Setting power first. This is necessary
            # because it also initializes the gate's internal data structures as
            # a side effect. Alternatively, gates can be initialized explicitly
            # by calling HHChannel.createGate().
            gate_power = float(gate.get('instances'))
            if num == 0:
                channel.Xpower = gate_power
                if concdep is not None: channel.Xindex = "VOLT_C1_INDEX"
            elif num == 1:
                channel.Ypower = gate_power
                if concdep is not None: channel.Yindex = "VOLT_C1_INDEX"
            elif num == 2:
                channel.Zpower = gate_power
                if concdep is not None: channel.Zindex = "VOLT_C1_INDEX"

            ## Getting handle to gate using the gate's path.
            gate_path = os.path.join(channel.path, gate_full_name[num])
            if concdep is None:
                moosegate = moose.HHGate(gate_path)
                # set SI values inside MOOSE
                moosegate.min = VMIN_here * Vfactor
                moosegate.max = VMAX_here * Vfactor
                moosegate.divs = NDIVS_here
                ## V.IMP to get smooth curves, else even with 3000 divisions
                ## there are sudden transitions.
                moosegate.useInterpolation = True
                moosegate = moose.HHGate2D(gate_path)

            # If alpha and beta functions exist, make them here
            for transition in gate.findall('./{' + self.cml + '}transition'):
                # make python functions with names of transitions...
                fn_name = transition.attrib['name']
                # I assume that transitions if present are called alpha and beta
                # for forwand backward transitions...
                if fn_name in ['alpha', 'beta']:
                    self.make_cml_function(transition, fn_name, concdep)
                        "ERROR", "Unsupported transition {0}".format(fn_name))

            time_course = gate.find('./{' + self.cml + '}time_course')
            # tau is divided by self.q10factor in make_function() thus, it gets
            # divided irrespective of <time_course> tag present or not.
            if time_course is not None:
                self.make_cml_function(time_course, 'tau', concdep)
            steady_state = gate.find('./{' + self.cml + '}steady_state')
            if steady_state is not None:
                self.make_cml_function(steady_state, 'inf', concdep)

            if concdep is None:
                ca_name = ''  # no Ca dependence
                # Ca dependence
                ca_name = ',' + concdep.attrib['variable_name']

            # Create tau() and inf() if not present, from alpha() and beta()
            for fn_element, fn_name, fn_expr in [
                (time_course, 'tau', "1/(alpha+beta)"),
                (steady_state, 'inf', "alpha/(alpha+beta)")
                # put in args for alpha and beta, could be v and Ca dep.
                expr_string = self.replace(fn_expr, 'alpha',
                                           'self.alpha(v' + ca_name + ')')
                expr_string = self.replace(expr_string, 'beta',
                                           'self.beta(v' + ca_name + ')')
                # if time_course/steady_state are not present, then alpha annd
                # beta transition elements should be present, and fns created.
                if fn_element is None:

            # non Ca dependent channel
            if concdep is None:
                # while calculating, use the units used in xml defn, while
                # filling in table, I convert to SI units.
                v0 = VMIN_here - vNegOffset
                n_entries = NDIVS_here + 1
                tableA = [0.0] * n_entries
                tableB = [0.0] * n_entries
                for i in range(n_entries):
                    v = v0 + (i * dv_here)
                    inf = self.inf(v)
                    tau = self.tau(v)
                    # convert to SI before writing to table
                    # qfactor is already in inf and tau
                    tableA[i] = (inf / tau) / Tfactor
                    tableB[i] = (1.0 / tau) / Tfactor

                moosegate.tableA = tableA
                moosegate.tableB = tableB

            ## Ca dependent channel
                # UNITS: while calculating, use the units used in xml defn,
                # while filling in table, I convert to SI units.  Note here Ca
                # units do not enter, but units of CaMIN, CaMAX and ca_conc in
                # fn expr should match.
                v = VMIN_here - vNegOffset
                CaMIN = float(concdep.attrib['min_conc'])
                CaMAX = float(concdep.attrib['max_conc'])
                CaNDIVS = 100
                dCa = (CaMAX - CaMIN) / CaNDIVS

                # CAREFUL!: tableA = [[0.0]*(CaNDIVS+1)]*(NDIVS_here+1) will not
                # work!  * does a shallow copy, same list will get repeated 200
                # times!  Thus setting tableA[35][1] = 5.0 will set all rows,
                # 1st col to 5.0!!!!
                tableA = [[0.0] * (CaNDIVS + 1) for i in range(NDIVS_here + 1)]
                tableB = [[0.0] * (CaNDIVS + 1) for i in range(NDIVS_here + 1)]
                for i in range(NDIVS_here + 1):
                    Ca = CaMIN
                    for j in range(CaNDIVS + 1):
                        inf = self.inf(v, Ca)
                        tau = self.tau(v, Ca)
                        # convert to SI (Tfactor) before writing to table
                        # qfactor is already in inf and tau
                        tableA[i][j] = (inf / tau) / Tfactor
                        tableB[i][j] = (1.0 / tau) / Tfactor
                        Ca += dCa
                    v += dv_here

                # Presently HHGate2D doesn't allow the setting of tables as 2D
                # vectors directly
                #moosegate.tableA = tableA #moosegate.tableB = tableB

                # Instead, I wrap the interpol2D objects inside HHGate2D and set
                # the tables
                moosegate_tableA = moose.Interpol2D(moosegate.path + '/tableA')

                # set SI values inside MOOSE
                moosegate_tableA.xmin = VMIN_here * Vfactor
                moosegate_tableA.xmax = VMAX_here * Vfactor
                moosegate_tableA.xdivs = NDIVS_here
                #moosegate_tableA.dx = dv_here*Vfactor
                moosegate_tableA.ymin = CaMIN * concfactor
                moosegate_tableA.ymax = CaMAX * concfactor
                moosegate_tableA.ydivs = CaNDIVS
                #moosegate_tableA.dy = dCa*concfactor
                moosegate_tableA.tableVector2D = tableA

                moosegate_tableB = moose.Interpol2D(moosegate.path + '/tableB')
                ## set SI values inside MOOSE
                moosegate_tableB.xmin = VMIN_here * Vfactor
                moosegate_tableB.xmax = VMAX_here * Vfactor
                moosegate_tableB.xdivs = NDIVS_here
                #moosegate_tableB.dx = dv_here*Vfactor
                moosegate_tableB.ymin = CaMIN * concfactor
                moosegate_tableB.ymax = CaMAX * concfactor
                moosegate_tableB.ydivs = CaNDIVS
                #moosegate_tableB.dy = dCa*concfactor
                moosegate_tableB.tableVector2D = tableB
예제 #38
    def addSegment(self, cellName, segnum, segment):
        Adding segment to cell.
        run_dia = 0.0
        running_comp = None
        running_dia_nums = 0
        segmentname = segment.attrib['name']

            "Adding segment {} in cell {}".format(segmentname, cellName))

        # cable is an optional attribute. WARNING: Here I assume it is always
        # present.
        cableid = segment.attrib['cable']
        segmentid = segment.attrib['id']

        # Old cableid still running, hence don't start a new compartment, skip
        # to next segment.
        if cableid == self.running_cableid:
            self.cellDictBySegmentId[cellName][1][segmentid] = running_comp
            proximal = segment.find('./{' + self.mml + '}proximal')
            if proximal is not None:
                run_dia += float(
                    proximal.attrib["diameter"]) * self.length_factor
                running_dia_nums += 1
            distal = segment.find('./{' + self.mml + '}distal')
            if distal is not None:
                run_dia += float(
                    distal.attrib["diameter"]) * self.length_factor
                running_dia_nums += 1

        # new cableid starts, hence start a new compartment; also finish
        # previous / last compartment.

            # Create a new compartment, the moose "hsolve" method assumes
            # compartments to be asymmetric compartments and symmetrizes them
            # but that is not what we want when translating from Neuron
            # which has only symcompartments -- so be careful!

            # just segmentname is NOT unique - eg: mitral bbmit exported from
            # NEURON.
            mooseCompname = moose_methods.moosePath(segmentname, segmentid)
            mooseComppath = self.mooseCell.path + '/' + mooseCompname
            mooseComp = moose.Compartment(mooseComppath)
            self.cellDictBySegmentId[cellName][1][segmentid] = mooseComp

            # Cables are grouped and densities set for cablegroups. Hence I
            # need to refer to segment according to which cable they belong
            # to..
            self.cellDictByCableId[cellName][1][cableid] = mooseComp
            self.running_cableid = cableid
            running_segid = segmentid
            running_comp = mooseComp
            run_dia = 0.0
            running_dia_nums = 0

            if 'parent' in segment.attrib:
                # I assume the parent is created before the child so that I can
                # immediately # connect the child.
                parentid = segment.attrib['parent']
                parent = self.cellDictBySegmentId[cellName][1][parentid]

                # It is always assumed that axial of parent is connected to
                # raxial of moosesegment THIS IS WHAT GENESIS readcell()
                # PROXIMAL x,y,z OF PARENT = PROXIMAL x,y,z OF CHILD.  THIS IS
                # ALSO IRRESPECTIVE OF fraction_along_parent SPECIFIED IN
                # MOOSE/GENESIS and NEURON.  moosesegment sends Ra and Vm to
                # parent, parent sends only Vm actually for symmetric
                # compartment, both parent and moosesegment require each
                # other's Ra/2, but axial and raxial just serve to distinguish
                # ends.

                moose.connect(parent, 'axial', mooseComp, 'raxial')
                parent = None
            proximal = segment.find('./{' + self.mml + '}proximal')
            if proximal is None:
                # If proximal tag is not present, then parent attribute MUST be
                # present in the segment tag!  if proximal is not present, then
                # by default the distal end of the parent is the proximal end
                # of the child
                mooseComp.x0 = parent.x
                mooseComp.y0 = parent.y
                mooseComp.z0 = parent.z
                mooseComp.x0 = float(proximal.attrib["x"]) * self.length_factor
                mooseComp.y0 = float(proximal.attrib["y"]) * self.length_factor
                mooseComp.z0 = float(proximal.attrib["z"]) * self.length_factor
                run_dia += float(
                    proximal.attrib["diameter"]) * self.length_factor
                running_dia_nums += 1
            distal = segment.find('./{' + self.mml + '}distal')
            if distal is not None:
                run_dia += float(
                    distal.attrib["diameter"]) * self.length_factor
                running_dia_nums += 1

            # finished creating new compartment Update the end position,
            # diameter and length, and segDict of this comp/cable/section with
            # each segment that is part of this cable (assumes contiguous
            # segments in xml).  This ensures that we don't have to do any
            # 'closing ceremonies', if a new cable is encoutered in next
            # iteration.

            if distal is not None:
                running_comp.x = float(distal.attrib["x"]) * self.length_factor
                running_comp.y = float(distal.attrib["y"]) * self.length_factor
                running_comp.z = float(distal.attrib["z"]) * self.length_factor

            # Set the compartment diameter as the average diameter of all the
            # segments in this section
            running_comp.diameter = run_dia / float(running_dia_nums)

            # Set the compartment length
            running_comp.length = math.sqrt(

            # NeuroML specs say that if (x0,y0,z0)=(x,y,z), then round
            # compartment e.g. soma.  In Moose set length = dia to give same
            # surface area as sphere of dia.

            if running_comp.length == 0.0:
                running_comp.length = running_comp.diameter

            # Set the segDict the empty list at the end below will get
            # populated with the potential synapses on this segment, in
            # function set_compartment_param(..)
            self.segDict[running_segid] = [
                (running_comp.x0, running_comp.y0, running_comp.z0),
                (running_comp.x, running_comp.y, running_comp.z),
                running_comp.diameter, running_comp.length, []

            if neuroml_utils.neuroml_debug:
                    "Set up compartment/section %s" % running_comp.name)
예제 #39
    def addSegment(self, cellName, segnum, segment):

        Adding segment to cell.
        run_dia = 0.0
        running_comp = None
        running_dia_nums = 0
        segmentname = segment.attrib['name']

                , "Adding segment {} in cell {}".format(segmentname, cellName)

        # cable is an optional attribute. WARNING: Here I assume it is always
        # present.
        cableid = segment.attrib['cable']
        segmentid = segment.attrib['id']

        # Old cableid still running, hence don't start a new compartment, skip
        # to next segment.
        if cableid == self.running_cableid:
            self.cellDictBySegmentId[cellName][1][segmentid] = running_comp
            proximal = segment.find('./{'+self.mml+'}proximal')
            if proximal is not None:
                run_dia += float(proximal.attrib["diameter"])*self.length_factor
                running_dia_nums += 1
            distal = segment.find('./{'+self.mml+'}distal')
            if distal is not None:
                run_dia += float(distal.attrib["diameter"])*self.length_factor
                running_dia_nums += 1

        # new cableid starts, hence start a new compartment; also finish
        # previous / last compartment.

            # Create a new compartment, the moose "hsolve" method assumes
            # compartments to be asymmetric compartments and symmetrizes them
            # but that is not what we want when translating from Neuron
            # which has only symcompartments -- so be careful!

            # just segmentname is NOT unique - eg: mitral bbmit exported from
            # NEURON.
            mooseCompname = moose_methods.moosePath(segmentname, segmentid)
            mooseComppath = self.mooseCell.path + '/' + mooseCompname
            mooseComp = moose.Compartment(mooseComppath)
            self.cellDictBySegmentId[cellName][1][segmentid] = mooseComp

            # Cables are grouped and densities set for cablegroups. Hence I
            # need to refer to segment according to which cable they belong
            # to..
            self.cellDictByCableId[cellName][1][cableid] = mooseComp
            self.running_cableid = cableid
            running_segid = segmentid
            running_comp = mooseComp
            run_dia = 0.0
            running_dia_nums = 0

            if 'parent' in segment.attrib:
                # I assume the parent is created before the child so that I can
                # immediately # connect the child.
                parentid = segment.attrib['parent']
                parent = self.cellDictBySegmentId[cellName][1][parentid]

                # It is always assumed that axial of parent is connected to
                # raxial of moosesegment THIS IS WHAT GENESIS readcell()
                # PROXIMAL x,y,z OF PARENT = PROXIMAL x,y,z OF CHILD.  THIS IS
                # ALSO IRRESPECTIVE OF fraction_along_parent SPECIFIED IN
                # MOOSE/GENESIS and NEURON.  moosesegment sends Ra and Vm to
                # parent, parent sends only Vm actually for symmetric
                # compartment, both parent and moosesegment require each
                # other's Ra/2, but axial and raxial just serve to distinguish
                # ends.

                moose.connect(parent, 'axial', mooseComp, 'raxial')
                parent = None
            proximal = segment.find('./{'+self.mml+'}proximal')
            if proximal is None:
                # If proximal tag is not present, then parent attribute MUST be
                # present in the segment tag!  if proximal is not present, then
                # by default the distal end of the parent is the proximal end
                # of the child
                mooseComp.x0 = parent.x
                mooseComp.y0 = parent.y
                mooseComp.z0 = parent.z
                mooseComp.x0 = float(proximal.attrib["x"])*self.length_factor
                mooseComp.y0 = float(proximal.attrib["y"])*self.length_factor
                mooseComp.z0 = float(proximal.attrib["z"])*self.length_factor
                run_dia += float(proximal.attrib["diameter"])*self.length_factor
                running_dia_nums += 1
            distal = segment.find('./{'+self.mml+'}distal')
            if distal is not None:
                run_dia += float(distal.attrib["diameter"]) * self.length_factor
                running_dia_nums += 1

            # finished creating new compartment Update the end position,
            # diameter and length, and segDict of this comp/cable/section with
            # each segment that is part of this cable (assumes contiguous
            # segments in xml).  This ensures that we don't have to do any
            # 'closing ceremonies', if a new cable is encoutered in next
            # iteration.

            if distal is not None:
                running_comp.x = float(distal.attrib["x"])*self.length_factor
                running_comp.y = float(distal.attrib["y"])*self.length_factor
                running_comp.z = float(distal.attrib["z"])*self.length_factor

            # Set the compartment diameter as the average diameter of all the
            # segments in this section
            running_comp.diameter = run_dia / float(running_dia_nums)

            # Set the compartment length
            running_comp.length = math.sqrt(

            # NeuroML specs say that if (x0,y0,z0)=(x,y,z), then round
            # compartment e.g. soma.  In Moose set length = dia to give same
            # surface area as sphere of dia.

            if running_comp.length == 0.0:
                running_comp.length = running_comp.diameter

            # Set the segDict the empty list at the end below will get
            # populated with the potential synapses on this segment, in
            # function set_compartment_param(..)
            self.segDict[running_segid] = [
                , (running_comp.x0 , running_comp.y0 , running_comp.z0)
                , (running_comp.x,running_comp.y,running_comp.z)
                , running_comp.diameter
                , running_comp.length
                , []

            if neuroml_utils.neuroml_debug:
                    , "Set up compartment/section %s" % running_comp.name
예제 #40
파일: vhdl.py 프로젝트: dilawar/pyghdl
 def generateTestVector(self, entityName) :
     top = self.vhdlXml.attrib['dir']
     debug.printDebug("TODO", "Generating vector.test file.")
     # call this function now.
     #test.testEntity(entityName, top)
예제 #41
파일: vhdl.py 프로젝트: dilawar/pyghdl
    def runDesign(self, generateTB):
        """ Run the damn design
        # check for compiler. If it does not exists, quit.
        self.topdir = self.vhdlXml.attrib['dir']
        compileXml = ET.SubElement(self.vhdlXml, "compiler")
        compileXml.attrib['name'] = self.compiler
        if self.topModule is None and len(self.moduleList) > 0:
            self.topModule = self.moduleList[0].strip()
        elif self.topModule:
                    , "Could not find any top-module %s " % self.topModule
                    , frame = inspect.currentframe()
            return 0

        self.topEntities = list()
        for t in self.vhdlXml.findall('.//entity[@name]'):
            # topModule is a list of entities.
            if t.get('name') in self.topModule:

        # Now work on all entities collected.
        self.fileDict = dict()
        for te in self.topEntities :
            # Files needed to elaborate the design.
            files = set()
            neededEntity = set()
            topEntityName = te.attrib['name']
            children = te.findall("component")
            for child in children :

            # get files we need to compile to elaborate this entity.
            for entityName in neededEntity :
                entity = self.vhdlXml.find(
                if entity is not None :
                    fileOfEntity = entity.attrib['file']
                else :
                    raise UserWarning, "Entity {0} not found".format(entity)

            self.fileDict[topEntityName] = files
        # If generateTB is set then ignore the previous TB and generate  a new one.
        # Else execute the design as it is.
        if not generateTB:
                    , "Not generating testbenches. In fact doing nothing more"
            return None 
            newFileDict = dict()
            [self.testBench(file, newFileDict) for file in self.fileDict]

        # Copy the new file list to old one.
        self.fileDict = newFileDict
        # Great, now simulate.
        for entity in self.fileDict:
            self.runATopEntity(entity, self.fileDict[entity])
예제 #42
    def readMorphML(self, cell, params={}, lengthUnits="micrometer"):

        returns {cellName:segDict}
        where segDict = { segid1 : [ segname
        , (proximalx,proximaly,proximalz)
        , (distalx,distaly,distalz),diameter,length,[potential_syn1, ... ] ]
        , ... }
        segname is "<name>_<segid>" because 1) guarantees uniqueness,
        2) later scripts obtain segid from the compartment's name!

        debug.printDebug("DEBUG", "Entered function readMorphML")
        if lengthUnits in ['micrometer','micron']:
            self.length_factor = 1e-6
            self.length_factor = 1.0
        cellName = cell.attrib["name"]

        if cellName == 'LIF':
            self.mooseCell = moose.LeakyIaF(self.cellPath+'/'+cellName)
            self.segDict = {}
            # using moose Neuron class - in previous version 'Cell' class
            # Chaitanya.
            self.mooseCell = moose.Neuron(self.cellPath+'/'+cellName)
            self.cellDictBySegmentId[cellName] = [self.mooseCell,{}]
            self.cellDictByCableId[cellName] = [self.mooseCell,{}]
            self.segDict = {}

            # load morphology and connections between compartments Many neurons
            # exported from NEURON have multiple segments in a section Combine
            # those segments into one Compartment / section assume segments of
            # a compartment/section are in increasing order and assume all
            # segments of a compartment/section have the same cableid findall()
            # returns elements in document order:

            self.running_cableid = ''
            running_segid = ''
            segments = cell.findall(".//{"+self.mml+"}segment")
            segmentstotal = len(segments)
            for segnum, segment in enumerate(segments):
                self.addSegment(cellName, segnum, segment)

        # load cablegroups into a dictionary
        self.cablegroupsDict = {}

        # Two ways of specifying cablegroups in neuroml 1.x
        # <cablegroup>s with list of <cable>s
        cablegroups = cell.findall(".//{"+self.mml+"}cablegroup")
        for cablegroup in cablegroups:
            cablegroupname = cablegroup.attrib['name']
            self.cablegroupsDict[cablegroupname] = []
            for cable in cablegroup.findall(".//{"+self.mml+"}cable"):
                cableid = cable.attrib['id']

        # <cable>s with list of <meta:group>s
        cables = cell.findall(".//{"+self.mml+"}cable")
        for cable in cables:
            cableid = cable.attrib['id']
            cablegroups = cable.findall(".//{"+self.meta+"}group")
            for cablegroup in cablegroups:
                cablegroupname = cablegroup.text
                if cablegroupname in list(self.cablegroupsDict.keys()):
                    self.cablegroupsDict[cablegroupname] = [cableid]

        # Add bioPhysics to the cell
        self.addBiophysics(cell, cellName)

        # load connectivity / synapses into the compartments
        connectivity = cell.find(".//{"+self.neuroml+"}connectivity")
        if connectivity is not None:
            self.addConnectivity(cell, cellName, connectivity)
        return {cellName:self.segDict}
예제 #43
파일: main.py 프로젝트: manasdas17/pyghdl
def main():
    # Argument parser.
    description = '''Write testbench for vhdl and run it using ghdl/vsim.'''
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description)
    parser.add_argument('--design-directory', '-d', metavar='design_directory'
            , nargs=1
            , action='append'
            , required = True
            , help = 'Top directory containing your VHDL design.'
    parser.add_argument('--language', '-l'
            , metavar = 'language'
            , nargs=1
            , default = "vhdl"
            , help = 'Which language (supported : vhdl )'
    parser.add_argument('--compiler', '-c'
            , metavar='compiler'
            , required = False
            , help = "Optional: Specify a compiler or I'll try to guess on system"
    parser.add_argument('--top-module', '-t', metavar='top_module'
            , nargs = 1
            , required = False
            , default = None
            , help = 'Optional : Top module in your design.'
    parser.add_argument('--test-vector-file', '-v', metavar='test_vector'
            , required = False
            , default = None
            , help = 'Test vector file which test-bench should use'
    parser.add_argument('--generate-tb', '-r', metavar='auto_test'
            , nargs = 1
            , required = False
            , default = True
            , help = 'Testbench will be generated automatically.'
    class Args: pass 
    args = Args()
    if args.test_vector_file:
        args.test_vector_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), args.test_vector_file)
        if not os.path.isfile(args.test_vector_file):
                    , "Test vector file %s not found " % args.test_vector_file 
        else: pass
    if args.language == "vhdl":
        file_regex = ".*\.vhdl?$"
        files = findListings(args.design_directory, regex=file_regex)
        if len(files) < 1 :
                 , "No file is found with regex {0} in directories {1}".format( 
                     , args.d)
        topDir = findTopDir(args.design_directory)
        compiler = args.compiler 
        if not compiler:
            compiler = findCompiler("vhdl")
        vhdlObj = vhdl.VHDL(topDir, compiler)
        vhdlObj.main(files, args)
        debug.printDebug("INFO",  "Unsupported language : {0}".format(args.l))
        debug.printDebug("DEBUG", "Languge specified {0}".format(args.l))
        raise UserWarning("Unsupported language. {0}".format(args.l))
예제 #44
    def set_compartment_param(self, compartment, name, value, mechName):
        """ Set the param for the compartment depending on name and mechName. """
        if name == 'CM':
            compartment.Cm = value *math.pi*compartment.diameter*compartment.length
        elif name == 'RM':
            compartment.Rm = value/(math.pi*compartment.diameter*compartment.length)
        elif name == 'RA':
            compartment.Ra = value * compartment.length / \
        elif name == 'Em':
            compartment.Em = value
        elif name == 'initVm':
            compartment.initVm = value
        elif name == 'inject':
            msg = " {0} inject {1} A.".format(compartment.name, value)
            debug.printDebug("INFO", msg)
            compartment.inject = value
        elif mechName is 'synapse':

           # synapse being added to the compartment
           # these are potential locations, we do not actually make synapses.
           # I assume below that compartment name has _segid at its end

           # get segment id from compartment name
           segid = moose_methods.getCompartmentId(compartment.name)

        # spikegen being added to the compartment
        elif mechName is 'spikegen': 
            # these are potential locations, we do not actually make the
            # spikegens.  spikegens for different synapses can have different
            # thresholds, hence include synapse_type in its name value contains
            # name of synapse i.e. synapse_type
            #spikegen = moose.SpikeGen(compartment.path+'/'+value+'_spikegen')
        elif mechName is not None:

            # if mechanism is not present in compartment, deep copy from library
            if not moose.exists(compartment.path+'/'+mechName):

                # if channel does not exist in library load it from xml file
                if not moose.exists(self.libraryPath+"/"+mechName):
                    cmlR = ChannelML(self.nml_params)
                    model_filename = mechName+'.xml'
                    model_path = neuroml_utils.find_first_file(
                        , self.model_dir
                    if model_path is not None:
                        msg = 'Mechanism {0}: files {1} not found under {2}'\
                                .format( mechName
                                        , model_filename
                                        , self.model_dir
                                , msg
                                , frame = inspect.currentframe()

                neutralObj = moose.Neutral(self.libraryPath+"/"+mechName)

                # Ion concentration pool
                if 'CaConc' == neutralObj.className:
                    libcaconc = moose.CaConc(self.libraryPath+"/"+mechName)

                    # deep copies the library caconc under the compartment
                    caconc = moose.copy(libcaconc,compartment,mechName)
                    caconc = moose.CaConc(caconc)

                    # CaConc connections are made later using connect_CaConc()
                    # Later, when calling connect_CaConc, B is set for caconc
                    # based on thickness of Ca shell and compartment l and dia
                    # OR based on the Mstring phi under CaConc path.
                    channel = None

                elif 'HHChannel2D' == neutralObj.className : ## HHChannel2D
                    libchannel = moose.HHChannel2D(self.libraryPath+"/"+mechName)
                    ## deep copies the library channel under the compartment
                    channel = moose.copy(libchannel,compartment,mechName)
                    channel = moose.HHChannel2D(channel)
                elif 'HHChannel' == neutralObj.className : ## HHChannel
                    libchannel = moose.HHChannel(self.libraryPath+"/"+mechName)

                    # deep copies the library channel under the compartment
                    channel = moose.copy(libchannel,compartment,mechName)
                    channel = moose.HHChannel(channel)
            # if mechanism is present in compartment, just wrap it
                neutralObj = moose.Neutral(compartment.path+'/'+mechName)
                # Ion concentration pool
                if 'CaConc' == neutralObj.className:
                    # wraps existing channel
                    caconc = moose.CaConc(compartment.path+'/'+mechName)
                    channel = None
                elif 'HHChannel2D' == neutralObj.className: ## HHChannel2D
                    # wraps existing channel
                    channel = moose.HHChannel2D(compartment.path+'/'+mechName)
                elif 'HHChannel' == neutralObj.className : ## HHChannel
                    # wraps existing channel
                    channel = moose.HHChannel(compartment.path+'/'+mechName)
            if name == 'Gbar':
                # if CaConc, neuroConstruct uses gbar for thickness or phi
                if channel is None:
                    # If child Mstring 'phi' is present, set gbar as phi BUT,
                    # value has been multiplied by Gfactor as a Gbar, SI or
                    # physiological not known here, ignoring Gbar for CaConc,
                    # instead of passing units here
                    child = moose_utils.get_child_Mstring(caconc,'phi')
                    if child is not None:
                        #child.value = value
                        #caconc.thick = value
                else: # if ion channel, usual Gbar
                    channel.Gbar = value * math.pi * compartment.diameter \
                            * compartment.length
            elif name == 'Ek':
                channel.Ek = value

            # thick seems to be NEURON's extension to NeuroML level 2.
            elif name == 'thick':
                # JUST THIS WILL NOT DO - HAVE TO SET B based on this thick!
                caconc.thick = value
                # Later, when calling connect_CaConc, B is set for caconc based
                # on thickness of Ca shell and compartment l and dia.  OR based
                # on the Mstring phi under CaConc path.

        if neuroml_utils.neuroml_debug:
            msg = "Setting {0} for {1} value {2}".format(name, compartment.path
                                                         , value
            debug.printDebug("DEBUG", msg, frame=inspect.currentframe())
예제 #45
    def readMorphML(self, cell, params={}, lengthUnits="micrometer"):
        returns {cellName:segDict}
        where segDict = { segid1 : [ segname
        , (proximalx,proximaly,proximalz)
        , (distalx,distaly,distalz),diameter,length,[potential_syn1, ... ] ]
        , ... }
        segname is "<name>_<segid>" because 1) guarantees uniqueness,
        2) later scripts obtain segid from the compartment's name!

        debug.printDebug("DEBUG", "Entered function readMorphML")
        if lengthUnits in ['micrometer', 'micron']:
            self.length_factor = 1e-6
            self.length_factor = 1.0
        cellName = cell.attrib["name"]

        if cellName == 'LIF':
            self.mooseCell = moose.LeakyIaF(self.cellPath + '/' + cellName)
            self.segDict = {}
            # using moose Neuron class - in previous version 'Cell' class
            # Chaitanya.
            self.mooseCell = moose.Neuron(self.cellPath + '/' + cellName)
            self.cellDictBySegmentId[cellName] = [self.mooseCell, {}]
            self.cellDictByCableId[cellName] = [self.mooseCell, {}]
            self.segDict = {}

            # load morphology and connections between compartments Many neurons
            # exported from NEURON have multiple segments in a section Combine
            # those segments into one Compartment / section assume segments of
            # a compartment/section are in increasing order and assume all
            # segments of a compartment/section have the same cableid findall()
            # returns elements in document order:

            self.running_cableid = ''
            running_segid = ''
            segments = cell.findall(".//{" + self.mml + "}segment")
            segmentstotal = len(segments)
            for segnum, segment in enumerate(segments):
                self.addSegment(cellName, segnum, segment)

        # load cablegroups into a dictionary
        self.cablegroupsDict = {}

        # Two ways of specifying cablegroups in neuroml 1.x
        # <cablegroup>s with list of <cable>s
        cablegroups = cell.findall(".//{" + self.mml + "}cablegroup")
        for cablegroup in cablegroups:
            cablegroupname = cablegroup.attrib['name']
            self.cablegroupsDict[cablegroupname] = []
            for cable in cablegroup.findall(".//{" + self.mml + "}cable"):
                cableid = cable.attrib['id']

        # <cable>s with list of <meta:group>s
        cables = cell.findall(".//{" + self.mml + "}cable")
        for cable in cables:
            cableid = cable.attrib['id']
            cablegroups = cable.findall(".//{" + self.meta + "}group")
            for cablegroup in cablegroups:
                cablegroupname = cablegroup.text
                if cablegroupname in list(self.cablegroupsDict.keys()):
                    self.cablegroupsDict[cablegroupname] = [cableid]

        # Add bioPhysics to the cell
        self.addBiophysics(cell, cellName)

        # load connectivity / synapses into the compartments
        connectivity = cell.find(".//{" + self.neuroml + "}connectivity")
        if connectivity is not None:
            self.addConnectivity(cell, cellName, connectivity)
        return {cellName: self.segDict}
예제 #46
    def addParameterToCompartment(self, parameter, cell, options):
        """ Add parameter to compartment
        cellName = options['cellName']
        mechName = options['mechName']
        passive = options['passive']

        paramName = parameter.attrib['name']
        if passive:
            if paramName in ['gmax']:
                    , cellName
                    , parameter
                    , 'RM'
                    , self.RMfactor*1.0/float(parameter.attrib["value"])
                    , self.bio
            elif paramName in ['e','erev']:
                    , cellName
                    , parameter
                    , 'Em'
                    , self.Efactor*float(parameter.attrib["value"])
                    , self.bio
            elif paramName in ['inject']:
                    , cellName
                    , parameter
                    , 'inject'
                    , self.Ifactor*float(parameter.attrib["value"])
                    , self.bio
                msg = "Yo programmar of MorphML! You did not implemented"
                msg += " parameter {0} in mechanism {1} ".format(
                    , mechName
                debug.printDebug("WARN", msg, frame=inspect.currentframe())
            if paramName in ['gmax']:
                gmaxval = float(eval( parameter.attrib["value"]
                    , cellName
                    , parameter
                    , 'Gbar'
                    , self.Gfactor*gmaxval
                    , self.bio
                    , mechName
            elif paramName in ['e','erev']:
                    , cellName
                    , parameter
                    , 'Ek'
                    , self.Efactor*float(parameter.attrib["value"])
                    , self.bio
                    , mechName
            elif paramName in ['depth']: # has to be type Ion Concentration!
                    , cellName
                    , parameter
                    , 'thick'
                    , self.length_factor*float(parameter.attrib["value"])
                    , self.bio
                    , mechName
                msg = "Yo programmar of MorphML! You did not implemented"
                msg += " parameter {0} in mechanism {1} ".format(
                    , mechName
                debug.printDebug("WARN", msg, frame=inspect.currentframe())
예제 #47
    def readChannelML(self, channelElement, params={}, units="SI units"):
        """Loads a single channel
        # I first calculate all functions assuming a consistent system of units.
        # While filling in the A and B tables, I just convert to SI.  Also
        # convert gmax and Erev.
        if 'Physiological Units' in units: 
            # see pg 219 (sec 13.2) of Book of Genesis
            Vfactor = 1e-3   # V from mV
            Tfactor = 1e-3   # s from ms
            Gfactor = 1e1    # S/m^2 from mS/cm^2
            concfactor = 1e6 # Mol = mol/m^-3 from mol/cm^-3
        elif 'SI Units' in units:
            Vfactor = 1.0
            Tfactor = 1.0
            Gfactor = 1.0
            concfactor = 1.0
                    , "wrong units %s. Existing... " % units
                    , frame = inspect.currentframe()
            raise UserWarning, "Unknown units"

        # creates /library in MOOSE tree; elif present, wraps
        channel_name = channelElement.attrib['name']
        if utils.neuroml_debug:
            msg = "Loading channel {} into {} ".format (channel_name,
            debug.printDebug("INFO", msg)

        IVrelation = channelElement.find(
        concdep = IVrelation.find('./{'+self.cml+'}conc_dependence')
        cPath = os.path.join(self.libraryPath, channel_name)
        if concdep is None:
            channel = moose.HHChannel(cPath)
            channel = moose.HHChannel2D(cPath)

        if IVrelation.attrib['cond_law'] == "ohmic":
            channel.Gbar = float(IVrelation.attrib['default_gmax']) * Gfactor
            channel.Ek = float(IVrelation.attrib['default_erev']) * Vfactor
            channelIon = moose.Mstring(channel.path+'/ion')
            channelIon.value = IVrelation.attrib['ion']
            if concdep is not None:
                channelIonDependency = moose.Mstring(
                        channel.path + '/ionDependency'
                channelIonDependency.value = concdep.attrib['ion']

        nernstnote = IVrelation.find('./{'+utils.meta_ns+'}notes')
        if nernstnote is not None:
            # the text in nernstnote is "Nernst,Cout=<float>,z=<int>"
            nernst_params = string.split(nernstnote.text,',')
            if nernst_params[0] == 'Nernst':
                nernstMstring = moose.Mstring(channel.path+'/nernst_str')
                nernstMstring.value = str(
                        float(string.split(nernst_params[1],'=')[1]) * concfactor 
                        ) + ',' + str(int(string.split(nernst_params[2],'=')[1]))

        gates = IVrelation.findall('./{'+self.cml+'}gate')
        if len(gates) > 3:
            msg = "Sorry! Maximum x, y, and z (three) gates are possible in\
            debug.printDebug("ERR", msg, frame=inspect.currentframe())
            raise UserWarning, "Bad value or parameter"
        # These are the names that MOOSE uses to create gates.
        gate_full_name = [ 'gateX', 'gateY', 'gateZ' ] 

        # if impl_prefs tag is present change VMIN, VMAX and NDIVS
        impl_prefs = channelElement.find('./{'+self.cml+'}impl_prefs')
        if impl_prefs is not None:
            table_settings = impl_prefs.find('./{'+self.cml+'}table_settings')
            # some problem here... disable
            VMIN_here = float(table_settings.attrib['min_v'])
            VMAX_here = float(table_settings.attrib['max_v'])
            NDIVS_here = int(table_settings.attrib['table_divisions'])
            dv_here = (VMAX_here - VMIN_here) / NDIVS_here
            # default VMIN, VMAX and dv are in SI convert them to current
            # calculation units used by channel definition while loading into
            # tables, convert them back to SI
            VMIN_here = utils.VMIN/Vfactor
            VMAX_here = utils.VMAX/Vfactor
            NDIVS_here = utils.NDIVS
            dv_here = utils.dv/Vfactor
        offset = IVrelation.find('./{'+self.cml+'}offset')
        if offset is None:
            vNegOffset = 0.0
            vNegOffset = float(offset.attrib['value'])
        self.parameters = []
        for parameter in channelElement.findall('.//{'+self.cml+'}parameter'):
                        , float(parameter.attrib['value'])) 

        for num,gate in enumerate(gates):
            # if no q10settings tag, the q10factor remains 1.0 if present but no
            # gate attribute, then set q10factor if there is a gate attribute,
            # then set it only if gate attrib matches gate name
            self.q10factor = 1.0
            self.gate_name = gate.attrib['name']
            q10sets = IVrelation.findall('./{'+self.cml+'}q10_settings')
            for q10settings in q10sets:
                # self.temperature from neuro.utils
                if 'gate' in list(q10settings.attrib.keys()):
                    if q10settings.attrib['gate'] == self.gate_name:

            # HHChannel2D crashing on setting Xpower!  temperamental! If you
            # print something before, it gives cannot creategate from copied
            # channel, else crashes Setting power first. This is necessary
            # because it also initializes the gate's internal data structures as
            # a side effect. Alternatively, gates can be initialized explicitly
            # by calling HHChannel.createGate().
            gate_power = float( gate.get( 'instances' ) )
            if num == 0:
                channel.Xpower = gate_power
                if concdep is not None: channel.Xindex = "VOLT_C1_INDEX"
            elif num == 1:
                channel.Ypower = gate_power
                if concdep is not None: channel.Yindex = "VOLT_C1_INDEX"
            elif num == 2:
                channel.Zpower = gate_power
                if concdep is not None: channel.Zindex = "VOLT_C1_INDEX"

            ## Getting handle to gate using the gate's path.
            gate_path = os.path.join(channel.path, gate_full_name[ num ])
            if concdep is None:
                moosegate = moose.HHGate( gate_path )
                # set SI values inside MOOSE
                moosegate.min = VMIN_here*Vfactor
                moosegate.max = VMAX_here*Vfactor
                moosegate.divs = NDIVS_here
                ## V.IMP to get smooth curves, else even with 3000 divisions
                ## there are sudden transitions.
                moosegate.useInterpolation = True
                moosegate = moose.HHGate2D( gate_path )

            # If alpha and beta functions exist, make them here
            for transition in gate.findall('./{'+self.cml+'}transition'):
                # make python functions with names of transitions...
                fn_name = transition.attrib['name']
                # I assume that transitions if present are called alpha and beta
                # for forwand backward transitions...
                if fn_name in ['alpha','beta']:
                    self.make_cml_function(transition, fn_name, concdep)
                            , "Unsupported transition {0}".format(fn_name)

            time_course = gate.find('./{'+self.cml+'}time_course')
            # tau is divided by self.q10factor in make_function() thus, it gets
            # divided irrespective of <time_course> tag present or not.
            if time_course is not None:
                self.make_cml_function(time_course, 'tau', concdep)
            steady_state = gate.find('./{'+self.cml+'}steady_state')
            if steady_state is not None:
                self.make_cml_function(steady_state, 'inf', concdep)

            if concdep is None:
                 ca_name = ''                        # no Ca dependence
                # Ca dependence
                 ca_name = ','+concdep.attrib['variable_name']     

            # Create tau() and inf() if not present, from alpha() and beta()
            for fn_element,fn_name,fn_expr in [
                    , (steady_state,'inf',"alpha/(alpha+beta)")
                # put in args for alpha and beta, could be v and Ca dep.
                expr_string = self.replace(fn_expr
                        , 'alpha'
                        , 'self.alpha(v'+ca_name+')'
                expr_string = self.replace(expr_string
                        , 'beta'
                        , 'self.beta(v'+ca_name+')'
                # if time_course/steady_state are not present, then alpha annd
                # beta transition elements should be present, and fns created.
                if fn_element is None:
                            , expr_string = expr_string
                            , concdep=concdep

            # non Ca dependent channel
            if concdep is None:
                # while calculating, use the units used in xml defn, while
                # filling in table, I convert to SI units.
                v0 = VMIN_here - vNegOffset
                n_entries = NDIVS_here + 1
                tableA = [0.0] * n_entries
                tableB = [0.0] * n_entries
                for i in range(n_entries):
                    v = v0 + (i * dv_here)
                    inf = self.inf(v)
                    tau = self.tau(v)
                    # convert to SI before writing to table
                    # qfactor is already in inf and tau
                    tableA[i] = (inf / tau) / Tfactor
                    tableB[i] = (1.0 / tau) / Tfactor

                moosegate.tableA = tableA
                moosegate.tableB = tableB

            ## Ca dependent channel
                # UNITS: while calculating, use the units used in xml defn,
                # while filling in table, I convert to SI units.  Note here Ca
                # units do not enter, but units of CaMIN, CaMAX and ca_conc in
                # fn expr should match.
                v = VMIN_here - vNegOffset
                CaMIN = float(concdep.attrib['min_conc'])
                CaMAX = float(concdep.attrib['max_conc'])
                CaNDIVS = 100
                dCa = (CaMAX-CaMIN)/CaNDIVS

                # CAREFUL!: tableA = [[0.0]*(CaNDIVS+1)]*(NDIVS_here+1) will not
                # work!  * does a shallow copy, same list will get repeated 200
                # times!  Thus setting tableA[35][1] = 5.0 will set all rows,
                # 1st col to 5.0!!!!
                tableA = [[0.0]*(CaNDIVS+1) for i in range(NDIVS_here+1)]
                tableB = [[0.0]*(CaNDIVS+1) for i in range(NDIVS_here+1)]
                for i in range(NDIVS_here + 1):
                    Ca = CaMIN
                    for j in range(CaNDIVS + 1):
                        inf = self.inf(v, Ca)
                        tau = self.tau(v, Ca)
                        # convert to SI (Tfactor) before writing to table
                        # qfactor is already in inf and tau
                        tableA[i][j] = (inf / tau) / Tfactor
                        tableB[i][j] = (1.0 / tau) / Tfactor
                        Ca += dCa
                    v += dv_here

                # Presently HHGate2D doesn't allow the setting of tables as 2D
                # vectors directly
                #moosegate.tableA = tableA #moosegate.tableB = tableB

                # Instead, I wrap the interpol2D objects inside HHGate2D and set
                # the tables
                moosegate_tableA = moose.Interpol2D(moosegate.path+'/tableA')

                # set SI values inside MOOSE
                moosegate_tableA.xmin = VMIN_here*Vfactor
                moosegate_tableA.xmax = VMAX_here*Vfactor
                moosegate_tableA.xdivs = NDIVS_here
                #moosegate_tableA.dx = dv_here*Vfactor
                moosegate_tableA.ymin = CaMIN*concfactor
                moosegate_tableA.ymax = CaMAX*concfactor
                moosegate_tableA.ydivs = CaNDIVS
                #moosegate_tableA.dy = dCa*concfactor
                moosegate_tableA.tableVector2D = tableA

                moosegate_tableB = moose.Interpol2D(moosegate.path+'/tableB')
                ## set SI values inside MOOSE
                moosegate_tableB.xmin = VMIN_here*Vfactor
                moosegate_tableB.xmax = VMAX_here*Vfactor
                moosegate_tableB.xdivs = NDIVS_here
                #moosegate_tableB.dx = dv_here*Vfactor
                moosegate_tableB.ymin = CaMIN*concfactor
                moosegate_tableB.ymax = CaMAX*concfactor
                moosegate_tableB.ydivs = CaNDIVS
                #moosegate_tableB.dy = dCa*concfactor
                moosegate_tableB.tableVector2D = tableB